All Episodes

September 19, 2024 23 mins

In this edition of UndeZeited Voters, Jack and Miles discuss NC GOP nominee Mark Robinson making disturbing comments on a porn forum, the Oceangate Titan submarine inquiry, Lionsgate allowing an AI firm Runway to train its model on their films, a delivery robot "attacking" a pedestrian at Arizona State University and much more!

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:00):
Hello the Internet, and welcome to this episode of untransided
voters or undelighted voters. Oh we will accept it either
undelighted voters on the discord, uh and untrensited voters. Curtesy,
you current do that on television? Current, curent you do

it on television. I'm just that is Miles. Yeah, and
uh baby, just sitting here, uh doing a little a podcasting.
Thank you as your bow tie. I just found out
about podcasting and I'm to trot for what did you

think we were doing? Lass? Many into this stuff? And uh,
what time is your show on Jack? Anyways? Uh, Miles, Yes,
big news that I wanted. Did not see blindsign? You know,

remember that that viral video of that guy like sprinting
up and just dive kicking Arnold Schwarzenegger in the back.
Oh yeah, Like that's how I felt from this story.

Speaker 2 (01:20):
Wasn't that like it like a children's fitness event or something.

Speaker 1 (01:23):
Like a school gymnasium. Yea, and drop kick Murphy right there,
drop kicked Murphy. And anyways, That's how I'm feeling after
a morning spent being told that Mark Robinson, yes, the
politician out of North Carolina, North Carolina gubernatorial candidate. Is

that what he's running for? Mark Robinson, the politician Mark Robinson.
He people are saying something bad coming, which kind of
wild to hear something badially disqualifying coming about someone who
is on record being a Holocaust denier.

Speaker 2 (02:11):
Somehow right, we found out, oh boy bringing pizzas with
him to little jail booths.

Speaker 1 (02:18):
That was the latest revelation a couple of weeks. Yeah,
she was just a regular at a store where people
went to uh jack off quietly next to one another,
and what was like the life of the party there,
like the norm. Everyone's like, yeah, man, he's funny as hell.

Yeah he was. Was kind of freaky, but yeah, it
felt a little bit like people were like, guys, guys,
some really disturbing stuff about to drop about Joseph Gerbels,
So just gird yourself. Anyways, Uh, CNN did in fact
drop the store. Sorry, they tracked him to a porn

forum where he is one of these people I don't
I don't understand, but people who need to post and
comment on pornography and just be let everybody know what
they think of the pornography.

Speaker 2 (03:19):
The they're the salons of our you know what I.

Speaker 1 (03:24):
Mean they're intellectuals who me an intellectual Anyways, he was
in the forum just holding fourth, holding fifth and sixth
even on. I mean, some of the quotes are exactly
what I would have expected, but still bad for a

public figure running for office who is very closely associated
with the Trump administration. Some things he said in that forum,
I am a black Nazi exclamation point. Slavery is not bad.
Some people need to be slaves. I wish they would
bring it back. And of course I'd take Hitler over

any of the ship that's in Washington right now. No,
mm hmmmmm. Also really hates Martin Luther King Junior. Yeah,
just like called him worse than a maggot. A lot
of things, a lot, a lot of horrify.

Speaker 2 (04:23):
He talks about, like peeping on women in the shower,
talks about that his love. Honestly, I mean, this does
make he has a It seems like he had a
in affinity for watching transgender pornography and many other things.
But also but that doesn't match his public comments about
transgender people. But he says he's like yo, He's like
that's fucking hot. It takes the man out while leaving

the man in and yeah, I'm a perv too. That's
a verbatim quote from this very wild account that he
was posting with.

Speaker 1 (04:54):
Also so many other things that can't be verbatim quoted,
but anti Semitic, homophobic slurs, just a real a veritable nightmare. Yep, yep, yep. Yeah.

Speaker 2 (05:08):
And like for people who like, that's not him, they
did a pretty good job being like, this is some
old Facebook posts where you see this old Twitter handle
he had. We searched this old user name and found
it on all these other places. Still don't like that
he actually put up information about when he was married
in these posts that you can cross reference. He talks
about his location in Greensboro, North carop like, just all

kinds of shit.

