All Episodes

October 23, 2024 21 mins

In this edition of Trend & M's, Jack and special guest co-host Jacquis Neal discuss Kotaku's Halloween candy ranking, UK parents being shocked by the Halloween decorations in a children's play center, a Trump update, LeBron and Bronny's first game together and much more!

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:00):
Hello the Internet, and welcome to this episode of trend
in MS the name of the show because it is
now the name of the most popular Halloween candy. I'm
realizing I don't call them m and MS. I call
them Eminem's. That's okay, right, yeah, they they've just been

changed to be named after the rapper. I am Jack O'Brien,
and that is our guest co host today, mister Jackie Snel.

Speaker 2 (00:31):
Hello, Hello, Hello, Wow, what up? Let's trand baby.

Speaker 1 (00:36):
Let's trend. A lot of hot news coming in off
the wires hot such as uh Kotaku has ranked the
best Halloween candy from worst to best.

Speaker 2 (00:49):
I'm here from this.

Speaker 1 (00:50):
Maybe we should start with the most popular because we
also have that information coming in hot off the wires
from candy store dot com, who always delights us with
their map of the US with the most popular candy
in each state. We got a new winner this year.

The most popular Halloween candy nationwide used to be Reces Cups,
has been since this show has been a thing the
past seven years, and reces Cups got a new winner. Eminem's.

Speaker 2 (01:23):
Eminems is the winner.

Speaker 1 (01:25):
Eminem's is number one in terms of just sales I
pulled a audible and decided we'd start with sales.

Speaker 2 (01:31):
Let's do sales.

Speaker 1 (01:32):
Eminem's number one, Recee's Cups, number two, Three, sour Patch Kids,
Good Call America. I love Sour Patch Kids.

Speaker 2 (01:38):

Speaker 1 (01:39):
Four Skittles, five star Burst six Tomaly. This is where
I'm gonna have to disagree.

Speaker 2 (01:45):
With you guys to come on now the fuck out
of here with those, Come on now.

Speaker 1 (01:51):
Number seven candy Like, all right, they lost me lost, yeah, yeah,
they had the good top five and then it just
fell off a cliff here, like everything six through nine
is a disaster. Number six Hot Tomali's number seven candy corn,
which I am a candy corn apologist, Like I don't.

I don't mind it as much as other people. If there,
if you have absolutely no other option, I like it
better than Hot Tomali's. For instance, It's just like icing.
It's like eating little pieces of icing, which I am
an icing bitch. I will eat off the top of
your cupcakes.

Speaker 2 (02:29):
I don't love icing. I don't think I've ever given
candy corn like much of a chance because it looks
so unappealing.

Speaker 1 (02:38):
Right, It's too waxy. It's like it's like icing, mixed
with wax, and that is its problem. But I actually
prefer the candy corn pumpkins because those interest bigger and
like they the consistency. I feel like they're like a
little bit medium rare on the inside, so they're like

a little bit more liquidy in the middle sometimes and.

Speaker 2 (03:02):
We need more? Can we need more new candy? Me
and Miles talked about this once on an episode like
a few months ago. I think where there's no new
candy being made anymore, I know, it's a travesty.

Speaker 1 (03:13):
They did that one that was like what you might
call it in the nineties and then gave up.

Speaker 3 (03:20):
Like the eighties, right, Rece's pieces. Rece's pieces, I say pieces,
but because I talked about candy so much as a child,
it's just locked in all the ways to mispronounce, yeah,
like reces pieces.

Speaker 1 (03:36):
Uh yeah yeah. But anyways, yeah, I think that was
the eighties. I think eighties, okay, like the et eating
Reces pieces was the first piece of product placement ever
again and.

Speaker 2 (03:51):
Really but for the Simpsons like don't lay a finger
on and were like no, thank you, pops, tousy pops. Also,
you know how many licks to get to the center
of a tootsy pop. That's a classic commercial.

Speaker 1 (04:05):
That is a classic commercial. I feel like that candy.
If I had to date it as to like when
it was invented, i'd be like the eighteen nineties. I
don't know. There's just something like the ads feel old
as fuck. Number eight Hershey's Kisses again, what the fuck
are we doing? Number nine hershey Mini Bars. Okay, it

just feels like the wood chips of like in the candy.
You know, it's like the filler. It's like the I've.

Speaker 2 (04:33):
Seen a person eat a Hershey's bar in two decades.
I've seen people use them for other things.

