All Episodes

October 23, 2024 60 mins

In episode 1763, Jack and Miles are joined by comedian, Blake Wexler, to discuss… The 2 Winners Of The Musk Millions Bribe-A-Thon ALREADY VOTED, The Two Anti-Abortion Christian Guys That Heckled Kamala Are V Upset About Their Treatment, Poller Coaster Going Down Again, Google Founder Says Double Down On Ruining The Climate To Fix The Climate and more!

  1. The 2 Winners Of The Musk Millions Bribe-A-Thon ALREADY VOTED
  2. Former GOP lawmakers, officials urge Garland to investigate Musk
  3. The Two Anti-Abortion Christian Guys That Heckled Kamala Are V Upset About Their Treatment
  4. Poller Coaster Going Down Again
  5. Google Founder Says Double Down On Ruining The Climate To Fix The Climate

LISTEN: Magic by strongboi

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Mark as Played

Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:05):
Dude, I met. I met Blake's wife. She's real, she's
a real person. Yeah, what we had Blake didn't meet
her majesty. He met a woman I'm I paid to
play the role of her majesty.

Speaker 2 (00:18):
She's goods. Yeah, well, the n y U, the students,
they are good actors, they're great. Can we talk about
Tish's Tish?

Speaker 3 (00:27):
I called her.

Speaker 1 (00:30):
And this is my wife, Tish of performing Arts.

Speaker 3 (00:35):
That's weird, do you do you don't?

Speaker 2 (00:37):
You don't say her majesty's name on the on the show, right, Miles, Okay,
that's good.

Speaker 1 (00:43):
Just Tish, just I call her Tish now she's if anything,
she'll be known as Tish from the dish was great.

Speaker 2 (00:50):
We did get dinner, drinks, dinner and drinks with Miles,
and then we had had some sticks and a chicken meatball.
I don't know if that makes a dinner. But no,
I shouldn't. I shouldn't tell this story. Never mind, I shouldn't.
I shouldn't tell it. No, it was just that, by
the way, I edit this out obviously, and it was
the cold open. But Miles, by the way, we had
a great time. It was great meeting Tish and thank

you for hanging out. But Miles was doing this thing
where he was yelling. So he would go to order
a drink and he'd yell top shelf, top shelf, over
and over again, and then switch it around his mouth
and spit it on the ground, and then yelled top shelf,
top shelf. And when the check came, I thought we
were going to split it. And he grabbed my wrist

and I said, you're hurting me, and he goes, I pay,
you don't have what I have. And then and then
and I said stay in your lane. He said staying,
stay in your lane. And you said your home's mine now.
And then you daddy. You said your daddy. And then
you didn't tip. You said I don't have to. When

I asked you about it.

Speaker 3 (01:54):
You had to sneak back and do the tip. And
he got really mad.

Speaker 1 (01:56):
And I came back and said, oh, that woman didn't
pay you, Julia.

Speaker 3 (02:00):
That's weird.

Speaker 1 (02:01):
Wow, she must be real cheap because I thought the
service was great. Anyway, I gotta go, baby, I gotta
head out. You did stroll out barefoot, you left your.

Speaker 3 (02:09):
Shoes, and I'm glad this is all being cut out.
I ran out of my Isralia revealing too much about
what Miles is actually like off Mike. Yeah, Hello the Internet,
and welcome to season three sixty one, episode two of
Turny's I Got It. Ye Oh my god. Sorry, you're

in the big city. It's coming over me. It came
over me. He's a wild man in the big jungle. Hey, Miles.
First of all, I just want to say, welcome to
the jungle.

Speaker 4 (02:43):

Speaker 1 (02:44):
Yeah, I've get to see the funding games. Yeah, I
feel like you're lying about that. You just have you
hear you can throw this aluminum can into this recycling bit.
Miles did walk into the studio. Miles and I are
both in New York City.

Speaker 3 (02:55):
He walked into the studio with a little piece of
hay in the corner of his mouth, just fresh off
the bus YEP with my bendlestick.

Speaker 1 (03:02):
Right, yeah, I said, you fellas nowhere the recorded.

Speaker 3 (03:08):
This is a production of iHeartRadio. We are America's only
undecided podcast. We just don't know, although I'll tell you
that McDonald's stunt cleared a couple of things up for me. Yeah,
I still want to know. I tell you what.

Speaker 1 (03:20):
Arnold Palmer's penis was big or small? They said it
was more specific. Yeah, if you want my vote, Donald,
come with the details, come with the tea.

Speaker 3 (03:30):
Anyways, this is a podcast where we take a deep
dive into America's share consciousness. That it's Wednesday, October twenty third,
twenty twenty four. Where does that put us?

Speaker 4 (03:41):
Oh, it's National Horror Movie Day, Our National Boston Boston
Cream Pie Day. Pow. It's swallows depart from Oh, the
the swallows from of Capistrano.

Speaker 1 (03:52):
They depart today. It's also a National mold Day. That's
Alva Godro's number. I am not about math, so I
don't know about that. National TV Talk Show host Day
will never be those jack iPod Day. I used to
have those. And Medical Assistants Recognition Day, shout out medical
assistants for which our medical professionals would not be assisted properly.

Speaker 3 (04:12):
Yeah, really good point, Miles. Yeah, my name's Jack O'Brien. Aka,
Hey little girl, it's election Day. Go work at the polls,
cause it'll look good on your resume. Free pizza. That
one courtesy of brad Am on the Discord, based on

the fact that, in the face of the rights plan
to send armed militias to the polls, the bureaucrats working
for the bureaucracy that we're all like voting to protect
in this election have decided to use child labor, child
volunteer high school students being paid with pizza in some cases.

Shout out to brad Am for letting me do a
little Springsteen the Boss, but I just found out about him. Yeah,
my Miles is in New Jersey this weekend. They like
this guy. Hey, if you're gonna work for somebody. Anyways,
I'm thrilled to be joined as always by my co host,
mister Miles.

Speaker 1 (05:14):
Great, Miles Great, AKA the trees are alive.

Speaker 4 (05:20):
And fish are artistic.

Speaker 1 (05:25):
Shout out to Halsion Salad because yeah, the birds they talk,
they're communicating. The birds are doing works of art. Some
might say sacred geometry.

Speaker 3 (05:35):
Thank you. Yeah, and that is this podcast cann mostly
be about sacred geometry, because we are, of course thrilled
to be joined in our third seat by a brilliant comedian, writer,
actor geometrician.

Speaker 4 (05:51):
Mm hmm, what the what do you call it?

Speaker 3 (05:53):
I guess it's like not a profession.

Speaker 1 (05:55):
What is it? I mean, it's is it like terryology?

Speaker 3 (05:58):
Yeah? Yeah, okay, Anyways, he's brought you comedy albums such
as the Blake album Stuffed Boy, Laugh from the Pandemic.
His newest special, Daddy Long Legs disgusting, very funny special,
just a gross name, which you can go watch right
now on YouTube. Telling TDZ sent you in the comments,
but like, be be nice, it'd be nice about it.
He's the coiner of the disgusting phrase plumpers to describe

his legs. Yes, his juicy philly above the knees, steaks.
Please welcome, the hilarious, the chaotic, the riding a recumbent
bicycle in short shorts. It's Blake wex Line.

