Episode Transcript
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Speaker 1 (00:02):
As media.
Speaker 2 (00:07):
All right, Terrorform, the series we're doing of amazing dope
folks doing dope stuff. We got a pod crossover today.
I reached out to me from a show called Woke
af and I really was like, all right, let me
see if she means the actual meaning of woke or.
Speaker 3 (00:33):
Some sort of gentrifieder.
Speaker 2 (00:36):
So I listened to a few episodes and was like,
oh no, Danielle ain't playing this is the correct meaning
of what. So we did this crossover episode. This is
part of the Terrorform series of people actually putting out
dope stuff.
Speaker 3 (00:54):
She's not playing around. She has.
Speaker 2 (00:57):
In a lot of ways the same desires we do
with the politics. So we essentially interviewed each other and
are bringing our audiences.
Speaker 3 (01:05):
To each other.
Speaker 2 (01:06):
So this is a crossover episode. It's in their feed
too for wo KF Daily.
Speaker 1 (01:11):
All right, Okay, I forgot.
Speaker 2 (01:23):
I was supposed to be doing this all year, but
I just wasn't consistent about the look. It's like this
episode where I try to keep up with what's happening currently,
even though the podcast recordings are kind of banked. So
bringing this part back, my bad. What looks like this
cue to music.
Speaker 4 (01:41):
Bull look is like this bull look is like this
bull look is like this bulliek is like this.
Speaker 2 (01:57):
Okay, So this week, y'all, it's so much happened, and
it's happening. Let's do the messy stuff. I can't believe
CNN was being so messy. CNN out here looking like
the shade room. They got the video of p Diddy
whooping homegirl tale Like, Okay, I'm joking about the fact
that it's on CNN.
Speaker 3 (02:18):
What happened is not a joke.
Speaker 2 (02:20):
If we talked about this when the year started, right
that Diddy, y'all, Houston been raided, right his ex girl
brought allegations against him for abuse, you know, sexual is
It's like his sexual prowess has became a meme. Like
now it's no Diddy rather than Sam pause, which is
quite homophobic.
Speaker 3 (02:41):
Point is he done so? Right now?
Speaker 2 (02:44):
He was denying all the stuff categorically false, and then
apparently he had paid fifty k to this hotel to
make sure that this video don't come out.
Speaker 3 (02:53):
Video come out.
Speaker 2 (02:54):
This man in his towel doing diabolical nasty work. She
trying to lead, She's basically she's trying to leave this
hotel room she's at the elevator. This man with the
towel wrapped around his waist grabs her by the head
and throws her down, kicks her while she's down. I like,
I won't add any extra commentary to it, because it's
obvious what's going on here. Video comes out, He goes
on his TikTok on some like y'all, darkest moment in
my life, the wrongest thing I've ever done. I make
no excuse. I was in a dark place. I've since
gone to therapy. I'm trying to be a better man.
It doesn't excuse it.
Speaker 3 (03:30):
I was wrong.
Speaker 2 (03:30):
I take full responsibility, and think whatever you want about that,
we shall soon see. I just I can't imagine ever
being mad at anyone that much love, let alone a
female at all. Now, maybe there's parts of you know,
misogyny or patriarchy that I still carry. I just can't
imagine any scenario where I will ever put my hands
on a girl. There are times, like I would say,
short of hurting my children, I would stop you from
hurting my children. But like, but this right here is
is out of here. You can't out of here?
Speaker 3 (04:03):
All right. I'll do some commentary on this later in
a full episode.
Speaker 2 (04:08):
Next, Marjorie Taylor Green messed around and found out you
done popped off at you got the right one. This
time you popped off at the wrong system.
Speaker 3 (04:19):
Speaker 2 (04:20):
So, Marjorie Taylor Green was popping off in one of
the Senate hearings, just mouthing off, mouthing off, and then
she made a comment about Congresswoman Jasmine Why am I
blanking on that? Oh Jasmine Crockett. So she popped off
in her AOC jumped in as black and Brown unity
is supposed to be to be like, yo, you super
out of pocket talking about homegirls eyelashes. How dare you
come at somebody's like physical appearance when we're trying to
be professional here. So eventually when it's when it's Jasmine's turn,
she was like, hey, look, I just want to make
it clear, like is it okay Like if I were
to say, uh, bleach Bond, bad built, butch body, is
that okay to say into the in this in the
halls of Congress.
