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May 10, 2024 22 mins

On this Fuck It Friday, Danielle is holding nothing back. Democrats are attempting to govern as if it's still the 20th century, and Republicans want to roll civil rights back to the 19th century.

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Speaker 1 (00:11):
Good morning, peeps, and welcome to OKF Daily with me
your girl, Daniel Moody, recording from the Home Bunker. Folks,
Happy Friday. We've made it through this grueling week, yet
another grueling week in America. And you know, how do
I want? What are the stories that I want to

run through today? Well, first off, Joe Biden, let's start there.
Let's start with the red line that is Rafa. Right,
So net Yahoo has been playing Master's Chess and I

don't know what game Joe Biden has been playing with Israel,
or if he's playing any or if he's actually, like
I don't know, on the same planet. But we all
know that net Nyahu does not give a fuck about
the hostages. Okay, let's just be very clear. I feel
for those over two hundred families that have put their

faith in their leader to return right their loved ones
to them, and when given the opportunity to return those
loved ones, Net Nyahu has said no because it doesn't
play into his master plan of genocide and erasure of
the Palestinian people. Right, And Joe Biden has been completely

complicit because Joe Biden wants to believe in the twentieth
century when it comes to Israel, and not the twenty
first century. He wants to believe in the Israel of
his past and not the Israel of our present, one

that is hell bent on supremacy, on apartheid, on oppression,
one that has absolutely nothing to do with democracy, one
that is building mass graves, killing children, blowing up hospitals,
blowing up schools. There are times when you are given
more information and with that information the opportunity to pivot.
With that information, you are given the opportunity to make changes.

But Joe Biden stays the course. It doesn't matter how
much information is provided to him about all of the
humanitarian violations, about the violations of the Geneva Convention, about
violations you know of human rights and liberties and stoppages
of food and famine, and none of those things will
have this administration deterin their quote unquote ironclad right partnership

with Israel. Nothing right any other country. No, there are restrictions, right,
there are rules that you have to follow, not Israel,
though you get to do it whatever the fuck you want,
whenever you want, because your trauma runs that deep, as
if the rest right of the world hasn't suffered some
type of reprehensible trauma at some point in time. Right,

So you know, I don't say that to make light
of but I say that to open our eyes to
who gets a pass and who does not. So right
now Netan Yahoo and his band of homicidal maniacs have
positioned themselves and have begun the invasion of Rafa, the

one place that Palestinians were told to go that would
be safe, safe ish one point two. I think million
people crammed into a space that is like I can't
even imagine, Like at this point, it looks like a
couple of football fields. Right. They have taken over the roads.
There is no medicine, no food going in because their

goal is to starve these people to death. That whoever
you can't bomb, whoever you can't shoot, whoever you can't kidnap,
whoever you can't torture to death, right, you will starve
to death. So now Joe Biden the finds himself saying that, uh,
he's not gonna supply the weapons to go into Rafa. Well,
you've been supplying motherfucker weapons and billions of dollars over

the last seven months, So does it even matter that
you're making this posture. Oh, you're not gonna provide those weapons? Well,
you know you've provided enough, right, I'm sure they're good.
What else you fucking got, because it doesn't seem like
you have much unless it's ire for youth protesters, right,

who don't need to have degrees in foreign affairs to
understand that something doesn't smell right, that when you call
something a democracy, it should actually be one, which means
that there isn't an obviously oppressed class, right. Yeah, so
that's where we are. You know, every week we think

that we will get closer to a ceasepire, But we
also have to understand that Natan Yahoo and his band
of homicidal maniacs don't want to cease fire because the
moment that they do have a cease fire, right, the
moment that we can get a hold of this horrific situation,
he'll no longer be in power. So chaos, right, and

destruction are necessary in order for him to stay in power.
You think Biden would know that, You think that he
would understand that, You think that he would see that
thousands of Israelis that have been out in the street
protesting this motherfucker and say maybe maybe something is wrong here,
but no, let's take a look at Marjorie Taylor Green

for a blip and say that finally her colleagues and
I use that term loosely, have finally called out her
fucking stupidity for what it is. She wanted to make
a motion to vacate the speaker, and all of the
Republicans except for nineteen I think that's decided to stand

by her. We're like, nah, we're good, as well as
all of the Democrats. Here's the thing that I want
to say about Democrats. You're not the adults in the room.
Stop trying to win some type of fucking brownie points
as if anyone gives a shit. Over the last nine years,
we have seen how reprehensible the Republican Party has become.