Speaker 4 (06:35):
This is Blake Wexler, the King of New York.

Speaker 2 (06:37):
Aka Hi, Hi mister Jackie O'Brien, new lord of the
discord for the Daily Zude Guy filling the void as
Miles's family grows in size, singing plumpers is the name
of my thighs?

Speaker 4 (06:52):
Oh yeah, plumpers is the name.

Speaker 3 (06:54):
Of my thighs.

Speaker 2 (06:56):
That was from Fashionable Dinosaur from I think I guess
when Miles took us sabbatical, right, yeah, wow, maybe a
year ago, Yeah, February of twenty twenty three. Okay, yeah,
that was people know that of my my.

Speaker 3 (07:11):
Birth era.

Speaker 4 (07:14):
When he came into consciousness. Blake, you're so good seeing
you in person.

Speaker 3 (07:19):
Is the name of your thighs?

Speaker 2 (07:20):
Yeah, no, fashionable dinosaur. I don't know if I said that,
but yeah, no, I we we talked about in the opening.
But Miles and I did see each other in person,
and I got to meet her majesty. He got to
meet my magin's my magic imagined, my magine, my imaginary. Yeah,
we had Yeah, it was it was fun. It was

really really nice and easy, you know, like we had
never I had never met we had never met each
other's spouses before, and yeah, it was just an easy
fun Yeah, really funny.

Speaker 1 (07:50):
I feel like we could be going on cruises together,
you know what I mean.

Speaker 2 (07:54):
That's the next step. Yeah, yeah, and yeah, I would
love Where would you want to go? I want a
cold weather cruise if that's okay with you.

Speaker 3 (08:01):
Yeah, that's fine. Fine, that's a cold weather King. Yeah
we'll go. I'll just I won't go, but I'll tell
you facts about Miles. You know, the cold weather King.
That's a great pick for him, Blake, you could do Scandinavia. Yeah,
I like this for you too, But then I don't
get invited to the meet up, that's cool. And then

when there's a chance for us to hang out in person,
because we are recording this in New York City, Blake
is just just across the river, Blake ditches out. Well,
there's a chance for all three of us to get Yeah,
that was that was the person fucked up. I asked.

Speaker 1 (08:35):
I looked you in your eyes and said, will you
be here in person? I said, oh my god, I
love to.

Speaker 4 (08:38):
And then I get it. Well, you know, I don't
know if I can do this.

Speaker 2 (08:40):
Oh yeah, Well when you ask me things when I'm drunk,
I don't often follow up, so I'm the same.

Speaker 4 (08:47):
I'm making plans for like, oh man, we should get
breakfast tomorrow, so I'm not at breakfast.

Speaker 2 (08:51):
You know, I would love to. I'm glad we saw
each other, Jack. I think the reason why I didn't
go over there is because you and I have this
almost an incredible history at this point of being in
the same area and not seeing one another, so almost
like predestined.

Speaker 3 (09:06):
We've done an ocean city, We've done it in Florida.
We've done it in Florida, and now two places my
parents are. Yeah, so where next? I don't know we should. Yeah,
well we'll pick a cruise to go on and not
see each other. Just get your ship's pass. I'll be
raft at this point, but you be whatever. The opposite
of AFT is star Wars my friend. Yeah, but anyways,

it's true, right what I told you, Blake, Miles hits
different in person.

Speaker 2 (09:34):
Right, I was hits different because had really Yeah, they
make contact. That's it's It's funny. I ended up getting
like the sniffles a little bit, and I had to
take a Clareton because he has that dog in him.

Speaker 3 (09:46):
Like you told me before, I said, watch out for
that dog allergy. This guy's got the hell.

Speaker 4 (09:52):
It's actually terrible Dandrus. Yeah, I wish it was the
dog in me. It's scalp in me.

Speaker 3 (10:00):
All right, Blake, we're gonna get to know you a
little bit better in a moment. First, we're gonna tell
listeners a couple of things we're talking about today. The
two winners of the Musk Millions bribe athon apparently already
voted mm, so I don't know how well that works
for him. Theoretically, we're gonna talk about the two heroes
of the right, the two anti abortion guys that heckled

Kamala Harris and are like and I lived to tell
the tale. They're gonna like, have one of those survived.
I survived a Kamala.

Speaker 4 (10:32):
Rally by by screaming Yeah.

Speaker 3 (10:35):
We'll check in with the Polar Coaster and also the
polymarket election betting markets. I don't know if people are
up on these, but they're all saying Trump's gonna win
in a landslide. It's all very depressing out there. By
the way, if you like pay attention to polls, it's uh,
don't need them, don't need them. All I need is
James Carvel telling me. He say he's still so Kamala

swamp cat and she gonna catch that bog rat.

Speaker 4 (11:03):

Speaker 3 (11:04):
Every time you got swamp cat with a bog rat,
you see you got trouble. Yeah. Yeah. Anyways, Uh so
we'll talk about just all the people who are watching
the election worrying. I am worrying. I'll tell you what
is keeping me sane? All that plenty more. But first,
Blake Wexler, we do like to ask our guests, and
you know this about us, what is something from your

search history that is revealing.

Speaker 2 (11:28):
About who you are on Saturday, the day as it
will be forever known going forward. The day after I
saw Miles. Oh yeah, I plus one D Day plus one,
and they don't give plus ones for D Day. I
noticed whenever I go to Normandy, they just make you
go solo. But I had to google Patch bike Tube

because I fucked up a day. I fucked up my
Saturday in a way that I'm like, I don't know
if I should be allowed to make a decision ever again.
And I drove to New Brunswick, which is like forty
five minutes away, which is a shithole, but they have
a great beautiful bike path that goes along like the
Raritan Delaware River. So drove my bike out there. Didn't

realize a Rutgers game was going on. Home game, so
I was driving into football traffic like right when the
game was right before. So already fucked myself. And then
I get to the I couldn't park. I finally park
right across. It was right next to the stadium. And
then two like three miles into the ride, I hit
a rock at a speed that was crazy and just

blew my just blew up my front tire and I'm like, oh,
I don't know how to fix this, and I was
like trying to get an uber to take me back
to my car, but there were search prices because yeah,
so I was getting so I was cheap.

Speaker 3 (12:52):
Bankrupted yourself taking a bike ride?

Speaker 2 (12:55):
Yeah, I bankrupted myself. So I ended up just sitting
and looking up how to change a tire and then
I patched it. I figured it out after like an hour,
and then it like popped again. So I had to
walk three miles and like my tiny little outfit all
the way back to my car through this weird part bike.

Speaker 3 (13:14):
Yeah, I have on social media.

Speaker 2 (13:17):
Yeah, yeah it was, and it was real. It was
one of the more revealing ones.

Speaker 1 (13:21):
That I and you were wearing, one that says Saint
John's on it, so you were really getting smoked to.

Speaker 2 (13:26):
I was really Yeah, I was wearing a Chris Mullen
jersey and a Saint John's bottoms saying on the left
ask cheek John's j w n R Saint Jomes.

Speaker 4 (13:36):
Wait, did you have a so you had like a
patch kit on you?