Speaker 3 (05:02):
Just listen.
Speaker 2 (05:02):
You gotta understand, we've been clapping back since we were children,
Like we know how to There's nothing you can say
to us. Black people know how to clap back at
all time. We were trained in the asylum that is
our families. You do not understand how good we are
at clapping back. That's what we do. Don't try to
pop off. Listen, you gonna You're gonna get cooked. That's
what we do. Jasmine cook that girl, she said, I
got time today. Next, what you need to think about
and know about is the International Court of Justice is
ready to put out a warrant for arrest for Benjamin
Thatt and Yahoo and one of the other cabinet members,
basically saying you have committed crimes against humanity. You have
committed war crimes by using starvation as a war tactic.
Speaker 3 (05:54):
Now listen very carefully.
Speaker 2 (05:56):
That is not an accusation of genocide, because genocide, like
we say said in the you wasn't outside, but South
Africa was episode. Genocide has a very specific definition that
has to do with intent. You're listening and that claim
or or even if it was an active genocide that
would be towards the state, you would be bringing that
claim against the State of Israel. This particular thing is
an arrest for the person of Nets and Yahoo.
Speaker 3 (06:27):
You have committed these.
Speaker 2 (06:29):
Now there are other cabinet members right now that's like yo,
which we're gonna do a whole episode on that's like, look,
if you don't change, if you don't change your ways,
I'm stepping down. You have no exit strategy for this,
you have no there's no plan for after the bomb stopped, Like,
what are you gonna do? How are you gonna rebuild?
You have nothing. You have no plans for this, bbe.
This is just all destruction. You're all gas, no breaks, Like,
what are we doing?
Speaker 3 (06:52):
Bro? This is absurd.
Speaker 2 (06:54):
So there's like a split even among the Israeli government
that like everybody don't agree, which should for some of
us feel good to hear that they not united as
a government in what they're doing. Give us some little
bit of hope that, like, everybody ain't crazy over there,
which we should have.
Speaker 3 (07:13):
Known, because it's just like America, everybody ain't crazy. We
all wouldn't.
Speaker 2 (07:17):
We all wouldn't for everything we've done right, And it's
just good to know that every nation is like that.
Everybody ain't nobody really be on one accord out this mud. Also,
the president and Foreign Minister of Iran died in a
helicopter crash. Bro, this is big. Now, he is not
the Supreme Leader. That's the Ayatola. Now that man is
still alive, right, and again Iran is ran by the
Islamic Republic, which now listen, just I said this before,
just because it's called.
Speaker 3 (07:50):
Islamic, don't mean that it is.
Speaker 2 (07:52):
You could call you name something whatever you want to
name it, right, but this is a remarkably repressive regime, like, let's.
Speaker 3 (07:58):
Not forget that.
Speaker 2 (08:00):
And this man that just passed away they used to
call him to he was he was a government lawyer
right for years. He was really next in line to
possibly be the Supreme leader. Was known for his viciousness,
like Bruh bro was putting fools to death all the time.
Speaker 3 (08:18):
And then Bruh was a very very very very.
Speaker 2 (08:22):
Integral in sisterhood that died over the job from the
morality police that the Irani government has, like he played
a big role in that. So whether there's love loss
about this man particularly, I'm not Iranian. I don't talk
out my neck about stuff. I don't know, but I
will say that this is going to have huge international
like huge, huge international implications. Hamas jumped out and was
just like, look, dude, y'all were sorry to hear man
recipes to a real one. Because again, remember Iran is
the bread for Hamas and has.
Speaker 3 (09:00):
Beloved and Lebanon, like we all know these things.
Speaker 2 (09:02):
So like this dude is like particularly a shot caller
and he's one of the or he's the highest elected.
Speaker 3 (09:09):
Official in Iran.
Speaker 2 (09:10):
Like not again, nobody, because this is a cleric ran
government in country. You not the full head honcho. The
full head honcho is the ayatola, right, this brother is not.
Speaker 3 (09:21):
But he was next in line.
Speaker 2 (09:23):
His helicopter went down like Kobe's did in the fall
twelve other people. There's like zero survivors, big dog zero
wild and lastly, were watching the conclusion of Trump's Push
money trial. Now the question is Trump gonna get on
the stand?
