Episode Transcript
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Speaker 1 (00:04):
Countdown with Keith Olderman is a production of iHeartRadio. The
FBI is at the Gates Gates Beavis and Botox the
Attorney General designate for the moment anyway, big pantiless Matt
and thus are we reminded again why Democrats need to
not compromise, to not compliment, to not look for the
good things sideshow Bob Kennedy says, but just the murderous ones.
Why they need to throw punches and to never become
Jared Polis or Keem Jeffries or Joe Effing Scarborough and
his wife missus VC MSNBC. Yesterday morning, the Democrats on
the Senate Judiciary Committee wrote to FBI Director Christopher Ray
requesting a copy of the FBI file on the Gates
sex scandal, especially the child sex trafficking part I mean
even Chairman Dick Durbin signed the letter, and Chris Coons
and by sundown the New York Times not only had
the key details of that file, they had enough of
the actual document to publish a copy of a diagram
produced by federal investigators for the report by the House
Ethics Committee. The report, the Republicans are still trying to
bury it is a spectacular diagram suitable for framing, tracing
thousands of dollars in Venmo payments from Gates to quoting
The Times women, including some who testified he hired them
for sex for drug fueled sex parties, sometimes directly to
the women, sometimes to intermediaries. All in the records of
Venmo there are at least one hundred lines spreading out
from a thumbnail picture of Gates and that idiot's smile
of his. The lines crisscross, the lines go sideways, they
double back on themselves. They all have little arrows at
their ends. The damn things looks like a cross between
a gigantic spider's web and a map of the London
subway system, a map which has then been put up
with thumbtacks onto the wall of a conspiracy. Theorist's basement
was the Senate Judiciary letter to Chris Ray and the
tourist's guide and map to Matt Gates's sex City. Were
they cause and effect? Maybe? Maybe not, but it emphasizes
the point do not truck with the fascists. Do not
Governor Polis praise Kennedy about vaccines as if he were
not a demented sexual predator. Do not Leader Jeffries say
that the nominations of Gates and Kennedy and that sack
of crap Gabbard are quote distractions. Do not Senator Koon
praise the money this fop friend of Putin Musk could
save America. Do not Quizzling Scarborough borrow somebody else's soul
and then sell it so Trump won't destroy you. In short,
do not normalize them. Not only does in it help,
it also doesn't work. The bully will not stop punching
you just because you say nice things about them. The
bully will stop punching you when you knock him out
cold for the time being. The Democrats, the Liberals, the progressives,
you know, the actual Americans can accomplish some things in
small letters mostly, but our collective purpose is to send
the Trump train hurtling off the track as often as possible,
with as many metaphorical casualties as we can achieve. Sink
his Attorney general a crook, Squeeze his HHS director a
lunatic until his brain worms caused him to start speaking
in tongues. Destroy his secretary of Education, who patted her
educational resume about whether or not she'd gotten a degree
in education. Enrage Trump, raise his blood pressure, cause him
to dig in further, and demand Republican senators get Gates
in anyway until the day comes when one Republican leader
or another snaps and calls Trump what he is. Yes, please,
Trump voters wanted to burn it all down. Let's burn
it all the f down, and let's make sure first
and above all else that it is trump Ism that
is tied to the effing steak. Speaking of crumpling things
up and lighting fires with them. Normally, I think newspaper
editorials are useless, irrelevant, and badly written unless they are
being written or not being written. Jeff bezos to do
exactly the same thing Joe Scarborough just did. But let
me read you highlights of two new ones bear with
me quote first source, second quote. While most of the
cabinet picks have been excellent and some of them risky
but promising, Gates and Gabbard are dreadful. We plead that
mister Trump rethink them. They are distracting chaos agents who
won't accomplish what Trump wants them to and will most
likely backfire on his agenda. Start with Gabbard. Trump's nominee
for Director of National Intelligence. She's been sympathetic to dictators
in Syria and Russia instead blaming the victims of violence
like Ukraine and Israel. But even worse, the editorial continues,
is Matt Gates, Trump's nominee for attorney General. We don't
want Trump to be blown up by his own grenade.
Gates may provide the disruption, but he has neither the
ethics nor the discipline to rebuild a proper system that
will pursue fair prosecutions. His own colleagues say he's a sleez.
