All Episodes

July 24, 2024 81 mins

I watched this whole thing so you don't have to. Here is a really brief, super short recap of each day of the Republican National Convention. Oh, and Biden is out.

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:02):
Media. Okay, given the brevity, the shortness of this episode,
we might as well start with it. All right, It's
like this.

Speaker 2 (00:15):
Buzzuge is like this buzz get is like this buzzle
get is like this bullig is like this.

Speaker 1 (00:31):
Well, so your boy tried to, like, after four days
of full immersion into the RNC, I tried to give
myself a small break in the consumption of the news.
But nope, these people do not care about my schedule,
about me trying to stay ahead of the game. They

just like dropping bombs. This feels like the bizarro evil
version of waiting for Kendrick and Drake to drop, where
you just can't leave your phone. So, yeah, it turns out,
first of all, International Court of Justice has agreed that
the Israeli settlements inside the West Bank are unconstitutional, which

is a well illegal, unconstitutional illegal, which is just a recommendation,
like they can't really enforce it, but they could be like, y'all,
that's trash and we all realized that's trash, and you
know that's trash. That's a big old duh. So like
how you're gonna call that, how you're gonna call that
a two state while you still take part of the
state and live yo life. It's absurd. Anyway, there was
that the journalist in Russia, the guy that worked for

the New York Times, that was just kind of there
reporting like being a foreign correspondent like you doing every
other country. Yeah, sixteen years Russian prison for spying. Freaking sucks, dude.
I don't know why people keep playing with Vladimir Blue.
You gotta stop playing with this man because he don't play.
The Houthis broke through the Iron Dome. They hit something

and Tel Aviv. You could go back to the Huthi
Who episode to learn a little more about them, and
then just a little small developments the Democratic Party. They
gone ahead and switch the headliner probably should have happened
months ago, but they did it completely obvious. This was

clearly the most necessary move they should have made. And
like I said before in the episode last week, who
do you put up? Now? Think about it like this.
Why it has to be the top cop is this
because if you're telling me the first black, the first female, hell,

the first just not white executive branch member that actually
has a chance, you was gonna skip over and find
another white dude. Story wouldn't ran It's gotta be the
top cop. Y'all know why I call her the top
cop right because she is. She He was the top
cop in California and has placed many of black and

brown men in prison, and you know, continuing to bomb Gaza.
Now having said that, a few things can be true
at the same time, this is a beautiful moment that
a black woman might become the nominee for a major
political party. Why say might is is because all she's

been is endorsed. He, like I said, turned to the
crowd and was like, look, I can't headline this tour
no more. It's gonna go to her. I recommend y'all
choose her. Now. Why he has to say that is
because that's not how primaries work. Keep in mind, the
primary selection process is a process a delegate and the

political parties make those rules. And I know that might
be confusing because we didn't we vote for primaries. Don't
we vote for them? Don't they go through all that? Well, yeah,
that's just us participating in the process of telling the
delegates who we want. But then the delegates technically decide,
so they're gonna have to run a primary, a really

fast one. Now, if you're another Democrat. Do you want
this smoke? Are you going wrong? Unless you less you
Joe Manchin, I mean, do you primary or like, is
this the smoke you want? Like we're already in disarray.
Trump's on the line. Kamalade will wax that fool in
a debate. Now do it matter? It don't, But you

still have to She still has to be primaried and
win the actual delegates. So just because she's been endorsed
by pretty much the old party, that don't mean she
got out a delegate. She still has to go through
the process. Having said that, it is absolutely amazing to me,
as again African American male in America, to see this

day come. Don't get me wrong, I still a top cop,
but I am excited to see this day. It is
also interesting to think that the political pack that was
funding Nicki Haley has thrown their weight behind Kamala. Then
people are like, look, we do not like agent Orange.
I don't care what y'all say. Now Agent Orange in
them is chomping at the bit. It's almost like they

did forget like her her time in Senate, like she
was kicking ass and Senate like let's like, let's not
let's not take that away from the top cop Auntie
Kamala was kicking ass and sentate that's real. They what
they're gonna do is they gonna pin the border on
her right and say that that's her fault. It's also
gonna be a little hard for them because they wrote
all they disc tracks already. They was planning on Biden. Now,

they had to have known that this was coming, so
they probably tried to write some dishes that could work
for both of them. But the reality is, man, you
done shot all the videos already, you'd have made all
the commercials, and so it is a little bit like,
well damn, And they could scream, Yo, that's not fair, bro,
like that's not fair, but it's like there's really they

really don't have no legal footing to say that this
is unfair because I mean, like I said, parties make
their own rules. Now, quite a job in front of
her or whoever's gonna run, because the trick is, as
the country has moved further to the right, what you
got to do is you can't just talk about culture
war stuff and progressive things when people can't afford their groceries.

Whether that's true or not, whether people can't really afford
houses or not as true or not. What you got
to do is say, hey, listen, all the shit you
complaining about to the in the Republican Party, the actual
problems we have solutions for, but our solutions don't dehumanize,
are not homophobic, and ain't gonna burn the earth. But

we want the same things you want, right. We believe
there's a way to control and level out immigration that
don't treat these people like animals. And then you also
got to like defend old Joe Biden and present him
as the greatest leader of all time, and to try
to run a contrast between the way the Democrats work

and the Republicans work. What you got to argue is
the Democrats are not a cult of personality. We're willing
to critique our own party. It's not like you know,
one guy's way or the highway. No, like, we love
our leaders and our leadership loves us, and it's mature
enough to know when it's time to fold them. Now,
does he or was it just obvious he was finna

lose and he he don't want another l on his record.
Probably The point is, if you're the Democrat, you have
to say, our party is not one that is so
selfish to where we want to bend reality to this
one man is bending reality to his liking. He's more like,
this is what's best for the country. I mean, I'm
not saying they believe this. I'm just saying this the

argument you gotta make you feel me because after all
this disarray, you have to figure out how to make
beauty out of this chaos. And that's going to be
the hardest thing for them because with all this, you
have to paint the Republicans as those that are sowing
discord and they and oh they talk unity, but they

don't mean unity. They mean uniformity. That's the bar you
have to say. The Republicans don't want unity, they want uniformity.
They want you to fall in line. We believe in unity,
and we understand that unity is not uniformity. Like my
boy Dak said, different crews for different jobs, different tools
for different jobs. So that's the way you gotta paint
this thing. And you got to say, listen, Auntie got you.

I've been up here, I know what I'm doing. And
when it comes down to the policy, like and that's
the thing about Kamala she weird. Don't get me wrong,
she weird, but she do know what she's talking about.
I'm also prepping myself for egregious levels of massage in
their Like, these white people lost their mind when we
elected another white man the idea and they still they

still blaming Obama. Even for the boy to shot a Trump.
They blame Obama. That boy that shot at the president.
We just ignoring that he's a troubled young Republican white
boy that got his hands on guns. We just gonna
skip that. You just gonna blame it on. You just
gonna act like that's not that ain't just happened. And

then and then all of a sudden, Iran had a
plot against Trump. So you're gonna find a way to
blame brown people again. Now cost some soul of money
who got popped by President Trump. I would imagine them
ready to get they get back. I can imagine them
wanting to get their lick back, and they probably will.
But we just gonna skip over the fact that this

was a trouble. This was a total school shooter energy
who got his hand on a gun. We're just gonna
not act like that ain't just happen anyway, all right,
we'll see top cop. Who we gonna who she gonna
pick for a VP? If she gets to pick Slicky
Slicky Gavey. You know what I'm saying, Pete Boodagic, who will?
I mean, where is she gonna go? She gotta pick

another white boy? I mean, there's another way around it.
This is just America we gonna see. All right, now,
let's listen to this very short episode.

