All Episodes

September 6, 2024 57 mins

In episode 1738, Jack and Miles are joined by comedian, Blake Wexler, to discuss... FLAGSTOCK, Ever Heard Of It?! No? Oh…Well It F**kin' ROCKED (OK Maybe It Didn’t), Jesse Watters Suggests That Real Men Don’t Use Straws… Again, Chipotle and Spirit Halloween Are Turning Sh*tty Memes Into Real Costumes and more!

  1. FLAGSTOCK, Ever Heard Of It?! No? Oh…Well It F**kin' ROCKED (OK Maybe It Didn’t)
  2. Jesse Watters Suggests That Real Men Don’t Use Straws… Again
  3. Crazy, Stupid, Love - Straw Scene
  4. Chipotle and Spirit Halloween Are Turning Sh*tty Memes Into Real Costumes
  5. Skibidi Toilet Halloween Costumes Are Now A Thing
  6. Halloween creeps into US stores and theme parks scarily early to boost sales

LISTEN: The Beginning of the End by Headache

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Mark as Played

Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:05):
This is the first time I've had like this level
of a problem.

Speaker 2 (00:09):
Oh is it?

Speaker 1 (00:10):
I mean that I'm aware of Yeah, yeah, yeah, but
I'm usually pretty oblivious about these things.

Speaker 2 (00:16):
There's a lot of things that don't reach your desk, Jack,
because of your general demeanor. He's not going to be
able to handle this. No, we're going to have to
handle this in the early mornings before he shows up.

Speaker 1 (00:28):
He is gonna intercepting the newspaper on my front. He's
not gonna like this one people. No, hey, babe, the
newspaper has got holes in it again today.

Speaker 2 (00:44):
Do not let him see the paper.

Speaker 1 (00:52):
Hello the Internet, and welcome to season three point fifty four,
Episode four of Trnilly's Guys, a production of iHeart Radio.
Was I coming in too hot? There?

Speaker 2 (01:02):
Mild? You were coming in mild?

Speaker 1 (01:04):
Coming coming in mildly hot? Could he could have come
coming in warm?

Speaker 2 (01:08):
Yeah? Hey.

Speaker 1 (01:08):
This is the podcast where we take a deep dab
into america shared consciousness. And it is Friday, September sixth,
twenty twenty four.

Speaker 3 (01:16):
Oh man, what a great day, What a great day.

Speaker 2 (01:19):
It's hot.

Speaker 3 (01:22):
The old ninety six, it's the old nine to six,
the reverse six nine. We're here it's also known for
old people. That's right, yeah, oh no ninety six not
with my hips back. It's also National ice Cream Day,
National Coffee ice Cream Day, apologies, National read a book Day,
National Food Bank Day, and shout out to the late

great Handiballecter because it's National Kiyanti Day.

Speaker 2 (01:50):
Wasn't wasn't It's like.

Speaker 1 (01:51):
A nice ki Yeah, he's going to have his liver
with some nice faba beans and.

Speaker 3 (01:57):
I believe yeah, anyway, there it is the late great
handle Elector.

Speaker 1 (02:01):
Well to make this about my favorite movie. Coffee ice
cream is what Michael Brody asks for after coming face
to face with the Shark and Jaws in that and
I always thought that was weird. What what kind of
child's favorite ice cream is coffee?

Speaker 2 (02:17):
They just took you out of the movie.

Speaker 1 (02:18):
You're like, fuck this, And that's why it's no longer
my favorite bubby wore. My name's Jack O'Brien aka Potatoes O'Brien. Wow,
didn't have time to find an aka love that passion
holes in my wall. Because we're doing this as like
a video experiment, maybe in a week you'll be able

to go watch this on a YouTube channel.

Speaker 3 (02:44):
I know you guys loved hearing how uncomfortable we were
and just only being able.

Speaker 2 (02:48):
To hear that.

Speaker 3 (02:48):
But now you can see the awkwardness with your own eyes.

Speaker 1 (02:53):
I've just been working on my posture so that you
guys think, oh shit, the pea, oh my god, just cracked.
That is why I said that. Here you're down here
and we're up here. I'm thrilled to be joined as
always by my co host.

Speaker 2 (03:12):
It's mister Miles Grass, Miles Gray aka roll Out. I
got my tiktalk.

Speaker 4 (03:18):
Holdie, I watched that I Stout rolling he caught that
is a max phony. He's still old that he fouled bankruptcy.
Don't do that, okay. Shout out to Jim Book on
the discord there, Jimboku or Jim.

Speaker 2 (03:37):
I don't know how how how you want to pronounce that.

Speaker 3 (03:39):
I'm giving it a little bit of a Japanese flare,
So thank you for that. Ludicros Aka, it was weird
to talking about Ludacris and then he threw the pitch
out at the Braves game with his prosthetic arms.

Speaker 1 (03:49):
Yeah wow, wow, true genius.

Speaker 2 (03:53):
Like what and how do you do?

Speaker 3 (03:55):

Speaker 1 (03:55):
How is his accuracy with those big no I just
saw a photo.

Speaker 3 (04:00):
He got it to home plate, like and the and
you know, the guy who was catching kind of had
to dig it out, but it surprisingly got there pretty
on target.

Speaker 2 (04:08):
So I'm not gonna. I can't really, I can't lie.
I can't cast his persions on his throne.

Speaker 1 (04:12):
I love First of all, you love to cast dis versions.
I love to cast a person, so it's wild that
you can't all that you suddenly suddenly I shan't cast.

Speaker 2 (04:24):
I shan't.

Speaker 1 (04:25):
But I love the giant like this trend. The giant
baseball hat was our first, you know that when people
were like rocking those in the post game, like but
but now like giant shoes with giant arms. Yeah, I mean,
what's next?

Speaker 2 (04:40):
I love it.

Speaker 3 (04:41):
Let's text my teeth fall out of my mouth and
I'm making in school. It's like a weird dream.

Speaker 1 (04:49):
Miles. We are thrilled to be joined in our third
seat by a brilliant comedian, writer, actor who's brought you
comedy albums such as the Blake album, Stuffed Boy, Live
from the Pandemic, Remouthing the words along with Me his
newest special day Long Legs, which you can go watch
right now on YouTube and you must go watch it.

The coiner of the disgusting phrase plumpers to describe his
juicy thighs is juicy philly above the knees steaks. Please welcome,
the hilarious, the chaotic, the riding in an incumbent bike
in short shorts. It's a recumbent bike. Oh no, the
riding a recumbent bike in short shorts.

Speaker 2 (05:32):
It's Blake wex Liann Bird. This is Blake Wexler AKA.
I never thought igeist alone, but I'm sick and tired
of Miles is tone. I tried discord for an AKA,
but fuck forgot my login. I'm a silly duck. Jack

takes his time, he never hurries up. He's not pro choice,
and I've had it. My plumpers are pressed against my schwang.
I'm so sorry for this song. That was producer Victor
song by Blake one.

Speaker 1 (06:14):
Wow, wow, wow.

Speaker 2 (06:18):
You did it. And by the way, I do want
to thank first of all YouTube for having me on,
and then the band YouTube and also Jack and Miles,
and I do want to thank Ludicrous for using my
legs for arms while throwing out for that pitch. Would
you go out? I generally yeah, go ahead, Would you.

