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August 28, 2024 19 mins

The corporate media agenda and the MAGA agenda are one and the same in so many ways. It's all about money.

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Speaker 1 (00:11):
Good morning, peeps, and welcome to wok F Daily with
me your Girl Daniel Moody recording from the Home Bunker. First,
I want to say thank you for your patients, to
my patrens that receive a video of Woke Wednesday and
fuck Itt Friday. I was having a lot of internet
issues last week when I was in Chicago at the DNC,

and so I apologize that you did not get video
of the shows. But I'm back and I'm back home,
so we're back to normal, folks. I want to start
off today's show with kind of my frustration, and my
frustration right now is really around this narrative that the

Carris Wall's team is not providing policy, they're not providing
access to the media, like all of this kind of
you know, nonsense and bullshit that is honestly bullshit, because one,
where is Donald Trump's policy? Where are any of his
plans for America? Because he says that they're not Project

twenty twenty five. He doesn't know those people, even though
he flies on private jets with them and says that
they're really great people and then have them speak at
different events, But he doesn't know any of those people.
So if it's not Project twenty twenty five, and somehow
it's Agenda forty seven, which is Project twenty twenty five.
Light where are the questions about what Donald Trump plans

to do with the economy, with foreign affairs, with women's
reproductive access? Like where are those questions? And what I'm
finding is that the media doesn't care what Donald Trump
will do or what his plans are. They just really
love the fact that he drives clicks on their site

and therefore ad dollars. And so it's the same shit,
different fucking day as it pertains to him getting a
pass and everyone else needing to prove themselves, whether that
is Biden or whether it is Harris. And I'm just
kind of fucking over it because it was the same
conversation that came out of the DNC well, you know,

joys and a strategy, and it was you know, and
it's all nice and fine, but like, where are the
policy points? And I'm like, did you not hear what
was offered around the economy, which, by the way, Democrats
don't need to be on the fucking defense about. It's
the mainstream corporate media and they're folks that are in
the c suites. Those billionaires and multi millionaires that want

Republicans in the White House. Why because it bodes well
for their personal bottom fucking line because then they're in
line for their fucking welfare checks in the version of
tax cuts. So like again, I'm so over it, like
I'm so over the bullshit and recognizing that like, there

is no good media that is corporatized media. There just isn't.
And so I continue to say this for folks and
be very appreciative of those that support my work and
say to continue to go after and looking for independent
media outlets that are doing the actual work of educating

the public, because you are not going to get that
anywhere else. And so I tell people, look, launched a
new channel over on YouTube where I'm putting up content
all the time. Head over there and subscribe. Go to
Marry Trump Media and subscribe over there. There are plenty
of people that are doing really good work because mainstream

corporate media has one interest and it is not our
democracy and it is not our well being. It is
absolutely what it is that they need to stay rich.
And if that does not coincide with what you need
to live inside of a thriving democratic country, and they

don't actually give a fuck. So you know, I have
turned off the news. I know that I go on
the news, but I actually don't really watch it anymore.
I watch like a small group of people who I
still trust, which is like Laurence O'donald Joy, read am
in Mohedeen, Katie Fang. Those are the people on MSNBC

that I'm going to for a daily basis of like
what's happening, because otherwise I'm just like, what are we
doing here? Honestly, when you're putting up pieces in the
New York Times talking about Donald Trump, can still went
on character? Are you insane? The man is an adjudicated,
fun fucking rapist. What character are we talking about? He's

a serial liar? What character are you talking about? And
that's how I know that this is white supremacy in action.
This is white supremacy and patriarchy in action, because there
is no way that you put up a thirty four
count fucking felon and a rapist against a former federal

prosecutor who has never been arrested, who isn't on trial
for multiple offenses against this country, and you have the
audacity to write a piece and talk about fucking character,
and not one of Donald Trump's past cabinet members and
people that worked in that administration are voting for this man.

We had what three past presidents on the stage at
the DNC. Donald Trump can't get his former vice president
to say that he will vote for him as he won't.
You just saw if you watch still for whatever god
forsaken reason, CNN and I watched the clip General McMaster

talking about Anderson Cooper asked him, would you ever work
for Donald Trump again? He's like, I think I've worn
out my welcome because you know, he's too busy on
a fucking book tour. Because none of them actually wanted
to take action when they were in the White House,
but they certainly want to continue to make money off
of their lack of dutifulness to our democracy in this country.