Speaker 3 (10:10):
BUNI is like this.

Speaker 1 (10:16):
First of all, I would like to apologize for the
briefness of this episode. Don't go look at how long
this episode is until the Boom incorporated RNC. I am
well aware of the deep cut nature of the name
of this episode. It was really for my own pleasure
because I highly recommend that no one consume this much

of a political convention, any of them, let alone one
with people that you wholeheartedly disagree with. This is why,
let me tell you something, This is why I ain't
gone into journalism, because the discipline it takes to not
eye roll, to stay in the game, to endure the cringe.

I wish I could tell y'all the amount of things
I had to do the palette cleanse, because you have
to stay sharp, like you can't, y'all. I did this
so you don't have to, Okay. So the deep cut
of the name comes from Master Ace. This song called
the I n C Rider. So it's a classic New
York kind of rap song. It's the Ride, y'all. It's

the I n C Ride, y'all. Y'all just go look
up master A's man, you know, shout out the legend
all right, r n C Recap coming at you, politics, y'all.

I wondered if if y'all could hear the way for
which I was rubbing my eyes as I was doing this,
even on stuff that like if I'm even politically aligned
with somebody like I, like I don't like four and
five day music festivals, like I just at some point
I'd be like, can we do something else, homie? Even
when my knees were younger, you know what I'm saying,

Like I wouldn't going to know Coachella or nothing like that.
I'd be like, like, how long it's this fam I'm
going to the crib like I just I don't enjoy
that type of full immersion. I ain't going to no
dog on Burning Man, And it's not because on vibe
with them you know what I'm saying. I'm like, I'm
always open to a new experience. It's just I just
be needing breaks. I don't know how y'all do it.

Kudos to the it could happen here team, Robert and
Sophie and Garrett were there bars. I don't know how
y'all did at homes. I did this work, so y'all
don't have to. Now. Let me start off with a
few disclaimers before we get into this recap. I will
first off, hold off on giving my opinions about the

way I feel about the content of the substance of
what they're saying, unless I need to fact check it
fact check. I will also, the only time you gonna
hear my opinion is in the sense of like interpreting
things that have to do with black people. So you
go hear me talk about them black folks that got

on that stage. Lastly, and please hear this from the
bottom of my heart, not a single thing I am
going to address here is in any way meant to
be interpreted as a support for the Democratic Party. We're
not talking about them right now. That's a whole other conversation.
They got their own mess I'd got COVID gus like,

ooh baby, what is you doing this? In no way,
please don't say in your mind, well, the Democrats, because
we're not talking about them right now. It's just like
if you was in trouble in your home and your
mama said what did you do? And you like, well,
the teacher didn't tell me that. We're not talking about
the teacher right now, we talking about you, So please understand.

Were talking about them, not about them foods. We talking
about these fools, all right, So I'm gonst start broad
and then get narrow and then finally then black folks,
because who this needs to be talked about? So what

The national conventions for our political parties are the official
sort of kickoff. They're the official kickoff of presidential election.
It's when they officially crown the nominee to run for
president from their party. If anything, it is the album
release party. It's like, okay, officially, this is what we're

officially doing. So it's really the This thing could be
done in a hotel conference room because technically it's just
you just need the delegate from each state to just say, hey,
all the delegate votes are going towards this, dude. I mean,
this is a freaking email this thing like you don't
have to do it in person like this, but that's
not fun. That's just like you throwing your album out

on the streamers and just being like, hey, my album's out.
You do an Instagram post. We did it like nah
dog like like no, do a listening party through it, yo,
get everybody out the block, let's go. You know what
I'm saying. Let's go pop out right. You don't have
to do that, but that's just what makes it fun.
And secondly, the reason why you do it like this
is because, like, yeah, you feed in the fan base.

You really hype up, get people like excited about what
they're finna do. It's your chance also to introduce the
next up. The selection of people who talk and the
order for which they talk. It's just like any other festival.
It's like there's the the lights up section. These are
the bands that play during walk in. I've played that
slot before where the show's started at seven, but I

was on at six forty five, so it's while people
still walking in on performing lights up. You don't get
like it don't even look like a concert. You feel
me those and then you got the people that are
like if you're at an all day festival, like I said,
like you playing the twelve noon slot, it's so hot
outside anybody paying you attention. But as it starts to
get like full five o'clock, you know, six seven, as
the dust now the names are getting bigger, there might

be some people that are here just for them. And
then you got the person right before the headliner that's like, okay,
this person is next up. That's called direct support, so
that's like ston line. And then finally your big dog,
and your big dog is obviously your headliner, which is
the story we was trying to explain with last week
with with the Biden stir so even a selection, you're
trying to like introduce, like y'o, this school might be

next up. Really, that's how the world found out who
Barack Obama was was at the rest of the world
was at Democratic National Convention four years before he ran,
and everybody saw it. It was just like, oh crap, home,
we got the juice. The next move was supposed to
be Marco Rubio. Marco Rubio, he got launched on it
in national scene the same way you're supposed to like
you get your slot at the RNC, you knock it

out the park, this show, this show, chant and hopefully
you know you got the juice, you got the mojo,
you get the right slot, get the right time, and
it works out. But sometimes everybody who gets a shot,
that don't mean you're gonna make it. Because how are
we not talking about Ron D Santis right now? It's
because he had a shot swinging a miss. Remember we
told you, and you know the indie artist guy to
running a campaign was like, just because you're popping at home,

don't get me popping nationally. Turns out he ain't had
a juice. Once you try to pop out nationally. All
that stuff he was doing locally, it just ain't work nationally.
Like don't nobody want to do your little stupid dances.
It works where you are. I can completely understand why
some of y'all night might not mess with like like
a YG. I understand that, like this is a very

West Coast thing. I could see how somebody in Middle
America they don't know nothing about no bloods and tree tie.
I don't know nothing about that, Like they're like, oh,
I just don't relate to it, Like it's just as
big as an artist he is. I could see how
that would be regional, Like, I get it. It's it's
Southern rappers that a lot of my friends talk about
that they like, oh he that dude. I'm like, I
just don't hear it. I see y'all going crazy for it.
Just I just don't hear it. But the national conventions

are number one, to show off the whole squad, to
show who we got right, the pumping circumstance of it.
It's also to like dial in the narrative of this,
the direction this will be going, this will be about.
It's not necessarily policy obviously, because I mean, you may
drop it here and there, but like y'all supposed to
be like think of this, like you didn't pop the molly?

You feel me? Like this supposed to be they trying
to row these people up into a frenzy, the people
in the building and in people watching TV. This is
for your core fan base and hopefully you could grab
a few other people on the outside that I saw
this on this particular one, they was trying to speak
also outside of their own tent, to be like yo,
like we got a place for you. Let me make
a case but the case is also mixed with like

hell of red meat stuff that in an era of
politics that is so polarizing right now, Like it's really hard,
and I'm gonna say they kind of failed at being
able to feed their core audience and get them super
riled up and open it up to other people, because
then it gets like it's disjointed. You know what I'm saying,
because you have which did happen in this one? We
have one, dude, the people of the families of the

guys in the military that died when we exited Afghanistan,
and like how much of a like legendary failure that
process was, and then followed by Donald Trump Junior. You're like,
my g I was with y'all in a situation like
an R and C in twenty twenty four. This is
just what's gonna be. Like I would argue, if you
don't lean left, it's the DNC gonna be the same way,

just because of how polarized our nation is right now.
And then secondly, the problem with DMC is like the
d don't like the d They So even if I
even if I was like, man, let's let's let's keep
Biden in a race because we needed to feet drunk. Also,

my nigga, what are you doing in Gaza? We would
still be upset with you anyway. Now, speaking from an
artist perspective, I think I may have said this in
one of the little TikToker reels, is like, because of
how streaming works and how the internet works. I mean,
as they said, it's something like sixty seventy eighty almost
one hundred thousand, no eighty thousand, no eighty thousand songs

