All Episodes

September 5, 2024 58 mins
Mark as Played

Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:05):
You have COVID. Yeah, so on Twitter, I.

Speaker 2 (00:09):
Got it for the first time.

Speaker 3 (00:10):
I've never had it before, at least not like officially,
so I guess it had to happen at some point.

Speaker 1 (00:16):
Yeah. I don't test, so I don't know this. So
I'm glad to hear that you're doing all right.

Speaker 3 (00:22):
Yeah, I feel like I must have had it before,
but I take everything, like especially during the height, when
every time I thought I had it, I would get negative.

Speaker 2 (00:30):
So I don't know.

Speaker 4 (00:31):
Yeah, maybe you got that brawlic immune system. My other boy,
Handsome Nick, also never had it, never had it, never
had it.

Speaker 1 (00:38):

Speaker 4 (00:38):
And he's out here online dating and ship going like
not being not playing it.

Speaker 2 (00:42):
Safe online dating. Wait, but that's online but like.

Speaker 1 (00:45):
In persons call it, we still call it online dating.
When you meet some he's the Internet. He's on the Web.

Hello the Internet, and welcome to season three point fifty four,
episode three of Darnley's Iceay production of iHeartRadio. This is
a podcast where we take a deep dive into America's
share consciousness. And it's Thursday, September fifth, twenty twenty four.
I was going for Bill Maher, but I couldn't quite
find it. Oh yeah, yeah, it takes. It's hard. It

take like an asshole so effortlessly.

Speaker 4 (01:33):
But guess what we respect this day and only one
thing is happening this day.

Speaker 1 (01:37):
It's National Cheese Pizza Day. Hey, the workmen pizza, workmen
of pizza.

Speaker 4 (01:44):
I don't feel like, yeah, the one that gets. I
feel like, you know, that's our that's our favorite pizza.
Even to this day, when I go to like a
kid's party, I'm always like, let me get the.

Speaker 1 (01:53):
I know the cheese is for the kids, but I
like kids. I love a good cheese pizza. So anyway,
cheese Pizza Day. I love a good cheese pizza. Like
I'm not fucking with Domino's cheese pizza. Like you know,
chain pizza is all about the toppings. For me, It's
just like the pizza is a mechanism for delivering toppings
into my body. But when it comes to like a
good slice, if I'm being told like this is one

of the best pizza plays, this place had great mezza cheese.
It's gotta have a good cheese list. Yeah, personally, personally,
and that's just me, I'm a little weird. Anyways, my
name's Jack O'Brien. Aka, we revise if we want to
revision this history is fine, as if the worst president
didn't leave evidence of all of his crimes. Dennis Quaid

as that get bar tearing off gore, but chobs balls.
At least I think that's it. Just heard them and
you can go ask Jack and mals say, biopick, biopick
give revision. Is I'm a chance biopick, biopick help fascisms
crepe in advance, biopick, biopick anyone see there's no way

biopic biopick. They had to give tickets away. Yeah, that
willing courtesy of less than zero less than sign x
three r zero, which, of course my brain instinctively new
meant less than zero because I.

Speaker 5 (03:18):
Am a hacker.

Speaker 1 (03:19):
I spent a long time in forums just fucking hacking.
Does someone just have that with like least the name
Jake and ja what is that yo? Less than Jake
bro if you know, you know, that's right. I'm thrilled

to be joined as always by my co host, mister
Miles Gray. Miles Gray Kay.

Speaker 6 (03:45):
Never did I raise the price, man, It was just
a product of inflation.

Speaker 4 (03:50):
Tyler having this discussion, I'm putting fingers.

Speaker 1 (03:53):
In my ears and leaving and how dare you you
accuse me? Out?

Speaker 6 (04:00):
Dare you you je me what I really said? How
dare you you accuse me of my prize gouging?

Speaker 4 (04:11):
It's not lack soup was the buck thirty now that
we bumped it up to four bucks eighty?

Speaker 1 (04:17):
Price suplass is what steak is? Look your cut with
the rovers mortgage.

Speaker 7 (04:22):
You call it wrong?

Speaker 1 (04:24):
Say we count before we had the fun Nickelback.

Speaker 4 (04:28):
Somehow, My son Shed's a good kid.

Speaker 6 (04:32):
He just has a smutty scammy head.

Speaker 1 (04:35):
All right.

Speaker 4 (04:35):
Shout out to Chelsea and Salad for that Nickelback inspired
aka talking about you know, the price gouging at Kroger.
I like that you took Chad Kroger from Nickelback and
made that person the son of the Kroger grocery dynasty.

Speaker 1 (04:53):
I think that very hand now, that is the son
the scion. I actually saw. I was a a friend
his house and they were like, oh, yeah, over there,
that guy's in Nickelback his house right there, like we
were overlooking like a little canyon area. He's like, that
guy is Nickelback. And I'll never forgive myself for not

going over there and just being like, hey man, we
do a ka's to your ship, big fan.

Speaker 4 (05:20):
What a shit the fuck out here?

Speaker 1 (05:25):
Anyways, we don't plan out our we don't know the
ak's that the other person's gonna do. Uh, and sometimes
we just both have really long ak's. So it's great
that we had a very patient, very wonderful gut to
sit through those thrilled to be joined in our third
seat encore by a very funny comedian actor, Emmy nominated

writer who's written for a good mythical morning cracked Reductress
Brockmeyer recently finished their show Good Girl Gone Baddies month
long run the Edinburgh Fringe Festival. You can see them
starring in the very funny and sweet wonderful short film
on YouTube I Think She Likes You, which they also wrote,
and you can see them in the latest season of

Girls five.

Speaker 5 (06:13):

Speaker 1 (06:13):
Please welcome back to the show the brilliant and talented tt.

Speaker 3 (06:20):

Speaker 2 (06:20):

Speaker 3 (06:22):
I was just in France for a very short minute.
Got to eat some creps and watch Paralympics. I don't
want to brag, but I did get COVID. Now I'm
home and sink in Glenham, not Paris. Baby, do you
like this intro, I wrote in because I can't leave
the house. It's like one hundred and ninety nine degrees.
There's a heat wave in La and I miss French

baggets coov I d got me.

Speaker 2 (06:47):
I can't leave the house to go have COVID. I
really wish it wasn't so.

Speaker 1 (06:56):
Wow, well done, thank you, Wow, just leaving space there
for the bomb drop.

Speaker 4 (07:03):
With aka is Chapel Rome gonna allow that? Just faithful
recreation of the song I will get hit with. Okay,
we think that actually collabed on that one.

Speaker 1 (07:15):
I actually listened to the room for the first time
today because my friend, my homie, was like, you gotta listen.
It's the next Lady Gaga, and I made him watch
the Hawk Tua Girl interviews. That was my He hadn't
seen that.

Speaker 2 (07:30):
So I was like outdated references.

Speaker 1 (07:34):
But we were both like over. We were like, god,
I feel weird that I don't know who that is,
and he was like, I don't know who hawk Tua.
He kept saying Hawk Tuy and so but yeah, listen
to Chapel Rome good Ship good yes twice now Yeah.