Speaker 3 (09:41):
Speaker 2 (09:42):
Anybody who understands the law at all would be like,
that would be.
Speaker 3 (09:47):
The dumbest thing you could possibly do.
Speaker 2 (09:49):
Now, Have you and I have any experience with Donald Trump?
And whether something is dumb or not don't really matter
at all. Has that man not got away with some
of the most outlandish, gravity defying things? Absolutely, So who
knows what they're gonna do. I just know that Michael
Cohen stuff is done. The defense's job was to make
sure that this man seems like a slide ball. The
prosecution was like, we know he's a sliine ball. That's
why he was able to work for Trump. We know
you're liar. He was like, yeah, I lied for this
man all the dog on time. So we're gonna see
how that plays out. Who knows how long they're gonna deliberate,
but it's concluding this this week and let's see what's up,
and that's this week's messiness.
Speaker 4 (10:38):
Bully gets like.
Speaker 3 (10:42):
Bulle is like this.
Speaker 5 (10:58):
Folks super excited to be doing a crossover episode with
a fellow iHeart podcaster, a fellow politico, Jason Petty aka Propaganda,
who is the host of Hood Politics. I love what
you say under the description of the show, which is
basically like, you know, if you've ever been in a gang,
if you've ever like been in the street, if you
know anything about that, then you know politics. And I
think that that for me, I was just like, oh,
how opening is that? Like yea, you because the way
that politics is discussed has always been this very narrow
you need to have a degree, you need to have
this like all of this kind of bullshit, and what
you're offering is like, no politics is for all of us,
for every for every one of us. So talk to me,
I guess about how your show got started and why.
Speaker 2 (12:05):
Yeah, dude, then first of all, thank you for reaching
out and making this happen. Yeah, Like, whether it's like
you were in a gang or you ran from them,
you know, the interactions, the ways for which you had
to learn to navigate just to survive the world that
we're in is like like you said, like we're made
to feel like we don't know what we're talking about.
And the more that I became more formally educated, the
more I was like, man, a lot of this, Like
I know a lot of this already, you.
Speaker 4 (12:33):
Know what I mean.
Speaker 3 (12:33):
I just didn't.
Speaker 2 (12:34):
I didn't know these words or these terms, you know, right.
And then when I before I was doing like music
and podcasts and stuff, like before I was doing that
full time, I was teaching high school, I was teaching
at juvenile halls. And so if you're teaching a juvie
like I mean, if anything, it's like I'm just trying
to figure out how to keep y'all engaged, you know.
And so as I was finding I was like, man,
there's I'm pulling for my own past. I'm pulling from
experiences they had, and I'm like, dude, it's like it's
really like we really know this no more than we
think we do, you know. And and I think ultimately,
like you said, like, I'm super passionate about the fact
that like politics, that maybe the name of it, but
they're discussing our lives like you're you're You're discussing things
that in a lot of ways don't even affect them,
it affects us. So and then with the like Mama
and Auntie and them would say the unmitigated gal to
act like I am not, I'm like, I don't, I'm
not worthy to be in this conversation because I ain't
got the vocabulary you got, Like I'm like, this is absurd.
You're discussing my life, you know. So so I feel
like the more that like what I wanted to do
was come in and really like like translate that for us,
you know what I mean? And you know what I
mean when I say us, you know what I'm saying,
Like I'm trying to translate that to and and hopefully
to like I want to onboard you, Like I'm like,
why why shouldn't Pooky and them run for city council.
Speaker 3 (14:09):
You know what I mean?
Speaker 2 (14:09):
Like you actually you know the streets better than the
rest of us, you know what I'm saying. Like we
talk a lot about like like I explained the difference
between like real political power and like astro turfing. You know,
I already know, like you know, your uncle, your auntie
and them could send out a text be like, Hey,
we're gonna be at the park on Saturday. You got
fifty people there. Like that's real power, you know what
I mean. So I'm like, I just I wanted people
to like to participate in something that has much more
to do about their lives than than they think it,
do you know, and that you're actually well, way more
equipped than you think you are.
Speaker 6 (14:47):
Yeah, I think that that's right.
