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July 12, 2024 22 mins

For the last week or more we have been engulfed in a news cycle around a singular story of Joe Biden's age. It is time to move on.

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Speaker 1 (00:11):
Good morning, peeps, and welcome to ok F Daily with
Me your Girl, Daniel Moody recording from the Home Bunker. Folks,
I wish that I had good news to report on
to close out this week, where for two whole weeks
we have been locked in a news cycle about Joe Biden.

We've been locked into a news cycle that stemmed from
a bad debate that is now turned into an echo
chamber of folks calling for Joe Biden to step aside.
And what I find so frustrating about these calls is

one just the complete and total disregard for the Vice
President of the United States, Kamala Harris, where there is
a natural succession plan that is already in place in
our constitution that if in fact the president is no

longer capable or able to do their duties, that guess
who takes over the vice president of the United States.
But in all of the calls for Biden to step aside,
largely stemming from you guessed it, rich white powerful men,
somehow they've overlooked the fact that we have a vice

president and actually don't need to go into whatever they
want to refer to as a brokered convention or an
open convention, people floating just the names of you know,
Governor Whitmer, governor Newsome, whatever other white person that they
could possibly think of. But I just the misogyny is

so deep. Uh the I guess what would we call it?
Just the inability to reckon with the crisis at hand,
and so it's necessary for Democrats to create another crisis.

We are experiencing an existential threat to our democracy, to
our way of life at the hands of Donald Trump
and maga fascist Republicans. This is not hyperbolic. Finally, Project
twenty twenty five has become a part of the lexicon

that people are researching and googling and putting up write
ups and infographics and brief summaries of this nine hundred
page manifesto that tells you exactly what it is that
these people want to do to this country that will
fundamentally reimagine America as a nation that, in its writing says,

bring me, you're tired, you're hungry, and you're poor. But
in the Heritage Foundation they're like, lock your doors, close
your windows, and shut the blinds. We only care for
and uplift those who look like us, pray like us,
write and love like us so to have a two

week media cycle that is about Joe Biden and not
the decisions that were just made by the Supreme Court
that fundamentally change the office of the presidency and make

it now have the same rights and privileges as a
care that the past, you know, forty four presidents before
Donald Trump did not need immunity. And for us to
have a conversation about this weaponized, radicalized, bought and sold

grifting as Supreme Court that wasn't in the news for
two weeks. Donald Trump even trying to kill his former
vice president, that wasn't in the news for two weeks.
But Joe Biden and his age and signs of aging,
that's what makes front page news every day for two weeks.

But her emails, but his age. But I go back
to these calls because I want to read from a
piece that friend of the show and friend of mine,
doctor Christina Greer wrote on MSNBC, an article entitled the
real reason a Kamala Harris presidency is un fathomable to

her critics, And she says this democrats suggesting an open
convention or looking past Harris as they imagine who might
run on the top of the Democratic ticket if Biden
can't are also demeaning Harris's political skills and competence. This

disrespect for the Vice president isn't a surprise, she writes,
Neither are the racist and sexist attacks that aren't so
much dog whistles as they are definitely loud barks. In
twenty twenty, Biden selected Harris of California as his running mate.
After their contentious debate exchanges, and after her hopes of

winning the presidential nomination then quickly faded. It seemed obvious
that he was selecting Harris to appeal to the Democratic
Party's most reliable block, black women. They are the voters
who have supported and lifted up the party in races
across the country. In his speech and announcing Harris as

his pick, he said, this morning, all across this nation,
little girls woke up, especially little black and brown girls,
who so often may feel overlooked and undervalued in our society.
But today maybe they're seeing themselves for the first time
in a way as the stuff of presidents and vice presidents.