a day being put out on streamers. There's no way
to make noise. You're not gonna poke through because of
how ais and algorithms and then the budgets that have that,
big big labels have, how do you There's just too
much noise, So don't even try. What you do is
you set up your subreddits, you have your discord channels,

you have your e newsletter. Hell, like the people some
of y'all have like texted me, I'm not gonna try
to like fish through. There's no way. I'm worried about
my little lake. The OHS is too large. I hope
my lake grow. I'm feeding this lake because that's it's impossible.
You feed the fan base. So politically because the type

of character that Trump is, and like, please remember, he's
vastly disliked. Like, let's not forget this. I know it
looked like a party on the inside, but we're talking
about the all of America. People really don't like this man.
They also, okay, you could say, well what about but
like I said, we're not talking about them right now.
He's vastly disliked. So the way you gotta work is

be like, well, if I could get the people that
do like me so excited that folks that will probably
just sit out, If I could just get one or
two of y'all that would just sit out, which possibly
see the excitement of my core fan base, then maybe
they will move in, which is probably why to that end.
First notable thing is that there is not a single Bush,

Dick or colon insight, ain't a McConnell. He told them,
oh heads gone stay at home, Which is if if
you needed any clue as to whether this is a
different Republican Party, the fact that ain't a single elder
statesman in the Republican Party anywhere near that mug.

Speaker 3 (22:15):
My party.

Speaker 1 (22:49):
Overall, specifically about this year's RNC, here's what I noticed,
and here's just true. They were dialed in cohesive, if clear.
They weaved a narrative, the story that they were trying
to tell, just from a programmatic perspective and from a
communicative perspective, nailed it. Gain recognized game, real, recognized real.

Whoever programmed this nailed it. The storytelling. And what do
I mean by storytelling, I'm talking about a meta narrative.
The meta narrative that they were trying to communicate is
Republicans united and strong Donald Trump, strong Democrats, disjointed and
weak US strong United Democrats disarray week. That's what they communicate.

And I mean whether it's real or not, it don't matter.
I'm saying the story they told. Now me as a writer,
when I did my Terror Form book, right and the
albums that went with it, you go through it's all
my Spotify you could there's a playlist that's all of them.
That's all the four EPs that went with the book.
And the four EPs that went with the book were
the sections inside the book. There's four sections the sky,

the soil, the people, the possibility. Because it's about building
a Liverpool world, I'm creating cohesion. I use the same
artists visual artists to make the art so it's the
same style of art and they're all on theme with
four different producers, so that the sound is unique enough
to where it's not repetitive. But when you look at
the artwork, you can tell that this is a part
of one body of work. But they're themed different ways.

So I matched the sounds of the production with the
themes of the album. Y'all you understand what I'm trying
to say because I was making a create that these
four EPs are really one project. They're expressed four different ways.
Terrorform the sky, terrorform the soil, terrriform, the people, terrorform
the possibility. You know, they go together. What they did

was they said, this is make America great again, make
America wealthy, make America safe, make America strong, and then
make America great at like honestly, no notes nailed it.

Speaker 2 (25:03):
I don't know.

Speaker 1 (25:06):
If you're carrying it through line. Remember I talked about
in Trump's case on Stormy Daniels, why the prosecution won
is because you weaved a story that I can hang
my ideas on. They I mean, they did it the
last time in twenty sixteen. It was chaos. You had
ted Cruz and him trying to like call a audible

and there was no message. The message just like that,
And in twenty twenty, the messages is Trump and it's Trump,
isn't Most of the Republicans was like, I don't even
know if I really mess with this. We just feel
like we kind of have to that move from We
just kind of have to to clearly, we have to
if you want a job, this is what you're doing.
He was able to take this Republican Party and say
there's pre Trump and then there's the rest of time,

not post Trump. He's like, I'm this gonna be here
for a while. I'm not going nowhere. This is the agenda.
And of course inside of that agenda, he's moved what
is centrist so far to the right to where the
extreme right is Project twenty five, project you know, twenty
twenty five, and Trump in this parallel is moderate. Like

do you understand what I'm saying? Like he's made himself
as wild as his stances are somewhat centrist, which means
that Nikki Hayley, the person that still thinks we should
probably help Ukraine, Oh, she's a little liberal in this
in this conservative party, like Demand has shifted. Listen like

he really he did it? This R ANDC proved it
because I don't know how else to say this. Demand's daughter,
Laura is the producer of the show. Just what can
you I mean from a chess player perspective, nigga, no
notes like, I don't know what to you? How he
did it? Success? And then finally, from an overall theme,

this man walking out there with the Nelly bandage, stomping
in his earth Force one to the song many Men
Child to wish death to poll me good God, Almighty,
I bro. And then the next day the white people

walking in there with bandages on their out here looking
like Saint ludatics. Whoa I know, I know the people
that's calling everybody sheep. I know the people that said
don't be sheeple is not in there with bandages on

their ears. Oh man, respect? Do big dog listen? Respect?
Do all right? Specifics now here we go, So day one,
make America rich. This is about exactly what you thinked about.
So obviously subtext is we were doing better financially when
Trump was president, and that inflation, housing costs, all of

that stuff is the fault of Joe Biden. Had he
just left everything the way Trump made it and just
literally went to sleep because he's old, everything would have
been fine. But he was also clearly making an appeal
to this first day to people of color. No, I'll
still save my comments about these black folks at the end.

So he pretty much squeezed all the black people into
the first day. I'm saying he because come on, y'all,
this is clearly not the Republican Party, nigga, this is
his part. You squeeze all the black people in there,
and you make your case about racism, wealth and inflation,

gas prices, and that it don't got to beat this way.
He made a hint towards some policy about like not
taxing tips, which is again, if you're trying to make
a case to the working class. He gotta win Vegas.
Y'all know the Vegas situation. That's where they still think
the electure was toolely so to not have to cheat

in Vegas. Right, you get these fools on your side
and like the idea of like making tips non taxables
pretty smart. Now, granted here's me adding some commentary. Or
you could just pay them, well, you could just do that.
You could just raise minimum wage. I mean, but that's
just me being you know, leftists. It opened with a

Greek Orthodox priest doing the imvocation and opening prayer, which
I thought was an interesting choice to go truly, to
go Greek Orthodox, I thought was interesting, you know what
I'm saying, like rather than just an evangelical pastor, which
again and smart as hell, because you need a coalition

if you're gonna get the Christians. You can't just get
the white Christians, cause again the numbers don't add up.
There's more Catholics, and you can possibly pull a lot
more of the Latino vote, which there again there's not
a air quote Latino vote, but a lot of Latin
American countries are. They're very Catholic, and in a lot

of ways, they can hold on to that abortion vote,
that one nation of a God talk if you appeal
to that. We find a lot of first gen immigrants
be very conservative. Here's what's interesting about black people. We
care about our own stuff. We're in a lot of
ways as a whole, Black people are generally centrist like

or we just don't give a fuck about politics. Just
we get fuck about racism, like just that's what we
care about it's like just I mean, just don't be racist, man, Like,
let me live. We're trying to get ours like, you know,
you talk all this, you see, you make the American
dreams sound amazing, So like, can you not stand in
our way? Like and they like, look, man, throw some
bread in the hood. You know what I'm saying. You know,
you stop, you know, ending things that are causing problems

in our community, setting us up a situations out right
with you. Like, we're very transactional when it comes to
our politics because it's like we understand that all y'all racists,
all of y'all are anti black. So what we're looking
for is who gonna give us what we need. I'm
trying to save my comments about the black speakers till
the end, but it's peaking in. But anyway, make America

rich was a lot of those things around being wealthy
and keeping wealth inside of America. Day one is also
when you bring in the celebrities. Now the choice of celebrities,
Oh wow, it's okay. In Amber Rose's defense, little Pump

did it? Wayne did it now? Wayne came back and
said in an interview, he offered me five hundred thousand dollars.
Like I'm telling you, stuff is transactional. People go get
they checks and don't care because we like a lot

of times again, our community believes that you don't care
about us, so you're gonna use us. We're gonna use you. Right,
So amber Rose gets on there. Now, if you don't
know who amber Rose is, then you're clearly not in
my generation or the generation right behind me. Amber Rose.
I don't know how to say this for it to
not come off pejoratively. It's just kind of the reality.

