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September 6, 2024 17 mins

The school year has only just begun, and already Republicans are making excuses for the massacres that continue to plague our country.

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Speaker 1 (00:11):
Good morning, peeps, and welcome to look f daily with me,
your girl Danielle Moody recording from the home bunker. I
come to you today, friends, on this fuck it Friday,
just outdone, outdone by our politicians that refuse to take

any responsibility, accountability, or action on behalf of the nation's children.
You all know by now about the most recent shooting
at Appalachi High School in northern Georgia at the hands
of a fourteen year old white male student named Colton Gray. Now,

I want to tell you that, on top of the
four people that were murdered, two fourteen year old students
and two teachers, thirty children wounded. The swiftness with which
the law enforcement said that this fourteen year old was

going to be charged as an adult, as if that
charge was somehow going to absolve the fear, the frustration,
and the decades of trauma that have been forced upon

American families at the hands of Republican legislators. I have
never experienced, and I say this really seriously here the
adultification of a white child the way that folks are
doing right now in Georgia. And what do I mean

by that? Let me unpack that we know, and studies
have shown. Data has shown that when white law enforcement,
for instance, or white people honestly in general, see black children,
they assume them to be sometimes nearly a decade older
than they are. One of the most common fears of

the parents of black children is how long will it
be for their black child, whether they be nine, ten, eleven, twelve,
you know, what have you to be seen and treated
as an adult? Case in point to me or Rice
in you know the early twenty tens, was shot dead

on a playground for playing with a toy gun. And
when the officers, who didn't even bother to get out
of their car before shooting, spoke or wrote in their
police report, they added like ten or eleven years to
Timmy or Rice's age. He was twelve, and they wrote

about him in the police report saying that black adult
male in their twenties. What are you talking about? But
it has always been the adultification of black children, to
strip them of their childlike innocence and their humanity, and

to treat them in a way that you wouldn't write
a perceived white child of the same age. We've talked
about this before on the show. When you talk about
the murderer Kyle Rittenhouse, who shot and killed two protests
and was hailed by the right as some type of hero.

All of a sudden, when he's crying in court, he's
a young boy, not a seventeen year old murderer. When
you're talking about Donald Trump as a nearly Octanegerian, Oh,
he'll grow into the job. He'll mature into the space,
as if adolescence for white men in particular lasts well

into their eighties. So there is something really strategic about
the media and law enforcement's treatment of this fourteen year
old boy. And I think that this is going to
be the new strategy to absolve themselves from any responsibility

as to the adults who put that gun in that
boy's hands. I want you to take a listen to this.
This was tweeted and I retweeted. It came out of
k through twelve school shooting database. A reporter asked this
question to Governor Brian Kemp, Governor of Georgia. Reporter, what

can be done to make Georgia's schools safer? Governor, this
is not the day to talk about safety or policy.
We need thoughts and prayers for the victims. Law enforcement
and educators. I'm sorry, what what day are we waiting for?
If it's not the day that children are going back

to school after summer break and being murdered in their classroom.
If that's not the day, then when is the day?
Because this fourteen year old was able to bring a
gun into school because there's no minimum age requirement. I
want to read to you from what was said by

Shannon Watts, who is emeritus at Mom's Demand and every Town,
and she posts this, and then I'll read you an
article that she posted as well. She said last year,
as a symbol of their commitment to gun extremism, some
Republican members of Congress proudly wore their repelpons shaped like

an AR fifteen, the same weapon a fourteen year old
just used to kill student, two students, and two teachers
in Georgia. She also had said that this consistent negligence
on the part of Republican lawmakers is why we are here.

And there is no doubt that gunning down members of
your community, your fellow students, teachers, is a heinous act.
But I'll tell you that the real evil act is
having the power to stop this and choosing not to.
Right having the power, the legislative power, to stop this

from happening, and not doing so. Last year, Shannon Watts
tweets this, the student responsible for the shooting threatened to
kill people at the school. Because there wasn't probable cause,
the FBI made no arrests. Georgia doesn't have any red
flag law, so police also didn't remove the gun from

the thirteen year old's home. These acts don't come out
of nowhere, right, they come from someplace. There were warnings,
There were signs that were readily ignored because in an

effort to showcase their pure and total allegiance to the NRA,
these Republican lawmakers have stripped any gun safety, any policies
that would have alerted them and law enforcement to this issue.
They continually want to call this a mental health crisis

as opposed to a gun problem, as if other countries
in the world don't have teenagers, they do, and the
difference is those teenagers in other countries don't have access
to ar fifteens. I will read you this. The fourteen
year old suspected of a mass shooting at George's Appalachi
High School had been begging four months for mental health help.

