All Episodes

June 26, 2024 44 mins

In hour two of 'The Lombardi Line' hosts Stormy Buonantony and Will Hill are joined by VSIN's Adam Burke as they preview the VSIN NFL Betting Guide

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:02):
This is the lit Lombardi Line with former NFL executive
Michael Lombardi. Now Here is your host, Stormy ton on FISAN,
the Sports Betting Network.

Speaker 2 (00:13):
Hour two Wednesday edition of the Lombardi Line, coming at
you from Coast to coast. Michael back with us in
his office in Ocean City. I'm Stormy Boning TONI live
in downtown Las Vegas at Circa Resort and Casino. Got
a great hour ahead. Our NFL Betting Guide is dropping
in less than twenty four.

Speaker 3 (00:29):
Hours, so we'll have lots of talk there.

Speaker 2 (00:31):
VSENT Managing Editor Adam Burke is going to join us
in studio, coming up in about.

Speaker 3 (00:34):
Fifteen minutes plus.

Speaker 2 (00:35):
As Michael just said in the commercial break, it's Brownie time,
but not really NBA Draft tonight though, Michael, which I
know you are very excited about Bonnie time.

Speaker 4 (00:46):
I am so excited. I can't wait. I'm sure it's
going to be. The first interview will be with Brownie,
second interview will be with Lebron's. First we'll be back
to Brownie. I mean, Bronie everything, Come on, kid, I
feel bad for him. Well, I'm ex Look.

Speaker 5 (01:00):
I love drafts.

Speaker 4 (01:01):
I always love drafts I mean, I've I've had my
heart broken on every single draft I can remember standing there.
Oh we're gonna get Paul Pierce. Oh, we took Larry Hughes,
you know. Oh we're gonna get Oh we're gonna get
Chris Webber. Oh we took Sean Brett. It's a nightmare day.
It's a nightmare day. It's a nightmare day for me.
So I have no hope for the sixteenth pick, but
I'm excited for all. I thought Tom Crean was great

and what he the way he described Borshard is exactly
what I've heard from other people. I've never seen him
play before, but that's what I've heard that he's really
because of the most upside of anybody in the draft.
I loved read Shepherd watching the college basketball tournament, because
the guy that can shoot like that, you know, look
guys like you know, look at JJ Riddick, the new
head coach of the Lakers. I mean, you know, what

did he do? Run off the screens and shoot the
ball deadly. I think Reed Shepherd can do that plus
some yeah and resache.

Speaker 2 (01:50):
He's so he's up to minus four hundred now to
be the number one overall pick. The Hawks in that
spot read Shepherd minus one ninety to go number three
overall to Houston. The mok's large have Resache Alex Sar
to go two, Shepherd three, and Stefan Castle from Yukon
to go four.

Speaker 3 (02:07):
And that's the way that.

Speaker 2 (02:07):
The odds are spread out is to spread out as well.
All of them are odds on numbers. The thing that
I find most interesting, and we asked Tom Crean about
it a moment ago as well, was the Donovan Klingen
portion of this who a lot of people have taken
to be number one overall With Betts, he's currently plus
four fifty. He was as high as I believe fourteen
to one, got as low as under plus two hundred.

Now plus four fifty, he's sixteen to one to go two,
plus two fifty to go three, and then five to
one to go four or five yet minus two fifty
to be a top five pick. And his prop for
position number is said at three and a half minus
one seven to seventy to the under. So if you
pick the right plus money option for him to go
in the top five, you're gonna be feeling pretty good.

Speaker 3 (02:51):
But where the heck is he going yeah, I don't.

Speaker 4 (02:54):
Know, but I would draft the guy. I mean the
guy like Tom was talking about, he placed like they
could get a shot off when he was in there.
He was the most valuable player in the tournament. There
was no question. You know, he can block shots with
his right and left hand. I think his offensive game
is coming around, and he can run the floor, and
he's only going to get better. I mean, look, he's
a young kid, you know, I can't imagine that he's not.

But looks center position that aren't stretched threes that aren't
stretch centers have kind of gotten lost.

Speaker 5 (03:22):
A little bit.

Speaker 4 (03:22):
Even though we see the Minnesota Timberwolves who say they're
trying to avoid trading Karl Anthony Towns in this in
this offseason, we've seen that that's not as important as
a down low post center. But I think his defense
and being able to protect the rim is critical. Look, look,
when the Knicks lost Mitchell Robinson, they lost that rim protector.

Speaker 2 (03:43):
Our guy JBT Jonathan von Tobel here at the Network,
our lead NBA analyst handicapper. He is a mock draft
two point zero that's out on Vison dot com right now.
He also tweeted this morning. The biggest moves in the
player draft position market on DraftKings, Kyle Philipowski gone up
from nineteen and a half to twenty three and a half.
All of these players who I'm going to list right now,
if you got the under early, you are loving your position,

Nicola Topic, and forgive me, as some of these international
players if I get their pronunciations wrong, don't hold it
against me.

Speaker 3 (04:12):
From six and a half to eleven and a half.

Speaker 2 (04:14):
Rob Dillingham from six and a half to eleven and
a half and Tyler Smith twenty four and a half
to twenty seven and a half. And then your boy,
Bronnie James met up significantly. He opened as his draft
position at thirty eight and a half, it is now
currently forty nine and a half minus two hundred to
the over He's minus won thirty five to be the
Lakers pick at number fifty five overall. And I mean

that's the spot that makes the only sense to me
because he's a guy that could be signed undrafted after this.
But you get the feeling in the expectation that he's
going to get drafted and it's going to be Lebron's team.

Speaker 4 (04:47):
Well, to me, look Here's what I would say, being
an executive, have been in the room. If the Lakers
want Bronni, then they should do something to go get
Bronnie in the second round, and not so show the
kid that they want them. Don't show that they're taking them,
because remember it's one thing, and I'm making fun of it.
I'm not making fun of Brownie the kid. I'm making

fun of the coverage the situation. Yeah, is put under
a microscope, and he doesn't really deserve it. He doesn't
need it. He didn't make all leagues in high school,
he play average four points in college. Let the kid
grow up. As Tom Crean said, but to me, if
I were the general manager of the Lakers, and I'm not,
that's Will Hill's job, not mine. He's more qualified than
I am, so let him run it.

