Episode Transcript
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Speaker 1 (00:01):
Also media.
Speaker 2 (00:05):
This is that could happen.
Speaker 3 (00:06):
Speaker 2 (00:06):
We're talking about the r presidential debate starring Donald Trump
and Joe Biden, which was by far the worst presidential
debate I've ever seen in my entire life.
Speaker 4 (00:16):
There's no competition.
Speaker 3 (00:18):
There's no competition like I remember the days when we
laughed at George W. Bush sucking up ed a debate.
He would he would clean up with these guys. He
would be sashing across the floor.
Speaker 5 (00:32):
You could drop Sarah Palin in here, yeah, and shew them.
Speaker 3 (00:36):
Sarah Palin comes out of us looking like Bob fucking Hope.
Speaker 2 (00:40):
So I'm Garrison Davis, I'm joined by Robert Evans and
James Stout. Let's uh, let's get into it. I guess
who do you think, quote unquote won the debate?
Speaker 5 (00:50):
I can tell you who fucking lost. Garrisons all of us.
Speaker 4 (00:55):
I mean, I will.
Speaker 3 (00:57):
I'll go into this later. I'm not sure it matters,
but if the debate matters, Trump won totally. If the
debate matters, Trump won.
Speaker 2 (01:05):
You know that was my same thought as well. He
definitely was a much better debater and had much better
like political rhetoric. He could form complete sentences which is
something you could not say of Joe Biden, and that's
not that's not hyperbole.
Speaker 3 (01:22):
I actually argue with the first two thirds of your
analysis there, because I don't think in argument terms, if
we're looking at this as a debate, Trump repeated, like
if I were scoring this the way you would competition.
Trump repeatedly followed Biden on these like Biden would goad
him with shit like what he said, what Trump said
after charlott'svilleer all like Trump's height and him lying about
fucking golf scores, and Trump always took the bait. Why
I think Trump won is that this is not going
to get consumed as a debate. People aren't going to
look at this and like, look at the whole sweep
of how they both shre which Biden would still very
likely lose, but it's less clear this is gonna get
cut up a million ways on TikTok, and it's Trump's
just got a lot more AMMO out of this fucker.
Speaker 4 (02:08):
Speaker 2 (02:08):
The very first thing I noticed is that both of
them looked barely awake as he went on screen. And
so I did get a debate bingo, I almost got two,
I almost got three. I was very proud of that.
I guess I don't know. We can we can go
over some of some of what some of what they
talked about, because yeah, why not.
Speaker 5 (02:30):
Do you want to hate? Do you want to hate
Jill Biden's review? Just just get that out of the
way real quick.
Speaker 4 (02:33):
Yeah, did he get Jill?
Speaker 5 (02:35):
Give it Jill, Judge, Jill, doctor, Jill Biden. Such a
great job. You answered every question.
Speaker 2 (02:43):
Fantastic, that's amazing stuff.
Speaker 5 (02:45):
Yeah, yeah, he did, answered coherently not so much.
Speaker 2 (02:49):
We uh, we had we had an inject bleach reference
from Biden very early on.
Speaker 4 (02:55):
And that was that was one of his better ploys.
Speaker 3 (02:57):
Unfortunately followed it up by mumble incoherently for like forty seconds.
Speaker 4 (03:02):
Yeah, yes, but I was glad to hear it dropped.
Speaker 2 (03:06):
Yeah, he was well pred he just did not he executed.
Speaker 3 (03:10):
Look here's what I'll say. I've said this about Joe
for a while. If you were looking at this man,
not as the president, but as like a relative, you
would say, well, he's doing you know, uncle Joe's doing
okay for eighty two, you know, like he's so most
he's eighty six. If he'll be eighty six if he
does a second term at the end of it. But
like if he were a regular person, you would say, uncle,
Joe's doing okay for eighty two, Maybe we should take
the keys.
Speaker 4 (03:37):
You know.
Speaker 3 (03:37):
Maybe he doesn't need he doesn't need to be in
a home. You know, that would not be the right
call at this moment. But maybe he shouldn't have he
shouldn't be driving, you know.
Speaker 4 (03:45):
Speaker 2 (03:46):
So one of the smart things I think Trump did
very early on is that he attacked the vaccine mandate
but not the vaccine. Yeah, that was one of the
more subtle moves that he did that I think he
pulled off very well.
Speaker 4 (03:58):
Yeah, Joe just gave it up.
Speaker 2 (04:00):
One of the one of the record trends with Trump
is that he really loved to call the United States
a third world nation and say we are now an
uncivilized nation. That was That was like one of the
many things Trump kept going back to because he Trump
really did just have like five things he just kept
talking about over and over and over again. He mostly
ignored the actual questions from moderators. The moderators themselves did
a really bad job both the questions they had and
also like actually controlling controlling the candidates and keep and
keeping them on topic. But in general, I think the
questions that they did were just kind of bizarre. Thirdal
nation was a very common refrain from Trump.