Speaker 1 (04:40):
And they're just eating. They're fine in a in a pinch,
but Halloween Night is not supposed to be a pinch.
They are. They're like the bread cereal in Lucky Charms,
you know, like they're they're the in between there is.

Speaker 2 (04:56):
They're just the fu we came here for. We didn't
come here for then, come here for the for the
luckies we came here.

Speaker 1 (05:04):
I think the boys talks about how how they call
the bread, the grain cereal parts of Lucky Charms of the.

Speaker 2 (05:12):
Wood, which I was funny.

Speaker 1 (05:14):
They get me back at number ten with Butterfinger. All right,
so those are the sales figures. Kotaku has come out
chest out and said, these are actually what are the
best Halloween candies? And right off the bat they got
me because at the very bottom of the list of
thirty eight they've got red Hots, which that feels right correct,

that feels okay, you've got that correct. So they're really
hard on Nerds.

Speaker 2 (05:39):
I will say, yeah, Nerds is like thirty two. I
will say this too, Sour Patch Kids not on this
list at all.

Speaker 1 (05:46):
That's a that's an oversight, that's an edibles that has
to be that has an editorial someone called an editorial mistake.
I would call it an editorial disaster.

Speaker 2 (05:57):
Yeah. Over Good and Plenty. Yeah, that's slavery food bro Like,
don't nobody eat Good and Plenty candy? No more?

Speaker 1 (06:06):

Speaker 2 (06:08):

Speaker 1 (06:09):
I I am happy to say they've put Milky Way
at number five, and I do really fuck with milky
Way recently. See I think Milky Way are actually pretty good.

Speaker 2 (06:19):
See I don't, I don't know, not especially over But
can I can I actually, I know you want to
go through this list, but if you can, if you
can name your off the top of your head, real quick.
Your top five candies like your Jack's top five can
My top.

Speaker 1 (06:31):
Five would be reeseent peanut butter cups, butterfinger M and
M's Yeah, almond joy, I'm a freak. You are a
fucking disgusting freak. Yeah. And then probably Nerds rope or Nerds.

Speaker 2 (06:46):
Clusters nerves like, okay, that's an eclectic. That's that's an
eclectic like list, I think. And also you got some
new ship, because my ship is like mostly old candy.

Speaker 1 (07:00):

Speaker 2 (07:01):
I love candy dots, I love worthers, I love straight
from my grandma's purse. I love butterfingers, butter fingers. I'll
funk with Chico sticks, which is an old ass candy.
Chico Sticks is my shit. I also, yeah, man, little
coconut sticks like coconut peanut buttery. It's kind of like

a finger. Those aren't good, They're so good. I also
love a babe Ruth, a baby Ruth, love a baby Ruth.
I like Reese's pieces in my top four. And to
round it out, I think I would go with like
either a Nerds or a sour oh no, laffy taffy
laffy taffy laffy taffy and laffy taffy.

Speaker 1 (07:41):
Laffy taffy is the wood for me, and a candy
like laught type, he's always left over at the end.

Speaker 2 (07:47):
Yeah, I love laffy type as long as it's not banana.

Speaker 1 (07:52):
But yeah, anyways, I don't know, we don't have to
go through the whole list. I'll just say, like, those
are the ones that jumped out to me. Anything jump
out to you that you think is being overrated underrated
on this list?

Speaker 2 (08:01):
Yeah, I think like, listen, man, you know, I know
all my joy is in your top five, and like,
I know objectively that it's a popular candy, so it
has Yeah, but people.

Speaker 1 (08:12):
Who do not fuck with coconut are not happy.

Speaker 2 (08:16):
And I do like coconut, but coconut and chocolate don't
mix with me. I don't know why. Interesting they put
dots at number ten, then.

Speaker 1 (08:22):
Put dots at number ten. That's crazy, I miss crazy.
They put dots at number ten.

Speaker 2 (08:29):
That's great, over over star Wars and Skittles and Twizzlers,
like absolutely insane.

Speaker 1 (08:38):
So these are and this is an editorially savvy move
where you put one on the list that is just
completely wrong to improve your engagement so that people are like,
look at these motherfuckers. Yeah, Skittles are good, man. I
think those all those candies like other than nerds, rubber nerds, clusters,

I think they're It's good.

Speaker 2 (09:00):
If you have a candy that has that now has
multiple bags of different variants of your candy, you have
made it. Yeah, like so you've done it. So Skittles
has many type of skills. Em and Ums have many
type of m andelms. Like that alone puts both of
those candies in the top ten easily easy.

