All Episodes

September 20, 2024 67 mins

In episode 1746, Jack and Miles are joined by comedian, Lydia Popovich, to discuss… Elon Musk America’s Foremost Poet Might Yet Destroy Our Country, MAGA Fashion Show Was Actually Really Bad? Some Pastor TIME TRAVELED And Saved Trump (From A Different Assassination Attempt) and more!

  1. Elon Musk America’s Foremost Poet Might Yet Destroy Our Country
  2. Russians made viral video falsely accusing Harris of a hit-and-run: Microsoft
  3. MAGA Fashion Show Was Actually Really Bad?
  4. Some Pastor TIME TRAVELED And Saved Trump (From A Different Assassination Attempt)

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:05):
Yeah, you're wearing a sweatshirt and ship. I'm in shorts
and a tea.

Speaker 2 (00:08):
I'm on a sweatshirt on my porch. I'm comfortable as fuck.
Oh you're in your porch porch right now. This is
you're out of doors. I am out of doors. It's
a thing that we have in places that are not
Los Angeles. We we have we got yards and porches
and ship. Like this chair that I'm in technically reclines
for technically, I mean I can't. I'm not doing it now,

So it does okay, you know, like the chair reclining.
I just if I go into recline mode, then I
go into full porch mode, which means I won't be
participating in this conversation.

Speaker 1 (00:42):
Yeah, you're like Lydia. What you think about that?

Speaker 3 (00:45):
You like, Yeah, just appears in your hand all the
way back exactly.

Speaker 2 (00:50):
Yeah, Like you guys will look away and I'll just
be like this.

Speaker 1 (00:53):
Yeah, they're like yo yoyo. She her sweatshirts, burning the joint.

Speaker 2 (00:59):

Speaker 4 (01:08):
Hello the Internet, and welcome to season three point fifty six, episode.

Speaker 1 (01:12):
Five of Dear Daly's Guys.

Speaker 4 (01:15):
Production of iHeartRadio America's Only Undecided Voter podcast.

Speaker 1 (01:20):
Truly, we are the New York Times.

Speaker 4 (01:22):
If you want to throw a viewing party for us,
we're here, we're available, and I swear we're undecided. We
don't know, we don't know, we don't They both, they both.
I mean I just need to hear more from both
of them about their opinions the New York Times. So
come give me a front page interview. Wait, Joe Biden

is out of the race.

Speaker 1 (01:44):
Wait, okay, see this is why I'm glad you guys
hit me up, because I'm on that's how un decided.

Speaker 2 (01:49):
I don't even know what's going on.

Speaker 4 (01:52):
I do love the one person they've got the five
like go to undecided voters on the front page of
the New York Times anytime there's like an election development there,
What do our five undecided voters? And one of them
just like doesn't give a fuck about the election. It's
just like I don't know. I'm working. So yeah, so
you would you stop calling my house?

Speaker 2 (02:11):

Speaker 4 (02:11):
Anyway, it is Friday, September twentieth, twenty four.

Speaker 2 (02:17):
It's Friday. Yeah, let's go wonderful morning zoo.

Speaker 1 (02:21):
Yeah, it's also National Care for Kids' Day, National Friday.
Rice Day, Pepperoni Pizza Day, National string Cheese Day, shout
all my preschoolers, National Punch Day, National Tradesman Day, and
National pow am I Recognition Day.

Speaker 2 (02:36):
Wow. We got a chop full of holidays today, chalk.

Speaker 1 (02:39):
Full commemorative days.

Speaker 4 (02:40):
String cheese not just for preschoolers.

Speaker 2 (02:43):
Okay, right? So do you just bite?

Speaker 1 (02:45):
I know, I know you're you're eating that string you Oh,
you don't respect the string anymore? Is that how you be?

Speaker 5 (02:52):

Speaker 2 (02:52):

Speaker 1 (02:52):
Fucking adult bro? What what kind of mood on them?

Speaker 4 (02:55):
You know?

Speaker 2 (02:55):

Speaker 1 (02:56):
I steal my baby string cheese, and I I have to,
like my inner child doesn't only knows how to eat
string cheese one way, and I like to do the thinnest,
little straightest little strands.

Speaker 4 (03:08):
You're a better person.

Speaker 1 (03:10):
I'm an artisan.

Speaker 4 (03:11):
Yeah, you're you're just you're You're much more patient than
I I need. I need to bite off a Honker
m off top and then sometimes I'll do a little
little strip tease with the string cheese. I don't know
that's a weird thing to say. I don't like that
at all. My name is Jack O'Brien, ak Pissy Elliott,

beat beat, whose person lips and the gee soon his
courtesy of Macaroni on the discord.

Speaker 1 (03:41):
Wow, it's my favorite part song.

Speaker 4 (03:47):
He said he did have a slurping noise in there,
but after saying string cheese strip tease, I felt like
people's gag reflex probably couldn't take another weird thing.

Speaker 1 (03:58):
No, I thought it was essual. Oh good, Thank you
a very central image, Miles.

Speaker 4 (04:02):
I'm thrilled to be joined as always by my co host,
mister Miles Gray.

Speaker 1 (04:08):
Yes, it's Miles Great aka the Lord of Lancasham aka
the Showgun with No Gun aka Bill Shitters b Cuz
I love.

Speaker 6 (04:16):
Beddays, love bed days, love God days, love mid days,
love bid days, love bid days.

Speaker 1 (04:24):
Anyway, I was just thinking about that this morning as
I used a bid.

Speaker 4 (04:27):
Day, I was just off that was a Miles original.

Speaker 2 (04:29):
Just had it.

Speaker 1 (04:30):
Yeah, that didn't even come from this love.

Speaker 6 (04:31):
Good day, loved days, love God days.

Speaker 1 (04:36):
It just it all works. It's elegant, it's useful. Thank
you for having me back.

Speaker 4 (04:41):
It's great to have youank you so much, and Miles,
we are thrilled to be joined in our third seat
by a hilarious comedian, one of our favorite guests on TDZ,
Baby Once touched your arm and said, hey, you're pretty funny.
You can see her on stages everywhere from California to
London to Berlanda and Singapore. It's Lydia, Papa.

Speaker 2 (05:05):
I'd just like to just mention, in light of the
recent Dave Girl news, that I did not get pregnant
when he touched my arm, unfortunately unfortunately. But if there was,
I mean, it could have been a close call. I mean, honestly,
if there was a chance I would have had a
side baby with Dave Girl, I mean, why not? I mean,

why not? You know what I mean? Why not? Let's go,
let's everybody's trying to take America's favorite dad down, Like like, guys,
aren't fucking side peeps all of the time. It's happening constantly.
I know. That's what my question.

Speaker 4 (05:38):
I guess that I was surprised that people were surprised
by he's.

Speaker 2 (05:45):
A rock star.

Speaker 4 (05:47):
He's a touring rock like music.

Speaker 2 (05:49):
Are you trying to think he's just not like taste
and tail on every single stop?

Speaker 1 (05:54):
Taste in tail?

Speaker 2 (05:55):
Why wouldn't he be.

Speaker 1 (05:58):
Taste in tail like a hunter at a buffet, you.

Speaker 5 (06:00):
Know what I mean?

Speaker 2 (06:01):
Just a little borcel of the of the of the
local offerings.

Speaker 1 (06:05):
You know, Yeah, I mean I I think I don't
I expect most people who are touring at that level
to have some kind of open relationships slash secretly fucked
up marriage. Yeah, but that's just I know a lot
of people were shocked. They're like Jack Black and now
Dave Grohl. I'm like, I don't know if Dave that's
not really like disappointed.

Speaker 2 (06:26):
It's shocking for his family, but yeah, it's shocking that
it took this long.

Speaker 4 (06:31):
Right, do you know what I mean? His family should
be grateful. That's what we're here to say.

Speaker 1 (06:35):
I mean, he's kept it together for how many albums
He's got at least.

Speaker 2 (06:38):
A nineteen year old daughter, she got nineteen great dad
years out of him. You know what I'm saying, Like,
let's let's right, right, let's see what's going on, you
know what I mean? And what is she doing with
those bold jeans? You know what I mean? Let's pass around.

Speaker 4 (06:50):
Yeah, at an interpersonal level, it sucks. At a news level, though,
is was he like, did he have a dead blog
or something that I didn't like? Was he like pitching
himself as like America's most dead or it's just because
like Dad Rock.

Speaker 1 (07:05):
Became, it's because he's just not a piece of ship.