We know her because she smashed rappers. We know her
because originally because of Kanye, that was Kanye's girl. Then
she became the mother of Whiz Khalifa's children, and as
she gained this star power, she started doing this thing
called SlutWalks, you know, which has to do with, you know,
women being proud of their sexuality and you know, removing

the shame around it. And it was a thing like
it was you know that like you know, if men
can be promiscuous, why can't women be permisied? Right, So
she's got you know, twenty million followers. I feel like
I said this in my group text, like without trying,
without seeking it out. I've seen her entire naked body,
like not even trying, you know, like I'm not looking

to see her body, yet I have. She is probably
an incredible business woman, let me. That's why I was like,
I don't want to make this sound pejarative. I just
laughed when they put on them on the little caption
under her name rapper. I was like, I am today
years old when I learned that amber Rose was a rapper.

Now nobody in that room knew who the hell she
was except for Sophie. So clearly she's not for the room,
She's for television. Right, and fell in Trump's lap. She said,
she just surprisingly endorsed Trump. She said in her inner
speech that her daddy, ex military, was a Trump supporter.
She was like, let me give it a shot. She
appealed to this idea of black people feeling like we

are wedded to the Democratic Party and we're not allowed
to talk out the same notes that Kanye was hitting originally. Right,
that was just like, I don't owe the Democrats anything,
what have they done for me? So she comes out,
does her deadly do And what I laughed at was
I was listening to the CNN reports reporters and they

were like, well, technically speaking, she had the best speech
out of all of them. She has the greatest media training.
She wasn't yelling, she was looking at the camera. It
was clear that she understood that she was talking to
America and not the room. And they were like, we
think this is that this might actually help. And I
was like, okay, guys, yo, gen X had asses like

the I don't think that that accomplished what y'all think
it did. But you know what, I'm not the target market.
Well actually I am the target market, and I promise
you that didn't do what you thought it did. But
respect do I mean she did her thing some other
black dude I ain't never heard of and will probably
never listen to anything else. He got to say, got up.

They made their case, and like I said, the case
that they made was again cohesive and strong. We were
doing better when Trump was president. Everybody had more money,
interest rates were down. We can get back to that
if you just let me take the reins again. Trade
and very much leading towards this idea of being sort
of a nationalist, kind of isolationist sort of way of

approaching the world. Okay, I can't wait till the end
to talk about the black folk stuff because it happened
this day. Here's the issue the RNC will always have
when it comes to race. And you saw it play
out when NICKI was running and when these black men
was on the stage talking. It's because your fan base

wants to believe racism don't exist, and you on that stage, no,
full well it does. But you can't say that because
they don't want to believe it. But you need black voters.
So now you got to tell the people in the
room that you don't believe racism exists, while at the
same time appealing to people that know for a fact

it does. So what do you do. You sound ridiculous,
is what you do. So these people get on their
stage and they say, the first brother said, you know,
my father came from the Jim Crow South and he
got accepted to a school that he wasn't allowed to
go to because of segregation. But because America is what
he was, what it is, he didn't claim victimhood. He

fought back and because America is not a racist country,
he was able to become a success. So when you
work hard, just like my daddy, in this country, you're
able to succeed and you don't be a victim. What
this means to me is well, first of all, what
it means is you mean to tell me racism don't exist.

And in the story you just told me your father
couldn't go to the school he wanted to because of racism. Okay,
In the same speech, brother said racism don't exist. Where
racism is is in cities ran by Democrats like Chicago.
Let me get this straight. Bruh, you just said it
don't exist and it exists where democrats. Uh, sir, where

do we all get lynched? I like, what is what you?
What are you talking about? Sir? Who just desegregated day
high schools? That was in Alabama? Alabama? The last school
segregate to desegregate in Alabama was in the two thousands.
Was in the odds? What is I There is a

big difference between talking about black people and talking to
black people. Day up there talking about black people two
white people in a way that makes the white people uncomfortable.
That will never ever work talking to black people because
you're trying to tell us that we don't know what
we're talking about. Now again, we're transactional you're gonna get

us to the bread. Okay. Now, A better way to
tell that story, or more accurate one, is, despite the
racism that exists in America, because of the opportunities that
are there, my father was able to succeed and overcome
the systemic struggles that America is working on to make better.

Yes we've had problems, Yes we continue to have problem.
I'm writing a speech for him, but we believe the
solution of these problems do not lie in the left.
Say that, nigga, yo, I don't understand how to hell
you go shucking job for these people and think we
gonna listen to you. The second you said racism don't exist,
everybody black child like all right, bro, Like, what are you?

That's not even me talking about being a conservative, Because
a more truthful statement would be, I believe the solutions
for the systemic issues we have all clearly experienced is
in the political right. That's that's a more honest or Oh, nigga,
I'm just getting my check out here, young set or

you hate yourself or you're not worried about it, you
understand what I'm trying to say. It's the same thing
the Murada went through. Girl. You can't tell me. You
can't tell me you ain't experienced racism. You grew up
in South Carolina, big homie, Was you not the one
that was trying to broke her? The taking down of
a Confederate flag? How you gonna tell me? How y'all

go tell b in states that flag Confederate flags, that
racism only exists, which don't exist, but only exists in Chicago. Boy,
if you're gonna get out my face. Okay, that's day one.
But the headline of day one was Trump coming in
with his bandage singing MANI Men and the announcement of JD.
Vans as the VP. But JD. Vans finally talks on Wednesday.

Right again, this is your direct Support Act, right because Thursday,
Donald Trump, that's the headliner. So we'll talk about talk
about Vance at the end of day three. But Day
one ends with Trump sending out a truth that JD.
Vance was his boy after much delegation because again the
brother knows how to make brother knows how to make

television where it was getting released one by one. His
choices that were in his top three were being told
that they weren't the choice. I mean It's like he
built the drama up. Like I said, no, no, Tony,
just for old JD. And the he'll Billy Elogy who
apparently the Hillbillies don't really mess with him, was able
to get his thing and shine his you know, one
hundred dollars, one hundred million dollars smile all right. So

day one okay, now day two, make America safe. This
is where the red meat really gets red out this mug.

