All Episodes

September 18, 2024 61 mins

For those who don't know, "whoopin feet" is LA slang for beating somebody up so bad, they come flying out they shoes. I know the debate is already old news, but Imma use my antennas to tell y'all who THEY think won. I bet my bike for your car that Trump thinks he lost.

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Speaker 1 (00:02):
As media. All right, I think we can all agree.
Why know, we can all agree that this pace is
not sustainable. I'm about to talk about a debate that
was barely a week ago, and I'm already positive that
there's probably not much information that I'm gonna say to

you that has not been said on seventy nine other
podcasts or news outlets or anything. We done moved on
gotten doll. But that being said, I do think there
are some things that we can add to this conversation,
a couple angles to look at this from. So today

we're gonna do some postgame analysis about who was whooping
who's feet? Hood politics, y'all push it te pushing key

now I'm whooping feet now that whooping feet phrases, I'm
referring to euphoria. The of course, Kendrick, the gift that
keeps on giving this year. Man, we started off this
year with Kat Williams attempting to just I'm telling you
the state of the blackness, like we talked about in June,
just an absolute reckoning. If this ends with a black

female president. I'm telling you, this has been the year
of the black y'all. This year starts off with Kat
Williams on Club Shaysha. Not only we get a double
dose of Sha Shae because he was knocking them down
on IG Live on accident. Well, I don't even know
it's on accident. That man was in some cheeks and
forgot the log out of his ig lie. Lord. The

year that gave us the beach blonde, bad built, butch
body good Lord, the year that gave us they not
like us. The year that had snoop in the Olympics, man,
and so black that I'm forgetting stuff. If this year ends,
my Lord, have mercy. If this year ends with a
black female president, this is gonna be the blackest year

of my life. You know, I wasn't around for the
civil rights movement. Black on black on black on black
on black black anyway. Also, there is something to be
celebrated my homegirl Brittany talked about, which is the fact
that like we breaking glass ceilings and stereotypes and also
a black person that can't dance because Auntie Kamala can't dance. Y'all, listen,

sister sister can't dance. Man, I don't know what to
tell you. She out there like keV on stage, just
like look the girl can't dance, which and you can't
blame her South India side, you feel me because they
be getting down although it's going on with it. She
can't dance, y'all. Anyway, let's get to the yams. We're
not the yams. You understand what I'm trying to say,

because yeah, whooping feet again referring to euphoria, but that's
from hustling flow. It's a it's a Terrence Howard thing,

which I'm gonna let y'all do your googles. But we
all got it immediately, you know what I mean when
I say we. So the question is who whooked Who's feet?
But first, what look is like? Le? What look is like? This? Bull?

Look is like this? All right, it's like this. Okay,
the audio is gonna be a little different here because
I'm on a sure beit of fifty eight MIC at
an Airbnb in Saint Louis, because well an hour outside
of Saint Louis, because i'm performing at we're really speaking
at Greenville College over year about taking l's as a professional. Anyway,

so it's like this breaking news, diddies, freaky ass. The
Feds donet finally arrested him, did y'all see that that man.
They said that man had a thousand bottles of baby
oil and loop freaky ass nick. Listen, this manned David

Epstein a hip hop and it's like, like I said
the last time earlier this year, worst kept secret. Boy,
what a reckoning? You feel me like? Bro? And now
since he had videos all over the house, he was
using that to make people shut up. Now the feds
got it. Boy, that fit of bet so pad all right,

that's that. Uh. Secondly, somebody shot at Trump again. And
what I keep noticing is it ain't no trans it
ain't no black people. And when I heard somebody shot
at him, I just saw a picture of the funniest

lady on the Golden Girls, Betty White. Betty White. Man
was a never Trumper. He was first, he was a
Trump supporter. He was never Trump. You know that man
flew his behind all the way to the Ukraine to

support them in the war. That's that's the type of
crazy that man is. He was supporting the VAK rhymes
with cake and Nikki and was like, I don't want
you all to drop out, man, like oh man, brother cook,
look here, white folks crazy? What else? Oh President Big

Old Air quotes President my daughter in Venezuela. Listen, if
you really want to know where the possible future of
America is just gone, look at Venezuela. In relation to
the fact that this man, I mean, it's something like

it and you can't really tell, which is what happens
when you erode any trust in an institution. But this
man may have lost like eighty twenty in his last election,
eighty to twenty percent, but it don't matter. He say
he won and the person that actually beat him was
hiding in the jungles. And then finally flew to Spain

because just like the last person that beat him in
an election, but he say, no, that's not true. To
steal the election from me, he started arresting people that
were counting the votes. This man started and like, you know,
either killing or making exiling his political opponents, like y'all

gotta lead. And now he say the CIA trying to
kill him. Now, the problem is when you become untrustworthy,
it's like the CIA or the State Department is like, listen,
this is categorically false. That's you a damn lie. We
are not trying to kill you. However, it ain't like,

we ain't trying to kill somebody before, so it ain't
like we ain't taking out leaders like. So the problem
is you might be crying. You might be telling the
truth right now, but how do I know? Neither one
of y'all is trustworthy? And lastly some fun news. K

dot said it's time for the Party to die dropped
another song with the Black Air Force Ones as the cover,
and I wish, I wish you guys could appreciate what
the beat up Black Air Force Ones communicate to us
and what it communicates. It's like you about to do

some dirty work. That means that is a man who
don't care about fashion. He cared about That man is
in the trenches with the dirty Air Force Ones, all
beat up and oh like that. That's a person in
the trenches. That's like, look, I came here. I came
here to do some damage. So for him to do that,

and then the content of the song, which is like
I want all of this to die, and then he
shouts out my boy La Craye and my boy d One.
Y'all know, like that's them, that's my folk right there,
you know. So it's super dope to see the folk
in them get shouted out anyway. It's like that. It's
like this, So look, here's some game. Here's something I