Speaker 2 (13:39):
I had patches and then I had to like, it's
so inside the tire, there's a tube and a tire,
so the tube is what you inflate if you have
that type of tire. It's like a little like a
mini tire. I guess, yeah, and that's what had the
holes in it. So I covered the holes and I
was able to be like, oh, I fixed it, and
then I didn't. I apparently I hit that rock so

hard it was not fixed. Yeah, it was.

Speaker 3 (14:04):
Thought that was only children's bikes, but that's okay if
you ride children's Wow, I.

Speaker 2 (14:08):
Feel my bike has three wheels on it. I'm sorry,
tricycle Yeah, yeah.

Speaker 3 (14:12):
But it does feel like they need to start making
bikes specifically to deal with the speed at which you
ride that thing with those plumpers, like it would it
be safe to say that, like, bike companies should probably
just start like change their approach when it comes to
how you ride that thing. Thank you.

Speaker 2 (14:30):
So I've reached out to Ford every day for the
past three years trying to get them to make me
a bike, a Ford bicycle, and they won't do it.
So Chevy, Yeah, and it has to be American made.
If it's not, I'm not going to fucking ride it.

Speaker 3 (14:44):
You know this.

Speaker 2 (14:45):
So Mazda ear muffs the other ones I only I
can only name Mazda as an international cars so hummer up.

Speaker 1 (14:53):
Yeah, and I won't ask what kind of car you
drive in your personal life because I don't want to
ruin the brand image.

Speaker 3 (14:58):
But yeah, no, no, no, no, no it is it's a
Super U Bronco.

Speaker 4 (15:05):
Yeah, it's a super Yeah, super Silverado, the.

Speaker 3 (15:15):
Silver Blake. What's something he thinks? Underrated neighbors? I underrated neighbors.

Speaker 4 (15:23):
I always saw them as an adversary, you know, as like,
oh they're loud, annoying, dirty, ugly. But I now have
good looking, helpful neighbors. Wow, And it's changed everything. Like
if you have a package come in, you can send
them a text. You know, Hey, this is gonna get
stolen in point five seconds, can you please bring you inside?

And you know, if you leave our dog he starts like,
oh hey, your dog's freaking out or whatever, Like they
can do that. It's a fantastic. It is a huge
stress reliever. So it's if you have the right neighbors,
it really does make your life a whole a whole
lot easier.

Speaker 3 (15:59):
Blake, did you steal? You're underrated from the seth Rogan
film neighbors.

Speaker 2 (16:03):
So not just the underrated, my whole vibe so I have.

Speaker 3 (16:11):
Liked Neighbors and I've really come around on them. At
first I hated them, but now I love And then
I watch I'm assuming an R rated movie.

Speaker 2 (16:20):
I watch his PG Seth Rogan's first PG rated movie,
and I loved it.

Speaker 3 (16:26):
Neighbors. Neighbors is good. What's what's something you think is overrated? Oh?

Speaker 2 (16:30):
This, I guess this kind of has to do with
what I was just talking about, Like getting things delivered
all the time, sometimes it's better just to pick it
up in the store. Yeah, there's packaging waste obviously, which is,
let's be honest, not something I'm gonna do anything about,
but like you know, packages get stolen. And but also
I try to pharmacy. Like so there's this pharmacy called

Capsule where it's like a digital only pharm It's a
digital pharmacy that like delivers to you. It's like in
New York and they're like, oh, we'll drop off your
medication between noon and four, and someone needs the sign
for it, which I guess I kind of get. But
I can't just be around from New to New to four.

And also I need like it's not like, oh I'm
going to lose my mind if I don't have it
or or my you know, my plumps.

Speaker 3 (17:18):
Are going to fall off.

Speaker 2 (17:19):
But it's something I do need, so it's yeah, if
you just go pick it up. I don't think that
needs to be for someone now if you have, you know,
mobility issues, I would imagine having medicine delivered is fantastic,
but not if you're a fucking guy about town and
your bike, if you're three wheeler and a single it.

Speaker 1 (17:42):
I think just I'm just generally like I think I
miss going to the store. There was an excitement about
being like, oh, I'm going to go do this thing,
and like online shopping is like ruined that to the
point where like I just don't even care about it.
I just like to see things in person a lot
of the time. So hm, I'm old, you know that's
how I look at it, big story, and I don't
have like I don't like doing that thing like Her
Majesty will do that ship where she's like, oh, I

don't know if this shoe is gonna fit, so I'm
gonna I'll order three sizes.

Speaker 4 (18:09):
Of it and then return it and then just get
my money back. And I'm like, oh fuck that, I'm
not gonna charge. I'm gonna do it three times. No no, no, no,
no no.

Speaker 3 (18:17):
I'll go to the store. That's me. Yeah, shoe shopping
and not yeah with the sizes or like any close
shopping online seems oh yeah, but yeah, it's it's wild
because also you could just like go and figure out
how it fits in a store. Has put like I
feel like it's more work in the end because you're like,

haavy to go to the mail place to drop it off?

Speaker 1 (18:41):
Yeah, oh yeah, And I have to give on like
things I have to return.

Speaker 4 (18:44):
I've like a part of my closet that's just the
like the City of Lost Orders where yeah, these these
pants are too tight, and I also can't be bothered
to put them in a fucking envelope.

Speaker 3 (18:56):
So I guess I'm like, guess to starve myself and
not walk for three months, or maybe I'll give it
to a friend when they like I don't like, I
have like a weird hypothetical friend in my mind who's like,
they're going to fit this. Yeah, yeah they don't.

Speaker 2 (19:08):
I have that real, that real friend. His name's Eddie Finn.
He's a commediate in Philadelphia, and he's like, I'm like
oh I can. It's I was a little bit behind,
like aging my body aging. So I'm like, I can
still wear like a slim fit medium, I can't. So
like I was like, oh, he's skipped. So I've just
been giving him my clothes because it's just easier. It's

not even really his style. Yeah, but it's just now
dressing like me. You're just grooming him to be a replacement.
You're like, oh, you look great, man, You're trying these glasses.

Speaker 3 (19:40):
You're grooming your own Dicky greenleaf situation, your own talented
mister Ripley. Yeah, You're like, I would be so flattered
if someone talented, mister Ripley.

Speaker 2 (19:49):
I was going to send him to your studios today.

Speaker 3 (19:52):
He just we don't look like at all. Blake looks
weird and he has dreadlocks for some reason.

Speaker 2 (19:58):
Yeah, he does have dreadloine, yeah, which I love. But no,
And also yeah, I do have like a Portugal like
national team jersey that I only wear once every three
years after I get food poisoning, like it's the only time,
and I hold onto it because I'm like, oh, you're
gonna end up eating something tainted, tainted, some tainted beef

and the next few days you need something small to wear,
and then I won't be able to wear it again.
So okay, yeah, I'm with you.

Speaker 3 (20:25):
It's just a shirt that you've thrown up in a lot,
and so you feel comfortable throwing up on it, or
because you get food poisoning, you thin out to a
place where you can fit into it. No, it was
the first one.

Speaker 2 (20:36):
So there's a little clip on the back that I
can clip my hair into when I'm throwing up.

Speaker 3 (20:40):
So if you just be willing to see me in person,
i'd hold your hair back for you.

Speaker 1 (20:47):
Yeah, oh Jack, Yeah, that's why he always keeps little
hair bands on his wrist.

Speaker 3 (20:52):
That's right.