Speaker 2 (07:08):
That's exactly.

Speaker 1 (07:10):
Like he likes to big up younger fans, like talented musicians.
He brings him on stage. He's very gracious and you know,
very generous with his time and energy. And I think
so then people are like, but he he has like
extra miritors.

Speaker 2 (07:23):
She's like, well, yeah, everybody, let's yeah, it was at
least consensual and on purpose, you know what I mean?

Speaker 4 (07:32):
But right, he does, I guess, And this is me
speaking as like a non expert, but he does. He
does seem like hold on, not like high on the
list of people with like sexual charisma as far as
like rock stars go. Like, he seems to be more
in the like eighties TV Dead Rainey.

Speaker 2 (07:56):
I was just say, you're not an expert on extra
marital affairs or you're not an expert and like Dave Girls.

Speaker 4 (08:01):
I'm not an expert on day sexual charisma.

Speaker 2 (08:04):
Gotcha. I guess I am.

Speaker 4 (08:06):
An expert on people with the sexual charisma of an
eighties TV gotcha?

Speaker 2 (08:11):
Gotcha? Alarm? I mean, as a Foo Fighters fan, as
a Dave Girl fan, I can definitely speak to his
sexual charisma, which is high. It is high. It is
it is a high charisma, and it's because it's like
but it's like nice, approachable guy. It's like, uh, like
you could get it, like you could, you could get it,
like you know, women are like, oh, he could get it,

Like Dave girl gives very like you could get it,
Like you could get this energy. It's a tainable rock
star energy. It's approachable rock star energy.

Speaker 1 (08:41):
Like Gavin Rossdale feels a little bit different where he's
like yeah, like he's like you know, greasy and smoke
a cigarettes.

Speaker 4 (08:48):
I don't know that right, you know, or like like
it would be breaking news if they were like Gavin
Rossdale doesn't have a secret kid, Like we actually just
did the research. It's actually kind of fucked up what's
going on.

Speaker 2 (09:03):
With him, and like it's like not as desperate as
as Drake just fucking wagon his ding dong across TikTok,
you know what I mean. It's kind of just this
place where you're like, I don't think he wants it,
but like I could probably get it if I needed it,
you know. And evidently someone got it, uh and needed
it and has it and now has a little receipt
running around, you know, and at least he passed out.

Speaker 4 (09:27):
And that is how I think of my kids as
risky little receipt that I did have said, Yeah, that's right.

Speaker 1 (09:35):
Oh you think I'm a virgin.

Speaker 2 (09:37):
Hey, so number one get over here? Who's this?

Speaker 1 (09:41):
Yeah, I don't know some kids.

Speaker 2 (09:43):
That one's too tall. That's CVS. That's not mine. That's
not mine.

Speaker 4 (09:48):
That CVS isn't mine. All right Lydia, we are thrilled
to have you back. We're going to get to know
you a little bit better in a moment. First, we're
going to tell the listeners a couple of the things
we're talking about today on this very special video episode
eventual video. There will be a video version of this

episode that you can go watch at some point, probably
next week. Anyways, We're gonna talk about Elon Musk being
a great poet, bad for democracy. We are going to
talk about fashion show that took place at the Cooma,
Long Island, America first warehouse. That is something else, something

to behold. We'll check in with a preacher who prevented
a third Trump assassination in using time travel. This is
someone who's been in a room with Donald Trump, I believe, yeah, yeah,
yeah man, and he has a wild tale to tell.
So all of that plenty more. But first Lydia, we

do like to ask our guests, what is something from
your search history that's revealing about who you are?

Speaker 2 (11:02):
So I recently searched how many inches is seventy nine
centimeters because I am still one of the people who
does not understand that conversion. And the reason why is
because I was actually searching bespoke pantry cabinet units from
this company that makes these like really cool cabinet units

that you put all of your like grains and noodles
and flowers into. But it's made by a Swedish company
by hand, so it kind of looks like a card
catalog with like these really cool drawers and pull outs.
But each one of the little containers holds a kilogram
of flour or whatever. So I was like, how many
pounds is that? And then I was looking at how

big the whole thing was and how many I need
to like put it into my pantry because that's the
kind of life I live where I'm like, I've got
to get my dry goods organized, and hell yeah, the
only way to do it is by ordering this like
seven hundred dollars pantry system that's bespokely made and measured
to my unit needs and painted the color I want
and shipped to me so that I can have gorgeous

little drawer pools, so that when I go to pull
out my corn meal or my flower, it's a beautiful
and aesthetic experience.

Speaker 4 (12:10):
You some from some foreign land that still has the
metric system. I know, right, it hasn't switched over to inches.

Speaker 1 (12:16):
I like how you are, Like, I'm still one of
those people who hasn't figured out converting. Nobody help America.

Speaker 2 (12:22):
I wanted to see that shit. Yeah, I'm trying.

Speaker 4 (12:24):
Miles off the top of your head. Did you do
the guess in your brain?

Speaker 2 (12:27):

Speaker 1 (12:28):
Because I like I turned violent.

Speaker 2 (12:30):
I turned violent when I hear the brain just says
fuck that. Yeah, Like the fuck did you say?

Speaker 1 (12:35):
Seventy nine centimeters? You know, I get why, but.

Speaker 2 (12:39):
It still sounds like not a lot, right, like seventy
nine centimes. I'm like, how small is this? This is
a dollhouse? Like what does that mean? Oh shit, that's almost.

Speaker 4 (12:46):
My brain at first was like eight inches and then
I thought better. I was like, wait, no centimeter is
like kind of not that much smaller than that. Got
a little bit closer, so I guess thirty four after
taking some time to think about it, it is thirty
one point.

Speaker 1 (13:03):
One right, Okay, that makes sense because it's like I know,
I'm look here, here's my fucking math brain, right a
meter one hundred centimeters boom, got that seventy nine So
we're just short of about like a three foot stick. Yo.
That's how I kind of like, honestly, in my mind.

Speaker 2 (13:19):
You're one on point there, way to go.

Speaker 3 (13:23):
I want to see you be brave, and I just did. Yeah, anyway,
I'm super impressed. Seventy nine Incheslidds is two feet seven
point one two inchance, So yeah, truthfully, Miles killing it.

Speaker 2 (13:37):
Making those Asians proud being able to even get the
math in when you don't have math.

Speaker 1 (13:43):
It's probably also too I maybe now, I was like,
probably from when I was bagging up weed all the time,
because that's always in grams. But no, you don't really,
that doesn't That doesn't tell anything about centimeters. So you
know what, I rest my case, my honor.

Speaker 2 (13:54):
Yeah, unless you're like, I'm gonna just bag up grams
until I have three feet long. I'm gonna put this
yard and then I don't want to see how many.

Speaker 3 (14:03):
Dime bags make it a yards worth of wh What
if I was like one of weed?

Speaker 1 (14:09):

Speaker 2 (14:10):
Yes, my good man, yes, could you give me a
half yard of weed? Thank you? You got that? Cool?

Speaker 1 (14:14):
Absolutely absolutely one moment it's a cow. Yeah, I'll take
forty centimeters of cannabis, my good man, forty centimeters.

Speaker 4 (14:25):
I am instinctively anti metric system pro inches And then
they give you like the inches conversion and it's like
thirty four point three and you're like, oh inches, Like
don't go you can't. There's no there's nothing that you
can like break it up as point three because could
you give me that as a fraction of twelve by

any chance?

Speaker 2 (14:49):
Well? And that's exactly that was my exact problem. I
was like, okay, so two feet seven point one oh
two inches? Like the fuck? How am I supposed to? Like?
I can't round up and run down? And that's when
I jumped over to be like, can I just tell
you how many inches I want this shit? And can
you make it that many inches? Or like yeah, do
I have to approximate a point? Because if I want

this thing? To fit flush, like or I need two
of them to fit flush. I don't want to deal
with how do I deal with a point one oh
two gap? Like how does that right? Or overage that
you have to account for? Right? Right?

Speaker 1 (15:20):
I like them? And then this person's like fucking American.

Speaker 2 (15:22):
Correct, we got to stop selling to these motherfuckers. Correct.

Speaker 4 (15:25):
Yeah, the rest of the world should have known they
were in trouble when we were like, yeah, metric system
by ninety three. Swear to god, ninety three we're on
the metric system. We're so sorry it's taken us this long.
And then we just like blew through that shit.

Speaker 1 (15:38):
Was that a thing we were going to do?