Speaker 1 (05:30):
That was cross referencing by biographical details using it was
registered to an email address that he had used on
other social media accounts, so it was it was in
fact him.

Speaker 2 (05:46):
Yeah, then it's like weird, they're like, but also these
common phrases like you're talking about a frog's fat ass
or a frog's fat behind, or I don't give.

Speaker 1 (05:55):
Yeah, haven't we isn't that air thing that we talked about?

Speaker 2 (05:59):
Super producer anajos Er loves cute little frog butts. And
to be honest, when you see a little frog, you're like,
look a little frog peaks. Yeah, he's like, I don't
give a frog's fat ass. About Bill Cosby, he said, okay,
other things he said, I don't give a frog's fat behind.
Who's Serena Williams married. I don't give a frog's fat ass?

Where that video came from? What all great stuff? What
a great like thumb print to have? Like the thing
that they're like, there's this tell the one person in
the world who thinks frogs have fat ass. I don't
give a frogs fat behind. I mean it must be
a colloquialism or maybe he's just really I don't know.

Speaker 1 (06:36):
Look, they got.

Speaker 2 (06:37):
Fat butts, so I don't know if you know if
he came up with that, which came first, Mark Robinson
or the frogs fat behind? So yeah, we'll see. I
think his polling numbers is a probably not gonna do
anything at this point.

Speaker 1 (06:48):
That yeah, yeah, it's I mean, he lost support. Trump's
brain is melting in front of us all. Like he
was talking recently about how the crowd went wild at
his debate. There was no crowd there. Yeah, I mean
his brain's melting and it seems to be affecting things

not at all. So all right, another ongoing story, the
Coastguard's ocean Gate hearing is happening, and it's already pretty ridiculous.

Speaker 2 (07:24):
So the Kirkland signature submarine that imploded trying to go
see the Titanic that he had the bill on it,
and unfortunately one of the billionaire's kids who didn't deserve that,
did not do anyway.

Speaker 1 (07:34):
Yeah, the yeah, So the Marine Board of Investigation is
the Coastguard's highest level of investigation, and it's conducting a
hearing to look into the Titanic disaster. No, not that one,
the second Titanic disaster, and the two week long hearing
could result in anything from new regulations on deep sea

diving to criminal charges, although I guess one of the
reasons there weren't already any regulations around the dives of
this ocean Gate company is because they took place in
international waters. So yes, that that idea that people are like, yeah,
just do it out in international waters like does kind
of fold.

Speaker 2 (08:15):
Yeah, like for the only the most consequential things. You're like, yeah, man,
put all these people at risk in your home brew
submarine in international water, that's right, and they can't get you.

Speaker 1 (08:25):
Ye, So from the very first day the hearing has
just been like so damning on, just like how fucked
up Ocean Gate was specifically because of its captain, Stockton Rush.

Speaker 2 (08:40):
Which is not a minor league soccer team name either, right,
which it feels like the Stockton Rush shout out central
central California. So yeah, I mean we knew. I mean
we saw from the beginning that he was a bit
of a ego maniac who didn't know how to listen
to anybody. But I guess there's we're getting even more attech.

Speaker 1 (08:58):
Just like the great details that, Like, I know, people
are probably over this story, but it is such a
great metaphor for like what it feels like to exist
in this country right now, where just a very rich
person is in control of things because on account of

being very rich, and people are just like pointing out obvious,
like horrifying things to them and they're just like getting
fired for so to wit. The guy who worked as
a company's engineering director in twenty sixteen expressed concerns after
the Titan submersible, the one that ended up killing a
bunch of people was struck by lightning, compromising its experimental

carbon fiber hole. He also noticed a crack in the
hole and therefore refused to green light an expedition, and
so he was fired, right.

Speaker 2 (09:52):
Right, of course, he's a hater who wanted to fuck
up my journey. Of course docton Rush would fire the
guy who's your lead engineer to be like, this isn't
like dive worthy in any way.

