Episode Transcript
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Speaker 1 (00:00):
Hello the Internet, and welcome to this episode of Trendburh
sir Geist courtesy of less than Zero on the discord.
Speaker 2 (00:09):
Do you Strenburgh.
Speaker 1 (00:13):
Would be a good aka for sir geist Geist.
Speaker 3 (00:17):
A lot, missus Geist, miss Geist from Clueless that was
the single teacher they tried to set up.
Speaker 1 (00:22):
Please, mister Geist is my dad's name, call me I
am Jack. That is Miles And uh, these are some
of the things that are trending today. We're uh, we're
not really going to talk about well, I guess we'll
talk about some things that could be October surprise, surprises,
if people, if Trump was a normal human being.
Speaker 2 (00:49):
Not already at the bottom of the barrel.
Speaker 1 (00:51):
Yes, but first, we of course want to open with
Milton the hurricane. That is that we'll show a clip
on tomorrow's episode about you know, the meteorologists being brought
to tears with like how powerful this shit is. As
he's breaking down, he also says it will be a
three by the time it gets to Florida. But don't
let that keep you from worrying, because there's just this
massive storm surge.
Speaker 3 (01:22):
Yeah, ten to fifteen feet of water, yeah, which is
as the mayor of Tampus said, unsurvivable, and like, if
you look at just sort of the news stories, there's
plenty of people who are like talking about what their
plans are to leave, and there's also a I mean
not as much talk, but there's definitely you're hearing more
and more stories of people who just do not have
the means to evacuate. And I think that's probably another
thing that meteorologist was connecting because he was also thinking
of that that Category five is definitely touching the Yucatan
Peninsula of Mexico, and that's going to also cause on
just fathomable destruction and who knows, and you know that
potentially the loss of life. And yeah, now we're looking
at like the situation in Florida, where you know, while
there are people who have been able to evacuate and
prepare their homes, there are many millions who are not.
So this I just, yeah, I hope this outcome is
not as terrible as a lot of the experts are forecasting.
But it seems like this is definitely something that should
be taken very seriously. So I hope people who are
living in that path, I hope you're able to get
safe as best as you can.
Speaker 1 (02:28):
Also feels like maybe this would be a good service
that the government would provide. Yeah, yeah, their inability to
get fossil fuel companies to stop, you know, throwing hurling
unsurvivable hurricanes at human beings and maybe something that something
is wrong, A little job creating opportunity would be to
you know, figure out a way to get people the
fuck out of there who don't have the means to
do that when there is an unsurvivable hurricane bearing down
on them. Maybe you know, use some of those buses
that they were using to bust migrants to New York
and instead use those to evacuate people from the path
of again, what is being described as literally unsurvivable hurricanes.
Shout out to super producer Justin for pointing out that
they do have busses, Yeah, that they used to bust
migrants for its publicity stunts.
Speaker 3 (03:30):
Right right, exactly, But yeah, this is it's god more
chaos happening. And when we talk about how this is
obviously being politicized, weaponized by the right in just the
most obscene ways. But yeah, that is that is obviously
the biggest story I think right now.
Speaker 1 (03:48):
So in not the biggest story, right now news e
the Spirit Halloweens are now going to be taken over
by Spirit Christmases. So Spirit Halloween, famous for taking over
the empty shells of shuttered brick and mortar businesses and
turning them into Halloween fun for a couple months at
a time, they're now being like, what if the fun
didn't have to stop? Huh?
Speaker 2 (04:20):
So why is it there Spirit Thanksgiving?
Speaker 1 (04:23):
Speaker 3 (04:24):
Yeah, that probably seems I get it. You can't, you can't.
Just that's a big that's a big swing to be like,
get your gords here that light up and talk like pilgrims.
Speaker 1 (04:33):
Just plastic gourds galore.
Speaker 3 (04:36):
Oh look we have we have whimsical settler colonial themed
trinkets for your dining table.