Speaker 5 (05:29):
And so I would.

Speaker 4 (05:30):
Trade up to get Brownie in the second round, just
to show the kid that I want you, and also
show Daddy that I want him on the team, show
him that there's something here. What's it going to cost
you to move up in the second round in the NBA?
What a twenty ninety seven second round pick? I mean, seriously,
they get picks away like crazy in that league. So
I think he got to show some sign of it.

And if that's what you want to do, and I'm
not saying suggest trade up into the second, but when
you're in an area where you feel like this kid
has potential to down the road and you should try
to trade up to get him, not because you don't
think he's gonna make it to you to show the
kid that you're all in on him, because right now
he's going to feel like the only reason you'd take
of me is because of daddy liability.

Speaker 2 (06:13):
At DraftKings sports book and like a number of sportsbooks
is on Brownie to It's.

Speaker 3 (06:17):
Okay, it's just funny. It is funny.

Speaker 2 (06:19):
People are making picks to go number one overall. It's
like two hundred and fifty to one odds. Ben Fox
even tweeted that somebody plays a five hundred dollars bet
on him to go number one overall at those odds,
and it's just it's it's one of those things like
it's just a donation. At this point, I was joking
in the commercial break, the sports book of Stormy is open.
If you want to place that bet with me, I
will gladly take your money. But as far as the

odds for his over under a forty nine and a half,
forty eight percent of bets, sixty one percent of the
handle are ultimately on that over. And because Michael you
mentioned giving picks away, the Brooklyn Nets are like, let's
just take, Let's take.

Speaker 3 (06:52):
Everything you got NIX to get.

Speaker 2 (06:53):
So Mikhail Bridges yesterday, that was the big news coming
through in the NBA from a trade standpoint, is that
he is moving on from the Nick from the Nets,
excuse me, to the Knicks, the first trade between the
two franchises since nineteen eighty three, but something ultimately that
could potentially push New York over the Edges.

Speaker 3 (07:10):
They look to chase down the Celtics.

Speaker 4 (07:13):
Yeah, I mean, look, I think I was hoping the
seventy six ers will go after mckel Bridges. I really was,
because I think he's hey. They had him at one
time before and traded him for Zayre Smith. Brilliant trade
by the way, you know, And so I definitely would
think he adds to the team and he gives them
a legitimate scorer, right, I mean mckel bridges can get

a shot and he can make shots. I mean, now
they've got Brunson and Bridges and Heart and the Defencenzo
are the role players. And look, the only thing I
would say if I'm Tom Thibodeau, is you know, is
Jay Wright coming next? Because they got the Villanova team
and if they add some pieces. They're still trying to
sign og Obnobi to the roster. They say they made

that clear they want to sign him back. So the
nexer going all in, and why shouldn't they? Right now,
it's them and the Pacers to me that have the
best chance to upset the Celtics. The Knicks, you know,
and the Pacers gave the Celtics two of the best
games that they play. They lost them in the finals,
but they gave them two really hard games.

Speaker 3 (08:16):
Bridges you mentioned. Excuse me. The Villa knows the side
of things.

Speaker 2 (08:19):
So he now reunites with Jalen Brunson, Joshar and Dante DiVincenzo.

Speaker 3 (08:23):
All guys.

Speaker 2 (08:23):
You know they won a national championship together. Can they
win an NBA title together? Their odds have gone from
thirteen to one to ten to one to win an
NBA championship. Tied for fifth in the NBA with the
Timberwolves and Bucks on the odds board. There last couple
of minutes here, Michael. While the NBA title from this
season is in the books, the Stanley Cup final is
in the books as well. And that's what what's on

Michael's mind today revolves around, which I find interesting. I
did not expect an NHL take from Michael, but I'm
very excited here.

Speaker 3 (08:51):
What do we have?

Speaker 4 (08:53):
Well, I was just taken back this morning. I got
an email from a friend of mine that basically gave
me the rundown of the last five years of the playoff,
of the playoffs after the Super Bowl, and this NHL
Game seven was the highest rated game of any playoff

series at any time, and I think it's a tribute
to the NHL. I mean, they were compelling. Those guys.
They play hard every night. You know they're probably going
to start next season next week. I'm sure they got
to go to training camp on Monday of next week.
They have no rest, and I just felt like it
was really it's an honor and their ratings have never

been higher, and I think people are when you watch
how exciting that game was in Florida and how much
attention it gained throughout the United States. I think it's great.
I really do, and I think it's been rewarding. I
love watching I'm not a hockey fan, but I confess
that I love to watch it when it's played outdoors.
I really do. And I watched Game seven and I

thought Edmonton was going to win the game because it
seemed like every time I turned around, the puck was
down there. But I think I was like a lot
of people in America. It was capturing me. And I
think the ratings proved that. So that's what's on my
mind today. Everybody would think Bronni's on my mind. Bronni
is just a cause and effect of something. Today, it's
hockey beating the NBA. Remember it was not very long

ago that Mark Cuban announced to the world that the
NBA would take over the NFL and ratings, which has
never even come remotely close. Okay, not even remotely close,
and he's no longer an owner of an NBA team.
He has ten percent of the Mavericks. So I think,
to me, the reality here is hockey by playing, by
just being consistent and playing hard, has won a lot

of people over on the ratings.

Speaker 3 (10:42):
Yeah, NBA, not even in the stratosphere. What was it.

Speaker 2 (10:45):
This past year, ninety three of the top one hundred
broadcasts around the country were NFL live games. But as
far as the NHL goes, Michael, I think you're the
perfect example of that. You said it right off the
hop that you're not an NHL person, You're not a
person that's typically tuning into these games. But it's Game seven.
It's the best of the best in in a situation
to win one of the hardest, if not the hardest

trophies in the world to earn.

Speaker 3 (11:08):
And you were even enthralled by that Game seven.