Speaker 5 (14:48):
And I also think that the narrative around politics has
been set up in a way to make people feel
like no, no, no, you go ahead and vote in
these these presentatives, right who who know more, who are
who are smarter than you, who will figure things out
so that you don't have to bother yourself with them
or educate yourself in any type of way. I actually
put up a post on broke ass Twitter, uh recently
because I said that. You know, I I was a
fellow on Capitol Hill. I worked for a member of Congress.
That's how I got like first started in in politics. Yeah,
like that's how I first got started. And this is
one hundred years ago. And I had such reverence for
Capitol Hill. I had such reverence for these members of Congress.
And now you look at these people and they are absurdly.
Speaker 6 (15:44):
Like clowns, like it is.
Speaker 5 (15:46):
It's it's a travesty, right like how how how ignorant
they are and how much they are celebrating you know
that ignorance, and so it for me, it's like, no,
if we were to rename politics, it would be like
called you know, your daily life, right like right like
if you were to if you were to say, like,
it's not politics, it's your da.
Speaker 6 (16:08):
You are voting on what your day to day.
Speaker 3 (16:11):
Life, your day to day life.
Speaker 6 (16:12):
And when it's your day to day life, when you.
Speaker 2 (16:14):
See these dudes, like when you see them up close,
you're just like, oh, nigga, you're twelve, you're and you're
just trying to get put on. So you're saying whatever
you need to say.
Speaker 6 (16:25):
Speaker 2 (16:26):
So you could stay put on. It's so it's so
like you're like, man, that's so true. When you see
it up close, and it's like, oh, fam you you didn't.
You haven't read any of them.
Speaker 3 (16:36):
You haven't read these briefs. Like you didn't, you didn't
read it. Like so I'm like, oh, I'm more informed
than you are. Yeah. When you when you when it,
when you.
Speaker 2 (16:45):
See it up close, yeah, it's like the facade falls.
Speaker 6 (16:48):
Speaker 5 (16:49):
And it's and I think that that's what people and
that's why I really like the the onboarding, the opening
up that your show is offering, because we need more people,
not less, to be involved. And I think that the
way that the Republicans their strategy has been, let us
just throw a bunch of shit at the wall, let
us exhaust as many people as we possibly can.
Speaker 6 (17:13):
Let's overwhelm right, this.
Speaker 5 (17:16):
System with crazy, and then those that would likely be
to tap in will tap out because they just don't
have the bandwidth for it.
Speaker 3 (17:24):
Yeah, you know.
Speaker 5 (17:26):
And so I think that it's I think that it's
important one for people to recognize that that's a strategy,
the overwhelm, the ignorance that it isn't it isn't just
by accident brilliant?
Speaker 2 (17:39):
Do you find that like your show has sort of
the same kind of like ethoughts, like you're like the
point you're trying to make is that like you're smarter
than you think you are.
Speaker 3 (17:47):
Is that is that kind of interesting?
Speaker 2 (17:49):
I listened to a lot of your shows, and it's like,
first of all, you're brilliant, Like let me just say
that number one, thank.
Speaker 6 (17:54):
You very much brilliant.
Speaker 3 (17:55):
You know what I mean.
Speaker 2 (17:57):
And and I love the like you know part to
meet with. Listeners can take this however they want. But
like the sound of black women being fully black women
is like a warm blanket for me. So to just
hear you, just to hear you speak naturally, you know
what I'm saying, be like broke ass shit, Like I'm
like that's I need that. Yeah, I need that like
that Like I'm like, huh, I yes, anyway, go on.
Speaker 5 (18:22):
Yeah, I think that for me, WOKF started out the
show started out of anger. It was a response to
Donald Trump becoming president of the United States. So the
show launched in twenty sixteen or twenty seventeen rather And
what I will say is that for me, I wanted
people to recognize that they have more power than they think,
right that this game that these white, old, you know,
rich straight men are playing, it is a game about power,
and the way that they take power from you is
to make you believe you have right. And so my
show has always been about raising consciousness.
Speaker 6 (19:05):
Like no, no, no, no, no.
Speaker 5 (19:07):
You see why your school board looks the way it does,
it's because you didn't show up to the school board. Meaning,
but you know who always shows up, the seventy year
old racist white people that live in your neighborhood. They're
the ones that are always going to show up because
they have time and they are making and they are
making the time to do it right. So the reason
why certain things look the way they do is because
those people they are they are committed to their racism,
they are committed to hatred, and they will do and
stop at nothing in order to make sure that the
system remains the way it is. So for me, it's
about raising people's consciousness and saying no, no, no, no, no, yes.