Speaker 3 (07:49):
I'm finding I mean, okay, I admittedly am finding out
about memes through my fiance now because he's always on
TikTok for finance and I was just checked out for
like the last basically a month and a half, so
to uh. I also learned from him, but not not today. Yeah,
learned this before.

Speaker 1 (08:06):
Yeah, is like finance TikTok Like there, they've got heavy,
heavy meme action in finance. Yeah.

Speaker 3 (08:14):
You know, Twitter kind of gotten taken over to by finance,
and I think also a lot of social media. They
have their own little pool of memes. I mean, I
don't know how much of it is fun.

Speaker 1 (08:25):
But your boyfriend, so congratulations, Yeah, yes, I am engaged
that detailed detective. You are financed, speaking of finance, you
are financed. Wow, congratulations.

Speaker 2 (08:44):
Ye was good though it was it was a like
roller coaster. It was really fun.

Speaker 3 (08:49):
I did my pr person did like scam I should say,
allegedly scam a bunch of us because we're trying to
deal with this A bunch of clients had the situation happened.

Speaker 2 (08:58):
But so that wasn't cool, Like.

Speaker 4 (09:01):
You hired a publicist who like just didn't follow through
on the ship you paid them to do.

Speaker 3 (09:04):
Basically, Yeah, I paid like fifteen hundred pounds and he
charged other people this much and then like he Basically
what we discovered is he's allegedly funding funded his own
show with our money because he still did a show
on day one and a friend he emailed. He messaged
me on WhatsApp because I was trying to get a response,
but he emailed a bunch of people the same copy

and paste same. Basically due to like stress and health
concerns from doing my own show, I cannot deliver like
so sorry. I intend to pay you guys back at
the end of September, which is also when box office
comes in. But we tried to get more info from
him and we get the red flag kind of feeling
that he might just be putting it off. Apparently he
was Scotland government some money, so we may not get

the money back anyways.

Speaker 4 (09:48):
Scot who doesn't who you really have you traveled if
you don't own the Scottish government some man.

Speaker 3 (09:55):
Oh But also this it got even worse because I
came home and I was looking him up and curious
to look up like stuff in old Facebook forums for
Edinburgh because that's how I found him. And apparently he
did like a whole show and yellow face that wow
from years ago. But I'm like okay, Like so there's like.

Speaker 1 (10:16):
Not the character he was doing characters. It was just
probably not a yeah yeah, they were bowing a lot. Yeah,
my god. We are going to get to know you
a little bit better in a moment. First, we're going
to tell the listeners a couple of the things that

we're talking about today. We all have to learn the
name Mark Robinson now because uh, you know, he's he's
like he was known. I guess, yeah, we're terrible discussion
in North Carolina lieutenant governor who's straight up like a
Holocaust denier, anti semi, anti women and everything science, anti yeah,

everything anti blackie. But anyways, there's some people who used
to he was basically like the norm of Cheers. If
Cheers was a twenty four hour video porn store where
people go to jack off. He was there every day
of the week and they're always glad you came. Literally exactly.

We're going to talk about, speaking of finance on TikTok.
There was a TikTok trend over the long weekend that
really fucked a bunch of people over. So we'll talk
about that plenty more. But first, t t we do
like to ask our guest, what is something from your
search history that's revealing about who you are?

Speaker 2 (11:46):
Okay, this was from yesterday.

Speaker 3 (11:47):
I searched fake clothing website data harvesting because I don't
know if you guys already talk about this on.

Speaker 1 (11:52):
The show, but you're trying to start one of those yeah,
cloth harvesting guys. I have a Pi.

Speaker 3 (12:01):
Mere years and your wallet. No, but I've recently just
because just trying to shop online. I'm okay, I've been
looking at wedding outfits and reception dresses and it's all
insanely expensive. And I was had a friend who did
hers on like taubaw, which is the Chinese website, but
she's Chinese so she hadn't made and I know that's
a way to do it, but I get so like

my Chinese isn't perfect, and like it's sort of sort
of still foreign to me to shop on those sites
because there are a lot of scams. So anyways, I've
been getting a lot of ads for like sites that
like this doesn't this looks like a really beautiful website
and it's like, oh, made in Frankfurt or whatever, and
it's like it looks legit, and then it's like the
prices don't make sense, like sixty nine dollars for you know,

a gown whatever. So I've discovered, as I'm sure you
guys can probably guess, a lot of these are fake
sites from China, but I've dug deeper and I'm actually
surprised there are not a lot of US like articles
about this, but like the Guardian did an article about
it about how like there's a Chinese network behind like

sort of like they're a little more organized. They create
these like fake fronts to data harvest and some of
them will just some of sometimes they're smaller where they'll
actually try to make a version of the shirt that
you bought that's completely fake, and you know they put
a picture of a.

Speaker 2 (13:18):
Designer right, But there's full on ones.

Speaker 1 (13:19):
I saw one.

Speaker 2 (13:20):
I was like this, I google like it was called
v val. I was like, is this legit?

Speaker 3 (13:24):
And all those pictures were taken from another fast fashion
site called baby Boo, which is also pretty like data harvesting.
But they'll just straight up Instagram. They advertise on Instagram
and then you put your credit card info in. Sometimes
they'll send it, sometimes they won't, but it's all just
stolen photos.

Speaker 2 (13:39):
It's all just harvesting, right.

Speaker 3 (13:41):
Anyways, I was very surprised by this how big it is,
because I've had the hunch that this is happening. But
I'm not seeing a lot of literacy.

Speaker 1 (13:49):
On this in against America.

Speaker 3 (13:52):
Yeah yeah, yeah, sorry, well I saw so apparently fraud
online fraud went up, shopping front went up thirty percent
in the US and four three percent in the UK
from twenty twenty two, and that's pretty sizable. So I'm
very like, Yeah, so anyways, if you guys know what
cheap wedding dress, feel free to send them my own.

Speaker 1 (14:12):
Yeah, yeah, I know, I can send you some cup
I way.

Speaker 2 (14:15):
Maybe one of those jerseys behind you Miles.

Speaker 1 (14:17):
Yeah yeah, yeah, this was big enough you might be
able to cut into a gown. Yeah. But for sure,
for sure, there they are those Halloween stores that are
about to start popping up that you can get a
really cheap oh yeah, wedding dress.

Speaker 5 (14:29):

Speaker 1 (14:30):
Frankenstein Haunted Bride.

Speaker 3 (14:31):
Yeah, I was a bride when I was like seven
years old. Maybe I'll find that costume and try to.

Speaker 2 (14:37):
Slim down.