Speaker 4 (15:39):
I remember when I was in elementary school, they were
in like the eighties. They were like and pretty soon
we're all going to be on the metric system, So like,
just be rid.

Speaker 2 (15:50):
I don't remember that that are you? Do You sure
you went to like school in the eighties and not
like the nineteen sixties when they were also talking to
you about red China taking everything over, Like I just
feels like a super old like we're all going to
be on the metrics system.

Speaker 4 (16:02):
We're not part of the same training system that Black
Widow was a part of in the Marvel films, So
maybe that is where I'm getting this from.

Speaker 2 (16:10):
Yeah fair, fair, Yeah fair.

Speaker 4 (16:12):
What is something you think is underrated?

Speaker 2 (16:14):
Honestly, September September wildly underrated. People want to jump. People
love summer, They get hype about summer, they get hype
about Halloween. They want to just skip over September right
into October into spooky, uky shit, and they just they
only associate fall with fucking October November. And I'm here
to tell you September is elite. September is an elite time.

People's kids are back to school. That's a beautiful time
to travel. Everyone in Europe has gone back to their job. Like,
if you want to go somewhere and have it be
cheap and September, go anywhere you want to go in September.
The only time September sucks is California, because California decides
to get balls hot in September. Whenever it else, It's like,
hey man, how about a cool breeze.

Speaker 1 (17:01):
That's why when I saw you come on, I'm like, damn,
what's Tennessee?

Speaker 2 (17:04):

Speaker 1 (17:04):
You have a sweatshirt of well, actually it's not bad.

Speaker 2 (17:07):

Speaker 1 (17:07):
We got through a terrible heat wave and it's like
back to kind of you know, mid seventies. But you've
still got two more week square.

Speaker 2 (17:14):
That shit could come right back at any moment, I know,
I mean shit even up until November.

Speaker 1 (17:19):
Like you're in the danger zone in La Yeah, never know.

Speaker 2 (17:22):
But no, everywhere house, September is beautiful. It's gorgeous. I
love the blue sky, I love the light wind. All
the leaves are still on the trees, but they're turning
the colors. So it's like you get the beauty of
like the like the like the sweet first taste to fall,
but without the crushing reality of like leaves everywhere. Yeah,
and down here in the south.

Speaker 1 (17:43):
Up, No, it's you know, he's still on the weed top,
don't you don't start bagging it up, you know what
I mean, breaking it down?

Speaker 2 (17:51):
Five yards of leaves. You gotta get into a bag,
you know what I mean. You gotta get those together. No, man,
September is beautiful. It's a beautiful time of year. I
love it. And also it is my birthday month, not
that I celebrate, Okay, not that I'm a person who's like,
oh it's my birthday month, because that's also how old
do you stop it? Nobody gets a month, You get
a day.

Speaker 1 (18:08):
Calm down, yeah you get one day.

Speaker 2 (18:10):
Yeah, but I am you know, I am you know
pro libra. So let's go September.

Speaker 1 (18:14):
Oh so you're you're we're about to We're about to arrive.

Speaker 2 (18:17):
Because yeah, we we're still in Bergo, but we're about
to creep into that that.

Speaker 1 (18:21):
Libraec twenty six, twenty sixth Okay, I was getting, you know,
I was just taking.

Speaker 2 (18:27):
I was right at the end, right at the end.
But yeah, fuck yeah, man, September, I'm all about it.
I love it. Yeah, I love that.

Speaker 4 (18:33):
It is also the most common birthday month in America, humanity,
that world. September Oh yeah yeah, because breeding season technical
like when we tend to have the most sex, is
right around the holidays, Christmas, New Year's Eve, baby get
it in times out to September ninth is the averages

out to be the most annual newborns.

Speaker 2 (18:56):

Speaker 5 (18:57):

Speaker 4 (18:57):
So this is one of the more convincing on rated
that I've I'm fully convinced like there just needs to
be and could be just like an online thing of
people just celebrating September, September like the cold of September.

Speaker 2 (19:13):
But then also I'm like, let's keep it quiet, you
know what I mean, Yeah, like let's gate keep September
like if you know, you know, if you don't know,
keep it moving. Take your October ass into October. We
don't need you in September. Take your October as October as.

Speaker 4 (19:32):
I think a lot of like there are things that
are stealing the power of September and like, you know,
using that to their benefit, Like pumpkin spice totally became
such a massive thing because it's a thing that used
to be a sign that September was here. But then

you know, obviously Starbucks and late stage capitalism fucked it
up and was.

Speaker 2 (19:57):
Like what about July August? Yeah, yeah, yeah, but I
think you're right.

Speaker 4 (20:03):
Yeah, September is the deep seated love of September that
is unacknowledged, And maybe part of the joy is that
it is unacknowledged.

Speaker 2 (20:12):
It's just a chill, chill, quiet month before the ship
storm starts off the holidays.

Speaker 5 (20:18):
You know.

Speaker 2 (20:19):
I just feel like once October starts, you're just on it.
Like the longest fucking fair slide. You know, those slides
are affairs that just rare, Like I just feel like
that's what October initiates. It's just the I'm on a
burlap sack, just flying over plastic bumps uncomfortably trying to
get to the bottom.

Speaker 1 (20:35):
Some people are getting thrown off the slide because so
the angle is way too steep. Yeah. Yeah, It's also
like that. It's right before you get into that streak
where like there's a decoration for every fucking month after September,
it's like you got your Halloween doctor decorations and people
putting up fucking Fall cornucopia, Thanksgiving shit, and then fucking
December hits. It's also like a busy period for the decorators, yes,

amongst us, which I can't honestly, I can't keep up
with it.

Speaker 2 (21:03):
It's too much. It's just too much. Like I'll never
be one of those women who is like seasonally turning
out her pillows, you know what I mean, or like
changing out the flatwear and like the plates and like
the way the candles smell, and like I barely have
that shit in my house as it is, let alone
seasonal versions of it where I have to like go
to the attic and like pull out a tote that

says fall.

Speaker 1 (21:27):
Yeah, shout out to all those people that have that shit.
I feel like, yeah, that would be like a chore
at my friend's house when a season and they're like,
they'd be like, you guys need to put all the
decorations in the garage. Yeah, there's all these spiders in there.

Speaker 2 (21:37):
And you're like, why, I'm a guest. I came over
to spend the night the Halloween play Mario Brothers. Why
am I cleaning off your mom's porch?

Speaker 1 (21:45):
Like, they're like, because you're eating our food. Yeah, They're
like this shit into the groun. I'm like, Okay, that's fair.
That's a fair point.

Speaker 2 (21:50):
Hey, you guys both have kids, so let me ask
you a question. I read something recently on the Instagram
because that's where I read my news and TikTok and things. Yeah,
but that's great, right. There was this TikTok from this
who was like complaining because she had sent the other
mom basically an invoice for their play date. I saw that.
That's wild behavior, wild, that's wild.

Speaker 1 (22:09):
When I was like, wear in tear on my furniture,
yeah things, Yeah, I saw that virus.

Speaker 2 (22:15):
It wasn't like we went to the movies, no, no,
hit me back.

Speaker 1 (22:19):
She had no she had x amount of chips wear
in tear on my furniture. I had to clean something
up that's like three paper towels.

Speaker 2 (22:27):
It was like very I'm surprised there wasn't like a
supervisor fee, like I had to watch these kids supervis
you know what I mean. Like it was just I mean,
I totally understand if, like you said, you're going to
the movies, you're going to an amusement park like whatever,
like make sure they have some spending money. But I'm
just like that just is crazy behavior me. But you
just you reminded me that when you were talking just
about like what like why are you helping parents? Like

I remember doing that to remember going to people's houses,
and it's like, so I'm now a slave laborer, like
I came here to can't get and now I have
to help you with your chore?

Speaker 1 (23:00):
Do you like that French toast on me this morning?
I'm like, yeah, not that much justified, Jesus, I got
all these blisters on my My moms is better and
I get to watch cartoons after Like why am I here?

Speaker 2 (23:14):
You know, like yeah, crazy.

Speaker 4 (23:15):
No, I mean I think that's a little much. The
only thing I do is I make I make the
parents of friends that my kids have over pay a
portion of our insurance premium because those kids are being
covered under the insurance, you know, and so that's I'm taking.

Speaker 1 (23:30):
That makes you So that little fucker likes to do
just gainers off my roof. I don't know the is
wrong with him.

Speaker 4 (23:39):
I haven't heard gainers since middle school.

Speaker 1 (23:43):
It's a full gainer dude off the RIM's wrong with
this eight year old ship?

