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May 17, 2024 26 mins

The bear wouldn't send us backwards into fascist theocracy.

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:11):
Good morning, peeps, and welcome to ook F Daily with
me your girl, Daniel Moody, recording from the home Bunker, Folks.
Before I kick off this week's fuck It Friday, I
want to do a little promotion, which is to tell
you that the Damn Shop at Daniel Moody dot com
is open and what do I have in there? I

have the Future is Woke capsule collection that I have
launched with t shirts and sweatshirts, journals and tots and stickers.
Oh my, And you should head over there and get
yourself some swag at Daniel Moody dot com. Also, while
you're there, hey, why not sign up for my newsletter? Yes,

that's right, I've launched a newsletter called the Damn Digest
that will be delivered into your inboxes twice a month.
And what's inside of the Damn Digests you ask, will
let me tell you. There will be articles and videos
to keep you engaged, peaceful, and inspired as fuck. The
first newsletter went out where you can check it out

right now on the blog on danielle Moody dot com
where I welcomed everyone to the damndjets dug into some
tips on how to romanticize your life, talked about the
protests and the attacks on freedom of speech, as well
as a lot more, folks. So head over to Danielmoody

dot com, sign up for the Damn Digest and get
it delivered twice a month directly into your inboxes guess
what for free, as well as heading over to the
Damn Shop on Danielmoody dot com and grabbing some t search, sweatshirts,
totes and more. I'm so excited to have these new

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right now? Are you? But two folks who are interested
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well as new tiers that I have also incredible offerings
there where I'm going to be scheduling monthly deep dives
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quarterly ask Me Anything Zoom meetings where you can in
fact ask me anything, and so much more. So, head

over to Patreon dot com and sign up and subscribe
to one of the amazing tier offerings that are there
all right, let's get this fucked Friday started, dear friends.
So first off, I got a couple of news stories
that I've written that I want to run through because

you know, there's been this trend going around. I don't
know if it started on TikTok or if it started
on Instagram, but it was like a question that was
asked to women, who would you prefer to be stranded
I guess in the woods with a bear or a man?
And the questions the responses to that question were extraordinary,

where women largely chose to be stranded in the woods
with a bear as opposed to a man that could
potentially sexually assault them. I was out fucking done because
I think that misogyny, toxic masculinity is so pervasive in
our culture that men don't get it. Like, I really

don't think that men understand what women have to deal
with on a regular basis, right. And I was actually
in conversation with my dad recently because we were talking about,
you know, apartment shopping and you know, things that when
I'm looking to move need to take into consideration that him,

as a man, would never have to take into consideration.
For instance, I, as a woman living in the city.
I want to live in the safest neighborhood possible, safe
at all times of day and night, right because if
I'm getting out of an uber in the middle of
the night, like, do I want to have certain elements

like around me. I have to think about my self protection.
I have to think about well lit streets. I have
to think about security in so many different ways that
a man all they have to think about is like, Oh,
that apartment looks great, Maybe I'll get it because I
can afford it. Women have to think about so much
more and like it takes up so much space in

our brains. You're walking down the street, right, you're headed
to a car, Do you have your keys ready in
your hand? Are you looking around to make sure that
nobody is following you? If somebody hollers at you on
the street, hey girl, hey, or you look nice, right,
you need to find a way to be both kind
and maybe give a little smile but not too much

that they want to approach, but not be too mean
so that they don't stab you. Like it's wild right
to be a woman in this country, and so you
would think in twenty twenty four, when a man is
stepping up to give a commencement speech that he would
recognize the reality of what women deal with and also,

I don't know, be a part of this century. But
apparently that is not what Harrison Butker, who is a
Kansas City chiefs kicker, did when he went to Benedictine College.
So this motherfucker, Like, I watched the clips, y'all, and
I was just like, what kind of in cel like

right wing propagandic bullshit is this. So you're looking out
at an audience right, filled with both men and women
who have just finished a huge hurdle in their lives,
which is graduating from college. You are filled with excitement about, well,