Both represent a bigger problem than their own faults. Reflect
Trump is wasting important political capital pushing two mediocre nominees
out of stubbornness, not necessity. Not only will Trump's opponents
use this to argue that he can't govern, but it
will provide ammunition for the twenty twenty six midterms. Signed
the New York Post editorial board, seriously Murdoch. Murdoch's vanity
newspaper written by and four people who may have gone
to a high school but never actually went in. But wait,
the other editor oriol is worse. This one notes that
the Trump transition team insists it knew nothing about the
sexual assault accusation against and payoff by Pentagon nominee Pete.
Let's shoot the civilians, Hegseth. Somebody war gamed this and
realize the implications again quote first source. Second, whoever leads
the Pentagon needs to have the President's trust. If mister
Trump wasn't informed about this political liability before announcing the nomination,
he might reasonably wonder what else mister Hegseth hasn't told him?
Signed the Wall Street Journal editorial board. So here are
the two most fascist propaganda driven entities this side of
Alex Jones and Charlie Kirk. And they want Trump to
dump Gabbard Gates and Hegseth, And oh yeah, the New
York Post also chastised him over recess appointments. And I
hate everybody who works at all three of these places.
But I have to say I see more backbone about
these Trump nominees drawn from the wanted bulletins at the
post Office in these newspapers than I do from Jeffreys
and a boatload of other Democrats, and more backbone from
Rand Paul, Like Rand Paul, Rand Paul, the runner up
in his two man Neighborhood Boxing Division. Rand Paul. Rand
Paul has slammed Trump for the whole premise that Hegseth
is the nominee at DoD, Quoting him, I'm not in
favor of sending the army in uniforms into our cities
to collect people. I think it's a terrible image and
that's not what we use our military for. We never
have and it's actually been illegal for over one hundred
years to bring the army into our cities. I will
not support an emergency declaration to put the army into
our cities. I think that's a huge mistake. I really
think us as conservatives who are supportive of Trump, need
to caution him about sending the army into our cities.
Unquote Rand freaking fall. While Trump's team, for a series
of reports not only plans round ups led by that military,
it's figured out now away around the thirteenth Amendment. It
for the Times, quote plans to stop issuing citizenship affirming
documents like passports and Social Security cards to infants born
on domestic soil to undocumented migrant parents in a bid
to end birthright citizenship, slow walking the constitution while sending
troops to the streets like Hitler did, and even Rand
Paul recognizes this, But Jared Poulus sees merit in Robert F.
Kennedy rather than kicking Robert F. Kennedy in the nuts.
Speaking of which, one of the lawyers for some of
the women in the Matt Gaits scandal spells his last
name l E p p A r d l E
p p A r D. I just assumed he had
to pronounce it leopard or something. Hi. Joel Laparde, attorney
for his underage victim, damn glad to meet you. No, sir,
his name is Leopard. Joel Leopard in the middle of
the era of the face eating Leopard party, the lawyer
who could do as much hurt to Trump as anybody
else and to all the face eating leopards, that guy
is named Leopard. Only in America, throw punches, throw punches,
eat faces, And I don't care who you have to
ally yourself with to make sure the punch hits or
the face digests. Nate Silver yesterday suggested that President Joe
Biden should resign because Nate, who is not exactly mister
psychological stability his own self, is not sure Joe Biden
is competent to be president. Two weeks ago, former Kamala
Harris communications director Jamal Simmons called on President Biden to resign,
not over some question of competence, I mean, good God,
if we're going to go through this again, I want
Trump to fulfill that promise and take another cognitive test
before inauguration day. Pro tip take the under on his score. No.
Simmons's idea is this would let the president fulfill his
to become a transitional president, even if only for a
few months. I agree with Nate Silver and Jamal Simmons,
not with their reasons, and not because of any anger
or doubt about my old friend Joe Biden, who I
will love till the day I die. But I think
Joe Biden should resign and have President Kamala Harris be
president for an hour or a morning, or a week
or a month, or starting this afternoon, because how many
ways would this piss off America's white supremacists, how many
misogynists would spontaneously combust, how much would that one vein
feeding that one sell in Trump's brain bulge with extra
insanity at the thought of President Kamala Harris. And even
if somehow they all contained themselves. Joe Biden should do
this anyway, because at the bare minimum, Biden resigning, even
if it's on the morning of January twentieth, and Vice
President Harris succeeding him, would make her the forty seventh
president of the United States, and these goddamned Maga sons
of bitches would have to burn every last piece of
their worthless Trump forty seven merch, and just for their
fury over that this would be worth it. Speaking of
burning something to the ground like your own career. Back
to Joe Scarborough for a moment, and I've got an
entire segment on America's newest quizzling at the end of
this podcast, if I can get through it without laughing
too hard. My headline on this story is how on
earth anybody could be surprised that this Marshall patan of
American media sold out to save his own worthless ass.