Speaker 1 (09:18):
All right, I want to talk just further on the
Halloween conversation and then we'll like also talk about non
Halloween news. I swear to god, what is too spooky
as a question that is coming up. So parents in
the UK had to complain because at a like indoor
playground in the UK they decorated it for Halloween with

basically body bags hanging from their feet. It really like
that's that as well. Yeah, the place called Rugue Rats
and half Points. It's in Gloucestershire and they just like
put like you kind of have to see the image,
but it's very grim. It's not it is in no

way spooky. It's just it looks it's like you're stumbling
across something you shouldn't see that Like, yeah, yeah, I
am a.

Speaker 2 (10:12):
Big fan of spookiness. I'm a big fan of scaring children.
I'm a big fan of all these type of things.
But it has to be something that like, at a
certain point, if it's to a kid and as an adult,
we know this that like, oh this isn't necessarily real,

like you know, like killer killer clowns aren't real, big
ass werewolves aren't real. So if those are the things
that like scare you, even if they scare out of you, well,
you know, look, you know, I know, I know, we
grew up in the eighties, so we have. But if
it's something like that, I'm all for it. But body bags,
especially in our current climate where we're seeing dead people

on social media every day, maybe a little too much.
Maybe maybe a little too much.

Speaker 1 (11:00):
Yeah, my children were talking about a Halloween decoration they
saw in our neighborhood where a little child. My son said,
it looked like little orphan Annie was stabbed to a tree.
Jase how he described it. That's wild. That's a lot.
I actually didn't get that mad about that one, because

obviously he knew it was a decoration, so it didn't
freak him out that much. Like that, they're not complaining
like our neighbors had a body parts tree last year
where it was like a tree in the front yard
decorated like a Christmas tree, but just with like severed
hands and heads and shit.

Speaker 2 (11:38):
I can't do that. I can do that.

Speaker 1 (11:40):
I like that. Man like that because that again, like it,
it looks like a festive thing that has been designed.
It doesn't look like there are actual bodies being stored
in your children's playground. Yeah, and looking into this story,
somebody was complaining on Reddit a few years back about
like decorations being too too scary for their kids, Like,

how do I take my kids around when there's like
a scary clown.

Speaker 2 (12:09):
To stop being pussy's.

Speaker 1 (12:11):
Yeah, exist That was basically the entire response, but one
of the responses wash. There were actually multiple responses from
people in Australia who were like, I mean, I agree,
it's too scary, but doesn't matter because nobody here decorates anyways.
For the most you get is like a stray spider
web on the hedge, and that like bummed me out.

Speaker 2 (12:28):
Like that bummed me out.

Speaker 1 (12:29):
Yeah, yeah, I like the idea of a holiday. This
is what America. America is like so fucked up and
repressed that we have this one time of year where
we like get to just turn our homes into like
murder dioramas.

Speaker 2 (12:45):
And everybody just like goes overboard.

Speaker 1 (12:47):
They just like go too hard.

Speaker 2 (12:48):
We just love it. I will say, look if burb
I'm sure there's many neighborhoods in Los Angeles where we
live that do Halloween well, but Burbank does Halloween very well,
especially in like our equestrian neighborhoods. And I sound so
boogie right now, but in our questrian neighborhoods, we have

a lot of people that go all out because we
have all the motherfuckers who work like on set design
and shit and movies like those living Burbank. Yeah, so
you just have just like great as like homes decorated
and people who go all out, and you can just
drive around and walk around and just see a bunch
of really dope houses and maybe even get some candy

even as an adult.

Speaker 1 (13:33):
There you go, all right, let's take a quick break.
We'll be right back, and we're back. A couple of
quick trump updates. We're gonna talk more about General Kelly

getting into detail about Trump's like Nazi Hitler sympathies and
love than interest on tomorrow's episode. Another thing he mentions
that Trump raged at slain soldier's funeral bills and said,
you wouldn't spend sixty thousand dollars to bury a fucking
Mexican was one of the things that he was quoted

as saying.