Speaker 2 (11:11):
Baby, Like, let's go and credit at the Florida Panthers
once again, who ultimately lost the Stanley Cup last year
here in Vegas and made their way all the way back.
We are just getting started here for hour two of
the Lombardi Line. Still to come in about fifteen minutes
visin Zone. Adam Burke is going to join us live
in studio. It's also a hard knocks life. We'll tell
you what that means a little bit later. Plus on

a Wednesday, what better way to end the show than
why not Wednesday? We're going to dive into some long
shot plus money prop options and say if we can
get Michael to buy in and say why not, We'll.

Speaker 3 (11:41):
Be right back.

Speaker 1 (12:03):
This is the Lombardi Line with former NFL executive Michael Lombardi.

Speaker 6 (12:06):
Now here's your host, Stormy von atone on FISA. These
sports betting network.

Speaker 2 (12:13):
Get excited people less than twenty four hours out from
our NFL Betting Guide dropping never been a better time
to be a Vson Pro subscriber. When you subscribe, you
get our all new NFL Betting Guide, which is a
secret weapon for the upcoming season. We've got in depth
profiles of each and every team, advanced stats, proven betting systems,
and betting trends. You'll have all the tools you need
to be a more informed better this football season. Plus,

our experts share their top bets on season win totals,
futures and props, giving you the insights you need all season.
To get the guide, though, again, you must be a
Vson Pro subscriber and when you use our promo code Lombardi,
We've got a steal of a deal. Usually two hundred
and forty dollars, you can subscribe now for one hundred
and ninety nine and we're throwing in an extra month
for free. So us thirteen months a Vson Pro access.

When you use our promo code Lombardi, you get everything
we do in addition to the guides, daily Bitpat's twenty
four to seven video, premium analysis, exclusive betting splits, data
and more.

Speaker 3 (13:04):
Don't miss out.

Speaker 2 (13:05):
Head to Vson dot com slash subscribe today again use
that promo code Lombardi to get your discount and thirteen
months of vsin Pro storrybou Antoni and Michael Lombardi with
you as we welcome you back to the Lombardi line.
Excited to have in studio the man who puts this
entire massive NFL betting guide together. In addition to your
own write ups, you have to deal with all of us,

the NFL analysts, the hosts, everybody putting in their picks,
Adam Burke, everybody managing editor Vson dot com. Okay, how
long does this take? First and foremost for you to
put everything together?

Speaker 5 (13:37):
As I say, I'm not sure why I was asked
to be on.

Speaker 7 (13:40):
You just outlined everything that you get in the guide
and also with a Vsin Pro subscription. But it takes
a while. I mean we started the process over a
month ago. In terms of handing out assignments having staggered deadlines.
So it was easier to edit this publication because it
is a massive undertaking with a lot of people involved.
Several people that you know you can watch here on Vson,
you can listen to here on Vison have written up

division previews for us, and then hosts contributing their favorite
best bets in these preseason markets, win totals, year long
player props, the awards markets, all these kinds of things.

Speaker 5 (14:11):
So it takes a while. It takes a village.

Speaker 7 (14:13):
My right hand man, Zach Cohen, my senior editor, He's
a phenomenal asset for me, tremendous help. Matt Devine, our
guide designer. Everybody here at the company has some kind
of hand in this. Also when it comes to promoting this.
I mean you guys have promoted the hell out of
this year's NFL Betting Guide. We greatly appreciate it on
the website and editorial sides, and hopefully everyone out there
enjoys the publication we're about to release tomorrow.

Speaker 4 (14:36):
What Adam, I don't want to spoil anything. I want
people to buy. The guys put the promo code Lombardi
into get the discount, so do all that, but I
want to know, was there one thing that shocked you
based on a prediction in the guide.

Speaker 7 (14:49):
I think one thing that shocked me, And honestly, I
think it's it's tough to say if it's price related
or if it's just simply because of opportunity.

Speaker 5 (14:57):
But there are a couple people.

Speaker 7 (14:59):
We did separate write ups for the MVP Offensive and
Defensive Rookie of the Year and also the Coach of
the Year markets because I think those are really really
interesting coming into the season here for a variety of
different reasons, namely because you had six quarterbacks and seven
wide receivers taken in the first round, so Offensive Rookie
the Year I think is really intriguing. I expected more of,
you know, the Marvin Harrisons of taking the short price

with Kayleb Williams, all of that. A couple of our
VSENT writers, including what our VCENT host I should say,
including someone you're very familiar with, Michael actually put down
bon Nicks for the Offensive Rookie of the Year, which
I thought was a little bit surprising. I thought maybe
he would kind of get a you know, passing mention
something like that, but two very significant, very detailed, very
strong write ups on Bonicks to win the Offensive Rookie

of the Year.

Speaker 2 (15:42):
Michael, how do you feel about that the price is
eighteen to one for bo Knicks to be Offensive Rookie
of the Year.

Speaker 4 (15:48):
I think it makes sense because, look, here's the thing
that what fans don't understand, their opinion doesn't matter. Sean
Payton's opinion matters. And Sean's going to do everything in
his power to make bow Nick successful and he's gonna
win games. And if bow Knicks is successful and the
Broncos win game, who's going to be the Rookie of

the year. Why don't we pick Caleb Williams for Rookie
of the Year because we think he's going to be good,
not great, and the Bars are gonna win games. Well,
it's the same logic you could use for bow Knicks
because the coach is fully vested in bow Knicks. I
think there's a lot to that.

Speaker 2 (16:25):
Caleb Williams a plus one thirty five favorite, followed by
Jaden Daniels plus five fifty, Marvin Harrison seven to one,
JJ McCarthy fifteen to one, and then there's bonnickx Xavier
Worthy and Malik Neighbors all.

Speaker 3 (16:35):
Tied at eighteen to one.

Speaker 2 (16:37):
I know we talked earlier on the program, Michael about
the write up that you have about new NFL head
coaches and the impacts that they could make. Are there
any other kind of like specialty articles that people should
be aware of.