It's the only thing Joe Scarborough is good at. He's
been doing it all twenty six years I've known him.
And the only deviation from the norm here is Joe
usually tries to sell somebody else out first. This time
there was nobody else happily, I can state with some
assurance that this time, finally, Joe Scarborough has ended his
own career. Ratings for The Morning Joe Insincerity and Bullshit
Musical Review were already down by a staggering percentage after
the election. Then, as you know, he announced his mutual
non Aggression pack with the Not at six am Monday,
and the audience punished him and MSNBC in a way
so impressive, so original, so startling that I have never
heard of it happening before. Multi hour morning television shows
always see their ratings go up the later it gets,
simply because more people are awake at seven than are
awake at six. The average growth from the six am
ratings to the seven am ratings worldwide probably is twenty
percent or so. If you are doing Alaska morning radio
like Good Morning Sitka, and you have one hundred listeners
at six AM, the seven o'clock edition of Good Morning
Sitka is probably going to have one hundred and twenty listeners.
On Monday, Joe Scarborough and Mika Brzynski saw their seven
am ratings drop by seventeen percent compared to their six
AM ratings among viewers under the age of fifty five,
the loss was thirty eight percent, So normally ratings go
up twenty percent. In the second hour, they went down
seventeen percent. That's a basic raw net loss of more
than one third. On Tuesday, ratings for the whole show
were down another eleven percent from Monday. Scarborough is now
on the path we at MSNBC used to call the
Rita Cosby. On Monday, the debut edition of Rita Cosby
Live and Direct has the highest ratings on the entire network.
On Tuesday, it's down the typical ten to twenty percent
from the debut show. By Wednesday, half the audience is gone.
By Thursday, it's a re broadcast of a previous edition
of Rita Cosby Live and Direct. And on Friday it's
what was the name of that show again? And we
used to have that had Rita Cosby on it status reports.
Oliver Darcy quotes a rival TV news executive who says
that Scarborough, Prashinski and MSNBC president Rashida Jones quote need
FEMA there at this point. That's the level of disaster
they created unquote. Well happily they sold their souls to
the correct devil Trump, So if they need FEMA. They
can just call Trump and he can do what he
always does when disaster aid is needed. Ignore the pleas
of the drowning, or throw Joe a roll of bounty,
the quicker picker upper, or in Scarborough's case, toilet paper used.
And by the way, I'm in a good and generous
mood towards everybody today, including Joe Scarborough. The heart surgery
on my pup Kit went as good as it possibly
could have. We are expecting him home and cured today.
I can't wait to tell him the whole Scarborough backstory
later in this podcast, the stuff from say two thousand
and eight, nine and ten, when he spent nearly his
entire day every day trying to get me fired. I
can't wait to tell him that whole story. Because Kit
is a dog. He's five months old, and he weighs
three pounds, so even he knows Joe Scarborough is a
pile of crap in an ill fitting suit. Also of
interest here, speaking of self owns like the one of
Joe Scarborough's, have I mentioned Joe Scarborough yet? Speaking of
self owns? Marjorie Taylor Green, has I swear to Jesus
encouraged some transgendered woman somewhere to come up to her
Marjorie Taylor Green and beat her senseless. I'll just repeat
that Green has basically asked to get beaten up by
a transgendered woman. Ladies, please do not rush the door.
Everybody will get their chance. That's next. This is countdown.
This is countdown. With Keith Olberman still ahead of us
on this all new edition of The Big Show, I'm
getting so much Shotenfreuder, I'm gonna have to go on
a schadenfreude diet. Two months of hilarious stories about my
ex and her ex and RFK Junior, and now Joe
Scarborough has self destructed so thoroughly that everybody on the
left hates him and everybody on the right hates him.
But do you know the origin story of the man
we used to call Joey scars but now called Joe
scared bro. The worst person I have ever worked with,
I mean in TV and radio, online, in print, in sports,
in news, in this century, in the last century, in
college and high school, the worst person next at things
I promised not to tell heyway always like chep. But
believe it or not, there's still more new idiots talk
about the daily roundup of the other miscreants, morons and
Dunning Kruger effects specimens who constitute today's other worst versus.