The place that we're in is incredibly overwhelming and incredibly
dark and incredibly frustrating, But at the end of the day,
we have more numbers. We have the numbers. We have
the people right, the people just need to wake to
wake the fun up.
Speaker 3 (20:01):
Wake up.
Speaker 2 (20:01):
Yeah you I love that you called it well one
because like it's before the name was stolen from a.
Speaker 6 (20:08):
Fire, right like it was before if it came like.
Speaker 2 (20:12):
Yeah, before they stole it and redefined it, which is
another thing that they do, which is another like move
of power to like take something that sounds familiar and
redefine it and then give it back to us as
if we don't know what we talk about, you know.
So I love that you like kept the name to
be like no, no, no, no, no, you don't you don't
get it, you don't. I'm not just gonna I'm not
just gonna let you have this like nah, yeah, I
think too. Like what I picked up from a lot
of a few of your episodes is really and about
the example that you gave is the fact that like
as broken as the system is, like it, it does work,
you know, which is which is why such an effort
to disenfranchise us, you know, even if you go back
to like reconstruction and like why we were disenfranchised from
voting is because when we did do you know what
I mean, why are there why are there at least
five black neighborhoods under lakes, because because it works, you know,
and so so to so to lock us out, to
convince us that we don't know what we're talking about,
is because why you don't show up at the you know,
like you said, the school boards, or why to be like, Okay,
let's let's make sure, let's make sure voting polls are
only between the hours of ten and four.
Speaker 3 (21:32):
You know what I'm saying, Why everybody's it's because it works,
like yeah.
Speaker 5 (21:37):
Yeah, you know, and that and that's the thing too,
is you know I constantly say on the show every
time that we're coming up on an election, and all elections,
is that no one tries to steal anything that isn't
worth something. So if people are trying to steal your
vote aka voter suppression, it is because your vote is valuable.
Speaker 3 (21:58):
Speaker 5 (21:58):
If people are trying to throw out your ballots, right,
it is because your voice is valuable, right, because nobody
tries to steal something that is of no value to them.
Speaker 2 (22:09):
Man, did you guys have did you guys have the
the fake ballot boxes around your way?
Speaker 3 (22:16):
Speaker 6 (22:16):
No, I live I live in New York. I'm like
I live. I live in Brooklyn. Yeah, that's not gonna happen.
Speaker 2 (22:26):
So we saw him around Kelly, like I'm in LA,
like East La, and we saw him. Obviously it was
targeted because this is like a black and brown neighborhood,
so you would put you would put them over here.
But for me, it was so it was funny, like
that is so funny to me. How like it's like
you have to look at you looking at somebody like, yo,
that's your man's like get your man's like word like
this is really is this your king?
Speaker 1 (22:54):
This is what y'all doing?
Speaker 6 (22:55):
Y'all put yeah, yep.
Speaker 2 (22:58):
It was funny to me that, like, how man, it's
just like like I know, I know clearly, like consistency
doesn't matter to these people or how corny you look.
But I'm like that is corny, Like there's there is
something about I feel like us people of color in general,
like we have a code that we live by, and
like part of that code is like what I'm not
gonna be is corny.
Speaker 3 (23:23):
Right, that's corny, you know.
Speaker 5 (23:26):
Right because you because you don't have the ability to
actually like basically what you're saying is you ain't shit
and you actually have to you have to go to
these incredible lengths in order to cheat, because if it
was just based on merit alone.
Speaker 6 (23:43):
Yeah, you you, you would not wish.
Speaker 5 (23:46):
And I feel like if we were to if we
and I and I say, like, if folks were to
talk about the Republican Party in that way and being
like they are just objectively corny as fuck, it's just
like they just they don't they don't have the swag,
they don't have the ability, they don't have the intellect,
they don't have the charisma. What they do have an
abundance of is hate and the ability to cheat and
cheat and do so unchecked, right in a lot of
ways because their whiteness protects them. And so I like
to me, I think you know, and I want to
talk to you about about twenty twenty four and the
black vote and what is what you know I'm hearing
and I want to hear like what you're hearing from
the people that listen to you. But black people, particularly
and I'll say older black people and younger Black people
are really frustrated with Joe Biden for a myriad of reasons.