Speaker 5 (04:38):
And one thing that like Trump, Trump did badly more
than Biden, or like you can see how Biden's team
prepped him on it and then he screwed the boots
on it. But like Biden would say these things that
he knew would trigger Trump, like his weight and his height,
right or yeah, the very good people on both sides
and Trump completely felt for that hootline thing.
Speaker 3 (04:55):
You can tell Trump has been obsessing over the little
things that people say about, like how he treated handled
stuff like the alt right and whatnot. Like he's very
angry about some of that, which is interesting to me
because it wasn't the smart move. The smart move was like,
as Garret noted, Trump very I think intelligently pivoted on
the vaccine issue to like still being able to take
credit for it with some audiences while also making clear
that his issue was the mandates. Whenever Trump was on
the economy, I think, even though I don't agree that
he was the better president for the economy, I think
that he performed strongly on stage. He spent a lot
of time in the weeds. If we're going to use
golf metaphors, he kept like knocking shit into the sand
dunes and having to like.
Speaker 5 (05:43):
Thank you for raising golf from it.
Speaker 4 (05:45):
You're welcome, You're welcome.
Speaker 3 (05:46):
Because this had the longest golf digression of any presidential
lookit of everything.
Speaker 2 (05:50):
He had like a two minute argument over whether they
could play golf against each other and who would.
Speaker 5 (05:55):
Win and whose handicap was what in the eighties.
Speaker 3 (05:58):
What I saw in this is you've got two men
who are not at are past their prime. And the
reason why this in large part went Trump's way is
that Biden has never been a good public speaker. That
has never been his strength. He has a speech impediment,
right that he worked and got over much of his career,
but when you are older, you have less control over everything,
and we can see it coming back, right. There's no
there ought not be any shame in that. But also
it does affect the way people think. This is a
horrible country full of terrible people. People do not forgive
a speech impediment, right. But more to the point, the
thing that Biden is showing his age in most all,
as we all do. It's the shit that we're bad at.
We get a lot worse at, right, And you can
kind of hide how much you've aged when you're doing
something that is clearly your talent. You know, my grandpa
near the you know, fairly late in his Parkinson's journey,
could still like gut and clean and catch a fish
really well. It wasn't until pretty advanced that he lost
that ability, and it was almost like you could see
some of that skill returned to him. And like Trump
is a talker, Trump is a charismatic guy. He is
good at working a crowd. You can tell he is
falling off in his inability to the fact that he
keeps falling for all of these very obvious traps Joe
Biley and he spent a lot of time in the weeds,
but he still sounds a lot stronger. And this is
entirely a contest of who can look best on camera, right,
And yeah, it's of course Trump's going to win.
Speaker 2 (07:26):
I think the first really big topic that they that
they started to argue back and forth on was abortion.
It started by Trump saying that he is pro the
abortion pill, and he's pro the Supreme Court's recent rule
leg which he kind of mischaracterized, but that's still he's
anything coming from Trump saying that he's he's okay with
the with the abortion pill.
Speaker 3 (07:45):
He even brought up being okay with a nine month
abortion if it's for the life of the mother, which
was interesting to me.
Speaker 2 (07:52):
But then they spent a long time arguing over whether
Roe v. Wade means that you can kill babies after exactly.
Speaker 3 (07:58):
Yes, right birth, And that was that was a that
was an interesting I don't think that that interaction. I
don't know how much it's gonna matter, but it didn't
come off well for Trump because.
Speaker 2 (08:09):
He he didn't come off well for Trump. That was
I think this is one of the few things he
did not do well in of course, you know, Biden
has done very little to secure reproductive rights as as
the current president. We all we all know this, but
this did not come off well for Trump. They were
basically just arguing back and forth over whether Biden wants
to kill baby's post birth, which is just a ridiculous
thing to to argue.
Speaker 3 (08:31):
It was a shameful chain of arguments, right YEA. George
Bush would have insinuated the same thing but done it
in a way. But that left everyone feeling less gross,
and that's why he did so many terrible things. It's
just interesting that we've stripped so much of the shellac
off of it and now they are just because in
George W. Bush's day, we were still the Republicans, were
still calling Democrats baby killers. There was just it's interesting
how much of the sheen is gone. Maybe a little
more class, yeah, yeah, yeah, maybe maybe it's not all
bad that we're not pretending anymore, right, Like, there's no
pretending on this stage.
Speaker 4 (09:07):
Both men are clearly not doing well.
Speaker 5 (09:10):
Yeah, the system itself is not pretending, right Like, we
just got a couple of fucking Egypts and what we do,
We'm stole one of them.