In your word, that's my Ja Scarby, I'm banking the
bronze worse. To quote Chevy Chase from the original Weekend
Update on the original Saturday Night Live, I don't want
to kick him in when he's down. I want to
kick him when he's down, then set fire to his face,
and then put the fire out while wearing baseball cleats.
Matt Gates the only man in the last half century
who could be running the Justice Department next week or
be put in jail by the Justice Department next week,
on top of everything else going on with Attorney General
wannabe Beavis and Botox. A quote from the Green Wire
article on Gates's nomination quote, Luckily all of our environmental
laws are older than eighteen years, so Representative Gates shouldn't
have much interest in them, said Brett Hartole, governmental affairs
director at the Center for Biological Diversity, a frequent litigant
in environmental lawsuits. Brett Hardle, did you say that? What
a guy? The runner up? Jd Vance Vice President elect,
the man who has already made a nostalgic for the
golden age of dan Quail. With Trump's amazing decision to
burn his one and a half percent quote mandate unquote
by appointing every confidence trickster and three card monte dealer
to his cabinet, we forget the possibilities still represented by
this idiot JD. Vance. Mike Pence was a holier than
now fraud, a mediocre Midwest radio hate jockey, but he
learned his new job well. He served as a kind
of detached waxen, possibly intelligent, possibly fair counterpoint or foil
to Trump. He really was pretty good as the stuffed suit,
the seemingly not crazy guy who wasn't just doing what
Trump wanted out of some political mass masochism, but who
had thought about it and decided Trump was right, you know,
up until dan Quayle read the Constitution to him and
Pence said, oh crap, I'm out of here. Instead we
have JV. Vance, who, if he wanted to, could turn
pro in the Dunning Krueger League. The gap between how
smart he is and how smart he thinks he is
might be Olympic level. For instance, one of Steve Bannon's thugs.
His CFO, Grace Chong, did a drive by tweet attacking
various Republican senators for not showing up to a vote
in which President Biden got some of his late judicial
appointments approved. If you've forgotten Vance is a Republican senator,
I mean at times clearly Vance had forgotten he was
a senator, and one of the senators Chong attack was
JV Vance, and JV Vank not happy he decided to
try to flame her. Grace Chong, he wrote, is a
mouth breathing imbecile who attacked those of us in the
fight rather than make herself useful. If I had shown
up to the vote in question, the nominee would have
succeeded forty nine to forty six rather than forty nine
to forty five. Guests who has deleted this tweet? Firstly,
he attacked Steve Bannon's person bluntly. No matter what it
looks like, Trump is programmed by Steve Bannon and Stephen Miller,
So you don't attack Bannon's gun mall or whatever she is.
Mouth breathing imbecile is also pretty rich from a guy
with no achievements or accomplishments in life besides money and
hate and sucking up to Trump. But more importantly was
the start of that second paragraph and eight words about
himself that will live in infamy. If I had shown
up to the vote in question or the shorter version,
if I had shown up, what's the cliche, ninety percent
of success is just showing up. Put it on JV's tombstone.
If I had shown up, but our winner, and she
is still ahead of vance on the Dunning Kruger scoreboard.
She's a Hall of Famer. Marjorie Taylor Barney rubble dead
ringer for the Chro Magnon woman wax model that's been
on display at a museum in France since twenty fourteen. Green,
you may have heard the mask is now off on
the whole. We don't hate transgendered people. We just don't
want them playing in girls sports thing. No, no, they
hate them, They hate them all and they refuse to
recognize them, and next they'll be putting them in jail.
Which was always true, because there are what fifty transitioned
women or girls playing scholastic sports in this country, and
your daughter the hoops star is far more likely to
be hit by lightning during a game twice than she
is to ever face a transitioned athlete. Speaker of the
House Johnson flat out said a man cannot become a woman,
and a woman cannot become a man, raising the interesting
question of why they let Mike Johnson use the men's
room at least around Trump. He has no balls of
any kind. Congresswoman Nancy, sorry, I'm late for the prayer breakfast. Senator,
let me tell you about the morning sexual advances. I
fend it off in bed just now. Mace insisted on
legislation to prevent the newly elected transgender Congresswoman Sarah McBride
from using the women's bathrooms at the Capitol, because, as
you know, the Republicans use up all their brain power
on two topics, and two topics alone, One how can
I suck up to Trump? And two I must concentrate
on the genitalia of children and transgendered people. But at
the same time, Marge Green as always took it a
little further as far as personality disorders and sundry impairments
could take her. Politico reported quote she made some remarks
in conference about fighting a transgender woman if she comes
across them in the bathroom, per two sources, I'll just
say that again. She made some remarks in conference about
fighting a transgender woman if she comes across them in
the bathroom. When asked about this, she didn't explicitly confirm
the remarks, but said, I shouldn't have to hate. It's
pretty aggressive for biological men to be invading our spaces.
