All Episodes

October 3, 2024 22 mins

In this edition of Vote or Thigh Thick Romney, Jack and Miles talk about Rudy Giuliani texting the wrong number about overturning the election, Will Smith's viral farts, McDonald's introducing the Chicken Big Mac in the US, Melania Trump coming out as Pro Choice, The Longshoreman strike, and much more!

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:00):
Hello the Internet, and welcome to this episode of Vote
or Thigh, Vote or Thigh. I'm sick, Romney. Is there
any trend words in there? Zeit does? What was it?
Zeit d thighsand hour, There you go. I saw them
on that list, that one courtesy of Locaroni with all
the presidential election references to our thick thick thighs. My

name is Jack, that is Miles And these are the
stories that are trending right now. We of course have
the big document dump all the things that are going
to build the case Jacksmith's case against Donald Trump when
it comes to that Trump tried to cheat in the

last election. It's all stuff that we kind of know.
We will dig into it a little bit more on
tomorrow's episode. But one of the best details and scariest somehow,
according to a document unsealed in federal court on Wednesday,
on December seventh, twenty twenty, Rudolph Giuliani tried to send
a message urging someone as unspecified to help in the

plan to appoint a slate of fake electors. Yep, yeah, yeah,
so I need you to pass the joint resolution from
the legislature. The quote this is a quote yeah, yeah,
so I need you to pass a joint resolution from
the legislature that states the election is in dispute, there's
no ongoing investigation by the legislation, and the electors sent
by Governor Whitmer and not the official electors of the
State of Michigan, and do not fall within the safe

harbor deadline under the Michigan law. Huh. And you sent
that to up like a political operative, the wrong number. Oh,
he sent it to the wrong number, to a rando,
to a Randoh, yep, yep, yep.

Speaker 2 (01:44):
Thank god for Juliani's senility and love of alcohol so
that there may be plentiful receipts. Yeah, for the Supreme
Court to ignore. But yeah, it's so roody at this point.
I feel like we should have thought this was going
to happen, Like, of course, he's always sending people like
he doesn't know anyone's phone number, and he's sending people
the wrong shit, incriminating stuff all the time on accidents.

Speaker 1 (02:06):
The number of people must have been blown up by
like Dick picks that just like sent to wrong number
by Rudolph Julian. And do you think it's a prank?
Maybe not even intentionally, Yeah, you think, but you also
you think it's a prankie, Like, dude, someone just sent
me like a pick of Rudy Giuliani's dick. What the
fuck do you know the number? Nah?

Speaker 2 (02:25):
Man, it's like a nine to one seven area code,
that's right.

Speaker 1 (02:28):
I don't know, dude, I don't know. Yeah, but I
mean overall, just a lot of good details like that.
There's Ronal McDaniel calling Donald Trump's plans fucking nuts, like
it's just the conversations happening behind the scenes are exactly
what you would expect them to write. This is bullshit, right,
Like there's no secret here. It's just like him being like, yeah,

we got to cheat, right, we gotta cheat, Like yeah, yo,
we gotta cheat. Yeah, so cheap for me and that
people being like that doesn't make sense, like the thing
you sent me to like present to people as evidence
of cheating, Like this shit is fucking nuts, Like it
doesn't even make sense. But yeah, I'll try to do it.
I'll try to do it.

Speaker 2 (03:08):
Like I know, I know what the plan is here,
but like I'm just letting you know, it looks like shit.
So yeah, will accountability reached the shores of trump Land
and mar A Laco. We probably not the Ibbyan. We're
all on the edge of our seats. Oh yeah, the
momentum of history indicating probably. Yeah.

Speaker 1 (03:24):
It's like a TV show with a will they won't
they plot. It's like, wow, they never seem to answer
that question, and I keep coming back for an answer. Huh.
And anyways, tune into the next episode.

Speaker 2 (03:36):
Yeah, yep, yep, man, This next one really just fantastic,
fantastic insight into filmmaking.