Speaker 3 (06:35):
Just try and go out just with gigantic legs and
keep everything else normal?

Speaker 2 (06:39):
I feel like that's just kind of a funny. Yo.
This centaur just pulled up on the picture's mount ready
hairless and naturally hairless centaur. Few things more disgusting smooth
centaur and naturally hairless sent what you mean?

Speaker 3 (06:54):
But yeah, did you be put off by a smooth So?
I don't know if I'm don't know, if I'm like,
i'd gotta have hair if it's a set tar.

Speaker 1 (07:00):
Yeah, I think hair, I get I guess I would
a hairless horse look that much different other than color?
It would be like a pink yeah, has looks well.
Dogs don't have their hair pressed against their skin the
way a horse. The horse is not like working with

that much hair.

Speaker 2 (07:21):
Right, My hair is pressed against when I cuddle them.
When I cuddle them.

Speaker 3 (07:27):
Oh yeah, actually hairless word, they just kind of look pink.

Speaker 1 (07:30):
Yeah, they're just pink horses. Oh all right, and that's
what the chapel runs songs about the pink So God,
I'm so good with learning a song and then finding
a way to stick it into my conversation. There it is, Blake,
we are unfortunately going to get to know you out
of unfortunately out of time.

Speaker 2 (07:54):
So thank you.

Speaker 1 (07:56):
We're going to get to know you a little bit
better in a moment. First stick a couple of the
things we're talking about today. We're going to talk about Flagstock.
Ever heard of it?

Speaker 2 (08:05):

Speaker 1 (08:06):
Yeah, that's right. Oh you haven't, na?

Speaker 2 (08:08):
What is it?

Speaker 1 (08:09):
Is this a thing on the right? I had not
heard of it?

Speaker 2 (08:12):
Oh, no it is.

Speaker 3 (08:14):
It was a big deal and it and and it
was an even bigger deal when it happened.

Speaker 2 (08:19):
That's why we got to talk about it. Yeah, it's like.

Speaker 1 (08:22):
The beginning of Groove is in the Heart, except without
the up part. It just went and that Yeah, none
of the wow.

Speaker 2 (08:32):
Is that such a dated reference? Now groove is in
the Yeah? So I don't think it was ever of
the time.

Speaker 1 (08:41):
Do you hear that groove is in the heart reference?

Speaker 2 (08:44):
I don't know what the fuck told you he was.

Speaker 1 (08:48):
We're going to talk about Jesse Waters like working on
his stand up material and sticking with a joke that
like doesn't work, but he doesn't have like his only
audience as producers like our show giving him polite laughter.
So he's just yeah, yeah, and I know a thing
or two about this. So he's just riding with his

joke about his observation. This is his observational comedy routine
about how straws aren't manly and neither his soup. Did
you did you see that part? At the end of
the clip, he also talks about, Yeah, I went deep
on this man straw. Yeah, water straw theory.

Speaker 2 (09:28):
Is that why you're eating soup with a for earlier? Yeah?

Speaker 1 (09:31):
Yeah, I just I chug it and put it in
a beer Bongkun.

Speaker 2 (09:38):
Comes out of the podcast.

Speaker 1 (09:41):
By the way, now that there will be a video
component to this show, we will be incorporating other genres
of YouTube videos such as muck bang. I'll go, I'll
be chugging soup. Okay, great, yeah great. We won't really
be talking about it, but I'm going to bring it
up right here. Have you noticed that the mainstream media
has started there? Uh oh, here comes Trump like without

really any polling evidence, but more like if you look
at where he was in the polls before, like just
you know, anything to make it seem.

Speaker 2 (10:14):
Like it's close.

Speaker 3 (10:15):
I mean, you know, the one thing they could just
be like is like who cares about the polls? Because
they sometimes they're really off, like rather than yeah, yeah
faking like here he comes. He's like, I don't know
if the polls set a lot of stuff over the years.
Yeah that didn't come true, but hey, who knows.

Speaker 1 (10:31):
The people working on the Harris campaign seem like they
are maybe bad at their jobs. I think that's probably
the story to be telling right now. Yeah, this is
an inept campaign being run against Donald Trump, and so
we all still might be totally fucked. Anyways, that's not
from a story we'll be talking about. That's just from
what's happening. Spirit Halloween has revealed a couple of costumes

that we want to talk about, Skimbity, Toilet, Chipotle something
or other brand, and we will of course say r
I P for now to Havana syndrome.

Speaker 2 (11:09):
No, no, no, not you too. Did they did they
get rid of the cannon? Did they find them the.

Speaker 1 (11:16):
Sound the sound cannons? They still still no sound cannons, Blake.

Speaker 2 (11:21):
So this is I don't even know why I do this.

Speaker 1 (11:25):
I don't know. If you just hop you get there
for the day that they finally discover the sound cannons.

Speaker 2 (11:31):

Speaker 3 (11:32):
We're not talking about AI, We're not talking about Havana syndrome.
We're not talking about the coal gas study. Do we
even have a fucking show anymore?

Speaker 2 (11:39):
So what are we talking about? I don't know.

Speaker 1 (11:42):
Hey, that's up to you. This is the part where
we just lean on your eggs.

Speaker 2 (11:47):
By asking you.

Speaker 1 (11:49):
But this is the part where we lean on your
ample ample bass by asking you.

Speaker 2 (11:54):
What is something?

Speaker 1 (11:55):
Blake Wexler from your sir chistory?

Speaker 2 (12:00):
So what if I thought this was helpful for the
video or I.

Speaker 1 (12:06):
That good? Have you ever seen an old guy like
in a photograph? Do that do the rock on the
like I've seen old guys. I think it's like a
some sort of like fraternity thing.

Speaker 2 (12:18):
Oh that's what the Freemasons of Pasadena what we do?

Speaker 1 (12:22):
Yeah, I feel like a Mason thing. Yeah, Blake, Sir Chistory,
what's going on?

Speaker 2 (12:29):
Well, you already asked that, but yeah, I will answer
it now. I will now answer it. I was looking
up blue light and for my glass, for glasses because,
as we discussed last time, I'm sure you know a
lot of people have been covering You've been following a
play by play on what's going on with my glasses?
I got them fixed, but I need new lenses, and
I'm like, should I pay for blue light? That was

the search? Should I pay for blue light protection glasses?
Blue blockers? Blue blockers is what they're called. Yeah, yeah,
not to be is with beta blockers, which is what
us alphas do out of the bar to keep you
smaller men away from our women. But so do you

need them? The answer is, like everything it seems like,
I look up inconclusive, the American Ophthalmology Association or something
ninety eight percent similar to what I just said, says
there's no proof that they help because there's no necessarily
there isn't necessarily proof that they The bluelight causes strain

on like a sort of strain on your eyes that
the lenses can help with. But the article did also
recommend I think it's like a twenty twenty twenty rule
or something where every twenty minutes you're staring at your
laptop or screen, look away and stare at like something
twenty feet away for twenty seconds was what the rule was,

which helps your eyes kind of reset and take the strain.

Speaker 3 (14:01):
I'm inside of a closet and yeah, you're not gonna
there's nothing to feed away that I could look at
that isn't a screen at this point.