Green added, and then added, my god, my god, my god,
my god, Marge Green, who's going to try to physically
attack a transgendered woman? And after years of insisting that
they would all destroy biologically born girls playing girls' sports,
Marge somehow thinks she isn't going to get the shit
beaten out of her. Oh my god. You ever seen
the movie The World According to gar Marge? Have you?
Robin Williams, Glenn Close. It's got a lot of flaws,
but John Lithgow's performance and it earned him an Oscar nomination.
He plays ROBERTA. Muldoon, who becomes a protector for the
feminist hero played by Glenn Close. Of course, Muldoon used
to be Robert Muldoon, tight end to Philadelphia Eagles, who
occasionally muses in the film about how she had a
great set of hands. Let's go as spectacular in this
role even forty years later, it's hilarious and touching and topical.
Even when Glenn Close's character is threatened at Lithgo flies
in with an illegal chop block right out of the
National Football League that leaves the man unable to walk,
and she gives a shrug. And after I read what
this bigoted chromagnum Green set, I just thought, how great
would it be for Marge Green to walk into the
house women's bathroom and confront a tall, transgendered woman and
threaten her, only to have the woman say, Hi, I'm ROBERTA. Muldoon.
I used to be the tight end of the Philadelphia Eagles,
number ninety. Robert Muldoon I had a great set of hands.
Marjorie Taylor Green inviting herself to get the crap kicked
out of her by other women in the bathroom. Two days,
worst person and no monniest doggone thing. A week ago today,
I began this podcast by quoting the line from The Simpsons,
the satirical line from the newscaster Kent Brockman, I, for one,
welcome our new insect overlords. Then this past Monday, Joe
Scarborough and his latest wife began their morning chat show
on MSNBC with a simpering, cowardly transparent words salad that
might as well have literally been we for two, welcome
our new insect overlords. Only that would have been funny.
Let me again mention that, in half a century of
working in newsrooms ranging from international ones to high school ones,
Joe Scarborough is easily the worst person I have ever known. Easily.
And I worked with David Letterman's blackmailer, and I worked
with a guy who later extorted George Steinbrenner and threatened
to break his legs. Joe Scarborough is better than either
of them. He is unique the lack of morals, of principles,
of scruples. That's not the result of a fractured brain
like say Trump. It's not the result of money needs
like the guy who blackmailed Letterman or the guy who
extorted Steinbrenner. It's a tool Scarborough uses, and he has
used for at least twenty five years. Joe Scarborough was
a newt gangrich whore. Then he became a far right
pro torture O'Reilly wannabee. Then he was the supply reasonable
conservative who's on air persona covered up his endless internal
sabotage of everybody who was better than him at NBC.
Then he was the moderate political salon host in the mornings.
Then he was the guy who tried to mainstream Trump
and literally traveled to Trump to advise him, and was
Trump's guy on real TV. And then when Trump didn't
choose him to be vice president, Scarborough decided the real
money was in bashing Trump, and so he turned on
him and bashed him and bashed him and bashed him
and called him hitler more than a year ago. And
when he called him hitler, it was the first time
I'd ever agreed with Joey scars But I knew in
my god, he was just selling another product. See, there
are people who went confronted in their lives by Nazis
suddenly find themselves choosing to join the government of VC France.
That's Jeff Bezos. That's not Joe Scarborough. Joe Scarborough has
always been a VSHI in search of Nazis to serve.
And after seven years, he'd actually managed to erase his past.