I hope, excitement about what is next for you in
your life. You've just had this major achievement, and your
university in college says, let us bring in somebody that
will inspire you as you head into this next chapter.
So they bring in the Kansas City chiefs Kicker, who
then begins to beraid women and tell them that the

greatest achievement that they can have is as a homemaker, right,
and beraid the LGBTQ community and say that that is
just filled with sin, right, Like, this motherfucker went off
on women, on queer people, on train people, and since
then his team and the NFL have tried to distance

themselves from him, And I'm thinking to myself, well, at
least he didn't kneel on the sidelines silently to protest,
you know, the killing of unarmed black people, because then
he would be fucking blacklisted, kicked off of his team,
lose his life savings, right, and like have to rebuild
his life not doing his passion. Thank god for that.

He just decided to berat a bunch of women, degrade
the LGBTQ community and still gets paid four million dollars
a year. Right, but just get say, oh, shake of
the hand. His actions don't represent us. But somebody kneeling
and silently protesting before a game, Oh that was outrageous.
Give me a fucking break. The hypocrisy is disgusting, right,

I'm so sick and tired of the faux outrun age
over people protesting for freedom, for justice, for liberation of
subjugated communities. But then you have a motherfucker like this
Harrison person who wants to get up and go on

a homophobic, misogynistic, transphobic rant, and you still have a job.
Make it make sense to me, right, because in this
country we want people from marginalized communities to shut the
fuck up and just be grateful what that we're not
in shackles, right, be grateful that we're not shot at

on a regular basis, right and beaten, and like have
to step off of the curb to allow white people
to pack. Like, I just don't understand. I want some
actions taken against this man for what he did, but
there won't be. Maybe he'll get quote unquote canceled by

people who didn't want want to fuck with him anyway
or even know who he was, but he will be
uplifted by the right wing as like you know, a
major celebrity and probably run for office someday. Like that's
how these people fail forward. Meanwhile, if you protest at
your college, if you march in the streets for justice,

you're labeled anti Semitic, a terrorist or worse. It's bullshit
that man, goodbye, sir, And I appreciate all of the
women that have made tons of TikTok videos mocking the
fuck out of him. And in a world of what
do they say? In a world of Harrison Bucker's b
Travis Kelcey right, who is not intimidated by a strong,

powerful woman. Now. I may not like Taylor Swift's music,
but like she got somebody that isn't a misogynistic pig.
And I think that more men should come out and
speak against actions and rhetoric like this so that all
men are not painted with the same broadwatching can say,

especially those that are in celebrity positions, higher positions, and
be like, the fuck is wrong with this dude? Right?
Because that would go a long way. Let's switch over
to some actual politics, which is the debates that are

going to be coming up. I spoke about this yesterday
a bit, and you know there are some folks that
you know, had some commentary and are calling what Joe
Biden and his campaign are doing daring. So Frank Brune
wrote in The New York Times, Biden's daring debate proposal

could recharge his campaign. And I'll say what I said
yesterday again, No one's minds are changed by anymore. That
is not like the universe that we live in. I remember,
you know that years and years and years ago. Sure,

if you had a flub, that could mean the end
of your campaign. But apparently if you're indicted, you know,
four times with ninety two charges like that doesn't stop
people from voting for you. So me having a stutter
moment at a debate will, like, give me a fucking break.
I think that largely people are either have made up

their minds right or are not going to check in
for many many months until right before the election unfortunately.
But do I think that Joe Biden pushing Donald Trump
to agree to a debate so that if he backs
out of it, he's the one that looks like a punk, right,
I think that that's a good move. I also think

that it's a good move to push the debates earlier
before the election, and also to not have a studio audience,
because I think that again, Donald Trump plays to a
studio audience to get their applause and will fill it
with a bunch of fucking maga right wing assholes. So
I think that not having an audience is great. But

