Episode Transcript
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Speaker 1 (00:11):
Good morning, peeps, and welcome to ook F Daily with
me your Girl Daniel Moody. Pre recorded from the Long
Island Bunker. Folks, I am taking a bit of a
respite as things begin to heat up even more in
this election cycle, so it is really important to take
breaks when I can, But as always I will leave
you with great episodes and guests that will keep you know,
our wheels turn in and keep the conversation going. And
today I am so excited to welcome back on to
OKF my friend and co host of Democracy Ishaha hot
Al Li Wash and I get into a conversation about
how race and racism are playing in this election and
how the mainstream corporate media continues to fuck fail because
that's what they do well. And we also talk about
our predictions on how this cycle is going to go
and what is signaling to us where the wind is.
That conversation is coming up next, folks. Whenever I have
the opportunity to get a hold of my dear co
host of Democracy ish juajahat Ali and bring him over
to WOKF, I am always thrilled. You know him as
an author of Go Back to Where You Came From,
which is pretty much you know, the Maga mantra. So
waj let's start off today. For the last two weeks
or so, we have actually had good news since the
switch up in the presidential race. Kamala Harris is really
just riding on a wave of energy right now. We
saw it coming out of her rally in Atlanta. We're
watching it with a dozen phone calls every single week,
organized calls to get people to donate from you know,
all different demographic groups. But Donald Trump still is starved
for attention, and the media loves to give it to him,
even when it's bad media. So I want to get
your reactions first to when he appeared at the National
Association of Black Journalists, the disrespect, the misogyny, the racism,
but then the headlines that came after that, which was
again centering Donald Trump.
Speaker 2 (02:28):
I will gladly answer that question, but first you have
to tell me when you turned black, Danielle.
Speaker 1 (02:35):
I thought I would imagine the Earth, but I think,
like the Hulk or like Spider Man, there must have
been some incident that happened.
Speaker 2 (02:42):
Well, there a black spider that beat you at puberty,
and then all of a sudden, your blackness got activated.
That's probably what happened to Kamala because apparently, even though
she was the daughter of an Indian woman and a
black man, and even though for the rest of us
who've been following her career, because you know, I'm born,
raised in the Bayry, California, moved here to Virginia ten
years ago from my wife because I'm married up, all
of us knew she claimed black Indian. All of us
knew that her mother was Indian. All of us saw
her migdozas with Mindy Kaling. All of us are aware
because maybe we grew up in the Bay Area, this
magical unicorn fantasy land where there's a lot of biracial
folk that you can claim two identities and be celebrated
as such and still be black, to the point where,
if you're Kamala Harris, you go to historically black college
Howard and pledge at a black sorority, you know, and
also wear Saudi's and eat you know, rice with your hands,
and you know you have a niece, Mina who also
wears Saudis and claims all these different identities. Look what
it shows is the following. And I'm going to say
this very slowly because I'm about to drop a huge, huge,
verbal hammers. It's going to be very very, you know, controversial.
Donald Trump is a racist.
Speaker 3 (03:58):
Oh my god, I know.
Speaker 2 (04:01):
I was waiting for nine years, but folks, I think
I've seen enough. He is a racist. When you act
like a racist, behave like a racist, talk like a racist,
engage in racist behavior. Support racists are endorsed by racists,
have thirty years of a brilliant racist track record. Maybe,
just maybe you are a racist. And what infuriates me
is in the year twenty twenty four of our lord,
who is white, very white. Apparently, corporate media has been
incapable and unwilling to confront reality and say the truth
for sake of maintaining a bullshit fantasy of both sides
and an asymmetry where they have lowered the bar for
Donald Trump and Omega and now the bar is in
hell in order to whitewash his sins and somehow make
him presentable. This is who he has always been. Danielle
and I saw that thirty five minute press conference shit show,
which was supposed to last an hour, but then his
drum campaign was like, no, this is a disastrous I
saw it. Lie. I was not shocked because I expected this, Danielle.