He'd virtually erased from his audience's memory any sense that
he tried to ram Trump down America's throat in twenty sixteen,
and then suddenly Monday, he was announcing he and Mika
Brazhinsky had gone to Mari Lago to try to open
a dialogue with Trump, and he then produced an amazing,
imaginary moronic dialogue in which somebody else asked him, why
the hell would you do that? With the ludicrous answer,
why the hell wouldn't you. The rhetorical answer to that,
of course, was contained in Mika Brzhinsky's part of this speech,
which was as close to an actual hostage video as
I have ever seen on actual television. The practical answer is,
of course, you don't do that, because then you have
just turned your network into collaborators. If he's Hitler and
you are an now saying we must make a deal
with him, you are VC MSNBC, and everybody who works
there who does not say this is VC MSNBC is
just as guilty Rachel. Anyway, there are three plausible explanations
I guess equal plausibility for this. I'm not sure which
is true. I'm not sure it matters. One NBC and
MSNBC looked at the post election Kamala Harris Saturday Night
Live blowback and the post election ratings, and since the
networks are run by people who do not understand news
or political news, and barely understand television, they panicked and
told him to do it. Or Scarborough looked at the
ratings and being exactly as stupid as his bosses, he
panicked and did it himself. Or as CNN reported Tuesday,
he and the misses genuinely assessed the threats by Trump
and decided they were vulnerable and they'd have to do
something to assuage Trump. And of course just going there
and saying zay, that would hardly do it. But if
they also told Trump, we'll go back to sinewashing your presidency,
only they didn't tell the audience that well that that
would make more sense. That would be pure cowardice. Of course,
it's the actual plot of George Orwell's nineteen eighty four.
Maybe that last one makes slightly more sense now in
light of Tuesday night's news that NBC is going to
spin off its news cable operations, finally separating the dead
weight of NBC News from what might still grow MSNBC
and CNBC. I begged them to do this as far
back as nineteen ninety seven. For God's sakes. Also, you're
a listener to this podcast, and I'm the guy who
writes it and reads it. The last few weeks, I
haven't felt like writing it and reading it, and you
haven't felt like listening to it, or at least not
as much. We're in mourning, we're in husbanding your resources mode,
we're in recovery. Of course, the ratings are going to
be bad. Go look at Fox News' ratings at the
end of twenty twenty and most of twenty twenty one.
Did they fire everybody and suddenly wind up with a
Joe Biden show in the morning? No, be professionals take
the loss. Oh your NBC. Oh MSNBC's only going to
make a quarter of a billion dollars. Oh, I'm so sorry.
People should be killed for that, right, isn't that the
law now? Back at the Joey Scars level? The problem
is the problems are Scarborough already burned down his anti
Trump audience in twenty fifteen and early twenty sixteen. Then
he burned down his new pro Trump audience in twenty
sixteen and twenty seventeen and all the years since, and
now he's gone back and burned down his anti Trump audience. Again,
there's nobody left. The right never stopped hating him. The left,
which had just started to forget he was in Trump's
pocket for a year, hates him anew and now is
seeing that picture of him and Trump's standing there with
that idiotic thumb up their ass pose, which I keep
tweeting every day. Just a coincidence. Joe resolved this dilemma,
namely that nobody wants to watch him anymore or go
on his show by simply pretending none of it is true,
and that everybody supports him and anybody who disagrees with
him is disconnected from reality. And we have always been
at war with these dangsia. The other problem is Joe
Scarborough is a terrible person who has always thought he
could get away with it, often did, always thought he
could blame somebody else, and has always done stuff exactly
like this. And I'll get to that in a moment.
First reminding you of the principal problem by having Nancy
Faust remind you, just cause you call a guy hitler,
maybe it didn't mean that hitler, Maybe it meant the
other Hitler, the singing Hitler, the dancing Hitler, the Hitler
with a song in his heart, Oh Nancy. Perhaps the
most amazing thing about my ten years at MSNBC was
the fact that Joe Scarborough and his producers, especially his
chief henchman, ever got their own show on the air.
Because nobody I have ever worked with in radio or television,
in sports or news in the twentieth century or the
twenty first ever spent more time trying to screw with
other programs on the same network than did Joe Scarborough.
And until just about the time I left in twenty eleven,
the guy he sent in to do most of the
sabotage for him was this henchman guy. The reason this
should matter to you now is Scarborough's henchman was Chris Licked,
the new president of CNN. And if they scoured the
nation to find the worst person to run CNN in
a time when democracy is threatened by one political party
and tepidly defended by another, it's Chris Licked. I know,
I know. You turn on the TV and you see
Joe Scarborough, and you see exactly what I see. A blank, dazed, darting, paranoid,
no soul, stoopid bid check engine light. Look. But if
you don't trust me, trust my scars. My Joey Scars
behind that vapid face is a master saboteur. Early in
two thousand and eight, the late Tim Russert called me
and warned me that the GOP had upped its pressure
on me. He said he had heard from somebody in
New York that somebody in New York was going into
the office of the president of NBC News saying that
Joe Scarborough couldn't get his friend John McCain to come
on to his new Morning show because I was so
critical of McCain on Countdown. Tim was not sure it
was Scarborough, but if it wasn't, who else could have
gotten in to see the president of NBC News other
than Scarborough or his executive producer. The evidence for the
new CNN president, mister Lickt, being directly involved in interfering
with programming to benefit somebody else's friends or political cronies,
was vague in two thousand and eight, but not at
all two years later. Early in January twenty ten, the
Republican candidate to fill the Senate seat of a late
Ted Kennedy, Scott Brown, the former semi nude model, was
at a rally when one of his supporters talked about
quote shoving a curling iron up the backside of the
Democratic Senate candidate Martha Cokeley. Scott Brown clearly heard the
remark from the crowd and responded, quote, we could do that.