Speaker 2 (09:17):
Like something I will never pretend to do is is
dislike our products and services that support this podcast. I
love them. I would never pretend otherwise. So go listen
to these ads.
Speaker 5 (09:36):
Okay we are back, Yeah, yeah, still here we are.
Speaker 4 (09:41):
I don't know, I feel good. I feel good about
America today.
Speaker 2 (09:44):
You think so, you think the right direction?
Speaker 4 (09:47):
You know, it's not that.
Speaker 3 (09:48):
We're heading in the right direction. We've never been heading
in a very good direction. The driver has always been drunk,
right and Finally, forty five minutes into the drive, he
just was like, look, man, I'm not doing great right now,
and I'm not gonna get this car back home unless
you bust open the center console where I keep a
handle of bourbon. And you're scared of the driver because
he has a gun and you don't know what he'll
do with it. You're not even sure if he can
really see you in anyway. That's how it feels to
watch the selection.
Speaker 2 (10:18):
Let's talk about immigration, one of the other main main
topics in this debate.
Speaker 4 (10:25):
And that went bad for Biden.
Speaker 2 (10:27):
Trump had a fantastic line saying Border Patrol endorsed me
for president, but I won't say that, which is amazing stuff.
Speaker 4 (10:35):
They both claimed border Patrol endorsed them too. Yeah, the Border.
Speaker 5 (10:40):
Patrol itself doesn't make endorsements, right, but the Border Patrol Union,
which is worth the worst accounts on Twitter, did clarify
that they endorsed Trump.
Speaker 2 (10:48):
So there was a lot of bad stuff with abortion.
I mean, James, did you do any thoughts overall in
the abortion discourse.
Speaker 5 (10:55):
The debate, the immigration discourse. Yes, Wow, that was a
real Biden moment for you. Gar Garrison, Yeah, Garrison Davis
elderly members of podcast.
Speaker 4 (11:06):
Somebody get Garrison as pet pills?
Speaker 2 (11:10):
I wish.
Speaker 5 (11:11):
Yeah, they're they're fog in the air and Atlanta tonight.
Speaker 2 (11:13):
All right, the discourse over aboard Jesus Christ.
Speaker 5 (11:20):
They're bringing abortions with him, Garrison, don't worry, there's okay,
there's a.
Speaker 3 (11:23):
Pretty great Onion headline report. Oh they're about to talk
about black people.
Speaker 5 (11:29):
Oh god, yeah yeah.
Speaker 6 (11:31):
Another fine moment of this debate, the fucking black job
saying yes, yeah, yeah, yeah. Circu immigration and talking immigration right,
just real quick, Donald Trump kept throwing out this eighteen
million number.
Speaker 5 (11:43):
Fuck knows where that comes from. Yeah, that was just
all the numbers, like fully from the rectum to the
debate stage. But look, boy, patrol have reported nine point
six encounters. I've beaten this horse to death. But encounter
does not represent a unique vidual. Right, people go and
come back when when they get deported back, very common
both of them, like, like, the what I actually want
to focus on is the way that Jake Tappa framed
that question, because it was fucking atrocious, right like it.
He didn't frame it in a way in which either
of them, if they had wanted to, could offer a
reasonable compassionate stance and immigration right. It was positive as
a terrible thing. And yeah you Foxy in and next
time you come dming me asking me.
Speaker 3 (12:26):
The scummy scummy shit, Yeah, it was for the For
the record, Jake Tapper should be hit in the head
with a with a I don't know, truck or something.
Speaker 2 (12:35):
But podcaster Robert Evans threatens violence against CNN anchor Jake Taper.
Speaker 3 (12:41):
In a way he supported violence against me, So I
think I have that right with Jake.
Speaker 2 (12:45):
That is true.
Speaker 3 (12:46):
He's he's a dog shit journalist. And this was the
worst moderated debate because Trump is just lying. Everything he
says is absolutely full of shit. And half of the
ship that Biden says, it's hard to tell what he
was even trying to say, and there was no tempt
to make it. They they treated this like Werner Herzog
would have filmed it, right, But they're too Herzog would
have done this way because like, my job is not.
Speaker 4 (13:09):
To interfere here.
Speaker 3 (13:10):
My job is to let this unfold, right, I don't
need now. Herzog would interfere if that would have made
it a better story. But he loves artists. These people
are journalists. Yeah, these people are journalists, and your job
was to attempt to both hold them accountable to some
standard of reality and also to attempt to present this
in a way that's intelligible, right, and you failed on
both accounts. You did bad jobs as journalists.
Speaker 2 (13:39):
I think for me, the best and worst line of
the debate in terms of like, oh wow, we're really
in it is is Trump saying that migrants are taking
black jobs, which is one of the most loaded statements
I've ever heard, because, for one, you know, it's weird
on like the migrant thing, be like that, that's really
your black jobs?
Speaker 5 (14:01):
What is a black yet?
