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May 24, 2024 19 mins

We may hate that we have to vote for Joe Biden, but the alternative is even worse.

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Speaker 1 (00:11):
Good morning, Peeves, and welcome to ok F Daily with
me your girl, Daniel Moody recording from the home Bunker. Folks,
Happy fuck it Friday, Happy holiday weekend, happy beginning of summer.
You all know that I am dubbing this summer America's
last summer, right, because if we don't get our shit

together by the time that November rolls around, you will
look at this and this will in fact have been
America's last summer, America's last summer of freedom, you know, liberty, joy,
the things that make America worth visiting, coming to existing in. Nonetheless,
as you head into this holiday weekend, do not forget

that the Damn Shop is open at danielmody dot com
and check out the Future is Woke capsule t shirt, sweatshirts,
tots oh my, and pick some up for this holiday weekend.
As you get ready to support your summer look outside,
So do head over to Daniellemoody dot com, click on
the Damn Shop and shop until you drop, all right, folks.

So you know, as we close out this week, I
just I don't even know where to begin with the
stories that came out and like the videos that I've
made and what people say in the comment sections. But
I want to talk about one video in particular, one
that I put up yesterday, which was a response to
a comment I had received on TikTok that said, I

hate that I have to vote for Biden, but I will, right.
And the fact is that a lot of people hate
that they have to vote for Biden, right, Like, you know,
while I believe that if Netan Yahoo had not declared
war on the Palestinian people, because that's what he's doing.

That's what he's done. It's not about Hamas. And also
this isn't really a war because when one of the
entities is backed by the strongest military and a bottomless
pit of cash from one of the wealthiest and strongest
nations in the world, and then the other is not.
And it's just tens of thousands, you know, of civilians

being slaughtered and children and horrendous war crimes that are happening,
and all of these things, and America just keeps on, American,
you know, just keeps on with their iron clad, fucking
support for homicidal, genocidal maniac. You know, I believe that

had none of this happened, then Biden would actually be
in fairly good shape right now, that the hardest thing
that people would have to say about him is his age,
right like, oh, he's too old to do the job,
you know, and we needed somebody and somebody should step in, sure,
But like now, people have real issue with this administration,

regardless of the good things that they had done prior
to the support of Net Nyahu. The unwavering support of
net Yahoo that is costing Biden, the youth vote, that
is costing Biden black and brown people, that is costing
Biden his base which he can afford to lose. But
when I post these videos where folks you listen to me,

I am very honest about how difficult, how hard of
a pill this is going to be to swallow. Because
I'm a person that believes in liberty and justice for
all people. I believe that all people, regardless of how
they worship, who they love, where they live, you know,
their sexual orientation, gender identity, regardless, that all people should

be treated as human beings met with love and kindness,
have the opportunity to live full and complete lives of
their choosing. I believe that for people inside of this
country and all over the world. But I do know
that that is not the truth. It is far from

the truth, because when you look at what is happening
in Gaza, if you scroll right and you see what
is happening in Sudan, and you see what is happening
in Congo, in order to produce the phone that I'm
recording on right now, there are millions of child slaves

that are digging for cobalt, one of the core minerals
that makes this phone. We're so detached from how we
get our hands on things, whether it's our food, our electronics,
we don't care so long as we have it and
it's cheap. But we never pause and ask ourselves how

it got here in the first place, Just like on
October seven, people didn't pause and say to themselves, how
did we get to this place? Nothing happens out of nowhere.
And for every effect, there is a cause. For every reaction,

there is an action. And I think that we need
to start being a lot more conscious of our role
and responsibility of causing the suffering of others. We take
it upon ourselves to vote every two and every four years,
every time that there is an election, right to continue

with our way of life. But do we ever think
about how our choices affect other people's way of life.
Other people that we'll never meet, but because of our actions,
because of our choices, they live in suffering. Before October seventh,

we never paid collectively any attention to what was happening
in Palestine, what our tax dollars have been funding for
the last seventy five years, the apartheid, the utter despair
and hopelessness. Also that we can say that we weren't
anti Semitic, but clearly anti Muslim, clearly anti Palestinian. In

order to support one group, you shouldn't have to oppress another.
I don't think that that should be the way that
that should be. The seesaw that we're on right. So
if I support black lives, that means that I hate
white lives. No. If I support right the Jewish people

right to exist, does that mean that I hate Islam? No?
Because I want LGBTQ people to live free and trans
people to live free from violence and persecution. Does that
mean that I don't like straight people or CIS folks. No.
But we have been built into this scarcity mindset where

if you have that means that somebody else can't have.
If I give you this right that means that I
have to take away something from somebody else that's false.
What would it look like for us to actually shift
our mindset to one that is rooted in abundance, not

locked into the impossibility of said situations, Because everything is
impossible until it is actually possible. Right, Like, we know
that that's not just a meme, it's not just a quote,
it's the truth. People thought that it was going to
be impossible to fly human beings from one spot to

the next until it was done, impossible to go to
the moon until it was done. So is it impossible
for us to fathom of society that isn't built on greed, oppression,
despair and hopelessness, that isn't built on this pyramid of

lies and deception? Is it possible for us to coexist
with corporations whose responsibility it is to tell us what
the fuck is inside our food, to hold them accountable
for polluting our environment, to force folks into better business

practices that don't just serve the wealthy. It should not
be impossible for us to imagine and do better. But
we've been told for far too long that the way
that we've been living is the only way, and it's

not and right now even that way of being is
completely and totally under attack. You know, people would often
say that so long as like Americans had their you know,
television which is behind me, or you know, their ability

to consume as much as they want, then they wouldn't
care about what was happening around them. And what I
want to offer is that everything will change rapidly in
this country if we open the door to fascism. Your

ability to protest, your ability to send your child to
a public school that is well funded, your ability to
have bodily autonomy, your ability to see a doctor of
your choice, your ability to watch what you want to
sleep with whom you want to control your destiny will

all go away. Take a look at what happens in
other countries that are ruled by brutal dictators. You don't
want a vacation in those places, let alone live in them.
That's what this right wing wants to do with America.