Speaker 1 (14:08):
Okay, for all those workers working out in a corn
field somewhere on a planet, that was from a suburban
remote workers dot net is where I got that new
story from.

Speaker 2 (14:20):
But that was that was my search. So I think
I'm just not going to pay for it. I'm gonna
be cheap.

Speaker 1 (14:25):
And I mean, I've definitely heard the wellness thing about
blue light being something that keeps us up at night
or like sends a yeah, so that that's what I
thought you were talking about. But you were just talking
about having your eyes strained, having them like worn out.

Speaker 2 (14:41):
Correct the sleep thing. I do believe everyone's on the
same page saying it's bad to look at blue light
before you sleep. So but in terms of for the
rest of the day in kungclusive, well, yeah, you didn't
like that. You didn't like that. You know, sometimes you
don't need to add advice to something. You can just

say something and move on. I like that you're doing
the Yeah.

Speaker 3 (15:07):
Like when Homer got the laser eye surgery and they're like,
mister Simpson, you need to drop so your eyes will
crust over and he's like, yeah, there you go with
the add ons and then.

Speaker 1 (15:15):
His eyes just like visibly crust over.

Speaker 3 (15:19):
Yeah, but the blue blockers, yeah, I get it. I
mean I also considered something like that too, but then
when I realized it's more just like about light pollution
than eyestrain, and I don't need.

Speaker 1 (15:29):
Classes, but they do it to look So you just
decided instead of wearing the glasses to take down the system.

Speaker 2 (15:35):
Yeah, exactly, from the inside. That works every time.

Speaker 1 (15:38):
What blake is something that you think is underrated.

Speaker 2 (15:42):
Watching nature shows before you go to bed. Now, this
is the same issue as the blue light. So it's
a trade off. But I will sacrifice the blue light, okay,
because sometimes I don't. I honestly have a book that
I enjoy reading right now and I never will wow,
And I you know, and I was. I was reading
Norm MacDonald's book and it was making me laugh so

hard before I would go to bed, I couldn't sleep,
so I had to stop reading it. But I do
recommend watching like nat Geo shows or whatever it is,
and like keeping your phone away from you because that
really there's like a peacefulness for any non polar bear
related show, you know, any ocean show. It just really

like zends me out while I'm watching it. So there's
a guy named like Bertie Gregory who's a host, and
he's this little english Man boy almost I don't know.
He might be fourteen years old. I don't know how
he's hosting the show, but he's fantastic. Name is Bertie
like a bird with a y on the end? No,
like bert but worse. Okay, yeah, I.

Speaker 3 (16:46):
Thought it's like, I'm Bertie Gregory.

Speaker 2 (16:50):
Okay, Bertie Gregory. Yeah, I'm just watching cartoons to get
this show.

Speaker 1 (16:55):
Four children, by any chance are we?

Speaker 2 (16:58):
That is interesting. There is a studio audience exclusively made
up of three and four year old so it might
that might be what I'm watching. Wow.

Speaker 3 (17:04):
But then he's got this pig friend who's also from
the UK named Pepa.

Speaker 2 (17:08):
It's kind of cool, like international. That's interesting. Yeah, yeah, yeah,
And there's a mother and a oh yeah, and the
brother's smaller. No, you're right, it is Pepa pig. I
highly recommend watching that nature that's to go to bed.
What is something you think is overrated? I'm done with
the summer. I think we've fucked the earth to the

point where it's the worst season.

Speaker 3 (17:33):

Speaker 2 (17:34):
I know people will go on vacation during the It's
just bad. It's just I would much rather be in
freezing temperatures in the winter because you can layer up
than deal with being hot. And I know you all
are getting a big heat wave now or soon, but yeah,
I'm so done with the summer. Getting the first cold
day in on the East Coast is like the nicest thing.

I'm like, Oh good, I don't have to sweat twenty
four hours a day. How far if I don't want to?
How far off are you from that day? Though? On
the East Coast, it's been fifties at night, like high
fifties for the past few days. Yeah, it's been high
eight rate at night. Yeah, it so brutal. Yeah, dude,
last thing at night. When I moved to LA I

thought that air conditioning was like forty five dollars a
minute to run, and so my roommate and my roommate
was also an idiot, so we didn't get it for
like two years. And there were times when it would
be one hundred you know that that's stretching late September
early October, where it's just in the like one tens
every single day. And I was, of course unemployed, so

I would, like almost like a hippo, go into the
shower and like splash water on my body, get cool off,
like cold water, get out and do that multiple times
a day.

Speaker 1 (18:49):
And then fan shit just everywhere around you like a hippos.

Speaker 2 (18:53):
Yeah. And then I would put a whole watermelon in
my mouth and crush it in front of a bunch
of a bunch.

Speaker 1 (18:58):
Of amazed, odd children.

Speaker 2 (19:01):
Yeah, they loved it. I would do it with a
pumpkin during the fall. Slash h am I hippo, Peppa hippo.
I'm sorry I missed everything because there was another what
you said about pumpkins, but it's okay, David s pumpkins.

Speaker 3 (19:17):
Ups the thing I would do, uh when I was
because also famously, for some reason, Asian moms don't like
air conditioning either, so I grew up also believing that
it was forty five dollars a second that like sometimes
you just ring out, I would. I would soak a
bath towel and water and then ring it out and
then use that as like a blanket because that, like

the very wet towel created a nice you know, insulating
layer to keep my body cool. That's really funny that
you would wear a wet a wet towel as a
cooling blanket. Where I had the opposite issue where we
lived in like this townhouse, and I had where I

my bedroom was was like air conditioned, finished attic, like
really like a great place to like sleep, but it
didn't have heat up there. So in the winter I
would it was like a nice room, but I would
have to wear like a coat to bed, like in
the winter when I was home from like college, and
quilts and also to add like what really made it

a sad visual is that I was sleeping alone in
a bunk bed too, because we just never got to
do a bed for me. So yeah, when I was
home from school, I would be in a coat, shivering
in a bunk bed, but in a nice townhouse, right
it was.

Speaker 1 (20:35):
It was already a very sad visual.

Speaker 2 (20:37):
Yeah, yeah, Okay, even.

Speaker 3 (20:39):
Though you set it up it was such a nice attic,
but then the second you added trench coat, I'm like
picturing some like turn of the century Russian novel where
it's like, you.

Speaker 1 (20:48):
Know, you got like shivering in my coat. Yeah, like
in the attic.

Speaker 2 (20:52):
The tin plates that they would pass through the little
doggy hole in the door for me to, you know,
with the mush on it, those would get cleared out
pretty quickly, so it's it's not as sad as a problem.

Speaker 3 (21:01):
It wasn't a problem. They cleared up, the cleared up
my tin plates real quick, real quick.

Speaker 1 (21:05):
As three raccoons I lived up there with didn't get
to it first.

Speaker 2 (21:09):
And they got handsy. Yeah, they And I do want
to say for if anyone ever sees the visual of this,
which seems less and less likely, we're working it out. Folks.
Moving to New York next week, so by wall, we're moving.
I'm not as psychotic as everything that I've said so

far on this program would lead you to believe.

Speaker 3 (21:34):
It look like you're just squatting. Really, but it doesn't matter.
I know, I know the truth.