like to do is whenever you're watching something like a debate,
specifically a debate, I'd say, and then there's another rule
for it. Whatever, whether it's a Trump speech, a commalass speech,
whatever silo you in or that person is from, go
to the opposite silo for the postgame analysis. So if
you're you know, a left leaning Democrat, you're watching the

debate after the debate's over, put it on Fox News
just you just need to see what they're saying, and
it'll give you a good view as to how the
other half of the country's thinking. By the other way around,
Like you more right leaning. I don't know why you'd
be listening to this, but you more right leaning, put
it on MSNBC. Put it on seeing it just to
see what they saying. And what it does is you

just get to see, you know, you just get to
at least get an understanding of how these people are
perceiving it. And some of it end up being funny
to where it's just like it reveals what you may
have thought. Like I'm gonna tell you exactly exactly what
I learned from it later on in the show, one
of which is like, it's good to know how you're
being perceived. Like when you what you may have thought

you hit a home run, you know, but you might
be being perceived very differently. I've had that happen to
me many times, and other times it's like it might
confirm what you thought. It's like, oh yeah, that's what again.
This is why I know Trump think he lost is
when I watched it on Fox. So anyway, if Trump
is giving a speech, watch the post commentary on cn
IT and then go back to Fox or whatever. I

Kamala is giving a speech, watch the post commentary on Fox,
just just to see what they caught. And then sometimes
you can compare notes and it just helps you see
each other's blind spots and it just gives you a
broader perspective. I do that all the time. Somebody asked
me recently while I was out in Seattle, like, in

having to be able to articulate views, I don't have.
Have you found that there are some things you're down
that you're like, I'm doubling down on and then are
there some other stuff to where you're just like, huh, actually,
they may have a point. I didn't. I didn't think
about it like that. And there have been some things.
I ain't gonna tell it right now because we've got
time for it. But uh and because like that's not

the point in the show. Point of show ain't. What
I think shows is to show you that you actually
understand this now. As I say that, debates like fistfights,
unless they like knockouts, a lot of times have to
do with your cheerleading squad. It's just like battles. Like
I come from the era of battle rap, where it

was all about the crowd, not so much necessarily your bars.
It's supposed to be about the bars, right now, if
if you that code, we had a lot of open
mic sessions. There were spots called like this spot called elements,
you know, and sometimes if you were the elements was
a little more organized in the sense that it was
on the stage and it was like brackets, but it
was all you know, it was up to the crowd,

like you had to win the crowd over, you had
to say something funny, but you had to destroy a person.
But if you are the out of town or you
have to there's a there's another layer to it. You
have to win the crowd over. Sometimes if you if
you come with enough of your fans, they're just gonna
make so much more noise than even if you are
slaying this person. It don't matter because crowd would you

haven't won the crowd over. And as all of us know,
unless you are really a fan of the art, you
really not gonna admit if your boy got the breaks
beat off. Now, having said that, let's take this to
the debate thing, they was wise enough to not put
a crowd in the room. Now, when you don't put
a crowd in the room, it's for me. It's the

equivalent of rapping versus poetry when there is no beat,
or like spoken word, when there's no beat, there's no choruses.
Your words gotta stand. Your words got to be that strong.
You have to have such good things to say that
it's able to fill the space without music. You understand,

because if I'm rapping, if I'm doing music, even if
you're doing a rap a cappella, you can tell something's missing.
You could tell this was meant to have music to it.
So but a poem is so good that you you
don't want music there, like it's gonna get in the way.
If this is like the at least my theory around
like slam poetry, like it's not supposed to be the

music's not supposed to be there. The words are strong
enough that. Now that being said that obviously there's an
art form of making music of rap music. The words
in the music have to feel married, they have to
feel like they go together. And the music is a
part of the experience, you know. So that means that
like the empty spaces are filled with sound, and but
that's a whole other experience. If I'm performing to a crowd,

the crowd becomes an instrument, which is very different than
there is no crowd. That means your words got to
be strong enough. So the science behind removing the crowd
means that your words got to stand on business. There's
no cheerleaders, there's nobody to bring into your space. It's
just you and your words. It's just me and you again,
to take it to the streets again, I wasn't the

type of person unless unless I needed to, And a
lot of people that listened to this went to school
with me, and y'all know, like not really a violent dude,
like I don't. I don't like that's not that's not
my get down. I'm not afraid to get down, but
that's not like I don't really I don't really move
like that. Like I'm not the type to like in
the middle of the lunch room or in front of everybody,

to like try to start fighting. I'm the type to
find you later like and and no one would know,
you know, because one, I don't want to run the
risk of getting of just getting faded in front of everybody,
Like I don't want to catch a fade in front
of everybody. And then secondly, you just find when you
catch somebody by themselves, they're much less brave. So then

I get to be the aggressor. So I was never
the type and it just it just a lot of
times just didn't come to that. I was never the
type to like, you know, I I'll let you talk,
I'll let you talk to your trash to do what
you say, you know, be beat a tough guy in
front of everybody, in front of your fans, front of
your cheerleaders, because don't want to get jumped number one,
and number two, I'm not trying to like again, I
don't want to catch a fade in front of the

whole school. I'm gonna catch you walking home, Joe saying
like I'm gonna find you later, like and if I
beat the brakes off you, you know what I mean,
Like while it's just me and you, then you could go,
then you go explain to your friends where this black
guy came from. I'm not gonna say nothing, but we
gonna know, especially when the joke stopped the next day.
Like that was my attitude about it. Now again, it

rarely went. It rarely got down to that, but just
know that, like for me, that's how I moved always
like one hundred pounds lighter than everybody, Like I've always
been a lightweight, you know. But I'm just I'm but
I'm not afraid of you. If you may, you may
think that while I'm while we're in front of everybody,
but I'm not afraid of you. We're gonna deal with
this later anyway. So when you remove the crowd, it's like,

we'll see how tough you are you feel me, We'll see,
we'll see if you really got we see if you
really want this smoke. And what you find is most
of the time they don't most they don't want to
smoke when you bring it to them like that, it
was all a show. You really ain't got it, you know.
That's that whole No, no, ain't no round two. Bring
that same energy. You was real tough at lunchtime. You
was real tough in class. What's going on? I'm here, homie,