Speaker 7 (16:48):
Yeah, So, I think something that's really interesting about the
Guide is the different kind of perspectives that we're able
to bring because there are.

Speaker 5 (16:53):
So many of us involved in this publication.

Speaker 7 (16:55):
For example, if anyone you know tracks along my baseball
stuff or knows me from covering basically any sport here
at the network, I'm very data driven, a lot.

Speaker 5 (17:03):
Of stats, a lot of things like that.

Speaker 7 (17:05):
Well, you got Michael Lombardi, who looks at the head
coaches from an executive standpoint, and you have Steve MacKinnon,
who looks at them from a betting standpoint, looking at
betting systems and trends that apply to not only first
year rookie head coaches, but also, as he calls them,
the retread head coaches, guys that are getting a second
or in some cases third chance with a new team.
So Steve McKinnon has that, Lombardi has his thoughts from

an executive point of view, I think that's a really
interesting contrast here in this guide for a variety of
different reasons. Brent Musberger has his Super Bowl pick in
here as well, and we got Josh Applebaum. We know
Josh Applebaum, a market insider type of guy, uses a
lot of those betting splits in his handicapping. He's got
to write up on how to use those, which is
a primary feature of being a Visent Pro subscriber access

to those DraftKings betting splits. Apple Bomb has an article
in there about how to use them to not only
cash wagers, but also look at some of these preseason
markets as well, and kind of see you've talked about
it with the NBA Draft today, you know, we've talked
about it in terms of you know, handles on MVP
and stuff like that. There are a lot of ways
that you can use those bet percentages, and that's something
that apple Bomb does a lot and also wrote about

in this guide.

Speaker 4 (18:12):
Yeah, tell people about the Survivor contest and about the
advice you've given for survivor and what's in the guide
to help contestants. If you're going to put one thousand
dollars into a contest, it makes so much sense to
buy the guide to help you along.

Speaker 7 (18:26):
Yeah, So, I mean the function of this guy, the
guy that we put out in June is really kind
of to help you catch up who's gone where, what
are the expectations, what are the odds look like in
the awards market, stuff like that. I will have a
piece on the Survivor. We do what's called a refreshed
NFL Guide after the preseason is over, after the preseason
games are finished, to update injuries, big time, you know,
win total market movements, stuff like that. But also in

that one, we'll take a look at more of the
nuts and bolts of betting the season, looking at Week one,
stuff like that. I'll have a Survivor piece in that one.
But I did do a Survivor piece over at Visa
dot Com that subscribers can read, plotting out all eighteen
weeks of the regular season, because I mean, last year,
you know, I partner Mark Goldberg from Spooky Express and
I we were in the top thirteen and Survivor. We

weren't able to cash, but you know, we were able
to leverage that ticket into some opportunities by being that
deep into the contest, So there will be some survivor
tips later on down the line, but this guide is
kind of a oh I forgot that that guy went there,
or oh I forgot that they drafted this guy, or
that they have this new head coach. This is to
really help you get caught up to bet into those
preseason markets. And then we'll do that refreshed one in

August that gives you more of it's week one, the
season's coming, here's what we're looking at.

Speaker 2 (19:37):
Yeah, and the inevitable injuries that are going to take
place in some various training camps and all of those things.
I think the refresh is so important, and I love
that you are going to give your input from the
survivor standpoint, because you're one of the few people that
got as far as you did and the learning lessons
that you were able to take away from that. So
we mentioned a pick that surprised you that some people

liked in the guide, and again we're only going to
share so much because it is so important to get
all of the content that is available in this massive
document that you guys are putting together. But was there
anything that like, maybe there was a little bit of
a consensus where you noticed a lot of the hosts
or experts came in and said, I like this season
win total or this prop or what have you.

Speaker 7 (20:16):
Yeah, I think one that was a little bit surprising
to me was in the AFC North, a lot of
people liked Cincinnati. You know, I mean, Joe Burrow coming
back off of another significant injury. He's kind of said like, look,
you know, this is not uncharted territory per se, but
it is an injury that you know a lot of
people aren't super familiar with, so there's kind of a
question of how he's going to come back, what that

roster's going to look like overall. But a lot of
people like Cincinnati over Baltimore in that AFC North and
that was something that kind of surprised me a little bit.

Speaker 5 (20:44):
I realized, it's a very good division.

Speaker 7 (20:46):
That's actually one of the two divisions that I wrote
up from a team preview standpoint, But a lot of
people seemed really really invested in the Bengals to win
that AFC North division, and that surprised me a little bit.

Speaker 5 (20:57):
But Michael Lombardi was one of them. So, what is
it about the Bengals that you like for this season?

Speaker 4 (21:03):
Well, they get Burrow back. I like the two editions
on defense, Von Bell and Gino Stone safeties, which really
hurt their defense last year, and their offensive line. If
Trent Brown gets in shape, that's a big if. Plus
they get t Higgins back. I think their health of
the team and Burrow being back makes them a really
a viable play in the North. And Burrow's going to

win those close games. I think, to me, that's what
I'm counting on. I'm counting on the improvement defensively, but
I'm counting on them improving at the quarterback because everything
they do at Cincinnati on offense, the quarterback has to do.
It's why I don't like Tennessee because if they're going
to run the Bengal offense, Will Levis can't run that.
Burrow can. You know, you can play quarterback position, but

you're not the same quarterback, and I think their lies
the difference. So for me, I like the Bengals, but
I like them to be better. They have to be
better defensively. Last year they were very disappointing. I want
to ask you before we go. Before you go, do
you have a sense of who could be the worst
team in the league. Next year.

Speaker 7 (22:04):
I mean, I would think until proven, otherwise I'd be
looking at Carolina. I mean, Dave Canalis might be a
quarterback guru, but Bryce Young's got a lot of work
to do, and the size concerns were definitely evident. I
think the team is better, but you know that division
seems like everyone's a little bit better. So I would
say Carolina would be the worst team for me right now.

Speaker 2 (22:21):
Good Lord's sweet baby Jesus, please let that offensive line
help this boy out. You paid all that money for
the upgrade on the up front. Let's let's help this
kid out a little bit.