You and I talked about this. This is who he is.
He survived an assassination attempt, and you know, before I
hand the baton back to you, you and I kept
saying he will not change. In many of our colleagues
who said that he was serene, pensive, a unifier. You
need to resign. You have money, you come from money,
you have access to money. Resign. This job isn't for
you. You're not built for this. You're not made for this.
Go do something else. This is who he is, Danielle.
This is who he has always been. But the differences,
and I think this is the pivot. This the year
is twenty twenty four. We're not gonna sit there and
allow you to mock and ridicule and shame a black
person like you did Obama comedy. Harris isn't gonna give
you her birth certificate like Obama had to, which is
so friggin' humiliating to this day I think about it. It
makes me so pissed off. We're not here for it.
That's the past. We're moving forward. And Kamala Harris that
she did exactly. She goes, I'm not wasting my time because,
as Tony Morrison says, racism is a distrastraction, and she says,
I don't have time for this. We're moving forward. So
that's the pivot, and I think that's where we are.
And I think this week in particular, which is felt
like a year with Kamala Harris saying say to my face,
with Megan the stallion, with that energy and momentum compared
and contrasted to this. If she wins, there's still a
long time to go, folks, Right, this will be the
pivot moment in my opinion. I'm sorry, I had a
lot to say.
Speaker 1 (06:36):
No, no, no, I think that it's right. I think
that Look, the mainstream media is still stuck in this
place that doesn't exist, like you said, the both sides ism,
this idea that like, oh, we have to give the
mic and headlines to each group, which they don't do
equally regardless. Right, So what made me really pissed off,
even though the Washington Post has since, you know, as
you said, change their headline is that when a person
of color is attacked by a racist, somehow it becomes
a pivotal moment for us, Like, how does that even
make sense?
Speaker 2 (07:12):
I'm gonna quote the headline. This was the headline yesterday, folks.
I caught it before it trended and they changed the headline.
Me and a few others jumped on immediately. It was
the following I'm not making this up after everything that
we just said. This is how Washington Post ran with
that batchit crazy racist, unhinged Trump rant and humiliation. I
should add of the black women who were moderating the panel,
this is quote. Harris faces a pivotal moment as Trump
questions her identity. The first black and Asian woman to
be a major party presidential nominie, confronts her opponent's comments
that she quote became a black person.
Speaker 1 (07:52):
It is just I mean you, honestly, you can't make
this shut up, like you really can't. And for somebody
to have written thatdline and said, oh yeah, we're gonna
run with this because now he's a racist. But she
needs to be on the defensive to somehow defend her identity,
which she has talked about ad nauseum when she was
ag when she's a senator, when she's a vice president
of the United States, like this is not news. And
the fact that Donald Trump and white supremacists can't allow
people to hold multiple identities right at one time. Again,
is just the narrowness and the ignorance of their entire movement,
right Like he thought that in that moment that he
had a yogatcha moment where what he's going to try
and pin the Indian population against the black population because
we don't all know that we can embody multiple identities
at one time.
Speaker 2 (08:45):
Can I tell you what New York Times did before
they changed it? This was the New York Times before
they updated it. Here we go, Trump says, Harris quote
became a black person only recently. That was what they
led with, and then they finally had to change it.
They change it finally to this, Trump falsely questions Harris's
identity as a black woman. We're recording this on Thursday,
and they still haven't used the r word racist. And
I want to tell everyone, I've tweeted this three times now,
and even before I just jumped on your show, I
tweeted again. I said, friends and colleagues in corporate media,
the water is warm, jump in join me and Danielle.
You can call him racist. You can use the racist word.
Speaker 1 (09:31):
You can racially changed, not racially highlighted, not racially shaded.
Speaker 2 (09:37):
Just racist racial flareup. Remember that one. It's like herpes,
it just flaw. Just what's the medicine for racial flarup?