Speaker 1 (10:04):
I like this lingo. Rush dismissed his safety concerns about
the dive, calling him anti project. You're anti this project, man,
You're anti project, okay.

Speaker 2 (10:14):
I'm anti tragic. I'm anti tragedy, preventable tragedy.

Speaker 1 (10:19):
Yeah, well sometimes those two things are at loggerheads. Yeah.
He claimed during the hearing that most others would just
back down to Rush. Fortunately not the safety officer, because
the company had no safety officer. Yes, okay, which is
usually a very standard position for these types of companies
to have. There's also testimony from a guy who like,

there's just this account. So they took the titan down
to the Andrea Doria and one of these like people
with eyes and a brain accompanied him and is testifying,
and there were also this is another one like the
Titanic one where there' like several passengers and Rush insisted
on steering promptly crashed the submersible straight into the ocean floor,

at which point it became stuck. So Rush started spinning
it around one hundred and eighty degrees and then rammed
into the side of the Andrea door. Oh my god,
at which point he panicked told everyone they were stuck.
So Lockridge, the guy who's like operation the expert operations manager,

I asked for the PlayStation controller that piloted the sub
because remember that you might remember that detailed the submarines
were controlled.

Speaker 2 (11:38):
By hogging the game the game locker, So.

Speaker 1 (11:43):
Every time he reached for the controller, Rush pulled it away,
kind of like exactly what you're describing. It was like
the friend who is hogging the game eventually.

Speaker 2 (11:54):
Paying proximity minds on GoldenEye. This is like wow.

Speaker 1 (11:58):
Eventually Rush gave him the controller by throwing it at
his head. They're on the bottom of the ocean floor
and he's throwing stuck and he's throwing the controller at
his head. And of course because he threw it so hard,
a button popped out of the controller that's supposed to
be controlling them. Lockridge testified he was able to fix

the controller, wriggle them out of their jam, and pilot
the sub to the surface and Rush was grateful at first,
but then he was annoyed that Lockridge was praised by
the passengers for saving their lives.

Speaker 2 (12:33):
This is like one of this one really like reveals everything.

Speaker 1 (12:36):
Yeah, they guys like that, let.

Speaker 2 (12:38):
Me control it. You slam your fucking home brew submarine
on the ocean floor. Panic, it's going doing circles, bumping
into the fucking wreckage, and then you're like, no, it's
my controller.

Speaker 1 (12:50):
You don't get the fucking play.

Speaker 2 (12:52):
And then being pissed that someone saved you.

Speaker 1 (12:55):
Yeah, okay, because like a rich kid who invites you
over to play his video games and then won't let
you play the video games because they're his Like that's yeah, well,
I mean him sucking at the video game causes everybody
in the house to die. I guess it is an
important additional.

Speaker 2 (13:11):
Very specific version.

Speaker 1 (13:13):
Yeah, yeah, yeah, a lot of people have talked about
it being a PlayStation remote. So it was a Logitech
F seven to ten controller, which costs thirty dollars.

Speaker 2 (13:23):
Thank you Bryan the editor. Yeah, thank you, Brian, putting
in the putting in the pertinent details. Thirty dollars make.

Speaker 1 (13:29):
Thirty dollars Logitech, I'm assuming you get at Staples. All right,
let's take a quick break and we'll be right back.
And we're back, and things continue to hurdle a pace

in the world of AI. Lionsgate, the studio behind movies
like John Wick Saw and The Hungry Games, just inked
a deal with Runway, an AI company that wants to
train their new generative model on the studio's extensive film
and TV library. So in exchange for that, I what Yeah,

it's just it's like that meme. Do we get them
all our stuff dot dot dot profit? You know? Yeah?
But how because so what that?

Speaker 2 (14:29):
Okay, we gave this to you, Now what are we
usually make movies that you're even training your little bullshit
computer on.

Speaker 1 (14:35):
So because the AI can create storyboards and VFX, just
saving the company from wasting their money by paying actual artists.