Speaker 1 (03:42):
It's a yeah. So one of our finest filmmakers from
the early nineties, Barry Sonomfeld my kids, big fans. He's
the director of Men in Black, of Adam's Family, Adam
Family Values, and he just dropped his new memoir on
the world and it is a classy work that you
need to pronounce in that way, Memoir mid Atlantic. Yeah, yeah, yeah,

because one of the details from that story, or maybe
it was just an interview he was doing about the book,
but he revealed that Will Smith once farted while filming
a scene with Tommy Lee Jones inside of a sealed
cramped car, and the fart was so bad that they
had to evacuate the set for about three hours. That's amazing,

and I know hyperbole, unless Will Smith has something terribly
wrong with his insights. I mean three hours lingering fart
in a sealed car. Sure, Like I don't know, all right,
So let me just say this. I recently was put
in charge of other people's kid. I was picking up

my son, their son from a lesson of some sort,
and I parked the car went there was like an
hour thing that the kids were doing that I was
watching them, do you know, came out of the lesson,
walked back to the car and got in the car,
and they were both like gagging. What the fuck is

that smell? And I didn't smell it, and therefore I
must have farted before I left the car. Wow. Wow, Okay,
it lasted for like an hour and a half. Wait,
so do you remember being like, all right, I'm just
gonna close the door. No, And that's what's so scary.
Oh no, Josh, that's what's so scary. I mean I

was by myself, so like I feel like I don't
notice those things, you know. Oh, whenever I got a
fight and I'm like, oh here we go. Oh time
to do a solo real quick on the lo lo.

Speaker 2 (05:49):
Yeah, well then, now that makes me think that if
it was three hours and some poor pa like son
and Fell was like, any check the check the picture
car really quick. Oh yeah, yeah, going no, no, no,
it's still not out.

Speaker 1 (06:02):
It's still not out. It's still not out.

Speaker 2 (06:03):
But yeah, I like the way he'd even explained who
Will Smith is? You know, yeah, so he said, quote
Will Smith is a fart. It's just some people are
damn bro. I didn't know it was going to be
a philosophy book, you know. Yeah, D thought this was
just like hot goss from behind the scenes. But it's
hot gas yeah, and turns it turns out and that

is how I pronounced gas.

Speaker 1 (06:27):
So god, I'm alle please, yes, exactly. Still it up
twenty worth of goss I fart. Therefore, I am ah,
very good, very good. Hey, speaking of horrible, horrible farts. Yeah,
McDonald's is bringing the chicken big Mac that everyone hates
to the United States. Don't need it. This is disgusting.

So this is exactly what you assume it is. It
is a big Mac, except replace the patties with patties,
you know, just the patties song. Sing the song, but
just swap out the lyrics. Oh, I can't do that.

Speaker 2 (07:04):
I don't fried chicken patty special sauceleed is to use
bickles and he's on the sesame seed bun.

Speaker 1 (07:10):
I mean two fried chicken patties. Yeah, and oh man
and three pieces of bread. Huh, so much bread? So yeah,
producer Victor made a very good you know, some might
even call him a super producer. I just call him producer.
But he's a super producer many people's hearts. We trank
keep him mumble, We try to keep him mumble. So

I hadn't quite put my finger on like the first
problem that erupted in my subconscious when I saw this.
But it is in fact too much bread. Yeah yeah,
I like the big Man quite a bit personally, but
it is verging on being too much bread. Yeah yeah.
But adding breaded meat to the too much bread sandwich, yeah,

is not a good move. That ain't gonna work. That's
so much bread. Yeah, she just looks, it just looks.
In case we're wondering why they're making this move. McDonald's
keeps adding more chicken to their menu because it's quote
cheaper than beef. They're desperately trying to reverse slumping sales Jesus,
that's kind of wild. That makes me highly suspect of

their chicken, the fact that it's cheaper than their hamburger patties,
which have always struck me as not the finest quality.

Speaker 2 (08:27):
Of questionable provenance. As people would say, Yes, well it
is one hundred percent beef with an asterisk on it.
But we love that, and we love that about it.
We have enough problems in America. Don't import these abominations
onto our menus, please.

Speaker 1 (08:42):
Yeah, people who have tried it in other countries seem
to really not like it. They've described the flavors as incongruous,
noting that there's a weird aftertaste that is such a
scathing euro takedown. I know, this flavor combination is just incongruous. Oh,
it's a wobbly collection of flavors, right.

Speaker 2 (09:03):
It's just it's cockophonic, if I may say so. It's
a cacophony of flavors that I just cannot I cannot
abide by. Where Meanwhile, in america's gonna be some like
TikTok fast food. Dude, dude tastes like shit, and that's
our version. But hey, it's efficient, tastes like shit.

