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June 7, 2024 21 mins

America is under a hate dome, and the pressure is only heating up. We - the 70% who are NOT Trump supporters - are the majority. Where is our voice? Where is our power?

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Speaker 1 (00:11):
Good morning, peeps, and welcome to ookf Daily with me
your girl, Danielle Moody, recording from the home bunker. Folks,
y'all praise him. Happy fucking Friday. We have made it
to the end of yet another miserable fucking week in politics.
You know, for the last couple of years, I swear

to God that I have wanted a time machine so
that I could go back and choose a different career,
choose a different path, and just tell my younger self,
you know, maybe public service, maybe educating the public, you know,

being in politics, wanting to change policy and do all
those things. Maybe don't do it. Maybe go make money,
you know, because apparently greed is still fucking good right
in this country. But seriously, the other day, I was
in conversation as I normally am with, you know, I

was hanging out with friends who are you know, civil
rights leaders and activists and you know, and just talking
about this moment, you know, and how we are finding
ourselves in a place of just utter distress and despair.
And there are a lot of folks who are feeling

utterly and completely burnt out and who are in the
process of thinking about what's next. And I say that
not to say, like, you know, just give up and quit,
but I also do want to honor the fact that
this work has become really horrible, like for mental health,

the inundation of just bad news, regressive policies, ignorance, it's
like the algorithm of anger, right, this hate wave that
has taken the country by a chokehold. There was a
show on NBC. I think it was NBC. I don't
fucking know because I don't really watch TV, but there

was a show that was called The Dome. I think
you all will tell me in the comments section if
I'm messing it up, But there was a show that
was called like the Dome, and somehow there was like
this sci fi show. There was this big dome that
comes up over like the world or town. And that's
how I feel about America right now, that there's like

this hate dome, right, you know, when we're in those
like horrible heat humidity indexes and they're just like, there's
this heat dome over you know, the East Coast. I
feel like there is a hate dome that is over
the United States right now, and the heat and the
pressure is just growing and mushrooming right in a way

that like a nuclear bomb mushrooms right and goes off.
And I am just at a space where I want
everybody to put on their oxygen masks, but at the
same time break out of this shit. And the only
way that we break out right of this mushroom cloud

of fucking hate is to activate ourselves in everyone around us,
Like this shit is not going away, like the Canadian fire,
fucking yellow sky that happened this time last year in
New York City where by the way, I couldn't go
outside without a mask on because the sky was fucking
yellow and like polluted beyond belief, which is going to

become our norm. Side note, because you know climate change
and we're not doing anything about that. But this hate wave,
this hate dome, is sucking all of the oxygen out
of the room. It is making good people right rethink
their careers and want to figure out what an exit

strategy is. And I don't fault folks, because people who
signed up to do policy work, to be in politics,
to elect good people to office, to represent their districts
or their states or their school board or what have you,
didn't sign up to be harassed, didn't sign up for

death threats. Didn't sign up for, you know, unrelenting hate mail.
Didn't sign up to put their safety in the safety
of their family, you know, at risk in order to
do a public good. It's crazy, but that's the place
that we find ourselves. I mean, you saw this this week, right,

one of the stories that I didn't really bother covering,
and it's just gonna make like a making a quick
mention of it. But Marjorie Taylor Green right, and her
utter and complete disfucking respect for doctor Fauci, I mean,
she made a fool of herself, right, as she does
because she's in Neanderthal. But like the fact that we're

at a point in our politics where we can't even
feign respect for people, right, Like, doctor Fauci is a doctor,
whether or not you like his policies that kept Americans safe,
while the president that you've pledged your allegiance to is
responsible for the deaths of over five hundred thousand Americans.

By the way, where the fuck are those hearings? Right?
If there had been a mask mandate that was put
in place, as was stated by doctors as necessary, do
you think that five hundred thousand Americans would have died
within a year. I don't think so. Right, do you

think that if we hadn't had a president that was
telling people to shoot up bleach and lights into their
ass that like that, many Americans would have died because
of utter fucking criminal negligence on the part of the
Trump administration. But again, no fucking hearings that are being
called on this, right, no investigations that are being called.