Speaker 3 (22:31):
Adam, thank you so much for your time. We so
appreciate you.

Speaker 2 (22:33):
Again, yet the guy become a Vicent Pro subscriber use
our promo code Lombardi. But it is just unbelievable the
amount of information that has been put in this thing.
Kudos to Adam and the entire crew for putting it together.
Available tomorrow, don't wait, sign up now.

Speaker 4 (23:02):
This is the lit.

Speaker 1 (23:02):
Lombardy Line with former NFL executive Michael Lombardi.

Speaker 6 (23:05):
Now here's your host, Stormy Vonatone on VS the Sports
Betting Network.

Speaker 2 (23:11):
If you like watching and listening to Vson don't forget
about all the great betting tools and content at vson
dot com best bets, from hosting, guest betting slits, pro tips, trends,
and betting news. Today on the homepage, our resident NBA
expert Jonathan von Tobol has his NBA mock draft, his
thoughts on who goes number one, overall best bets, and
player position numbers. Plus even as we enter the dog

days of summer, Here you can find daily betting previews
for games in Major League Baseball, the WNBA, and more. Plus,
as we talked about last segment, our NFL Betting Guide
coming out tomorrow. If you haven't hit up vson dot
com yet, you're missing out. It's your one stop shop
for all things sports betting. And thank you again to
Adam Burke, who was with us for the last segment

in studio, managing editor of vson dot Com. Although Michael
I will tell you he's going to be filling in
on Friday for Mike Palm on that end of the
week show, he and I have very different opinions about
what temperature it should be in the studio.

Speaker 3 (24:08):
He did not like the heat level that we had
in here just now.

Speaker 4 (24:14):
Well, that's why you and I work well together, because
you and I, I mean, Femi has that damn thing down.
You can hang meat in there. It's ridiculous, you know.
I mean, I'm freezing in this office here today because
it's hot out in Ocean City, and the woman next
door they do massages and so naturally they're hot massages
and they turn the air up and I pay the price.
So I actually have a We have heaters in the

office in the summertime. In here, we're freezing.

Speaker 3 (24:37):
I bet, yeah, see, that's exactly what it is.

Speaker 2 (24:40):
I walk in here after Femi is done recording the
GM Shuffle with you, and it's sixty one degrees. I
bring a jacket every single day. I pump up the
heat in here. Sometimes I'll go step outside for a
little bit before I come in, and it's comfortable. But
poor Adam, he was not on board with it. So
we'll see who wins that war of the the ac
button over there on Friday.

Speaker 3 (24:59):
But let's get in do a little more NFL talk here.

Speaker 2 (25:01):
It's a hard knocks life for us now that we
are in the dog days of summer and with the
Giants beginning their pre season off season Hard.

Speaker 3 (25:10):
Knocks later on next week.

Speaker 2 (25:12):
We thought that it would be fun to go through
the teams that are going to be in Hard Knocks
because there's so many of them.

Speaker 3 (25:17):
This year.

Speaker 2 (25:17):
We have the Giants doing their off season view of this,
the Chicago Bears are going to be doing the typical
training camp version of Hard Knocks, and then in season
we're gonna get the whole AFC North, So Ravens, Bengals, Brown, Steelers,
all intriguing, all intriguing storylines, all interesting quarterbacks.

Speaker 3 (25:33):
This is a year that I'm actually really.

Speaker 2 (25:35):
Looking forward to all of the behind the scenes that
we're going to get with some of these teams.

Speaker 4 (25:38):
Michael, Yeah, no question. And I mean, look, I think
it can make or break teams. I've seen it do it,
you know, And fans love this peak indoors. They love
to see what's happening. They want to understand who's in
charge of their team and does that person sound smart?
Does that person sound serious?

Speaker 5 (25:58):
You know?

Speaker 4 (25:58):
Look, Hugh Jackson as a twenty percent winning percentage as
an NFL head coach, uh and when they watched him
on Hard Knocks, it showed that he wasn't really equipped
to be a head coach, and I think that's ultimately
what do you want to avoid. I think doesn't matter
how you position yourself is when those cameras come in there,

you've got to be serious, knowledgeable and sell yourself to
your fan base because they're looking at you. You better
do good.

Speaker 5 (26:27):

Speaker 2 (26:28):
Clip did come out yesterday a little trailer sneak peek
for what we're going to get with the New York
Football Giants.

Speaker 3 (26:34):
Here you go.

Speaker 2 (26:37):
The New York clients are now on the cloth.

Speaker 5 (26:42):
You should staying pick right. This is Atlanta. What are
you thinking? Our team's not built.

Speaker 4 (26:48):
Are still add in pieces, but we still have the
draft and pree agency.

Speaker 5 (26:53):
Well about Brian Burns?

Speaker 1 (26:54):
Have you looked at Brian Burns?

Speaker 3 (26:56):
We would have to trade like two two's and then
you have to fand.

Speaker 7 (26:59):
Twenty eight twenty nine million.

Speaker 4 (27:00):
Freaky news.

Speaker 3 (27:01):
Bryan byrns to the New York Giants.

Speaker 5 (27:03):
I'm a geen name.

Speaker 6 (27:06):
Whitney sixth pick the New York Giants like leak neighbor.

Speaker 5 (27:09):
You ready to be a New York Giant. Let's say,
let's do it.

Speaker 6 (27:14):
I am five months from the surgery, so progressing that
I've gotten hurt, but not like this when you went here.

Speaker 5 (27:21):
It's unlike anywhere else. You lose, they're gonna be on
your asses. New York, You've seen everything you can to
get back on the field.

Speaker 1 (27:28):
Thank one.

Speaker 5 (27:28):
Can you give me your word on that or you're
not going to give us a chance.

Speaker 3 (27:31):
My job is to do what's best for the franchise.

Speaker 6 (27:34):
Let's go.

Speaker 2 (27:38):
Okay, a lot of intrigue right off the hot There
anything that stood out to you first?