So I look at this on top of, by the way,
the two hundred Republicans two hundred plus that have come
out in an open letter that worked for Romney, McCain
and the Bushes saying that they're not voting for Donald Trump.
And I'm like, where are the Bushes? Right? Like where
is George w Not? Like I really give a fuck
about his opinion because he's a warmongerer. We forget that

now because we've been dealing in battling a fascist for
the last eight years. But like, why hasn't he come
out and said, you know what, it's time for Republicans
to come to their senses. You used to be the
Party of Bush, which by the way, wasn't a great party,
but it's better than the Party of Trump. And that's
unfortunately how the pendulum swings in our politics. But the

fact is that anyone that has had direct relationship in
working with Donald Trump has disavowed Donald Trump. So how
you could write a piece about him still being able
to win on character is like playing in our faces.
As the kids say, do you think we're fucking stupid?

And I honestly believe that they do. They think that
somehow the rest of us had in a lobotomy and
we don't actually remember what has happened and transpired over
the last oh, I don't know, eight years. I actually
have a fairly good memory. So there is no point,
part piece crumb of Donald Trump's character that I think

could actually win against Kamala Harris. You see, she has
her entire family former presidents staff members that have all
come out full throated in favor of her and her leadership.
Donald Trump gets whom the ones that are making a

grift off of him continuing to have some type of power.
This is the thing that I need to say, which
is that we need a decisive win. It needs to
be basically what could possibly could be considered a landslide
in these political times, because we know that there is

fuckery that is happening at the local level with changes
that have been made to certifications, whether that be in
Pennsylvania battleground or in Georgia battleground. You see right now
the DNC along with other folks are suing to ensure

that the election will be certified in the ways that
they have been before twenty twenty. You also need to
understand and know that Harris's legal team is double the
size of what Joe Biden's was because they're not playing games.
They know exactly what Donald Trump and his ILK plan

to do. And while we think that the stop the
steal ended in twenty twenty one, nah, they've been right
in that and making little tweaks here and there so
that if there is not a decisive win that they
can find their ways back to the courts, because what
Donald Trump is hoping is that he will be able

to work his way up through the lower courts to
get to the stacked Supreme Court, who will decide this
election like they did back in two two thousand and
altered our society moving forward, because that was the first
tear in the universe and our understanding of what it
means to have one vote, one voice. And then the
Supreme Court, the unelected body, decided our election for us,

and we just kind of let that ride because our assumption,
which you know what happens when you assume, was that
this unelected body was working on the side of justice
and not their own desire to make sure that Bush
and not Gore ended up in the White House. We
didn't realize back then that these motherfuckers have been scheming

for decades. But we've just kind of taken things on
their faith. Not anymore, my friend. So right now you
also have Donald Trump trying to find his way out
of this debate, talking about rules and mikes and this,
that and the other thing, and his people saying, oh,
we need the mics to be muted. Yeah, because Donald

Trump is a fucking Toddler, and they don't want him
being caught on a hot mic possibly saying the N word. Whatever,
are the hot shit is going to come out of
his mouth because he can't control himself. But this is
the person that Republicans feel should once again have access
to classified documents and have their finger on the button.
Are we mad? I'm so exhausted by this cycle right now,

to be honest, because I just realized it's the same
old shit day in and day out. And what I
really love is the fact that the Harris Walls team
has not done a sit down interview with any of
these mainstream media outlets, and instead they're going directly to
the people, because I'm confused about why I need to

sit down with legacy outlets that are lying, that are
showcasing bullshit opinion pieces that don't actually ask Donald Trump anything,
and then want to couch things as if somehow this
ticket is being evasive miss me with the bullshit. And
so what I hope is that they will continue and

it will sit down with the media outlets that make
sense for them or not at all, just do what
they've done a couple of weeks ago, which is interview
each other which is use their social media platforms in
the brilliant way that they've been doing and going directly
to the people. Why do you need an intermediary? I
don't see the point these days, and the only thing

that media continues to show is that it is irrelevant.
It is a dying industry because when you can have
a mic, a camera and just go direct to the people,
why do I need your quote unquote analysis that you're
not even doing so? At the end of the day,