what we're doing. I ain't got nobody with me. It's
me and you. Now, I grew up again in a
time when everybody ain't have phones on them. So like,
even if y'all, even if it is just YouTube, somebody
sees it. So all that to say your fans gonna
come home believe in you one now, just like if
you've ever seen somebody get the breaks, the breaks beat

off them and then they stand up and they was like, nah, homie,
Like nah, we're gonna run it back. You know, face
all bloody, and you got a million reasons why you
saying you won, but we all got eyes and ears,
and it's like, nah my, gee, if you're gonna be honest,
if your homies as honest, they like, hey, brou she
eat y'all ass. And at this point, I would like

to give kudos to the Democratic Party because when Biden
got his tail handed to it just got mollywopped. And
it wasn't so much that Trump mollywopped him, because he
did in some senses in the way for which Trump
knows how to mollywop. It's that he didn't land no punches.

You see what Trump do is he gets you off balance.
He just he's spout a ton of stuff, and all
of it is seeds of doubt. You can't trust the system.
You can't trust nobody say, and I'm the only one
that know the facts, and you can't like And it's
such a barrage that it's not like he it's like

the guy that comes in and just win meals. You know,
he's just running and wind meal punching, and it's just
like I'll, I guess you won, you know, But that's
his thing. It's just windmill punching, you know. But if
you know what you're doing, you just let that food
tied himself out and just tag him once hot and
it's over. But Joe wouldn't laying no punch like it

hit the boy? What did you do it? And I
am so I'm saying that to say the Democratic Party
was honest and was like, look, man, he lost that mug. Now.
They also gave excuses like Joe Joe gave excuse, Oh,
I had a cold, I was tired, you know. Look

look I just got over a cold, you know. And
the Democratic Party said, come on, fahm, Paul, Paul, hey, bro,
you just gonna have to hold this l. And the
l he held the l was so large that it
knocked him out of the It knocked them out of
the election. And all the homies who saw it, we
all saw it. They took the crowd out. So it

was just again again, you take the crowd away, you
mute the mics, and look, you just get to talk.
Oh spit your bars. Bruh what owt? Yeah? Now, hey,
hom y'all, look you did better last time. And he
beat your ass by barely swinging. Because if you remember
the fact check of both of them, things demand just
be talking Trump, just be talking, all right. So I'm

gonna go over some highlights. I'm gonna do some checking
on myself, like did they do the strategy that I
thought they were gonna do, and how successful it was?
Were there some surprises? Were there some tasks that they
needed to succeed? In and did they like When people
say they want policy, you say you want policy, but

you don't the idea that you think you could get
a full thorough answer on some policy plans in two
minutes means you don't understand policy because policy take a
lot longer than two minutes to explain. Want bullet points,
You want to feel like you've been given policy. And finally,
I'm gonna explain why I believe Kamala one. This one

is because Trump believes Kamala one. This one, and I'm
gonna tell you why. And finally some fact checking. All right,
here we go. Now, the things I'm about to say,

like I said, they've been they by now, they've probably
been said before. I'm not the only person that thinks this.
It's probably look on pretty much every major outlet except
for Fox News, even comedy shows like I'm not gonna
tell you something that you ain't heard before, at least
I think. So let me go ahead and cite sources
now like I'm pulling from. I mean, pick a source

like Washington Post, like uh, even Fox News. I'm gonna
be even put over Fox News as proof that they
they believe Trump took a l Kamala was whooping feet.
They believe that. First off, the strategy what I said
before was that the strategy is, you know, obviously we
all know, like we already know who Trump is, for

better or for worse, Like there's a knowledge we have
since the eighties. We know who this man is, and
we also know how he governed. Whether you like it
or don't like it, we already know him. And for
some reason, no matter what you know about him, you
can't be told any different, right you can't. There's no words,
there's no felony counts that's going to change anybody's minds

about him. So the question is when you define him,
you have to say, now, what does that have to
do with you? Like, how does that? How? How does
this affect you? Does this affect you well? Or does
this hurt you? In all of us? So, since we
already know Trump, this is how you got to define him, right,
That's at least that's what I'm thinking as this strategy.
Now when it comes to Kamala, what they've already what

the what the Republicans and trumpet and already done was
they already defined her for everybody in a way that
like I'm saying from a strategy perspective, is masterful. It's
not like she hasn't been a public servant for at
least twenty years. It's not like there's no way we
don't know who she is or where she stands. Matter

of fact, you could go to her website. She's to
say that she ain't done interviews. I mean, it's wild.
She's done a lot of interviews. But I'm telling you
people that I know that we're probably gonna vote for it.
We're like, yeah, I don't really know. She don't really
got no plans, Like I don't really know what she
what she is. Now, if you smart and I know

I pull into the Kendrick well often, if you smart,
you use that for your advantage, you say, because if
you look at Kendrick's social media, Kendrick got faux posts
or five post and all they are are the links
to the songs he dropped and then the Super Bowl announcement.
There ain't no explanations on none of them. I ain't
got like, I don't do none of that. I let

y'all discuss. Y'all write all these blogs. There are entire
channels dedicated to dissecting Kendrick's lyrics our long breakdowns of
lyric by lyric. I let y'all do that, y'all think
whatever y'all want. You'll see I speak in music, and
but when there is a vacuum of information, something rushes

to fill it. So on her side, it's like, y'all,
I'll talk when I'm ready to talk. Y'all could think
whatever y'all want. I said what I said when I
said it, and I'll say it again when I'm ready
to say it. Y'all not gonna push me in anything,
because remember when remember when Drake went back to back
with Is with the AI POC and I told y'all,
I think I told y'all on this pot where I

was like, I bet you Kendrick's attitude is like, you're
not gonna rush me. I'm gonna talk when I'm ready
to talk, and when I'm ready to talk, it's gonna
be a problem. I believe I'm a pat myself on
the back at tell you that I tried to tell
you that that was the move. Y'all say whatever y'all want.
I'm not finna meme. I'm not finna do y'all remember
the lessons from the Big Three. I'm the memification. I like,
I don't participate in all that. I'll talk what I'm

ready to talk. But again, when there's a vacuum, you
fill that vacuum with information, information that we're deciding that
somebody else's deciding. And that's what the Trump campaign has done. Well,
They're filling that hole. You have two choices in that situation.
You could get defensive. You could be like you know,
the ladies from the Real Housewives yelling and the cat

just looking at you. You could get defensive, or you
just play it cool and be like you could think
what you want, I'm gonna tell you. I'm gonna tell
you when I'm ready. So, going into this thing, my
prediction was they needed to lean in on that. Now
I believe they both did that and more. The question
was who was more successful at it. And here's where