Speaker 1 (14:39):
Now to get to my seven year old body too.
But yeah, they're basically making the Internet unusable. It feels
like we're I don't know if it's by design or
if it just like got away from them, but well,
I think it's also just they're really and I think
this touches on the story we talk about later. It's
there's a mix between like the technology getting better and

people's financial circumstances becoming worse and worse. So the desperation
lends itself for people to be like, oh fuck, thank god,
I can buy this thing for like a fraction of
the price, and then it's like, oh, wait, they've taken
my data or that other like a lot of like
app optimization sort of scams where people think they're getting
a job, Like I know a couple of people who

fell into that. We're just people are desperate for work,
and they're like, you can you help us with app optimization,
but you end up like giving them crypto to unlock
more money that they send. It's like really fucked up. Sorry, guys,
I have like some stuff to undo real quick. Yeah shit, no,
but you're right.

Speaker 3 (15:39):
It's well because even on LinkedIn, I get messages from
a lot of like sometimes they're legit, but I instantly
don't trust anything I get if I'm not reaching out.
And there was one like I did a gig like
last year for a Chinese company that ended up being
like a real job, but there was like the way
they did it, there was a lot of data involved
with how they run their content, so like it's set
off my alarms, but the company is legit. It's just

they also have like a kind of a more fan
fic sort of literature publishing, so that's how they get
all their data because there's billions of readers in China,
and then they like create content that way. But just
the way they reach out, like so many of these messages,
they're just like, oh, you know, it just feels everything
feels so fake and I don't A part of this
is like maybe I'm becoming illiterate in this, like and

I do want to. I feel like take classes on
like data because I think it's gonna pass me by
and I'll be like an old MAGA person being like, bro,
the world's changing because I don't know, Like I don't
imagine everyone is this confused, but I feel so confused sometimes.

Speaker 1 (16:36):
But I like, yeah, it's not our fault. I like
there's just no. This the way the system is set
up is that there's actually nobody looking out for consumers.
So it's that this isn't normal. Like the way that
it's set up now is the result of like only
corporations having the government like working with them. No consumer

you know, there are consumer like organizations that are set
up to protect consumers, and they're like drastically underfunded, and
so yeah, we're just like in a atmosphere that's like
completely one sided, and you know, it's totally bent in
the direction of whoever can make money off of a thing,

and that thing happens to be consumers and like just
private individuals who have nobody taken care of them.

Speaker 3 (17:25):
Now, it's like what you were talking about, like like
price gouging too, because you should just I mean in
my head, I'm like, I'll just go to the retail stores,
I know, but those prices are so expensive, so you
do get stuck in like, oh, is there a newer
brand that might ben yeah, something we like, but then
some of these are so low it's just sets off
alarm bells for me. But but you're right, it's like
people getting desperate, like oh, I'll buy a designer knock

off because it's cheaper.

Speaker 2 (17:48):
Yeah, it's completely fake and.

Speaker 1 (17:50):
It's just yeah, and it's tough. But didn't. Yeah, there
there are many people willing to separate you from your money. Yeah,
very very low price. What is something the you think
is underrated?

Speaker 7 (18:01):

Speaker 2 (18:02):
So for these, I asked my fiance because I feel
like I've done a.

Speaker 1 (18:04):
Lot of these.

Speaker 2 (18:05):
So these are his answers? Wow, I said, what things underrated?

Speaker 1 (18:09):
Your did your homework? Okay?

Speaker 2 (18:11):
He said, okay, Well, I don't know if you like
these answers. I said, what's underrated? He said my dick.

Speaker 1 (18:17):
Okay, and then overrated?

Speaker 3 (18:20):
He said, Ai, So look, well I needed It's fine.
This is first his first time answering these questions.

Speaker 1 (18:27):
Uh huh.

Speaker 2 (18:27):
We'll get them to a more new ways place.

Speaker 1 (18:31):
Under there are two waits. So underrated his dick overrated? AI?

Speaker 5 (18:36):

Speaker 2 (18:38):

Speaker 1 (18:38):
Can can? Is he available to speak over in the
room with us? The room in the room? Okay?

Speaker 3 (18:47):
For the record, I don't think his dick is underrated
depending on who's writing it. I feel like I've rated
his dick quite favorite properly.

Speaker 1 (18:54):
Yeah, but when did that cost some alarm bells?

Speaker 4 (18:55):
You're like, hold on is there are there other people
who are involved in the adjudication in valuation upset dick
that I don't know, maybe his doctor.

Speaker 2 (19:03):
Maybe his doctor's raiding his dick.

Speaker 1 (19:06):
Yeah, doctor has so many notes on my dick. It's
so annoying.

Speaker 4 (19:10):
I'm just like he said, he said, I wish I
had more hands. So you give that four thumbs down,
and it's like it's an old Chippell show line. Why
would you say that about me?

Speaker 1 (19:21):
Doctor? Could be better, could be better? I mean, look,
you want pointers. Yeah, so a TikTok finance person thinks
AI is overrated. We we happened to concur on this podcast.
We're not We're not big AI fans here?

Speaker 2 (19:37):
What what?

Speaker 1 (19:38):
What are? What are the reasons for AI being overrated?

Speaker 3 (19:41):
Yeah, he does have more legit reasons for that, But
it sounds like an easy line to say. But part
I think part of it is just I guess the
short version is sort of what we're talking about, Like
most people don't use AI. For most people talking about
how exciting AI is aren't using AI in the way
that it should. Like everyone's just talking in the chat
GPT or having them right an essay. But it's really

the people using AI are the villains, right, like these
fake websites data harvesting, But most of us don't know
how to use it like that, And so it did
make me think, though, if we all got more literate,
we could be using AI to fight things like that.

Speaker 2 (20:17):
But I think we're so far right now.

Speaker 4 (20:20):
More interested, I mean, because we're talking about finance. Is
there a way to invest in your partner's dick if
it's underrated?

Speaker 1 (20:30):
Interesting? Yeah, that's there's underrated? Yeah, nd Yeah.

Speaker 2 (20:35):
I'll consult with him. Yeah, okay, you want to get
in the ground floor of his dick.

Speaker 1 (20:39):
I mean, look, I'm always looking for I'm always looking
for the next thing, you know what I mean.

Speaker 2 (20:42):
We are looking to take his dick public.

Speaker 1 (20:46):
Immediately. Fortunately, there are some laws. Yeah, I went to
the New York to take my dick public.

Speaker 4 (20:54):
They arrested me immediately because you're not supposed to do
that with the gabble.

Speaker 1 (20:59):
With Yeah, I mean, that would be an impressive dick,
if you could ring the bell with his dick. Yeah.

Speaker 2 (21:06):
We'll be discussing this in congress.

Speaker 1 (21:08):
Yeah, absolutely, All right, let's take a quick break. We'll
come back and we'll talk about another person's Dick Lieutenant
Governor Mark Robinson, We'll be right back, and we're back.

We're back, and it's not been a great week for
Republican extremist and bootleg VHS porno connoisseur Mark Robinson. Dude, Like,
just to run down the horrific things that have been
said by him would take too much time, and like,

just trust us that he's like, like we said, up time,
anti semi misogynist, anti science, anti LGBTQ.