This is the point right of vice presidents to provide
a picture of the country, to provide a ticket that
meets a set of requirements by constituents right, like, we
choose these people for a reason, and unlike the racist

attacks that we're seeing in the New York Posts and
in other places that have the audacity to refer to
the vice president of the United States as a dei
vice president when what they really want to say is
the N word. It is absurd to think that a
former senator right and prosecutioner like prosecutor is not qualified

for the job, and instead these white men are willing
to float a whole host of other names. Christina goes
on to write that quote, diversifying a ticket is good politics,
But the New York Post column and Rep. Roy would
have you believe that Biden's decision to appeal to his

party's most loyal voters are with something sinister. And she
ends with this, We've had a woman of color this
close to the most important office in this nation for
nearly four years, but since last month's debate between Biden
and Trump, Harris as president has become a much more

tangible possibilit or predicament depending on your perspective. Knowing what
we know about Fox News, Trump, the Republican Party, and
even members of the Democratic Party who are entheus of
Harris's position, we must prepare ourselves for the even more
racist and sexist barking we're about to hear, directed not

only at her, but at the very idea that somebody
who looks like her could ever be qualified to lead. That,
to me is the crux of it, right, because what
this article offers is that it isn't just those that

are on the right, those in Project twenty twenty five
and writing the curttails of Donald Trump who believe that
black women people of color are unworthy of the positions
that they find themselves in, whether that is vice president,
whether it is is a pilot, whether it is a doctor,

so on and so forth, that we don't belong there,
that we're only there to be window dressing. No, that's
what the Republican Party does with their black mascots like
Byron Donald's and Tim Scott and Clarence Thomas, right, just
to showcase, Oh, it's not really white supremacy, because these

guys are in on it too. No, they, like white women,
believe that their power can come to their proximity to
powerful white men. The fact is that there is a
reckoning that needs to happen inside of the Democratic Party,
and it isn't just about Joe Biden's age. It's about
whether or not they truly believe that black women people

of color are qualified for the roles that have notoriously
been positioned for white people. Because when I hear the
likes of a George Clooney or John Stewart or Carvell
or others needing to call in other names to throw

out as opposed to the vice President of the United States,
it doesn't sound like a dog whistled to me, As
doctor Greer wrote, it definitely sounds like a loud bark.
Another piece of news that came up but was lost

in the news cycle of the continuing coverage around Joe
Biden is what Alexandria Accassio Cortes did this week, which
you may or may not have heard about. And I
think that on this fucked Friday, it is important to
lift up AOC seeks to impeach Supreme Court Justices Thomas

and Alito. And this is what she has done, and
this is according to Routers, she has introduced articles of
impeachment against the two justices. Obviously, we know that right
now the House is controlled by Maga Republicans. We also

know that we have an election where the power could
in fact shift and Democrats could retake the House and
hold on to the Senate. The introduction then of these
articles of impeachment don't seem so far fetched. Also, we
continue to ask Democrats to quote unquote do something. And

this is something because not only is AOC lifting up
the reasons why they should be impeached, but we also
have two senators in Democrats who are calling for the
Department of Justice to investigate Alito and Thomas. Right, I,

like others, believe that a special council should have been
assigned to the Supreme Court once it was reported the
millions of dollars worth of quote unquote gifts that Clarence
Thomas and Alito have received, not to mention their wives
involvement with places like the Heritage Foundation to Stop the

Steel Rally, upside down Flags and the like. It is
clear that these people are not making decisions based off
of precedent which they have flushed down the toilet, but
they are doing it based on their boss and sold principles. Right,

they sold themselves to Harlan Crowe and to the highest
bidder and so they don't hear these cases with the
idea of what is best for the American people. Right,
they're compromised, and that's exactly how they should be discussed
and how they should be treated. So this is what

was brought up in a statement that Thomas and Alito's
quote pattern of refusal to recuse from consequential matters before
the court, in which they hold widely documented financial and
personal entanglements constitutes a grave threat to American rule of law. AOC,

you know, made it very clear that these people are
not to be trusted, that these people must be removed.
She was quoted as saying, absent resignation, which we know
will never happen from a lifetime appointment that they are

making bookoo dollars off of, they must be removed because
of Alito and Thomas's refusal to recuse. Every day Americans cannot, should, not,
and will not believe that these justices and consequently the
court they serve, is working to uphold the Constitution and
put the country ahead of their own individual self interests.