I think Trump landed some blows. Kamala used a some
hyperbole in certain areas. Right. The perfect example of the
hyperbole is the Trump tax. Right, she's talking about a terraff.
But if she says, yeah, you're gonna get this Trump
tax that is gonna cost you about twenty percent more
than everything else he gets to go, there's no such
thing as a Trump tax, And he's right, there's no

such thing as a Trump tax. It's a tariff. But
the hyperbole is the fact that like as all, like
we said before, in the economics one as everybody who
studies economics knows, the country don't pay the tariff. That
the country that you've given the tariff. You can go
back to last week I explained tariffs. The country that
don't that you put in the tariff on, they don't

pay it. They just raise their price, so we end
up paying it. So that's why she's calling it a
Trump tax. But she jumped the step. If you would
have stood back and said, well, no, I'm calling it
a Trump tax because that's how tariffs work. But no,
she let she let him. She like she almost like
gave her chin up. She let him go, that's not
what it is. You're a liar, and that's that's it.

Like she tried to define him. But that was a
swing in a miss in my opinion. That's one example.
Now here's where he attempted to define her. He kept
saying she's gonna start, she's gonna end fracking. However, before
he said that. She said three times, I'm for fracking.
That she said it three times in a row. She

was like, I'm for fracking. So like you're you're you're
trying to lay these blows on her that you could
tell was kind of pre planned. But bro, she beat
you to it. She just told you. She just told
the whole room like, I don't know where y'all getting
this from. I'm for fracking. Now, as a side note,
I'm gonna throw this in. If you're a Republican, you

should have walked away from this, unless you just don't
want to. You should have walked away from this being like, uh,
wait a minute, you're telling me this democrat is pro drill,
baby drill, She pro fracking, she pro Israel, she gonna
cut taxes. What part of this are against? Like? What
what don't we like about her? When we asked her

about the environment, she was just talking about building clean
energy plants. What I like, Oh, so you gonna you're
not gonna end fossil fuels, Like I just I don't
see what's our issue with her? Again? Like if so, now,
obviously as as somebody who's a I like, you call
me whatever you want, like I'm a registered independent, but

somebody who's rather progressive. I was like, I wait, what,
really that's where hold up? Like, that's not what I
wanted to hear, So I think I was. My thoughts
were as far as like, define your main goals to
define the other person. I'm like, man, it turns out

like they both went above and beyond that. They did
moting that she'd I think, in my opinion, she did
a very good job at presenting who she was in
the way that she can now do you like that
or not is up to you now? And did he
do a good job at defining her in my opinion? No?
Why because well, let me not say no. I think

I'd give him. I'd give him a C plus on
it because he just kept hammering this. He really didn't
land a punch until the end, in my mind, to
when he was like, Yo, you got all these plans,
why don't you do him? You've been the vice president's
all the time. But just to say that she is
just biting again, I feel like that was actually again

a good blow. I wish if I were his strategy team,
I wish I would have leaned in more on that
to be like, look, I read your policy rather than
being like you ain't got none, be like, yo, I
read your policies. They're just like his own and I
don't see. And what I'm saying is like that don't work.
But that's not in his nature. She defined him very well,

but not by words, by showing she just kept baiting
him and he took the bait every time. And to me,
I'm like, YO, brilliant. She she ditched the first question,
the first question, she ditched it well now because I
don't think she answered the first question of like, yo,
are we better off than we were four years ago?

Like have you made us better? She's she scarce swove it.
Didn't answer that question. She's like, look, but what she
tried to do is run off her receipts. Look, dude,
we got this pass, we got this pass, we got
this past. Because again, you're fighting against the vibe and
you don't want to you don't want to open yourself
up to his punch. Because that's a tough one for
her to answer the idea of like, Yo, you're the
you're the vice, You're you're you're in charge now, all

the stuff you're talking about now her she can't throw
her homie under the bus and be like, well, nigga,
I'm the vice president, Like what do you mean? Like,
all right, the policy, nigga. He do. But she did
say a few times which was well like, well, you're
not run against Joe Biden, you run against Kamala Harris.
I don't understand. You know, I'm not him, But I
don't know if that I don't know if that translated
to people she needed to convince. But what she did do,

if you willing to keep it real, is she showed
his weaknesses. You ever heard of slow walking? When you
slow something, when you slow walk somebody into the sidewalk.
So it's like, yo, come here real quick, bro, Hey,
I just want to talk to you. Pull him out.
As soon as they get to the curve, you start
curve stomping them. That's that's basically when she just slow
walked in and he kept like taking it by swerving

on a question and just picking at him. And then
was just like, hey, y'all already know what it is.
He gonna say some ridiculous stuff about Hannibal Lecter. He
gonna talk, He's gonna he gonna talk too long about
conspiracy theories. He ain't gonna talk about nothing. This man
finna lie, he finna have all these big old crawing
them crowds is gonna leave because they not as big

as he said, What do you mean about crowds? A right,
right right? Crowds like got him And then she just
get to look at him and go, uh huh, you
see that, this is what I'm talking about. She was like, Hey,
these people and then to say, eighties, the world leaders
love you because they know they can manipulate you. They
know all they gotta do is to say this, this
and this and get under your skin. They can't do

anything your skin. I'm to get you're the one that
you want. And she's like, I just did it, Like
she could be like, I just did it. I just
did it. I just did right now on this debate.
I just told you I was gonna do that, and
then I did it. I just I just told the
crowd he can't handle the pressure. He easily manipulated. They
want you because they committed be that. All they gotta
do is say these certain words, put together words together.