And one of them right, like, there was just recently
an article in the New York Times and an advertisement
that was put out by like a thousand black pastors
and churches that are calling for a ceasefire, that are saying,
how can you talk about the soul of this nation
and fighting for democracy? And this is what our money
is going to fund? On top of that, just you know,
are you you like, are you once again using us
right in a way that we've been used before. We
know what the stakes are, right, you don't have to
tell us about what happens if Donald Trump becomes president again.
Black people live this right like we are. We are
very aware and so you know, my my, my question
for you.
Speaker 6 (25:31):
Is what are you hearing?
Speaker 5 (25:33):
Because I hear a mix of I'm gonna vote my values,
I'm not, I'm you know, I I you know, and
they're saying this now and it's it's you know, we're
in February, right, We're still nine months away.
Speaker 6 (25:46):
It's still very early.
Speaker 5 (25:48):
But but what are you hearing from folks that are
that are that are listened to you?
Speaker 2 (25:52):
Yeah, I'm hearing, Like you said, I'm hearing a lot
like it's kind of.
Speaker 3 (25:57):
All over the board.
Speaker 2 (25:58):
And what I've noticed is is at least among black people,
your socioeconomic status has actually played a bigger deciding factor
that I found. Like generally, I have found black people
as a community when it comes to our votes in
our politics, it's very transactional in the sense that like
I don't have to like any of y'all what you're
gonna do for us, you know, and if you could
show and prove, like if I can honestly say, like
my life is better, my children are better, We're not
being locked up, like we're not being hunted, you know
what I'm saying, Like you doing something about you know,
police brutality, doing stuthing about the money doing some of
our community.
Speaker 3 (26:40):
And it's like, word whatever, you know what I'm saying.
Speaker 2 (26:42):
At least and you don't sound at least you're not
talking racists, you know what I'm saying.
Speaker 3 (26:47):
Right, So like at least you're not saying it, you
know what I mean?
Speaker 2 (26:51):
So like stuff be super transactional that I found at
the same time, Like, so with that said, like I
found we're not very like we're centrist, Like we're not
very progressive.
Speaker 3 (27:05):
Where it's just like.
Speaker 2 (27:05):
I don't know, I don't talk all that all that
because my dad was a black Panther. So like, for me,
a lot of times, when I start talking like the hummies,
it's like.
Speaker 3 (27:12):
Oh, here we go.
Speaker 2 (27:13):
You know, he on that revolutionary you know what I'm saying.
So like there's like that you feel me. And then
at the other side, if they are gonna be obviously
it's like that it's mask off with the Republicans. So
they're like, well, it's mask off with y'all, So like
that's like kind of a non starter. But what I
found is when you feel like we're not getting back,
like we've given the Democratic Party so much and we haven't,
we haven't received what you said you was gonna give us.
At this point, it's like, well, I mean, at least
I know at least I know what it is. With
the Republicans, at least I know what it is. And
then your default is to become selfish and be like, well,
I'm just gonna give mine, like I'm just gonna if
you not like I thought it was about us. I
thought it was I thought it was. It's not about us, okay, word,
and I'm just gonna get mine. At least I know
what it is.
Speaker 3 (28:04):
You want? You want?
Speaker 2 (28:04):
You just want money, okay, word me too, you know
what I'm saying, right, So, so I found that a
lot of times, Like it's like, well, since clearly I
don't trust none of y'alls morals anyway, then I'm like, Okay,
who gonna get me to the bag faster? It has
been what what I have found now to your point
as far as age demographic, I feel like Gaza could
cost Joe the election.
Speaker 3 (28:33):
Yeah, yeah, you know what I'm saying.
Speaker 2 (28:35):
Like even with the stuff that, like cause again it
was like you was you was talking talking when we started,
you know, and yeah, like I was like, at least
you like you could say, well, at least he's not
FeelA like bomb somebody to the stone age, you know
what I mean. And it's like, well, bro, now you're
doing that, like right bruh, Like I'm own fam. So yeah,
both of us in our you know, uh coastal enclaves obviously,
like our lenses are, our lenses are pretty distorted, so
like I have to try my best to get out
of that. But like what I have found, especially what's crazy,
and what I have found is like Trump resonates with
like hood dudes like stream.