Speaker 2 (23:51):
Lydia? What's overrated? Brett Summer? Brett Summer is overrated? It
took me all of the summer to figure out what
the fuck it meant because I'm Brett Summer. What is this?
What is this? And I was just like, oh, it's
just messy and slightly related to a Charlie XCX song.
I think I don't know, but like, yeah, I just
think Brett Summer's overrated. Like why do we need to

celebrate being messy and being drunk? Like, isn't that just
summer Brett Summer? Like I don't like that we're fortifying
just like mid drifts and skinny glasses. You know what
I mean, Like, I just associate it with just like
the worst human being I've ever met, and I don't
want anything to do with it. I just don't like it.
Just sounds like a music festival wrapped in COVID to me.
I'm just like, I don't want any parts of bread summer. No,

thank god, I am.

Speaker 1 (24:35):
Are you going to brat summer?

Speaker 2 (24:36):
Nah? Man?

Speaker 1 (24:37):
No, sorry, I just went to the doctor. They said
I should just be really careful and I should not
be going to brat summer.

Speaker 2 (24:42):

Speaker 5 (24:42):

Speaker 2 (24:43):
I saw another thing on TikTok this girl was talking about.
She was like, I'm done with Brett Summer. I'm all
about me, Ma Fall, and like it spoke to me
so intensely that I like I've taken it to heart
where I'm like, yeah, I'm me, Ma Faul, Like, look
at me. I'm in a pink sweatshirt on my porch
that has like fucking yeah doodles on it. You know,
I'm all about I'm setting on the porch, not sitting

setting and setting on the porch with my dogs.

Speaker 1 (25:08):
Long, big, what are you fixing? What are you fixing
for supper?

Speaker 2 (25:11):
Later? I don't know when I'm fixing tonight. I'm probably
gonna order something in because I'm feeling a little lazy.
But but yeah, exactly, I want to fix that, Brad, Isn't.

Speaker 1 (25:22):
You know me? Mema would Mema would be just cooking
something low and slow right now.

Speaker 2 (25:27):
Honestly, Summer, I was just saying I would have something
in the crock pot. If I really was about my
summers or mema fault. Today, I would have something in
the crockpot today.

Speaker 4 (25:36):
It's a manner of cast something sort of something more.
The main ingredient is a cream of something.

Speaker 2 (25:42):

Speaker 1 (25:43):
Asked me what I made? Ask me what I made
last night for dinner? Would you make cream of There
was cream of my carole? That was like my room
soup got the green peas. I do my own ship.
I I like to saute and like gold, you know,
really get onions caramelized. I caramelized onions before I put
it with some garlic time and not put some sherry

wine to fucking you know, just just just to cook
it down a little bit, get that flavor because you know,
and then you put it with some panco on top. Baby, yep,
look it's peepaa.

Speaker 2 (26:15):
I'm telling you man, I made. I made a pot
road strogan Off yesterday and it was fucking fire. So honestly,
we're probably having leftovers of that if I'm an actual
real But that's what it's all about, man, That's what
I'm saying. Let's just let's just slow down. I'm gonna
wear my hair in a bue, I'm wearing caf dans.
I'm trigging Dike coke out of a Mason jar. You
know what I'm saying. I got my hummingbird feeders up.

I'm watching birds fight over nectar, you know, like that's
that's what I'm. That's what I'm. That's much more my speed.
I'm I'm, I'm me my fall all the way. Let's
let's go with that. Fuck Brett Summer. I can't, I can't,
I can't do it. I'm it's taking my entire body
to not just go off talking about hummingbirds. Right now.
We've had some hummingbird activity in our backyard.

Speaker 4 (26:57):
We have, man, we have, and the rumors are true Lydio,
there has been humming quite a bit of humming bread.
You know what, I can't get into it right now.

Speaker 2 (27:06):
I get I get it. I have a whole situation
going on out here too. Uh, it's wild, it's so wonderful. Yeah,
the highlights of wonder of the time of the day.
It's like seven or eight of them just going for it,
and they fucking fight. They dive bomb us. It's it's crazy.

Speaker 4 (27:21):
Oh yeah, shit, just whistles by your ear. It sounds
like you're in a war zone.

Speaker 1 (27:25):
Yeah, they dive by my dogs, which I think you know,
like a war zone when hummingbirds fly by your head exactly.

Speaker 4 (27:33):
This is spoken like somebody who's seen some ship right
by ship. I mean, I have had nerf guns fired
at my head, but my children. All right, let's take
a quick break. We'll come back. We're gonna talk about
some news. We'll be a right back, and we're back.

Speaker 2 (27:59):
We're back.

Speaker 4 (28:00):
And sometimes we like to just share a little poetry
to level set and everybody's soul in the right place,
just kind of calmb and. This is a work that
Andrew T actually shared with us yesterday right after we
stopped recording.

Speaker 1 (28:18):
That you thought was fake. I think you were saying
at first, like this can't be real, because.

Speaker 2 (28:22):
This can't be real. It's so good.

Speaker 4 (28:25):
It's from Elon Musk, who you might know from car
making particular.

Speaker 2 (28:30):
I thought he was an So he's a space guy, right.

Speaker 4 (28:34):
Astronaut car Henry Ford, Neil Armstrong, Henry Ford, hybrid Elon
Musk had this just like kind of spring forth from
his soul. All right, Atheism left an empty space. Secular
religion took its place, but left the people in despair childless.

Hedonism sans care. Oh well, buddy, maybe religion's not so
bad to keep you from being sad.

Speaker 1 (29:06):
Barow bar wow wow wow wow.

Speaker 2 (29:10):
I don't follow.

Speaker 4 (29:13):
Sorry, yeah, I know, I know we're supposed to do
a compliment sandwich in this writer's workshop.

Speaker 2 (29:18):
I don't get it.

Speaker 1 (29:19):
What the fuck does that mean?

Speaker 2 (29:20):
Man? Sorry, doesn't he have kids?

Speaker 4 (29:25):
Yeah, he's he's telling the story of humanity.

Speaker 2 (29:30):
Oh oh oh.

Speaker 4 (29:33):
But the order doesn't make any sense. So atheism. So
we were atheists at the front. Then secular religion take
its place, but left people in despair with childless heathen.
So secular religion left people child with childless. Hedonism sons
care but does sound like a skincare.

Speaker 2 (29:52):
But get children, because when I think of hedonism, I
definitely think of fucking raw all all day law.

Speaker 1 (29:58):
Yeah, it's like, yeah, I don't think condoms.

Speaker 2 (30:01):
No, I'm not thinking like plan like yeah, planned engagements.
I'm not thinking of safe, risk free activities.

Speaker 1 (30:07):
Do you remember that one viral video that old white
dude who is at the hedonism fucking resort and he's
r R and you're like one of.

Speaker 4 (30:16):
The worst things I've ever seen, Miles, I do.

Speaker 1 (30:18):
Remember that's saying that does not strike me as a
guy who's like an obviously responsible.

Speaker 2 (30:24):
Maybe that's what he means. San's care, Yeah, there's no
care the terran.

Speaker 4 (30:30):
Right right right, But then he like comes home at
the end and is like he has a thought that
I don't think anybody's ever had before. Maybe religion not
bad keep you from being said so?

Speaker 2 (30:44):
But like, why does it?

Speaker 4 (30:46):
It's just like something I was like thinking, the fucking
weird okay, crazy, But.

Speaker 2 (30:51):
Why does the last stanza if that's what it's called
to use a poetry word, uh, sound like it was
written by Coco the Gorilla, Like why why why did
he switch that context? Like I don't get like.

Speaker 4 (31:08):
Maybe religion's not so bad to keep you from being sad?
Is how is how he wrote it? I think I
dropped a word, Yeah, difference, I was overcome with emotions,
But yes, it got it got very basic at the
end there.

Speaker 2 (31:24):
So I just, yeah, I don't know, Like, what can't
this guy? I mean seriously, first and foremost, what can't
he do? What is the forum?

Speaker 1 (31:31):

Speaker 2 (31:31):
It was like a small pamphlet? Was it like a
zine that he printed out somewhere? Like? How are we receiving?
It was a tweet? Are they still called tweets now
that it's.

Speaker 4 (31:40):
X but in this house it's still called.

Speaker 1 (31:46):
Papa or people, it's still tweets, Still still tweets, it's twitters.

Speaker 4 (31:53):
So I don't know, just uh, something to kind of
like You're not gonna be able to fully digest that
anytime soon, but it's something to just like put in
the back of your mind and start stewing over.

