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July 17, 2024 18 mins

We are moving between catastrophe and trauma on an uninterrupted loop.

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Speaker 1 (00:11):
Good morning, peeps, and welcome to wok F Daily with
me your Girl, daniel Moody, recording from the Home Bunker.
I was on the phone friends earlier this week with
a friend of mine, and I'm going to pull up
the question that my friend asked me and see if
you all know what the answer is, because I don't know.

But what I do know is this description is exactly
how I'm feeling. My friend says to me, Danielle, what
is in between catastrophizing and PTSD, because that's where we
are are We just experiencing like this uninterrupted loop of trauma,

And so my thoughts were or you know, for those
of you who have ever listened to Brene Brown or
ever read any of her books, catastrophizing is where I,
at least I heard it for the first time from
Brene Brown. I don't know if she coined the term,
but I heard it and read it in one of
her books and listen to it on one of her

podcasts where she talked about how we our minds like
to dress rehearsul catastrophe right, that there are instances where
we do this and we think that we are preparing
ourselves for whatever outcome could possibly unfold. But the reality

is is that by catastrophizing, this what I call future casting,
is robbing us of present joy. But what my friend
and I were talking about is catastrophizing is about making
up bad things that are happening right or making up
these different scenarios and kind of workshopping in them in

our brains, and that is what distracts us or takes
us away from our living inside of the present. But
what the fuck happens and what do you call it
when you're not making shit up where it actually just
is as bad as you are witnessing and experiencing. It's

also not post traumatic stress, because post would give us
the idea that the stressor or the trauma is now
behind us. Our stress and trauma is right the fuck
in front of us. So where are we. We're in

this very tortured in between space where our worst fears
are being actualized every single day. The last two weeks
in this country have been absolutely fucking brutal. That's the

only way that I can articulate it. What words do
you guys use? But for me, brutal is what comes up.
July has been one fucking horrific headline disaster after the other.
It began with the Supreme Court on July first, which

everyone has forgotten about, giving Donald Trump complete and total immunity,
wiping away two hundred and forty eight years of democracy,
and handing over the Kingdom of America to a serial
criminal should he become president again. Then the two weeks

of debate Gate and all of the calls for Joe
Biden to step aside and step back, and all of
them coming from wealthy white men with nothing to lose.
A media hasn't been stuck in one news cycle except

for but her emails, and we see how well that
turned out. Then you have this shooting that takes place
at a Trump rally, where, contrary to what representative asshole
Mike Collins uttered, was not an order by Biden was

not as JD. Vance, the now vice presidential pick next
up to the gallows, Vance has said that all of
this came because of Democrats rhetoric. Do you think we're stupid?
I mean, mainstream media is, but do you think that
the rest of us are fucking dumb? Young white guy

with a fascination for guns, that's who pulled the trigger
killing a Trump rally goer and then being taken down himself.
That's all that's happened in the last two weeks. I
know I'm missing things because I can't keep them straight. Oh,

I'm sorry forgot the other thing, Aileen Cannon throwing out
the document's case the strongest case against Donald Trump. Oh
and by the way, the man who stole the documents
so that he could sell the documents is now getting
intelligence briefings again. You know, the man who told his

sycophant violent followers to go storm the castle. He's getting
intelligence briefings again. Because we got to stick with tradition, right,
It doesn't matter what the fucking facts in front of
our face show us. We got to pretend that all
is okay, just like the fucking mainstream media is doing
as they're covering what can only be called a White

Supremact rally aka the RNC with their fists in the
air fight fight fight. So what is this in between places? Hell?
Is what it is? Insane fuckery. I am exhausted, as

I know so many of you are. Why because you're
doing your best to pay attention, You're doing your best
to be a responsible citizen of these United states, which
means to be informed. But what do we do when
all of the information starts to become a challenge to

our mental health? Then what do we do? I tell
people to take breaks so that you don't have a breakdown.
One of my friend's other friends asked me, like, are
you taking breaks? Like when was the last time you
took a break from the news, And I was like,
I don't know. I have no idea because it's been NonStop,

and my feeling, friends, is that it's going to get worse.
It is about the inindation of horrific thing after horrific thing.
I mean, look at what the media did this week,
corporate media poll Morning Joe. Now most people know I

don't even like that fucking show, right, I think they're useless. Nonetheless,
why were their voices silenced by the powers that be
and also their speaking out about it? They were told
that there was going to be one news feed that
was going to be going from you know, on NBC

on all of their networks and stations, right consistency. That's
not what ended up happening at all. So they were
also lied to. Joe Scarsbough said, you know the next
time that I'm told that, oh we can't do our
regular show, then I'm damn sure going to be a
part of whatever fucking breaking news coverage there's going to be,

because I don't trust what just happened. Everyone who has
done the historical research and work on fascism and authoritarianism
will tell you, do not comply early. And yet that

is exactly what corporate media has decided to do. They've
decided that the event vents that took place at Donald
Trump's rally somehow erase the last eight years, somehow erace
him saying to white supremacists to stand back and stand by.
Somehow a race house Republicans removing their flag pins and

replacing them with AR fifteen's, the very weapon that was
used and is always used, the weapon of choice for
mass shooters, the same weapon that Clarence Thomas on the
Supreme Court said, what he's now allowed bump stocks to
go back into fashion. Oh, they don't really do anything
right except, you know, increase your ability to kill one

hundred people in sixty seconds instead of maybe fifty. Somehow
recent events at Donald Trump's rally erased the fact that
he sat three Supreme Court justices that took away abortion rights,
that took away affirmative action. Somehow, these recent events erase

Project twenty twenty five and their blueprint to reimagine America
through the lens of white supremacy and patriarchy, their ability
to weaponize our government to cause as much harm as
possible for those that actually believe in freedom and justice.