Speaker 4 (22:01):
Plus, anti MLK, anti MLK, not a fan, he's got
it all. We touched on him, I feel like early
in his campaign because this guy was saying such wild
shit or like yeah, they think they're gonna win with
this nonsense, and just purely be like, well he's black, maga,
that might help. No, there is one clip I'll play

this one thing that happened in July where he was
just saying, like, you know, liberals just might have to die,
people might just have to die in talking about political violence.
This is like at the end of June, and he's
giving a bunch of weird examples from like World War
Two and sort of correlating that with like and yeah, man,
if people fuck with us, maybe like evil just has

to be destroyed. Here's Lieutenant Governor Mark Robinson with a
nuanced take on a good versus evil.

Speaker 7 (22:47):
When the Japanese bob Pearl Harbor, what do we do?
We flew to Japan and we killed the Japanese army
in night. We didn't even quibble about it. I didn't
start this fight. You did. You wanted to be left alone.
You should left me alone. We didn't argue and capitulate
and talk about, well, maybe we shouldn't fight. The Nazis

that hard, No, they're bad.

Speaker 1 (23:09):
Killed him.

Speaker 4 (23:10):
I will note that he did do a fundraiser with
a Nazi though, So yeah, he seems to have mixed yeah, yeah, yeah,
he vacillates on that point.

Speaker 7 (23:20):
Some liberals somewhere is gonna say that sounds awful, too bad.

Speaker 1 (23:25):
The liberals is gonna like, I want to kill you.

Speaker 2 (23:27):
You're not gonna like it.

Speaker 1 (23:28):
The liberal is gonna say it sounds awful that he's
being mean to not man.

Speaker 7 (23:32):
If you want to some folks need killing, Okay, it's
time for somebody to say it anyway.

Speaker 1 (23:39):
So that's who was he talking about in that moment?
Who what folks need killing?

Speaker 4 (23:45):
It was essentially about political violence, like where we shouldn't
be shamed over this idea of political violence.

Speaker 1 (23:51):
It was kind of like his inroad here to that
this is not long before the Trump assassination. Well it's
like two weeks before. Yeah, the mainstream media like ben
tover backwards to be like Biden made a metaphor about
putting Trump in a bullseye? Could that have been? It
could one of the thing that remember when Trump did
that with a judge. No, all right, never mind, keep

it moving.

Speaker 3 (24:13):
It's still it's all like very like still like white
supremacist dog whistling. But they when did they get very
excited when they're like, oh, he's a black man, so
you can say all these things. But ultimately he's saying
all these things.

Speaker 2 (24:23):
We know what.

Speaker 3 (24:24):
He's a champion the message of white supremacy. Oh yeah,
I think that's why they love him so much. But yeah,
that's wild.

Speaker 1 (24:32):
He called reports of the Holocaust hogwash. But yeah, to
your point, he like does it in a folksy way
like hogwash. It's not like really like Holocaust denialism is
not a big deal if you use like good old fashioned,
folksy down home where it's like hoppy cock and indoorsed.
A host remarks that Jewish bankers are one of the

four horsemen of the apocalypse, and Donald Trump again has
full throated endorsed him and been like, this guy is
the future of our party. Anyways, he's he has these
very strong beliefs because he's, you know, a born again
Christian who just like can't stomach like the filth that

he lives amid rock and so h. It was a
surprise to all of us. I know, it was a
big shock to me that a new report has come
out alleging that Robinson was a regular at two twenty
four hour porn stores back in the nineties and early
two thousand's, when you know such a business could actually exist.

I'm I'm actually not sure if they still do exist.
I know when I lived in Missouri, the drive between Columbia,
Missouri and Kansas City, Missouri is like a two hour
drive one highway, and there are twenty four hour video
porn stores every ten miles, like on the side, just

for truckers to jack off in, Like just they need
to jack off every ten miles, like every ten miles, yeah,
making it that's the law. Yes, But according like he
was there so often that that you know, the second
he pops on the news, they're like, oh, Ship, that's Mark.

Speaker 3 (26:19):
That's surprising and impressive that they remember him, because Mark, yeah,
you have to go so often for them to know
who you are. He did.

Speaker 4 (26:28):
He was going five days a week at minimum like this,
because this story comes out from the guy who worked
at the video store and he's like, yeah, he was
actually a pretty regular dude.

Speaker 1 (26:38):
Like he's like, I'm surprised he kind of went the lines.
I didn't.

Speaker 2 (26:42):
So I hadn't.

Speaker 3 (26:43):
I hadn't connected who he was, and all my head,
like the headlines this morning were just like Mark Robinson
loves porn, says poorn guys, he likes porn.

Speaker 2 (26:50):
Poorn guys say.

Speaker 1 (26:52):
Porn, right, Yeah, yeah, he bought in addition to being
there five days a week is so much. Yeah, but
I mean you just think about like what he like.
He apparently needed that because this was years ago, and
now instead of doing that, presumably he gets up and

says horrifying things about Hitler being cool. You know, so
some people need porn. Yes, get him to a porn store.
Stat He allegedly bought hundreds of bootleg porn tapes, which
the clerk sold on the side. So I think I
read somewhere and I haven't fact checked this, but that
North Carolina you can't buy porn, so you have to

like they need these stores because you like go there
to view porn and jack off because you can't take
the porn out. It's like the you know, the the
dictionary encyclopedia part of the library, you know, the books
that you like can't take home with you. That's what
That's how porn is regulated in North Carolina. But he

was such a avid consumer that the guy at the
porn store, whose name is Lewis Money by the way,
was selling him porn on the side and sold him
hundreds of porn tapes. Yeah, because a porn tapes.

Speaker 4 (28:21):
The guy was saying, who worked at the store, quote
instead of buying them, instead of them buying a fifty
dollars movie for one, because I think it was just
it was a price thing too. This guy would throw
three porno's onto one VHS and somewh to Mark Robinson
for twenty five bucks.

Speaker 1 (28:37):
And that's mean he was making his money. And he says,
just good capitalism.

Speaker 4 (28:41):
I did that up until about two thousand and four,
which is when Mark owed me the money because apparently
Mark Robinson still owes him twenty five dollars for one
of these porn.

Speaker 1 (28:51):
Tapes that he never paid him, and that's what Yeah,
this is why he's coming through is because he just
did pay him the twenty five five dollars. Yeah yeah, yeah,
So they you know, got this information from Lewis Money,
and then they went a little deeper and asked Lewis Money,
like can anybody else corroborate? And he's like, yeah, I

got these like five guys who either worked there or
patronized these two stores, and they've just like got yeah,
the cast of Cheers, but for a pornography store where
people jack off together.

Speaker 5 (29:27):
Like they all were like, oh yeah.

Speaker 1 (29:29):
Mark is Mark's a friend, Like we need Mark, doesn't
matter him going and be like, oh, have my usual usual.
He definitely had a usual where they're like they probably
like have his name on like a barstool in one
of the jacks vhs. Yeah, one of the guys.