Speaker 6 (29:56):
Which I just I don't get. I don't get it.
Speaker 3 (30:01):
I don't agree. I don't agree, but I get it.
Speaker 6 (30:04):
What is the what is it?
Speaker 2 (30:06):
Because they recognize that he's a boss, like this is
a gangster. They're like, well, you're just I understand this,
You're just a gangster. It's like I'm never wrong.
Speaker 5 (30:15):
But there's no code, there's no He throws his own
fucking clique under the bus. Do you know what I'm saying?
Like there's no honor there.
Speaker 3 (30:24):
I know, but it's like you niggas should have fell
in line. Wow, what I'm saying that?
Speaker 2 (30:29):
Like, I get it, Like you supposed to fall in line,
Like I told you what we was doing, this was this,
This was the system, this what we're doing. You fall
in line, you stay loyal.
Speaker 3 (30:38):
We good? You know. But I agree too, cause I'm
just like I agree too.
Speaker 2 (30:42):
Like man, well but like but when it comes down
to it, you're gonna let all your boys go to
prison for you, Like I don't. I don't understand that.
But they're like, bro, it's like mob stuff. That's mob stuff.
Like you supposed to be able to you supposed to
like if we all if we all own, you're supposed
to take your team. You're supposed to take your five
ten five ten years. I'm gonna put money on your
books and make sure you're family good. I'm gonna put
that on.
Speaker 3 (31:04):
What he's doing. That's what he's saying.
Speaker 5 (31:07):
Like, so I'm saying like if you are, because I
and I cannot pretend to know the ins and outs
of anybody's of gang life, of street life, of anything.
But what I will say, the little the little snippets
that I've seen in her, It's like, whether I agree
with it or not, there is a code. There is
a code of like you protect you protect your own,
like this is this is our this is our click,
this is our tribe, this is whomever. Like, yes, if
somebody does go away, like we're gonna do our best
to make sure that like they're taken care of, you know,
and then when that person comes out that we're gonna
try and give them what it is that you know,
we held on to them or whatever.
Speaker 6 (31:49):
And I'm just like, so just in that vein right,
this man is I agree?
Speaker 2 (31:56):
I mean I feel like if you don't, like they're
also not I mean it's not like they sitting down
and like following all ninety one charges. You know what
I'm saying, they just you just know what this dude's
putting out, which is like, I'm the boss, Like this
is what I do. You know what I mean, and
I can and I can get that from I could
get it from a cursory standpoint.
Speaker 3 (32:16):
And then and then even among that community.
Speaker 2 (32:18):
There's diversity of thought. There are dudes that are like, nah,
like you said, this man got no honor. Like, you know,
the more that you see him up close, you like,
this man got no honor. You realize all of its
cap Like he's not a millionaire. He's not a billionaire.
It's not really his money, you know. But that's the
type of stuff that I feel like that's where me
and you come in when we sit down and say, now,
hold on now, like that's right this because I'm because
not true, not true. Now you make your own decision,
you know what I'm saying at the end of that,
But like, but.
Speaker 5 (32:47):
Do it with do it with actual information and not
just the things that he's putting out. Let me ask
you that with this because we're rapping on time. But
let me let me close out with this question for you,
which is this, you know, we have nine months until
the election, if prop if Trump manages to steal this election,
to win this election. I talk about it every day
on WOKF that this country our democracy ish, which is
which is what it is for black and brown people,
for queer people, for anyone who's not white and wealthy,
straight and Christian, it's democracy light. But if Trump gets in,
do you think that people truly understand what will happen?
Do you think that the consequences like that, or that
they think that we'll just be able to hang on
like we did in the first four years.
Speaker 4 (33:55):
Speaker 3 (33:55):
I think I come from.
Speaker 2 (33:59):
Like history, social science, like educational background, and when you
come from that, it's like I can name off hand
ten democracies that collapsed, like it happens all the time.
Democracies collapse, you know, and nations collapse and they rebuild.
Speaker 3 (34:19):
I think that.