It's gonna get under your skin. You gonna get out
of pocket. You just got out of pocket. It just happened.
So she didn't say who he was. She showed it
and just let him walk right into it. The greater
question is do that matter? Because some people like that.
Some people like a man that don't stand for no foolishness,
that ain't gonna let nothing go. I don't let nothing slide.
Some people like that that like, I'm not even gonna

address the question until I addressed the fact that you
just disrespected me. I don't like I don't like being disrespected.
I answering no question until I dress the fact that
I don't like the way you talking to me. This
don't sit right. What you saying ain't true. Some people
like that. And if that show get down, that's show
get down. And that's what you saw. You saw a
man that don't take no foolishness from nobody, even at

his own expense. And two things that I don't need
to remind you because it's been going around your social media.
Two things at his own expense is the day eating
our pets, my boy, you was big mad and my nigga,
what the hell are you talking about? And the moderators

two day defense. This is the moderators didn't do anything special.
They did what And I think they acknowledged this that
the Homeboy on the Daily Show said the same thing
like this ain't that is exactly what I thought where
I was like, bro, they didn't do anything special. It
would be anybody if we was at dinner you start
talking about aliens built Griffith Park and under Griffith Park

they sacrificeding cats. I would be like, yo, what are
you talking about? And shut your dumb ass Like we
would be like, boy, if yo sit down somewhere anyway
that you gotta shut that down. When somebody saw like
somebody that off the rails, A regular person will be like, bro, hey,
what are you talking about? Ge you don't just move on?
And you're like, uh man, what the hell? All right,

might as well get to it now. So they're eating
the cats thing. Obviously it's racist. They're talking about the
city called Springfield or Io. Now I think, well, I
know New York Times covered it specifically, but you can
look into it. So Springfield is real close to Columbus, Ohio.
Used to be like a factory town. Factories left now,

factories are back now. His thing about Haiti, have you
been paying attention like Haiti? Is just it's mad Max
down there, like it's warriors come out and play like Haiti.
The dude named Barbecue, Like remember their their prime minister.
They fled. The one that they got in there was killed,
and there's a new dude in town. And the new
dude is just a gangster. The state is ran by

the streets. It's all bad. When immigrants flee a situation
like that, they're in a type of a situation where
they hold a status that isn't illegal. They got something
called temporary protective status, and it's when you're coming from
a country that is absolutely in shambles, which means they

got work from it. They allowed to work. So if
you open in a factory in a town it ain't
got a lot of people. You coming from Haiti, you
fleeing this thing. It's like, look, I'm good once I
get here, I'm allowed to work, I'm covered by the government.
I gotta worry about Lamigra. I gotta worry about none
of that. We will go in here, We're gonna start working.
So that's why this city has so many of these
Haitian immigrants, because it's like word of mouth, like if

you don't know how immigrant immigrant situation work is like
the uncle and them, grandma and them find a city
and then they call home like, Yo, it's actually cracking
out here. We good. You know you could be by
I know you don't know nobody else. Like if you
if you're fleeing a country, what do you know about La?
What do you know about California? You're like, look, why
are we in Downy because that's where my cousin is.

I'm not finna be like, I think I'll go to Portland.
I don't know nobody in Portland. I know people by
in my family here like, so I'm gonna go there,
and like they'll help me get get situated. So they
all came like and then you call the homies and
call friends. It's like, hey, we actually we out here
and do dog. They giving away jobs out here, pull up,
homie and it's cheap. So Ganga Haitians come there in
the city that probably ain't seen even a dark skinned

white person, you know what I'm saying. Like, so now
let me not say that. But anyway, what usually happens
for small towns when immigrants come is it's a it's
always a plus. You get dope restaurants, and most employers
are like, man, they come to work on time. They
don't be complaining. They just they do their thing. They
work and they go home because look they understand how
good they got it. And now you got a Haitian restaurant.

You feel me like, this is great. We're opening businesses.
You can try food, you can you start a lert
creole like usually if you don't be racist about the things,
your life is better. But also what happens is they
start taking up space. So now there are what they're arguing, now,
these these now there's like there's not enough jobs to
go around. Now there's not enough apartments to go around.
They gonna get preferential treatment because they got cash flow.

You know what I'm saying. Now the school got an
ESL teacher, Like, so then you start feeling like these
people are encroaching on my space, on my turf, and
in this where it taps into the worst parts of us,
and then it gets spilled into the bigger thing. It
gets becomes like a national thing because of like Fox
and Friends and Jade Vans evokes the thing they saying
it's because this is a perfect example of great replacement.

Theory immigrants come in destroying our way of life, raising
our rent prices, and it's all because of these darkies
being out of nowhere. This right wing influencer just goes
to one of the city meetings and he's like, look,
I've seen him at the park grabbing ducks and decapitating
them so he could eat them. And then in a
Facebook group, somebody was like a neighbor's friends, cousins, uncle's

favorite roommate, that type shit, said uh, yeah, I've seen
a cat hanging from one of them Haitian houses windows.
Then all of a sudden, the video footage of like, hey, hig,
a person eating a cat right here. Person wasn't Haitian.
It ain't even happen in Springfield. But you know, you
know how this world work, you know what I'm saying.
They find a video, that's it. It's on video now.