Before his deadly attack on Wednesday, According to an aunt
of the suspect, he was quote begging for help from
everybody around him. The aunt told The Washington Post the
adults around him failed him. The odd who lives in
central Florida, declined to elaborate on the teen's mental health challenges,

but said she tried from afar to get him help.
She said his struggles were exacerbated by a difficult home life.
He and his family had previous contacts with local child
service departments. So as this story continues to unfold, this
is something that could possibly end up with the parents

being charged. We don't know. But what we do know
is that guns are the problem. Access, easy access to
guns are the problem. We are not the only country
that has teenagers. We are not the only country that

has people that have mental health issues. We are the
only country, though, that has more guns then it does people.
And then we continue when these acts of violence happen,
to just resign ourselves to it is what it is, or,

as Donald Trump said, we just need to quote get
over it. There is a message that is going around
right now that shows one of the last exchanges between
a mother and their child. Child at the school sends

a text to their mother saying, I love you. There
is a shooting. Someone is dead. I'm sorry. It wasn't
always the best daughter. How is this okay? How is
it even a choice in the next sixty days between people?

A party that on their Christmas cards showed their children
holding guns that are taller than them. A party that
is telling American families to get over it. The pro
life quote unquote party doesn't give a fuck if your
kids are gunned down in school. These are the issues

that are on the ballot. There is another meme that
I saw that was like the right to carry, showing
an outlined mail with an AR fifteen and you know,
a trucker hat, and then forced to carry the outline
of a pregnant woman on her knees. This is America.

That's America in a snapshot. It honestly amazes me that
people want to come here, because I would be scared
to death if I lived in another country and my
family was just like, oh, let's go vacation in the
United States. I'd be like, huh, they're unhinged over there.

You could get shot anywhere, a movie theater, a school,
a place of worship the mall, a concert. The list
goes on, and what is even more disturbing is that,
as I record this, folks, it's September fifth. School's been
back in many places for less than a week, so

we know, based on patterns alone, this will be the
first of many. This will be the first of many
rounds of thoughts and prayers, the first of many handwringing, Oh,
we don't know why this is happening, Like are we stupid?
We don't know why? We don't care? And worse yet,

we keep voting people back in office that tell us
on a regular basis that they don't care. On top
of that, you know, Donald Trump and his band of
merry fucking idiots, you know, once again showing connections to

Russia and content creators being completely and totally bought out,
you know, one hundred thousand dollars a post to spread
lies and misinformation. The stakes couldn't be higher, The stakes
could not be higher. And you know right now, like
I always say, I don't really care about what the

polls are saying. I don't care about them when they're bad.
I don't care about them when they're good, because the
only thing that matters is the decision that people decide
to make on November fifth, and I will continue to
say that's between now and then activate and organize, you know,
join you know, texts groups and you know, knocking on

doors and donate and register people to vote, and you know,
connect with organizations that are working on get out the
vote and go and volunteer, do everything that you possibly
can with the time, you know, the precious time that
you have, but the precious time this country has left.

I just can't imagine, and I say this often, I
can't imagine what it is like to be a parent
and a caregiver in America. You know, I have friends
that just have a newborn baby boy, and I'm just like,
what kind of world are we leaving for these children?

Generations upon generations of children absolutely morphing into traumatized adults
who have just looked to their left and their right
and ask like, why didn't you you protect me? Why
didn't you help us? From a cooked planet to cooked

in the brain. Politicians that see no value in public safety,
They only see the checks the NRA gives them. So
that community just like Parkland and Newtown and Aurora and
Buffalo and Pennsylvania, and you name a city and there's

been a mass shooting, one that has made the headlines,
and I tell you that, you know, I knew after
Newtown this country was willing to shrug their shoulders at
a classroom of white kindergarteners riddled with bullets. I knew

that there was absolutely no hope that we would do
anything if you're willing to let white children in this
most racist nation perish in that way. And how many
mass shootings have their been sense too many at account?

That is it for me today, dear friends on wokef
as I've been saying, friends, I have launched a YouTube
channel where I am putting up fresh video content every day.
Some days I rest on Sunday. But please go over
there and subscribe. Subscribe, subscribe. You can head over there.

You can look for at Daniel Moody Underscore. You can
type into the search of Daniel Moody channel and subscribe.
Share it with your friends. I'm really trying to grow
a community and a platform over there and give people
an alternative to mainstream corporate media. I'm getting to really

just do different things, and that is going to be
a new home for me and for my content. So
if you enjoy this pod, please do head over to
YouTube and subscribe. And also, as you know, and thank
you so much to the folks that are buying merch
over at the damn shop at Daniellemuody dot com. The

Future is Woke capsule collection is up there, and I
love seeing the pictures that you guys are taking and
sending back. You know, it's a little something that I'm trying,
and I really do appreciate your support. Your continued support
just allows me to maintain my independent media status, a

badge that I'm very proud to wear as always, dear friends,
Power to the people and to all the people. Power
get woke and stay woke as fuck, and also stay safe.
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