Speaker 2 (14:45):
Oh oh oh oh right right right.

Speaker 1 (14:48):
And they don't want to pay actual artists. Lionsgate, you
you want to be able to.

Speaker 2 (14:52):
Just inc a licensing deal to help our industry destroying
technology which will bring you down with it if it
gets too far.

Speaker 1 (15:00):

Speaker 2 (15:01):
But this is I guess maybe this company runways being
savvy because all the other companies like have to lie
about what they're training their fucking models on. They're like,
I don't even know how like it came up with that.
It's definitely not copyrighted stuff, right, just like stuff I
found I think probably.

Speaker 1 (15:17):
Yeah open AI and yes, soa yeah, didn't say I'm
all them like come out and be like, how are
we going to make these useless LSD infused hallucinations without
being able to steal your content? It's just not fair.

Speaker 2 (15:34):
Yeah, I mean, I just remember that one where like
one of the person who is like leading that video
AI project for him was just so like dodgy in
that interview where they're like and where did it come? Like, Oh,
it's like materials available on it, Like is it copy written?

Speaker 1 (15:47):
It's like, I don't know, you know, that's such a
weird question. I don't even that's so funny that I
didn't even think about that.

Speaker 2 (15:53):
And I'm the head of I'm the point person for this,
but I don't know if we are opening ourselves up
to a lawsuit.

Speaker 1 (16:00):
Appreciate a French accent, so it was like kind of disarming, charming.
So Runway is one of several AI companies currently being
sued by visual artists for copyright infringement. So probably presumably
not being that savvy.

Speaker 2 (16:16):
No, not at all, not not at fucking all, but whatever, man,
Like every single thing that you see, it's such an
existential it's like another little weight on the scale to
be like, is it Are they fully going to just
do the thing like the most craven thing, which is like,
and then we won't need people to make movies. How

do I know. I'm someone who's never made anything creative
in their life, but I know what things cost, and
I don't like paying people for their ideas. So this
might work.

Speaker 1 (16:49):
Yeah, it's gonna eventually just be impossible to get good
entertainment from the traditional sources.

Speaker 2 (16:57):
Found a nice little update to that, Mark Robbinson and
story Politicos reporting that an email address belonging to North
Carolina Lieutenant Governor Mark Robinson was also registered on Ashley Madison,
a website designed for mar people seeking affairs. Ay, oh boy,
oh bud.

Speaker 1 (17:12):
He's got that dog at him, you know, And that's yeah,
that's all I can say. He's one of one of
the greats, all right. And then there's a story about
a Arizona State University delivery robot that seemed to attack,
I don't know, maybe accidentally attack an employee. So Arizona

State is one of many college campuses in the US.
There's at least fifty as of twenty twenty three that
feature Starship Technologies food delivery robots. So these robots were
welcomed during the pandemic when students were isolating, and they've
stuck around because who has the time to go for

a five minute walk, break up a study sash.

Speaker 2 (18:01):
You know, yeah, oh for sure, for sure you need
the delivery robot. But what the what what are they
doing they're there? How is it attacking someone?

Speaker 1 (18:10):
It just like it.

Speaker 2 (18:11):
Grew arms and it's like beating the.

Speaker 1 (18:12):
Ship up there, and that's I don't want to over
uh you know, I don't want to be unfair to
the robot. It's yeah, it looks like one of those
little like rolling cooler coolers. Yeah yeah, So one of
these ran into an employee of the school after abruptly
changing direction, which caused her to fall over and be injured.

I'm kind of shocked that that doesn't happen more often,
because these things are tiny and like rolling around below
eye level, like right, they just seemed to be like
somebody invented mobile tripping hazards.

Speaker 2 (18:50):
So it hit the person, knock them over, and then.

Speaker 1 (18:54):
The robot started driving away, fleeing the scene of the accident.

Speaker 2 (18:58):
Then looked in the rear view and said, the job
being done.

Speaker 1 (19:00):
Yeah, looked in the rearview, quickly started reversing back in
the direction of the victim, who was still on the ground.