Reasonable Americans will and do believe that Justices Thomas and
Alito are prone and subject to corruption, that the Institution
failing to punish them is broken, and that consequently their
impeachment is a constitutional imperative and our Congression duty. I

can not agree more. These men are corrupt. This isn't like,
oh for they Oh I forgot, I forgot to announce
that I took and was gifted private jets. Oh I
forgot to say that I was gifted luxury retreats. Oh

I forgot like? This isn't forgetting. It's that they are
treated as if they are above the law. The fact
that Justice John Roberts can refuse an invitation by the
Senate Judiciary to sit down and talk about ethics reform
on the court, given all that has been reported and

investigated over the last year or two, is absurd to me.
We talk about our government being a system of checks
and balances, and yet the Supreme Court are the ones
that are sitting on top high saying, who don't check me?
Boo right? So make it make sense that there are

no ways in which we are able to hold corrupt
people accountable. They themselves have complete and total immunity, and
then they turn around and they give it to a criminal.
Not one president has ever needed immunity. Why because they've
never weaponized the power of the office in the way

that Donald Trump has. But you have two, if not more,
compromised justices on that Supreme Court that gave him a
blank check to be America's first dictator, and this is
what they've done it. You know, this country in so

many ways is so so corrupt and it's so so disheartening.
But I really want to give it up and give
kudos to AOC for introducing this with co sponsors Representative
Barbara Lee, Rashida Teleb, Bonnie Watson, Dahlia Ramirez, Maxwell frost

Elan Omar, and Jamal Bowman. It is really important that
we begin to center the importance of the courts in
every election because for fifty plus years, Republicans have seen

and created plans to ensure that people that share their
same narrow backwards theocratic beliefs would be able to execute
their goal from the bench, and Democrats have never made

the courts their focus. It's just like the courts are
apparently not run by people with their own agendas and
their own self interests that we've always believed that, oh, well,
you know, they're siding with the rule of law. They
are not. They are inventing new rules and new laws
as they go on. So it's extraordinarily important for decisions

like this to be made, for articles of impeachment to
be made, because it should, but it didn't in this
particular news cycle because distraction. Distraction show us what is
at stake. The last thing that I will bring up

today again is Project twenty twenty five. Folks, if you
have not read Project twenty twenty five, there are nonumber
of places that give you a summary and breakdown from
democracy forward to media matters, to pro Publica and so
forth and so on. But most recently Donald Trump has

found to be oh, what is that thing he does
all the time, like breathe, lying, lying about. He doesn't
know what Project twenty twenty five is. He doesn't know
what the Heritage Foundation is. Well, funny enough, because you
know facts. He said, quote, I have no idea who

is behind it. Well, here's just a little tidbit. Six
of his former cabinet secretaries helped write or collaborated on
the nine hundred page playbook for a second Trump term.
Four individuals Trump nominated as ambassadors are also involved. This
is according to CNN, about twenty pages are credited to

his first deputy chiep of Staff. In fact, at least
one hundred and forty people who worked in the Trump
administration had a hand in Project twenty twenty five, which
they call quote a mandate for leadership. So yeah, friends
like Donald Trump lies all the time, So yeah, he

knows what Project twenty twenty five is. He is rubber
stamped Project twenty twenty five. He's trying to run from
it in public right now. What will absolutely absolutely fucking
institutionalize it if he becomes president. He's running away from
it because people are finally woke to it and realizing
this sounds crazy, This sounds like Gilead. I do not

want to live in this version of America, and so
because it is wildly unpopular, he's trying to distance himself
from it. Don't fall for the ropodope, folks, because as
soon and if Donald Trump becomes president again, the first
one hundred days will look like a reimagining of America

that makes sci fi and horror movies seem like bedtime
stories for children. Stay woke and vote. Remember that the
damn shop at Daniel Moody dot com is open for business.
With my first capsule collection. The future is Woke. Get

t shirts, get sweatshirts, get tots, journals, and more. Do
check it out and support independent entrepreneurs, voices, and fighters
for democracy like myself. Appreciate y'all. That is it for
me today. Dear friends on Woke af AS always, power

to the people and to all the people power, Get
woke and stay woke as fuck.
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