Speaker 5 (20:53):
I know.

Speaker 4 (20:54):
I always thought that was like a tad.

Speaker 1 (20:56):
He sends a shout out to Kevin Garnett when Kevin
Garnet used to wear rubber bands. But it's it's for long
haired friends whenever they have to vomit.

Speaker 3 (21:02):
Anything's possible.

Speaker 2 (21:03):
We've said it, we've said anything is possible, Anything as possible,
impossible is everything? What was it actually supposed to be?

Speaker 3 (21:13):
Anything is possible? Much better tagline? But he got so
much better. Yeah, he fit there, fixed it for you.
That's what they should they should have said, oh, thank
you Kevin Garnett for fixing our terrible tagline. Anyways, let's
take a quick break. We'll come back. We'll talk about
the news. We'll be right back. I'm exhausted and we're back,

and so big news. Elon Musk is doing an illegal
bribery campaign to get people too registered to vote Republican. So,
I mean, the illegality of this doesn't really seem to
be in much doubt, right, yeah, I mean.

Speaker 1 (22:00):
Some legal finessing language wise to explain why it's okay
to have a million dollar a day lottery for people
to register to vote. But right now, there's apparently like
a letter going around DC where quote former Republican lawmakers, advisors,
and Justice Department officials have called on Attorney General Mayor
Garland to investigate tech billionaire Elon Musk for awarding cash

prizes to voters in swing states if they signed the petition.
We'll see what happens. I don't know. I don't think
anything will happen based.

Speaker 3 (22:28):
On how this DDJ has been Miles, they'll be on it.
They'll be on it, man, if anything or two.

Speaker 4 (22:35):
But the other thing that's interesting is this so like
two people have won.

Speaker 3 (22:38):
So as of this.

Speaker 1 (22:39):
Recording, there have been two people that have won the
million Mega millions Bribathon checks. And they apparently like these
people have already participate, like they've been registered Republicans for years,
they've participated in recent non presidential elections, and they have
already mailed in their ballot for this November. So they
won all this prior, like they did this prior to

even winning it. So it's kind of like, what, wait,
what what's the point of this? Because if the whole
point is to turn out people that are not as
engaged in order to squeeze out extra votes and get
them to register, then this first batch of winners would
indicate that that is a failure.

Speaker 3 (23:16):
Yeah, he's just not he's not even cheating. Good, Like
if you had just just if you had made the rule,
like you have to register, like for the first time,
Like it's not just that you like have to be
registered like I already did that. Yeah, you have to
not have voted for Trump before or something like. Just
if you're gonna cheat, just go all the way, cheat

as hard as you possibly can.

Speaker 1 (23:38):
Pull up, knock on people's doors, just like watch them
fill out a ballot and then give them money right there, right,
you know that's how you should do it. Sorry, that's
how you cheat.

Speaker 3 (23:47):
That is how you cheat it.

Speaker 1 (23:48):
But the other part that's so fucking stupid is when
we were first talking about I said, if if this
was like his plan, why not do that earlier, because
it's so late in the game to be like, all
right now, I'm gonna chum the waters with a million
dollars a day or whatever. Because this is again if
you look, this is from Politico Monday quote. Monday is
the final day to register to vote in Pennsylvania, and

deadlines have already passed. In Georgia and Arizona. Registration is
now only available in person as part of early voting
in a handful of other swing states. So like you,
they might be like, oh, I actually can't register, right whoops?

Speaker 3 (24:24):
Yeah, but I want a million dollars. I don't know.

Speaker 1 (24:26):
Maybe that would be the one He'll take a bunch
of people who didn't. They're like, I'm sorry, I can't register.
Do I still get to keep the money.

Speaker 3 (24:31):
If this has proven to be illegal, the he'll just
take the money back from them.

Speaker 1 (24:34):
Yeah, Yeah, there's been by four Yeah, yeah, yeah, when
but like so when this fact was pointed out to
someone at Musk's like America pack, they said that, actually,
like this is all the media attention and outrage over
this is actually really good for this because it's brought
a lot more visibility.

Speaker 3 (24:52):
So it's actually good to make it seem like you
have to cheat to get your guy to win, you
have to like pay people to vote for your guy.
That's actually a good look.

Speaker 4 (25:01):
That's that's actually fucking five D five D scrabble if
you know how to play that. The thing that I'm
curious because a lot of people have been speculating on,
is that how much Elon Musk is. It's like, in
the last fucking what month, just put the pedal to
the metal.

Speaker 1 (25:16):
In terms of like like interference, and a lot of
people are specting, like what what's his exact legal jeopardy?
You know what I mean that he wants to make
sure that he he has a Trump administration that will
be kind to him based on like what I think.

Speaker 3 (25:31):
It's more the fact that all the billity, like we
talked yesterday, the top five donors for the first time
ever donating to like individual donors are donating to conservative causes.
That's the first time that's ever happened. I just think
they really smell an opportunity more than like they're voted,
they're donating out of fear. They recognize like fascism is

so good for the extremely healthy. Like there he's going
to be able to, like he's already just able to
just fucking take a hammer to civilization and all these
companies and just like do whatever the fun he wants.
But like in a Trump presidency, he's going to it's
going to be yeah, he'll probably a space force ship.

It's it's going to be very bad, like in ways
that we can't imagine, but I think he can imagine.
You know, that's how his brain works, is like he's
only imagine ways to extract billions of dollars from people
who have less money and while making their lives worse.
That's like his genius.

Speaker 4 (26:38):
Well he's such a little brat, like he's such a
like just a loser.

Speaker 2 (26:42):
Baby like summer yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.

Speaker 4 (26:49):
How to how to how to a thank you for.

Speaker 3 (26:55):
Talk to?

Speaker 2 (26:56):
And he is like a little kid where like just
speaking to why he's doing it now is I don't
think he had the foresight often with him with Musk,
it's if he's getting encouragement and if it seems like
people are reacting to what he's doing, that eggs him on.
It's like a little kid, where if a little kid
starts like I mean, I don't know if if you

don't want your kid to curse, and the kid curse curses,
you shouldn't laugh because it encourages the kid. And now
he's getting all this like look at Twitter. He bought
Twitter because people were making fun of him, and then
he's like, oh, now I can be the Twitter guy
and everyone's going to retweet by things. Isn't this fun?
And I can keep saying this horse shit. And now
he's doing it with Trump where people are reacting to it,
and he's getting fanboys, the worst fanboys you could possibly have,

from getting a yeah, he went from getting booed for
five minutes at that Dave Chappelle show at the Chase
Center in San Francisco to now like hopping up and
down at a MAGA rally.

Speaker 3 (27:53):
This is these people are really cool. Dude, did you
not know he's making an X with his body? It's cool,
It's actually cool. Cool.

Speaker 2 (28:00):
It is cool because he's making an X with his body.
Try making a Twitter with your body. Try fucking impossible.
It's so hard. You can do it with your own
if you maybe fucked some of your fingers up. Maybe,
But that's the whole thing. It's dangerous. Yeah, that's true.
That's true.