Once the stuff goes viral, then it's like, oh, there's
a billboard in Arizona eat less Kittens Go Republican. There's
Donald Trump Junior talking about like, hey, you want this
happen in your city, Elon Musk, all of the ones
you won't jump in. So therefore Trump now believes it
and again, I can't stress this enough. There's zero evidence
of this. So that's what you was talking about. It's
out of nowhere. It seemed out of nowhere to the

rest of us. But if you in they world, they
really believe this. And then the second l that he
handed himself was a so we're clear, Like, so do
you got a plan? At what will be your plan?
My nigga said, I got concepts Cuz who nigga ain't
the president. I don't gottadd no plans. I got an
id I got concepts, I got thoughts, I got some roughs,

my nigga. My man walked in with a book report.
That's what man had, a class project that's been due
that he known has been due for months. He walked
in and was like, I gotta I got an idea?
What the book was about, my nigga. No, it's time
for you to know. You got a present It's where
presentation day, bro, it's your job interview. That's the part

that like, my nigga, it is your job interview. Like
you you talking about you got idea? You ain't even
got no you got concepts? Cats and here's where and
here's here's here's the hard part if you saying, if
your argument is she had three years to figure some
stuff out. The question that he answered that I got
concepts around was replacing Obamacare. Fam you had seven years.

You said you was gonna do that while you was president. Now,
while you not president, you wasn't thinking about other ways
to do it. Because now his argument was I tried.
I look, it's Congress. Nobody gave me a better idea.
He's like, the idea sucks. I'm just waiting for somebody
to give me a better idea and I'd rather which
was again a good blow. He's like, man, I'm not

gonna like let everybody suffer. He's like, y'all got in
I'm not gonna take it from you. I'm like, but
I just want to I'm not gonna take it from
you if I ain't got nothing better for you. That
is a moment of sentience coming out of Donald Trump's
mouth right there, Like, at least in my opinion, I
was like that you sound human. I'm glad to hear that.
And fuck up with the Haitians is eating cats? Help

me help you so again? And Kama Lange just got
to go see there, what I tell you, I tried
to tell you, I don't know what this man be
talking about. And then finally for her to address the

January sixth, Now, if I'm Trump's team, that was the
only way he could answer it. And the way he
answered it was like, look, dude, I put together a rally.
I ain't tell them to go over there. It was
up to Nancy to add all the security. I don't
know what to say. I got on the I tweeted,
I got on the internet, I got on the camera.

What you want me to do? Man? These people, these
people knew the truth. If you him, these people knew
the truth. They felt like they got they had been disenfranchised,
and they was gonna stand for their own country. Y'all
cheated in the election. How you gonna blame me if
you Trump again? I'm doing this a Trump strategy. How
you gonna blame me for something y'all did. Y'all cheated

in the election, and that's why this went. That's why
it happened. But like you can't, I ain't go over
there and burn nothing, y'all. Y'all gonna stop putting this
on me. See, Trump was on defense from the moment
they walked on stage, and Kamala went straight to that boy.
Shook that man's hands like Kamala Harris shook that man's hand.
She was on offense the whole game. So when you

on your back foot, if you box, you on your
backfoot the whole fight, that's an issue. Unless you can
bland land a blow that's gonna knock him out, that's
the issue. Bro, he was on his back foot. Like again,
if you let's be real, be a good homie. Your
boy was on his back foot the whole time. Now
she leaned in a few and let him land some blows.
He was on the backfoot the whole time. So at
the end of it, she was just like, this man

is clearly still struggling with twenty twenty. She was trying
to be like he's not well to be like ya,
are you okay? Here's where again it kind of read
as smarmie leftist elitists to be like, bro, you good
like that's I you know it, just again, if you're
trying to convince people. I don't know if that was

the way to say it, but to acknowledge the fact
that like, hey, man, like when he happened, he lost
and he can't accept it. I don't. It's a something
I don't like to be like, I can't fathom not
being able to accept the reality. But clearly he can't.
And American people like, we can't. We can't go back

to this. We like, is this really what y'all want
to live and live through again? Which is answering the
how does this affect you? So? Did they define each other?
They attempted to. Kamalo, in my opinion, did a better
job at defining him by letting him define him by
just showing it, baiting him into a situation. Rope adope,
that dude. And when you rope adope, you take a
tough couple of blows. You don't take a few in

the chin. She took a few in the chin. But
that's how you rope adope. Now, policy did they did?
They talk about policy? Like I said, they not gonna
get it. It's there's not enough time. But I feel
like she gave a couple Both of them gave a
couple of things that could make you go humh. But
what I think both of them did a bad job
at is making a mockery of the other. There's policy, right,

Like I said, before to just call it a Trump
tax is like, all right, you're I see what you're
trying to do, but like, that's not really delivering the blow.
What I would have suggested was to show that you're
smarter than him, is to be like, okay, look, his
plan is a tariff, right, It's a tariff on other
countries where you raise the prices for things coming into

the country. But as you know, because we all live
through it, you understand businesses, if you ray, if you
if we raise their prices, they just gonna raise their prices.
And guess who're gonna pay for it. We're gonna pay
for it. That's why I'm calling it a Trump tax.
It don't they don't pay it. We do. Like, what
kind of business would just keep the prices the same
if it cost them more, y'all, that's not even logical.
Explain that. Just explain it. Then her saying, well, I

guess I'm getting into the fact checking her saying Trump
gave us the worst unemployment since the Great Depression. That's
that's incorrect, that's not true. I guess I'll get into
the fact checking now. All right, now here we go.
We already know that Trump's always says, the likes of
which we've never seen in the history, Like that's just
his phrase, and it's it's like never true. So put

that on the side. You know, we've had the worst
inflation in the history of this is the biggest crowd
in the history of the likes of which they're just
that's just how he talks. Which sucks because we have
to dismiss it when it's just not true. Man. It's
like if you at like if you do if you
take the fact checkers. First of all, they scored at
fifty five to one the cars like facts like blatant lies.