This was not an act of God. It was an
act of stupidity, right. It was an act of blatant negligence.
And once, by the way, once that administration knew who
was being most adversely affected put in harm's way black
and brown people who were the essential workers, right I

use air quotes, then it was liberate Michigan and open
up Florida and open up these places because somehow white
people were going to be immune from COVID nineteen, which
was not the fucking case, particularly in rural areas. When
you look at how far we have fallen. I just

did an interview on my other podcast, The New Abnormal
with The Daily Beast, and I was interviewing my friend
and the CEO of the Misfoundation for Women, Teresa Younger,
and Teresa's whole point is about activating right, activating women
and girls and our allies to recognize that we are

at war right, that we are actually in the fight
for our lives. That while people think that civil wars
or wars in general are fought on a batter field
or with bombs and tanks, like what is happening in
Israel and Gaza, there are other wars, right wars around policy, wars,

around rights on equity and justice and liberation. And that
is what this Republican Party has been waging over the
last decade plus right, but certainly over the last ten years.
And so when you take a look at this and
then the shrugging that, I feel like the collective shrugging

because people are exhausted. And I'm not saying that you
don't have a right to be exhausted. We have been
living in a place of trauma. Right. Over a million
fucking people died of COVID and we pretend like it
didn't happen. We were forced into our homes right, whole
country shut down, and the trauma from that we don't

readily talk about. It's still in us. The fact that
anything can change at any fucking moment, and we have
absolutely no control over it. That the air being in
and the close proximity we are pack animals was dangerous.
And instead of us coming together as a country and

that being a point of pride, right helping and loving
thy neighbor, we turned on one another because of the
leadership that was put in place in this country. And
so when there is a time where we should be
reflecting on who we actually want to be and how
we actually want to show up, do you want that

four years of Donald Trump back and worse? You know,
I don't think that people get what is happening and
what is at stake. And so I understand again when
folks are like, I'm done with this, but I'm so

grateful for people like Teresa Junger and the Misfoundation for
women because they're like, no, we continue to declare that
women and girls are our future and we are going
to invest in them whether or not. The US Circuit
Court of Appeals in the Eleventh District says that that

is discriminatory. They are using the language that we created
during the civil rights era in order to equal a
very unequal and white supremacist playing field against us. And
so I continue to say, use what they do and

do it better. These venture firms, these philanthropic organizations, they
say they fund everybody. We're about patriotism and liberty and justice.
They mean for white people that is the asterisk. They
mean for white men, that is the asterist. You can
apply to those venture firms, you can apply to those

you ain't going to get them right. And so I
need for people who have access to resource, write in
philanthropy or individual philanthropists to start moving the way that
white men have been moving in this country in a
self serving, fucking manner, and making sure right that your

descriptions are so broad, but that your fucking targets and
your strategy are clear, because these motherfuckers are coming for
every goddamn advancement that has been made in the twentieth century.
They want that mushroom cloud of hate to not only
take over the entire country, but take over the entire

world and link up with Russia, and link up with
fucking Hungry, and link up right with other dictators around
the world until we're all suffocating under their hate. And
in order for little SIPs of air, we have to
get rid of our values and our morals and conform

to their hateful ideology just to survive. That's not the
kind of fucking world I want to live in, but
it is the world that we are headed to. You know,
every other week it feels like I'm seeing headlines where
people in France are out in the streets and fucking protesting.
What was the last protest that we had in the

United States? The Senate Republicans this week blocked the right
to contraception. It is twenty twenty fucking four. They have
all the data and all the information, and you know
what it says to them, women were able to access
power and economic mobility outside of the confines of men

once they had bodily autonomy. While we celebrate that fact, right,
they have weaponized it and said we're putting women back
in their place. And the way that we do that
is to roll back abortion, roll back contraception, and roll
their asses right back into the kitchen, under lock and
key of men. Where's the outrage, folks, where's the bursting

into protest. I don't know what it's going to take
for people who continue to say that they can't stomach
voting for Joe Biden. Can you stomach living in the
nineteenth fucking century. Other news, Clarence Thomas recently said that

he would like to revisit Brown versus the Board of Education.
For those of you tuning in from home, Brown versus
the Board of Education was the case that outlawed segregation
in schools, that integrated schools. You know the picture of
Ruby Bridges, who by the way, is only sixty something

years old right now, being ushered into school by the
National Guard. That was the decision that began to integrate
schools that Clarence Thomas would like to revisit just the
same way that they revisited Roe v. Wade, the same
way that they revisited affirmative action. So when we are

