Episode Transcript
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Speaker 1 (00:00):
Hello the Internet, and welcome to this episode of the
Consolation President President trend c Hey, hey nailed there. It
is it ak We realized too late. That's all we
should have done for our for our Wednesday episode. That
song just Loui Dian Loup.
Speaker 2 (00:24):
Yeah, oh boy, hey man, but you nailed it, ponious pilot,
Wait to go.
Speaker 1 (00:31):
My name is Jack. That over there is mister Miles
Gray is Thursday, November seventh. Yeah, the l takes are
coming in fast and furious. Yeah, we got The National
Review is saying that Biden should pardon Trump for some reason.
Speaker 2 (00:52):
Uh wait, what's the point of that, like spare yourself
from his like his wrath once he's in office?
Speaker 1 (00:59):
Oh yeah, maybe is that what it is?
Speaker 2 (01:01):
Like he save your own ass? Just just pardon him now.
Speaker 1 (01:05):
I think it's just the general trend that we're seeing
with the mainstream media where they're like Trump won, he
was right about everything, right, Like that must mean every
impulse we had about you know, social justice, any like
progressive economic policy, we should be ashamed of that and
like pretend like we actually like don't we were. We're
sorry for that.
Speaker 2 (01:31):
Yeah, there was I think more on Morning Joe. Maybe
I think it was Joe Scarborough was trying to Yeah,
yeah it was. It was like Joe Scarborough saying it
was trans yeah, and like helping and supporting trans people
got Donald Trump elected. So as if to be like
that was a misstep, get the fuck out of here.
The problem is that people don't aren't looking in an
intersectional way enough, which is how people get lost in
the cracks because people only look out for themselves anyway. Yeah,
there's a so there's other ones. So many takes are
like America needs to come together now to what about
Like that's kind of how this ship would work, is
like with this kind of presidency looming is to be
like let's just lay down, just lay.
Speaker 1 (02:19):
Down, now, show him your belly. You swear to god,
he'll just tickle it. I saw a somebody be like
Biden should do the right thing. There's so many people
with advice for Biden right now, like that he's gonna
suddenly start taking good at place.
Speaker 2 (02:36):
Well yeah, would you have to say, dude.
Speaker 1 (02:37):
So one of them is there's there's a lot of
takes being like Biden needs to like do make tons
of changes to protect the American presidency, to protect democracy,
like just force through all these changes. It's like he
didn't do that when he was a like I newly
elected president. Why would he be able to do that?
Now they're also saying, I've seen a take that he
should step down and allow Kamala to be the first
woman president by default.
Speaker 2 (03:05):
That's so fucking Patron's so for real. Yeah, and like
I and I get that the as in terms of
like a campaign, being able to run that campaign from
the time Biden stepped down to election day was no
normal feat. That was actually pretty extraordinary, given like just
purely the coordination of it all. Obviously there were a
lot of problems with messaging and policy and stuff like that.
But then to just be like, and you know what, here,
have a lick of my ice cream cone. Yeah, that
that's actually psych I like ice cream too much, Jack, Sorry, Jack,
this is my ice cream.
Speaker 1 (03:42):
A nice tramac schera. It falls down the front of
his shirt. A uh then he starts crying. Anyways. Uh,
it's I don't know, very very discouraging that the mainstream
take away from this is going to be it's the
left fault. But we kind of knew that even heading
into the.
Speaker 2 (04:05):
Yeah, it's not fully come out yet because there's also
a lot of people like when you look at third
party votes too, and like certain swing states, like even
if you added the votes that were people voted third
party or something, that wouldn't have been enough to beat Trump. Also, yeah,
so I think I think, like the mainstream media is
probably they're just they need a little more data before
they really they really do a full throated finger pointing
match as to what happened, rather than saying, like, yeah,
just not delivering for working people isn't going to help.
And trust me, I think and the people who voted
for Trump, it's going to be a rude awakening when
he also does not deliver for working people. But Jesus,
Yeah anyway.
Speaker 1 (04:46):
Yeah, I mean, if we still had like normal elections,
it would continue to go back and forth like this forever.
Just whoever was not running theopotito, Yeah exactly. Anyways, Hey,
at least somebody had a good election night. And I'm
talking of course about meditation apps. So Calm, the meditation
app that is, like the one that's not Headspace. I
feel like those are the two meditation apps decided to
advertise during the election, like it was the Super Bowl.