Speaker 2 (21:39):
We know that I bring my own Wi Fi router
with me everywhere I squat and it's high speed. Yeah
that's right.

Speaker 1 (21:44):
All right, let's take a quick break and we'll come
back and learn what flagstock is.

Speaker 2 (22:00):
We're back. We're back.

Speaker 1 (22:02):
Why flagstock?

Speaker 2 (22:04):

Speaker 3 (22:04):
So did flagstock just happen? Flagstock happened on fucking Labor Day?

Speaker 1 (22:09):
Right? Oh?

Speaker 2 (22:10):
Hell yeah?

Speaker 3 (22:10):
So I know you probably okay, you may not remember
hearing about flagstock, But you probably remember so last spring,
right when like there are a ton of pro palest
Indian like protests happening on campuses. There was this moment
at unc Chapel Hill that like warmed the hearts of
conservative media when all these frat guys like rallied around

the American flag to like keep it from touching the ground,
and they're like, oh, I can't touch.

Speaker 2 (22:36):
The ground, dude.

Speaker 3 (22:37):
They were trying to put a Palestinian flag up.

Speaker 2 (22:39):
We're gonna hold this flag and.

Speaker 3 (22:41):
We honor it to make sure it doesn't touch the ground.
That kicked off like this whole thing where they're like,
look at these like young men who like really understand,
like what's at stake here in this country.

Speaker 2 (22:51):
So brave.

Speaker 1 (22:52):
Yeah, the rally on the side of the country therein
totally I mean totally yeah, rally around the universal symbol
for oppression at the moment.

Speaker 3 (23:02):
But anyway, these guys were the darlings of conservative media
for like a week. But during that week, right this
gop operative guy named John Noonan set up a go
fund me to be like we should thank these young
men and throw these rat boys in epic rager like
that they'll remember forever. That shit raised over five hundred
thousand dollars. Okay, during the course of the go this

is this is how they described the fucking event. Quote
Kami Losers across the country have invaded college campuses to
make dumb demands of weak university administrators. But amidst the chaos,
the screaming, the anti Semitism, the hatred of faith and flag,
stood a platoon of American heroes, armored in vineyard vines

and patagonia, fueled by Zin and White clause.

Speaker 2 (23:49):
Did he start making fun of them at this point?
I don't. This is where it gets weird.

Speaker 3 (23:53):
Fueled by Zin and White Clause, these triumphant brohemians protected
old glory from the unwashed Marxist horde, laughing at their
shrieks and whales, and shielding the stars and stripes from
Soviet missiles. Soviet missiles, I think, I mean, maybe they're
using the term when people throw things that's like a
projectile from a crowd, like sometimes they call it like

a missile or whatever in a technical sense. But I again,
he's evoking a lot of cool stuff with words that
don't make sense anymore if you actually look at the meanings.
But all that to say, he got he got this
gofund me fucking cracking. So once the funds were secured,
the organizers they reached out to the frats and it
kind of all went basically downhill from there. Like a

lot of Frats are like, this kind of isn't like
a great look for us to like be involved in this.

Speaker 2 (24:41):
It just feels like very right wing.

Speaker 3 (24:43):
And I get like some of the guys were there
for you know, protecting the flag, but it's funny some
of the guys were like, I didn't really do this
like as like a Republican thing.

Speaker 2 (24:51):
I just I just knew you couldn't let the flag
touch the ground.

Speaker 3 (24:54):
So I'm not really here for like I'm not really
trying to go to like a Republican event.

Speaker 1 (24:57):
But it's like, oh you he's sweet, sweet boy.

Speaker 3 (25:00):
That's exactly what they've become, these like raga heroes. Yeah,
so they really they thought this thing was gonna be
like in the fucking thousands right in terms of attendance,
And as they were talking to the Frat guys, they're like, dude,
we're gonna have like seven thousand people there. It's gonna
be wild the frat frat guys like, but like the money, like,
what what are you gonna do with like the five

hundred thousand, Like, dude, it's gonna go to make the
sickest party for you guys. And some of them were like,
could we like maybe like it might be better spent
like improving our own frat houses, or maybe it's even
like donating it to like a charitable cause, because it's
not that like we were down and out and they're like, yeah,
you just shut the buck up, man, We're gonna have
sublime with Rome there and Big and Rich and Cowboy

Troy you fuck with.

Speaker 1 (25:45):
So so it's like a cool kid accidentally like looked
at them and they were like, we're actually super tight
based on that, and I'm throwing the sickest party at
my house for them.

Speaker 2 (25:59):

Speaker 1 (26:00):
They were their birthday and presumably.

Speaker 3 (26:02):
That went really well and not was not of course,
so they said seven thousand tickets, but then they they
held like the details were held so closely like guarded
that people didn't know the venue until the day of
and something like what they thought was going to be
seven thousand. Then they're like, sorry, we only were handed
out like three thousand tickets. About two hundred people showed
up total, and they said it kind of basically got

down to about one point fifty is where it sort
of like leveled out too once people were like, what
the fuck is this? But it's also like all the
details of this are so fucking wild, because again this
is like some boomer maga dudes like idea of what
a fucking raizer is. So they had an ice luge
in the VIP section for the broletariat that was exalted

and and you know, this whole event was in honor
of They also had like, you know, lawn games with
like fucking customized logos or whatever. Still not sure where
the five hundred thousand dollars went. One of the music acts,
Big and Rich. They begged people to come, like on Twitter,
they're like, guys, you gotta come. The mystery spot has
been revealed.

Speaker 2 (27:08):
It's free.

Speaker 3 (27:09):
Please come through see Lee Greenwood US and other sixty
year old people perform for young college people. And you know,
how did the event go? Well, why don't you tell
me why? I show you this clip you caught me
fuck wad and tell me how fucking sick.

Speaker 2 (27:25):
This that is?

Speaker 1 (27:26):
I met that on the edge of my seat here
I all just build up. It sounds like it's gonna
be so awesome.

Speaker 2 (27:33):
There's a flyover.

Speaker 3 (27:34):
There's a flyover the most just the most out of
tune guitar like a national anthem. It goes on this
like a minute clip where they just kind of jump
through the low lights of the whole thing.

Speaker 5 (27:47):
Show our love for the United States of America.

Speaker 1 (27:53):
Look at this crowd, dude, the crowd iss.

Speaker 2 (27:57):
Progesters tearing down.

Speaker 1 (28:00):
Oh glory.

Speaker 3 (28:01):
There's like an old guy who's like lost in the crowd,
who's like what it was like in a VFW.

Speaker 2 (28:06):
Is he the one with the microphone?

Speaker 1 (28:08):

Speaker 2 (28:08):
No, he was the guy if you go back a
few seconds, he's.

Speaker 3 (28:11):
The guy in very high pants with his shirt tucked in,
who has like a very skeletal old man figure. Yeah,
you'll see anyway, you saw it earlier anyway. So they're
like there's a ton of like monologue, like they're like
eulogizing these guys and playing all this like footage of
them holding the flag. Then there's like this one moment
where this guy comes on to do like the u

NC fights. It's also just very again, dude, a sick
ass razor. When you have a fifty eight year old
dude go up there to fucking turn the party up.

