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October 16, 2024 20 mins

He's not okay in the head and he's certainly not okay for this country. It is beyond journalistic malpractice to pretend otherwise.

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Speaker 1 (00:11):
Good morning, peeps, and welcome to okate F Daily with
Meet your Girl Daniel Moody, recording from the Home Bunker. Folks.
Happy Wednesday to all of you. We've made it halfway
through the week. I am very tired. This week has
been filled with just a lot of confusion on my part.

I am confused by why the race is so close.
I am confused with corporate mainstream media and the inability
of them to do their jobs. So I come to
you as Donald Trump was at a rally, and at

this rally and I believe Pennsylvania where he's being interviewed
by christin Nome, you know the dog killer. Donald Trump
just stops talking and starts swaying to music and for
thirty nine minutes says nothing. Sways looks like he is

in a delusional state, like doesn't know where he is.
Christine Noan tries to like mime his movements. So I
guess we all notice that it doesn't look insane or
like something is wrong. The Vice President Kamala Harris posted,
I hope he's okay, as she's been asking about his

cognitive abilities, and the fact is Donald Trump is not okay.
But you wouldn't know that if you were to look
at the AP or the New York Times or the
Washington Post, because they all posted headlines to the effect
of Donald Trump's impromptu concert. Donald Trump decides to tell

his staff to play his playlist. That's not what the
fuck happened. And I'm so like, we need another word
for sayewashing, because what they are doing is beyond malpractice.
Like as a viewer, it's like I want to sue
them to call what we saw, which is full blown deterioration,

an impromptu concert. I can remember when Joe Biden on
the fourth of July was watching the fireworks and that
became NonStop news coverage as to Joe Biden is not
okay because he was watching fireworks like everybody else was,
but wasn't singing along to the song that was being played,

and so that was reason enough to run story after story.
Donald Trump on a stage for thirty nine fucking minutes,
swaying and not being in conversation, not taking any questions,
not saying anything. Has the media do absolutely nothing? And look,
I know that we are three weeks away from this election,
and so I don't expect bad people to all of

a sudden start acting well. But what I will say
that I appreciate is the fact that while she was
doing her rally, Vice President Kamala Harris took to literally
playing a clip a compilation of Donald Trump in different
forums and calling into question his mental acuity and basically

saying he's not prepared for this job and doesn't have
the endurance. And I loved the fact that she played
a clip for folks to watch in real time. Because
she's doing the work that the media refuses to do.
It shouldn't be up to her to be showcasing all

of Donald Trump's many, many, many, many cummings, but she
can't count on the media to actually do their job,
you know. Speaking of which, right now, she is getting
ready to do a full on right wing television and
podcasting tour de force, and folks have asked me what

I think about the Vice President deciding to go on
Fox and potentially go on Joe Rogan's show, And here
are my thoughts. Kamala Harris isn't afraid of a fight.
She's not afraid to go up against a group of
fucking liars. She's not afraid to go into these different

spaces in order to get her message out without them
being mashed up, reinterpreted, or put through the ringer. She's like,
I'll speak to your audience, my damn self. Donald Trump,
on the other hand, just canceled at the last minute
an interview that he was supposed to do on CNBC.
He was at the Chicago Economic Club where he was

being interviewed and actually properly interviewed, but then I found
out that the interviewer is British and so clearly has
different journalistic actually has journalistic integrity and standards, because he
was asking tough questions I use air quotes, but asking
Donald Trump real questions and then interrupting him and keeping

him on fucking point like a journalist is supposed to do.
But none that we have seen. But Donald Trump has.
Now he's turned down sixty minutes. He is not going
on CNBC. He will not do any media that is
not in front of Fox with one of his sycophants.
And so by the Vice President deciding, you know what,

I'm not scared like she's going on Charlemagne the Gods Show,
which I do not like, but it is a really
important black demographic that he hits, and so she's going there.
He's like, shouldn't be interviewing political candidates or having political conversations,

