Episode Transcript
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Speaker 1 (00:11):
Good morning, peeps, and welcome to OOKP Daily with me
your girl Danielle Moody recording from the Home Bunker. Folks,
let's jump in to it, shall we. So this was
a headline. You know how often I talk about mainstream
corporate media and their absolute fuckery as it pertains to
their sane washing and gas lighting of Donald Trump. Well,
take a look at this headline. I mean, it's from
the New Republic, which we like, but nonetheless so finally
it reads Trump's alarming mental decline has become a big
media story. Now, I'm not one hundred percent sure that
it has become the main media story that it frankly
should be, because I've also heard reports of folks saying
things to the effect of, well, the Kamala Harris campaign
needs to be very careful. They don't want to make
it seem as if they're agists. I'm sorry, What where
the hell was all the conversation around agism when the
New York Times, Washington Post, ap routers and the list
goes on were beating the hell out of Joe Biden
with each and every headline that they would put out.
Where was the concern about agism then? And to be
very clear, what is happening with Donald Trump is not
about agism, because frankly representative Maxine Waters in her eighties
sharpest shit, Nancy Pelosi in her eighties sharpest shit, Bernie
Sanders another one, eighties sharp This is not about age.
This is about the fact that the man stood on
stage this week for thirty nine minutes, not five, not
too thirty nine minutes played Maga's Greatest Unlicensed tits because
he don't have licenses for this shit. That's why he
gets sued all the time, and just moved back and
forth in a complete and total days. Now, I'm not
a psychologist and I'm not a doctor, but I've seen
that kind of zone out swaying before and it usually
involves drugs. But you didn't hear that from me. I'm
just putting it out there. But something is not right,
that things are not connecting in the way that they should.
And it goes even further, folks, I mean, look at
that face. That's not even a face a mother could love,
and we know she didn't, but look at it, like,
does that look like somebody that's okay to you? It
sure as hell doesn't to me. But the fact is
that Donald Trump says a lot of hot shit, does
a lot of hot shit. And for the longest time,
I've said to myself, so, who do we have to
blame for this? Who do we have to blame for
the fact that Donald Trump is in our lives? Because
I'm a New Yorker. So Donald Trump has always been
on page six doing all sorts of you know, page
six gossip shit because he likes being a celebrity. That's
why he likes the money, right, he likes people talking
about him. He loves the gossip. What I'm saying to myself,
who is really responsible here for giving Donald Trump the
kind of national platform that he didn't have. Now some
of you may say, well, it was birtherism. Birtherism is
what got him into the mainstream political media. Yes, but
what prompted him there? John D. Miller, the former head
of marketing at NBC for a billion years, finally decides
to pen and op ed, we created a monster. Trump
was a TV fantasy invented for The Apprentice. Well, thank you, John,
it only took you nine years to get here. This
would have been helpful. Oh, I don't know. In twenty fifteen,
it would have been helpful when Donald Trump came down
that escalator and said that he was running for president,
and you would have seen, like the rest of us
saw when he was talking about Mexicans being rapists and
murderers and the kind of xenophobic, anti American, racist shit
that was coming out of his mouth, that maybe John
Miller would have had a spark of consciousness and said,
maybe I should do something about this. I do have
all of this information. I do know that we concocted
this idea of Donald Trump that doesn't actually exist. And
were it not folks for the Apprentice, would people outside
of New York City know really who Donald Trump is?
Would they have taken him seriously? And the fact is
we will never know. But I'm going to go out
on a fucking limb and say, probs not that. Had
John D. Miller found it within himself to say what
he articulated here in this piece nine years later, that
we wouldn't even be here and this is what he
says here quote. To sell the show, we created the
narrative that Trump was a super successful businessman who lived
like royalty. That was the conceit of the show. At
the very least it was a substantial exaggeration. At worst,
it created a false narrative by making him seem more
successful than he was. In fact, Trump declared business bet
kruptcy four times before the show went into production, and
at least twice more during his fourteen season's hosting. The
imposing boardroom where he famously fired contestants was a set
because his real boardroom was too old and shabby for TV.
Oh my god, really, John Miller, You also, I'm certain
have a bunch of tapes of Donald Trump that probably
would have blown the Access Hollywood tape that we would
hear in October of twenty sixteen out of the water.
But those have yet to be released. And so why
did it take John Miller all of this goddamn time.
I mean, Donald Trump threatens right to locke Hillary Clinton up.
We know that he talked about grabbing women by their genitals.
We know that then he becomes president of the United States,
and he talks about American carnage, he separates children from
their families, he calls white supremacists good people. He then
right would run and tell his followers, the militia to
stand back and stand by. So what was it that
prompted this m effort to finally get off of his
tens of millions of dollars and say maybe I should
say something. It's the absolute fuckery for me, folks. These
white men, these white straight siths men in power. Their
wealth is all that they have allegiance to. They have
no allegiance to the audience. As John Miller clearly laid out,
he concocted a fairy tale and rather than que the
American people into the fact that the man that you
saw on television that sat with you in your living
room for fourteen seasons of The Apprentice isn't the man
that is running for president because the man that you
had in your living room is a fantasy that we created.