Speaker 2 (14:04):
What do you think he's implying there?
Speaker 5 (14:06):
I think we know what he's there.
Speaker 4 (14:10):
He's implying farm work.
Speaker 2 (14:12):
He's talking about like working in the fields.
Speaker 3 (14:14):
Low skilled jobs is what he is talking about. Yes,
that's how he sees this. But what I where I
think that came from. My suspicion is that because the
Trump campaign is still consistently extremely weak with black voters, right,
they've actually made a lot of inroads with Hispanic voters.
Trump in this debate, Yeah, they are still based on
all of the polling I've seen, they're about as bad
with black voters as they weren't twenty twenty. That really
has not moved. What you have seen on that is
not really based in much of the way of evidence,
at least in terms of what polling can show us.
They know this is a weakness, and it's one that
they see as a significant strategic weakness. So at some
point Trump had a meeting with his campaign prep staff
and one of the things they wrote on a billboard
is they were spitball ideas to get black voters was
migrants taking black jobs question mark, and that stayed in
Trump's head totally. They had a million better ways to
phrase it, but when the moment came up, that's how
he fucking ran.
Speaker 2 (15:11):
That is no guarantee you exactly what happened. It just yes, totally.
It also displays a somehow extremely anti immigrant and extremely
racist at all the same time coming remarkable directions. It's
quite something. One of another another great line was human
trafficking in women and just another another wonder.
Speaker 4 (15:35):
Human trafficking in women. I'm glad.
Speaker 3 (15:36):
I'm glad that women do make the human list though,
like that feels like progress.
Speaker 4 (15:41):
Garrison, we did it, Joe.
Speaker 2 (15:44):
Anything else on the immigration front. I mean, it was
as bad as we would expect. Honestly, I thought that
would try to go further on the right on immigration
than what he ended up doing. Not saying he did
well on immigration, but I expected I picked Biden to
kind of to kind of push a little a little
bit more.
Speaker 3 (16:02):
He's not comfortable with it, clearly because he made he
got so much of his win on highlighting the obvious
inhumanity of Trump's border policy, and he obviously has adopted
a policy that's very similar.
Speaker 5 (16:17):
Yeah, I mean he tried to hit him on the
separation of families. Families are still fucking separated, Like I've
literally seen that this week.
Speaker 3 (16:24):
Well, I just don't think he's I don't think he's
comfortable fighting Trump on this because I don't really think
he has a great feeling about their their where they're
separate on the matter, right, So he's not comfortable with
that line of argument the way he is. Like Biden's
best moment was attacking him for like being shitty to
dead soldiers, and I was shocked that Trump followed him
on that. Fucking they talked about that. So it was
a huge It was as big as the economy they
talked about.
Speaker 2 (16:54):
Like veterans for so long and just like weird circles.
That that was an interesting one. A few other just
fun lines that were thrown in, Biden calling them the
Paris Piece accords, very cool.
Speaker 4 (17:06):
Funny stuff.
Speaker 2 (17:07):
Biden's saying that Trump has the mortals of an alley cat.
That's a great line.
Speaker 4 (17:12):
That was a good line. That's a great that was
That was again, this was number one.
Speaker 3 (17:16):
He didn't slur any of us where I'm not saying
that to be shitty, but it affects his performance. He
was very clear in the leanup of like these are
the he's a bad person, which he is. That's a
strong thing to hit him on. And I hope again
we'll talk more about like will this matter, but I
hope strategically what the dims realizes that like that is
a thing to keep hitting him on because it actually
matters in terms of like how voters think of the guys.
It's it's a way to actually hurt Trump because he
is a really obviously shitty person.
Speaker 2 (17:49):
One other thing Trump did in terms of you know
this whole black jobs thing is Trump did hammer Biden
on super predators.
Speaker 4 (17:56):
Yeah, that was interesting to say.
Speaker 2 (17:57):
I feel like Trump actually did a did an okay job.
They're it's not me endorsing Trump's behavior, but this is
this is He's like that was that was a good
move for him?
Speaker 4 (18:05):
Is an interesting one too.
Speaker 3 (18:07):
I was kind of surprised that he he went for it,
because that's like, yeah, that was surprising.
Speaker 2 (18:14):
Do you know what isn't surprising, Robert?
Speaker 3 (18:17):
How much we love the sponsors of this podcast?
Speaker 4 (18:20):
Who are you know?
Speaker 3 (18:22):
I often think of the president as like a father,
you know, or like my father during different times.
Speaker 1 (18:27):
Speaker 3 (18:27):
Trump is like my father that time he brought a
home the movie Event Horizon, thinking it would be like
a fun little science fiction rop and Biden is like
my dad when he's snuck in the South Park movie,
but he had not gotten the right language version, so
we couldn't actually watch it. Right, They're all they're different
eras of everyone's dad. I don't know these sponsors are
our father. Anyway, We're back.