Speaker 1 (04:43):
But I mean, seasonal Christmas stores are a thing. It
does make sense that they would get in the game.
They have unveiled the sign, the equally impressive Spirit Christmas sign, because,
as we know, Spirit Halloween just like an orange, flappy
plastic banner that they just like put up on the
side of buildings. Now we've got a blue flappy banner
with red writing and a winky sandy claws. Wow wow,
hands up as if to say, I am not touching
any children? What are you talking about?
Speaker 2 (05:20):
You know?
Speaker 1 (05:21):
Wiggles style? How the Wiggles Allegedly the Wiggles like iconic
gesture with thumbs up, and it was rumored that they
incorporated that to subtly unconsciously send the message to parents
like hey, we're our hands are right here, don't worry
about us. But anyways, so what will spirit Christmas look like?
It will be a bunch of Christmas bullshit. It sounds
like with an opportunity to get your picture taken with
Santa Claus.
Speaker 2 (05:55):
The kids there, it is there, it is.
Speaker 3 (05:57):
Does any kid like taking a picture with fucking sand
into all? I used to work at the mall, like
in college, and I remember whenever that shit showed up,
it was like people dragging their kids and like maybe
like then ironic teenagers.
Speaker 2 (06:10):
Being like yo, suit on Soonder's lap and ask them
for weed. But yeah, I don't know.
Speaker 1 (06:15):
I will say to a certain kid who believes in
Santa Claus is very exciting. I would also say that
for the propaganda wing of the keep the Santa Claus uh,
children who are listening to this episode, now is the
time we didn't tell you before we started swearing to
stop listening. Yeah, but any children who are still listening
please skip ahead.
Speaker 2 (06:40):
Yeah you don't want to fuck around and find out
right now?
Speaker 1 (06:43):
Yeah, So any you know that there's there's a whole
propaganda wing that is out here trying to get kids
to believe, and the the mall Santa clauses are real
hit and miss in that direction. Yeah, because because like
the I think that was the first place where I
picked up a clue. I was like, wait, there's Santa's helpers.
Why what is that?
Speaker 3 (07:08):
Speaker 1 (07:08):
Why are they dressed as him? Then? Like that's weird.
Why are they tricking us? Why the obfuscation? Mom?
Speaker 2 (07:17):
Yeah, look, it's it's all bullshit. You know. I'm glad
I found out quick.
Speaker 1 (07:22):
Wait you just said that, Like you just figured that out?
Just now?
Speaker 2 (07:25):
I did. I did. I'm not gonna lie. I'm not
gonna lie.
Speaker 1 (07:29):
And I know that and I knew that.
Speaker 3 (07:31):
Man, I'm all fucked up now I just found out
Santa's bullshit.
Speaker 1 (07:35):
I will say that this would be a better idea
if they somehow were able to pull it together and
invent toy stores again, right for you know, if like
this was a place because because the main thing with
Spirit Halloween. It's not just that you can get Halloween
decorations there. You can get the main thing that everybody's
looking for for Halloween, which is costumes. The main thing
the people are looking for around the holidays as gifts.
If they had like good gifts, that would be something
novel idea. They might even be worthy of getting purchased
and turned into an empty husk buy private equity if
they chilled an idea like that off full circle. But anyways,
they're soft launching it across ten stores in the Northeast.
So I don't know, do you plan on traveling to
the Northeast to experience them?
Speaker 3 (08:30):
Yeah, I mean obviously because I need to see with
my own eyes at Santa is that real? But well, yeah,
but you know, like I said, I'll find a good
time to go.
Speaker 2 (08:39):
I'm definitely I'm going to bok my tickets right now.
Speaker 3 (08:41):
I just need to figure out what city we'll have
the best one.
Speaker 1 (08:43):
Yeah, just an interesting So because TikTok is owned in China,
the government is admitting like that it is bad for
you and addictive and bad for the well being of children.
Fair they kind of They came out after instam after Instagram,
but now they're coming after TikTok. There's a lot of
legal challenges going around, right, but I don't know, it
feels like a fraught time to be raising children.