So why are you continuing to want to try and
offer them some type of olive branch or bail them out,
Let them fucking implode. This don't have shit to do
with you, right, So stop stepping in and offering a
you know, a hand and saying like, oh, we just
want a functional government. You're never going to have a
functional government with a bunch of fucking terrorists, right, which

is what the Republican Party is. So do yourself a
favor and the rest of us a favor, and work
like you have a spine, Stand up like you have one. Right.
If they want your votes in order to to save
somebody speaker, then they need to give something in return.
That's how negotiations work. Try it sometime, you know. This

whole week, people have been transfixed with Donald Trump's hush
money electoral bribing trial because Stormy Daniels, the porn star
that he had an affair with, has been testifying and
has provided details that I don't want to know, frankly
about Donald Trump. I don't want to hear the word

Trump and Genitalia in the same sentence uttered by any
fucking body. I don't need that imagery, and neither do you.
You know what I realized about all of these trials,
and we'll get to ailing Cannon and her bullshit that
we knew she was gonna pull down in Florida doing
exactly what it is that she was put in place
to do, right, which was to slow walk or just

totally dismiss this trial as it pertains to the documents
that Donald Trump stole and wanted to put up for
sale to put that case on hold. But nonetheless, this
entire show that is happening in New York with this
case makes me sick. It should make everyone who is
an American that cares about America embarrassed and disgusted. Right,

this is how far the Republicans have dragged us into
the gutter. This is who their guy is. Right, they
want to tell you that Donald Trump and the white evangelicals, Oh,
he's the second coming of Christ. The man that is
cheated on his wife with a porn star multiple fucking times,
the man that was found guilty of sexual assault, the
man that has said that he can grab a woman

by the pussy, the man that has been married three times,
has multiple fucking children by multiple fucking women that were
not even born in this country except for one of them. Right,
but hates immigrants but only the good white ones. I'm
just so sick to death of their bullshit. Right because
somebody had posted you know that, like, it should be embarrassing,

it should be grotesque. Everyone that is paying attention to
this like should be looking around at themselves and be like,
how did we get here? But for Republicans, there is
no bottom, right, as I said on AM and Mohedeen's show,
because they'll just continue fracking their way to hell. They

don't give a fuck, right, because if they cared about
the American people, then you would have abandoned Trump a
long time ago and this would have been a blip
on our radar screen. But no, because all you care
about is power and clinging to power by any means necessary.
And if that means teaming up with a man that
fucked a fucking porn star and pays for sex and

cheated on his wife, but then wants to hold up
the Bible, well then that's your guy. No, you have
an allegiance to white supremacy. That's what this is all about.
It isn't even about Donald Trump. It's just that Donald
Trump is the vehicle for you to continue right, to
perpetuate right, your power and wield it against those that

you deem us less than. That's what this is about,
you know. And when these white evangelical Christians want to
turn around and say, well God gives us different tools,
shut the fuck up, okay, because your religion is white supremacy. Okay,
that's what you pray to, don't get it twisted because
what you've done is twisted Christianity and twisted religion to

your own ends. Disgusting, you know, folks. Donald Trump, also
in a meeting with some billionaires, has said that he
will roll back every single environmental protection law, every single
policy that's in place, if they'll give him one billion dollars.

Though Donald Trump out here, bold and in daylight, talking
about just give me some money and I'll do whatever
it is that you need me to do. Right, you
raise a billion dollars for this here campaign and ensure
that I become president of the United States, and I'll
do you solid. I'll make sure that our air and

our water and our pipes are as dirty, as broken
as possible. I'll make sure that you know that people
have no recourse and that this country becomes debilitated and dilapidated,
right and filled with disease that are preventable. But it
doesn't matter so long as you all, you CEOs and
you shareholders get paid, right, That's what Donald Trump said.

So again, I know that the pill that we the
Joe Biden pill that we have to swallow, feels like
it is covered in razor blades and dipped in bleach.
But we're gonna swallow that fucking pill, because this motherfucker
is going to sell America to the highest bidder and
we will be done as a country, done as a people.

The amount of disease and like deprivation, poverty that this
administration will usher in, and that will just be the norm.
There will be no safe space, there will be no
patchwork of protection. Y'all, swallow the pill. Swallow it with me.
We'll just get a lot of water. I continue to

say that every week in this country, as we make
this March to November, feels worse than the week before.
The images coming out of Rafa, coming out of Gaza
are just heartbreaking. Doesn't even begin to say it. Frankly,

I just want to once again applaud the young people
on the campuses across this country and those brave young
people who are risking their futures to bring attention to
things that the mainstream media and our politicians want us
to ignore. You know, people want to dismiss young people

and say, oh, what do they know, blah blah blah.
You know, they know that they are going to inherit
a country that is just a sewer, right, a country
that does not need its values, a country that has
been gaslighting its citizens since its inception. You know, American exceptionalism,

we know is a lie. We know that America has
done more dirt, more damage, and caused more death and
destruction around this world than any other nation. Right when
we look at the reason why we have such an
influx of immigration, well, look at how the United States

has destabilized Latin America over the course of like the
last five and six decades. I'm telling you right now,
I'm late to the game. I'm late to the show.
But I'm reading The Shock Doctrine by Naomi Klim, which
came out in two thousand and seven, still relevant today
about the use of shock and awe in order to

take over nations. Right, whether that's shock and trauma come
from war or whether it come from a national catastrophe
or a climate event, all of the people that will
ensure that they weaponize that shock to push through some

of the most egregious policies in this country and around
the world. Folks, I'm less than one hundred pages into
this book that is like six hundred pages long, and
I have to put it down every few pages. I
got to put it down because I am just like,
oh my god, so whatever, we're like, oh, how did

we get here? And I'm just like, America is just
filled with lies. This whole fucking country is one big
grave site. And I think that this generation generation Z
they are our archaeologists. They are on a fucking dig
to get to the truth of who this country is.