They advertised on CNN and ABC Comedy Central, and their
ads were kind of ingenious, just thirty seconds of silence,
which anytime there's an ad that is silent, I will
stole it. What every thing and be like, what the
fuck is that person doing?
Speaker 2 (05:31):
My idiot box went quiet?
Speaker 1 (05:34):
It must be broken. Everybody should dropped my kid? Did
you run over the slap the side? Yeah?
Speaker 2 (05:40):
Fop of the side now.
Speaker 1 (05:42):
Anyways, this is the first time Calm has attempted to
mine our national political trauma. They also sponsored the CNN
key race alerts in twenty twenty, and more recently sent
their users push alerts during the Trump Biden debate, which
is I feel.
Speaker 2 (05:59):
Like, okay, relax, Like, on the one hand.
Speaker 1 (06:03):
Like this might be the best advertisement for meditation since
David Lynch. Like not the ad itself, but the fact
that they were clear minded enough to be like, man,
a lot of this is going to be bad for
a lot of people. Yeah, their mind. This debate is
going to break people's brains. And then ahead of the
election they knew that. Again, unless part of me is like,
are they using our heart rate? Mon? Like, you know
all those apps like have access to so much of
our data, like your health stuff is there, just like
the CEO of their company sitting in a room like
the Bad Guy and Watchmen with just like monitors of
every American's health metrics and just being like, we've got
things of spiking, just like some real black mirror shit.
Speaker 2 (06:48):
Yeah yeah, I mean, I mean that there are other
ones too that I think the other ones they had
like nature sounds and they are It's it is funny
how disorienting it is because it's used to like the
cacophony of like like and just like what the fuck
that when you hear like birds chirping, You're like, am
I okay?
Speaker 1 (07:07):
Did I did I just die? Did I just die?
Why do I so happy? Am i? Uh? It apparently
paid off big time. The calm app jumped more than
one hundred spots in the app store. And we're always
looking at the app store charts here see what apps
are hot. But yeah, I don't know. I tend to
think of my smartphone as my NonStop anxiety pipeline. So
it's it's cool that they have locked down, though, Like
what if it wasn't outside of things, what if you
didn't have to do that?
Speaker 2 (07:47):
Yeah, that's why. I like the you know, in the
beginning of lockdowns. I just love that like three D
audio nature headphone shit I would used to wear and
just bliss out.
Speaker 1 (07:55):
Yeah what if? What if? Not here? Let us send
you a push notification to remind.
Speaker 2 (08:01):
You, Hey, relax, okay, thanks.
Speaker 1 (08:04):
The other things that were happening on the idiot boxes
of America on election night. First of all, far fewer
people watching the election on TV this time around, a
sharp drop, I think, just generally. Even though the mainstream
media takes in the aftermath of the election are pretty infuriating,
the overall way that this election went I think is
the best indication we have yet that nobody is paying
attention to the instream media takes, so don't we don't
have to get too upset by them. But on various outlets,
it was it just felt like a game show, right, Yeah.
Speaker 2 (08:46):
I remember it was so funny. I pissed off her
majesty when we were watching because there was a shot
on like MSNBC or they have this augmented reality thing
where like it seemed like they were just they set
up a stage outside like the back of the White House,
and I was like, WHOA look at that camera shot
went whoa, what was that camera shot? And so are
you fucking what? And I was like yeah, wowie, yeah,
it's like they got me. It's it was very, very
overly slick production for something when you're just waiting, like a.
Speaker 1 (09:15):
Sweeping crane shot type thing.
Speaker 2 (09:18):
It was like it just pushed away from Karnaki and
it looked like there were steps down and then that
was like onto like the west lawn of the White
House or whatever they whatever they call that.
Speaker 1 (09:27):
Big fuck.
Speaker 2 (09:28):
Yeah it was, it was. It was weird.
Speaker 1 (09:31):
They had a Kornaki cam that followed and I'm quoting
here map daddy, Steve Kornaki.
Speaker 2 (09:38):
I prefer daddy map.
Speaker 1 (09:40):
Yeah, well I'm the make it to make it, to
make it, to make it a map daddy. But uh
cool criss cross reference.
