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May 6, 2024 20 mins

In 2020, up against Donald Trump, Joe Biden was already a tough pill to swallow. Now in 2024, even against the same threat of Trumpism, it's even harder to accept the decision facing Americans at the polls in November.

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Speaker 1 (00:11):
Good morning, peeps, and welcome to ok F Daily with
Meet your Girl Danielle Moody, recording from the Home Bunker. Folks,
I hope that you enjoyed Friday's show with my friend
and friend of the show, the Reverend Mark Thompson, wanted
to provide you with some more context to what has
been going on on the ground on these college campuses

as we are watching them being broken apart their peaceful
protests with violent actions by militarized police. And the thing
that I keep thinking about is that this is where
our tax dollars go. They go to weaponize our police,

who then use brutal, horrific tactics against us. Right and
for those people who are like on social media talking
about these kids are getting exactly what they deserve. Really,
unarmed students who are speaking up against the genocide and
being met with brutal force or getting exactly what they

deserve because we have all forgotten the fact that America
was founded on a bunch of rowdy white men who
decided that they didn't want to pay taxes anymore and
threw a bunch of fucking tea in the water and
vandalize shit, Like do we forget that, or again, it's
only okay when white men do it, like when they
decide to take over the Capitol building and defecate in

the halls of Congress, like that's acceptable, right, Like, give
me a fucking break. I'm just so tired of the
blatant hypocrisy. And I got to tell you, and I,
you know, like I struggle with, honestly sometimes sharing my
feelings because I feel so up and down.

Speaker 2 (01:58):
I feel so upside down most of these days.

Speaker 1 (02:02):
But I got to tell you that the longer this
war goes on, and I don't even know how you
call it a war. And this is why people call
it a genocide, because the Palestinian people have no weaponry, right,
because that's who's being killed. They're not fucking killing Hamas.
The goal was never to kill Hamas. The goal was
to extinguish the Palestinian people, right, which our tax dollars

are going to help do.

Speaker 2 (02:29):

Speaker 1 (02:29):
It isn't about defending fucking Israel, Like, no, defend against
what right they're fucking dome that they have over their city,
Like technology that we don't even have here in the
United States, but we send billions so that they have
the technology to protect themselves against aggressors. Look, folks, I
just I got to tell you that the way that

this horrific genocide is going on, the way that like
our elected leaders are acting like the rest of us
don't know what is at play here, that like these students,
oh they don't know really know what's going on, blah

blah blah. They know what the fuck they see and
that's actually enough, right, Like they know what they are seeing,
they know what they are hearing, which is why there's
this push to ban TikTok. It isn't about fucking China.
It's about information. It's about access to information and being
connected with people on the ground right in places where

genocide in war is taking fucking place, and seeing and
hearing with their own eyes instead of being filtered bullshit
through mainstream media that is in kafuts. Right with the
government in the same way to pacify.

Speaker 2 (03:49):
The mathis like this is that's the fucking game.

Speaker 1 (03:54):
So I'm like, you know, I'm struggling because as time
goes on, y'all, I hate this fucking administration. I hate
this administration for making me choose between the lesser of
two evils. That's not motivating that's not inspiring. But that's

where the fuck we are. Joe Biden wants to get
up and talk about how you know you can have
descend without disorder and bol blah, what the fuck are
you talking.

Speaker 2 (04:29):
About, bro? Like, what are you even saying?

Speaker 1 (04:34):
The core purpose of protests right is to disrupt this
status quo. You don't do that by being quiet. You
don't do that by being orderly. You do that by
making a fucking scene and letting it be known that

you understand that the people that are have the power
to make a real difference refuse to do so. Tell
me right now, after forty thousand plus people, half of
which are children, have been killed, do you continue to
say that Israel has the right to defend itself against toddlers,

against six year olds.

Speaker 2 (05:23):
You had fucking Casey Hunt on air talking about, oh.

Speaker 1 (05:28):
They named Hamilton Hall on Columbia University when they when
the protesters took it over after a woman who was
killed in Gaza. It wasn't a woman, it was a
fucking six year old girl.

Speaker 2 (05:41):
Baby. But this is what they do.