On January eighteenth, on Countdown, I did a brief commentary
about how unsuitable Brown was for public office. I said
he was quote an irresponsible, homophobic, racist, reactionary, ex nude model,
t bagging, supporter of violence against women and against politicians
with whom he disagrees unquote. I had quotes from Brown.
I had videotape of him disparaging his minority opponent in
a local election to her face at a debate. To
back up what I said. An hour later, Joe Scarborough
commenced a sweet storm against me. Quote Lberman calls Brown
a homophobic, racist reactionary who supports violence against women. How
reckless and how sad It's no longer enough to simply
disagree with someone. I'm sorry, I just fell into my
Scarborough impression. Just as when Beck called a president racist,
This sort of rhetorical extremism must be discouraged. It chapened
the debate end, quote and impression. Now, there was a
standing rule at MSNBC. You want to criticize another MSNBC personality,
go ahead, have a blast, but it must be on
the air on MSNBC, and the other person must have
an opportunity to reply in real time, in the same show,
or in some kind of face to face way. No
hit and run, no Joe Scarborough tweet storms. If you
criticize them by name or by inference in any other
medium newspaper, interview, radio, social media, you were to receive
an automatic suspension. The next day, January nineteenth, I called
the president of MSNBC, Phil Griffin, and I asked how
long Joe Scarborough's automatic suspension was going to be. Griffin
asked me to come in to the office a little
earlier than usual and to go see him. He said
he had already had a meeting about the tweets that
morning with Scarborough's executive producer, Chris licht. Griffin explained that Scarborough,
according to Lickt, considered Scott Brown a friend. More importantly,
Chris Lickt warned Griffin that if Griffin followed through and
enforced the suspension rule, Scarborough would have no other option
than to go to the press and tell reporters, especially
reporters at right wing websites like Tucker Carlson's The Daily Caller,
that he Scarborough had been suspended because he Scarborough was
a conservative, but I was a liberal and that I
and not Phil Griffin ran MSNBC. What can I do?
Griffin was scared. I told him he could fire Scarborough
and Licked because they had just tried to blackmail him,
and eventually he was going to have to fire them
both anyway, but that I knew he would not do this,
and that I knew now that he would not suspend
Scarborough either, And Griffin did not suspend him. Partial score
Scarborough's friends two MSNBC's rules of behavior nothing, but Phil
Griffin did send out a memo to the entire company
insisting that anybody who criticized another MSNBC show or host
in another medium would be suspended, except Scarborough, who had
just done exactly that and then threatened his own employers.
On January twenty fifth, Brian Stelter's old blog TV newser
got a copy of Griffin's memo. They wondered why Scarborough
had not been suspended, so they called the MSNBC president
and they printed quote Griffin responds to TV news or
quote an important rule was broken. I spoke to Keith
and he said, in the spirit of teamwork and the
free flow of ideas, he didn't think it warranted punishment
or suspension. I also talked to Joe and he apologized
to me. That's why I made the decision that this
didn't rise to the level of punishment. But I felt
it was necessary to reiterate my long standing policy one
hundred percent bull crap. Reiterate my long standing policy which
I just did not enforce against Joe Scarborough. The whole
thing was totally fabricated. Lickt and Scarborough had threatened to
smear their own bosses in the right wing echo chamber.
Should have been both fired on the spot. In May
twenty ten, Scarborough said something on the air about a
Democrat getting away with not being investigated for something. I
forget the details. I didn't bother to look it up.