This means that the narrative has to be that crime
is up. Border is the problem. Fentanyl cartels. Countries are
sending you know, rapists and child molesters and murderers. They're
flooding through our borders because Biden has open borders and
we are in an invasion because of the way that
the Left has decriminalized drugs and they want to defund

the police. They've weaponized the court system, which is truly corrupt,
and they're letting criminals go because of the woke left.
This is causing all of our problems. We believe in
safety and richness. And this is where the senators get
to come in because the senators remember, right, the laws,

So you bring them in and remember they they got
campaigns to run too, so you want somebody to vote,
you know, are all the way down, Like if I
could tie myself to the tops, did we good. It's
also the day that they attempted to humanize or continue
to humanize Donald Trump and his family because remember, again
demands a convicted felon, and he seems like a cartoon

and a monster. They're trying to really smart enough bring
his reel in his persona a little bit, you know,
especially after catching an assassination attempt, which apparently the story
goes like he's like, Okay, maybe we should tone down
this rhetoric. We want they want us to believe that
he's a changed man. He's like realized the severity of

a situation. He wants to bring in unity and be like, guys,
we don't really believe in political violence, Like we want
to take out the ideas, like truthfully, like I'm a dad,
I'm a grandpa. I just I love this country. I
could be on a yacht somewhere chilling, but I care
about this place so much. I want to make this
place safe. I remember the America I grew up in.
Let's make it like that. That's the narrative. So homeboy

had his dog Senator Michael McDonald, which sucks because it's
not the Michael McDonald we all know and love. The
other one had a little dog out there. He was
talking about how he went hunting with the Trump boys
with Eric Trump and then his tire went flat and
Eric changed his tire. He was like, listen, if Trump
was such a New York elite, then why does his

son know how to change a tire. He's just like us.
That it's again the same pretzel that they have to
twist themselves into to convince black people that he for
us is to convince middle and working class folks that
these rich kids would trust funds is just like us,
which maybe they don't have to because I mean, these

this Trump family is deeply loved. Let me just keep
it really, they really love these people like I personally. Again,
my opinions decide I don't vibe with these brothers, but
I could see why y'all do anyway. And also, this
day is when Trump gets his get back because his
two main competitions, which as we knew, were not competition,

Ron DeSantis and Nikki Haley. Neither one of them really
stood a chance. But here was where he was gonna
get his get NICKI wasn't even invited at first. NICKI
said off the top that I support the nominee just
because I mean, I'm a Republican. I'll do what I
gotta do. But I strongly don't. I strongly disagree. I

do not think Trump's the right choice. Now, don't get
all up in the you know, don't get all up
in their guts, either one of them about the things
that they said during the That's what you always do
in you was in competition. You're gonna diss the person
you're gonna diss, and then when they win, you, Yeah,
you're supposed to fall in line because ultimately it's about
our section. I get that, So I'm not gonna get
on her about that. But the case that she made

was a strong one. I did a whole episode about, like,
she's really the smartest choice if you believe what Republicans
had been for the last fifty years. But clearly they're
not that anymore. So that's why she's not the choice.
She's definitely the most qualified, she has the most history,
she has the most knowledge, she has the most experience.
She just is. But it's not where the squad is now,

so she gets the invite to speak on the same
day they run. The Santists spoke and like I said,
I understand theater, I understand optics and again no, no Tomy.
First of all, these people are nationally known, and the
votes that they did get among the Republicans were the
Republicans that were just couldn't get themselves to vote for Trump.

They were like, we need an alternative, like we're still
We're still conservative, it's just not that dude. So in
some senses, to keep this coalition together, he got to
convince those people that would have voted for Nikki. What's crazy, though,
is he was so confident in the fact that when
he needed debate them, he was like, I'm not even
gonna waste my time. Gangs to move and they should
have used that against him, But like, it's just again

the same where the party is. The Santists went up
there and bootlegged. He's clearly trying to get a position
right in the in the cabinet, and I don't blame him.
You know, he was supposed to be the air parent
but couldn't pull it off. They're all everybody's pulling to
Thank God, that God protected Trump, right, and then talking
the invasion at the borders all of the things. He's like, look,

I'm in Florida, like y'all want these open borders, and
it's like, it's all good until you send them to
Martha's vineyard. It's all good until they in your city,
Like y'all don't want these problems. They bring it into
fen and all, they bringing all this stuff like we're
having an invasion. Ted Cruz spoke again, this is him
getting his get back. Eleven point five undocumented people coming
through our borders. As Ted Cruz kept saying, every damn day,

this the fear day they coming for you. Again, it
was clear and this was the day that needed the
most fact checking. Okay, fact check. So, first of all,
immigration's down and has been going down for a while,
so it has not increased under Biden. It's actually gone down. Secondly,

most of them are seeking asylum. Now, those that are
seeking asylum, it would be in humane to send them home.
So what do you do with them? You have to
wait for your case. And when you're waiting for your case,
turns out weightless is about three and a half years long.
I don't know if you knew that the weights for
an asylum case. It's three and a half years long.
We can't go back. You're seeking asilentce. You gotta go
somewhere while you're waiting for your trial. Right, What did

Trump do? Put them in cages?

Speaker 3 (47:11):
Fat check.

Speaker 1 (47:15):
So like they'll talk to me about this invasion. Number two,
they're saying, our crime is tied to this invasion from
the borders. But check immigrants, specifically, undocumented immigrants commit far
less crime mat back thirty percent less, thirty percent less

likely to commit a crime, a violent crime than a citizen.
Why because they're trying to stay under the radar, because
they're here illegally. Why in the world would you commit
a crime. Come on, y'all, like, just use your common sense.
They're not trying to keep crimes, so they're not trying
to get caughtcause they're not trying to get deported. Now,
they also tied the concept of fentanyl, which is a
real problem, don't get me wrong, but tied it to

the people invading our borders.

Speaker 3 (48:00):
Fax check.

Speaker 1 (48:04):
Fentanol don't come through cartels, strapping them to people coming
here to get asylum. You know why, because to get
asylum you have to turn yourself in. Once you turn
yourself in, they take all your belongings. It would be
dumb as hell to smuggle fentanyl in here when you
immediately got to turn over your stuff to the authorities.

That's not how it's happening. If you undocumented and you
sneak it through the border, do you think about the
cost benefit analysis of that, Like, what's your guarantee that
is gonna make it? And if you running from a
cart if you're seeking asylum from a cartel, why would
you go to that said cartel to get you across
the border? Do that make sense to you? Good cause

it don't. Do you know how fentanyl comes in here?
FBI just said it through American citizens in legal ports
of entry? Why because no one checks our backs. Have
you driven through I've driven through the border. They looking car,
they see you in the driver's seat, and they wave
you through. My car has never got searched coming from
Mexico to how as soon as I showed my passport.

Matter of fact, I got global entry and pre check.
I just go through the short line coming up from Mexico.
They don't check my bag. What are you talking about?
That's how finanel gets here. It's through you go partying insenata,
get a pack, you bring it up. This is like
you can order the parts online from China to make fitanel.
Like there's call centers, drug Amazon, Like, it's not it

ain't just clan, that's not how it's getting here. So
that's just not factual. Are there problems with our immigrations?
Clearly there's problems in our immigration center, it's just not
the ones they saying. But either way, you don't feel safe.
You don't feel safe fact check. Crime rates are down FAM,
especially since twenty twenty. And also we talked about this before,
like y'all must have forgot the eighties and nineties existed

because FAM that was crime like so compared compared to
the end, bro, like we didne created a utopia to
that time. Now that being said, like I said, I
think I said it on one of the videos too,
is like nobody lives nationally. Nobody wants to hear about
national crime. You live in your own city and that
is how you're experiencing these statistics. So if in your
own city you're experiencing spikes, I totally understand. So that's

what that's why you can from stage in something like this,
you could throw your crowd those types of speeches and
it feel true. And in some senses it might be
in your own individual city, you may have a spike
just the national trends, but since nobody lives nationally, it's
like a lot of those things don't register. And that's
sort of the power of everybody. Every politician does it,

like you dance between national and local statistics as they
serve your point, and that's what they did. So I'm
not judging them for that. I'm just saying it's just
factually false. Crime is down, also, unemployments down. This is
just the facts. Now, inflation out of here, fam right.
Don't get me wrong, However, presidents have very little to

do with inflation. So like I'm not, I didn't blame
Trump for gas prices up or down. You can't, like,
they have very little to do with it. Now. Highlight
for me was Nicky's speech because it was kind of
like I could see her gritting her teeth this whole time.
Now she wasn't, she full throatedly said, I know. She