Speaker 1 (05:48):
Those that are in power get to decide whose life
actually matters. It's why in the middle of a pandemic.
People left their homes to chant that black lives matter
because we know that in this country he does not.
It isn't just young people that are looking over to
the Middle East and saying what the fuck. It's everyone

from a marginalized community that knows what it's like to
be invisibilized and having it be done with our own money.
It's just becoming too much right, too much to push down,

too much to ignore and say full with a full
throat chest and heart to go and vote for Joe Biden.
And I know what the alternative is. I know that
it's the choice that I am going to make. I
am going to vote for Joe Biden. But I don't, honestly, y'all,

with good conscious, I don't know how I tell you
to do the same. What I'm gonna start telling people
is like, you need to vote with your heart. You know,
you need to vote with your future and future generations
in mind. And if that leads you in a different direction,
then so be it. You just need to make decisions
that you're going to be able to live with. But

I am struggling to advocate and tell people that although
you're looking around and you're seeing the rise of fascism
and the militarization of our police, and the weaponization of
like our rights, and a Supreme Court that is ripping
them away in states, overturning bodily autonomy. I mean, I

don't know how you then tell people, oh, but it
will get worse. I know that it will. I know
that a majority of people listening to this show know
that it will get worse if Donald Trump is president.
But when you're starting now to compare really bad and
terrible and horrible with not so bad but also bad,

like you know what I'm saying, the distinctions start to
become really fuzzy. This is somebody who knows. I know
that Donald Trump will be an absolute catastrophe and will
mark the end of democracy as we know it. I
know that, and yet I am struggling to tell people

that they need to be okay with a genocide, That
they need to be okay with the fact that if
Joe Biden wins, and if for some strike of fucking luck,
we're able to hold on to the Senate and regain
the House, you know that there still may not be

enough right in order to restore Roe v. Wade inside
of the constitution, right, because there are Democrats that function
like fucking Republicans, So there are people willing to sell
you out regardless, Like every election, we have work to
save this country after twenty sixteen, and look where the

fuck we are. So it's hard to be sitting in
a pile of shit and then being told that, oh,
it doesn't smell that bad, right, hold, just keep holding
your nose. So you know, I I am in a

deep place of struggle, particularly now that news has come
out from the Hill dot com that came out on
Friday of last week that Chuck Schumer is gonna link
arms with Speaker Mike Johnson and inviting net Yahoo to
address Congress. It's like, it's like they don't want to win,

do you know what I'm saying. It's like I don't
know who the fuck is sitting at Biden's campaign headquarters
and saying, you know, let's just throw the whole thing out.
You know, we don't really have to work that hard.
The polls tell us that we're winning, so we'll be fine.

Everyone hates Donald Trump, but sir, they're actually starting to
hate you too. And this is the real talk that
like apparently people aren't giving Joe Biden that you can
do your little moves of student loan debt relief and
rescheduling marijuana. And you're thinking that what these young people

didn't just hear you call them a group of thugs.
The least you can do is not call in the
National Guard. But you're not telling the governors to stand down.
You're not telling the mayors of these cities to stand down.
You didn't direct young people and say, you know what,

I want to invite some of these folks to the
White House. I want to hear them out. I want
to create a town hall moment so that we can
use this moment of friction and conflict in our country
as a teachable moment. It's just like, oh, just ignore

these ah, these kids, they don't know what they're doing.

Speaker 2 (11:40):
They're not kids.

Speaker 1 (11:42):
They're your fucking constituents. They're the future of this goddamn country.
And not only have we not done anything to make
their lives better or safer, we've actually done the opposite
generations is grown up with mass shootings. They don't know

a world without it. Some of them, at this point
in time, have been involved in multiple from middle school,
high school, college, out shopping. Oh, just stop eating avocado
toast and you can buy a home. How when corporate

greed wright has slowed down wages for the last several decades. Oh,
and boomers are still in their fucking jobs because some
of them now can't afford to retire. Because every other
day we hear about social security going away and Medicaid
going away?

Speaker 2 (12:52):
So where is the room for generation Z?

Speaker 1 (12:57):
You're old of you all? When I was your age,
I had this, this, this, and this. Yeah, because that's
when the government actually still.

Speaker 2 (13:02):
Gave a shit.

Speaker 1 (13:08):
I'm just so over it. And I know that it's Monday,
all and I need to come in here with some
more hopefulness and energy that it's like we can do this.

Speaker 2 (13:20):
But honestly, I don't know. I don't know. You know.