I'll go back to saying what I said yesterday, which
is that if you actually wanted to get to the
there there of a candidate's agenda and what they plan
to do, then you would host a series of town halls.
You would do fireside chats, but debates. Debates are like

going on television, you know, trying to unpack a complex
you know, subject matter, and you're giving ninety seconds to
do it with two panelists and a host. Like there's
not a lot of time to be able to showcase
like the importance of an issue or where you are
on it. Debates are purely about entertainment, right, Like they

don't actually offer you anything. And at this point, if
you don't know Biden and you don't know Trump, then
I guess you've been living under a rock. So those
are my thoughts on that. Let me switch gears to
what I'm referring to as you know, these fucking clowns,
these Republicans that are showing up at Donald Trump's criminal trial,

his election interference trial in New York. And I said
it yesterday with these fucking minions that showed up, like
what are they cosplaying folks? They all had on their
red ties and their cheap black suits and their cheap
white shirts to like show their support for Donald Trump.

They look fucking stupid, right, And now you have showing
up at the courthouse Lauren Bobert right seating right on
the as the media said the crime seat in the
aisle right behind Donald Trump, so that she can be
in all of what you know, the still pictures and
the little cartoon drawings that they're doing inside of the courtroom.

Matt Gates is there, and like other fucking election denying
idiots are there. Like Donald Trump's own fucking family outside
of Eric who gives a fuck about him, have not
shown up to support this man at this election interference trial.
But these pick me, pick me Republicans are showing up
there so that what they can be in the running

for VP or be on Trump's good side and get
what a suite at mar A Lago and some gaudy
fucking room. Like these people are so fucking disgusting and unserious,
Like they're just unserious. They don't care about the state
of this country. They don't care about their constituents. They
care about being on the good side of their wanna

be dictator and authoritarian so that what you can get
some type of bullshit role inside of the administration if
in fact, the American people allowed this man to have
a second term, which I cannot stress enough. I don't
care how fucking angry you are with Biden. I am
just as angry with Biden. But do you know what

I'm not gonna do. I'm not gonna put my future
on the fucking line and not vote for him and
give Donald Trump just a fucking rolling out the red carpet,
give him carte blanche over the country. Not gonna do
that at all. But I look at these people showing up,
and You're just like, how much more can you debase yourself?

How much more of a loser can you show yourself
to be? Right? But here's the thing what I want
people to really pay attention to and take away from
with regard to this trial. And I've said I said
it this week on Democracy Ish, which drops on Thursdays.
And if you're not listening to Democracy Ish with my

friend wahah hot that comes out weekly, then you're sorely
missing out. So do check that show out that drops
on Thursdays every week. But here's the thing, this is
what I said. There's a reason why this case is important,
and it isn't because of the salacious nature of the
fact that Donald Trump fucked a porn star, paid her

off with election funds right while he was president of
the United States, right, and is caught on tape by
his own lawyer, Michael Cohen, saying that this is very,
very bad for the election, and Cohen saying that he
would handle it. Right. This isn't just a quote unquote
hush money case. It is a case about election interference.

If this was just a case of Donald Trump being
a cheater, right, then it wouldn't really matter, right, because
what you do in your private life and how you
cheat on your wife and disrespect them, that's on you, right.
The reason why you know, people want to like compare
this to Bill Clinton and Monica Lewinsky and Paula Jones.

That's not the fucking thing. Bill Clinton was a serial cheater, right, Like,
we can say that and know that to be true.
Bill Clinton did not try and buy off the people
that he was having an affair with when he was
president of the United States in order to not have
that information come off. Right. Bill Clinton, when he was

running for his first and second term, did not use
campaign funds in order to silence people. He did not
try and manipulate the media in the way that Donald
Trump was in cahoots with the National Inquirer to not
only smear his opponents but also block the stories of

these multiple women, because there are two right that he
slept with while his wife was giving birth. So there's
difference here. This isn't a trial about sex, right because
who cares. I don't care who Donald Trump sleeps with