Speaker 2 (09:13):
Yeah, you know.
Speaker 3 (09:13):
I mean it's like anything too. It's the same thing
like with Instagram. It's like, yeah, these are designed to
keep kids scrolling infinitely and probably ingesting messages that might
be detrimental to their feelings of self worth potentially maybe
get them to start smoking cigarettes or doing galaxy gas
or other shit like that.
Speaker 1 (09:34):
So it is really wild to see just you know,
kids getting exposed to like a thing and then that's
all they can, like an addictive piece of media, and
then that's all they want to ask about it. And
it's like, oh, you literally robbed this child of free will,
like they don't have free will like that that's what
addiction is. Yeah, yeah, yeah, so cool. Thanks for that.
Social media MF Doom is.
Speaker 3 (09:59):
Try yeah baby, For all my Doom fans out there,
it's trending because, like you know, with every tent pole
movie comes out, the theaters are like, hey man, we've
got a bucket and this one you might not want
to fuck. You might want to put it on your
shelf if you're a hip hop band. Because a Gladiator
two buckets were revealed.
Speaker 2 (10:21):
And it's the MF.
Speaker 3 (10:23):
Doom mask because so he started off wearing like a
doctor Doom mask and then he switched it up to
the mask from Gladiator.
Speaker 2 (10:28):
So this is quite literally, this is like, this is
an MF.
Speaker 1 (10:31):
Doom shit. I didn't realize that that's what it was.
Speaker 2 (10:34):
Yeah, yeah, he switched it up.
Speaker 3 (10:35):
So that's I think because that was like a sort
of readily available mask you could buy that was being
mass produced because he wasn't like forging it out of
steel like in the fucking you know, uh, in his
own ironsmithing works.
Speaker 1 (10:47):
Now we're all having our illusions burst, aren't we.
Speaker 3 (10:51):
I pictured him with an anvil and hammer for forging
it in this in the Fires of mordor the picture
of the match, like it looks as hell.
Speaker 1 (11:00):
I don't understand how it's a popcorn bucket, do you see?
Do you see what I mean? Like the part that
goes over the eyes and then the part that goes
over the crown of the head, or how far like
it feels like the top would need to be retractable.
Speaker 3 (11:16):
In some Yeah, so I think it's removable or it
has like a hinge. Clearly, Okay, that's the only.
Speaker 1 (11:21):
Way I must have a hinge.
Speaker 3 (11:22):
Yeah, yeah, yeah, you have to pop that thing off
like the monkey brains they were serving at Poundcock Palace
in Indiana.
Speaker 1 (11:27):
Jumpes, that's right. And you also get one. You get
a little guy for your soa aka dog, you know,
and then wow, wow, m F dog work we'll work
shop it. Yeah, all right, Well we're gonna take a
quick break workshop it and we'll be right back and
we're back. Uh and didn't do it workshopping then m
F dog maybe yeah, yeah, m F Doug.
Speaker 2 (12:13):
Let's just let's can we just get to Trump's racism already?
Speaker 1 (12:16):
Let's talk about Yeah, so we're gonna dig in a
little bit more on the history of the phrase October surprise,
like and what the mainstream media means by October surprise. Uh.
There's a probably like four stories today alone about Donald
Trump that feel like they would qualify at any other
time with any other presidential candidate as October surprises. Yeah,
but why don't you kick us off, Miles with Trump
espousing race science.
Speaker 3 (12:49):
Yeah, so, uh, look, racism has always been a focal
point of this career.
Speaker 2 (12:54):
And I'm always like.
Speaker 3 (12:55):
How do you get like, what's the bottom what's the
floor for the ship?
Speaker 2 (12:59):
That you can say?
Speaker 3 (13:00):
Because but and he always impresses, uh, you know, with
just how fucking depraved his comments could be. So he
was on Hugh Hewitt's podcast and Hewitt asks him, you know,
about the economics of Kamala Harris's proposed housing subsidies, and
you know, like a policy question, and Donald Trump manages
to turn it into just a nice fun like Ted
talk on eugenics.