Speaker 2 (34:23):
I find that any predictions are usually off the mark
in either direction. Like you know, I feel like it's
not like the day after he gets elected the world's
going to go up in flames, and it's also not
like nothing's going to happen, you know what I'm saying. Like,
I think that the slow crawl, which clearly started decades
ago into the collapse of the American democracy and it'll
become something else later. But you know, the idea of
an autocratic you know, dictator, which he is, is like
this happens all over the world all the time. You
know what I'm saying. It's the death of an empire.
It's really we're really watching the slow death of an empire.
Speaker 3 (35:07):
It is what it is.
Speaker 2 (35:09):
I don't think people really understand what that means and
how it looks, and then how long it's gonna take
to if we'll ever become an empire again, you know,
I don't. I think that people have a much like
shorter understanding of history than they than they should, you know,
which to me actually gives me a little peace in
the sense that like there is such thing as France,
like Greece is still a country, you know what I'm saying,
Like those were collapsed to democracies, like they've collapsed, you
know what I mean. Now, I mean it still exists,
you know what I'm saying. So I think in some senses,
having a longer view of history, Like I'm like, in
the same way that like when the meteor, the asteroid
that killed the dinosaur struck, you know, it wiped out
life and then Earth was fine.
Speaker 3 (36:03):
You know what I'm saying.
Speaker 2 (36:03):
I think that there is there is that like it
ultimately will be fine.
Speaker 3 (36:10):
Will we survive it?
Speaker 1 (36:15):
I don't know if we're gonna survive correct.
Speaker 2 (36:19):
Yeah, you know, but I do think, Yeah, I think
that like Trump in the sense again going back to
like why like I think hoods does like recognize it
is like he's like, I'm gonna do what I said.
I'm gonna do, like I told y'all day one, I'm
finna black and fools.
Speaker 3 (36:35):
Up like that. I don't understand. I told you that's
what I was gonna do. And I was like, yes,
he did what he said he was gonna do.
Speaker 4 (36:41):
You know.
Speaker 3 (36:42):
So I think that there's that reality.
Speaker 2 (36:44):
I think also think the reality that people are not
accepting is the fact that he might win. That is
a high possibility that he is, that he will win
this election. Now he's I also get frustrated with the
fact that people talk like he like y'all forget he
lost twenty twenty, like he didn't. He did lose that,
you guys, Yeah he lost like y'all like y'all y'all
talking about him like he won like he he lost
you know, so so yeah, but yeah, I don't I
don't think people understand like the idea of like you
could live in a fallen democracy that that is possible.
Speaker 5 (37:21):
Yeah, yeah, yeah, I have loved this conversation so very much.
We will have to do more of these as we
count down to the election.
Speaker 3 (37:35):
Yeah, we're gonna have to.
Speaker 2 (37:35):
We're gonna have to do some like reaction pods where
like some g did you see this ship?
Speaker 6 (37:44):
We absolutely will.
Speaker 5 (37:45):
So this is we'll say this is the first installment
prop for OOKF and hood politics prop.
Speaker 6 (37:55):
Thank you so much, Thank.
Speaker 3 (37:57):
You reach out.
Speaker 2 (37:58):
Yeah, no, I appreciate, appreciate you everything you're doing, the
way you're bringing it like this is dog.
Speaker 3 (38:02):
Thank you.
Speaker 2 (38:16):
All right, now don't you hit stop on this pod.
You better listen to these credits. I need you to
finish this thing so I can get the download numbers. Okay,
so don't stop it yet, but listen. This was recorded
in East Lost Boyle Heights by your Boy Propaganda. Tap
in with me at prop hip hop dot com. If
you're in the coldbrew coffee we got terraform Coldbrew. You
can go there dot com and use promo code hood
get twenty percent off, Get yourself some coffee. This was mixed, edited,
and mastered by your boy Matt Alsowski Killing the Beast Softly.
Check out his website Mattowsowski dot com. I'm a spelling
for you because I know M A T T O
S O W s ki dot com Matthowsowski dot com.
He got more music and stuff like that on there,
so gonna check out The heat. Politics is a member
of cool Zone Media, executive produced by Sophie Lichterman, part
of the iHeartMedia podcast network. Your theme music and scoring
is also by the one and Noble Matdowsowski. Still killing
the beats softly, So listen. Don't let nobody lie to you.
If you understand urban living, you understand politics. These people
is not smarter than you. We'll see y'all next week.