Speaker 2 (32:03):
I think I just love that work of do I
need to not have gravity? Like? Should I be in
space and just have like less gravity to understand this?
Like does my brain need to be free floating in space?

Speaker 4 (32:14):
Maybe maybe encounter Elon's galaxy brain? It does help to
be in a zero G.

Speaker 7 (32:19):
And I mean, I just want to be It's just
wild that someone would like the originality of like a
stoned out of their mind freshman in college, like poetry
writer is becoming one of the more like powerful information
brokers in the election, and you're like, fuck.

Speaker 4 (32:37):
By the way, the person who wrote that poem did
not make it to college. Like the version of this is.

Speaker 1 (32:43):
A guy who said, Yo, dude, I watch YouTube videos.
I don't need to go to college.

Speaker 2 (32:48):
You went to Preger University.

Speaker 1 (32:49):
Prager. Yeah, Like, if that guy.

Speaker 4 (32:51):
Hadn't been born with literal rubies emeralds, that guy doesn't
go to college. But I do think it's worth just
like taking a moment, because he's also on an absolute
tear of not just poetry and creating meaning that the
human soul that feeds the human soul, but also a

tear of spreading disinformation. He spread a video of a
guy at a Springfield town hall meeting claiming, like saying
that he saw or heard about, or had evidence of
Haitian immigrants eating people's pets. And he was like, so
this proves ABC was lying when they said the city
manager refuted claims about this. Of course, the person in

the video was let me get this right, just some
guy and not the city manager. And he's immediately asked in.

Speaker 2 (33:47):
The full video.

Speaker 4 (33:48):
He's at a reverse shot, he's in front of the
city council and they're like, yeah, man, like that we've
looked for evidence. There's no evidence. That's just a rumor.
And he's like, well you're and that that's the actual
complete clip. But Elon Musk made it because the guys
at elect hern He's like, BBC got you your got,

you got your ass got. I think I think this
is called I got your ass. And then he shared
a map projecting a Trump landslide and said it was
from Nate Silver. They're both like fake obviously, but I
don't think so obvious. Like I don't know, there's a
big panic happening in the news right now about like
there's more Russian disinformation being spread. There's a video of

this girl who claims that Kamala Harris ran in her
car and paralyzed her for life, and.

Speaker 2 (34:45):
I mean San Francisco, I believe.

Speaker 4 (34:48):
It, right right, I mean, so it is believable, but
it's also not. I don't know, Like I think the
thing that they should be a little bit more focused
on the other thing that like the mainstream media and
Microsoft I guess is like really pushing trying to push
back on misinformation from other countries. But the fact that

the person who owns Twitter and is like one of
the three most famous people in the country and like
somehow still has part of his brand with a certain
section of the population that is like smart, Like they
think they see him and they think of smart guy.
The fact that that guy is just outright constantly lying

on Trump's behalf, like that feels like probably our bigger problem,
like bigger than the Russian thing, Like probably like not
going to lose Kamala Harris the election on its own,
But if Elon Musk is retweeting the shit that they
put out, then I think we have a problem. But

it feels weird that like he's not the focus right now.

Speaker 1 (36:00):
Because anything with these fake stories, whether it's like you
know about immigrants or this like clearly faked like victim
of a hit and run that like immediately was like debunked.
All it needs is for people to talk about it,
and then people on the right, and then this shit
happens on the left too, like they're just like, yeah,
my confirmation bias needs that. So I'm just gonna keep
saying it because like the polling was showing like even

though it was really quickly thoroughly debunked about like this
that the people from Haitia as jd Vance said we're
eating pets and that was debunked. The polling showed like
over half of Republicans were like, no, they probably are
though even though they just said it never happened, it
probably is. And that's all it sort of takes for
people to just at least walk around in their minds

that've been thinking like, oh, yeah.

Speaker 2 (36:43):
You never know, you never know, you never know.

Speaker 4 (36:46):
So I just want to put that out there because
there has been a lot of positive polling getting coverage
in the mainstream media, and I think some people are like,
Harris has this in the bag. I don't think so.
I think there's a lot of wild shit that can happen. Microsoft,
the Microsoft person who's like focused on this came out
and was like, the forty eight hours before the election

are going to be so fucking wild, Like, you guys
are not prepared for this. And yet I think they
were focused on international disinformation, but like, imagine what is
going to be being put out there by Elon Musk
and other you know, incredibly powerful Trump supporters during that
forty eight hours, it's going to be absurd, right.

Speaker 2 (37:30):
Well, and that's this the whole thing. I mean you
mentioned that, Miles. It's a confirmation bias. I think that
a lot of people on the coasts have such little
understanding of what's going on in the middle of the
country and what sort of group thing happens here, and
like just weird little threads that get pulled and become
actual lore that becomes real Like yeah, so many communities,

especially around the South and in the Midwest, like literally
stand on gossip, right, like church gossip, like community gossip,
Like everyone's in everyone's business, and this is like the
biggest business that you could be in. This is the
most gossipy shit ever. And people love sensational and they
love story exactly. So then if you have someone like
Elon Musk who's like quantifying these things by retweeting things like, well,

that guy did it, that guy did it. That's that's
the you know, smartest white guy I know. Why wouldn't
I trust him? You know? And it's like, yeah, and
the fact that she's a woman of color is going
to be an underlying issue for the rest of the country,
like dead stop, Like we can be as liberal as
you want to be on the coasts, but there is
a real situation in the rest of the country where
people are going to need to be convinced, and it

makes more sense for them to be like, well, Trump
Trump wants me to have lower taxes. Trump doesn't want
us to eat animals. Trump Trump wants to make sure
you know what I mean that there's a well like
all this stuff, like it's it's.

Speaker 1 (38:47):
Sad to protect ourselves from the space people that are
about to land. Elon tweet about it, and you're like sure,
but I mean, like to your point about the these
misinformation experts saying like the forty eight hours before election
day are going to be fraught because if you really
think about it, right, this is gonna boil down to
a handful of swing states that are going to be
decided by maybe at you know, a few hundred thousand votes,

and they're trying to the Republicans are trying to squeeze
the margins every single place, like Lindsey Graham went to
Nebraska to try and like Hanker with like how electoral
votes were going to be handed out there and all
it takes is some weird fake threats or like rumors
about what's happening at a polling place to try and
just put a little bit of a chill on the turnout,

and things can go in any direction. So yeah, so
like again, November, take your time. I know it's already
September twentieth, Take your fucking time.

Speaker 2 (39:38):
Please, please, please please.

Speaker 4 (39:41):
I'm both like take your time and also like, could
I time travel to the day after this is over?

Speaker 1 (39:46):
Yeah, just rip the band aid off, like whatever it's
gonna be, just like fucking let me know now, man,
I can't live in this liminal space anymore.

Speaker 4 (39:53):
And actually, we do have some news of a potential
breakthrough in time travel that we're gonna get to after
the break.

Speaker 1 (40:00):
Let's take a.

Speaker 2 (40:01):
Quick break.

Speaker 4 (40:12):
And we're back, And because we are no better than
local news, we're gonna save the time travel story for
the very end of the show.

Speaker 2 (40:22):
So yeah, as we covered.

Speaker 4 (40:24):
In the pre before the break, Trump's probably gonna win again.
And I don't know anybody who listens to anybody who
listens to our NBA show knows how I am about
these things, Like as a seventy six ers saying, I'm just.

Speaker 2 (40:41):
Like we're gonna sock it's over.

Speaker 4 (40:43):
We're only gonna win twenty games this year.

Speaker 1 (40:45):
Hey, that's our team captain, man. I love his fighting spirits.
Fucking over, dude, are even going out there?

Speaker 2 (40:51):
Why are even going out there?

Speaker 4 (40:52):
So it does seem like it's probably time to start
thinking about how we're all going to dress in the
next four to fit in so that we don't get
killed in the authoritarian autography? Did you see Trump like
get caught on a hot mic being like when Kim
Jongon stands like people stay standard attention, they stand up. Yeah,

we're we're all gonna get kill I'm having that. But
so there was a mega fashion show, Jack, It wasn't.

Speaker 2 (41:22):
A fashion show.