it As a matter of fact, I want no image
of that in my mind. But what I do care
about is that we have election laws for a reason,
so that criminals and grifters are not able to hold
public office, and that if you are found to have

violated campaign finance laws and election laws, you are held
accountable for those crimes. That is what this trial is about.
Michael Cohen served time in jail because of interfew hearing
in an election using campaign funds to pay off a

porn star. So if he went to jail, then why
is it that the person who told him and directed
him to do that dirt is allowed to run free.
So while I of course would have preferred any other

trial to go forward, this is also a meaningful trial.
But as people are saying, there may be in fact
a hung jury right that comes back, which in fact
would be a win for Donald Trump. Anything other than
a conviction is going to be a win for Donald Trump.

And so That's why this case is iffy, because if
the prosecution does not do their job to expressly state
to the jewelry, whether they wait until their closing remarks
to do so, but to expressly state this trial is
not about sex, it is not about affairs. It is

about violating campaign finance law. It is about rigging an
election that was really fucking close in favor of Donald Trump.
Because I want to just remind people that what had
already come out about Donald Trump the October before the

election was the Access Hollywood tapes where Donald Trump said famously,
when you're a star, they just let you do it.
You can even grab them by the pussy. Now, what
Donald Trump didn't want added on to that tape that

was lead was more information about Donald Trump paying off
women to shut the fuck up and a series of
affairs that he had. Now imagine it is October of
twenty sixteen. Calmy has just decided to, for whatever reason,

reopen the investigation to thwart Hillary Clinton's ability to clench
the White House. But that would have been blocked out
by the fact that not only do we have these
Access Hollywood tapes, but now we have two women, two
porn stars that are telling us that Donald Trump tried

to kill their stories right and pay them off, and
we would have had a even clearer picture of who
this man was because it wouldn't have just been one incident.
It now would have been three. But none of this
was allowed to come out because they suppressed those stories

in order to steal an election. And I use the
words steal because when you lie to the electorate and
they don't have all of the information to make a decision,
a confident and clear decision in an election, you steal

their rights and you lie. So this case is about
election interference. And I would love it if every Democrat
would come out and say so very clearly. This isn't
about sex, right. This is about quieting people, silencing people

so that you can win an election, and worrying about
the consequences of that payoff later when you were president
and you have even more power to bigfoot people. That
is what Donald Trump did. That is what he directed
Michael Cohen to do. That is what this trial is about.

This man. It is so sickening to me that with
less than two hundred days until an election, that this man,
this serial misogynist, this man that was found guilty of
rape and defamation. This man that stole documents and said

right their mind, and I don't have to give them back.
This man that is unstable, that is said that he
wants to be a dictator on day one, that says
that he's going to throw student protesters out of the country,
that he's going to deport eleven million people, That he

is going to direct our military and police force into
those positions that are only held by the National Guard.
That this man is going to shred what is left
of our constitution, weaponize the military against its own people.
Is within arm's length of the White House. We cannot,

we cannot let this happen. Reserve whatever anger, judgment, and
frustration that you have for Joe Biden, knowing that you
will still have the right to protest this man. You
will still have the right to pull his feet to
the fire. But if we lose what is left of
our constitution and our civil liberties because we decide to

use this election of all elections as our protest vote,
oh dear friends, dear friends, it will be the end.
And that is not me being hyperbolic. It is me
just painting a very clear picture of where we are
in America. That is it for me today, dear friends,

on Woke f and on this glorious fuck it Friday.
As I said at the top of the show, the
Damn Shop is open. Head over to Danielle Moody dot
com and check out the Future is Woke that you
can see on my T shirt right now, my capsule
collection that I have launched, T shirts, sweatshirts and more.

Go ahead and check them out, as well as signing
up for The Damn Digest, delivered twice a month to
your inboxes. That is my new newsletter. It is free
and you can sign up today. As always, dear friends,
Power to the people and to all the people. Power,
get woke and stay woke as fuck.
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