Speaker 4 (27:46):
I thought the phone call with Saquan was interesting because
I mean, Joe Shane knows exactly what was going on.
Houston and the Philadelphi Eagles were intimately involved. The Eagles were,
you know, accused of tampering. They were vindicated from all charges.
Houston wasn't involved in that conversation, but look, everybody knew
Philly was after two players by the end of the season.

They wanted Barkley and they wanted Bryce Huff and they
got both their guys. So you know, he knew he
wasn't gonna get another chance. I think what we're gonna
see in New York the highlights is the they're gonna
try to prop Daniel Jones up for you. They know
that you know you're not member of the fan club Stormy,
so they're gonna try to do everything in their power
to kind of bump him up. You're gonna get the

Brownnie treatment on that, Daniel Jones. You know you're gonna
get love. It's gonna be how Hardy's working, YadA YadA yah.
And I think they know the cameras on them. It's
gonna be interesting to see if they take us to
the Drake May workout or the JJ McCarthy workout. We
know they were into Drake May completely, but they lost
them when the Patriots made that selection. So we'll see

at three. So, you know, I think it'd be great.
I think sometimes you have to. You know, it's a
great baseball book, The Yankee Way, and they talk about
Gene Michaels would tell scouts, you've got us see what
others don't see. And I think when you're watching Hard Knocks,
it's not what they're telling you, is what they're leaving out.
And I think that's the most important thing. See what

you can't see.

Speaker 3 (29:11):
Michael, Listen.

Speaker 2 (29:11):
They can try to say whatever they want to say
to prop up Daniel Jones, it's it ain't it ain't
gonna work for this.

Speaker 4 (29:17):
Forgetting you what am I get my girl? No way, no, No,
you're too smart for them. But they're going to get
some Let's be honest, let's get they're gonna get. They're
going to get somebody. I mean, they get something. They're
putting out that he's just as good as he's just
as good as Trevor Lawrence and we got them cheaper.
I mean they're actually trying that one.

Speaker 3 (29:36):
I can't with all of this.

Speaker 2 (29:38):
But by the way, actually in the NFL Guide, which
we've talked a lot about today, one of my best
bets is a Daniel Jones season prop under, So get
ready for that. Another thing that stood out here real quickly,
because I know we've got some other things to touch on.
Atlanta made a call to New York at six. Did
they not think that they were gonna get Michael Pennix?

Speaker 3 (29:57):
Where they were like? What are they trading up for?
What was that call about? You think?

Speaker 4 (30:00):
I think what I think what Atlanta was doing was
trying to figure out if somebody was trying to trade
above them to get Penis. We talked about this on
the draft. Sometimes you try to trade up only because
you're trying to freeze the pick, or to see what
other teams are doing, right, and if you're worried about you,

this is how out of touch, really out of touch
Atlanta was. They actually thought somebody was going to trade
up to get Penis, right, so they're calling up to
get six when reality they got them there. Look, they
turned out a fourth round pick from the Bears and
wouldn't move. They would move from nine to ten or

from eight to nine, one of those, I forget.

Speaker 3 (30:42):
The most absurd because.

Speaker 2 (30:44):
That's the most absurd to me, Michael. But you know,
but I'm like, you know that the Bears don't want
a quarterback. If there's one team in this draft that's
not looking for a quarterback, it's the team that took
one number one overall?

Speaker 3 (30:54):
Like, did that didn't make sense to me?

Speaker 4 (30:56):
You're ask you're asking me to defend super winning GM
Terry Fondo. I can't, I mean, like it make He
makes no sense at all. He doesn't know how to
build a team. It's ridiculous. They have no defense. They
just lost Khalais Campbell, their best defensive player last year,
to the Miami Dolphins on a ridiculously cheap contract. Like,
what are we doing? He was your best defensive player

last year, you could have brought him back. He goes
to Atlanta, he goes from to Miami for basically nothing.
So like you can't underestimate what actually happens inside that
draft room. They have really no clue what they're doing.
They don't and you could say, well, that's because they
didn't hire but look, they thought they had three other
candidates that are better head coaches than Bill Belichick. That's

all you need to know. That's all you need to
know that.

Speaker 2 (31:42):
I didn't mean to derail us from our Giants conversation
to rejoin the Falcons haters club. But with the Giants here, Michael,
at their wind totals sitting six and a half, they're
a four to one shot to make the postseason feels
extremely unlikely.

Speaker 3 (31:56):
Twelve to one in the division.

Speaker 2 (31:58):
When you look at the numbers that are associated with
the Giants this year, where do you see them shaking
out better or worse?

Speaker 4 (32:06):
I think they could be worse. Look, I know they're
all excited about Brian Burns. He had eight and a
half sacks last year and he's a good rusher, right,
And I think Derek Brown's a good defensive tackle. They
signed him to a lot of I mean that, excuse me.
Dexter Lawrence is a good defensive tackle. They have him signed.
He's a good player. Thibodeau can come around. But they're
going to play a different style of defense. They're going
to be softer, They're going to let you work the ball.

They're going to try to play really good in the
red zone. They're going to keep the score low. I
know Neighbors will be good, but that offensive line is
still a concern. Now. They think it's just how interesting
things work. They think illumin Or can be a really
great guard for them. Meanwhile, the Raiders think that losing
Illuminoor is going to be a plus for them. See
how it's unbelievable how things go back and forth. I

think the offensive line is still a huge concern, and
I think Daniel Jones throwing the ball down the field
is a huge concern. So look, and we also know this,
Brian Dabols is going to run the offense. He's going
to run the offense. That's what that's been talked about.
You could see it in Minnie camp. He was calling
the place he's going to run it because he knows
that this year with Belichick looming on the outside that

they've got to win.

Speaker 2 (33:15):
And I mentioned in the last block the Carolina offensive
line and how bad that is. The Giants were even worse.
It's brutal, and it's been brutal for a really, really
long time. You wonder how they, year after year after year,
have still been unable to make that unit work. A
six win team a year ago again, season win total
for this season six and a half over is plus

one point fifteen, the under juice to minus one thirty five.

Speaker 3 (33:40):
You gotta bet one thirty five to win back one hundred.