But I digress. Apparently, it doesn't matter whether or not
you have the knowledge to do a thing, so long
as you have the following to do a thing, that's
what matters in today's world. So I feel like the
vice president is going where she needs to be right, like,
go to where the people are. And so she's doing podcasts,

she's doing rallies, she's doing television, she's doing sit down interviews,
like she is doing the most. This is what you
call a sprint towards the finish line. Donald Trump, I
don't know what the fuck he's doing. And right before
I came on to record this on Tuesday, which is
when I'm recording this, Donald Trump's stock Trump Media halted

trading at a roughly two forty five pm Eastern Why
because his truth social stock was plummeting, so they stopped trading. Now,
to be fair, the stock got an artificial boost back
on October tenth because of Elon Musk joining him on

the stage. And that's just how stupid people are. It's like, oh,
he's with Elon Musk, so I'm gonna invest my money
and I guess lose it because I'm not that bright.
So that stock was artificially boosted, and now here we
go and it's once again plummeting because the only person
that uses truth social is Donald Trump. Who else is
on that fucking platform. So you see these things, and again,

if this were a Democrat that we're pulling these kinds
of stunts, the media would becoming full force. But because
it's Donald Trump, and who runs these media rooms and
outlets and newsrooms are Trump supporters. It is the right
wing that has lied to the American people much in

the way that they lie about Republicans being good on
the economy, knowing good, goddamn well that every time that
a Republican is in office and leaves office, that we
have number number number of place holders that are added
to the deficit into the tune of trillions of dollars.

That happens every time that Republicans enter office. But it's
the media that says and floats this narrative that Republicans
are better on the economy. Why do you think that
is because the very people that are saying that Republicans
are good on the economy are the people that get
the tax breaks that Republicans dish out. So all it

is is wealthy welfare and the people that are running
these newsrooms are the benefactors of that. So of course
they're gonna go ahead and tout that line because it
serves their own personal bottom line. Fuck the country. So
then turn around and talk about the fact that, yeah,
the media is not liberal. The media is biased as fuck,

and it's biased as fuck because it's run by right wingers.
That's it. That's why they continue to lie the way
they do. That's why you've seen a revolving door between
the Trump administration and CNN and other outlets. That's why
you see all of these fucking kid glove headlines. As
it pertains to Donald Trump, they want to come for

Kamala Harris and say, where's your plan, Where's your plan?
Where's your plan? Donald Trump hasn't had a plan for
this country ever. Ever. A group of Nobel worthy economists
came out and said this week that Donald Trump's economic
plan would see inflation soar from the one point nine

percent that it is at right now to between six
and twelve percent that his whole Oh just give them
tariffs and tax all of the imports. Who the fuck
do you think is paying for that? Us? The American people.
So the economists are looking at this and they're like, Yo,

this plan. Mmmm, it'll send America into a downward spiral.
Now we don't like Kamala Harris's plan, but it keeps
inflation at roughly where the fuck it is right now,
so we're okay with it. But these are not the
conversations that are being had right like, these are not
the deep dives that you're seeing on Fox News or

CNBC or any of these places. Because again, Donald Trump
is in office. They get to buy their fourth, fifth,
and sixth house because he's going to give them tax
breaks and have them not have to pay taxes at all,
and it just falls on the rest of us. So, folks,
here we are three weeks to go, and I feel uneasy,

and I for the first time, I will say this
because I want to give credit where credit is due.
And I said this yesterday on Mary Trump Media on
the nerd Avengers, which is that I'm going to applaud
and provide praise to Democrats who, over the last three
months of this campaign have done the amount of work

that should have been done over decades inside of the
Democratic Party. Their outreach, their pushback, their messaging has been
top fucking notch. And if you know, if you've been
listening to me and watching these videos, if you are
a Patreon supporter, you know that I have spent a

good amount of time going after Democrats and offering suggestions.
That's my euphemism of what the fuck they could be
doing better. It is as if the Harris Walls team
took those thoughts and just ran with them. From July on.
The outreach has been impeccable. She just rolled out a

plan yesterday specifically for boosting black men's economic viability. She
just rolled out a plan right before I came on
for the rural economy. Kamala Harris has plans, she has ideas.
Donald Trump is still developing his concepts. But you wouldn't
know that if you read the New York Times or
the Wall Street Journal. So, folks, here's what I will say.

We lose this election, it is because the courts are rigged,
the media is rigged, and Donald Trump stole it, plain
and simple. They want this election to be close enough
to steal, which is why we keep saying those that
are in independent media keep saying that we need margins

that are too big to deny and too big to
fucking steal. That's what we need, because otherwise this shit
is going to be kicked around the courts, which Donald
Trump and Mitch McConnell have stacked in the hope that
it goes up to the Maga Supreme Court, which already
gave him the gift of presidential immunity and would be

happy to anoint Tim King and then continue on their
crusade to upend democracy as we know it. So we
don't have three weeks until the election. We have three
weeks and then the election is over. So whatever it
is that you are doing, double it. If you've been calling,
if you've been donating, if you've been knocking on doors,