Speaker 2 (19:05):
So one thing that I'm looking forward to is that
if Trump does get elected, he will settle the Ukraine
War as president elect. So that's great news for all
of us. I'm excited before he's even inaugurated. That down
that was really.
Speaker 3 (19:21):
The Yeah, it's interesting to see him kind of adopt
the whole Ukraine has cooked. They've lost all of their
young men line. That's not a great thing to hear
in terms of like, it's exactly what Putin wants, it's
exactly what Russia wants. It's not accurate to like what
we've actually seen on the ground, which is another Russian
defensive completely stall out, despite what was supposed to be
like an overwhelming advantage in theater and artillery. But I
don't think it matters. I don't think that shit's going
to move the election.
Speaker 4 (19:58):
At the end of the day.
Speaker 3 (19:58):
I could bitch about like US policy in Eastern Europe,
but nobody votes based on that. I do, but nobody
else does right like and I barely do.
Speaker 5 (20:09):
Speaker 3 (20:09):
It's it's just not It's not a needle mover in
the same way that fucking inflation or the economy or
crime or the border is.
Speaker 2 (20:17):
I mean, Trump was harping on it because he's just
trying to blame all of these new conflicts on Biden,
being like, all these things happened since Biden was president.
If I was president, this wouldn't have happened, you know,
Magically right, And that's that's a very easy move for
Trump is to bring up all of the bad things
that have happened since Biden's took office and say this
is Biden's fault. We have that with Ukraine, they talked
they talked about Ukraine for like a really.
Speaker 4 (20:38):
It was a shocking amount of the debate.
Speaker 2 (20:40):
A decent a decent amount of the time, like way
way longer than they talked about Israel and Palestine, which
is kind of surprising to me. Now I can understand
how both them would want to just avoid talking about that,
but I'm surprised, like the moderators like, let that happen.
I guess I.
Speaker 3 (20:55):
Don't think, I mean the monitors, moderators let everything happen.
I think I've put who I am surprised about was
Trump because he kept going back to Ukraine, which is
not a strong issue for him. Now Israel Palestine really
isn't either. Most Americans don't like what Israel is doing.
There's even a lot of question about that on the
Republican side. So his choices are either be all fucking
genocide about it and alienate a lot of moderates, or
kind of hedge it and just try to attack Biden
for his performance, which is what he did.
Speaker 2 (21:30):
Which is which is what he did.
Speaker 3 (21:31):
Yeah, he didn't do much of it compared to getting
drawn again and again into arguments over NATO. I was
really surprised that he kept following Joe back to fucking NATO.
Speaker 4 (21:41):
It was really weird.
Speaker 5 (21:42):
Yeah, that was a bizarre choice for him, like when
he had a million other places his Trump's response on Palestine,
I want to talk about it.
Speaker 4 (21:51):
Oh, that was bleak.
Speaker 3 (21:52):
Absolutely, that was one of the worst moments in this
country's entire history.
Speaker 5 (21:56):
Yeah, that reready set a new loave for me.
Speaker 3 (21:59):
And we've got like, what eight seven to eight genocide, So,
you know, pretty bad moment.
Speaker 5 (22:03):
Yeah, yeah, yeah, it's a country built on genocide. That
that one. That one was pretty pretty bad.
Speaker 4 (22:10):
Speaker 2 (22:11):
So basically Trump was harping on Biden for not being
pro genocide enough and said something that I really never
I did not see coming. He said that that Biden
has become like a Palestinian, A bad Palestinian.
Speaker 3 (22:27):
Yeah, a bad Palestinian because he doesn't do bad enough things.
Speaker 4 (22:33):
What was that? What was the exact line that followed that?
Speaker 2 (22:36):
So Trump says, quote, He's become like a Palestinian, but
a bad Palestinian because they don't like him very much.
Speaker 4 (22:44):
There you go, thank you. We needed the whole thought.
Speaker 2 (22:47):
He's a weak one.
Speaker 3 (22:49):
Yeah, the Palestinians don't like him, and I hate the Palestinians,
but you should be liked by your own pep. I'm
trying to put together the logic here.
Speaker 2 (22:58):
It was. It was really bad. But like basically using
Palestinian as an insult to Biden, you know, that's not great.
Trump also had a lie how quote the Palestinians and
everyone are rioting right now?
Speaker 4 (23:11):
Yeah, I assume who was he?
Speaker 2 (23:15):
I think he's referring to the campus protests, just calling
everyone at those protests Palestinians, which is a really interesting,
like political move.
Speaker 3 (23:21):
Actually, yeah, and a dangerous one potentially.
Speaker 5 (23:26):
Speaker 2 (23:27):
Yeah, we knock on wood whenever we may have wood.