Speaker 1 (41:23):
It was the America First Designer Showcase. Okay, I think
that's it's a little bit classier, And yes, it wasn't wrong.
Konkamwa Long Island, Strong Island at the America First Warehouse,
which is just some fucking warehouse with a bunch of
Trump regalia in it and like magas go to have
like Trump watch parties saw on Monday, about two hundred

people gathered to watch this America First Designer Showcase, which
is just a fancy word for racist swap meat and
talent show. I think based on the videos I saw,
and people were peddling their wares like sequined Maga hats
and jack It's dresses, lipstick with the shade of Maga
hat red because like one of the designers, like, you know,

some women don't are ashamed to wear the Maga hat
in public. But with this lipstick, you can let people know.
It's like, that's red lipsticks.

Speaker 2 (42:14):
It's red lipstick. Bitch, don't get me messed up. Don't
fuck that up for the rest of us when I
mean business. You know what I'm saying, it's not to
be like, yes, I support racism, Like that's not so
you're telling me I need to not wear red lipstick
ever again. Sick.

Speaker 1 (42:32):
No, No, you look, they can't. They can't reclaim red lipstick.
Or maybe they can. But then there are also celebrities there,
like a lady from As the World Turns, local politicians,
and more than like a few curious journalists. Oh and
there are artists too, like Magalangelo, which I guess is
some kind of Lansbury I don't know, or maybe a

Maga Michelangelo.

Speaker 2 (42:56):
Yeah, that's Michael Angelo.

Speaker 1 (42:59):
I thought maybe it was Maga Angela Lansberg Bagel. I
don't know why, but she's like this artist who just
paints Trump and like he's a terrible artist, and like,
I don't know if we covered like one of those
tripticks she made recently that was like auctioned off when
it was like Trump as God casting Biden and Kamala
Harris out of the Garden of Eden. But clearly this
person doesn't know anything like like in terms of actual

art composition, what a triptick, how it's even supposed to
be like positioned, and what the three panels meet. It
was just like a three like a three billboard, just
cacophony of colors. But there were fashions as well, so
I think it's important we take a look at some
of the fashions. So first I just want to just
just to give you an idea of how like the

intros were going and how much of just a flaw
this show this thing was. I'm just gonna, oh my goodness, wow,
yeah here we go. This is yeah, oh definitely voice talent,
true talent.

Speaker 8 (43:57):
Our next designer is in here, and she's like a
tour designer and she being the models wearing her dresses
are pageant winners. Not only Republicans and Conservatives have beauty.

Speaker 1 (44:19):
And brains, but they wear clothes. Well. No, wow, God
bless us, God bless So this is gonna this is
gonna blow against me.

Speaker 4 (44:33):
I heard she did not write any of that. She
was just riffing that.

Speaker 1 (44:38):
Are you for real?

Speaker 2 (44:39):
Yeah? Her accents is so long Island it sounds Australian.
She's like she's coming.

Speaker 1 (44:46):
Around around the world, around the world. I'm like our
next designer.

Speaker 2 (44:54):
Accent. They wear clothes as well as well.

Speaker 4 (45:00):
That's such a such a thoughtful compliment to play to
pay someone. Yeah, you, I just think it's great that
you're like so smart and like look good and also
you wear and you wear clothes.

Speaker 1 (45:13):
Well, they also wear clothes. Well, you wear clothes. Here
is just a quick montage to some of the fashions
where you hear an Emmy sorry, a Grammy Award winning
vocalist who has like an explosion of feathers coming out
of his dinner jacket singing the national anthem, along with
some of the fashions of the evening. Okay, look at that.

That's a big maga dress.

Speaker 2 (45:38):
I don't know what.

Speaker 4 (45:40):
What does that say?

Speaker 1 (45:41):
On the America's Comeback twenty four. There's a Trump gown
with just Trump straight, just just a Trump on a
black dress, like a bottle of truff.

Speaker 2 (45:52):
Yeah, exactly, she trust she's watching. It's exactly the same.

Speaker 1 (46:00):
That's a bottle thought, same vertical text coming down very
this person coming down the aisle. Now, this is Magelangelo.
This is Magelangelo. And I think she painted her own dress, of.

Speaker 2 (46:12):
Course she did. I like how you can see her
spanks underneath it because her fucking slit is too high.

Speaker 4 (46:18):
What the fuck this somebody drew on regular clothes?

Speaker 2 (46:24):

Speaker 4 (46:26):
Why you gotta say it's just scream printing, right, It's almost.

Speaker 1 (46:29):
Actual acrylic paint. Actually, I think some people are literally
painting shit on and other things are just just putting
patches on shitty dresses off of like sheen or something.

Speaker 2 (46:38):
This makes me.

Speaker 4 (46:39):
Feel a little bit better about Like when I went
to the Jersey Shore this summer and just like going
down the boardwalk, all the T shirt stores were being
absolutely dominated by Trump versus Harris. But like, that is
his art form, right, that is the medium of his
people is scream printed logo.

Speaker 2 (46:59):
Tea and just sad signs in general, the about of
like homemade Trump signs I see in people's yards, like
especially as like you're driving through the hallers and you're
kind of like more in like the country parts, people
don't have like a Trump flag, even though there's Trump
stores here everywhere. It'll literally be like I have this
old piece of cardboard and it's too big to burn,
so I'm gonna paint a picture on it and just

let everybody know. I think America's great. What's on?

Speaker 1 (47:25):
What is this scene that you faint on it? Oh,
I'll tell you about it later. Turn your camera off.
Here's but also I don't want to forget. This was
also a Maga talent show, and for me, I think
the highlight was log Cabin, Republican and recording artist of
the hit song keep It Moving. Parenthetical cancel, cancel culture.

Levari again, let's throw it to our EMC who is
like fucking absolutely just flawless when it comes to introducing
people to really just have a nice flow and cadence
to your delivery. Here is her bringing to the stage, Lavari.

Speaker 2 (48:04):
Let's give a lot applause to Lavari.

Speaker 1 (48:09):
M hmm, look at it, like fourteen people. This motherfucker
just got up.

Speaker 4 (48:13):
I'm sorry, her shoes don't fit you get yeah, okay, no, no,
like I just just for her comfort. She looks like
she's wearing shoes that are force fifteen seconds of fast.

Speaker 1 (48:23):
Where the fuck is the Here we comes get ready,
here's Levarry God.

Speaker 2 (48:31):
All right?

Speaker 1 (48:32):
Oh oh ship the music just went out.

Speaker 2 (48:35):
Whoops. Oh it sounds good but it's not me. Oh
there we go.

Speaker 1 (48:42):
Okay, there's this song we Ready to make America Great Again.

Speaker 4 (48:46):
Yeah, it is the same song starting over again.

Speaker 2 (48:48):

Speaker 1 (48:48):
I think the DJ panicked and then stopped his song.

Speaker 2 (48:51):

Speaker 1 (48:51):
Let's just hear some of his singing. Yoh, okay, I'm sorry.

Speaker 4 (49:08):
So it seems like he thought there was gonna be
lip sinking and like he didn't know he was like,
oh shit, is this playing my actual voice?

Speaker 2 (49:14):

Speaker 1 (49:18):
I mean I don't. I feel like the creative arts
really exposes bigots, you know what I mean, Like in
the best fucking way. Like I get that these are
not the best of the best in terms of like
conservatives with who oh sorry, that these are not the
best of the best when it comes to conservatives who
dabble in the arts. But I think it's like the
MAGA brand itself that creates this like echo chamber that's

a custom built to like insulate the ego from realizing
how bad shit is. So naturally, when there's like a
showcase of these people, it's all like the least creative
and most literal nonsense you can think of, Like the
guys sit song, it's like, cancel counsel, culture, cancel culture.
Or here's my Trump fashion and it's dressed with Trump

on it. Yeah it's it says it wrote I wrote
Trump on it. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah yeah. And it's sick, dude,
it's fucking sick man. Thanks Levari.

Speaker 4 (50:11):
The end of his performance, he comes off stage and
then there is five seconds of a whispered argument between
him and the MC where she's like what happened?

Speaker 2 (50:22):
He's like, that wasn't the song that I was supposed
to be? Oh wow, I love that, Like why did
you give so many songs? Like did he come in
with the wrong CD? Did he? Like?

Speaker 1 (50:33):
Oh no, he does. That was like the first performance
he had amongst many like yeah, oh he Also I
think he did an outfit change later and he came
out like in a dressed like a dress coat that
looked again had a like a bouquet of flowers super
glued to the back of it. It was all very.

Speaker 2 (50:49):
He's really doing his best. This is like a series
of like RuPaul's dragways, many challenges that I feel like
he's a part of. For He's like, record your own
song that's politically themed. Then we need you to come
out with an outfit and it needs to have flowers
and also represent Trump. And then for your last thing,
we're gonna need political damage extravaganza, like.