Some stuff is just hyperbole incorrect. But if you were
to just say, if you were to add those hyperboles,
it would have been in the hundreds of just lies.
But we can't even count those. Ah god dog anyway,
So when Trump said, yo, I had tariffs, this is
from Washington Post. I had tariffs. I had no inflation,
virtually no inflation. They had the highest inflation, perhaps in

the history of a country, because we've never seen a
worst period of time. Here's the thing, Joe Biden did
not have the highest inflation in history, all right. Inflation
spiked to nine percent in mid tw two. It's a
forty year high. But now it's below three percent. Right,
But inflation was like twelve and a half percent in
nineteen eighty and thirteen point three percent in nineteen seventy nine. Yo,
in eighteen point one percent in nineteen forty six. So

the thing is like, nah, that's not true. And then
Trump thinks about like, we have millions of people pouring
into our countries from prisons in jails and mental in
solutions and insane asylums. It's just hot, true, y'all. Nobody
is emptying their prisons and mental institutions. He's probably talking

about this thing in the early seventies and eighties from
when the Cuban leader Fidel Castro may have done this,
but it's when he did the Madiel boat lift, right.
So it was like twenty five one hundred, twenty five
thousand Cubans were allowed to flee to the United States
in seventeen hundred votes. But there was a backlash when
it was discovered that one hundreds of those refugees came

from mental health facility. Okay, you look at Springfield, Ohio.
You look at a Royal Colorado. They're taking over towns.
They're taking over buildings, they're going in violently. They're the
highest level of criminality. We have to get them out.
Lots of towns don't want to walk around because it's
so embarrassed out in Springfield. There it is they're eating dugs. Okay,

I don't I already went through this, which'll it's not
it's a meme and it's absurd, just being racist, right.
There were some tenants that held a news conference that
said that they had some pets missing, but it was
also disputed that gangs are taking over their complex. It's
not true. It's just a right wing ghoul. Huax I

created the greatest economics in the history of our country.
We had a great economy. That's just not true. Now
quote Washington Post, before the Corona, before the coronavirus pandemic
shutter the businesses and sent unemployment soaring. The president could

certainly brag that the state of the economy in his
first three years, but he ran into trouble when he
made a play for the history books when he said
it was the best economics in history by just about
any important measure. The economics under Trump did not do
as well under Harry Truman, Lyndon B. Johnson, or Bill Clinton,

which all three were Democrats. The gross national product grew
an annual two point three percent in twenty nineteen, slipping
to two point nine percent in twenty eighteen and two
point four percent in twenty seventeen. But in nineteen ninety seven,
ninety eight, ninety nine it grew to four point five
in four point seven. So it's just again it's the hyperbolegue.

If you just if you just say yo, we did great,
and say your numbers, Yo, we did this. Y'all did that.
And then the one that the Democrats keep fumbling is
Project twenty twenty five. Now again this man like it.
You could if so facto this mug. But again he
gets to say that's not mine. She says, understanding Project

twenty twenty five. Kamala says, understanding his Project twenty twenty five,
again not his. There would be a national abortion a
monitor that would be monitoring your pregnancies and your miscarriages. Okay,
that's not exactly what it says, which to me, you
don't have to me. I'm like, you ain't got to
do that if you just say what it do say,

because what it do say is pretty wild. What it
do say is essentially claiming that liberal states have become
sanctuaries for abortion tourism. It says that the Department of
Health and Human Services should use every available tool, including
cutting funds, to ensure that every state reports exactly how
many abortions take place within its borders, at what gestational

age of the child, for what reason, and the mother,
state of residence and by what method to ensure that
the statistics are separated by category. So it's like, all right,
was this a spontaneous miscarriage? Was it treatments that incidentally
resorted in the death of a child like chemotherapy, still
birds and induced abortion? And in addition, the CDC should

require monitoring and reporting for complications due to abortion in
every instance of a child being born alive after an abortion.
So it's not so much that like they're going to
set up a big brother, it's that they're saying that
the department should report right like like just hey, look, man, like,

if we're going to make this a state's law, you
can't just make it so that you could just like
go to another state and do it when this person
is a resident of another one, Because if they're resident.
The other one they shouldn't be allowed to do this.
So we're saying, like, y'all should report that. But it's
not like they're going to create an institution that can monitor,
although it show does sound like it. So again, the
hyperbole is what gets you. And again, can't stress this enough.

Not his thing. One of my favorite ones is crime
is down all over the world except here. Crime is
up here through the roof. Despite their fraudulent statements they
made crime in this country is through the roof. We
have a new form of crime. The FBI defraud. They
were defrauding statements. They didn't include the worst cities. They
didn't include the cities with the worst crime. Nah, fam,

violent crime is down, bro. As matter of fact, it's
the lowest level in fifty years. This stuff is easily
google a bull. He said, well, you ain't count everybody. Now.
Trump's claim for rising crime he likes to point to

the twenty twenty two National Crime Victimization Survey. It's a
household survey. Again, I'm reading from the Washington Post. It's
a household survey that responds survey of respondent's age of
twelve and older in the period of July twenty twenty
one and twenty twenty two shows a sharp increase of
violent crime and an unusual discrepancy with FBI reports, which

crimes reported to eighty percent of the national law enforcement
agencies by the public. As a household survey, this NCVS
was incomplete. It does not include people who are homeless
in institutions such as prisons, jails, and nursing home. It
also does not include crimes against people under twelve in
victimization that excludes murderers. Moreover, crime trends of a single

year are almost meaningless. Both the NCVS and the FBI
show violent crimes have dropped significantly since the nineties. Again,
I've said this many times on this show. Y'all must
have forgot the eighties and nineties. So I ho, you
know about violent crime now? Obviously if you've experienced crime,
then that's it. But to be like crimes down everywhere

and is through the roof here, nigga, what shots of
this man? Economic planning? He was like, everybody thinks it's brilliant,
and it's like, no, everybody doesn't. They've all everybody, everybody
who studies economics has submitted reports and it said nah, homie,
you finish cost this five trillion dollars we talked about yesterday.
All right. Lastly, who was whooping feet? Now here's why