basically was like, listen, I'm here for unity because I
just I really don't mess with the Democrats. I wholeheartedly
for Donald Trump. You could see her saying it like that,
like she wasn't, but I could hear it like I
wholeheartedly support Donald Trump. But in her speech, because she's
the one with them with more experience in foreign policy,

she believes that Trump is totally wrong about foreign policy.
But she didn't go there because you remember Trump and them,
Trump and jd Vance, they like, look you damn Ukraine nigga,
Like that's your that's y'all's problem. We're not sending you nothing.
That's they stance, and she wholeheartedly disagrees. He's not with NATO.
She wholeheartedly disagrees. So she got to figure out how

to come into his house while totally disagreeing with him
and finding a way to craft a speech that for
her sounds true to her but also because it wouldn't
even be believable, but also air quote bends the knee,
and I gotta give it to her. She did that.
She avoided the land minds of the obvious, which is,
you really don't mess with him, do you? And I

know the topics for which you don't mess with him
on she ain't talk about though, talked about the problem
of Kamala Harris. You're common enemy. Great, but I tell
you what I know. Trump ain't like that because that's
not how he moved. He liked the way round the
Santis moved, which was just punk out and do what
I tell you Now. There was also something super awesome
that was that was captured off camera by just some

phones and it's Matt Gates trolling Kevin McCarthy. That man
is a child into that man's child. He goes, hey, hey, bro, hey,
when are you speaking? What are you on the schedule?
When do you speak? They're gonna speA because they're going
to boo you. He just troulling this man like, but no,
lead that man a whole. You ended that man's career.

I respect the pettiness, but yeah, Day two, make America safe.
You can't trust law enforcement or our court system because
of the way that they're going after Trump. We also
need unity and Fenton Al's coming in from the borders.
Joe Biden did that to us, and crime in Chicago

and San Francisco is the problem. What I think about
that statement is not the point. It was cohesive. What
I used to teach my students it was clear, concise
and complete. A lot of it unfactual, but clear, concise
and complete. And then one more thing I'll say this
about day two that I think has to do with
the whole thing, which is very smart. No talk on

Project twenty twenty five, and they haven't really done culture
war stuff yet. One would think that the culture war
hero Ron de Santis would have brought it in. But
we only heard the word woke like twice and again,
like I told you before, used them correctly, but tell
you men twice. Now we still got day three and
day four, so day three. Wait. One more thing about

day two, man, I'd be not reading my notes right,
is the clear and obvious misuse of the term open
borders and closed borders. We don't have open borders, we
never have. Bit it, don't believe it, open it. Do
you know what open borders is? It's your experience when
you took the train across Europe in the EU, the
fact that you could go Germany and France and Spain

and Portugal just on the train. That's that's open borders.
The idea that like the person in France who probably
is your plumbers, probably from Poland. It isn't live here.
He just he lives in Poland where he just comes
he works. And if you wanted to go work in Poland,
you could work in Poland. It's fine. You didn't have to,
like your backpacking trip through Europe. That's open borders. So
every time they say open borders, they're saying it wrong.

This is what open borders means. Okay, now Day three
coming events, all right, Day three getting closer to the headliner.

This the day that we actually hear from JD. Vance.
We hear from Trump Junior. Trump Junior pulled a pulled
an audible, brought his daughter out again. Because you're trying
to like humanized or humanized Trump. We're bringing in Matt Gates.
You know, you're in Kimberly Guilforl who used to be
with Gavin Newsom, which I think is hilarious to me, Like,

I mean, she's got a type, at least a physical type.
I would just it is what it is, big dog.
I just wonder what Gavinduza was thinking when she was
up there talking. Anyway, So Day three, make America strong. Now,
obviously the center of their image of strength is that

fist raised, bleeding ear Donald Trump against all odds, against
all cases. The courts have been weaponized against him, the
justice system is against him. Even people tried to take
his life many men. That's going to be the gift
of gifts on keeps on giving. He's still standing, he's
still strong. So he is the picture of strength, and

he wants to bring that into fruition and personify that
as the president. What he wants for the country energy strong,
factory strong. You know, drill baby, drill. We're weak if
we get things from other countries. According to JD, we're
weak if we even sell stuff to other countries. Like
you know what I'm saying, like anyway, you can't even

borrow nothing money like shut the dope isolationists music, don't
nobody come on, ain't nobody home because don't even ask us,
don't even text me. I'm not answering. That's JD. Like, look,
you is on your own. It's a hurricane outside, it's
a zombies all you better you got to get your own,
like leave us alone, cause leave us with our trad wives.

But well the tradwives what he WoT for everybody else?
Because his wife a lawyer, so he like, who is
an Indian American immigrant, like first gen immigrant who said
that she grew grew up Democrat, which was another theme
of Thursday two, which is like Jesus ex Democrats that
jumped the ship because again a compelling story. The Democrats

failed us, We gave you a chance, failed us, and
how they told that story was again masterful. When you
got out of Afghanistan, which apparently the story was Trump
was gonna do that, and NICKI Haley told him no,
because you can't do it without a troop, surgeon search.
You have to send extra troops if you're gonna get

out of there, and nobody wanted to see that happen.
So he was like, well, I ain't even gonna mess
with it. Biden was like, well, I'm gonna mess with
it because I promised it. And I really feel like
that faux pod was the beginning of the end for
President Biden as far as his popularity and approval had.
That went well bro stratosphere. But since it didn't understandably so,

I mean, it was gonna be a mess anyway. But
the idea that the Taliban was up and running within days,
cuffs and then service people died by ni right people died,
and the problem was Biden had the nerve to say
in the de bait that no serviceman died on his watch,
and I'm like, oh, you just gave him a layup.

And the layup was calling those families right, you're humanizing Trump.
Trump reached out during the East Palestine thing. Trump reached out,
you know, during the fentanyl and opoioid epidemic. Trump reached out.
Biden was too busy, so they come out. So they
programmed these families of the servicemen that died in US

leaving Afghanistan, tear jerking, powerful, powerful stories about look, dude,
we trusted you, like we trusted you for this situation
and you burned us. They brought in a lady from
from New York, like, you know, a brown lady looks
like like an Afro Latina lady who was talking about
her situation where her son got her son got murdered,

and Alan Bragg gave them a lighter sentence. We're not safe,
We're not strong, like you're not showing like people feel
like they could do whatever they want to us. That's weakness,
Tylerban don't care what you think. And the Democrats in
them y'all not even trying. That's the story they told,
and I ain't gonna hold you. That was a powerful story.

If there is anything that the Democrats need to be
worried about, it's these two moments. And then the head
of the teamsters like you got the It was Bizarro.
It was like, you got the union dude up here.
If there's anything that they really got a concern about
is like, hey, bro, they they spending bars on you

right here. You better like you better tighten it up.
So this was a hats off again, this is a
good moment. They u this, they meet the grams. You
know what I'm saying, like, you better better come with it.
I can't get no hard part six out of you.
And then Stosh Navarro started speaking Scotch Donald Trump Junior,

get up. They go from this tear turkey, powerful two
conspiracy theory your head ass, cause you gotta feed the bait.
Davarro's ou't even know to say, I'm even skippiest because
I don't know to say. I gotta get to Trump Junior.
Trump Junior got on this thing. He did what he
was supposed to do. He was like, this is my pops.
I was scared when he got shot, but I believed

in him. My pops were strong. As a matter of fact,
you know, I'm gonna let my daughter talk about it.
So that's grand that's granddad, grand baby talking about Pop
Pop and you could see him over in the corner
smiling like No, he's a real person. Man. He loves
his kids. You know what I'm saying. He just like you.
He just like you, your granddaddy, just like you. But
he's straw. He told you all to fight, fight, fight,
And by this day it seemed like the crowd was

