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October 4, 2024 17 mins

The desire of the wealthy to constantly have more is at the root of so many problems that plague our country and our world.

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Speaker 1 (00:11):
Good morning, peeps, and welcome to wik f Daily with
me your Girl, Daniel Moody, recording from the Home Bunker. Folks, First,
let me start out by saying to my Patreon subscribers,
I apologize that there is not a video today. I'm
feeling a bit under the weather, so I'm needing to
not be on screens as much. It has been a

very heavy lift of a week of screen time and
I've had been having a lot of migraines. Nonetheless, I
hope that you have caught up on my new show
over on YouTube, the Daniel Moody Show, which has been
live streamed Monday through Thursday, and subscribe over there where
I am putting up fresh video content on a daily basis.

But it is Friday. We have made it to the
end of the week, and I, for one, am wholly grateful,
and you know, I just you know, folks, we had
what maybe first in a series, but our first October
surprise of this election cycle with Jack Smith his one

hundred and sixty five page refiling of his case against
Donald Trump for the January sixth insurrection. And I got
to tell you that you read this document and the

first page alone should have Donald Trump be disqualified for
running for office. The fact that Donald Trump could become
president again after Jack Smith has detailed the ways in
which this man sought to overturn a free and fair election,

invalidate the votes of millions of Americans, and declare himself
the winner as if he is a fucking king, is
outrageous to me because he is aided and abetted by
the Supreme Court of the United States with his hand
picked MAGA judges. He is aided and abetted by the

House Republicans and Senate Republicans that had the opportunity to
impeach Donald Trump so that he would never be able
to run for office again, and they chose their allegiance
to Donald Trump rather than their oath to the Constitution
of the United States. When you go through this document,

you see very clearly and early that Donald Trump knew
that he lost the election, but he did not care.
Back in August of twenty twenty, he was told that
things were not looking good, and he said, don't worry,
I'll handle it. And the handling of it was to

begin to plant seeds that if he did not win,
the election would have been stolen for the first time
in America's history. That is what the incumbent sitting president
of the United States decided to do. So. When given

all of the information in states like Georgia, Arizona, Wisconsin,
New Mexico, Donald Trump said, I don't care. As we
were going through November December headed to that faithful day
January sixth, twenty twenty one, Donald Trump said I don't

don't care. As people kept coming back to him and
saying we have found no fraud, he said keep looking,
because he had no intentions of leaving office. And when
those legislators in places like Arizona said the election has

been decided. I voted for you, but like this state didn't,
he let loose a barrage of text messages and tweets
calling these people traitors, to the point where folks were
showing up in front of people's houses, blaring horns, trampling lawns,

and showing up armed to threaten people into breaking the
law for Donald Trump. And when that failed, he stood
in front of his sickophanths on the Ellipses on January sixth,
pointed to the Capitol Building and told those people to

go take their country back. Cassidy Hutchinson told us in
her testimony before the January sixth Committee that Donald Trump
knew on that day on January sixth, that the people
that were standing in front of him were armed, and
he said, remove the magnetrons. I don't care. They're not

here to harm me, and directed an armed mob towards
the Capitol Building. When Donald Trump was brought back to
the White House, where he would sit alone in a
room with Fox News on and Twitter on his phone,
and he was told that his vice president had been

brought to a secure location because the capital had been
breached by his insurrectionist mob. His response, according to the one
hundred and sixty five page document that was unsealed by
Judge Chuckkin, said, so what, so what? The President of

the United States is told that his vice president is
in a bunker inside of the Capitol Building fearing for
his life because the President of the United States tweeted
out that the vice president was a coward and didn't
have the courage to follow out his instructions and do

his job. And when told that that man, his vice president,
was in danger, Donald Trump's response was, so what. It's
no wonder then that JD. Vans would stand up on
a stage this week and when asked very clearly by

Governor Tim Walls, did Donald Trump win the twenty twenty election,
and he deflects, deflects and says, I'm looking to the
future because he doesn't want to end up like Mike Pence.
Jd Vance is a craven, slick, liar, power hungry toady

who will do anything, say anything, contort himself in any
way in order to assume power. He stood up on
that stage this week and told the American people that
we did have a peaceful transfer of power, that we
should not believe our lying eyes, that we should believe

the lies that are coming out of jd Vance's mouth.
It was in that moment that I think that those
that were watching at home and remember what they saw
and heard with their own eyes, knew in that moment
that jd Vance is a liar and that jd Vance,
just like Donald Trump, is dangerous. You know, folks, it

is obscene where this country is. It is obscene to
believe that these people, those one hundred and forty seven
Republicans that voted to overturn the will of their own constituents,
are just chomping at the bit they are salivating because