Speaker 4 (29:48):
This is the article from the ASSEMBLYNC dot com who
did the original reporting of this. The article is amazing
because they talked to all these guys like what was
the deal what was he like? One guy said, Robinson
usually came in with a pizza, purchased a preview, and
went into a private booth to watch it and eat.
So he was bringing pizzas with him into the booth

and sometimes like hook because I think at the time
he worked out a Papa John's or something, so he
would hook people up with pizzas too from.

Speaker 1 (30:14):
Time to time, one guy said.

Speaker 4 (30:16):
One man described the future governor as funny quote, I
mean like hilarious. He would have like five or six
of us upfront, dying laughing at four in the morning,
almost like a stand up routine. Not copying Andrew dice Clay,
but almost like doing an Andrew Dice Clay comedy bit.

Speaker 1 (30:39):
In the morning, eating pizza in a jack of boitting
a cigarette or over his head like Andrew days Clay.

Speaker 4 (30:46):
Oh but.

Speaker 1 (30:49):
Watching dick a reduct. Yeah exactly.

Speaker 4 (30:52):
But yeah, this is the guy who's out here talking
about how he was saved, how important it is, how
like what you know, mass shootings or karma for people
having abortions. Yet here this man is like hiding his
his his sinful side, yet accusing.

Speaker 3 (31:09):
This is in Greensboro, North Carolina, Carolina and I did
a comedy festival there once, and someone had told me
a comedian who does goes to like sex party was saying, like,
that's apparently a place that surprisingly has great healthy sex party.

Speaker 1 (31:24):
Yeah scene, Yeah, all right, I love to hear that.
Money noted that Robinson might have a problem with gay people,
but I don't think he has a problem with lesbians.
So all these people they got for quotes are just
killing it with their lives.

Speaker 4 (31:40):
Who wrote clay material coming in with free pizzas for everybody?

Speaker 1 (31:47):
He took Andrew Dice clay bits, but he made them
his own, right, Yeah, this is he would hit the
cigarette under his leg instead of around his head. He
would go between the legs with the smoke. Yep, yep, yep. Obviously,
watching porn isn't a big deal. It can be very
good sometimes. Maybe it, you know, relieves this person from

having wild, horrible thoughts and going out and getting elected governor.
But he has used evangelical posturing to demonize the sins
of other people, which included banning books featuring LGBTQ characters
from school libraries claiming that they were pornographic. He's the expert,

you know. Yeah, he's like, and I know you're trusting me.
I'm dropping money.

Speaker 4 (32:36):
The other thing people said was like, this guy was
spending a lot of money on the porno, and he
also has a lot of stuff that he says in
his speeches about how the Democrats destroyed the economy and
it ruined his businesses, and like when he juxtaposed that
with all these people, like, dude, this guy was buying
so much porno, You're like, was it really the Democrats
that wreck the economy or your love of the of

the bootleg.

Speaker 2 (33:00):
Don too much money on porn?

Speaker 3 (33:01):
Yeah, and the interesting not I mean not to give
any validity of the but just to dissect the statement
that like Republicans will use about like oh, like queer
characters or LGBT equals pornographic when you find out so
many of these guys secretly are watching a lot of
porn and the only they don't have gay friends, and
the only times they see men kiss or you know,

it's like super sexual hyper sexualized in porn because important
you have every situation right hyper sexualized. But that's what
they're looking at. I imagine a part of their brain
connects that to porn, right, like that only they see
a you know, a romantic, you know, innocent first kiss
on you know, a c W show, and then they're like,
that's porn because they only ever see anything like that

in a very extreme way.

Speaker 2 (33:46):
It's very fascinating.

Speaker 3 (33:47):
I mean it's not I don't know if they'll ever
correct themselves, but I'm like, yeah.

Speaker 2 (33:52):
Maybe there's I feel that's where maybe that's coming from.

Speaker 1 (33:56):
Yes, maybe if you engaged with women as human beings
and set of as like characters in your porn, like
in your porn addiction, then like you would have less
fucked up opinions about what they should do and like, yeah,
what your role is with h with regards to their body.

Speaker 4 (34:17):
Yeah, And this is what's wild though, too is like
a few weeks ago he was down fourteen percent in
the governor race against Josh Stein, and now he's cut
that lead to about four between four and six.

Speaker 1 (34:29):
Percent somehow, well after the story broke.

Speaker 4 (34:33):
I don't know if it's no after this story broke,
but just over the past weeks, like you people are.

Speaker 1 (34:37):
Like, oh shit, that's Mark Mark from the front. Hious.

Speaker 4 (34:45):
I like how he used to call himself Jamal Dice Clay.
He would kind of like the black urban version of
Andrew Dice Clay. We loved all, we loved, we loved,
we loved it.

Speaker 1 (34:55):
That's unbelievable, all right, So we'll keep an eye on
that one.

Speaker 5 (34:57):
Hopefully he loses.

Speaker 1 (35:00):
But I mean there are other people have said that,
like they think that this is going to hurt Trump's
chances in North Carolina because he is profoundly unpopular in
North Carolina for being a Republican, and maybe there's a
chance that that drags Trump down as well. There's also
like these reports that we talked about on trending yesterday,

but like that, a lot of Republicans are now like
we actually want to lose now, so we have a
party going forward.

Speaker 4 (35:29):
This is it's so funny though, it's like so American too,
where it's like no one's willing to do the work themselves,
Like the people in power are never willing to do
the work themselves. Like no, no, you could have fucking
ran this pull out on a rail, but that would
have took you know, you weathering the outrage mobs online,
and they're I mean, I think the best thing is
for them to lose really bad and then we can

come in like little political roaches and inherit the earth.

Speaker 1 (35:56):
Yeah yeah, well we'll see, we'll see because oh, also
there's another scanned with Robinson that I don't want to forget.
Recently obtained public records showed that his wife bought three
thousand dollars worth of Girl Scout cookies in two thousand
and three, which overlaps with his porn usage, and then
tried to get out of paying for them after the
check bounced. The Girl Scouts had to sue and win

the case after nobody attended on behalf of the defendant.
But so they were trying to.

Speaker 2 (36:25):
Have so many cookies and all, and also to.

Speaker 1 (36:28):
The Girl Scouts, I know, yeah, what are they going
to five a box? They had it? Yeah, two thousand
and three Girl Scout cookie prices. I can't imagine, Like
what that. That's almost like when you find out how
much drugs somebody had on them and you're like, well,
they were clearly planning to like deal drugs, Like nobody
consumes that much drugs.

Speaker 2 (36:49):
You know, trying to sell her own cookies.

Speaker 1 (36:52):
Yeah, like juice WRLD when he passed away on that flight,
Like the amount of weed he had. People like, wait,
that doesn't make sense, and then they like speculate that
he was trying like bringing it to friends as like
a gift for them. They could then deal it like
did he have his own Girl Scout cookie operations? Was

the Juice World reference? My god, the fuck are we
right now? I'm looking two thousand and four? He said,
three fifty a box?

Speaker 2 (37:22):
Three fifty, Yeah, that's around how much they were when
I was, I think I was.