drunk because they was just cheering for everything, just making
chance like JD's mom. J D's mom. That was hilarious
to me. But Donald Trump Junior gives you the gives
you all the talking points about the culture war stuff
and that everybody's out to take out his dad, but
they can't take out his dad. And that's the type
of energy they bring. Navarro, who just got out of prison,

was talking about, look, man, what they did to us,
they can do it to you. They coming for me,
They're coming for you, which is again a compelling story.
Like I said, I'm trying to keep my opinion out
of it. Compelling story. Then they twist the game about
the free speech. Let me not say twist the game.
Then they start talking about free speech. They're like, the
Democrats want to shut you up because they call everything
triggering and they can't even decide what a man or

a woman is. We're the ones willing to work it out.
We believe in free speech. Now, these are the folks
saying that we're gonna expel you if you say anything
that remotely sounds like a disc towards Israel. They're gonna
call it anti cinematism. But it's not necessarily that these Also,
these are the people burning books and banning stuff and

saying you can't have diversity and anything. But anyway, that's
what they're saying. But the highlight of the day is
the way that JD handled it. So his wife comes in,
introduces him Usha Vance. Like I said, first gen Indian
from San Diego. I mean, good move. They met, they
met at Yale Law School. And then he comes up.

Now he starts talking, and the way that he starts talking.
Thirty eight years old from the Sticks wrote a book
called He'll Billiologies. It's a brilliant move to choose him.
But The way he locked this up was to be like, Okay,
the point of this speech was to like, let me
show you my juice, let me show you what I got,
and let me show you who I am. It was long.
You could see food start dozing. But he had a
lot to do because really don't nobody know him. He

only been in the Senate year and a half. The
man gonna be forty next year, like so he just
don't have a lot of history. And which was interesting
that he didn't bring up and he used to talk
Hella Massa about Trump. He was like, caught that man. Hitler,
caught that man, said that man was a hope. He's like,
I am a never trumper. This man is like culture opioid,
Like I do not mess with him. Which before I

get into the speech, I talked about this on social
which is kind of what makes him a compelling story
because he's a convert because he can say no, y'all
saw how I felt about him, but Trump convinced me.
And I know a lot of y'all felt the same
about him. But if he can convince me, and I'm
from where you're from, he could convince you too. I mean,
that's a compelling story because vance ain't come from money.
And this is where his story comes in. His mama

was hooked on drugs. He was raised by his grandma,
who he called Mama Mamma in this story, in Mamma,
you know Jesus, she loved Jesus, but she cursed a lot.
What a relatable story. Grandma was strapped right, Like, Okay,
who can't relate to that? Poor Your grandma loved Jesus,
but she cuts a little, you know what I'm saying?
Like we all know that he tell his story and
the way that he told his story was he aligned

his life to policies that Biden passed. And as he
was doing that, he throwing old school Republicans under the
bus because half the stuff he talked about with stuff
that the Republicans won't it absolutely brilliant locked this timeline
in Joe's career. He was like NAFTA, the trade agreement
that was when I was in fourth grade, which removed

which basically ended the jobs in my neighborhood. He was
like direct war happened when I was in high school, right,
which means a bunch of us signed up to go
to war, so I lost a lot of my homies
because I did my civic duty and that happened on
your watch. And then he was like, and then fentanyl
because Joe is so cool with China, fentinall coming in here.

So I lost a lot of my homies there. So
my whole life Joe been ruining My life is the story, right.
But through it all, I like the rest of you
people in Ohio, Michigan, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin. He kept saying
the states because again those are the states he got
to win. Through it all, we made it right. I
enlistened into the Marines after nine to eleven, which makes

him like the perfectest of white boys. And then he
married a little brown girl, right, which let me not
say that pejoritay ofly, she's a lawyer, okay, either way,
He's like, I'm from the sticks, working class. I ain't
got no endowment, bro. I'm like, y'all, I'm from where
you from. And I did not, and he did. I
wish he would have said it. He didn't say it
like this, but if he was like, essentially, I see

what Trump was talking and I'm talking that and now
I'm here to make it happen. And you can trust
me because I'm from where you from. The subtext is
Trump from New York. And as much as and as
much populous talk that he talked, he not really a
working man. So since he's not, he needs somebody that is.
And JD is the one that is. Now he can

say the things that Trump can say, but he says
it with a different type of credibility, the credibility that says,
I'm from the hood and I want to take care
of the hood. I saw hood is in the sticks
the woods. He's like I saw. He was like I
saw our country go down in flames. He was like,
we all came out of the hill. We was hillbillies.
We came from the hills into the city to work

in these factories, just like Pennsylvania, Ohio, just like you,
just just doing it. He was like, all to see
those factories leave and go to China, y'all forgot about us.
We built this country. Leave my comments about that in
a second. But I'm here to stand up for the
forgotten man. And because I am, y'all, and I made
it so that was his thing. Now overall, the concept

of the forgotten man. I just need y'all to notice
to have your antennas up. It's what you call a
color mute term. The idea is middle working class family
man just trying his best to keep food on the table.
And as the rich get rich, this person gets left behind.
You get left behind by the elites. Now, what they're

not saying out loud is a part of this concept
of the forgotten man is as the rich get rich
and the colored people get rights, as equality comes up,
things like affirmative action, things like diversity, equity and inclusion.
As now people who weren't even considered a part of

the system now have a say. They feel like, on
now I'm being left out or what about me? So
when they say the forgotten man, they mean the forgotten
white man. Now hear me, politicians, I never called you
all that, but hear me, I'm blaming Nixon, like I'm
blaming them because they used to didn't racialize poverty. Poor

was poor, but the imagery of what we know is poverty,
like the Welfare Queen and stuff like that. That poverty
got racialized for the purpose of maintaining a type of segregation,
you know, the Southern Plan that Nixon had to change

Jim Crow to family values like that's on purpose. This
forgotten man is a part of that, because again, diversity
inequality is a part of how what makes them feel forgotten.
So every time you hear these phrase, which is basically
the I mean they got it from Nixon, the concept
of the forgotten man and the sight of the majority,
they talk about white people, they blame it on the elites.

But that's because the elites are part of the problem too.
But also it is because brown folk got jobs. That's
part of the problem. That's why you don't like immigrants,
like none of that, because you feel like man that's
supposed to be mad. All right. So now day four,

remember all of the kudos and the respect, dude, I
gave to the RNC for staying on message, keeping it cohesive,
producing a very engaging event, at least attempted to in
its best way, stay on message, make a clear case
for a logical reason to support this party. You can

go and throw all that out the window, because Day
four was like all bets are off somebody. I mean,
it's when the party, somebody took their shirt off, Somebody
in the closet peeing all your clean clothes. Just I mean,
I don't know how else to say the Hawkster in character,
not even Terry, not even the actor Hawk Holgan. The

character ripped his shirt off with his Trump like just
completely off the rails. Tucker Carlson had asked just if
there was any attempt to try to reel in people
from the that were turned off by the RNC because
of the conspiracy, theoriness of it, the alex Jones of

it all. They said, forget all that this look, this
is the trumpiest day of the Trump Forget everything I
said about these people really tried their best to put
together a cohesive message that humanizes makes just forget it all.
He was like, I do what I do. Any hopes

and rumors of Trump tearing up his speech and making
it about unity, any thoughts that this man catching the
the side bub of a bullet would change somehow who
he was was foolish to think of that anyway. All
of that was dashed. He was the man we thought
he was, the man said I'm staying on my brand.