Speaker 4 (13:27):
When you look at the things that she proposes, they're
so far off. She has no clue. How about allowing
people to come.
Speaker 2 (13:35):
To an open border, Oh not about housing.
Speaker 4 (13:38):
Thousand of which were murderers, many of them murdered far
more than one person, and they are now happily living
in the United States. You know, now, a murderer. I
believe this, it's in their jens. And wee a lot
of bad jeens in our country right now.
Speaker 2 (13:52):
Yeah, wow, We've got a lot of bad genes.
Speaker 3 (13:55):
And we're not talking about Jordash for the people in
the back and we're gun no, no. And also just
the ideas like and they've and they've killed more than
one person. These people, these murders, they're living in our country.
I'm like, police, police or who oh the mic oh
oh so sure. So the guy who sleeps with mine
camp under his pillow is out here just throwing out
fucking jeans. Yeah, And I'm being like, it's just getting
like obviously the for the last three months, it's just
been getting.
Speaker 2 (14:26):
Worse and worse and worse and worse.
Speaker 3 (14:29):
And you know, there's a lot of talk about how
he dropped out of the sixty minutes interview that Kamala
Harris did and how that's been a tradition for like
over five days ever now, yeah, exactly, And I'm like, oh, like,
is this because like low key they are like, damn bro,
his brain is a play doo uh And I don't
know if we can trust him just to sit across
from someone who's gonna ask questions and he's going to
turn some You can just picture, right, He's being asked
a question about abortion and he somehow just turns it
into a lecture about like phrenology, how like the ancient
Aztecs used to eat people And You're like, what.
Speaker 1 (15:03):
Right, Yeah, the fuck? So that is door number one.
Speaker 2 (15:07):
Okay, door number two.
Speaker 1 (15:09):
So a few months ago, Jared Kushner openly admitted to
rooting for Israel to ethnically cleanse Gaza in order to
open up the quote very valuable potential of its quote
waterfront property. And now Trump is similarly signaling that he
would also like to see the land stolen developed and
turned into a tourist destination that would be quote better
than Monaco. So okay, thing that he said like out loud,
not yeah, he said a secret tape twenty years ago.
Speaker 2 (15:41):
No, no, no, no, no, this is again.
Speaker 3 (15:43):
This was also from that Hugh Hewett and Hugh Hewitt
he said, shit, it could be.
Speaker 2 (15:47):
Better than Monaco.
Speaker 3 (15:48):
It has the best location in the Middle East, the
best water, the best everything it's got. It is the best.
I've said it for years. I've been there, and it's rough.
It's a rough place. Before all of the attacks and
before the back and forth. What's happened over the line
couple of your back and just stop talking about anything,
you fuck. So, yeah, that's an interesting one too, that
he's completely sort of underlying, underlining the idea that this
is a full on displacement of Palestinian people. Ethnically cleanse
the region.
Speaker 1 (16:16):
Yeah, so you saically cleanse I say real estate opportunity,
a real estate investment.
Speaker 2 (16:22):
Speaker 1 (16:23):
And of course there's no record he's ever been to Gaza,
because he definitely hasn't been to Gaza.
Speaker 4 (16:28):
Speaker 1 (16:28):
But yeah, so just brain Plato saying things that if
Lex Luthor said them in a like hard R rated
Superman movie, you'd be like, that feels a little much.
Speaker 3 (16:43):
He's like, I've been to Palestine. It's really wild. It's
actually in Texas. People don't know this, and you're like, oh, fuck, buddy.
Speaker 1 (16:50):
He also, on that subject, bopped along to YMCA at
an October seventh attack remembrance event. They played, you know,
as they do at any Trump event. They played YMCA
and he just danced and.
Speaker 3 (17:04):
Don't want a song one song, I mean, skates to
one song on one song, only one song.