Speaker 4 (51:08):
Just like right right, and you have to come up
with it all in the next fifteen minutes. You're on
in fifteen Yeah done. Wow, I didn't know he came
back out, And that is a real testament to the
human spirit that he was able to like go through
what appeared to be the most embarrassing thing I've ever
seen somebody have happened to them and.

Speaker 2 (51:28):
Be like, not so bad, I'll go back out. Yeah,
back again to the next one. That's why he's That's
why Trump's gonna win though, because it's that lack of
self awareness. It's that like unwillingness to be like shamed
when you should be ashamed of yourself to keep pushing,
like anybody who respects themselves to be like, all right,
I thought I could handle this with in no way,
I'm gonna go out here and do this again.

Speaker 1 (51:50):
Like yeah right, I'm sure like lavatory, I loved your performance,
but you need to stay home, you.

Speaker 2 (51:56):
Know what I mean? What's your career down with?

Speaker 4 (52:00):
Definitely winning amongst people who failed the mirror test, you know,
the test that they do with like children to see
if they recognize the thing in the mirror as themselves,
you know, like they lack any form of self. It's
an interesting detail that, like that's when you start storing memories.
Is once like the way they tested they put a
little like dot on the baby's head, and then if

the baby sees themselves in the mirror and then like
touches the dot on their head to like wipe it off.
That means that they recognize that it's them in the mirror.
And there are some monkeys who can do it as well.

Speaker 2 (52:34):
What about dogs. I don't think I'm.

Speaker 4 (52:35):
Going to test my dog yet past.

Speaker 2 (52:40):
Where they see themselves. Hey, who fuere's this guy outside?
What's staring?

Speaker 4 (52:49):
That's why he was so confused about what the song was, Like,
that's not me that's not me. It is.

Speaker 2 (52:56):
I sound like Montel Jordan. That's not Montel Jordan. This
is and how we do cancel cancel culture.

Speaker 4 (53:05):
That was so much better. Both of what you guys
did was both so much better than anything he could
do if you gave him a year in the studio
with like Drake's producers.

Speaker 5 (53:18):

Speaker 2 (53:22):
I don't know why I pitched Drake.

Speaker 4 (53:24):
The best musician I can come up with Drake.

Speaker 2 (53:28):
But imagine who definitely writes all his own Wrapsl's taken
either with him? None?

Speaker 4 (53:36):
All right, And finally proof of time travel another person
in the world of Mega. So you know, Trump is
averaging what some would call too many assassination attempts per month.
At this point, there's been one two in the past
three months.

Speaker 2 (53:53):
People should stop doing that.

Speaker 4 (53:55):
I feel like it's not good for the election. But
I guess there was a third one that we didn't
know about.

Speaker 1 (54:03):
Tech person in the second based on the secret chronology.

Speaker 4 (54:07):
Timeline, Yeah, the secret thing. Yeah, and this is somebody.
So you're about to hear from somebody who has been
in the same room with Donald Trump, has been like
has been you know, trusted by Donald Trump. Yeah, and
he we can see why because he has a direct
line to God, having conversations with God and their relationship.

His relationship to God very similar to like Marty McFly
and Doc Breath.

Speaker 1 (54:37):
Or Aladdin in the Genie, you know what I mean.
Definitely a Laddin the Genie type shit. So this guy,
Robin Bullock, he went on some like this, this like
right wing Watch, like dug this clip up because this
guy goes on a fucking like Christian podcast to talk
about This was in the week before the they found
the guy at the golf course where he said he

prevented an assassination attempt and I'm just gonna let him
tell it to you because it's so believable it's gonna
fucking shake you.

Speaker 2 (55:05):
To your court. Yeah.

Speaker 1 (55:07):
So he's describing that he was like in a group,
I think, just you know, doing some Bible study with people,
and then the fucking hand of God came down and again,
like I said, very believable.

Speaker 5 (55:18):
And I looked around something that happened and I didn't
know what had happened, and children started going to sleep
in the room. They just started falling asleep.

Speaker 1 (55:27):
That might because they're at a fucking Bible study. But okay, yeah, sir,
God turned the lights down.

Speaker 5 (55:33):
We'll go ahead, and the camera that they were using
started zooming in and zooming out and then doing like this.

Speaker 1 (55:43):
I think he's describing extreme close up from Wayne's world. Yeah,
but okay, but again, this is God apparently operating the
camera and he's looking at them. Whatever, go on. I'm sorry, pastor,
I'm looking around.

Speaker 2 (55:56):
Children are falling asleep.

Speaker 5 (55:58):
And I said again, and the Lord said, no, two
hours in the future.

Speaker 2 (56:04):
What two hours?

Speaker 5 (56:07):
And we started dealing with things and I went into
the future, and the Lord said, now you can stop this.
We stopped a presidential assassination attempt.

Speaker 2 (56:16):
Don't really and.

Speaker 8 (56:18):
All did you say, I'm I'm Trump?

Speaker 2 (56:21):

Speaker 5 (56:21):
Wow, And so we stopped this this thing happening.

Speaker 1 (56:26):
In there it is.

Speaker 2 (56:27):
So did children need to be asleep for time travel
to happen or just to stop assassinations? Look?

Speaker 1 (56:36):
Look, look, why is he on trial right now?

Speaker 2 (56:38):

Speaker 4 (56:38):
He was.

Speaker 1 (56:39):
He opened a Bible and the lights went dimned the
camera went woo woo, woo woo. God said, you're two
hours in the future, and I guess being two hours
in the future, he said, we started dealing with some things.
Total lack of detail, and we stopped in assassination.

Speaker 2 (56:53):
YadA, YadA, YadA.

Speaker 4 (56:54):
We stopped an assassination attempt on dinmrum Oh, okay.

Speaker 2 (56:58):
Chris Angel MindFreak show has really taking a turn. I
didn't know that he had, like had a spiritual awakening.
He looks a little rough. I'm not gonna lie, but
I know you got to look rough and then you
find God and then God takes you back to moisturizer. Supposedly,
I don't I don't know, but wow, so you guys,

let's just shake his camera. We're two hours We're two
hours in the future. Were two hours in the future.
We're two hours in the future.

Speaker 1 (57:29):
I just stopped a presidential assassination attempt.

Speaker 4 (57:33):
We did start dealing with some things.

Speaker 1 (57:35):
We're dealing with some things, well what specifically.

Speaker 4 (57:38):
So some things so foggy there when he's like and
then so we and then we're two hours in the future.

Speaker 2 (57:48):
Did God tell.

Speaker 4 (57:48):
Him they stopped an assassination attempt? They started doing God
is doing something.

Speaker 2 (57:53):
God told him that he was two hours in the future.

Speaker 4 (57:55):
Okay, but I think and then he and two he
could and must have stopped assassination assassination.

Speaker 1 (58:02):
Yes, oh, so you think he'd just been like, oh,
just take my word for it, Bro, I'm got it.
We're two hours in the future and you stopped an
assassination attempt. Now go wake these kids up.

Speaker 4 (58:11):
I mean I've hung out with Christians like kind of
freaking each other out, being like and then like the
lights flickered and like you know, and they'll just you
know that, That's what it felt like.

Speaker 2 (58:23):

Speaker 4 (58:23):
The guy was just like whoa, he was ready ready
to be freaked out by that story.

Speaker 1 (58:28):
I mean, I just love those two like you can't.
It's I guess it's like rude to be like, no, man, Bro,
stop fucking lying.

Speaker 2 (58:33):
Bro. You can go two hours, you know what I mean?

Speaker 1 (58:36):
Like like there's no shit about like that. When is
God ever taking people time traveling?

Speaker 2 (58:40):

Speaker 4 (58:40):
And the type of Christianity, not all Christianity, but a
type of Christianity that's just like yes and yeah right
right now, yes, and some wild the least convincing ghost
story you've.

Speaker 2 (58:51):
Ever as, that's so sick.

Speaker 1 (58:55):
You went two hours in the fature and the camera
went like this, whoa, whoa.

Speaker 2 (59:00):
The mirror like this, that's a miracle of Christ's love.

Speaker 1 (59:05):
The FBI may need to talk about may need to
talk to this man, right, I would pull up. So
what happened?

Speaker 2 (59:12):

Speaker 1 (59:13):
You said this happen?

Speaker 2 (59:13):

Speaker 1 (59:14):
I need to know who the fuck well who what
was going on?