So somehow we're supposed to now pivot and use our
platforms to condemn violence and to praise and wish Donald
Trump well. I, for one, am a person that believes
in matching energy. So you show up with your energy

and mine will be a reflection of yours. So I
am offering the same amount of empathy sympathy to Donald Trump.
I'm a matching it with the same amount that he
offered to Paul Pelosi, the same amount that he offered
to Governor Whitmer, the same amount that he offered two

children of mass shootings when he said, get over it.
Be the bigger person, miss me. With that bullshit, Donald
Trump has been stoking violence and calling for violence in
this country for the last eight years. We have seen
a rise in political violence over the last eight years,

a rise in white supremacy over the last eight years coincidence.
I don't think so. Donald Trump is paid out several
thousands of dollars in Judge Merschawan's court. Why is that? Oh,
that's right, because he was threatening the judge, threatening the clerk,

having his army of red tie white supremacists come down
stand in front of the courtroom and threaten the jurors.
When he was gagged, so he passed the buck. It's
like a relay race of hate. So you somehow, now

I'm supposed to turn around, and we in independent media
are supposed to turn around and say, what a tragedy
We've been witnessing a tragedy unfold for the last eight years.
The tragedy of a backsliding democracy, the tragedy of bodily
autonomy being taken away from women and people with uteruses,

the tragedy of LGBTQ youth no longer having a safe
space in their schools if they are in Florida and
Mississippi and Alabama and Texas and Tennessee. You want to
talk about tragedy. Uvaldi was a tragedy. Was a tragedy.
New Town was a tragedy, A tragedy that continues to

unfold because the Republicans in Congress are not going to
do a goddamn thing about gun reform. So tell me
again why I why anyone should be bending over backwards. Oh,
by the way, has Donald Trump called the family of

the victim who was killed at is rally? No, we
as not. Do you know who did call Joe Biden?
But they didn't accept his call? And they think that
somehow that shows how big and bad and tough they are.
But the man that they were standing out there for,
like sitting fucking ducks, couldn't be bothered to pick up

the fucking phone. Folks. I feel like we are in
some type of simulation, like we are in the phone
matrix right now. The courts are on Donald Trump's side,
the media is on Donald Trump's side, business is on
Donald Trump's side. No one is coming to save us.

So what do we do? We organize? We fight, We
organize inside of our communities. We phone bank, we text bank,
we donate, we volunteer to be poll workers. We do
what So many people that built this democracy, so many

black women and black people that put their fucking lives
on the line to build out this democracy, and this
thing called the vote, who risk their lives to go
to the polls. This is it, This is all we have.

So am I tired, AM I exhausted, AM I deflated?
I am all of those things and more. But folks,
this is where we dig the fuck down. This is
where we stare those motherfuckers in the face and we
say not today, not on our watch, not now. As
has always been said, we did not come this far

to only get this fucking far for them to knock
us back into the nineteenth century. We did not come
this far to spit in the face of people who
risk their lives and their livelihoods to make America into
a place of possibility. I don't give a fuck how

many of those white supremacists are inside of that stadium.
I don't give a damn how many of them march
down main streets across this country. There are more of
us than there are of them. And it is our responsibility,
every single person that is listening to me right now,
it is your responsibility to do what you can where
you are, because when November six comes, you need to

say I did everything that I could. You need to
wake up that day or maybe not have ever gone
to sleep, because you were still phone banking, you were
still donating, you were still marching, you were still sharing
and tweeting and posting. That is our work. People always
ask me, Danielle, how come your videos don't go viral.

My videos can only go viral if the people decide
to share them. If each and every person that listened
to this show, listen to any of my shows, went
on their social media platforms multiple times a week and
shared with ten people, and then ask those ten people
to share with ten people. That's why I say power
to the people, because I trust the people to get

the message out. But we have got to rev ourselves up, folks.
We have got to recognize that we are not in
a position anymore to pump the brake. It is full
fucking steam ahead because they are not slowing down. They
are picking up the pace. And why because they are

picking up fucking wins. We got one last chance, one
last opportunity, and until I am horse, until the last
fucking ballot is counted, I will be in motherfucker's faces
telling the truth. What we know is that there is
a natural succession plan in line. You don't need to

be concerned with fucking Joe Biden's age. We know how
old that motherfucker is. We also know that he is
a young, ready and capable vice president. Circle the wagons, folks,
amplify the message. Get to fucking work where all we got.

That is it for me today, Dear friends on this
woke af as always, Power to the people and to
all the people power, Get woke and stay woke as fuck.
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Danielle Moodie

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