Speaker 3 (28:14):
I'll give him that. That's the whole thing. It's dangerous.
It is, it's so dangerous. Yeah, I mean, it's just
I think. I think it's the thing, like the billionaires
try to try to coop in the forties. They couldn't
pull it off because they picked the wrong military leader.
They really tried to overthrow FDR. Like I know I
say this basically every episode now, but I think it's

very much worth noting that, Like just look up the
business plot. That's why they're so excited about this possibility,
like they want a fascist dictatorship. I will also say, like,
as much fun as it is to point and laugh
at like the failed aspects of this, like paying people
to vote is like so that I've been obsessing over

polling for the past twenty four hours just because I'm terrified,
very healthy and Jesus, Like one of the things I
was reading is like in order to get better polling
results this time around. One of the things that the
New York Times did was send out five dollars to
people in an envelope, and they were like, we'll give
you twenty more if you take our poll. Like, no question,

So here's five dollars. You just get that. This is
just a taste. This one simple trick that doctors don't
want you to know did get a bunch of people
who wouldn't normally answer polls to respond like it. So
not to say this is like a masterstroke, just that
paying people to register to vote is illegal for a reason.

All right, Well, speaking of controversy, we have a couple
new heroes that we want to highlight on the right.
You might have heard their voices at a Kamala rally
yelling lies, lies cool cool. I like that. That's what
they came up with. Yeah, lies, Okay, now's when we
do it. That's good.

Speaker 2 (30:03):
Why, well, it's original at the very least. I know
it's only one word, but it's you know, they came
at least they're making something of their own, right.

Speaker 3 (30:11):
They're big fans of that Guns and Roses album. Cool
reference Jack. But anyways, these are anti abortion activists and
they are making the rounds being like, you won't believe
what we experienced. It's so abuse, the derision, it's so
anti Christian.

Speaker 1 (30:30):
So I'll play a moment where they go crying on
Fox News where they just kind of, I mean, and
embrace yourselves because what they went through was it sounds
just terrible.

Speaker 5 (30:39):
I took this cross off my neck that I wear,
and as we were getting asked to leave, I held
it up in the air and waved at her and
pointed to her, and she looked directly and the I
kind of gave me an evil smirk, and yeah, I
just want to clear that up and confirm that she
was talking to us. And there's other controversy that says

we left we were getting shouted at, pushed, assaulted, screamed at.
So we were walking away, but there's about three attendees there,
volunteers that kicked us out with press with badges or
whatever they had, and I specifically remember this one man
saying you were uninvited and welcome to this event.

Speaker 3 (31:19):
You need to leave.

Speaker 5 (31:20):
And all they did was walk us out the door
then and tell us why no cops has scored us out,
no secret service and Uh, yeah, that's our story.

Speaker 3 (31:29):
Oh it was because they were Christian.

Speaker 1 (31:33):
Yeah, well that's what they turned the whole thing into
was because they said, well, first we were yelling things
like you know, Christ is King, Jesus, take my boner
and things like that, and they didn't like that. So
then they then they screamed at us. And that's when
Kamala gave me the evil grin and she said she's
on Satan's side, and I just think I just want

people to know that she just it's just so deeply
anti Christian. It's just like, you know, I don't know
why they claimed that they have such a big tent
as a party, because they clearly they do not want
Christian people there.

Speaker 3 (32:02):
I mean, they were probably the only Christian people like
at that event, right, like, other than of Kamala Harrison,
probably ninety percent of the people there. Yeah, exactly.

Speaker 1 (32:13):
It depends on what version of Christian you're going after,
you know what I mean, it's like the good version.

Speaker 3 (32:18):
Yeah, well, it's like the type that opens a conversation
being like, have you accepted Christian your li brother?

Speaker 1 (32:24):
What about Christ's radical acceptance? Oh not that part, No, no, no,
I'm above that I'm above. That's where I'm better than.
I don't accept anybody take your hand off my mouth, sir,
But no, he's he said they got shut when they
said the assaulted. Later on, this other guy's like, yeah,
this elderly woman like pushed me a little bit.

Speaker 2 (32:42):
You're like, that's like eighteen by the way, Yeah, like children,
you you came getting less and less harrowing too. Where
it was like and then an unpaid volunteer they're out
of the goodness of their heart told me I wasn't welcomed.
Not get out, just hey, you're not welcome.

Speaker 3 (33:00):
You're not welcome here.

Speaker 4 (33:01):
That's really disrupt They said things like we were being
disruptive and the world just because we were screaming things
like this is just abortion as a Satanic sacrament and
a room full of people that actually, you.

Speaker 3 (33:12):
Know, respect anyway. Whatever.

Speaker 2 (33:15):
It's just it's just like, this is this is America, man,
this is America. They made icons America for you.

Speaker 1 (33:21):
Yeah, it had it had very much had that Like
when Ralph Wigham was talking about how he saw Principal
Skinner and Missus Crabapple kissing and the baby, and the
baby looked at me and it smiled, and it's like, what, Okay,
Sure she looked.

Speaker 3 (33:34):
At me and she gave me an evil smile. That's
the evil. That's just like really brought me back to
time spent like around those types of Christians where they
just like they want to make everything like spooky. And
then he said, like this thing that clearly meant.

Speaker 1 (33:53):
That's what I'm like, Man, you just tried pre marital sex.
You know this is They're like, I don't know, I
think this Bennigan's is evil Bennigans.

Speaker 3 (34:03):
Yeah, I mean I.

Speaker 4 (34:04):
Guess there's only like three left in the country, so
in that sense, it's spooky. But come on, I'm guy.
Oh okay, Irish, right.

Speaker 3 (34:13):
Good, Irish Catholic name, Oh Charlie's yea, they accept christ. Yeah,
my Christian Baptist friends like made me drive out to
this house in the country. They're like that's a Satan house,
Like it's satanic and they like really were taked out.

Interracial couple comes out with the family I told you,
I told you, Sopky.

Speaker 2 (34:42):
It's a white couple with two daughters, and they're like
they have two daughters, two women, and they were skateboarding.
The dan got the dad's got righteous gemstones.

Speaker 3 (35:01):
He's evil. He's evil. How's everybody doing? Just in terms
of just take it. I'm gonna turn my chair around here.
Just just wanted to take a minute and check in
with everybody.

Speaker 4 (35:13):

Speaker 3 (35:14):
I don't know if you've heard of my my man JC,
but he had some pretty cool things to say. Uh no,
do you mean the Atlanta Journal Courier? How No? AJC? Oh, sorry,
my man, I thought that was fantastic. No, no, there was.

Speaker 1 (35:28):
There was an AJC poll that came out that was
talking about Georgia polling and how Trump is up plus three.

Speaker 3 (35:34):
Now, yeah, that's I guess that's what I'm referring to.
How's the poles are bad? A bunch of media outlet
like The Economist, even Nate Silver have shifted things towards Trump.
Like granted, it's like this used to be Kamala fifty one,
Trump forty eight. Now it's Kamala forty nine, Trump fifty one.

But that's enough to get me to click on that.
I don't know. I think I don't know.

Speaker 1 (36:03):
With the polling, I'm just always gonna kind of end
up in the same place, which is it's merely it's
a it's just a vibe.

Speaker 3 (36:10):
You can't count on it.