It's interesting, I have to wash cream.
Speaker 1 (09:47):
Yeah, whatever it is, it's white, and whatever it is,
it involves a hood.
Speaker 2 (09:51):
Okay, I say this is speaking of a hood. Scott Jennings,
the human Abiba on CNN, who's now the resident token
right wing guy, even he admitted yesterday, almost couting of verbatim,
that Donald Trump craped the bed and he has to
change the sheets. And I said, yep, those sheets will
still be white with holes and it'll be worn as
a hood.
Speaker 1 (10:10):
Unbelievable other than Amber Rose, who watched that interview and
said that she thought it was amazing and that he
did such a great job. And then everybody's just like,
were you watching the same interview the rest of us did,
like on Planet Earth or no, I want to get
your thoughts was on. We see what the media is doing, right,
We actually see that us calling them out in social
media is showing signs of working with the pivots that
they're making. Yeah, but their initial desire to just go
with Trump and lean into racism. Seems to not have
changed or pivoted at all since two thousand and eight
with birtherism till now birthaism wash was sixteen years ago.
Sixteen years years ago is when Donald Trump became the
face of birtherism, and the media still hasn't learned shit.
Speaker 2 (11:07):
Not just even birtherism. If you remember, I'm going to
New York Times a couple of years ago did a
profile of the Tea Party, I think the tenth anniversary
of the Tea Party, and if you recall, they had
to update the content in the article because they initially
did not include the tea parties racism, which was a
fundamental part of the Tea Party that you you know.
I remember when I was asked about on NPR years ago,
I mentioned this. I said, you know, because I was
researching it and plus you know, I have eyes, and
I was like, this is the fundamental part of it.
And the Republican was brought on and goes, we're not
against Obama because there's just a few of us. I'm like, no,
this is part and parcel of the unquote economic anxiety
that has riled up the quote unquote cultural anxiety of
the Tea Party that later became what MAGA, that later
what took over the Republican Party. And speaking of economic anxiety, Danielle,
let's take it back to twenty sixteen. Oh no, no, no,
it wasn't racism. It was the economic anxiety of these
blue collar workers in the rust belt. Right, And so okay,
let's say, maybe you are allowed to be fooled by
that narrative. I get it. Even though all the data, folks,
and all the studies, numerous studies have shown it's important
to mention this. It was wait for it, cultural anxiety
that made Barack Obama voters turn to Trump, the fear
of being wait for it replaced by people who look
like me and Danielle. All right, so let's fast forward.
Let's be generous. It's no longer twenty sixteen, Danielle, it
is twenty twenty four. Donald told white supremacists to stand
back and stand by. He dined with Nick Fuentez, a
white supremacist to this day has refused to condemn him.
Says that black people come from shithole countries. Why can't
people come from Norway? I've been to Norway, great country.
White as hell, it's so white it made my teeth white.
So he's a person who just last night, yet again,
called Chuck Schumer a Palestinian, used Palestinian as a slur
against a Jewish a senator. Right, he's a person who
said Kung flu in China flu, which inspired hate against
Asian Americans, innocent Asian Americans who were just walking by.
But people said Jim a punch of the face killed. Right.
Misogynist mocked black journalist, mocked black cities, you know, chaos,
urban crime, told women of color, the squad congressman of
color to go back to their country even though they're
US congressman. This is just the top of my head, Danielle.
I didn't prepare for this. This is just me keeping receipts.
And then, as you said yesterday thirty five minutes off
the bat mocks, ridicules, humiliates a Rachel Scott ABC News
anchor who did a great job under fire. She was
put in a terrible position, calls and news, fake news, mocks.
DII Hires says Kamala turned black, lied about being the
best president for black people since Lincoln.
Speaker 3 (14:02):
Abraham Lincoln.
Speaker 2 (14:03):
Mm hmm. I think he's freed the slaves. Oh yeah,
and then also LBJ did something called the Civil Rights Act.