Speaker 1 (13:26):
I pray to God every single day that I am wrong,
that somehow a miracle will overtake us, and you know,
we'll be able to save democracy. We'll be able to
stop a genocide, We'll be able to restore grow v wade,
We'll be able to restore firmative action, We'll be able

to restore voting rights. You know, we'll be able to
patch up this democracy. And have it look like something resembling,
you know, a real democracy and not democracy fucking ish.
But I don't know, you know, so I don't know
how to convince people to swallow this really hard, sharp

pill that feels like a piece of fucking glass and
just having the repeated narrative of oh, Donald Trump will
be worse. It's like, okay, now, I know for people
like me. By worse, we mean that he will create
minigazzas all over this country. He will round people up,

take away their rights, label them as enemies of the state,
pillage this country to enrich himself, sell out our secrets.
Also that he can what die on a gold toilet,
but that's what he'll do.

Speaker 2 (14:57):
And worse. We know this. I've been laying it out.

Speaker 1 (15:01):
Project twenty twenty five lays it out right on a
heritage dot org's page nine hundred pages if you want
to get into it. Their vision of America is a
healthscape for everyone that is not white, straight, cis and male,
an absolute fucking healscape, something that we can't even fathom
and imagine because we've never experienced it. Where we are

right now is a slow burn, the slow death, the
death by a thousand cuts. As our democracy is crumbling falling.
You know, there are some people that are just like,
fuck it, let it all burn down. But I want
folks to also recognize that the actions that we are

seeing take place on these college campuses that will be
the norm everywhere. Cops are a bunch of legalized fucking thugs, right,
been saying that when Donald Trump taught them back in
twenty seventeen on Long Island where I'm from. Ah, it'll

be so nice. You can rough them up a bit,
and all those cops laughed and chuckled. They'll do whatever
the hell they want to whomever they want. And we
know that the police force is filled with a bunch
of fucking bigots. It doesn't matter what state you're in.
So with a president that gives them the green light

to beat the shit out of whomever they want to
start disappearing folks, they'll do it because they get to
live out their fantasies and their dreams. The stories that,
let me tell you something, in New York, the stories
that black men, Latino men can tell you about being

ruffed up by police starting at the age of like ten.
But they don't cover that on the news. Right, because
those are those bad neighborhoods that will be everywhere. It
will be a license to harass, to torture, to beat,

to abuse, and there will be no recourse because, as
we've seen, Donald Trump and Maga own the courts, all
of them. So I just I tell you, I paint
the picture because I can no longer tell people, like
I'm saying in good consciousness, to go ahead and vote

for Joe Biden. But what I can do is continue
to lay out the picture of where we are and
what it will look like. You know, some people are
willing to roll the dice. I'm not a fucking gambler,
and I would rather have an administration that I think

can be moved and befind trying to activate people under
that administration than under a Trump regime that could cost
more people their lives. These are our choices, and they're
not fucking great. They really are not. And you know,

as I sit here at the beginning of this week,
not knowing what this week has in store, it is
just it's like holding your breath, you know. And I
tell us that, like breathing, is the most important thing
that we can do, because if we hold our breath,
our muscles clench, you know, and we produce disease, which
produces disease. But it's wild to me that Congress people

think that right now the best thing to do for
America is to bring net in Yahoo here. All you're
going to do is trigger god willing inshallah, like some
of the biggest protests that we have seen. And then
what do you do tell us that we're all crazy? Say, oh,

it's all just a bunch of what hamas lovers?

Speaker 2 (19:17):
Me tell you something.

Speaker 1 (19:19):
You know, you live long enough, you see things repeat
and as people say, history doesn't repeat itself, but it rhymes.
That's where we are. And honestly, I don't know how
we see ourselves out of this, and I don't know,

you know, I know that I'm not the only one
that is talking to people and listening to friends and
family question whether or not they're going to show up
on November fifth and vote for Joe Biden. So many
people saying he's lost my vote? How can I blame them?

I can't shame them. All I can do is continue
to say, well, you know, as bad as things are,
and they are really fucking bad, trust me that they
can get worse.

Speaker 2 (20:14):
It's not enough.

Speaker 1 (20:15):
That's not a winning argument, and that's the argument that
the Biden campaign is trying to make, and it's not sticking.
Hold on, folks. That's all I have to keep saying
is continue to hold on, to breathe, to take care
of yourselves, to take care of those around you, to
find respite because we're in for a bumpy fucking ride.

That is it for me today, Dear friends on wokef
as always, Power to the people and to all the people.

Speaker 2 (20:50):
Power, get woke and stay woke as fuck.
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Danielle Moodie

Danielle Moodie

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