Speaker 1 (36:11):
And I think, regardless this, it's going to be close,
it's going to be very very close. So starting to
split hairs over if it's forty nine to fifty one
or forty eight to fifty that all that shit. I
think it just shows that it's super tight. And there
was a like if you like on Pew Research, they
had an article that was talking about polling, and in
it they talk about all these other variables that can

influence the accuracy of polling, and they said, sometimes when
you take everything into account, the margin of error usually
it's like around three percent can actually be double that.
If you're looking at polls that have a plus minus
of six, then things that are just a couple points
in between aren't necessarily like like the be all end all.

And I think the bigger point too, is that now
that a lot of like news outlets also do polling
as part of their like horse race coverage, Like they're like,
we teamed up with these this is what our polling says.
Like now it's clear that they're incentivized to always keep
updating with stuff that gets people more engaged in clicking
and things like that. Because at the end of the day,

like one thing that's been seen is that it's like
the non partisan polling that isn't coming from political like
the actual candidates their political parties or other packs and
things like that aren't nearly as accurate as like independent ones.
And even then again those same errors exist, So I
know it's it's the kind of shit that you want
to start freaking out about by looking at but at

the same time, like you have to we kind of
have to sort of look at at me, like this
is not this is not the right way, like this
it's not fully accurate in the same way that you
can actually you know that the farm on it, like
I have, thank god, man at right at farms? Yeah, man,
oh yeah, I lost a couple of farms, a couple
of heifer's.

Speaker 3 (37:57):
Yeah. I guess the theory I've always had in my
head is like she needs to be up by a
ton because both of the last elections have had big
pulling misses in the direction of Trump. So I was
researching that, and there's one guy who got the mid
terms right and said, like the reason for the polling

misses in twenty sixteen and twenty twenty were different reasons.
Twenty sixteen, they under indexed like non college educated voters.
They fixed that for twenty twenty, but they missed Trump
voters because they were they just were busy like working
and ignoring the pandemic, and like Biden voters were busy

like social distancing and freaking out about the election. So
they actually like answered the polls. So and there's all
sorts of reasons to suspect that, like both of those
things have been corrected for and possibly over corrected for
because they're so scared of getting things like the mainstream

polls are so scared of like getting another miss in
Kamala's direction, you know, overestimating Kamala in the polls, and
so he is still like it's pretty like it's close,
but Kamala is winning, Which is that That made me
feel like slightly less crazy, But also I don't know, like, yeah,

it's just that everybody seems to say it's close.

Speaker 1 (39:24):
Well, and I think there's also this thing of like
just like with the red wave that was supposed to
happen in twenty twenty two and never materialized. That was
also because partisan polling operations were shifting the averages. Yeah,
I just reporting points that wasn't as accurate and again
sort of tipping the balances to be a little bit
more friendly to the GOP. So I think at the

end of the day, like the most you can really
say is that it's close. It's close's and that's all
these things are saying, like there isn't something where like
every pole is like, oh my god, there was a
twenty point swing in one direction. No, it's just it's
that things are close. And I think that's like the
the shitty part that we have to go through every
election period is like what the No, maybe not this much,

but yeah, I think just yeah.

Speaker 3 (40:14):
The guy who I'm talking about, ed In Germantum, is
one of the only people who had the like called
bullshit on the red wave thing pretty consistently and confidently,
and he's one of the last people saying it doesn't
look as good for Trump as a lot of the
polling suggests right now.

Speaker 2 (40:30):
Of I think that Jack's like, oh, I've been reading
all this, you know, like research on polling, and meanwhile
you're just watching videos of like the octopus who picks
like the World Cup teams.

Speaker 3 (40:39):
He is an octopus. He like uses numbers, yeah, like, no,
I understand, I understand, I know. I don't know why
his name is edin Germentum.

Speaker 1 (40:50):
That the octopus the smartest octopus that's out or just
watching videos like there's like peg boards or dropping a
ball and you're like, which way is it going to go?

Speaker 3 (41:00):
I did read an in depth look at the the
thirteen Keys guy, yeah, who like claims to have predicted
every election since nineteen eighty with his thirteen yes no
true false statements and less confident in his stake. They
were like, first of all, he hasn't actually predicted things right, Like,

I mean, they really dug in on the fact that
he like claims well, I got two thousand right because
I picked Gore, but Gore won the popular vote. And
he also says, well, I got twenty sixteen right because
I was the only person who called Trump, but Trump
didn't win the popular vote. So he's like, yeah, but
still right, so but who won? Yeah, okay, you squeaked

it out. And then James Carvill still out here, freak.

Speaker 1 (41:46):
Away, please that boy, James carl Away, that man lord
and snake nipples and get him out of here.

Speaker 3 (41:54):
The whole ball rat with a swamp cat like dude,
just the race is close. The race is close.

Speaker 4 (42:01):
That's not watching a ferret in a weasel in a
foot race for a little bit of old mouse meat.

Speaker 3 (42:07):
And he thinks that we know obviously who's gonna win
that disel and a foot race for mouse meat. Oh okay,
when every time, wait, what is the same thing? I
don't stand commentary. Yeah, yeah, all right, let's take a
quick break and we'll be back. And we're bad. And

we're back, and I got a burn that bag for
of mouse meat. It mouse meat is so gross, sorry,
because I feel like it would be of mammals, would
be like trying to eat crab. You know, a crab
is like there's such little meat. You got so much work.

Speaker 4 (43:02):
There's good eating and crabs. There's most people just too
lazy to get in the bone, in the in the
shelves and scoop it out. Good good eating him mice too,
good eating mice too.

Speaker 3 (43:12):
A lot of people leave a lot of meat on
the bone.

Speaker 4 (43:14):
My great grandfather was a crawl daddy, So I'm very well, that's.

Speaker 3 (43:19):
The Carbo family know for getting all the meat off
the mouse bone. Before he starts an interview, he spits
out three mouse pellets, mouse meat. I'm just anyway to
forget it. But like a big old owl, you know,
I just upped there, freaking big old eyes. Nobody trusts me.
You ever see an owl at his feathers look like me?

Yeahs and pops here? Just meat? How many? How many
bites does it take to get to the center of
some mouse meat? Just one? Just the one owl? Just one,
just one of them bites of mouse and half. Anyways,
this is.

Speaker 2 (43:58):
So hold on, this is so disgusting. But I was
picturing he yawns on set one day and he has
like like a squid's beak in the.

Speaker 3 (44:07):
Back of his mouth. Was picturing. I'm glad that you stopped, Yeah, stopped.

Speaker 2 (44:13):
Hold on.

Speaker 3 (44:15):
Let me just tell you what my head. He's got
a beak, all right, it would come out like is
it like yeah, like a xenomorph.

Speaker 2 (44:25):
I hate it more if it's hidden, I hate it
more if it's like seen, like like, oh wait, they
have a tongue ring, you know what I mean, Like
everyone while a tongue.

Speaker 3 (44:33):
But when we found that Andrew Cuomo had nipple rings, yeah, yes,
that bummed me out. Damn what a time. He just
went away.

Speaker 4 (44:44):
He can he went, and he's come, he's tried to
come back and it's just not happening for him. No,
maybe Eric Adams should get some nipple rings.

Speaker 2 (44:52):
I mean I would, I would be if he didn't know.
I bet he just takes about electrified. Yeah, just Fraternal
Order of Police nipple ring.