they are inches away of realizing their white nationalist dreams.
Donald Trump is their ticket to institutionalizing white supremacy in
this country once again. And let me tell you something,
It is not only about putting black people back in

their place, quote unquote, it is about putting everyone one
who was not a white cis hetero male back in
their place, a place of subjugation, a place of powerlessness,
a place of servitude. You know, folks have got to

continue to connect the dots for themselves, because let me
tell you something. I looked at the front page of
the New York Times and I thought, for certain, for certain,
it was gonna look like twenty sixteen with Hillary Clinton's emails,
and that every story, every big picture was going to

be about Donald Trump and the unceiling of this damning
brief and expose A's on all the ways that Donald
Trump sought to overturn democracy. Being as how, you know,
their editorial board came out and said the only patriotic
choice would be to vote for Aamala Harris. But no,

the story is buried in a very slim column, not
front and center. So let us stop with the fucking
lies that Republicans have been feeding us about there being
some quote unquote liberal media. Show me where, Show me where,
because outside of independent outlets, places like the New Republic,

places like Slate, places like Mary Trump Media, places that
are subsiding on the generosity of their audiences in order
to give them the news. Because those quote unquote legacy outlets,

they're all owned and run and operated by Trumpers. They
will forego democracy so long as they don't have to
pay any fucking taxes because it is about their abundance.
It is about their insatiableness. You know, I said this

earlier in the week. There is this meme that was
going around that said, it's not that we don't have
enough money to feed the poor, it's that we don't
have enough money to satiate the rich because they have
an undying thirst for more, more, more, more money, more homes,

more status. Everything comes back to that Donald Trump is
their ticket to continue on their quest for excess and domination.
You know, we love to point to places like Russia
and Hungary and other folks and say, oh, look at

their oligar. We have American oligarchs all over this fucking country.
Elon Musk is going to be a trillionaire, a fucking trillionaire,
This transphobic, homophobic, racist piece of shit. Well, most people
can't afford a four hundred dollars bill if it comes due.

That's obscene. The way in which the wealthy got even
wealthier during a global health pandemic is disgusting. And then
Republicans want to talk about and fight tooth and nail
not to give the American people back our fucking tax
dollars to help us. That's called a handout, but not

the fucking welfare that they continue to give to the rich.
It's obscene, folks, It's obscene. And you know, I was
having this conversation just this week about like the lie
of the grind and the hustle of trying to make
more and do more just to have less than your parents'

generation and your grandparents' generation. If you check your age
and income right now and compare it to your parents'
age and income, they may have made substantially less, but
they had a lot more. And why is that? Because

laws have been changed so that corporations can gobble up
housing and run up the costs where cities side with
the fucking landlords and not those that are renting. Every
year in New York City, those that have rent stabilization
is changed every year, year after year, prices raised more

and more. How do cities and places operate if the
people that are needed, that are actually as essential for
them to run, can't afford to live here. I guess
we'll cross that bridge when we come to it, and
I'm pretty sure we're there. We are a world that

has more than enough, but it is the greed of
a few that stops the many from having anything. And
it is their greed that pins us against each other,
fighting for their leftovers and their scraps. Donald Trump and
the Republican Party get back into power, it will just

get worse. And not only will it get worse economically,
it will become more violent because you create this false
sense of scarcity when it is really not that there
isn't enough. It is that you have allowed the top
one percent to hoard their wealth and their power. It

only goes for so long, folks, before it collapses. And
I've been saying this on my YouTube show, The Danielle
Moody Show. I've been saying, like, how do you know
when it is the end? Right when Rome was falling
and these places were falling, Like when did you really know?

Did they know as it was happening that this is
the end? Because I tell you that in so many ways,
I think that we're in it and we don't really
know it. But I'm telling you I will continue to
fight tooth and nail to hang on to what is
left of our democracy. And if we are able to

win this election, I pray that we enter it with
eyes wide open and do everything that we can to
undo the damage that was done over the last decade.
But we would only have four years to do it,
and in some instances really two if we're able to
get the house back. We're continually in a race against time,

and I'm just wondering when the clock runs out on
white supremacy. That is it for me today here Friends
on WOKF, please please please check out my YouTube channel
and subscribe. Subscribe, subscribe. I'm having a lot of fun

and building community over there and being in real time
with folks. That is what I have missed. If you've
been with me since the beginning here of WOKF, when
I used to be on serious and we're able to
take calls and just be in conversation with folks. That
is what I'm trying to build again over on YouTube,

so do check me out over the weekend. A new
episode of Get Woke with Danielle Moody will be up
on Saturday, where I unveil my woke Woman of the
Week and I will be back here dear friends on Monday.
Have a fantastic, safe and sane weekend. As always, Power

to the people and to all the people power, get
woke and stay woke as fuck.
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