Speaker 2 (28:42):
You he goes the hell dude, Is that what he said? Yeah,
that's that's the end.

Speaker 3 (28:57):
They gotta gotta you gotta cap it off and go
to hell.

Speaker 2 (29:00):
Duke, Go to hell duke. Yeah. It is a.

Speaker 1 (29:03):
Bed turnout for like the fourth stage at a state
fair where like Montel Jordan is playing. Not even dude,
that's like where no, no, Montel Jordan's playing the main stage.

Speaker 2 (29:14):
Oh right, right right, thank you for fixing that. Yeah,
thank you for correcting yourself. So yeah, this is where
Corey Feldman is performing.

Speaker 1 (29:21):
Yeah, yeah, Like whatever is on the stage is like
bumming people out.

Speaker 2 (29:26):
But my favorite part about I mean, there's so many favorites.
A favorite part about this is because it's five hundred
thousand dollars, you can estimate how much money these idiots
got paid to perform at this stupid fucking thing. Because
it's like, you look at the stage, all right, so
a lot of money went into the stage. There's also
they and the organizer's definitely pocketed at least three hundred.

Speaker 3 (29:48):
Thou at least at least five hundred thousand dollars at
least five hundred thousand.

Speaker 2 (29:53):
Well, so it's like, oh, big and rich are working
for free, like they love this so much that they're
done saving horses and riding the right.

Speaker 3 (30:00):
No, no, this is what's fucking murky though, right, Like
a lot of people are like where what the fuck
is It's like even the frat guys like, dude, you
could probably throw a razor for like thirty k like
they were even like they've thrown enough parties with fucking
thirty thousand, dude, we could.

Speaker 1 (30:14):
Fucking everyone could get alcohol poison it. Yeah yeah, but
like just put some anti freeze into the Oh yeah, dude, easy, easy,
We're the same.

Speaker 3 (30:22):
So but the whole thing was kind of like a
big grift, like the organizers continued to raise funds even
after the GoFundMe was successful, and it was real like
anything left over will go to charities, which ones I
don't know and how much money is left or why
am I on trial? There are people saying that like
one of the musical acts that the stage was donated,

like the stage infrastructure was donated, the beer was you
had to buy food and alcohol, So you're like where
did this money go? Exactly where the money goes. Yeah,
the fucking musicians did it for free. Apparently they only
did it for their travel to the venue. And based
on how shitty the Sublime Rome fucking performance was, I

believe that these people were not fucking paid. Rome Ramirez,
who is now like the new front guy for for Sublime, Dude,
this is like, you know, Bradley, the original singer from
from Sublime was obviously had his issues with drinking, drugs
and stuff like that. This is like, this is like
next level, Like guys should not have gone on stage

to sing like a Sublime. Yeah, this is this is Rome. Hey,
this is Rome. Baby, when in Rome, do like the
fucking tar heels do because this is this is him
hitting fucking Santa Ria right here.

Speaker 6 (31:47):
Oh no, oh money, So that's what they We're being
fucking saren n par.

Speaker 1 (32:02):
With the star spangled banner that like sent that girl
to rehab, like.

Speaker 2 (32:06):
Oh yeah yeah at baseball yeah, all Star weekend.

Speaker 1 (32:11):
The reason that Sublime is so popular is that literally
everybody can sing their songs pretty well. Right, It's just
like the most basic easy songs to sing. You get
the song stuck in your head. And they're like, damn,
should I be the lead singer of Sublime? Yea. So
to have the person who is the lead singer of
Sublime get up there and just fucking that biffit that hard, Yes, Yeah,

gives us all hope. I think yeah, and I.

Speaker 3 (32:36):
Think so five hundred thousand well laundered, I'll say yeah
for fucking flagstock. So yeah, Like in at the end,
like a lot of people were like, there was one
interview with this one guy, one frat guy, who was
really trying to act like it wasn't an l and
he's like, you know, going into it, we didn't know
if this thing was gonna be huge or like tiny,
and no one should show up, And like, now that

I'm here, it's it's like huge huge.

Speaker 2 (33:00):
So that's cool.

Speaker 1 (33:04):
It's like huge, dude, it's a question mark. Yah. Yeah,
Well congratulations, guys, do do great for you. You won't
regret this at all going forward in your history as
adults and in your future trying to meet girls in

on u nc's campus.

Speaker 2 (33:26):
Yeah, same time next year, that's right right back, the
same time next year. Yeah.

Speaker 1 (33:31):
All right, let's uh, let's take a quick break and
we'll be right.

Speaker 2 (33:34):
Back and we're back Hello the Internet.

Speaker 1 (33:52):
There he is always He's just always ready to you know,
hot bitch, Yeah he is.

Speaker 2 (33:59):
That's right.

Speaker 1 (34:00):
All right, Let's check in with Jesse Waters because he
just blasted Tim Walls for not being masculine enough. And
we know that's true because a women that Jesse Waters
personally claims to have talked to don't want to fuck
Tim Walls, gotcha, and B and so that one you

might be like, okay, hearsay, your honor, Well be we
have actual scientific evidence, an expert witness, your honor. I
bring Jesse Waters to the stand, who has a theory
on why.

Speaker 3 (34:40):
I think not even a theory, right, I feel like
because this has been borne out scientifically, I think we
can call this a law now right, yeah, yeah, this
is what helps.

Speaker 2 (34:48):
Me, That helps me not having seen this yet, Yes,
so what this is going to be exactly?

Speaker 3 (34:53):
Now, take everything Jesse Waters says as just absolute, immutable
truth that you must accept. Here's Jesse Waters his take
on masculinity.

Speaker 5 (35:02):
Tie, women love masculinity and women do not love Tim Walls.
So should just tell you about how masculine Tim Walls is.
The other day you saw him with a vanilla ice
cream shake had a straw in it, Oh, ice cream,
That tells you everything, Judge, Janine.

Speaker 3 (35:20):
Judge Janine, over to you.

Speaker 1 (35:24):
Sorry, it was that he had a straw in it,
and that tells you everything you need, you know, Yeah, yeah.

Speaker 2 (35:31):
No, we know, we can tell when we are all
in agreement.

Speaker 1 (35:34):
Obviously, I haven't been used. I didn't even think you
had to say that. Everyone knows that if you drink
through a straw, that's unmasculine oxygen to live. It's like
what yeah, yeah yeah.

Speaker 3 (35:46):
Also, real men don't go fucking snorkeling because that shit
sus as hell. Dude, having a fuckingle in your mouth. Dude,
having a straw in your mouth.

Speaker 2 (35:56):

Speaker 3 (35:56):
Even when I go to the dentist, I don't even
let them do the suction for to get my survival.
I just let him pull out and just fall out
of my face, all over my face because I have
no tube in my mouth.

Speaker 2 (36:06):
You know what I mean? You know what I mean?

Speaker 3 (36:08):
Man, you look like Rocky with just bloods, looking like
a million dollar baby. I've been intubated or something, dude,
fucking tough shiit.

Speaker 2 (36:16):
I saw this beta horse eating straw and I got
so straw eating eating straw. I threw a hamburger as
hard as I could at that thing, stupid brainless head,
and it's stopped and it ate that and I'm like,
there we go make progress.