Speaker 2 (33:42):
It's a hard knocks life for the Giants. We'll get
to the other teams later on when we come back.
Why not Wednesday as we round out this Wednesday edition
of the Lombardi Line.

Speaker 1 (34:03):
This is the Lombardi Line with former NFL executive Michael Lombardi.

Speaker 6 (34:07):
Now here's your host, Stormy Bonotone on the Forts Betting Network.

Speaker 3 (34:13):
The countdown continues. Are all new.

Speaker 2 (34:15):
Vson NFL Betting Guide drops tomorrow and stampacked with everything
you need to bet this NFL season. We've got in
depth profiles of every team, advanced stats, proven betting systems,
and proprietary betting trends you won't find anywhere else.

Speaker 3 (34:29):
But that's not all you know.

Speaker 2 (34:30):
Our experts are locked and loaded with their best bets
on season win totals, futures, and props. Whether you're a
season better or you're just getting started, this guide is
your ticket to more informed betting this season. And to
celebrate the release of the guide, Vson's going all out
with special coverage throughout the day tomorrow. Tune in all
day for expert analysis, insider tips, and all the NFL
insight you need to start the season strong. Remember, the

only way though, to get our all new NFL Betting
Guide is by becoming a vson Pro subscriber. Head to
vson dot com slow subscribe now to sign up, and
if you use our promo code Lombardi, you.

Speaker 3 (35:04):
Get a special discount. Welcome back to the Lombardi Line.

Speaker 2 (35:07):
We're wrapping things up here Michael Lombardi and Stormy Bond
and Tony with you, and we always end the show
with our pro tip of the day, and no better
time coming off of that NFL Betting Guide and getting
all of the insight that you can That the biggest
pro tip of the pro tips Michael is to get
the Guide. But part of the conversation we had with
Adam Burke earlier is just about making sure you have

the full picture, the full scope of what you're getting
into this NFL season. Don't make futures bet without knowing
where everyone has gone. There's so much transition from the
end of last year to now get the full picture
for your team's division league as a whole prop bets
than the Guide is a great resource to do that.

Speaker 4 (35:46):
Yeah, no question. And look, you know the league is
ever changing, right and you and I both cover the
NFL every single day on this show. We talk about
it and there are things that go on that we're
not aware. Have you missed one day, you can be
completely out of it. And I think the Guide, as
Adam said in the last block, it's a catch up.
It kind of gets you back on the level floor.

Like Miami Cyan Klayus Campbell, no big deal. It happened
in the summer, but that is a fairly good signing
for Miami. It gives them He's not certainly as good
as Christian Wilkins, but he's a good player and he
played well. He's older. He'll give them some veteran leadership,
which I think they're gonna need on defense. So uh,
for no money at all, that was a good signing.
And I'm not saying it's gonna shift the wind total,

but it certainly can help Miami.

Speaker 2 (36:32):
That's a great point, Michael, because we all will remember
the big moves, right like Stefan Diggs is no longer
with the Buffalo Bills, He's on the Houston.

Speaker 3 (36:40):
Everybody knows those.

Speaker 2 (36:41):
But it's some of those smaller deals too, or the
ones that maybe have flown a little bit under the
radar that could make a significant difference for not only
a lineup, but from a depth standpoint, And so getting
that full picture is so important again. Vson Pro Tips
available at vson dot com and if you go to
vson dot com slash subscribe you can get everything that
we have to offer, including the NFL betting Guide. Tomorrow,

let's end things like we always do on a Wednesday, Michael,
time for why not Wednesday?

Speaker 4 (37:08):
Why not?

Speaker 2 (37:09):
Maybe a super boe I'm just spitballing here can make
you say why not?

Speaker 6 (37:12):
I wasn't super question?

Speaker 5 (37:13):
Fis time for why not Wednesday?

Speaker 4 (37:16):
I mean, why not?

Speaker 3 (37:17):
You know when they say it's so crazy, it's just
might work, all right.

Speaker 2 (37:21):
The New York Knicks, Michael, we found out have added
Michale Bridges to the fold. When you think about the
gap potentially closing with the Knicks and the Boston Celtics,
if I show you a five to one ticket on
the Knicks to win the East, could you say why not?

Speaker 4 (37:40):
I could say why not?

Speaker 2 (37:41):
To that?

Speaker 5 (37:42):

Speaker 4 (37:42):
I mean they were they ran out of gas, they
got injured. You know, I think they still have the
off season. Look, I don't think money's going to be
an issue for them, and I think they'll keep They'll
keep adding players, So I'll say why not to the Knicks.
I think the Knicks have done a great job of
getting players to fit what they want to do and
believing in their culture. So I know they gave up

all these draft picks.

Speaker 5 (38:05):
Who cares.

Speaker 4 (38:05):
I mean, most of the time, nobody really pays attention
to the bottom of the first round.

Speaker 5 (38:09):

Speaker 2 (38:09):
It was nice to get a deal like that in
the NBA because the NBA Draft, which is coming up
later tonight, it doesn't have quite the star power and
the cachet that we're accustomers seeing. There's a lot more
international players than the college players and even college players
in general. Right now, the name value, name recognition isn't
there the way that it's been in years past. But
with that said, there is some intrigue and there's some

potential for I mean, it's not and nothing is a
lock in this draft like it was last.

Speaker 3 (38:36):
Year with Victor wemen Yama for example.

Speaker 2 (38:37):
So if I told you Donovan Klingen went number one
overall four to one, could you say why not?

Speaker 4 (38:46):
Why not? Heck? Yeah, I think Klingman would be a
really Look the difference, the reason Klingman would be the
number one overall pick because in the old days, you know,
when they had a low post player, but because everybody
wants to stretch five and they want them to shoot
a three pointer, I'm not sure that's Klingman's game as
of right now, and so that's why it's kind of

viewed the other way. But I would definitely think that
he would help a team because he's a rimp protector
and come playoff time, you better have one.