Speaker 1 (37:26):
That was like garage full, a thousands boxes.

Speaker 5 (37:33):

Speaker 2 (37:34):
What's the boxes?

Speaker 1 (37:37):

Speaker 3 (37:39):
Girl Scouts have always been LGBTQ friendly, So maybe that's
she was trying to teach them a lesson.

Speaker 1 (37:45):
That's right, right, right, right right? Yeah, I had to
turn her back on them exactly. She's like, oh, but
those those dosey doves, though, hit different? Which are the
dosy does? Are they the gingerbread?

Speaker 2 (37:56):
They're the are they the peanut butter? They're different names.

Speaker 1 (38:00):
Now there's two distributors. It's the oatmeal with the oatmeal
with the peanut butter. Isn't that oatmeal with peanut butter?

Speaker 2 (38:07):
No, that's not even.

Speaker 1 (38:12):
With the Oh wow, my, like, am I in a
different Is that not what they were?

Speaker 2 (38:19):
Peanut butter?

Speaker 1 (38:21):
Miles of a I now. So sometimes just the two
thoughts like blend in his brain. I have hallucinations with
the peanut butter the green, but that really there's a peanut.
Damn was it called something else? Because you know, we
have different because it only comes from like two different bakeries.
We've talked about this too.

Speaker 3 (38:39):
Where there were tagalongs or something, but we I liked
we had then the best ones are the chocolate covered Yeah.

Speaker 5 (38:46):

Speaker 1 (38:47):
Anyway, all that to say, Mark Robinson is the bad guy. Okay,
I'm not on trial here. I'm not on trial here,
Mark Robinson is. Let's take a quick break.

Speaker 5 (38:57):
We'll be right back, and we're back.

Speaker 1 (39:10):
We're back, and uh yeah, there was so there was
a trend over the weekend that I saw cropping up
about having to do with Chase Bank. We covered TikTok
trends here every once in a while because we're young,
you know, talking about Juice World. Yeah, I'm talking to
Juice World. The amount of weed that was on his planet.

All right? When I don't remember this, all right, I
believe you. You do the story, Miles, and I'll uh,
I'll look up how much weed was on Juice World. Plain. Yeah,
let me let me put my v loan hoodie on
because I'm a vlone thug.

Speaker 4 (39:48):
All right, So yes, the TikTok trends usually, like when
we talk about him, they're mostly harmless, like marinating cans
of diet coke for like optimal flavor, or we're like
it's if once it's refrigerated, and it just means refrigerator. Yeah,
for many days, and this one's hitting so good and
you're like, whatever you gotta do to get through.

Speaker 1 (40:07):
The day until they're crispy. Sometimes you can put a
little crystallized lime in there. Yep, yep, yep. Yeah, it
was seventy pounds of marijuana in forty one vacuum sealed bags.

Speaker 4 (40:17):
Oh yeah, seventy one piece. That's a lot, yeah yeah,
yeah right. But then sometimes there are these trends that
come in the form of like terrible financial advice that
usually just ends up being some form of fraud.

Speaker 1 (40:32):
Case in point.

Speaker 2 (40:33):
Sounds like good financial advice, yeah exactly.

Speaker 1 (40:36):
Like let me just play commit.

Speaker 4 (40:39):
This one was from like last year, where this dude
was basically saying, like, just get some business cards and
you can buy fucking hundred rack jeweled out watch I
stout watches this is again already looks this guy looks
twelve till he's twelve.

Speaker 1 (40:55):
He's shirtless and has a gold chain on.

Speaker 4 (40:57):
Two gold chains are actually I stop, bro and wait
till he pulls out his bus down on his wrist. Anyway,
this is this is some sick ass financial advice on TikTok.

Speaker 8 (41:05):
How personal credit works. Let's say, for example, you'll get
a car or credit card in your personal name, you're
personally held responsible.

Speaker 1 (41:13):
Personally, if you were to.

Speaker 8 (41:14):
Go get a credit card in your personal name, and
you were to go max the card out, you're gonna
be held liable if you don't make that payment back,
the bank could come and sue you. No, what makes
us different about business credit? Well, business credit, you are
not personally held responsible for that line of credit. So
let's say, for example, how I got this watch. I
was able to open a business that I didn't really
give a shit about.

Speaker 1 (41:34):
I went open.

Speaker 8 (41:34):
Business credit cards in that account. I then proceeded to
go on buy this four hundred thousand dollars. I'm gonna
turn around and sell it to a jeweler for eighty
thousand dollars in cash, which now gives me the cash
I'll file bankruptcy on the company. I'll never have to
actually pay it back because I'm not personally liable for
that American Express card.

Speaker 1 (41:52):
It's anyways goes on. Yeah, see, we're so sorry to
we we didn't realize that was your fiance. Yeah that yeah,
me to put him out. He looks great though, he
looked at you.

Speaker 4 (42:07):
Yeah, it's that easy because finding for that that will
have no effect on you in any way either.

Speaker 1 (42:13):
So just yeah, go ahead, none of it. It's that
start business, and I really give a shit about well,
I got a fake watch on. You could be like me,
all right.

Speaker 4 (42:24):
And then this time last year there's also the cash
app glitch where people were able to send themselves like
huge sums of money because there was some shit going
on with the cash app that wasn't working, and people
were immediately spending it on stuff like door Dash, and
they're like wild videos where people were like doing spending
thousands on food and drink and like throwing wild ass
house parties and ship like that. The clips were very interesting,

a lot of fun, but once the company patched things up,
many people found themselves and shipped like five figure debt.
Because that's not your money.

Speaker 1 (42:56):
Then over Labor Day weekend, another quote glitch.

Speaker 4 (43:00):
They always call them fucking glitches, trend like this trade
chopped up exactly, dude, glitch in the matrix glitchen capitalism,
where like capitalism doesn't fucking come for your ass somehow,
it always does. Basically, people were able to deposit like
fake checks and got access to a significant portion of
the funds that they deposited at an ATM and pull

that cash right out without any holding period. So the
videos made it look super simple. People were fucking throwing
cash in the air. They're like, I can't believe this
shit is working, and the TikTok algorithm blasted this shit
all over people's for you pages. Then the same story here,
Chase fixed the problem and the people that had glitched
their accounts found themselves looking at huge negative balances by Monday.

And many of the people that fell for this obviously
like young people who aren't super financially literate or financially
literate at all, and they just couldn't believe that there
was a way to get free money. And the platform
has so many influences already that are like criminally financially
illiterate and they're building audiences off of like disaffected young

people who are willing to take a gamble on shit
like this just to try and you know, get their
piece too, and tragically just putting them into a deeper
financial hole. Because again, these aren't these aren't fucking glitches.
This is you trying to defraud the country's largest bank.
This aint grand theft auto where you stumbled upon a
fucking loophole to fucking get your way to Lambu.

Speaker 1 (44:30):

Speaker 2 (44:30):
They a fax errors so fast when it's against them,
but when it's against you.

Speaker 1 (44:34):
Oh, it takes years.