Speaker 3 (36:31):
It's it's it's wild that he's been like holding onto
this for a very like it's part of his brand. Obviously,
weird takes on masculinity.

Speaker 1 (36:42):
It's a thing he tends to come back to the
way I come back to the cold gas study or van.

Speaker 2 (36:48):
Right right right, right, right right.

Speaker 1 (36:49):
But it's so I'm not gonna begrudge him that, but
I am a little confused why he thinks it's so compelling.

Speaker 3 (36:58):
Well here, like you know, let's just let's this is
from last year when again he was like.

Speaker 2 (37:03):
Dude, did you see that fucking guy using a fucking straw?
Is he okay?

Speaker 3 (37:09):
This is again Jesse waters his straw straw man takes.

Speaker 5 (37:14):
On Monday, I covered Joe Biden's Thanksgiving trip to Nantucket.
He puller plunged at a little Black Friday shopping with Hunter,
and he called one of our correspondents stupid. And we're
willing to look past that little outburst, but some things
we just can't let slide.

Speaker 1 (37:30):
And then straw Joe Biden.

Speaker 5 (37:32):
Now, if you've seen me on the Five or on
Prime Time, you know I recommend that all men refrain
from using straws. It's coming the way a man's lips, purse.
The size of the straw is just too dainty, the
way your fingers clasp on it.

Speaker 1 (37:46):
No, come on, wait, I'm sorry. You like a size?

Speaker 2 (37:50):
Is he like a size? He's like, I don't like.
I want to I want to wrap my I want
stretch marks on my mouth.

Speaker 3 (37:55):
When when I sip from a shot and that's some
little puny thing, you know what I mean?

Speaker 2 (38:00):
I drink through pc pipe is what I'm smoking out
of a piece?

Speaker 1 (38:07):
Yeah, this is, by the way, we've had to edit
all the other times Blake has accidentally brought in this episode.

Speaker 2 (38:16):
So many and used yeah and used on the show.
I like to drink out of a gutter. I like
to remove gutters off my house and then drink yeah
through them.

Speaker 3 (38:27):
Luis, I guess I'll We'll let him continue. Uh, there's
a little bit on the end of this, right Jack,
You're saying as he continues to talk about this, Yeah, okay.

Speaker 1 (38:35):
He also has like some some soup takes.

Speaker 5 (38:38):
Straws are for women and little kids. But apparently this
is controversial.

Speaker 1 (38:43):
So then we showed Jimmy Kimmel, who's making fun of him.

Speaker 5 (38:46):
Men should never suck anything through a straw?

Speaker 2 (38:53):
Is that a thing?

Speaker 1 (38:55):
I don't.

Speaker 5 (38:58):
Jimmy, you know, I don't apologize that along with the
straws and others. One of my many tenants. And I'm
sure Trump would agree that wasn't a good look. He's
better than that. And as you've heard me say, it's
not just straws, Jimmy. Soup is another problem area. Men
should need soup in public. Again, you're pursing your lips

in anticipation.

Speaker 1 (39:19):
Okay, we got a stock photo something.

Speaker 2 (39:21):
This soup.

Speaker 5 (39:23):
You lean your head out trying not to spill it.

Speaker 2 (39:25):
Come on, it's like a balancing act. Isn't even killing?

Speaker 3 (39:29):
Sometimes you have to if it's too hot. It's too hot, dude,
I what what happened in Jesse waters life?

Speaker 2 (39:39):
You know what I mean?

Speaker 3 (39:40):
When you end up so like so in your head
with your like homophobic shit where you're like, dude, fucking
like put a tube near your mouth or something, and
then you gotta blow on something, dude, And like men
should be like fully reclined, laying down, eating with their hands.

Speaker 2 (39:55):
That's the only way to eat.

Speaker 1 (39:56):
Otherwise, you know, I don't know, you look a little
only man. Only way to take in calories is have
grapes fed to you while you're being fanned. Yeah, otherwise
starved to death with peacock feathers. I mean, based on
what we know about Tucker his predecessor, like, one would
have to suspect that Jesse Waters as his dad got

cooked by like a straw straw.

Speaker 2 (40:20):
Yeah, a straw straw salesman.

Speaker 1 (40:23):
A soup guy. I don't know, Yeah, the the soup.
Like people don't even purse their lips to eat soup
as far as I know. Is he talking about blowing
on something that's hot, Yeah, it.

Speaker 3 (40:33):
Would just burn your mouth. Again, it doesn't make any sense.
The thing that for me resonated because I do agree
with some of what he's saying, no more than anything,
is like you know, like when you're a kid and
you take ship from like TV and movies and you
kind of like bring that into your personality, like most
kids thought they were ace Ventura at some point.

Speaker 2 (40:52):
Yeah, or like I talked out of my ass literally
before and now it's only.

Speaker 3 (40:56):
Figured, but but you know what I mean, and like
you're kind of like, oh, that's that that thing that
character said, I'm gonna take that on in my life
as a philosophy.

Speaker 2 (41:04):
But you're like twelve.

Speaker 3 (41:05):
This guy is doing it like in his forties. Because
I don't know if you remember the film Crazy Stupid Love,
Like Ryan Gosling's cool guy character tells the nerdy Steve
Correll character in that film to knock it off with
using a straw because it looks like they're sucking on
a little dick.

Speaker 1 (41:24):
Oh, I mean that's he's just like stealing a d
I think I think I think he saw that and
it was like, dude, this Ryan got this.

Speaker 2 (41:32):
Ryan got my shit.

Speaker 3 (41:34):
The sickest dude I've ever fucking seen. And if his
rule is like you don't sip fucking anything out of
a straw to be a man, that's just one of
Jesse's laws.

Speaker 2 (41:43):
Baby, it is what And that idiot only used it
for one line. I can stretch this out for years.
I don't ever. Yeah, really, Jesse, no straws.

Speaker 3 (41:55):
Yeah, I'll tell you why, gotta push your lips, you
gotta tell you gotta cup the are you gotta drink
the water.

Speaker 2 (42:02):
It's just it's just it's's unbecoming. It's unbecoming, especially not
of a president. So yeah, what you gotta do is
freeze the soup and lick it like a block of
a popsicle. That's how many soup Just lap it up,
you know what I mean?

Speaker 1 (42:17):
Like a dog, like a male dog. Yeah, tough man dog.

Speaker 3 (42:25):
Yeah, that is that has to be haunting to have
a movie character's voice ringing through your head like and
be like, oh my god, I'm doing the thing Ryan
Gosling's character said to not doing that rom com that
most people kind of remember.

Speaker 1 (42:37):
Fuck yeah, I wonder if it's like one of his
writers is like stealing from that and he's just like
confidently like this is good stuff, right, right right, We're
killing it. More stuff like that.

Speaker 2 (42:50):
Yeah, that's what it's Also like.

Speaker 1 (42:52):
Donald Trump has like talked about the fact that he,
because he's a German phobe, will not like drink anything
not through a straw, including like if he's at a
black tie event, right, will only drink through a straw
because he doesn't trust the glasses to be clear.