Speaker 1 (09:19):
We get the point. Yeah, well probably like leave one
of those in your car for an hour, and I
smells better than a fart, to be honest, Yeah, that's true.
You did raise an interesting question, though, what is McDonald's
doing with all the burger tops, Because I mean a
big mac is burger top, two heels, yep, top and

two heels. There's a dirty joke that I could make
about that that I'm not gonna make. But is there
like some special thing that they're doing to create the
extra heel? Is there another food item that is just top?
I think it's It sounds like because God blessed TikTok

for showing us like people who are working on the
lines of fast food places that I think it's its
special own butt. The mid bun is a special owned butt. Yeah. Wow.
They call it a crown. That's what the top with
the sesame seeds is is the crown. The middle part
is called the club, which makes sense because a club
sandwich is a three piecer. Yeah, and then the bottom

is the heel. But yeah, I didn't I didn't know.

Speaker 2 (10:26):
I didn't know if they're if they're turning out clubs
on their own or if.

Speaker 1 (10:30):
It comes with the anyway, it's too much bread. Do
you fuck with Big Max? No? Fuck, No, it's disgusting.
I don't want that shit. Too much bread. Yeah, too
much bread, way too much bread, too much Thousand Island dressing.
Now I'll eat like if I can. I'm eating breakfast there. Yeah.

Speaker 2 (10:43):
Yeah, I've evolved past the regular offerings like in that.
For the longest time, I was just eating obscene amounts
of McDonald's breakfast, especially when they started doing the thing,
was like twenty four hours a day, and my insides died.

Speaker 1 (10:57):
Yeah, so now I'm off that a highly evolved palette. Indeed, yes,
I'm still a caveman over here. I think I'm about
to enter the renaissance. But yeah, egg whites, Jack, all right,
let's take a quick break and we'll come back and
talk about a strike and talk about Milania Trump. Will

be right back and we're back. We're back, and Milania
Trump has finally entered. Yeah, the twenty twenty four presidential election.
Everyone's like, where is she? Where is she? What's she doing?

Does she hate Donald Trump? Does? What is going on?

Speaker 2 (11:43):
So she has a memoir out and it's basically like
propaganda to make Donald Trump seem normal with you know,
a few anecdotes of her own, and I think the
thing that is getting a lot of attention is this.
There's like an excerpt that people are posting where she
basically says that she is pro choice. She believes in
the right to use plant blank. That's it.

Speaker 1 (12:01):
No further questions, my honor, and the stupid reactions like
you saw a lot of.

Speaker 3 (12:06):
People be like, WHOA, Melania's pro choice? She must really
hate Donald Trump to put that in her book so
close to the election. Why would she do that? But realistically,
this is just another fucking ruse.

Speaker 2 (12:19):
I think in order for people who are not critically
thinking to believe that, like, oh, maybe Trump can be
reasoned with despite all the nonsense that he says about abortion,
if his wife is there advocating for it, then that
must maybe that balances out his completely regressive view on
abortion and healthcare. And then so after that thing came out,

people were like, oh, I don't know, what does this mean?

Speaker 1 (12:44):
What does he get?

Speaker 2 (12:44):
What's going to happen to the conservative vote? She dropped
a video like in the most I don't know what this.
It looks like film noir or something restating for everyone
what her beliefs are. She's saying it with her whole
test right now.

Speaker 4 (12:57):
Individual freedom, He's a fundamental SIPO that I safeguard without
a doubt. There is no loo for compromise when.

Speaker 1 (13:06):
It comes to the lighting is so disorienting that.

Speaker 4 (13:09):
All women possess from birth individual freedom. What does my body,
my choice really mean?

Speaker 2 (13:18):
Okay, anyone that's like, buy my book Millennia Trump dot Com.

Speaker 1 (13:21):
Fully inspired by early nineties perfume commercials.