if you've been sending text messages, if you've been having
hard conversations, double it. Because you know, I had this
thought and then I had to disrupt it. You know,
as my therapist has said many times, we have the
ability to disrupt our negative thoughts and ask if this
is true, And while this scenario is absolutely true that
I'm going to lay out I had a thought I

was laying in bed, and I was just like, oh
my god, in three weeks, Donald Trump can be president.
In three weeks, I could be out of a job
because as sure as hell won't be able to do
this anymore. In three weeks, I may need to find
new housing. In three weeks, I may need to flee.
And I started to run through like all of these

different scenarios, and then I said, we're gonna pause because
the amount of time and energy that I am spending
to do this downward spiral is the amount of energy
and time that I can be spending to ensure that
Kamala Harris wins. Now. I am of the school of
thought that you prepare for the you expect the best,

but prepare for the worst. So I tell people continue
to get your affairs in order, which I paused last
month and was just like, no, I'm feeling really good
and blah blah blah blah. No no, because, like I said,
the election is not going to be decided on November fifth,
So you absolutely do have time to continue to get
your affairs in order, whatever that looks like for you.

If that's applying for another passport, if that is applying
for citizenship, in a different country like I am doing,
if it is, you know, just to make sure that
you have whatever options. And I know that it is
privileged to have options, but if you have other options,
make sure that you are utilizing them right, that you
are prepared. But at the same time, put your energy

and you're thinking in a positive space in realm, because
what we don't need to do is lose our shit
with three weeks to go, Let's let that leave that
to Donald Trump swaying on the fucking stage like a lunatic, okay,
and his people cutting off his interviews because they're afraid
for us to see that they've been pulling a whole

weekend at Bernie's with Donald Trump for the last couple
of months, as we've watched him slowly and now now
with a sense of speed, deteriorate. And look, I'm not
going to say, like, here's the difference. Joe Biden is old, right,
and Joe Biden moves and speaks like an older man,

not anybody that is suffering from any type of mental issues, right,
at least in my humble opinion. But again, I'm not
a doctor, so I'm not providing any diagnosis. But what
I will say, is that what we are seeing with
Donald Trump. However, this trailing off of thoughts and this
obsession with Hannibal Lecter and then like the way in

which and he calls it weaving. What is weaving? Motherfucker?
You're not making a basket right like you're bobbing and
weaving the reality. That's what it seems like. So I
think that it is important for us to acknowledge where
things have been done well and applaud that and still
recognize that we're in a world of danger and activate

accordingly because those are the fact. And I just want
to say this too for folks that are just like,
oh my god, I just want Kamala Harris to win
so that we can just go back to normal. Folks,
we are never going back to normal. We're not. We
were a decade past normal. And what this will show us,

if in fact, she does win, is how vigilant we
all need to continue to be with our democracy because
they are never going to stop trying to steal it.
It took them forty years to overturn Roe v. Wade.
When these people set their sights on something, they dig
all the way the fuck in. So what I'm saying is,
don't assume that following a potential win that all of

a sudden you can go back to burying your head
in the sand. No, no, no, it doesn't work like that.
Like they're just going to reinvent themselves and find a
different host for their same terrible, horrible ideas. But they'll
put it, you know, they'll smooth out the length, which
they'll get a younger face on it, but it will
still be the same desire for a white Christian nationalist

country and the power to wield and oppress and harm
as many people as possible. Republicans will never let go
of that because Donald Trump showed them that it was
possible to do, so they'll keep doing it until they
get back into that place of power. So we are
not going to get to take a day off. If

she wins. We'll get to celebrate and it'll be wonderful
to be on the side where we're working on how
we're strengthening democracy as opposed to saving it. But it
will always be at risk, and that is what Donald
Trump has done to us and to the country. As
I wrap up here today, dear friends, I want to

remind you that I host a live show every Monday
through Thursday on my YouTube channel. The Danielle Moody Show
is live, and the chat and the conversations are absolutely lit.
So head over to The daniel Moody Show. Type in
Danielle Moody into your YouTube search and subscribe and like.

Because I'm building a really amazing community over there, and
I'm very excited to welcome all of you who are
here and have been riding with me on wokf for
so long into this new space. And if you're just like, yeah,
YouTube's not really my thing, trust and believe I would
never steer you wrong. So give it a go and
head over there and like and subscribe and tune in

five pm Eastern every Monday through Thursday, and then at
twelve pm Eastern on Fridays when I am live with
my co host, the brilliant Juaja hot Ali. That is
it for me today, dear friends on WOKF. As always,
power to the people and to all the people. Power,

get woke and stay this spot
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Danielle Moodie

Danielle Moodie

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