Speaker 2 (39:15):
Dakari Resache is the current favorite, and he has been
met up to around four dollars at the current price,
but four to one, anything is possible. Donovan Klingon a
big favorite to be a top five pick. It's just
a matter of where he might end up.

Speaker 3 (39:29):
This one's okay.

Speaker 2 (39:30):
I had to throw this one in for fun because
we had to get one where he said no way,
and I think I found it.

Speaker 3 (39:34):
Brownie James to be a first round pick two to one, Oh.

Speaker 4 (39:41):
No way, no no. I feel bad for the kid.
I feel bad for him. I mean, it's not fair.
This is a worldwide Leader production. This is who I'm
angry about. This is who I'm making fun about. They've
created this, they've started it. It's their story. They'll just
won't let it go, you know. And because he's Lebron's son,

I mean, it's a great story. But you know, Tim
Hardaway had a son who's a great player. I mean,
there's guys that have sons who are great players. It's
not uncommon. We see it in the NFL all the time.
You know, Look, Marvin Harrison Junior just went the second
pick overall in the draft, or the fourth pick whatever,
a third pick, whatever it was. So we know that
that's what's going to happen. But the reality of it
is is not here. You don't go from not making

All League to scoring four points. Now. I know we
had the hard condition and all that, but I think,
to me, it's just a it's an overblown story.

Speaker 3 (40:38):
What's funny too, Michael.

Speaker 2 (40:39):
As we talked earlier about the odds movement on Ronnie James'
position on where he would be drafted, he opened at
thirty eight and a half earlier today forty nine and
a half. While we have been on the air, that
number is now fifty four and a half. So it
appears he's either going fifty five to the Lakers.

Speaker 3 (40:57):
Or he might not be going to anyone else.

Speaker 2 (41:00):
But I mean again, like this is the expectation, right,
and it's that's what happens when your dad who is
who your dad is.

Speaker 3 (41:05):
I know that their agent has said that Lebron.

Speaker 2 (41:08):
Doesn't need, you know, that fascination that he's had his
entire life about playing with his son, that that's gone
away a little like that he doesn't need that anymore.

Speaker 3 (41:16):
I don't know. I feel like it's gonna happen, but
we'll see.

Speaker 2 (41:19):
We talked about the New York Giants a moment ago
in our Hard Knocks special. Could you say why not
to New York making the playoffs. Is four to one
enough for you to get on.

Speaker 4 (41:29):
Board for the Giants? Four to one? No chance, No way,
no way. That's a big loud one.

Speaker 3 (41:37):
Nor would you needed What number would you need?

Speaker 4 (41:40):
I would need twenty to one, at least twenty to one. Dang,
Come on that, Stormy.

Speaker 3 (41:46):
It's cold blooded. I mean, I don't think they're making
any either.

Speaker 4 (41:50):
Would bet this at fourida one? I there's no way
I'm betting this at Florida one.

Speaker 5 (41:54):
Are you kidding me?

Speaker 4 (41:55):
You gotta give me something better than that. That's not
you know, that's not I mean, your dad's give me
to tie my money up from June July all the
way through and then have to suffer on Sundays and
watch Daniel Jones throw the ball check down, check down, checkdown.
Watch Singletary try to run through that offensive line. Oh
no way, no way, that was too easy of a

no way too.

Speaker 2 (42:16):
By the way, I still think it's hilarious that he
hasn't had a three passing touchdown days since twenty nineteen.

Speaker 3 (42:24):
Just what are we doing here anyway?

Speaker 5 (42:27):

Speaker 4 (42:27):
I mean, I'll say this again. He's the only quarterback
in NFL history who has made more than one hundred
million dollars in a contract that has never thrown twenty
five touchdown passes in a single season or for thirty
five hundred yards. I rest my case. Take it to
the jury.

Speaker 3 (42:42):
Beautiful, love it so much.

Speaker 2 (42:44):
Another quarterback prop we have here, Aiden O'Connell to start
Week one. It's plus one fifty. Could you say why
not to him getting the Week one job over Minshew?

Speaker 4 (42:55):
I would have said no way about four days ago,
and then I was talking to some people in the know,
and apparently he is played better than any of the
quarterbacks there, So I would definitely say why not to
the plus one point fifty. Look, I think we had
we had the beat writer for the I can't say
Vincent's last name. We had him on it and he
said they both month, they both look poor and they

both didn't play well. But it looks like Aiden's going
to be ahead. And if that's the case, he went
on to say, well they're going to you know, they
have a chance to win ten games.

Speaker 5 (43:27):
No, they don't.

Speaker 4 (43:28):
You're not winning ten games if you don't have a quarterback.
Let's just be clear. Let's be clear, you're not. There's
no team that's won ten games without a quarterback.

Speaker 3 (43:36):
Okay, what Michael said. What Michael just said.

Speaker 2 (43:39):
At the end of the day, if Aiden O'Connell is
your quarterback, you have no quarterback.

Speaker 5 (43:44):
You have no quarterback. They don't have a quarterback.

Speaker 4 (43:46):
They gave fifteen million dollars to guard to Minshew and
I'm told the coaches that nobody knew it was going
to happen. I mean, you know, and that's just part
of this function that's going on over there. You saw
what happened yesterday. You don't think that's gonna about you.
Imagine you're in court all the money that's coming. I mean,
if you're Antonio Pierce, this is kind of cut down

your vacation.

Speaker 3 (44:07):
You got to worry about it priorities. Man, So good Michael,
You're awesome as always.

Speaker 2 (44:12):
Is wonderful to have you back. We will be back here,
same time, same place tomorrow.

Speaker 4 (44:17):
To talk about Bronni in the first round. Yes, we'll
be back to talk about him.

Speaker 2 (44:22):
I still think I think it's hilarious that as we've
been on air, that number is just continued to go up.

Speaker 3 (44:26):
Okay, that's a wrap for us.

Speaker 2 (44:28):
If you didn't get enough football, The Ross Tucker Football
show is coming up next on DraftKings Network. Otherwise, keep
it locked on Vson as well. Patrick Maher and Sharp Money.
Have a great day everybody, Good luck with your bets
and enjoy the Draft
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