Speaker 3 (45:01):
All right, Well, speaking of people in the illuminati who
control the world mouse we were talking about mouse meat.
It's weird when you say mice meat, Blake, it's mouse meat.
It's mousehea.

Speaker 2 (45:15):
Oh sorry, I'm so sorry. Why would I pluralize it? No,
you're right, I'm sorry, I am sorry.

Speaker 3 (45:19):
Just in keeping with the theme of you know, the
business plot with the wealthy donors being like the billionaires
all being in the tank for fascism, I've been noticing
a trend in mainstream media where they're kind of giving
up on climate change because of AI. Specifically, they're like,

all right, enough with this climate change stuff. Now there's
money to be made. So, as we've discussed, we had like,
you know, academics on who looked at the large language models.
They say AI is mostly pointless bullshit that requires a
entire New York City's worth of electricity to like fuel,

a fancy auto complete and these large language models.

Speaker 4 (46:04):
But that's also how I get all the logo design
from cobbles moousemeat dot com.

Speaker 3 (46:09):
I don't have to pay somebody that is on my website.
Oh my god, he yawned. He does have a fucking squid.
You just like sitting with him on a portion and
then he just smiles at you with his mouth open
and you hear clicking from the back of noise. It's
my squid beak throat.

Speaker 4 (46:31):
That's how I jumped down to mouse meat ball in
a beak. You ever tried to pass mouse meat bone.

Speaker 3 (46:37):
A squid beak? But yeah, I don't know. I I
believe there are targeted uses for AI that are going
to be useful, certainly worthy of some research, but as
a like mass reach consumer product, it doesn't seem to
make sense. And it's like burning down the electricity grid
and like forests. So recently, yeah, there were also like

recent headlines where they're like the grid is soon going
to be maxed out at a time when we like
actually need to be drawing down air energy consumption. They're like,
it's the AI is really taking it off the charts. Anyways,
good news for people who's still live in the year
two thousand and eight and think tex CEOs are going
to save us. Eric Schmidt, one of the founders of Google,

has basically said the quiet part out loud, the quiet
part of like the thesis behind this what I felt
like I'd been seeing in headlines for a long time.
He basically said, it's time to give up on trying
to solve climate, double down on AI and use AI's
like brilliant solutions to solve the climate crisis for us.

Speaker 2 (47:47):
There you go, so okay, yeah, I'm going to figure
that out to power machines.

Speaker 4 (47:56):
That's where James Cargo comes in back again. How to
cut down. We've got to stop eating beef, y'all. That's
just doing too much of the carbon. Yeah, we got
to be eating mouse steaks.

Speaker 3 (48:05):
They need to give us like one just one example
of AI like doing solving a problem complex and like
that is complex, Like okay, you AI hater.

Speaker 1 (48:16):
I just pulled up the World Economic Forum because you
can trust them, Okay, And it says how AI is
helping with climate change and it's mostly just referring to
stuff that it's just helping us measure how fucked up
climate changes. It's like iceberg. AI knows where Oh yeah,
I think people, they're like, but it does it faster.

It can map deforestation. Okay, that's a thing we can
do maybe at a slope.

Speaker 3 (48:43):
It's going to give us such high resolution images of
the earth failing.

Speaker 1 (48:47):
The other one is like helping people see where there's
like plastic pollution at the bottom of the seat.

Speaker 3 (48:53):
Oh that's amazing. Oh wow, that's like again so helpful.

Speaker 1 (48:57):
We've said this in the past two there's because there's
all a lot of talking is like it could help
homes be like more efficient with energy. Okay, But the
other part of it that when they when they actually
like did a survey of people who have smart homes,
they're using it to like stay more comfortable, not to
be more efficient. They're like, no, I want this place
freezing cold than when it's hot, and I want this
thing like a fucking blast furnace when it goes below

sixty yeah. Yeah, Like so it's just using more energy
and it's not actually saying like, I don't know in
his mind, what does it do.

Speaker 4 (49:25):
It's like I have invented a new thing that we
just need to plug in and it will reverse the
car like what.

Speaker 3 (49:32):
Well you see there, like overall philosophy that like like
long termism, right, A lot of that is like yeah,
well you know a lot of half the population may die,
but it'll be good for humanity in the long run.
Like I really think they're coming at it from a
perspective of like the global South may all die, but
oh we in Silicon we the like masters of the

universe who are actually smarter than everybody. Well, you know,
like just eugenics.

Speaker 1 (49:57):
Right, I feel like I'm forty degrees above the equators,
so I will not see the worst of it as
it's happening. But it's just again, so stupid, because we
know what the fuck we need to do, and I
don't need AI to tell me that we need to
fucking sort out all of the carbon emissions. Yeah, and
the way we are using fossil fuels and our energy generation,

and we actually need to modernize like our grid to
use more renewable energy. So again, the solutions are there,
they've already been like the the problem has been identified,
and the way we get through it has been pretty
much been screamed in our faces by every atmospheric science,
every scientist who's like working in this field.

Speaker 3 (50:38):
But yet again they're like, what are you talking about
the climate goals? Yeah, because he was talking about those
climate goals and he said, quote all that will be
swamped by the enormous needs of this new technology. We
may make mistakes with respect to how it's used, but
I can assure you that we're not going to get
there through conservation get where yeah yeah, to selling more

yeah yeah. It's just it's been assumed like yes, sorry,
the market says we're this is popular, so we're going
to keep pushing this. Also, this news is coming out
as scientists are pointing out that carbon sinks, which is
like the natural way the Earth eats half of the
carbon we emit with like forests and ocean algae have

been failing because I guess we don't really know why,
but like the past couple of years, they're kind of
not working as well. They're the ocean isn't drinking eating
up as much carbon for us aren't eating as much
carbon as they used to. So it's like drastic action

is required right now, and these motherfuckers are like, I
need to plug my device.

Speaker 4 (51:50):
It's also like more absurd because like Microsoft and Google
are some of the worst emitters because of their AI operations. Yeah, so,
like the fact that he's gonna march out here and
be like, no, we actually did. Don't down on my
earth fucking technology that might save you a couple bucks
on your website designful mouse meat dot com like that,
then it's worth it to just accelerate earth death, right.

Speaker 3 (52:11):
Yeah no, no, no, no, no no no. Yeah. Turns
out like the Tony Stark two thousand and eight model
of like the tech utopia will save us was exactly wrong.
They're going to kill us all to make themselves richer.
So hey, but they get richer, they get So that's
one thing to point out, and that's a really good point, miles.

They will get richer.

Speaker 4 (52:34):
Yeah so, and guess what, you don't need to be
a rich man to take care of take advantage of
these deals. We got to mouse meat dot com Carbo's
mouse meat hut. Oh yeah, you get forty pounds a
mouse meat for twenty eight dollars.

Speaker 3 (52:45):
It's just gonna be them surviving, like tech billionaire surviving.
And then James Carville like up to his eyes in
a bog just like looking at them.

Speaker 4 (52:52):
Oh, Carvill will survive. He's like a cockroach. I'm convinced
with that little squid beak he has in the back
of his throat, he'll.

Speaker 3 (52:59):
He'll be okay.

Speaker 2 (53:00):
Well, he's already five hundred years old, so it's what's
going to take him out? Like they call me, he
met shortage.