saying Joe Biden's too old, I don't like his policies
in Gaza, let me tell you something. I know. Joe
Biden is old, and I don't like his policies that
he's doing in Gaza. I don't like where our tax
dollars are going, and I don't like what it's going
to fun. But what I fucking do know for sure
is that I am not trying to relive or recreate
the fucking nineteenth century and see how well I'll do

as a black queer woman in fucking America not trying
to have it. Actually, So for all of you that
are willing to gamble, do you think that it's gonna
look like Bridgerton, Because I'm gonna tell you it's fucking not.
It's not gonna be cute and romand and like look
at our outfits and this that. No, it's gonna be

brutal and nasty and dark and dystopian, just like Donald
Trump's inauguration speech back in twenty seventeen. American carnage. Blood
in the streets January sixth was a warm up because
what they are unable to do electorally, they're gonna do militarily,

trust and fucking believe. And I'm like, how many times
do these motherfuckers need to show you who they are
before we all recognize that we are at war and
under attack. That they're not moving within the confines of
precedent and shared values around law and order and policies

around human rights and dignity. They have an agenda that
they are operationalizing at warp fucking speed. The rest of
us is still sitting around in shock. How could this
be happening? It is happening. Why because of complacency and neglect.

You see, we assumed that once rights were won, that
then they were, I don't know, somehow etched into marble,
never to be removed. That's not the case. Mitch McConnell
knew this when he began stacking the courts. He knew

this when he denied Barack Obama to see the Supreme
Court justice right. So, folks, I don't know how to
ring an alarm any louder than the one that I've
been trying to ring every day since Okay f Daily
came on the air in twenty seventeen. The whole premise

behind this show was like, how the fuck did this
country go from Barack Obama to Donald Trump? But not
only that, how did we live through a Trump four
year administration where we saw Donald Trump court and celebrate

white supremacists, lock children in cages and go to court
to deny them basic hygiene by providing soap and toothpaste
and shelter and food. He denied people the right to

protest and unleashed the police on them. But not on
January sixth, just when they're protesting the brutal murder of
George Floyd that we all watch while sitting at home
in quarantine, where Donald Trump told us not to wear
a mask and to light ourselves up with bleach. How

do you look at this and there are people that
are willing to say those were good times and I
want to go back. The country was better. Look, those
thirty percent of Americans are in a fucking cult. They
are locked and loaded in. To deny Donald Trump now
would to be to admit that they have been had,

that they have been bamboozled, that they have been fucking fools.
Their pride and ego is not going to allow them
to do that, so they're going to continue to double
and triple down. I still believe that we are the majority.
I still believe that there are more of us than
there are of them. They're just louder. So where is

our voice? Where is our power? Where is our presence?
We cannot continue to just show up every two and
four years and think that we're gonna hold on to
this thing called democracy. Not when these motherfuckers are going
full throttle warp speed on regression every fucking day. We

got to show up and be better, be sharper, be louder,
and be more strategic than they are, because this is
not going to stop. There is not going to be
another election where we get to vote and then dust
their hands off and go back to sticking our heads
in the fucking sand and thinking that somehow somebody's daddy

got it. We have got to understand that from this
moment on, the security of our democracy is our responsibility,
and that means either deciding to run for office your
goddamn self at local, state and federal level, supporting those

that have shared values with you at the local, state
and federal level. That means that putting in judges and
fucking das that we now understand are critical to our
progress and critical to accountability. We have got to make
the time because let me tell you something, the fucking
gop oh, they got time, and right now it's on

their side. That is it for me today, dear friends,
on this fucking Friday, I pray that you all are
finding rest, are finding joy, are gardening, walking, dancing, spending
time building community, doing the most to take care of

your mental health. Because we are in this for the
long haul. We cannot have people be burning out and quitting,
so do what is necessary to keep yourselves in this fight. Also, remember, folks,
the damn shop is indeed open at Daniellemoody dot com.
Do go over and get yourself some summer swag. The

future is woke t shirts, toads, stickers, and more. And
when you make your purchase and get your delivery, take
a picture, post it, tag me so that other people
can see just how good you look. As always, power
to the people and to all the people. Power, Get

woke and stay woke as fuck.
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Danielle Moodie

Danielle Moodie

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