Speaker 2 (44:36):
It takes so long.

Speaker 7 (44:37):

Speaker 3 (44:37):
They're double paid on a sorry. Oh I double paid
on a chased card once because I was like I'm
gonna pay, like I had a fairly large balance and
I was like, I got paid and I paid it once,
but then I didn't go through. I thought, so then
I paid it again yea, and then it went through
twice and I was like, oh, I didn't mean to
pay this twice because it was like too much and
I was like, no, I need the cash. And it

took them like three months to actually reverse it, which
was very annoying because it was like.

Speaker 1 (45:04):
Standard. They are again like just you know, human beings, consumers,
individuals do not have government backing they we we do
not have anybody creating laws to look out for us
in this country. Corporations have people, they have laws to
protect them, They have well funded legal departments who are

going to figure out how to get your ass. Do
not try to scam corporations because they will get you.
Don't scam people because it's fucked up and immoral. Don't
scam corporations because they're gonna they're they're you're you're not
going to get.

Speaker 5 (45:42):
Away with it.

Speaker 1 (45:43):
Yeah, I mean, if anyone's figured out a glitch, it's
the corporations. They're like liability glitch. Watch this.

Speaker 4 (45:50):
I will fleece these people of their money and there's
nothing you can do about it, or you will have
to go through lengthy legal processes that you just can't endure.

Speaker 1 (45:58):
So we win.

Speaker 4 (45:59):
But like I don't blame these kids for trying, you
know what I mean. Like our society has like glorified
billionaire culture, and social media has like amplified our ability
to compare our life situation to others completely unrealistic situation.
So you know, like they're countless stories too, you see
a people who were scamming PPP loans at the start

of the pandemic for their own personal gain.

Speaker 1 (46:21):
So I'm sure none of these people are like why
wouldn't I try and get mine through some glitch?

Speaker 4 (46:27):
But sadly, again there I felt like this was a
lesson I learned so early on that like was drilled
into my head, which was there is no such thing
as free money.

Speaker 1 (46:38):
Just so you know, anybody is offering you free money,
run until you have like millions of dollars, and then
you get free money via like yeah, yeah, you just
buy a slum like apartment against yeah, against it man,
Yeah exactly. So that's the only free money there is.
But like this sort of thing, it's not going to

work out for you, and if it's going viral on TikTok,
it's too late.

Speaker 5 (47:03):
Yeah yeah right.

Speaker 3 (47:05):
But that's interesting you're talking about like the because it
is kids doing this, and I think even during because
I'm bringing my fiance back, but like when he was
trading during the pandemic, a lot of the kids on TikTok,
they would post their gains and of course some of
them get into a crazy debt, but like they also
start with nothing so some of the ones that make
them most and they you know, exceptions, but it's exciting

when you see one because they post it and everyone's like,
maybe that could be me. They're not afraid to overleverage
and make stupid decisions, which I would not recommend, but
you do see them succeeding sometimes because they're like, you know, twenty,
and they're like, have nothing to their name, and they
overleverage and they take advantage of a glitch and then
suddenly they're like up a million, and then they overleverage
that and then they're willing to lose everything because they

have nothing right And yeah, it's kind of wild, like
I wonder what the future is going to be with
all these kids who kind of had their young youth
like this, Like this is not how I thought about.

Speaker 4 (47:57):
Money at all when I was well right, because there's
also this all this hustle culture bullshit too that has
people just in this like really unrealistic frame of mind
for how anything works. And again it's fucked up because
already the reality, the financial reality for most young people
is so bleak that you would end up being like, well,
fuck it, Like why don't I just fucking steal if
it looks like everybody's just fucking stealing or not getting

it properly. And the sad thing is there are plenty
of people who like have sound financial advice on TikTok
or things like that. So rather than like learning about
like I don't know, fucking index funds or like properly
budgeting and shit like that, you fall into something we're
like a nineteen year old.

Speaker 1 (48:35):
It's like, yeah, so this is how I have an
estyle lambeau or toilet.

Speaker 4 (48:39):
Every time I flush it, VVS diamonds come out, you know,
and like it's all through a glitch called my grandfather
was you know, Andrew Carnegie.

Speaker 5 (48:49):

Speaker 1 (48:49):
Yeah, it's the same as the lottery though. It's like,
I mean that's been working the same way for a
long time. That like the only it's good content as
long as you're looking at the winner and your brain
is to remember the winner. It's not gonna remember like
the people. Well, first of all, they're not even gonna
cover it on the news, like and these thirty people
all spent way too much money on lottery tickets, right,

and now look at the awkward silence at the dinner
table after they're having to just eat that and sit
sadly and eat spaghetti out of a can.

Speaker 4 (49:24):
It's just there's there's this one video I put like
this screen cap of it in there where like this kid,
you know thought it thought it was a glitch, but
you can tell like he's like dueting, you know, like
a video like it's it's not really a duet, but
he's like green screening himself into his own bank balance
where he owes forty thousand dollars from doing the chase thing.

Speaker 1 (49:45):
And dude, this kid is so fucking upset like ours plays.

Speaker 4 (49:48):
You can kind of hear just this kid keeps rubbing
his face like he can't believe how much he just
fucked this the whole thing up.

Speaker 1 (50:00):
Just can't believe it. Yeah, oh man, it really told
me to tap in next day. It was supposed to clear.
Look at my account, yo.

Speaker 4 (50:10):
Uh, Like I can feel this kid's pain, you know
what I mean, Like, that's so much fucking money. I
don't know how old you are, where you're at in
your life, but nobody can. Nobody's eating a forty grand
like that and that and everything that you're gonna earn
has to go towards I mean, obviously there might be
a way to work this out. But like you can,

you can see just like the highs and lows of
it were like a few days but earlier everyone was
like laughing their asses off at the atm they couldn't
believe their good fortune. And then the fucking hammer of
reality comes down on your head and you're left there
following victim to like, you know what you thought was
free money when there is no such thing. Yeah, it's

it's it's really fucking it's it's a it's like an
encapsulation just like kind of everything. That's how happening because
people's you know, like your economic or financial recourse, Like
you have no financial recourse, so it's easier to dive
into some shit like this. But anyway, so yeah, and
for anybody with younger or you know, young people listening

anything that's a glitch, stay the fuck away from that. Yeah,
you know, there's no such thing as a glitch.

Speaker 1 (51:24):
And I think that's again, unless you are a corporation,
and we do have a lot of listeners to our corporations,
you are able to take advantage of a glitch or
an inefficiency over and over and over and over again,
and that that is how a lot of people became
billionaires that you just need to do it and get
rich enough so that by the time they catch it,

you're rich enough to like have your own legal department basically,
right exactly, and then you're like, fine, man, I'll eat that. Fine,
what is it? Like a fraction of what I stole?

Speaker 3 (51:55):
I don't have the sec finds a company and it's
like comical comparaisons.

Speaker 1 (51:59):
Three million dollars, It's like, what was their revenue last year?
Fourteen billion?