Speaker 2 (09:48):
Yes, sorry, I'm years old. Yep.
Speaker 1 (09:50):
It followed him the entire time On YouTube, you could
just tune in to watch him like freaking out quietly
on the sidelines, like out off camera. They were just
there was somebody just following him the entire time, like
some sort of fucking psychological experiment.
Speaker 2 (10:08):
Yeah, it wasn't it just again, no need for that,
no need for that. But it becomes Yeah, it just
becomes like an eyeball palooza election, right, It's so weird that.
Speaker 1 (10:18):
We keep electing a morally bankrupt reality show star when
we treat our elections like a game show.
Speaker 2 (10:25):
Yeah, acid trip game shows.
Speaker 1 (10:27):
CNN released an app version of their quote iconic Magic Wall,
which is that just the map like the that you
can like hit Like, do they think they invented the
touch screen?
Speaker 2 (10:41):
Look? Jack, It's Iconic Magic Wall, and we made it
an app that way we could get users to agree
to our weird privacy terms and conditions so we can
just start siphoning dat off whatever. It's iconic, man, it's iconic.
Speaker 1 (10:52):
Wow. You two can pretend to be John King. Fuck yeah,
play normalize the creeping threat of fascism from your own
living room. Amazon Prime had an election night event that
our writer JM went and sought out. I was not
aware this was happening. It was hosted by Brian Williams,
who we all know from his poetic soliloquy about the
beauty of our weapons as like missiles were being launched
under the Middle East and the entire set was just
one big screen so that it could be shot in
Brian Williams's like basement. I guess, I don't know. I
don't know what was.
Speaker 2 (11:36):
Going on a set based on how big the amount
of movement, I think that was happening on that big set.
Speaker 1 (11:42):
Yeah, it's a big old screen and it just like
the background looked like a weird AI slop hodgepodge of
like American iconography. Like on the left there was like
the red like the Arizona Devil's Tower, I think is
what that is, like the you know, Desert Mountain.
Speaker 2 (12:05):
Is that why they're Grand Canyon or just some Arizona shit.
Speaker 1 (12:08):
I think that's just some Arizona shit, right.
Speaker 2 (12:10):
Shout out to that Arizona shit.
Speaker 1 (12:12):
Yeah. Yeah, from sea to Shining Sea and everything. Yeah.
He was also like the his desk was in the
middle of a road. It was really like half assed,
like it looked like a college TV station production, because.
Speaker 2 (12:30):
So much shit on television, especially like news and like
sports broadcasts are just big green screen walls, so like
it can be anywhere and yeah, if you don't have
that really sorted out, just like I don't know, what
do we have for a backblade there? Yeah, just put
them on that rural road.
Speaker 1 (12:46):
Which it did look like AI slot because like the road,
like the I can't tell if the camera is like
really low because there's all these American flags along the
side of the highway. There's also a car approach in
the background, so it looks like he's about to be
squashed like a bug. But the small American flags look
huge because of I guess the camera angle, or maybe.
Speaker 2 (13:10):
It is just AI slot or they just huge s flags.
Speaker 1 (13:13):
And then over in the UK, Channel four hosted a
panel that included Brian Cox because he was in succession,
Boris Johnson, their former Prime minister, and Stormy Daniels.
Speaker 2 (13:25):
Damn all right, that's all right, that's a decent spread.
Channel here we go. Yeah cool, but.
Speaker 1 (13:31):
Yeah, I don't know, maybe there's a danger of treating
elections like the super Bowl, but but yeah, you know,
it's too early to tell.
Speaker 2 (13:41):
Yeah, I mean yeah, turning it into again it's like
the horse race of it all and then really really
having that whole aesthetic over it. It's like, is this serious?
Like what does it mean when the number hits two seventy?
Speaker 1 (13:56):
All right, let's take a quick break and we'll be
right back. And we're back.
Speaker 2 (14:11):
We're back.
Speaker 1 (14:12):
There's a new trend in people's jobs ending, and now
it's time for the bosses to snap back.
Speaker 2 (14:22):
It's so wild that we went from but prior to this,
your employees are fucking around, they're fucking rears, anteeism and
quiet quitting, and now on a dime, Fast Company is like,
silent firing is the new quiet quitting. It's like, what
the fuck is that? And that's essentially what any person
has probably experienced at a job, when they just make
your workload so unbearable that you just choose to leave. Yeah,
and then they can automate the job. It sounds like
kind of like where they're they're.