Speaker 3 (43:09):
Yeah, And to the point where like in the culture wars.
They were hawking their like full PVC pipe straws that
they were putting out like in response to like, oh
everything's a paper straw or like not plastic anymore by
your trump Maga straws. It's a big part of the brand.
But anyway, it doesn't matter because nothing is consistent with
their outrage. It's just they just say whatever, And I'm so.

Speaker 1 (43:30):
Thing kind of fucked me up because my mother in
law for a long time has been complimenting me on
how much I like soup because I love Korean soups.

Speaker 2 (43:37):
It is a great thing about you. It's one of
the only good things. Well, yeah, the only reason you
come back on the show, Blake. Yeah, it's because of
his love. Yeah, yeah, thank you.

Speaker 1 (43:45):
And but then recently was like, you know, most men
don't like soups. When she was like telling me about soups,
and she was like, so that's why we think. It's
like so nice that you like soups. And yeah, now
now I don't eat soup because I feel like you can't.

Speaker 3 (44:02):
It makes me, look Jack, I made it, made your
favorite soup.

Speaker 2 (44:06):
Yeah, put it on a plate for me. Let's plate
that place.

Speaker 3 (44:10):
Yeah, are you gonna don't worry about it in a
rocks glass.

Speaker 2 (44:14):
Oh yeah, burns, it's going all the side of my face.

Speaker 1 (44:17):
It doesn't bother me, but I gotta have it hot.

Speaker 2 (44:19):
I'm not gonna blow on it and purse my lips. No.

Speaker 3 (44:22):
Wait, but so she's it was the implication there that
soup is truly not a man's food.

Speaker 1 (44:28):
I think that is a thing in Korean culture, maybe
that it's like not or that men are like soup
is too easy for you to make make me something
that's not sure.

Speaker 2 (44:39):
She's a big Jesse Waters fan.

Speaker 1 (44:42):
Huge. I mean I should mention that.

Speaker 3 (44:44):
Yeah, She's like, oh, you want me to get you
a straw for your soup?

Speaker 2 (44:47):
Jack? Like what, because you're a real man, aren't you.

Speaker 1 (44:51):

Speaker 2 (44:52):

Speaker 1 (44:52):
Seventy percent of what she says about me is in
Korean within your shot of me, and I don't speak Korean,
so she entirely would be like Jesus Christ. She's like, wow,
She's like, I wanted more for you as my daughter,
but it is what it is. Huh, getting behind me
and giving a thumbs down to everyone else in the room.

Speaker 3 (45:16):
Straw motion, what's that? Oh nothing, Jack? Your soup is
ready all right, should we look at some Halloween costumes.
It's Halloween costume season already, even though it is one
hundred and eleven degrees in Los Angeles, which would melt
most Halloween costumes, which are made out of basically rob polymers. Yeah,

candle wax. All right, So it has arrived in stores
earlier than ever this year. Target Home Depot and Low's
rolled out their Halloween collections back in July, and Spirit
Halloween has already opened over a thousand stores in the US,
with more to com Amazingly, Spirit Halloween worst costume is
not the inflatable skibbity toilet, but it's pretty It's pretty bad.

Do they have a mask on the skibbity toilet? Like
that's what that guy looks like because the face modeled
a cartoon character. It's yeah, this skip.

Speaker 1 (46:18):
Strange that they felt because the head of the skibbity
toilet is not it's just a dude.

Speaker 3 (46:22):
With it looks like Elon Musk got ran over by
like a steamroller.

Speaker 2 (46:26):
Yeah you know what I mean.

Speaker 3 (46:27):
Yeah, lattened it fully out. Yeah yeah yeah, yeah. God,
your your kids aren't asking for a skibbity toilet? Yeah,
probably my nephews, but not my kid.

Speaker 2 (46:37):
That's what they're getting. Yeah, made your choice, kids.

Speaker 1 (46:45):
But probably the worst costume we've seen thus far is
a Chipotle Themes costume. They're just unicolor body suits that
are meant to represent a nap can fork, water cup
and to go back. And for some reason, all except

the burrito cover your entire face.

Speaker 3 (47:09):
Yeah, why does the burrito get a face hole?

Speaker 2 (47:11):
And everyone else? He was the only handsome one, I
think is why the others are so ugly.

Speaker 3 (47:16):
The rest of the guys are the skibbity toilet guy
underneath the mask so exactly.

Speaker 1 (47:21):
It really just looks like like even if I saw
them walking down the street together side by side, I
would be like Chipotle branded sleep paralysis demon Like, Yeah,
why I couldn't have put it together because yeah, none
of them really look like the thing they like. The

skin tightness of it feels strange. It feels like it
doesn't help in any way.

Speaker 2 (47:48):
Right, Well, like, what's get that? It's against morales, it's revealing,
It's yeah, it's not. It's indecent. I think it is
what Yeah, I was trying to say.

Speaker 1 (47:59):
It should look like old timey bathing costumes. Very baggy
down to the ankles.

Speaker 2 (48:04):

Speaker 3 (48:04):
Yeah, it's like one of those things too, like where
I get that. On the internet, people were joking like
with like a really nondescript thing and we're like, how
a Chipotle fork and you're just wearing an all black
body suit and like that's what they're sort of being like.

Speaker 2 (48:16):
Oh man, the Internet loved that. Let's make let's do
literally that.

Speaker 3 (48:20):
Because we're brands and we're so savvy with like internet culture,
and they're like, hey, now we did it. You guys
like it and everyone like this. In the midst of
people being like, man, Chipotle's fucking falling off.

Speaker 1 (48:31):
Yeah, they're like, well you think we've fallen off, Well,
we've been investing money and we're going to do nothing. Yeah,
we're gonna do this with it.

Speaker 2 (48:42):

Speaker 1 (48:42):
There was a like meme where, you know, somebody created
a fake spirit Halloween costume bag that said Chipotle fork.
It was just a black body suit, and they were like,
wait a minute, we have an idea.

Speaker 3 (48:56):
No, you don't, No, you don't know, you don't that's
not I yeah, and it's and it's not funny when
you do it. It's funny because someone said this this
dumb thing is now a Chipotle fork, rather than mean, like,
guess what, this Chipotle fork is now a dumb thing
and you're like, nae, you know the sequence is the
sequence is all off.

Speaker 2 (49:16):
It's all off.

Speaker 1 (49:17):
Yeah, yeah, I think the burrito got a breathing hole
because it it's suit appears to be made of like
a real unbreathable.

Speaker 2 (49:28):
Plastic, right right, yeah? Yeah.

Speaker 1 (49:33):
You don't want someone to pass away dressed as a
Chipotle burrito?

Speaker 2 (49:36):
Good lord?

Speaker 3 (49:38):
It's I mean, like this year, I feel like, if
we're talking Chipotle, like the costume would have been about
like those assholes who are like filming Chipotle workers. Don't
get cheap on me with the carnitas, all right, you
know what I mean? Like that felt like the more
of the popular culture thing about Chipotle that was brewing
more than.

Speaker 2 (49:57):
Hey, I can be a bag. Yeah, we know what
Miles is going to be for Halloween. He's just snapping
at surface workers.

Speaker 1 (50:11):
Nice try, asshole, gotcha?

Speaker 2 (50:13):
All right?

Speaker 1 (50:14):
Well, Blake Wexler, what a plan for having on the
daily geist? Likewise, where can people find you? Follow you?