Speaker 5 (52:04):

Speaker 1 (52:05):
All right, well, T t Lee, what a pleasure are
having you back on the daily zeitgeist? Where can people
find you? Follow you all that?

Speaker 5 (52:15):

Speaker 2 (52:16):
So fun. You can find me on social media at
t le bot that's t l e E b O T.
I'm not promoting anything.

Speaker 3 (52:23):
I just came off my tour, but if you're interested
in seeing me in the future, I have a mailing list.
It's just TinyURL dot com slash t Lee Comedy. That's
t L e e Comedy. And then I'm trying to
build that out more as I travel, so hopefully I
can let people know when I when I do shows
around the world, hopefully more and more international.

Speaker 1 (52:41):
Shows now, yeah, more French bagettes.

Speaker 2 (52:43):
Yeah, more less covid more French.

Speaker 1 (52:46):
More baggettes. Also bagette diamonds too, you know what I mean.
Any financial advice you get, any financial advice I have.

Speaker 2 (52:52):
So much done, do not listen to me.

Speaker 3 (52:54):
Do I get a Liberal Arts degree from n y U,
study data science?

Speaker 4 (52:59):
Go, get a step Yeah, learn a trade. You know
you don't even have to go to college, you know, yeah,
get getting that. Getting a union, you know, the elevator,
the elevator repair union.

Speaker 2 (53:09):
Start a fake clothing brand to data harvest.

Speaker 1 (53:12):
Yes, yes, yes, yeah, there you go. Is there a
work of media that you've been enjoying.

Speaker 3 (53:17):
Oh, I've been really enjoying Ludacris's TikTok Ludacris I don't
know how recently he's joined TikTok, but he's recently come
across my feet quite often.

Speaker 2 (53:26):
And I love Luda, you.

Speaker 3 (53:27):
Know, classic renaissance mane. I just loved how his I've
loved him from the Fantasy Days to Know the Fast
and the Furious Days to now he's posting astrology tiktoks.

Speaker 2 (53:40):
I think he's probably trying to.

Speaker 3 (53:41):
Get posed to like launch a project. But his TikTok,
which I'm sure you can tell a social media person
he's hired and is helping him with there's still elements
of him and it's so fun, like he has one
was just I imagine that social media person was like
talk about astrology, but then he gets into it and
there's just videos of him talking about like the difference
between like September Virgo and August.

Speaker 2 (54:01):
Virgo, and he just goes off.

Speaker 1 (54:02):
He would say that as a virgo, yeah, yeah, because
he famous. He talks up his Virgo neess.

Speaker 2 (54:08):
He's got multiple virgo videos.

Speaker 1 (54:10):
Yes, yeah, his birthday is nine to eleven. I do
not know that. I'm a bit of a Ludicris fan
as well, big a bit of a Luda fan.

Speaker 2 (54:21):
What's your favorite?

Speaker 4 (54:23):
Oh man, uh, maybe from It's I'm trying to say, no,
there's well he's on this song fat Rabbit, but it's
also pretty uh it's pretty vulgar. But you know, I
definitely like I would say probably I would probably say,
oh no, the fights, I'm about to punch your lights. Yeah,
I just like that to start off, because whenever I

hear that, I'm like, oh no, like it just whenever
you hear it, like at a wedding or some shit.

Speaker 1 (54:51):
It just I don't know how to act anymore. Yeah,
get the fuck guard. You're grilled. You're like whoa, whoa, whoa.
But I love that.

Speaker 3 (55:00):
I love the ones where because sometimes you'll be really vulgar,
like you said, but sometimes you'll say something and it's
like cute. I don't know, like, I love this one
really stands out when he was like.

Speaker 2 (55:08):
Filler up balloons or amazing That one just plays over
my head.

Speaker 1 (55:16):
Oh man, I like two O two from area codes
because I lived in Washington, DC at the time.

Speaker 2 (55:22):
Oh yeah, yeah, wait what were you saying?

Speaker 1 (55:25):
Did you see him drinking the glacier water?

Speaker 3 (55:28):
And yeah, that's a great one too. Yeah, he's got
good content. It's like some of it is just classic
promo content, but it's with Ludacris, so it's cute.

Speaker 1 (55:36):

Speaker 2 (55:36):
And then some is him just talking about being a virgo.

Speaker 1 (55:40):
Mm hm. We love amazing miles. Where can people find
you as their workI media You've been enjoying.

Speaker 4 (55:46):
I pulled up with a million trucks, looking, smelling and
feeling like a million bucks past the bottle to heat
his song, weed.

Speaker 1 (55:52):
In the huddle, all smoking that cheek and that's another one.
There's he's there's just easy.

Speaker 4 (55:58):
I think that was the other thing too, was Ludo
was like, you know, he's like more comedic because he's
not really a gangster. He was like a radio DJ
before he started rapping, so his lyrics were very like
they're fun, and I think that's he filled that lane,
just a perfect niche. You can find me at Miles
of Gray on Twitter and Instagram. You can find Jack
and I talking about the basketballs on Miles and Jack

on man Boosti's talking ninety day on four to twenty
day fiance. Let's see at Bork and media. I've been
watching Love is Blind UK. I love Love is Blind.
I like trash reality shows that are about dating, and
Love is Blind UK is no different. It's just that
the accents are a little bit more sophisticated, but the
people still just as desperate and are making bad decisions

for my enjoyment.

Speaker 1 (56:43):
So that's what I've been watching. Love was Bline. Okay,
no tweets though I haven't seen a tweet recently. I
haven't seen one. Don't know what it is. You can
find me on Twitter at Jack Underscore O'Brien. I enjoyed
a tweet by at that Brenna, who tweeted, the only
squat I'm doing is diddley, my favorite exercise. You can

find us on Twitter at Daily Zeitgeist. We're at the
Daily Zeitgeist on Instagram. We have a Facebook fan page
on a website Daily zeitgeist dot com where we post
our episodes and our footnotes where we link off to
the information that we talked about in today's episode, as
well as a song that we think you might enjoy. Hey, Miles,
is that a song that you think people might enjoy. Yeah.

Speaker 4 (57:28):
There's this indie artist who goes by Marlin Funaki and
he is, like, I think he's a pretty young dude
from California, and like they're kind of these like psychedelic
trippy tracks that he like really trippy psychedelic guitar, but
just sort of like really smooth vocals too. This track

just feels like a really good, kind of like lazy
summer song, because I know people always say labor days
the end of summer, but I like to just still
have music that feels easy and hot weather.

Speaker 1 (57:59):
And this is a great track.

Speaker 4 (58:00):
It's called When Sunday Comes Around by Marlon funaki f
u n a k I.

Speaker 1 (58:06):
So check out all right, We will link off to
that in the footnote. Daily zeit geys is the production
of iHeartRadio. For more podcasts from iHeart Radio, visit the
iHeart Radio app, Apple podcast wherever you listen to your
favorite shows. That is going to do it for us
this morning. We are back this afternoon to tell you
what is trending and we will talk to you all
then Bye bye

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