Speaker 1 (17:13):
And then yeah he doesn't. You know you saw how
long his moment of silence for his own attempted assassination lasted.
Think about how little he gives a shit about anybody else.
And then finally, there's a new Bob Woodward book coming
out that is mainly about like the Biden administration's failures
with Gaza and Ukraine and Afghanistan. But he has some
anecdotes in there about Trump and Putin that are I
don't know, like one of the things people talk about
with October surprises, like it should be like, if it's
going to be impactful, it would go in the same
direction as concerns people already have about this person. And
I do think like his coziness slash fondness slash horniness
for Vladimir Putin would like kind of concern everybody. But
so this anecdote is interesting. So Trump sent Putin a
bunch of COVID tests back at the beginning of the
pandemic when COVID tests were in short supply like globally,
and he had his own private stash and sent them
to Vladimir Putin like for his personal use because he
was very scared. He's like a drumphobe, just like Donald Trump,
and Putin literally had to be like thank you, but
please don't tell anybody because they'll know something's going on
between us, right yeah, yeah.
Speaker 2 (18:51):
Ooh, where'd you get these? Nowhere are those American COVID tests?
Speaker 3 (18:55):
Buddy? No, no, no, they fucking I found them or
some shit.
Speaker 1 (19:00):
Why did they have a cartoon of a shirtless rippling
Donald Trump on all the.
Speaker 2 (19:06):
All the boxes look like they have like self tanner,
like all the like smudged all over them, like someone
just dirtied them. What they're well, all right fine.
Speaker 1 (19:13):
The book also suggests he had up to seven private
calls with Putin at mar A Lago.
Speaker 2 (19:19):
After he left office, right, yeah, after he left office.
Speaker 1 (19:21):
This is like when he's in mar A Lago and
the source like was aware of these and Trump actually
like cleared to the room. So I don't know, that's
just where keeping in mind that this motherfucker liked to
call like she and Kim Jong un on speaker to
like impress dinner guests at mar A Lago. In this case,
he's calling and being like, clear of the room. Don't
get everybody the fuck out of here. I gotta call
my boy. Uh right, So you want to hear something cool?
Speaker 2 (19:52):
Watch this.
Speaker 3 (19:52):
You never guess who's going to answer this FaceTime call.
Look look, look, look, look right, hey, it's me.
Speaker 4 (19:58):
Uh oh.
Speaker 3 (19:58):
And also we've got even on top of that. Then
another thing came out about Brett Kavanaugh, where I think
it was in the Guardian reporting that they looked at
that FBI investigation, it really wasn't an investigation. Basically, Trump's
White House said, do not fucking bring anything to light.
You can pretend you're investigating, but you better act like
you didn't see a fucking thing. So more fucking nonsense.
But again, uh, this guy's that's the thing. It's like,
to any reasonable person, you're like, this guy's a fucking
this is this is a waste of all everything, my energy,
my attention. So it really I don't know how it's
going to move the needle. And again, I don't know
what the next thing. He already said people were gonna come,
like immigrants are gonna come into your home and like
murder you and eat your pets. And now he's doing eugenics.
I don't know what the next ring of hell below
all this is like, it might be fantastic.
Speaker 4 (20:53):
I don't know.
Speaker 3 (20:54):
If you have seen Agatha all along, these migrants will
change your whole reality and you think you'll be in
a procedural drama and you won't.
Speaker 2 (21:00):
Yeah, you'll be the victim.
Speaker 1 (21:03):
Whatever it is. He'll find it. He's still digging. Yeah, well,
those are some of the things that are trending on
this Tuesday, October eighth. We are back tomorrow with the
whole last episode of the show. If you're in Florida
or in anywhere near in the path of the hurricane,
please stay safe until then. Be kind to each other,
be kind to yourselves, get the vaccine, get your flu shots,
don't do nothing about white supremacy, and we will talk
to y'all tomorrow.
Speaker 2 (21:34):
Bye bye,