I believe Trump believes Kamala whooped his ass. It's because
of his own words. First, he blamed the refs. It
was three on one. It was three on one. He
said that the moderators was on her side. They kept

cutting me off. Nigga, that's because you was saying some
wild shit. That's why they cut you off. Then he said,
Then the next one is he claimed since it was
three on one, that she cheated, it was rigged for her.
And in him saying it was three on one and
it was rigged for her to win, he still say
he won, which I don't understand how that math come

out of your own mouth. But the next thing he said,
which was my favorite, and this was on Fox News,
he was like, it was like she already had the questions.
It was like she already she already had the answers
to the questions. Nigga, do you hear yourself. That's called studying,
that's called doing your homework. Oh my god. The question
was what will you do in this situation They're asking

what you would do, and the questions are domestic and foreign,
economic and social daya foe questions we ask every president.
She had an answer, but she's ready for the job.
It was almost like she knew the questions because she
already knew the answers. Are you serious, bro? They asked

what you are going to do? You post to know
that answer. Only you can answer what you gonna do?
What the hell you mean? It's rigged for her. She
just answered the question, what the hell is you saying?
Here's another way you know that that boy know he
lost is when ya homies start cheerleading and key kidding

for you. Here's the thing, dog, I turned on Fox News,
like that's what I got it from a boy, Cameron.
It's like turn on Fox News at the end of
it just to see what they say. Like I said earlier,
wherever you whatever silo you in, go to the opposite
one for the postgame analysis. Right. So this is me
doing this. When I tell you that boy Hannity was

losing his brain. She ain't say nothing, and it's like
you could put one to one next to like all
the things she did say. But that man was finna
get an aneurysm as to how angry he was that
she ain't. Then you got Tulsi talking about y'all. It
was a three on one. It wasn't fair. I'm like, okay,
you had Johomis caping for you. Word y'all okay. But

it also helps again to see points that the rest
of us didn't see. Some of those things were like
the arrogance. That still gets to me, and I feel
like it's why people call the Democratic Party arrogant. Like
let's use a Project twenty twenty five example, like, rather
than just saying what it says, like for some reason,

the Democrats feel the need to explain it to you,
to tell you that this what this gonna do to you,
rather than being like, broh, I can read like you
didn't have to, like say earlier, to be like they're
gonna create a monitoring system. It's like, Yo, just read
the thing I could read and like it already sounds terrible.
You don't have to tell me. One of my favorite
I don't even know who this person is, but I

couldn't find him again, but their Twitter bio said. My
wife says, I'm condescending. That means I talk down to people.
That's the funniest thing. I was so funny because I'm like,
you don't have to I'm smart enough to know what
you're saying. So I think that like oftentimes they like
purposefully whatever it is that feeds the elite story, so

like it already kind of irritates me. But they wouldn't
have gotten under my skin and understand the way it
gets under other people's skin unless I turned over to
Fox News. But that's also when I saw this Edity
losing his mind just ten minutes. Just what, bro, dog,
you gotta chill home me like, and then to be like, nah,
I ain't gonna do this. I ain't gonna go back there.

I'll no because y'all, y'all just gonna cheat. I ain't
gonna play with you no more because you just gonna
cheat like you did last time. I won. That though
y'all saw that I won. That she ain't know what
she was talking about. She ain't tell us nothing, And
it's like, well, we all heard her. She told us
a lot, and she like, Yo, I'm down, you want
to go again, Let's go again. That's because she whooped
your ass now, And I feel like, what happens is

you get confident, like if you ever been in you look,
I don't know if y'all ever fought somebody, but there's
a time when the momentum or let's use a sport
where you know, oh, it's over, I'm finna beat the
brakes off that like, oh it's mine, homie. Especially in basketball,
there's I don't understand, like I there's not many other

I remember it in battles, but when you're just like
it just you feel like you just your body like
grows five times its size and you're like, oh this
I'm finna. Oh homie, I'm finna dog walk this fool.
It's it's it's just a great feeling. And I think
that that's what she's experiencing at the end of that
did I feel like I know that feeling, so for

Kamma to be like, bring it on, okay, she feeling
and he like, nah, y'all just gonna cheat. Oh, nigga,
you you know you know you lost when you walk
away bloody and talk and hit you say, nah, homie, nah,
that was mine, that was mine. You've seen boxing matches
when the dude at the end of the fight, when
it's gonna be a decision, and he still throw his

hands up like he was that man can't open one
of his eyes. That's what Trump did because I tell
you what, he wasn't saying this when he beat the
brakes off of Joe Biden. He was like, let's run
it back. Nah, don't drop out, boy, Let's run it back.
That's because he again, he felt like he grew five
times his own size. I know the feeling. But I

tell you what. Who was whooping whose feet? According to
Trump was Auntie Kamala. But the real question is does
it even matter one mold thing? You see what Auntie
was about to call him a motherfucker or nick when
she was saying in this president, I was like, you know,

she was like, and this motherfucker. She was fitna say,
and this motherfucker, this whole ass nigga right here. Oh man,
That's probably the best thing of the whole night, was
her catching herself. I'm saying, she said, start with the

m it ends with e R. Yeah, shees like this
motherf okay for real? Now he apolitics? All right now,

don't you hit stop on this pod. You better listen
to these credits. I need you to finish this thing
so I can get the download numbers. Okay, so don't
stop it yet, but listen. This was recorded in East
Low's Boil Heights by your boy Propaganda. Tap in with
me at prop hip hop dot com. If you're in
the cold coffee, we got terraform Coldbrew. You can go

there dot com and use promo code hood get twenty
percent off. Get yourself some coffee. This was mixed, edited,
and mastered by your boy Matt Alsowski killing the Beat softly.
Check out his website Mattowsowski dot com. I'm a speller
for you because I know m A T T O
S O W s ki dot com Matthowsowski dot com.

He got more music and stuff like that on there,
so gonna check out the heat. Politics is a member
of cool Zone Media, Executive produced by Sophie Lichterman, part
of the iHeartMedia podcast network. Your theme music and scoring
is also by the one and nobly Matt Awsowski. Still
killing the beat softly, So listen, don't let nobody lie

to you. If you understand urban living, you understand politics.
These people is not smarter than you. We'll see y'all
next week and two
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The Bobby Bones Show

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