Speaker 1 (14:55):
That's what they're thinking, Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, it's like
just make it untenable, then we don't you don't have
to fire them.
Speaker 2 (15:00):
You just make their situation untenable, they leave, and now
you can swap that in for some kind of large
language model.
Speaker 1 (15:07):
So quiet quitting was when described by the employees who
engage in it, just doing your job quietly, like you
I know, like generally they were like, you know, it's
when you stop showing up for work and like you
just don't tell your boss. But like, really, what it
seemed like it was just like not putting in one
hundred and ten percent, just minimal effort. Yeah, minimal effort,
just do what you got to do a base yet fired.
Yeah exactly, I'm not going to fucking dress.
Speaker 2 (15:35):
Up for your them day. No, I got the job done.
Can I go home?
Speaker 1 (15:39):
Their equivalent is like, well, two can play at that game.
We will work you so cruelly that you will get
like be physically unable to do the job, so that
we don't have to pay you any sort of severance
when we fired you. Yeah, because you quit. Yeah, I mean, yeah,
it's okay, that's your life that you want you all
the Also, this is not a new invention. This is
what bosses have been doing for a long time. But
the idea that they're like putting it in the same
category as quiet quitting is a very predictable.
Speaker 2 (16:12):
It's like, yeah, they're like like being able to say, like,
hey man, you can do it morally. If there's quiet quitting,
there's silent firing managerial class. Now go do your thing.
Speaker 1 (16:23):
Yeah, there's a story about Gladiator two. Gladiator two is
a film that's coming sooner than I realized. It's only
coming out in a couple weeks November twenty second. I
was not here for the episode where you guys watched
the trailer. Just watch the trailer.
Speaker 2 (16:42):
What do you think?
Speaker 1 (16:42):
Man excited that it feels like they've gone like maximal list.
Oh you know with Maximus's story, they've gone maximal list.
It looks bonkers, Like it looks like they were just like,
let's just like to put wild idea.
Speaker 2 (17:01):
What if we flooded the coliseum and put sharks in
it and then do naval battles? Yeah yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah,
yeah yeah.
Speaker 1 (17:08):
Ye're trying to think of like the equivalent movie that
like Rambo one, which was called first Blood, not Rambo one,
but like it was this like gritty thing that was
supposed to be like about PTSD, and I think he
kills like one person, and then the second one is
like a superhero movie where he's like this unkillable person
who defeats the entire Vietnamese army that is still like
at yeah, so it's like it's kind of he's.
Speaker 2 (17:36):
He's righting some wrongs.
Speaker 1 (17:38):
Jack, Yeah, can we get to win this time?
Speaker 2 (17:41):
Speaker 1 (17:42):
Me? Do we get? It's like that combined with Gremlins two,
Like Gremlins two where they just like introduce their like
what fuck it, dude, Like the first Gremlins movie is
like and then we'll have this one gremlin Stripe who's
like a little different and the other ones and as wild.
They're like, all right, this time we're gonna have like
three Wu Tang clans worth of Gremlins that all have
like unique personalities that will fuck your world up. You
won't be able to keep track of them. But uh,
each each shot will introduce a new type of Gremlin
that that kind of feels like what we've gone just
complete over the top maximalism. I The one thing is like,
I for some reason, I heard Denzel was in it.
I heard Pedro Pascal was in it, and I had
just pre cast the movie as like Pedro Pascal is
going to be in the Maximus Oh role. Okay, yeah, yeah,
Paul Muscal instead is in the Pedro Pescal role. H
But people who've gone to early screening seem to be
enjoying him. It just feels like one of those movies
where they're like double the action, double the characters, right,
that's not atars, Yeah, but I don't know when some
of the character that they're introducing are sharks. Yes, please, yes, please,
of course.
Speaker 2 (19:08):
I just like that. Now in the Hollywood Reporter, there's
a thing that said Gladiator Too is quote total Hollywood bullshit.
Top historian snaps.
Speaker 1 (19:17):
Yeah, I don't know about this. I don't like that.