Speaker 4 (23:31):
That's a good Trump line. That's a good Trump line.
Speaker 2 (23:34):
Speaker 3 (23:34):
Yeah, yeah, And James James was giving him ship for
that earlier. But this is this is you and your
Ivory tower. A lot of people don't have wood. You know,
Ben Shapiro could only afford one board.
Speaker 4 (23:45):
That's true.
Speaker 5 (23:45):
Yeah, Ben Cheroney got wood once. Yeah, that's exactly right,
you know, small amount of wood at that he was
lucky enough to find it.
Speaker 4 (23:52):
We can't all.
Speaker 5 (23:54):
And he put his wood in a little bag.
Speaker 2 (23:56):
So this was a This was a bit on healthcare,
right or is about a garrison?
Speaker 3 (24:02):
Well he was yeah, he was talking about being healthy
and he was like, yeah, I'm still healthy. You know,
knock on wood. We all knock on wood where we
find wood.
Speaker 4 (24:09):
Or something like that.
Speaker 5 (24:10):
But he was being we have wood.
Speaker 3 (24:12):
He was kind of trying to Actually, this may be
a little bit of like a fuck up by him
because he was hitting Biden pretty successfully in Biden's age,
But then he dropped a line so baffling that it
was like it focused tradition where I was like, what
do you mean by this?
Speaker 2 (24:27):
They were talking about Yeah, they're talking about being in
good health and that's and that's where they got into
the little golf argument and weight, who would who would?
Who would play golf better? And yeah, if if Trump
could carry his own golf clubs. A really good line
was we bought a certain dog.
Speaker 5 (24:47):
Yeah, yeah, that was Yeah, we bought a certain dog.
You wouldn't believe it.
Speaker 4 (24:53):
Can sniff.
Speaker 3 (24:55):
And then he just kept talking about machines that could
sniff Thinn talking.
Speaker 5 (25:00):
About these these machines that they have to suppose to
detect fens and on the border, which they've spent millions
of dollars on. But they've been doing this since a
Trump administration, Like this is not a new thing. It
was in his border bill. But there's nothing compacked to
we we bought a certain dog.
Speaker 3 (25:14):
Oh god, have you guys seen the dark Brandon's secret sauce.
Speaker 2 (25:20):
Robert share this immediately.
Speaker 5 (25:22):
Yeah, yeah, I've just shed He's lost Jeff heedrig which.
Speaker 3 (25:25):
Is there's a there's a post that Joe made right
before the debate would have started that I'm just gonna
send it to the chat while I describe it to
the listener. It's Joe with like a can in his
hand and it's a can.
Speaker 2 (25:40):
Dot com slash home.
Speaker 4 (25:45):
Hea, I'm on the Joe Bison water. No, so he's
got he's got a can of this.
Speaker 3 (25:51):
It's like a water and a beer can and it's
called zero Malarkey Biden, and it's got a dark branded
image with the laser eyes. Get real, Jack, it's just water.
And then Biden's actual teak says, I don't know what
they have got these performance and answers. But I'm feeling
pretty jacked up for yourself, folks. And for four dollars
and sixty cents you can get a looks like one
can of Biden water. The se I'm on the website now.
The secret to a good debate performance staying hydrated, same
performance and answers Joe Biden took before going on stage.
Speaker 5 (26:28):
We need to get well. Just get a company on this, guys.
I'm gonna get wrecked.
Speaker 4 (26:33):
Because he looked fucked up.
Speaker 5 (26:34):
I've got some experience with performance, you know, hunting to
device drug users in my in my career.
Speaker 3 (26:40):
This is if any I miss having a good GHB hookup,
you know, this would be hurt that. I feel like
that would get me on Joe's level, right.
Speaker 5 (26:51):
I think only a brain injury could get you on
Joe's level right now.
Speaker 4 (26:55):
That's why I brought up GHB.
Speaker 2 (26:57):
The last time I want to discuss in terms of
what was talking about at the debate is January sixth,
and Trump kind of tried to avoid the question over
whether he would concede the election, saying that he would
only if it was a fair election.
Speaker 4 (27:11):
Only if it was a fair election.
Speaker 2 (27:13):
But Trump's line on January sixth. Let me tell you
about January sixth. We had great borders on January.
Speaker 4 (27:20):
Sixth, oh that whole speed.
Speaker 2 (27:23):
We had a great economy on January sixth.
Speaker 5 (27:26):
It is very funny. I should post some pictures I took.
I took them just after January sixth. I took in
the week of Biden's election of the border wall, just
stopping in random places, like where they got to a
certain level of construction and just stopped like we.