You can if you want. Then. Marcos Malitsus, the editor
of the Daily Coast website, and not just a regular
contributor to Countdown, but somebody who had been promoting the
show and the MSNBC brand on that website every day
for five years. Marcos sent a snarky but legitimate tweet
questioning Scarborough's credentials to criticize others who had not been
investigated for stuff, Marcos invoked the staffer who died in
an accident in Joe Scarborough's congressional office. Scarborough then attacked
Melitsus on Twitter inaccurately claiming Malitzus had accused Scarborough of murder.
A few days after that, I got a phone call
from the MSNBC president, Phil Griffin. And if he got
a phone call rather than a call to come into
his office, you know he was really scared. Griffin told me.
Chris lickt has been in to see me. Joe won't
put up with having Marcus Mlitzus on his network anymore.
Not only that, but Lick says many of Joe's friends
who also appear in Dayside and Primetime won't come on
if Marcos Malitsus is permitted to continue here. Chris is
insisting that Marcos be banned from MSNBC immediately. Chris says
he's afraid that if we don't do that, Joe won't
come into work tomorrow. Upon hearing that, I laughed and
I congratulated Phil Griffin on the clear win win he'd
just been given. But Phil was very bad at enforcing
MSNBC's rules, but very good at creating new ones on
the spot. To protect Joe Scarborough and Chris Lickt and
their friends, I'm banning the Litzes from any further appearances
on MSNBC, I said, Phil, he's a contributor to my show.
You are suspending my contributor who has driven hundreds of
thousands of viewers to count Down at MSNBC, and I
don't have any say in it. You are owned by
Joe Scarborough and Chris Lickt. What you now have to
worry about is whether I tell this story on the
air tonight or I just wait and tell it later.
Phil now got conciliatory because he was scared again and
said it could be just a suspension if I cooperated,
so I called Marcos. He said he enjoyed his contract
abutions to Countdown. He also did occasional appearances on the
old Ed Schultz MSNBC show, and he said if there
were chants at resuming them, he'd preferred to at least
try that so Marcus and I went along with Griffin's
suspending Marcus Malitzus, and to my knowledge, Marcus Malitzus has
not been seen on MSNBC since. I wish I had
better notes on some of my conversations from the two
thousand and eight, nine, ten eleven era about those conversations
with the hosts and the producers of the other shows
like Schultz and Rachel, Maddow's show and even Chris Matthews
and Hardball. I must have heard a variation of this
statement a dozen times from these people. Guess who was
in Griffin's office explaining that such and such as Joe's
friend and Phil really needs to make sure we lay
off him. Chris licked It was usually an expletive in
the middle between Chris and Lickt. I remember one of
my producers at the MSNBC a version of Countdown telling
me that one of the other producers told him that
Lickt had gone to NBC News President Steve Kappus with
an actual list of Republicans that Mattow and Olberman needed
to stop criticizing because they were Joe's here's the word
again friends, and we were hurting morning Joe that was
Joe Scarborough before he tried to mainstream Trump then saw
that the real money was in slamming. Trump then went
back to his pro on Schlusch's side because the only
constant in his life is this. Oh I'm Joe Scarborough
and I think you're stupid. Anyway, I've done all the
damage I can do here on the new Schadenfreude podcast.
Thank you for listening, Follow me for the podcast. Promo
videos on Blue Sky, YouTube, Face this book, Twitter x,
Instagram threads, and you face no longer on TikTok. I
got banned by TikTok. Brian Ray and John Phillip Shanelle.
The musical directors have Countdown, arranged, produced and performed most
of our music. Mister Chanelle handled the orchestration and keyboards,
Mister Ray was on the guitars, bass and drums, and
it was produced by Tko Brothers. Our satirical and fifthy
musical comments are by the best baseball stadium organist ever,
Nancy Faust. The sports music is the Olderman theme from
ESPN two, written by Mitch Warren Davis courtesy of ESPN Inc.
Other music arranged and performed by the group No Horns. Allowed.
My announcer was my friend Stevie van Zandt and everything
else was as ever, my fault. That's countdown for today,
just one five hundred and twenty eight days until the
scheduled end of the term of lame duck President Trump.
Probably the next schedule countdown is Monday. Still playing this
by year, especially since now that the heart surgery for
my rescue pop kit is complete, I basically have to
carry him around and cuddle him sixteen hours a day.
I know, I know, it's somebody's got to do it.
I should let others do it and charge them for it. Anyway,
As always, Boltons is the news warrants till the next one.
I'm Keith Olderman. Good morning, good afternoon, good night, and
good luck. Countdown with Keith Olderman is a production of iHeartRadio.
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