Speaker 3 (53:11):
Yeah, you know, scorpions like don't can live their whole
life without drinking any water. Like they just require zero
moisture from eating. Yeah, I think they must from eating
or like intergenerationally. I don't know intergenerational hydration, because there's
just like born in the desert. They have to be
like built to survive without much moisture. But I think

Carville also similar. Oh yeah, he looks dry as fun.
He looks like beef jerky the person. Well, Blake Wexler,
what a pleasure having you on the daily, like I
having you here in Ohers. I wrote that before I
realized you were gonna bail here. Such a nice zoom

call with us, not Blake, It's always great to have you.
How are you doing? Uh, how's everyone doing? How's everyone else?
Just kidding? Chut jesus, how's everybody doing? Oh? Have you accepted? Heart?

Speaker 4 (54:07):
Does he give discounts they carbled because I'm not interested.
Enter code Jesus Fucking Christ sixteen mice. Enter cold Christ
on the Cross for you to get a better discount
of forty pounds of mice meat for fourteen dollars.

Speaker 3 (54:25):
We really need to move these units. We are not.

Speaker 4 (54:28):
Yeah, I should have realized, James, I didn't realize you
had to refrigerate, going well, yeah, yeah, yeah, so this
sooner the better.

Speaker 3 (54:35):
Are spoiling at a rapid rate. I would say that
they are feted. I think he's the word that defense
hydrated male's meat, not on purpose. Uh blake? Where can
people find you? Follow you?

Speaker 2 (54:48):
People can find me if you're in Brooklyn, if you're
in New York at all. This Saturday, October twenty sixth,
I'm hosting a show at Strong Rope Brewery and Gowanas.
It's an awesome lineup. I picked the lineup. I'm hosting it.
I've done a show there a couple times. Gang people
have come out, So if you're in New York free,
their tickets are free. Suggested donation to the comics at

the show. But yeah, that's Saturday, October twenty six Strong
Rope Brewery at eight pm. And then November first, Boston
doing stand up in Boston, and then December fifth Helium
Comedy Club in Philadelphia. So you can find all those
tickets in my bio at Blake Lexlor social media.

Speaker 3 (55:28):
All right, and is there a working media Blake that
you've been enjoying?

Speaker 2 (55:31):
There is, So there's a I guess, I don't know
if it's on TikTok or. You know, I have good news.
There is one, and it's on TikTok or and or Instagram.
It's Seanick god Kindy has a show called Bodego Run
Show and basically they strap a huge go pro to
someone's head and send them into a bodego with a

list of stuff to get in like X amount of time,
and if they can do it, they get one hundred bucks.
And the panic that comes over these people when like
and also the visual of like the GoPro coming off
a pole pointed at their face is so funny watching
them run around a very tight odega. So it's it's
a really funny show. So it's called a Bodega run Show.

And yeah, it's on social media.

Speaker 3 (56:18):
So that's happening while he's on stage and they're just
like kind of taught you your watch.

Speaker 2 (56:25):
So it's not not even stand up. He's just like outside,
so like, yeah, yeah, they shoot. They're shooting him outside
the outside of the bodega, and these people run through
the aisles trying to grab stuff. That's great, but yeah,
it's very it's very funny market sweep for the for
the go pro generation. Yes, I'm ninety years old.

Speaker 3 (56:44):
Amazing Miles. Where can people find you as their worker
media you've been enjoying.

Speaker 1 (56:48):
Yeah, you can find me on Twitter and Instagram at
Miles of Gray. You can find Jack and I on
the basketball podcasts that you can find me also talking
ninety day four fiance Jack. I don't want to say,
oh yep, we were gonna do the same we always
wanted the John.

Speaker 3 (57:07):
Wickwell, I gotta I got no, I got no do
it on three one two three jo John A guy.

Speaker 4 (57:17):

Speaker 1 (57:17):
This one is great because since we're like in the
home stretch of the election, we just have more and
more of these like weird fake anecdotes and like I
was in.

Speaker 3 (57:26):
A liberal coffee shop and was shocked at what I overheard.

Speaker 4 (57:29):
They all want Trump kind of shit. So this is
a new one from at Kylie Jane Kreamer, don't go
there because this is just a sad, uninformed person. But
this is like clearly a fake, made up interaction. And
first of all, this was quote tweeted by Evan loves
Wharf at e s J yes J yes J and said,
this woman has never spoken to a black person in

her life, and this is what the interaction she said happened.

Speaker 3 (57:53):
After watching Donald Trump work at McDonald's. I had to
have some eighteen year old black male met me at
the drive through window. I told him how Trump worked
at McDonald's today, and I had to get some fries
him for real. Me yes, in Pennsylvania. Him. Inspiration. That's
why I'm voting for him. Me, me too. Him. I
can't wait to look it up. It's on the news.

Me yep, all over X two. What do you mean
by inspiration? Him?

Speaker 1 (58:19):
He's just like me and maybe I'll be president one
day laughing emoji. I am now eighteen, so I get
to vote for him. My whole family is too. Media
won't tell you that because I'm black.

Speaker 3 (58:30):
Smirky emoji me love it. Keep working hard and maybe
I'll get to vote for vote for you one day too. Him.
Maga okay, and that all that all really has swe
conversation that happened, that's just a real conversation. Was the
when he said he may be president one day. Was
the crying, laughing face her, Oh that's so funny.

Speaker 4 (58:52):
Yeah, okay, yeah, Jesus, He's like, okay, you know, don't
just don't get too close to the sure thing.

Speaker 3 (59:01):
Pal. All right. A couple of tweets. I've been enjoy
Melody Anti at Anti Material Girl tweeted at the Techno
Rave Yeah, John Wick shot a guy I'm still dancing,
not gonna let it ruin my night. He keeps shooting
along to the beat. It's actually kind of making the
whole experience cooler. And then Jamee at Klugan's on Twitter tweeted,

silly Puddy is just putty to a sick fuck like me.
I really liked this.

Speaker 1 (59:33):

Speaker 3 (59:34):
You can find me on Twitter at Jack Underscore Obrien.
You can find us on Twitter at daily Zeikeeist. We're
at the Daily zeike Geist on Instagram. We have a
Facebook fanpage on a website, Daily zeitke guist dot com,
where we post our episodes and our foot no no where.
We look off to the information that we talked about
in today's episode, as well as a song that we

think you might enjoy. Miles, what song do you think
people might enjoy it?

Speaker 1 (59:57):
I think you are going to like this track called
Magic by Strong Boy st r O n G b
oh I. And it kind of just sounds like, uh,
like modern yacht rock, you know what I mean. Like
it's got yacht rock vibes, but like in a very
twenty twenties kind of thing. So it's easy listening. Got
a little bit of flavor to it, but not too
much that it takes over your consciousness. It's good wallpaper music,

you know, to have on in the background.

Speaker 3 (01:00:22):
So this is Magic. Bye Strong Boy? All right. We
will link off to that in the footnote. The daily
is I guess is the production of iHeartRadio. For more
podcasts from my Heart Radio is the iHeart Radio Wrap,
Apple podcast or wherever you listen to your favorite shows.
That is gonna do it for us this morning. But
we are back this afternoon to tell you what is
trending and we will talk to you all then. Bye
bye bye bye.

Speaker 4 (01:00:43):

The Daily Zeitgeist News

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