Speaker 2 (27:38):
I found Trump's direction here kind of interesting. He tried
to kind of really avoid talking about his own opinions
on the actual capital insurrection. His very first reaction was
to say, no, well, the rest of the country was
doing so much better because I was the president. The
moderators kind of forced him to talk a little bit
about it, but he really avoided it as much as
he could, which is, you know, he doesn't want to
alienate his base. He also doesn't want to like, uh,
you know, be too pro j six and scare away
like independence, So he was really skirting that line. It's
just weird because moderators were so much stronger on this
question during the debate primaries for the GOP. Yeah, which
which Trump wasn't even present for. They really harped on
this here and on this. They did not care at all.
They really they really did not push pushed Trump on
on J six whatsoever. And it was it was kind
of pathetic.
Speaker 5 (28:27):
Yep, yeah, no, no, it was. It was. It was terrible.
Like the moderators could well, they didn't moderate at all.
They just asked some questions and then let it fucking rip.
Speaker 2 (28:36):
I think let's just move on to finally talking about
like the debate in general. I think the GOP will
probably be pretty happy with Trump's performance here.
Speaker 4 (28:44):
Yeah, he did what he needed to.
Speaker 2 (28:46):
They're gonna call us a dub. I think the Democrats
are probably kind of scrambling right now, trying to figure
out what the next move is.
Speaker 3 (28:52):
I hope it's possible for someone to be like we
got time. Throw Pritzkerrin, throw fucking wit Marin. You know
either of them, right, I honestly, you.
Speaker 2 (29:04):
Know, you know Robert, this is this is how Berdie
can still win.
Speaker 4 (29:10):
I know he's too fucking old.
Speaker 3 (29:13):
I don't I will say I think he probably, based
on the last time I saw him speak, I think
he probably would have done better than Joe did in this,
but not if he had a cold, right, Like, that's
the thing. I believe Joe has a cold, and that
that's why he sounded like shit. But you know what,
a strong young person with a cold could pull it
together for an hour he write down.
Speaker 4 (29:33):
That's he could lock down.
Speaker 3 (29:36):
This is we shouldn't have to explain, like, it's not
I don't give a shit. Old people shouldn't be the
fucking president.
Speaker 4 (29:43):
They shouldn't.
Speaker 3 (29:44):
Old people should not be the fucking president passed the past.
The point at which I feel like if somebody, like
if I was if we were helping you move and
I was like carrying something heavy and I turned around,
I slapped in the face with like a board or
something or a piece of furniture. If I have to
be worried that your skull is gonna crack, you shouldn't
be the fucking president. You should be able to like
I should feel confident that you can jumpstart a car
without blowing up my battery, you know, Like I don't
feel that for either of these men.
Speaker 4 (30:12):
They both look unwell.
Speaker 5 (30:14):
Yeah, if you let these people go into supermarket, they
would be lost.
Speaker 4 (30:18):
Yeah, it's it's not good. It's so.
Speaker 2 (30:22):
I know a lot of people make jokes about this, right,
people love joking about how old they are. How and coher.
I was shocked. I was shocked at how bad Biden
did this debate.
Speaker 4 (30:34):
He looked so bad. He looked so bad.
Speaker 2 (30:37):
It was one of his worst public speaking outings. Horrible,
like in a long time.
Speaker 3 (30:42):
Look like, yeah, I am not competent to diagnose shit,
but I lived with my grandfather for the last ten
years as he died of Parkinson's, and it's there's a
shuffle you get to recognize, right Like, I don't know
if it's Parkinson's, but he's not a well old man's
sick old man, and he shouldn't be president.
Speaker 2 (31:02):
There is there is a reason I put candidate collapses
on stage on my Bingo card, which we did not get,
but we sure got close.
Speaker 4 (31:09):
We got close, very close.
Speaker 2 (31:12):
I filled out almost all my Bingo card, it was
and I did not pick easy ones too. You can
you can check me on this. You can check you
can check the card on Twitter. And I yeah, I was,
I was, uh, just I just felt really bad.
Speaker 4 (31:27):
I feel terrible.
Speaker 3 (31:29):
I wanted to ask half that debate gear, how do
you feel about getting your citizenship? You jazzed, Well, this
is a great this is a great proud time, proud
time to become an American.
Speaker 2 (31:38):
It is better than it's better than it's better than
only having a green card.
Speaker 5 (31:42):
Yeah, true, I can tell you it's just someone who
recent the upgrading to American status. It is at least
it's a little bit less concerning with the ship that
Trump is saying. Yeah, and old Biden didn't.
Speaker 2 (31:55):
Well any any final thoughts.
Speaker 3 (31:58):
I hope Gavin Newsome doesn't pull out a way to
become the president. I don't want him to be the president.
Speaker 2 (32:04):
He is going to be. My prediction is he will
be the twenty twenty eight nominee. He's a very good chance,
really hard. It's between the smart option based on where
we stand now. For now war for twenty twenty eight
is Pritzker. I think Whitmer would also be a great pick.