Speaker 2 (50:20):
Hear you?

Speaker 1 (50:21):
All that good stuff?

Speaker 2 (50:22):
People can do all of those things on at Blake
Wexler all social media. I have a stand up special
called Blake Wexler Daddy Long Legs, which is streaming for
free on YouTube, and then some stand up dates in
the fall. Wayne Pennsylvania on September twenty ninth, Brooklyn which
is in New York on October twenty sixth, Boston November two,

Philly December fifth, and Bethlehem, Pennsylvania on January on January fourth,
So two days away, two days away. Yeah. Wait, Wayne,
Pennsylvania September twenty ninth is the most is the one
that's coming up the soonest, get those tickets.

Speaker 3 (51:00):
Yeah, and which one are you going to be the
funniest at of those shows?

Speaker 2 (51:03):
Definitely not Brooklyn. I would say Boston probably will probably
be the funniest because I'll be in a mood. So yeah,
let's do that.

Speaker 3 (51:11):
I'll be in a mood, you know, I'll be in
a little bit of a one.

Speaker 2 (51:14):
When I get to me Intown. I'm in a mood,
you know, I'm in a mood. That city is not
on the grid system and that gets me pissed off.
I hate Paris, Yes, I can't stand fucking the hums
we peak. Sorry, is this bad podcasting. What I'm doing
right now, it's it's peak podcasting. I think we're documenting

the societal breakdown that's happening in real time, and I
think that's what's important. Yeah, and it's it is sweeps weak, Yeah,
it is. Blake.

Speaker 1 (51:44):
Uh, is there a work of media that you've been enjoying?

Speaker 2 (51:47):
Yes, I saw a tweet from Ariel Dumas. Dumas it's
a R E L d U M A s. And
Aeriel retweeted a screen grab where it was a news
story that says open Ai pleads that it can't make
money without using copyrighted materials for free, and then Ariel wrote,

I have been told to stop stealing muffins from the bakery. Unfortunately,
it's the only way to keep my lucrative muffins stand
in business. Everyone is fine with this, that baby laugh.

Speaker 1 (52:23):
Miles, Where can people find you? Is there a work
a media?

Speaker 2 (52:26):
Oh god, where do you go? Ahead?

Speaker 3 (52:28):
Mile find me on Twitter? Thank you, Blake.

Speaker 2 (52:32):
What did that other man just say to me? Blake,
Just go right ahead, promote whatever you got to promote career,
This is the space for it. At the end of
the program, and then Jack, I believe will go and
say his stuff, and then we'll wrap up talk about
episodes and whatever social media that you guys are on.
Go right ahead. Forty Day Fiance and Miles Miles is

Gray and.

Speaker 3 (52:56):
Ye find me at Miles of Great Twitter and Instagram.
The basketball podcast is Miles and Jack Got Mad Boosties
and four to twenty Day Fiance is the ninety Day
Fiance Podcast.

Speaker 2 (53:08):

Speaker 3 (53:08):
There's the thing I saw that kind of blew my
mind is I didn't know they were like there was
like there's MMA for.

Speaker 2 (53:14):
People in full suits of armor. Now amazing because again
we're doing great talking medieval tongues. Dude, This fucking.

Speaker 3 (53:22):
Clip this is from at Happy Punch, and I guess
they just specialized.

Speaker 1 (53:26):
Like Miles just found out about medieval times.

Speaker 2 (53:29):
Hold on, and so you go.

Speaker 3 (53:31):
It's this cool restaurant you go to and you sit
down in a section based on each color and each
color has a night and then you get you get this,
like you eat off of pewter platters like medieval times.
They don't have silverware because they didn't have silverware in
medieval times, Hence they don't have it at medieval times,
but they do have pepsi and no anyway, This is

like medieval mma. These people are whacking the shit out
of each other with like broadswords, head.

Speaker 2 (53:58):
Buddy each other. Written from something Yeah, wow.

Speaker 3 (54:03):
Oh my god, oh my god, fucking beating the ship
out of each other. And then like when people go
to their corners, like they're taking off their helmets, they're
like bloodied. Oh my god, this guy's got his mouth
split open. So again, I don't know. I saw that and.

Speaker 2 (54:20):
I was like, what the fuck is that.

Speaker 3 (54:22):
I don't say that because I'm like, we should all
watch it, but more just like, holy shit, how did
I miss the latest uh, you know, trend, the latest craze,
and we don't give a fuck our society dissolving in.

Speaker 1 (54:34):
Front of us.

Speaker 2 (54:35):
I can't believe I have to watch all these videos now.
Thanks a lot, Uh you can find me on Twitter.

Speaker 1 (54:41):
Thanks for asking. Blake at Jack Underscore O'Brien tweet I've
been enjoying is from Dave at Iridescent Audio, who tweeted,
do something that scares you every day. If you do that,
then each day, little by little, you will be scared.
Every day will be scary, and your life will be

very scary. Shooting star emoge you can find us on
Twitter at Daily Zeitgeist. We're at the Daily Zeitgeist on Instagram.
We have a Facebook fanpage and a website, Daily zeitgeist
dot com where we post our episodes and there are
footnotes for all the information that we talked about in
today's episode, as well as the song that we think

you might enjoy, Miles, is there a song.

Speaker 2 (55:27):
That you think people might yeah? Is it? Yes? Footnote? Good?

Speaker 1 (55:31):
Great dropping.

Speaker 3 (55:31):
There's a band called Headache that is like a collaboration
between this other guy, Vegan and another writer. But they
it's like these like trip hot beats that almost feel
like they would be like interludes on a Radiohead album,
but the lyrics are written by like one of the
guys in the group, and then they use like this
like English ai voice to like perform it, so it's

like the spoken word over really interesting beats and they're
just kind of like it's just sort of surreal. This
track is called the Big Beginning of the End. The
band is called a Headache, and it's just kind of
it's kind of rdy but also has like really solid
sort of tip hop chops and it's all just very strange,
but I like it so anyway, the beginning of the
end by headache, just like this podcast is also the

beginning of the end.

Speaker 2 (56:16):
The beginning of the end.

Speaker 1 (56:17):
A headache and a headache and goddamn headache tonight, thank
you all right. We will link off to that in
the footnote. The Daily Zeitgeist does a production of iHeartRadio.
For more podcasts from iHeartRadio, visit the iHeartRadio app, Apple Podcasts,
wherever you listen to your favorite show. That is going
to do it for us this morning, back on Tuesday, Nope,

back on Monday. You tell you what is, what was trending,
what is trending?

Speaker 2 (56:44):
All of that.

Speaker 1 (56:44):
We're also gonna drop a little Weekly Zeitist, which is
a digest of all the greatest moments from this week's episodes,
like this right now. I'm sure we'll definitely make the cut.

Speaker 2 (56:55):
That's right in there.

Speaker 1 (56:58):
Probably that's kind of a reapproach, So open with this
until then, be kind to each other, be kind to yourselves.
Get the vaccine. I don't even do that here, do
I wow?

Speaker 2 (57:09):
Switching up?

Speaker 1 (57:10):
Don't do nothing about white supremacy. And we'll talk to
y'all on Monday.

Speaker 2 (57:15):
Bye bye,

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