Speaker 2 (14:16):

Speaker 1 (14:17):
He also is being sued by the Central Park Five,
the men formerly known as the Central Park Five, who
were you know, falsely accused of attacking a jogger in
Central Park and they were eventually exonerated. When they were
first accused, Trump took out a full page ad in

the New York Times basically saying that they should be
executed even though they were children. So yep, and then
that came back to bite him in the ass, except
not really, because he just never let that truth in
and in fact said during the debate that they had
pled guilty, when in fact they had just been coerced into,

of course confession. So they're suing him rightfully, and you know,
he defamed them in front of sixty seven million people. Also,
just this is probably nothing. But there is this political
journalist named Mark Halpern who is saying that he's been

he was like, all the Hitler Nazi stuff about Trump,
you know, I'm sure it's true. Then he said, I've
been pitched a story about Donald Trump now for about
a week that, if true, would end his campaign. And
I'm just wondering, like I can't given what we've just said. Yeah,
like the stories that are coming out about him, what

he's like One of the stories is him being like,
I like Hitler, he did good things, Like I wish
we were more like Nazis. Like what could this possibly be?
I'm not going to speculate. I'm not asking you to speculate.
It's just why, Like I don't even like what, I

don't know a writer that could come up with the
scandal that would end his campaign other than like that
he like murdered.

Speaker 2 (16:18):
To murder somebody in like there's video or some shit
like and even then, like unfortunately, even then, I'm like,
you still might you still could win. But yeah, at
this point, it's like, what what could you possibly say?
Like this feels like you're just trying to get clicks
and like views, torture name but also if it is

such a big story that it that it could be
the thing that ends his campaign out of the millions
of things that did not end his campaign in the
past nine years, then you are it is a form
of malpractice that you are not publishing it, like you know.

So it's like, why why even say this? Why even
say this? Because one of two things are true. Either
it's a non story or you're hyping it up for clicks,
or you are being severely irresponsible by sitting on a
story for a week that is so big that it
could end a campaign that has been teflon for nine years.

Speaker 1 (17:25):
Yeah, all right, let's do some happiness Happy happy news.

Speaker 2 (17:31):
Please thank you the new theme for this portion of
the trending.

Speaker 1 (17:37):
That we've been working on. I don't think we fully
nailed it, to be honest, but we had to go
live with something. Lebron James, Yeah, and the Los Angeles
Lakers had their first game of the NBA season last night,
and Lebron and his son Bronni checked in to an

NBA game together in the quarter. I don't know, it's
just it's really cool.

Speaker 2 (18:04):
I was watching it. I was watching it and listen,
I'm a Chicagoan, So obviously I love me some Michael Jordan.
I am not a Lebron hater. I love a lot.
I really like Lebron. Lebron's place in history is set.
There are fewer things that bring me joy in this
world than Los Angeles fans being upset and sad. Yea,
but I felt an overwhelming sense of like appreciation and

coolness and just like this is so dope and this
is like such a big moment just from like a
black excellency standpoint, watching them check in together like father
and son in the NBA on the Lakers, not you know,
like not on like the Orlando Magic or like you know,
the Indiana Pacers, but like on the Los Angeles Lakers.

Like it just you know, sorry, sorry sorry Magic fans,
but just like just everything perfect storm King Griffy, Junior
and Senior, we're both there and just like the perfect
storm of like this is really fucking cool. And it
was like also their daughter's birthday on yesterday too, Like
it was like you can't appreciate this just from like

a a feel good standpoint, even if you're not a
sports fan, Like it was really dope moment to see
them check in together and to see bron like get
like a dunk, like throw it down hard in like
year twenty two, and then his son not score a
single point. It was all beautiful. It was all beautiful.

Speaker 1 (19:37):
It was also like he was like barking out orders
at him and stuff. I was like, oh, man, yes,
you know, working with your dad would be tough, but
I'm sure so very cool. It's almost he he entered
last season as the oldest player in the NBA, so
very much the oldest player in the NBA this season,
and it's still one of the best.

Speaker 2 (19:57):
Players with his son now and unbelievable.

Speaker 1 (19:59):
And now with his son.

Speaker 2 (20:00):
Yeah, yeah, it's crazy, man. So yeah, kudos to the
whole James family. Man that there are not many things
that like athletes can say, like this is the first
ever to do so, to be the first ones in
the NBA to ever do that as your family legacy,
and to be a black family at that is pretty cool.

Speaker 1 (20:19):
Yeah, it is. I mean, being like one of the
most famous people in the world and like being able
to raise a kid who is not a disaster, you know,
Like I mean, I don't know that's not always the
case with like super famous people so yeah, pretty cool.
All right. Those are some of the things that are

trending on this Wednesday afternoon. We are back tomorrow with
the whole last episode of the show. Until then, be
kind to each other, be kind to yourselves, get the vaccine,
can get your flu shot, don't do nothing about white supremacy,
and we will talk to you all tomorrow.

Speaker 2 (20:55):
Bye bye,

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