Speaker 2 (13:25):
Yeah, it is very much Elizabeth Taylor's White Diamonds kind
of vibe. Yeah, I'm surprised there wasn't like a shot
of like the like shells washing Ashore, like as b roll.
But yeah, this is again, make no mistake, this is
merely to put something out there where it's like a
woman from the Trump family is on board, on the
same page as other people who believe that you should have,

you know, agency over your body. Look, it's a nice
stride because I think at the end of the day,
her meal ticket in Donald Trump must win in order
for her life to continue the way it is. So
at least they're on the same page for once, you know,
they're both like, yeah, I guess you can't lose this one.
So if I need to just be the fucking person
who pretends like you're reasonable, or I can at least

seem like a foil to all your bad ideas, then
we'll go for it.

Speaker 1 (14:10):
Damn. All right. Well, I appreciate you because my take
was going to be, Wow, she must be so mad
at her, the exact take that you just did. And
I appreciate you telling guest editor Josh to edit out
my take and just do a dumb sounding impression of
exactly what I said, word for Oh my, omg, Miles,

do you see this next one? Be like sleeping on
the couch now? Bro? Wow? I bet they sleep in
separate homes. Wait they do? Yeah? All right, And finally
we have the longshoremen are on strike. Yeah, and people
are losing their shit about toilet paper, so to speak.

Speaker 2 (14:54):
Everyone's losing their So the International Longshoreman's Association, which represents
you know, the long shot women who work all along
up and down the Atlantic coast.

Speaker 1 (15:02):
It is along shore. Yeah, it's very nice to clever
name my folks.

Speaker 2 (15:07):
They've gone on strike after their contract expired with the
port owners. And their response is like it's all over
the place, depending on where you get your news and
what your perspective is on like worker rights or the election.
So Republicans are preemptively already blaming Harris for the economic
chaos that this will bring. If the ports are shut down,
if goods aren't coming in, supply chain is going to
be messed up, the prices are going to go up,

and that's on them for not felling the strike and
forcing people to go back to work. You know, that's
not a great option when you're sort of coming off
of this pro labor thing. Kamala Harris has come out
and said like no, no, like, yeah, go ahead, I
support them, Get yours, Get yours.

Speaker 1 (15:42):
Liberals are blaming the workers for being in cahoots with
Trump because the head of the ILA is like, you know,
he's said a lot of glowing things about Trump, and
they're like.

Speaker 2 (15:52):
They're just striking right now to fuck with the election.
And sure, that's a very cynical way of looking at it.
And then consumers are panic buying toilet paper again because
they're like, the ports are gonna close and where are
we how are we gonna wipe our assholes? So, first off,
I think it's important to say the strike is warranted, okay,
given the record breaking profits shipping companies have enjoyed over

the last few years, especially during the pandemic. They're merely
asking for what all workers in the United States on
some level have been yearning for, which is that you
have wages that actually match the productivity gains or the
profit gains for the entity that you work for. So
some bad faith arguments against this are that, like, they
already make a lot of money, Like it's not right

that they make so much money, or why are they
against technology if it makes.

Speaker 1 (16:40):
Things more efficient?

Speaker 2 (16:42):
Well, I think looking back, there's like a great article
about this in the New Prospect or the American Prospects
that essentially talks about how like over sixty years ago,
these longshorman unions had to embrace containerization because back then
the goods were in a ship's hull and then all
these dudes came out and we're pulling stuff out on
nets and then bringing it ashore. And so when they said, okay,

we'll agree to containerization where like the goods are in
containers and like they can be moved easily on rail
and truck and cranes and things like that, Basically when
they agreed to that, it took a huge bite out
of like the need for these workers sometimes like near
it's a ninety percent by just agreeing to containerization. So
they've already taken a huge hit in terms of the
number of people that can work, in terms of like

quote efficiency, and so now they're worried about things like
automation where like it's like, oh, everything scanned automatically rather
than that being someone's job. Like that kind of stuff
is what they're pushing back because they've already had huge
chunks of that workforce taken out by you know, these
sort of technological gains. So they're merely saying this is
a good system, it works, no further automization, and please

give us increased wages that are matching the cut like
the profits that you guys are seeing.

Speaker 1 (17:52):
Miles some that monies goes to shareholders value. So yeah, yeah,
well so fuck all that I think is what their point. Sorry,
those aren't the rules, dude, I know that money's any
extra money goes to shareholders.

Speaker 2 (18:05):
Well, dude, if this line isn't a hockey stick and
turns into a ping pong table and flattens out, I
will die.