Pritzker is really good with conservatives, and he's really good
with conservatives without like folding completely on shit, Whereas Whittmer
has some weakness just because of how much time has
been directed in attacking her over like the COVID twenty
twenty shit. But either of them I think are strong candidates.
Who are a lot better than Gavin Newsom. But you
are right, he's going to be a strong candidate in
twenty twenty eight. Well, I think that does it for me,
at least here on It could happen here.
Speaker 3 (32:48):
Well, let's talk real briefly. Do we think that debate matters?
Do we think that this is a thing that is
going to turn an election? I think can.
Speaker 2 (32:58):
Yes, I think it actually does. I think I think
this could actually hurt some voter enthusiasm. I think people
who are maybe looking at Biden being like, yeah, probably
if he keeps performing like this, people might just not
vote for him. I'm not they probably maybe some of
them might move over to Trump if they're like weird,
like independence, many of them just might not vote at all.
Like I think if if Biden shows that he is
just kind of a bumbling, in like incompetent old man,
that's not gonna help an already kind of dire situation
in terms of voter enthusiasm and possible voter turnout. So yeah,
I think this actually does have a decent chance to
hurt Biden. I don't think the debates will necessarily hurt Trump.
I don't. I don't think will necessarily help Trump, like majorly,
but I think they can subtract support away from Biden.
Speaker 3 (33:44):
See that's where and I don't I don't have a
strong feeling on which way this is going to land either,
you know, in either case. But some of the data
we're seeing, particularly how well Trump performs relative to Biden
on voter who are like not sure they're going to vote, right,
I think this might be the first election where a
higher turnout would be bad for Biden.
Speaker 4 (34:08):
But I also don't know.
Speaker 3 (34:10):
I think if any if this depresses, I think you
are right that if this depresses turnout, it's going to
be worse. It's going to be Biden turnout, right, Although
I mean, yeah, I just don't know. I feel just
like I don't want to do the easy thing would
be to just like pick a lane and stay in it.
And but I if it comes to my honest opinion,
I still have no fucking clue how this is going
to go. Because at no point has this been election
been about do you think Joe Biden will be a
good president. It's been about are you scared of Donald Trump?
Speaker 4 (34:40):
Right? I don't know that you're less scared.
Speaker 3 (34:43):
I think the worry for Biden is that people are
now more scared that he is going to sleepwalk his
way through a nuclear war as opposed to Trump at
least being lucid for it. But I just don't know
how that's going to actually shake out in the long run.
Speaker 2 (34:57):
God bless the USA.
Speaker 4 (34:59):
We do and great, good conventions are gonna be great.
Speaker 2 (35:03):
Yeah, stay tuned.
Speaker 4 (35:06):
He could be dead in a week.
Speaker 2 (35:09):
That really is like the wild car that he could
be dead tonight on the back of my brain all
the time is like either one of these guys, especially
Biden could just like not exist tomorrow, like he could.
He could just he could have He could get a
little too stressed out and just kind of fall over.
Speaker 5 (35:27):
I mean, they could meaningfully make the argument tomorrow that
like that's been a significant decline in his health and
he is not physically capable of being president because that's
what we saw, Like.
Speaker 4 (35:37):
Yeah, he doesn't. He looks bad like.
Speaker 2 (35:40):
If he was. I don't think they will.
Speaker 3 (35:43):
If the things, whatever things you consider worst and for
me with Biden it's it's the border in Palestine. But
if whatever things you consider worst about Biden weren't a thing,
I would purely be like for this man's health and safety.
Get him out of this job, get him somewhere comfortable,
let him enjoy his final years. Don't make him do this.
Speaker 4 (36:05):
Yeah, anyway, it's good, It's not right. Fuck.
Speaker 5 (36:10):
Part of me wants to read this Jeff ted Rich
tweet to finish at a.
Speaker 3 (36:13):
Certain point, we're all complicit in elder abuse. But I
guess they but we are for both of them. Yeah,
like in certain ways, In some ways, the American system
is pushing these two sick old men towards the disastrous.
Speaker 2 (36:25):
That's also why I can't trust anything they say on
social Security, because they clearly have a vested interest.
Speaker 4 (36:34):
I can't see.
Speaker 5 (36:34):
I will say, we saw the president of Olivia face
down a coup yesterday. I think that that would not
be possible for either of these men in.
Speaker 4 (36:45):
Speaker 2 (36:46):
All right, I want to go cry and go to sleep.
Speaker 4 (36:49):
Oh yeah, it's bad. That's good.
Speaker 5 (36:52):
Make some friends, guys.
Speaker 4 (36:53):
I'm gonna keep drinking.
Speaker 5 (36:55):
Yeah, do a little mutual aid.
Speaker 3 (36:58):
Yeah yeah, I'm gonna buy some of the Biden water
with company money.
Speaker 1 (37:07):
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