But what do I know, I'm just a DEI hire.
And so Danielle like, I'm sitting here thinking to myself
after all of this and quoting Hitler, what look, does
he need to wear a hood?
Speaker 3 (14:22):
He needs to wear a hood.
Speaker 1 (14:24):
He needs to wear a hood, and he needs to
self identify as a racist. Just how Josh Hawley self
identified as a Christian nationalist. And then it's like, oh,
I'm a Christian nationalist because he says so It's like,
it doesn't the evidence that you just laid out is
decades long, right, that was off the dome. He has
all but he has all but used the N word, right,
and that is their barometer for finally called I don't
know if journalists have ever have ever called anybody a
racist that is a race that wasn't like directly involved
in the klu Klux Klan or the White Citizens Council
in the nineteen sixties. And so it's always like, well,
we don't really know what's inside their hearts, and I'm like,
but I know what's coming out of his fucking mouth, right,
So if I know what's coming out of his mouth?
Then I have listening ears, Then what am I supposed
to to doce from the evidence that is presented, your.
Speaker 2 (15:21):
Ears are better than Donald who couldn't listen. Apparently yesterday
at the NEABJ, you know, I asked my wife, who's
a doctor, is there a racist bone, because again I'm
just a DEI hire and a recovering attorney and she's
a doctor. And she said, there is not a racist
bone in the body. And then I asked my brother
in law, who's a cardiologist, and I said, is there
something as a racist aorta or a racist vein in
the heart? And he said no. So again, Danielle, I
don't know about people's hearts. I'm not Ben Carson. I
don't know about racist bones. I judge people by their
repeated behaviors and actions. And what did Maya Angelous say?
Speaker 3 (15:59):
When people show you they are, believe them. So I'm
not quite sure what else mainstream corporate media needs to see.
But I'm pretty sure and this is my theory. Wah.
Speaker 1 (16:12):
I know that the road ahead to the election is
one that is going to be filled with obstacles. I
know that people are feeling excited now, but momentum, you know,
ebbs and flows, and I hope that we can persist.
I hope that these organizing calls and the volunteerism like
continues at a fever pitch, and these endorsements continue to
roll in in the way that they are. But I
think that Donald Trump is going to have a fucking meltdown.
I think that what is going to happen, and what
has already begun to happen, is that he's losing the
attention from the media, is losing the spotlight. The poll
numbers are showing that the gaps are being closed, and
the thought and the idea of him losing to this
black woman mm hmm on the national stage, I think
is going to send him into the types of tie
raids that like we haven't really seen yet. Like I
think he's gonna let it all hang out before the election.
Speaker 3 (17:15):
What do you think?
Speaker 2 (17:16):
I think that's in astute observation, because look, just look
at this list lot this week. Right, he realizes Kamalize
now either tied or advanced in the polls. He realizes
the pick of JD. Vance, who loves couches, has been disastrous.
He's got JD. Vance has the lowest favorability of any
VP candidate in our lifetime. He's actually gone from like
negative three to negative fifteen, which means in one week
he's gone even worse. And so he realizes, I've lost
the momentum. I picked this friggin lump of coal as
my VP. I don't have the energy. I thought I
could ride my bandaged ear to the presidency after I
sat there and the honestly, that's what he thought. I
survived in an assassination attempt. I got up, I said fight,
I'm against old man Biden's I could golf, and now
he's like, crap, I have to actually work and I
have to go to the rallies. And this is where
Republicans on the DL are horrified. And the reason why
they're horrified is they realize the more Donald speaks, the
more people remember how and who he is, and the
fact that he's not agile. He cannot evolve, he cannot pivot.
He's like an eighties band who has one He's a
one hit wonder.
Speaker 3 (18:33):
One hit hit.
Speaker 2 (18:34):
Yeah, And so is he changed no? Can he change no?