I think that the moves that they are making make sense.
And I just you know, just had a conversation and
you'll hear it on Thursday with our friend doctor Jonathan
Metzol where Jonathan is offering some of his thoughts on
how he thinks that the Harris team should broaden the
tent more and reach out to those that are disaffected
by government and him and I have a very different

opinion because, frankly, I do not think that we need
to widen the tent so much to engage with, for instance,
rural white men who have not voted for a Democrat
since like the nineteen fifties. Why am I broadening my
tent to you as opposed to reaching out to the
folks who are aligned in shared values but haven't felt

inspired enough to vote, and it's sure that those people
actually get to the polls. So I think that right now, folks,
as the time that you're going to be listening to this.
Sixty nine days left, sixty nine days left until the election.
I cannot stress enough that we need to be active

and doing work every single day because I want us
to get to election day having exhausted every single aspect
of donating, volunteering, organizing folks, registering people to vote, understanding
the voting rules in your state. When is early voting starting?

When does it stop? Does your state have same day registration?
Nineteen million people have been kicked off of the voter
rolls since twenty twenty. Are you one of them? These
are things that need to be checked out, and not
just for yourself. This is a community effort. So get
on the phone with your friends and your families. Ask

your colleagues, like, do you know if you're registered to vote?
You can just go in register to vote, put it
into Google, put in your state and boom, it will
give you a list of information. When does early voting begin?
Does your state accept mail in ballots. We just found
out that there's a county in Pennsylvania that threw out

a bunch of primary votes that came in and no
one was allowed to alert the people because somehow that
went against the law. You see what these motherfuckers are
doing right. They are crafty, which means that we need
to be craftier. We need to outwork them, outthink them,
outmaneuver them so that we can win come November. Because

whatever issues people have with Harrison Walls, I would rather
work with that administration than fight for my life in
a Trump regime. Here's what I will say about these
motherfuckers coming out again with these anti joy pieces. And

the other day Lady g Lindsey Graham found himself on
CNN talking about the American people are not joyful. What
the fuck is wrong with you? You're probably not joyful, And
I know for many reasons. You know, when we're not
able to live in our authenticity, that that kind of
lying eats away at ourselves. But you know, to each

their own. But here's what I know for a fact
is that I don't want to live in their handmaid's
tail version of America. I am not interested in putting
on a cloak and being silenced and having my body
be taken over by the government. There's an ad right
now that is running in a lot of battleground states
and it is about abortion. And it features young women

that are not old enough to vote, reminding people that
when they go to the polls to think about them.
There's a young woman that was born out of IVF.
There are other young women talking about the fact that,
oh my god, there's not even an abortion in the
case of incest and rape. Yes, there is not. So
do you want that nationalized so that you have zero opportunity?

These are the things that are on the ballot, So
any which way that reporters, these legacy media outlets want
to have us believe that somehow Donald Trump can what
save America, you mean, add more than seven trillion dollars
to our deficit than he did the first time around,
sell us out to the highest bidder like he did

with our documents. Miss me with it, y'all. They are
trying to play in our faces right now and we
cannot let them. And you know, and I keep saying this,
the more desperate Donald Trump and Republicans become, the more
dangerous they will become and they do not want the
American people to vote. They do not want us to

have access to the ballot because when we fight, as
Kamala Harris and Tim Wallas has said, we win. Their issues,
their policies are not popular. It's why they're now trying
to hide them. But it's too late. We already know
that the jig is up and Project twenty twenty five

is their plan. The other piece of the plan that
they're hiding is their one hundred day rollout, their rollout
to gut public safety nets, to gut government agencies, to
shut down the Department of Education, the Department of Health,
the EPA. What would America look like? I can tell
you because I've visited some of those countries that have

none of those agencies and it's not a pretty fucking sight.
So we have an opportunity here and we all feel
it and we all know it. But I'm telling you
the media, not our friends. They are working against us
and against democracy for their own selfish best interests. So folks,
as I always say, stay ready so you don't have

to get ready and stay woke as fuck. That is
it for me today, Dear friends on woke af as always,
Power to the people and to all the people. Power,
Get woke and stay woke as fuck.
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Danielle Moodie

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