You know, every couple of generations, we've like picked at it.
You know, we've done a little digging, and then we
get comfortable. Right the economy's good, you got a good job,
you're having kids, you're buying homes. None of those things
is this generation gonna be able to do because they

can't fucking afford it, and they're wondering, how did we
get here? How did we get to be the generation
that is going to be slighted. And so yeah, they're
gonna air out a lot of the shit that has
been hidden, a lot of the shit that has been
covered up. And I say, Dear God, power to you all.

You know, take off the rose colored glasses, rip down
the veil. Do you know what I'm saying. Unplug your nose,
open up your ears, and open up your eyes. Because
we've been living a lie, and there is so much
that we need to unlearn. There is so much shit
that this country has done and been complicit in, and

has done so in our name, and we have a
right to know. That's why these young people on these
college campuses are talking about we want transparency and a
divestment right. We want to know where the fuck our
money is going because I don't want to be complicit.
Because the thing asks folks, is that when we know better,
we actually decide to do better. That's why they try

and keep us in the dark, because the more that
people know, the more that they begin to question, and
the more that they want to control right where their
fucking resources are going. You won't want to do you
want to do dirt, don't do it in my name
and with my resources. You know, there's a j Cole

song where he is rapping and talking about you know,
I wish I got to decide where my taxes went right,
much in the same way that you have a four
to one k or Sepi or ray or whatever it
is that you have, and you have a portfolio right
where that your money is being invested into. Well, I

wish right that we were given as a country here
are the places that your money can go, right, education, environment, infrastructure, defense,
And it was listed out, and you had the maximum
percentage that you could put in each place, and it
was up to you. You could decide, I want fifty

percent of my money to go to my taxes to
go to education, right, I want ten percent to go
to defense. Right. I want the remaining, you know, forty
percent to be divided up between infrastructure and the environment.
We should have a say so, because we don't get

to have a say so, and how much tax is
that we're actually paying, So why shouldn't we get to
say where it should be invested? Because I'm trusting you
motherfuckers to invest it with whoever is giving you the
biggest favors. It's not like you're using strategy or science.
So you know, at the end of the day, we
continue to think that there are people that were putting

in these positions that know more than we do. And
I just want to remind folks they don't. They do not.
They maybe have more time to read, listen, but they
really don't. I learned that the easy way when I
went to go work on Capitol Hill. I was in awe, starstruck,
by some of these members, some of these representatives, thinking

that they were so brilliant, and then I worked on
Capitol Hill for a year and I'm just like, you
actually don't know any fucking thing. It's your staff, right.
These twenty thirty and forty year olds, mostly those that
are younger because the Hill don't pay that are the
ones that are writing the plans and making the decisions

for the country. And these representatives, in a lot of
ways are just figureheads. They run good campaigns, you know,
they give good speeches sometimes, but do they know more
than you do? No, they don't, and a lot of

cases they do not. Case in point Marshery, Taylor Green,
Lauren Bobert, Matt Gates, Tim Scott. Do you know what
I'm saying? So, folks, I say all that to say
that each and every week in this country as we

head to November just is going to get harder. That
is just going to be it. It is going to
be up to us to ensure that we are taking
care of ourselves, that we are you know, finding and
centering joy, finding and grounding ourselves in something bigger than
us in order for us to not feel destabilized because

what I realize is that the whole point is to overstimulate, right,
and to overwhelm so that we just throw up our
hands and we walk away and we say enough is
enough because there's only so much our systems can take.
So if we're not taking care of our nervous systems right,
then we are going to be a part of the breakdown.

And that's what they are hoping for. A part of
your resistance has got to look like care, care for
yourself and care for those around you, and has to
look like timeouts and breaks. It has to look like
going through this year as we head to this election
in mini sprints, right, not a marathon, mini sprint, Rest, hydrate,

start again, because we need those bursts of energy to
carry us through. Folks. That is it for me today
on this bucket Friday. For my Patreon members, check your
email on Patreon, I have a lot of exciting things

for you this weekend. And if you are not on Patreon,
head to patreon dot com slash wookf and sign up.
Choose to contribute, you know, as little as five dollars
a month. I have changed out all of the Patreon
levels and membership levels, giving you guys so much more

access and information, so make sure to check that out
Underneath this video go to your tear but do make
sure to check your email because I got some goodies
coming to you all this weekend that I'm very excited
to share. It has been a long time coming, and
so as always, my dear friend, that is it for

me here on Woke app. As always, power to the
people and to all the people power, get woke and
stay woke as fuck.
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