Speaker 1 (18:13):
It's not realizing that money's goes to shareholder value is
actually childish of you, and you don't know how things work.

Speaker 2 (18:20):
Oh my gosh, my sweet sweet child. But yeah, so
the timing isn't great. You know, if there's a huge
choke point in the supply chain, prices will probably most
likely go up because that's how all this shit works.
And it could be used as a political attack against
Biden and Harris. But if you had a functioning media,
they could avoid you know, this call of the journalistic

void and just say things like the shipping companies and
ports could end this strike immediately. They are just choosing
not to out of greed. But then you see a
lot of takes are like, uh oh, this is going
to be trouble for Harris. Rather than educating people, I'm like,
this is this isn't merely the decision of the administration
to have a strike happened. And then the toilet paper thing,

I think is important. Stop panic buying toilet paper everyone.
Here's a fun thing you can tell people who have
been losing it over like toilet paper vanishing because the
ports are closing, because there's pictures, there's a ton of pictures,
TikTok videos, or people like walking into Costco and they're like, U,
it's it's like March twenty twenty again up in here,
Like people are raiding the fucking toilet paper. And conservatively

ninety percent of the toilet paper we are using comes
from domestic factories.

Speaker 1 (19:31):

Speaker 2 (19:31):
The rest is coming from like Canada or Mexico, which
means doesn't have to come in through a port, comes
in you know, the old fashioned way. And if anything,
the strike would affect the exports of toilet paper abroad,
you see, right, Like that's where it gets messed up.
So you would probably be looking at a just an
oversupply of toilet paper if it's not able to be exported.

Speaker 1 (19:53):
Of industrial bed toilet paper.

Speaker 2 (19:55):
I think the one thing where toilet paper manufacturing, like
as I was reading about it, is affected is the
fact that they import like this eucalyptus pulp to make
this softer shit.

Speaker 1 (20:05):
Yeah, and that comes from Brazil. You're just gonna have
rough shit on your buttle.

Speaker 2 (20:09):
But what they're saying right now is like we're good,
Like even the lobbying groups that represent them like, please stop,
we have so much Like it's probably not going to
be that big of a deal. And worst case scenario,
commercial grade toilet paper is out there because it doesn't
require this like important pulp, so don't worry.

Speaker 1 (20:25):
You can wipe your butts in peace, so don't worry.
All this is really fucked up SNL sketch like early
days of SNL where Jackie Kennedy is like sitting and
every time there's a lab bang, she starts like climbing
up behind her oh with the motor kid like like
just it's a joke about panic trauma reflexes. Wow, triggered much.

It's truly fucked up. But I feel like that is
us as a nation. Like the second there's any sort
of uh news about supply chain interruption, we just like
my mindlessly sprint to the supermarket to buy toilet paper. Yep,
we're just like dah, I need toilet paper. Super producer
Victor again in the chat.

Speaker 2 (21:10):
It's right, that's why you got to be get like me,
Bill Shitters and get a lovely bid day because he's
got a dry.

Speaker 1 (21:17):
You know what I mean, love bid days. Oh.

Speaker 2 (21:21):
But the one thing that could get affected is I
think one of the huge consumer items would be bananas
banana would be one percent.

Speaker 1 (21:27):
Are not growing that shit here? No no, no, no,
don't tell your minion buddies no more by now all right,
well pour one out for the minions hopefully. It's also funny, like,
so this is being done at a time when really
the Biden administration would be incentivized to help. It's almost
like the union has a lot of leverage right now,

and to use that leverage is un American. Is like
how the story is told. Yeah, yeah, exactly, and that
probably gets like they're already make enough enough, You're going
to make too much money.

Speaker 2 (22:02):
They do make a good wage, but again that's because
it's so vital and critical, and also because again they've
argued the negotiated contracts that have had a bit of
foresight to be like, well, if our workforce is going
to get cut down by some of these advancements, then
you're gonna pay like relatively, like what is going you know,
a fair proportional wage based on the demand and the

work that we do.

Speaker 1 (22:25):
Yeah, all right, those are some of the things that
are trending on this Thursday afternoon. We are back tomorrow
with a whole ass episode of the show. Until then,
be kind to each other, be kind to yourselves, to vaccine,
get your flu shot, don't do nothing about white supremacy,
And we will talk to y'all tomorrow. Bye. Peace,

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