Y'all can put together with every show. And here's what's crazy.
He put together the whole thing, the whole event. He
approved every speech, he approved every speaker, every transition. Because
the man know how to do TV. And then on Thursday,
on the last day, he was like, I'm doing me
and boy did he do him? Boy first out the box.
Mike Pompeo, the former Secretary of Defense, talking about, Hey, listen,

we wouldn't be having no China spy bubbles popping over
our lands if I was around. Hey, listen, we took out,
we took out iis incorrect, fact chag that's not what happened.
But the point was Trump a fighter now talking about
that's what we're doing our fights. Vladimir pu and invaded
no Ukraine. If I was around, God's the war wouldn't

be happening. If I was around, Shoo went full evangelical,
Like I said, I thought it was super cool that
he had the little Greek Orthodox now Franklin Graham, Eric
Trump full culture war brought brought back all the good hits.
The election stolen all all of the all of the
all of the things that turned off some of the
people in your world, all of it. We're bringing it
back because we is who he is. My mama used

to say, be who you is, because who you ain't
ain't who he is. He was who he is ain't
a white president of the UFC came through. It was
like this a fighter, I like a fighter. Brother brought
out old kid Rock who if it looked like from
the TV and didn't nobody care at all that that
man was there. But you know what though, it's Kid

Rock by David's Kid Rock Tuck across and brought all
the brought all the replacement theory, the conspiracy, all of it,
and just like, look, man, this is who he is.
Bro proud to be an American song the head ass
Linda McMahon, it's the formal up, the and then the

hoaster y'all, the hoxter. It was like I was ready
to take y'all serious. Now I'm supposed to not be
putting my opinion in here, but like I'm just saying,
like this, this is what it is. I was supposed
to take y'all serious. Now. At the same time, look
do you here here here's a defense. Look when you come,

if you come to a party out here where I'm at,
we gonna be black as hell and West Coast as hell.
I don't care what you think. Like I can't tell
you how excited I was at the at the k
DO Pop out. The Kenny and Friends pop out when
Tommy the Clown came on stage because of what he
means to us. Yes, that is a grown ass black
man in a clown suit teaching kids how to crunk.
I understand from the outside. If you ain't go through

the gang violence we did that, that would not resonate
with you. I understand that. But we gonna do us.
Here's here's what I saw. Trump was like, I'm gonna
do me and do him.

Speaker 3 (01:14:03):
He did.

Speaker 1 (01:14:03):
Oh, and turns out Malania still alive where she been now.
I don't blame her being like, I want no parts
of this. Most of the time the spouse usually talks.
She was like, I'm good. I don't blame her. We
can speculate about what's going on in they relationship. You
don't know. That's something I feel like, that's none of
my business. But I don't blame her for being like,

I ain't giving nobody no speech. When that man got
on that stage, y'all, I was taking notes, as I've
tried to do this whole time, and he started off
as teleprompter Trump that stayed on script, and all these
poor people who worked so hard on his speech to
make sure it was about unity to keep his tone down,

for him to chill and speak slower. I also noticed
this man is a lover of adverbs, like he just
always adds describing words to whatever he's saying. The beautiful
election and then the wonderful crowd that that stood calmly
as the bullet fastly grazed by my beautiful ear, like

he just uses I noticed that, But recap the story
nice and slow, talking about I was super lucky to
be here, and teleprompter Trump was a change man. And
then Trump Trump showed up and I mean the lowest
count is twenty laves, it's twenty false claims. The man

still believed the elections stolen. The man still like he
I mean, top to bottom, he did him. He said,
I'm more determined than ever. The Democrats need to stop
using the court system because I'm the one defending the
constitution or I'm the one defending everybody's laws, and so

y'all need to stop doing that. Look at that. I
got the document's case thrown out because it's it's a joke.
He said, somebody needs to I got sub peanut by
Nancy Pelosi. He said, I'm gonna drop y'all taxes, and
I lowered the taxes better than everybody else. He said,
when I was around, there was no inflation. He said,
immigration is taking black and Latino jobs. He said the

countries are dumping there insane asylums. This man talked for
an hour and thirty two minutes. Now listen, this podcast
is an hour in thirty two minutes. No, it's not.
It's super short, but that's because I'm covering all four days.
And if there was any moment, any moment that the
Democrats may have had a semblance of hope that maybe
this was winnable, it was when Trump did Trump. Because

a lot of us forgot what he really was like.
And a lot of us have never seen a Trump rally.
That was a Trump rally. That's how he talked. He'd
get up there, he'd shoot from the hip, he got
his bullet points. He say what he gotta say, and
those that love it love it. So if you thought
he was thinking unity, that man was not thinking unity
at all. And you know what he did him. Now, fact,

there is not a single solitary shred or the beginning
of evidence that countries are emptying their insane asylums and
sending them to America. You made that up. Trump say
he stopped the missile launches in North Korea. That's misleading.
Mental launches did pause from North Korea for a period
of time, but it started up again before he left office.

He said he fully defeated ISIS in a couple months.
That's not true. It's a little misleading. The caliphate was
declared fully liberated more than two years in the Trump's
presidency in twenty nineteen. But to show up at the
end of something and claim you did the whole thing
is pretty funny because we've been fighting nies for a while.
He claimed that he got the doctor federal document cases
thrown out because it was fraudulent. Nope. What the judge said,

a judge for which he appointed. What she said was
it's not that the case was fraudulent. It was that
the district attorney that brought it in had no legal
rights to bring a case that he was fraudulently put
in place. So it's not that Trump got to put
out or that the case don't have no merit. It
was that the judge thinks that this person doesn't have
a right to bring the case. I mean, I could
go on for another four hours. Here's another one that

I just think is funny. He was like, listen, our
opponents inherited a world at peace, and they've turned it
into a planet of war. He's saying, when he was there,
there wasn't no wars going on, Like bruh, is you tripping?
There was wars all over the world, all over the world,
dozens of armed conflicts everywhere, mir Mar, Africa, Soudan, like

I just, oh, mylord. One that's very important to me
is Trump's claim about the dramatic increase in crime rates.
This is false. The official data published by the FBI shows,
like I said before, violent crimes significantly dropped in twenty
twenty three. In the first quarter of twenty twenty four,
right though there was a crease in some communities. Like

I said before, sometimes it might feel like where you at,
it is definitely lower than twenty twenty when President Trump's
last calendar year in office. Matter of fact, there is
a thirteen percent decline in murder. Like it is absolutely
unequivocally false. Fam, It's just not true. And then all

of his claims of the largest in the history of
the most Ever, as you all know, their exaggerations. They're
not true at all. Don't ever believe him when he
says the largest in the history of or the worst
in the history of And sir, you lost the twenty
twenty election and undocumented people can't vote. One hour and

thirty two minutes of trunkness, and there it is, and
then the balloons fell, which apparently was the biggest balloon
drop in history. Now I am going to drink away
my sorrows. Just kidding. Not enough alcohol in the world.
And it's not like this is all over hood politic, y'all.

All right, now, don't you hit stop on this pod.
You better listen to these credits. I need you to
finish this thing so I can get the download numbers. Okay,
so don't stop it yet, but listen. This was recorded
in East Lost boil Heights by your boy Propaganda. Tap
in with me at prop hip hop dot com. If

you're in the Coldbrew coffee we got terraform Coldbrew. You
can go there dot com and use promo code hood
get twenty percent off get yourself some coffee. This was mixed, edited,
and mastered by your boy Matt Alsowski killing the Beast Softly.
Check out his website Matdowsowski dot com. I'm'a spell it
for you because I know m A T T O

s O W s Ki dot com Matthowsowski dot com.
He got more music and stuff like that on there,
so gonna check out The heat. Politics is a member
of cool Zone Media, Executive produced by Sophie Lichterman, part
of the iHeartMedia podcast network. Your theme music and scoring

is also by the one and nobly mattow Sowski. Still
killing the beats softly, so listen. Don't let nobody lie
to you. If you understand urban living, you understand politics.
These people is not smarter than you. We'll see y'all
next week.
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