Has he ever changed? No? And now he's older, and
now you have this dynamic, attractive, energetic black Indian woman
who smiles and mocks him and wears a blue pastel
power suit and has got Megan the stallion and now
has a momentum and has zoom calls that are raising
more money than actual fundraisers. And he's slipping now in
Arizona and Nevada and North Carolina is in play, and
there's a sentencing coming up, and he realizes he peaked.
He'll never have that glorious week where Biden leffed up
in the debates and there was a mutiny and there
were calls for him to dropout, and he's survived in
an assassination attempt and he had the photopos and he
had the RNC. That's all gone, Danielle, that's all gone.
He has peaked, and he has plateaued. And I think
he's sinking, especially with the sentencing coming up and well
the hearing and guess what, folks, Kamala Harris has not
chosen her VP and has not had the DNC.
Speaker 1 (19:40):
Yeah, and to be honest, we haven't started. Look, I
think that Donald Trump doesn't rise again. And I think
that because of that, I think that he sinks to
New lows and I don't know. I mean, look, his
scapins are going to be sick offense, his cult followers
are going to be his cult followers. But what I
do know is that you need more than that to
win an election. The last question I want to ask you, though,
this came from one of my followers who said that
she really thinks that because the energy and the vibe
has shifted, that Republicans are going to shift towards criminality
even more in terms of stealing this election. What are
your thoughts about that?
Speaker 2 (20:28):
Two things as we move forward, Three things. First to
all going to your points. Number one, Trump will triple
down on the racism. He has nothing left. And after
the NABJ conference, I want to remind people that the
entire Trump campaign thought this would be the winning ticket,
and they mocked her at his rally and they had
a big poster of her on the screen headline first
Indian American Senator wins and they thought, ah see you,
we'll get her. So they going to change, Daniel, It's
going to get more nasty, more ugly, more racist. Number two,
I agree with you. We're dealing with a violent insurrection
which has never ended, and the first coup attempt was
a dress rehearsal. Expect them to get more desperate, more nasty,
more ugly, more criminal, more violent. And number three though,
and this is where I think is the positive pivot
as of this recording. Just about two hours ago, the
former Republican governor of Illinois just formally endorsed Kamala Harris.
You have seen CEOs more CEOs come out this week
endorsing Kamala Harris. You saw President Biden and Kamala Harris
in a historic active diplomacy work with several nations to
release sixteen prisoners. Not just there were four Americans, three
Americans and is one with the green card, but there
were Germans there and Russian dissidents. And so that to me, Danielle,
the fact that Putin gave Biden that win and Harris
that win, because the reporting has come out that the
Biden administration said Kamala Harris was pivotal in this, That
to me is Putin saying Donald, you are no longer
my reek. I think you're gonna lose because Donald kept
saying alone, I'm gonna be doing it. And if Putin
really wanted to help Donald, he would have waited.
Speaker 3 (22:13):
He would have waited yep.
Speaker 2 (22:15):
And so that to me is a sign. All these
are signs that people kind of know where the wind
is and they're like, I think people are done with
Donald But look, folks, this election is gonna come down
to six states, yep, and it's gonna be it's it's scary, Like,
I think she's gonna win the popular vote, Democrats win
the popular vote. I think it's gonna be historic turnout.
You don't know. It literally comes down to six to
the point where if Trump wins Pennsylvania, there are several
paths to victory, but it becomes dicey. If he loses Pennsylvania,
his path becomes very hard. That's literally it's like down
to three states, folks. That's that's how absurd it is
so pedal to the medal.
Speaker 1 (23:00):
Well, my friend Waja hot Dei Ali, thank you so
much for making the time for me and wok F
always appreciate you.
Speaker 2 (23:10):
Dei's unite. Maybe one day, one day will earn our place.
Speaker 1 (23:14):
Maybe one day that is it for me today, dear
friends on wok F as always power to the people
and to all the people.
Speaker 3 (23:25):
Power, get woke and stay woke, as fuck