He's a reality TV star. That would have been helpful
and useful. Then, oh, but I'm sure that you know,
the old seasons of The Apprentice were probably doing well
for streaming on NBC. And so yeah, greed for sure
was the reason three thousand percent, because at the end
of the day, Wu Tang clan told us cash rules
everything around me. Cream get the money, that's all they
care about. It drives me crazy and it makes me sick.
I'll tell you what else makes me sick? Donald Trump
did a town hall with Univision and plenty of people
asked a bunch of questions, and I want to bring
you two of them because I thought that they were
so poignant. The people that were asking questions should have
jobs at the Legacy Media because they did better work
than the White House correspondence that we see in the
press room. So this is one gentleman and he asked
a question, and I want you to hear Donald Trump's response,
They need it for entertainment and sport. The question was,
can you explain your gun policy or lack thereof, to
the victims, to the families of school shootings, not only
of school shootings, but of mall shootings, of supermarket shootings,
of movie theater shootings, of march shootings, of concert shootings, synagogues, churches,
the list goes on and on. And Donald Trump's response was, well,
we have a Second Amendment and folks need those guns
for entertainment and sport. That is how little Donald Trump
thinks about the victims of school shootings. And oh, just
a reminder that JD. Vance, his vice presidential candidate, told
a crowd of people a couple of weeks ago that
school shootings were quote what did he say friends in
the chat? A fact of life. They weren't a fact
of life. When I was in school, I didn't learn
how to army crawl or hide in a broom closet
in the way that Ted Cruz did on January sixth.
I never learned those things. But now, all of a sudden,
it's a quote unquote fact of life. And it's so
necessary for these people to hold on to their guns
for entertainment and sport, not so that you can see
your child possibly graduate from school or, in the case
of Sandy Hook, see first grade. It amazes me that
people still vote for Republicans. How in God's good name
could you be a parent who is sending your kid
to school and you don't know whether or not they're
going to come home, and the people who represent you
go into their job as House Republicans did and replace
their flagpin with the very weapon that took your child's life.
Make that make sense to me, because it's sure as
hell does not. And I'll tell you I knew when
that massacre at Sandy Hook happened, and there were so
many before and so many after, But Sandy Hook in particular,
I said, if America could allow a classroom of white
children in a wealthy suburb to get gun down in
their classrooms and do absolutely fucking nothing, we're never going
to do anything on guns because they've always tried to
couch it as it's an inner city, black people of
color problem. But when it started to go into suburbs
and at elementary schools, you couldn't say that those kids
were just what mentally ill? No, but I said, if
we can't do anything in this moment, and then yes,
you valdi again, but we know that Republicans don't give
a damn about children of color. But my god, that
response was wild to me. What also was wild to
me was this one when he was talking about the insurrectionist,
he said, we that's number one. He then said Ashley
Babbitt was killed. Nobody was killed, And the woman in
the audience who was wearing the striped shirt was like,
you just said this woman was killed, and then literally
in the next breath, said that nobody was killed. Then
he said January sixth was a LoveFest. It was a
day of love, a day of love. What are you
talking about? Over one hundred and thirty officers were beat.
One took their life. People had and have left their
jobs because of PTSD and the trauma that incurred that day,
and Donald Trump refers to it as a day of love.
The man who asked the question was taken aback and
tilted his head and said, what this is what I
talk about when I say the construction of this altered reality.
We joked when it was about crowd size. We laughed
at the facts and the alternative facts. But folks, the
goal here isn't to persuade people, to get them to
your side. It's to distort reality and to get them
to completely throw their hands up and walk away from
the whole process. Because if I don't know if the
sky is blue, if gravity exists, if every which way
I'm being overloaded, my senses are being overloaded with bullshit,
then eventually I'll just tap the fuck out. This is
what Donald Trump did with that answer, which was a
non answer, because everybody in that town hall, everybody watching,
everybody on the planet that has a television, a phone,
a screen saw what happened on January sixth, twenty twenty one.
But he thinks that it was a day of love
and Oh, by the way, they didn't have weapons. Cassidy Hutchinson,
who testified before the January sixth Committee, told us otherwise.
Donald Trump was told that folks had weapons. They have guns.
What did Donald Trump say, friends, they're not here to
hurt me. Take down the magnetrons. Take down the magnetrons
and quote let my people in. That answer was a
full blown fucking lie and a lie to people who
saw with their own eyes, heard with their own ears.
But you see that, gentleman, ask the question that reporters
have not asked, which is why why should anyone support
you when over forty members of your prior administration do not,
and many of them are supporting the Vice President of
the United States, Kamala Harris. He says, it's a tiny percentage.
M it's everyone from your former vice president to the
joy chiefs of staph to your chief of staff, to
everyone folks that has been in close proximity with you
is not supporting you. You can't make this shit up.
You really cannot, and it's absolutely wild. Do you know
what else? You can't make up this? We are in
looney fucking town. Trump actually called himself the father of IVF.