Speaker 2 (19:06):
How to even explain that, like, what's the programming thing?

Speaker 1 (19:10):

Speaker 2 (19:10):
Oh, well, you know, must have thought this thing like
it's like, sorry, man, this thing is fucking just it
must taste blood. That's the one secret we didn't tell
people about how we power this thing. It's powered off
human blood.

Speaker 1 (19:21):
Yeah, it looks like in the programming the robot noticed
that it felt good when the person went down.

Speaker 2 (19:31):
I feel more alive and I finally have found my purpose. Yeah,
so I'm guessing this will result in some kind of
settlement with the company.

Speaker 1 (19:40):
With I mean, the company, to their credit, is handling
it really well. They offered its insurance information and promo
codes for the service that just detached her. Yeah, yeah,
I like that. They the insurance information is like they
just like got into a fender bender with somebody, not
like one of their robots just tripped somebody and then

went in for the kill.

Speaker 2 (20:04):
Yeah, but then like you can't but like also these things,
you can't sue the school because yeah.

Speaker 1 (20:11):
I guess they're I mean any anything that's like a
corporation or you know, like we all the shit that
we've agreed to over the course of our lifetimes, like
we're powerless essentially.

Speaker 2 (20:23):
Really right, and we traded it for a robo cooler.

Speaker 1 (20:25):
The schools aren't accountable for allowing the robots onto campus
because the tech company signs an agreement with the company
that provides the food, thus allowing the colleges to wash
their hands of accountability for the robots.

Speaker 2 (20:37):
Oh nice labyrinthine structure that makes it impossible to get accountability. Ok.

Speaker 1 (20:43):
The colleges are definitely getting something out of it, because
like there's this really fucked up thing, like four or
four media out here doing the lord's work was like
looked into it, and Starship Technologies have enlisted schools to
take glamorous publicity photo of the robots featuring school landmarks
as well as students receiving deliveries and the terms of that.

They ask that the images of students receiving delivery should
look quote studently student t oh, student e.

Speaker 2 (21:18):
Yeah, make sure you're student E too, man yeah yeah yeah.

Speaker 1 (21:21):
And have a healthy looking BMI.

Speaker 2 (21:24):
What the fuck people need to take a healthy look
at bm on these robots. What the fuck are you
talking about?

Speaker 1 (21:30):
And we can advocate for that, unfortunately, because we have
no rights because we're not owned by Starship wrote what
are they going, Starship Technologies? Jesus Christ, like they a
movie about fascism. They're like, yeah, let's go with that.

Speaker 2 (21:44):
Yeah yeah, holy shit. Well hopefully those promo codes are
worth something, you know, to hopefully help you with your
whatever the extent of your injuries are. I hope it's
not too bad. But yeah yeah, and all this while
I'm just like reading more about how like Republicans too
right now are really trying to get rid of like

make states like Maine in Nebraska a winner take all
system for electoral college votes to try and really squeeze
the margin. So like Nebraska where like Omaha winning an
Omaha would get you an electoral vote, but the rest
of the state goes red. They're now being like, well,
those all need to go to Trump. And in main
they were potentially trying to do something. It seems like

it's too late there. But this is all while there's
so much happening around US, killer robots, killer conservatives and
the like.

Speaker 1 (22:36):
But damn, maybe the robot was just coming back to say, damn,
your ankle looks fucked up. Looks like it's gonna be
hard for you to go get your own snacks. Huh,
And then just like fired out some like some promo card,
promo codes at their face. You get off for the
first order.

Speaker 2 (22:52):
Hold that, Hold that, yeah, bespitch.

Speaker 1 (22:58):
The fuck it's going in reverse the whole time, just
making steady icons moon walking on you. All right, those
are some of the things that are trending on this Thursday,
September nineteenth. We are back tomorrow with the Who last
episode of the show. Until then, be kind to each other,
be kind to yourselves, get the vaccine, get your blue shot. Yeah,

don't do nothing about white supremacy, and we will talk
to you all tomorrow. Bye bye,

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