Isolate us from the world right because the world is
not going to be able to trust us. Right We're
going to back out of all of our agreements and treaties.
Donald Trump already did that once, and he'll finish the job.
Nothing will be about what is good for the American people.
It'll be about what is good for his inner circle
and everyone else be damned. There will be no middle class.

There will be the super rich and the super poor.
For those that have the ability to flee, they may
may not have enough time, you know. I think about
all of these things on a regular basis. It wakes
me up at night because I genuinely do not believe

that Americans are taking the options that we have in
front of us. Seriously. Do I love Joe Biden, No,
I don't. I don't really like him that much right now.
But I hate Donald Trump, and I love my freedom more.

I love my freedom to be black, to be queer, too,
proudly be a child of immigrants, to do the work
that I love, to critique government because I can right
like think about the things that you love about your life,

and think about some of the images and things that
you've been scrolling through over the last several months. It's terrifying,
not just because we're bearing witness to a genocide happening
in real time on our phones, but because we know
that it can happen here. And I think that there
are some people that are still like, you know, in fantasyland, Oh,

it will never happen in America. And I'm like, really,
y'all still think that after you're watching Roe v. Wade
be overturned, Affirmative action be overturned, right, Alabama reinstituting child
labor books being banned, Like, we're still in a place
of it could never happen here America. New to internment camps.

Ask Japanese Americans. Ask the Native Americans who were forced
onto reservations that now have the highest rates of every
type of issue that you can imagine, disease, alcoholism, abuse,
low education, right all because every right and every bit

of land and every opportunity was stripped away from them.
This country has done some serious fucking dirt and it
will do it again. And people say, oh, well, the
people will stop them. Really not if you don't have
the ability to protest. You see what happens to the

people in China when they might get up the courage
to fight against their government, They are thrown into fucking
work camps for the rest of their lives. Their families
are ruined. We always say, like, why don't the people
people push back, push back, and do what exactly ruin
any opportunity, any chance for a better life that government

doesn't ever forget. You get put on a list. Oh
they can't take us all down, but they can take
down enough to temper the rest. Folks used to ask
themselves where would I be? What would I have been
doing during the Civil rights movement? What side would I
have been on? And we all wanted to see ourselves

as the heroes of that story. A lot of us
are not. We're actually the villain. So given the opportunity
to do what's right, even though it's painful, what is
the choice that we're going to make? And for those
that want to be righteous, my consciousness won't allow me

to vote for Joe Biden. How does a vote for
Donald Trump help the Palestinian people, help the people in
the Congo, help the people in the student How does
it help anybody? I got to make a point. Okay,
make that point in December when you have the ability
to hold this administration to task, to push them to
do what's right, because guess what, they're not running another election,

So at that point all they're concerned about is legacy.
Fight where you can fight with what you have but
don't throw it all away and think that like that's
going to be your major protest. What it will be
is your last protest. That's for damn sure. You know.
This week I talked about what has happened in Louisiana,

what has happened in Virginia. These states are doing some
terrifying shit and they're just getting away with it. News
isn't even really covering it because you got every camera
directed at Donald Trump. In the meantime, they are actualizing
Project twenty twenty five. It's already in movement. The last

piece of that puzzle is the White House to nationalize
their plan, but that plan is already operational. Subjugate women,
marginalize black people and people of color, get rid of
the queer community, suppress any protests, make it illegal to protest,

or in the case that we just saw that went
before the Supreme Court and then was knocked back down right,
which is that if you organize a protest and a
police officer is injured, well, guess who's going to be
financially liable that organizer. That's going to take away the

right to protest real quick. In three states already, Ron
de Santis has already made it legal for you to
run over a protester and that not be vehicular madislaughter.
So their plans are already operationalized. Where what stands between

Project twenty twenty five becoming law of the land or not.
I don't care where you are, if you're in a
quote unquote safe state or not. This election is too important.
All hands on deck. You got friends in the battleground states,

You got family in the fucking battleground states. You get
on the phone with them now, you talk to them
every goddamn week. What you do and what's your plan,
what you think and what you're seeing. We all have
got to do our part. And then some you will
hear me vacillate on this podcast and others about my

disgust for this administration and what they're doing. But at
the end of the day, like the person in my
comment section set, I hate that I have to vote
for Biden, but I will. I don't fucking love my choices.
Sometimes in life, guess what, we don't get to love them.
But right now we still have choices. So as we

head into this holiday weekend, I hope, folks, that you
get outside, that you connect with loved ones. But you
know what, keep having these hard conversations. Do you know,
like you said, Oh, I can't talk to that uncle,
I can't talk to that aunt. They're crazy. Talk to
them anyway, figure it out. We got to break through

any way that we can find the through line and
go to work. That is it for me today, Dear
friends on wokef as always power to the people and
to all the people. Power yet woke and stay woke
as fuck.
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