Speaker 2 (19:20):
No shit. Also, like, where's this where's this energy for
like every other fucking historical film, right, Like, and I
get it that it's you were talking about fucking navy
battleship battles and sharks in the water, Like, yeah, we
get it. We're not here for the fuck. I didn't
go there to be like, what do you mean? This
isn't Ken Burns's Gladiator too, right?
Speaker 1 (19:41):
They I mean, so what they've done, they've taken a
thing that blew my mind when I first learned about it.
They held naval battles in the arena. They flood the
arena and hold naval battles in it. And I always assumed, well,
the first Gladiator didn't have that detail in it because
it seems too over the top to be believed. Right,
They were like, Okay, well, if we're gonna do that, like,
we might as well throw some fucking killer sharks in
the water. Why not?
Speaker 2 (20:13):
Fuck it? If there's water, we gotta well, obviously you
got a heighten it. Like everything has to present some
kind of like threat, like because if you're knocked off
the boat, like you don't want to be not you
fucking die, bro, the shark will fucking eat your what
was it bite your whole shit? What was your whole Yeah,
it'll bite your whole shit like Jack like it was
Forehold and then Jack O'Brian prophecies.
Speaker 1 (20:33):
Speaker 2 (20:34):
But I wonder though, too, if did they write this
just because like just thinking about the Roman Empire is
like such a meme thing that they're like, we got
someone who's a historian on all things Roman Empire, and
they say, hold onto your butts, bros. That it's not accurate.
I don't know.
Speaker 1 (20:51):
I don't know, man. I'm I'm excited to watch this movie,
and it's not just because I'm trying to get that
bucket too. Yeah, the bucket looks awesome everything right. Yeah,
the early reviews from humans not necessarily critics. I haven't
talked to or read all the critical reviews, but a
lot of people seem to be receiving it quite warmly.
Speaker 2 (21:14):
Yeah, if your expectations are where they need to be,
which is you're going to see just a fucking extravaganza
box office you know, tent pole kind of film. They
pulled out all the stops. Then, yeah, I'm not expecting
to see like great story. I mean, Denzel doesn't even
his character isn't even he's not even doing a character
in his performance. No, with that, that's fine. I know
what I'm getting into. Denzel's gonna be like, ahh, so
you're a gladiator and it's like yeah, sure, yeah.
Speaker 1 (21:44):
Yeah, it looks like just a classic Denzel Washington as
Denzel Washington character.
Speaker 2 (21:51):
Yeah, that's him at his best.
Speaker 1 (21:53):
Finally, we're going to bid a fond farewell to the
voice of AOL's iconic You've Got Mail.
Speaker 2 (21:59):
You've Got Mail.
Speaker 1 (22:00):
Yeah, that guy passed away at seventy four. Name before
was Ellwood Edwards. Fucking great name, all.
Speaker 2 (22:08):
Right, Elo, Elwood Edwards, the wild shit. He only made
two hundred dollars for that gig?
Speaker 1 (22:13):
Is that real?
Speaker 2 (22:14):
Speaker 1 (22:15):
Fucking capitalism, So cool.
Speaker 2 (22:17):
You've Got Mail, Wild's done, good goodbye, and to you
we bid you Elwood Edwards goodbye.
Speaker 1 (22:27):
Yeah. Oh man, the number of Morning Zoo shows that
are making that joke, I feel like they'd be more respectful,
to be honest, we're going through some shiit so yeah sorry, yeah.
Speaker 2 (22:42):
We're working some shit out in real time.
Speaker 1 (22:44):
Sorry, fuck at the morning zoo. Yeah, I do wonder like,
is he the most heard voice of the past like
forty years, Like what could have been? I guest Siri Aleta.
Speaker 2 (22:56):
Yeah, it's got to be one of those at this point.
But for people of a certain age, I think we
all grew up with that, or even just the sound
of like the chat when someone would like enter on
an instemester door open. Yeah, yep, that shit too. Those
are those are goaded sound effects from my mind.
Speaker 1 (23:11):
That door is actually working at porn now. You can
see it in the background of a bunch of Yeah
all right. Those are some of the things that are
trending on this Thursday, November seventh. We are back tomorrow
with a whole last episode of the show. Until then,
be kind to each other, be kind to yourselves, get
the vaccine, get your flu shots, don't do nothing about
white supremacy, and we will talk to you all tomorrow.
Speaker 2 (23:37):
Bye bye.