Speaker 2 (59:17):

Speaker 1 (59:17):
Like we need to bring people to justice. He's like, look, man,
I ain't fucking time travel, dude.

Speaker 2 (59:22):
I fucking lying, Bro, this is a fucking wig. Man,
I wear a leather jacket. That seem different. Bro, I'm naveling.
I mean they bring in, they bring in psychics and
ship when cases start. When they've exhausted, they're like, I
don't know, go get a psychic. Do we have a medium?
Does does a random medium know? Like, let's let's go
get the Christian guy that can turn back time. You

know what I mean?

Speaker 1 (59:43):
Bring share in, Bring share exactly. Yeah, if you want
to turn back time, it's gonna be in a leather jacket.
It's not going to be this motherfucker battleship exactly.

Speaker 4 (59:53):
Partially what he's describing is to be just like taking
a nap, Like everybody falls asleep and then it's two
hours of the future. Like yeah, man, like I time travel.

Speaker 1 (01:00:02):
Like that all a pastor what are those pills you
just took before you opened your Bible, bro, I was
just say we're the roxyes.

Speaker 4 (01:00:09):
Were there edibles in the middle prescribed to somebody else?
But you know, roxy description, roxy music, roxy code.

Speaker 1 (01:00:17):
I don't know man anyway, Sam Man not often have
two hours in the future. And guess what I wasn't
I didn't urinate in myself because I was high on opios.
I actually saved President Trump in that two hours, which all.

Speaker 4 (01:00:29):
That's a side effective time travel.

Speaker 2 (01:00:30):
Well, now it makes sense. What happens to me at Costco?
I eat twenty thirty forty milligrams, you know, get in
the car, go to Costco. Next thing I know, bam,
I'm in the parking lot trying to fit everything in,
and I'm like, who who bought all these burritos? Why
don't I have so many snags?

Speaker 4 (01:00:42):
Like that was because you saved You saved a president.

Speaker 2 (01:00:45):
I saved a president's life, and I time traveled exactly. Fascinating.

Speaker 4 (01:00:54):
God damn Lydia Papovich. What a pleasure having you on
the daily's like a where people find you, follow you
all that good stuff.

Speaker 2 (01:01:03):
People can find me, they can follow me on the
social media's It's at hater Tuesday on TikTok on Instagram
and on Twitter. I don't really post on Twitter anymore because, frankly,
it's why you know what I'm saying, Like, I just
I don't. I'm not getting fed anything. There's no good things.
There's not poetry on there. If there was poems, you know,

I'd feel a little bit better about it.

Speaker 4 (01:01:26):
There doesn't need to be any other poetry from you
because taken care correct.

Speaker 2 (01:01:31):
But yeah, you can find me and it's just hater Tuesday.
No numbers, no letters like no, no weird words like
literally spelt hater Tuesday. I also have a website, Lydia
Popovich dot com. You can check that out. It's a
great those are great places to find me.

Speaker 4 (01:01:43):
Great And is there a work of media that you've
been enjoying?

Speaker 2 (01:01:49):
You know what there is? There's a video and Instagram
video that I'd love to share with you, guys. I
don't know if I can send it to you. You
guys can check it out, but I'll describe it to
you maybe in the chat. So okay, do why don't
I put it in the chat? All right? Let me
do that. It's really silly, but it makes me really happy.
I've been a big time into just like silly videos.
I'm trying to like not take social media too serious.

Like there's only a few things that I win from.
I just like silly. I just like goofy little moments.
You know, It's it's all I really care about, just
goofy little moments.

Speaker 1 (01:02:20):
Oh wow, Oh Jesus, the sound of what are these
like little riled eggs.

Speaker 2 (01:02:28):
Yeah, it's like terriers are a little Yorkis. It's just
like a literal herd of dogs that are just attacking
a trothle of boiled eggs, losing their minds.

Speaker 1 (01:02:37):
I'm sorry this sound one more time. Oh my, this
sounds like a fucking stampede.

Speaker 2 (01:02:48):
The run is just great. No, it's pretty.

Speaker 1 (01:02:51):
Yeah, wow, get those boiled eggs.

Speaker 2 (01:02:54):
Can I Can I plug a show? I'd love to
put in a show. If I can't, I will be
in Philadelphia Pencil Vana, Philly, October second at the Philadelphia Punchline.
I am headlining They're All Stars comedy show there. So
if you are in Philadelphia or near Philadelphia and you
want to come and see me, grab yourself a ticket,
come on down to the Punchline October second. I will

be there sliging.

Speaker 1 (01:03:17):
Jokes telling Jack and bring a gift to that loud,
to honor Lydia to.

Speaker 2 (01:03:22):
You know what I'm saying, show some respect, put some respect.
Bring me at least a half yard of weed. You
know what I'm saying, you know, bring me, bring me
to twenty five centimeters.

Speaker 1 (01:03:32):
Bring me a half cord weed. Would you firewood?

Speaker 2 (01:03:38):
Yeah? That fire Yes.

Speaker 4 (01:03:42):
Their workimedia you've been enjoying where you can.

Speaker 1 (01:03:47):
If you want to find me at Miles I like that.
I like that at Miles of Grand on Twitter and Instagram.
If you like basketball, check Jack and I out on
the aforementioned Miles and Jack Got Mad Boosty, where you
can hear Jack's unshakable confidence when it comes to predicting
the future of his own sports team, as well as
finding me talking about Ninetydayian on four to twenty day Fiance,

which actually Lyddy has been on a couple of times.
But here let me see some things I like some
works of media. One is from at Emotional Pendant Emotional
p Dant tweeted algorithm. Notice you lingered on this pick
of a frog for fourteen seconds. Me I was refilling
my vape algorithm. Got some more frogs for you frog freak,

you'd like that, which I feel like they always like
they're always counting how long it scrolling and we know
it's you like motherfucker And another one Jim at Jim
Underscore leg x c Acy tweeted, if five random white
people come up to me and tell me they're imagine dragons,
I'm gonna have no choice but to believe them.

Speaker 2 (01:04:46):
Yeah, I believe that.

Speaker 4 (01:04:49):
Da workimedia I've been enjoying is the unbiased review of
Joe Rogan's latest stand up special from Elephant Graveyard that
Miles shared with me earlier this week.

Speaker 2 (01:04:59):
I found got around to watching it. It is violent.

Speaker 4 (01:05:06):
Yeah, it is absolute violent in a way that should be.

Speaker 1 (01:05:12):
Actually narrating this like it's so cutting, it's your Yeah,
you'll be bleeding just watching.

Speaker 2 (01:05:19):
Holy shit.

Speaker 4 (01:05:20):
Well, anyways, you can find me on Twitter at Jack Underscore. O'Brien,
you can find us on Twitter.

Speaker 2 (01:05:26):
At Daily Zeitgeist.

Speaker 4 (01:05:27):
We're at the Daily Zeitgeist on Instagram. We have a
Facebook fanpage and a website Daily zei guys dot com,
where we post our episodes and our footnotes where we
link off to the information that.

Speaker 2 (01:05:37):
We talked about.

Speaker 4 (01:05:38):
In today's episode. It was a song that we think
you might enjoy. Yeah, is there a song you type?

Speaker 5 (01:05:44):

Speaker 1 (01:05:44):
Just a little bit of like late nineties French electronic
techno music from an artist named I Colon q Iqbe
comes out of like the same scene as like Air
and like daft punk, you know that era of like
French electronic or just sort of like little more you know,
vibe music. This track is called adoor a d O
r E and it's super viby. It's like, I feel

like it's sort of like an electronic sample based version
of like looking at a French lavender field blow in
the wind. That's what I saw when I was listening
to this, just hitting some MDMN. No, not even man,
It's just like this is what I do, bro, I'm
just trying to trying to get that front field of
French lavender feeling every time I walk while I listen
to a track, and this has it. So this is
a door by Iqube.

Speaker 4 (01:06:30):
Their band name gets three pinocchios because I not Cube,
I Sphere. Unfortunately we have.

Speaker 2 (01:06:36):
To fact check that.

Speaker 4 (01:06:37):
Okay, we will link off to that in the foot
note to Daily Zeitgeist is a production of iHeart Radio
For more podcasts from my Heart Radio, visit the iHeart
Radio app, Apple Podcaster, wherever you listen to your favorite shows.
That is gonna do it for us this week. We
are back on Monday to tell you what was trending
over the weekend and we will talk to you all then.

Speaker 2 (01:06:57):
Bye bye bye bye bye bye. Three children fac two children,

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