First off, I don't even actually know what the fuck
that means. Second of all, the man is responsible for
the overturning of ROEBI Wade because he had the ability,
after stealing Supreme Court seats to appoint three right wing
just white and right wing justices. And his party is
on a full crusade to get rid of IVF. As
a matter of fact, Republican members of the Senate introduced
the Life at Conception Bill, which would outlaw IVF, and
as a matter of fact, Democrats, in response to that,
have introduced legislation in the Senate that would protect IVF,
and they have voted against it each and every time.
So explain to me how then Donald Trump turns around
and also says this, I'm going to read it to you.
Close your eyes for a moment and listen to how
fucking nuts this is. Quote. We want fertilization, and it's
all the way, and the Democrats tried to attack us
on it, and we're out there on IVF even more
than them. What what we want fertilization? So are women
are uteruses? Is it a crop like? Is it crops? Like?
I imagine the planes coming in overhead of fields and
you know, how they warder them from those little planes.
Like when he said we want fertilization, that's what I picture.
What the fuck are we talking about here? This is
what passes friends as an answer to a question. And
do you know what the media he will say, Donald
Trump lays out plan on reproductive care, like, that's what
they will say. I laugh, So I don't cry on air.
We want fertilization, we want it all the way, We
want it all the way. I don't know. I don't know,
but what I do know is that if you just
take the transcripts of his last couple of interviews, like
the one we talked about earlier this week at the
Chicago Economic Club, he's being asked whether or not Google
should be broken up, whether or not Meta should be
broken up, and he goes off on a tangent about
how he's hurt recently by recent decisions from the Department
of Justice, and the moderator said the question was about Google,
but any other reporter, if it had been on CNN,
would have been like, oh, tell me more about your feelings,
and then would have forgotten the question that they had
initially asked in the first place, but just gave the
floor away to Donald Trump to take you on a
journey on his stream of consciousness wherever the hell that
would land us. I mean, folks, it's cuckoo. It is cuckoo.
Here's a story that I don't know if you all saw,
but because every day has been in October, surprise, literally
every day. But did you all see this? Trump's legal
team tried to give hush money again to Stormy Daniels
ahead of this election. Again he tried to bribe her.
Do you know the same reason that he has thirty
four felonies? He did it again. I said, no, no
possible way. Mm hmmm, yes, way I could. When I
saw this story break, I was like, there's no possible way.
There's no way. They had to They had to have
made this up. You know. Maybe it wasn't really his lawyers,
Maybe it was somebody pretending to be his lawyers. The
word wild a f doesn't even sit enough. It doesn't
carry enough weight for this moment. Like I said, in
any other universe, at any other time, this story alone
would have been the final blow, the thud, the nail
in the coffin of Donald Trump. But this mffer has
like eighty seven lives Stormy Daniels herself could not believe
what she said. Don't they know this shit doesn't work, folks.
Come to find out, Stormy Daniels took the six hundred
and I think twenty thousand dollars but signed no such
agreement to keep her mouth closed, which is how that
ended up on MSNBC. So once again, bravo, Stormy Daniels, bravo,
because you just keep taking that man's money, right, like,
so sorry that you had to have sex with him,
but you got paid multiple times over for it and
he got exposed. But in any other earth one universe,
this would have been the nail in the coffin. But
here we sit, folks, A thirty four count felon and
adjudicated sexual offender, a grifter who's had his business organization
shut down, his COO sent to Rikers could be president
in just a couple of weeks. How in God's name,
I don't know. The Vice president went on Fox News.
She went into the lying ass Lion's den, and my
initial thoughts about that were, why why go on Fox News?
You know what it is? They already paid out over
seven hundred thousand dollars for the lies that they told
about the twenty twenty election. We know what the deal is,
and so my feeling was like, I don't want it.
Let me tell you something. She went into their house,
into Donald Trump's house, and brought facts, brought the passion,
and told those Fox viewers, who, by the way, the
beginning of that was the fucking ropodope that Brett Bayer
tried to pull. As the Vice President is talking about
the fact that Donald Trump, multiple times this week, has
been talking about the quote unquote enemy within and that
he wants to turn the American military on the American people.
That's not what you do in a democracy. So Brett
Baer says, oh, let us play a clip, and the
clip that they played was Donald Trump, Like, oh, they
tried to twist my words, but have you ever heard
what Nancy Pelosi says? And this, that and the other thing.
And that's when the Vice President was just like, oh, no,
hold up, wait a minute, I'm not gonna fall for
this rogudope, nor am I gonna sit here and pretend
that what you all are doing you're doing in earnest
when I know that this is bullshit. It was chef's kiss.
Let me tell you something. Like I have been saying,
if she wins, if we're able to pull this off,
there will be so many moments that we can point
to that said that did it. This to me is
one of them, and I was just blown away, as
I've been blown away since July. She took that baton
from Joe Biden and ran ran with it. And there
will be books written, so many and in shallah, they
won't be banned about this moment. That is it for
me today. Dear friends on wokef as always, power to
the people and to all the people. Power, get woke
and stay woke as fuck.