Episode Transcript
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Speaker 1 (00:11):
Good morning, peeps, and welcome to lok F Daily with
Meet your Girl Daniel Moody recording from the Home Bunker.
Speaker 2 (00:19):
You know, yesterday.
Speaker 1 (00:22):
The Senate passed a ninety five billion dollar aid package
that included aid for Ukraine, Israel, and Southeast Asia including Taiwan.
And inside of that aid package, they decided to also
ban TikTok if the company is not sold. I think
that they extended the provision between within nine months to
a year, you know, on.
Speaker 2 (01:01):
The President's signatures. And I got to.
Speaker 1 (01:04):
Tell you something like, and I posted a video on
this this week, what a load of fucking bullshit?
Speaker 2 (01:13):
Right Like?
Speaker 1 (01:14):
Are you all with me on this? Because you have
how many fucking crises are we dealing with in this country?
How many fucking crises do we have going on around
the world. But the only thing that you motherfuckers can
come together and agree on is to ban an entertainment
and information app because you want to tell us that
what it is about privacy and spying? Are you dumb?
Because we already know that all of the platforms that
we're on, including the ones that were not on, but
the federal government listens into on a regular basis, it's
doing more fucking spying and manipulation than TikTok is, or
it's about the fucking same. So is it just that
you don't have access to the data that is being
collected on top of the data that you're already collecting
on us. It just makes no fucking sense. And the
only thing that makes sense to me about it, frankly,
is the fact that this generation, right, this young generation
Generation Z, is with the shits, do you know what
I'm saying? Like, they are so on it in terms
of challenging capitalism and work culture and labor. They are
so on it in recognizing the hypocrisy as it pertains
to fighting for democracy and what that looks like here
in the United States versus elsewhere. They are so with
it in understanding the colonist's mindset and patriarchy, and they
are on that app right at a larger rate than
anyone else's. So what is this really about? Because we're
being manipulated, folks every single day in every single way.
Open up your refrigerator. Do we really know what's in
the food that's in there? No, Because in these United
States you can have a certain percentage of shit that
causes cancer. The ingredients that are banned, let's say in
a Europe, totally welcomed here in the United States. So
when we're looking at the decisions that these lawmakers are making,
it has nothing to do with our best interest, but
it has nothing to do with our safety, because I'd
love to put a whole bunch of those members into
a room and lock the fucking door and until they
come up with an agreement on an assault weapons ban,
a national protection for abortion, do away with a white supremacy,
fully fund our schools in the way that they need
to be funded, come up with a healthcare plan that
has us on par with other developed nations, and guess what,
you don't get to come out until you do. But
the one thing that they want to come to the
table on and come to a bipartisan agreement with is TikTok.
Miss me with the bullshit. Coming up next, friends, we
welcome back to the show doctor Suzanne Lachman, and we
get into a conversation about Donald Trump, about his cultish followers,
our own personal emotional well being during this time of torment,
and how we manage our way through That conversation is
coming up next, Folks, I am very happy to welcome
back to WOKF Daily doctor Suzanne Lochman, who is a psychologist,
who is a writer, whose new piece or most recent
piece up at Substack is entitled is Donald Trump's Declining
speech due to aging or dementia? Trump is increasingly losing
his train of thought in the middle of sentences. But
where I want to start with you today, doctor Lockman,
is on Donald Trump's staunch supporters. Yes, Donald Trump, there
is something that this man knows about his people, how
to sell to them, whether it is selling lies, selling bibles, sneakers,
whatever it is that he's trying to hawk at the moment,
but he knows that there is some type of inexplicable
connection that they have that not only do they take
everything that he says to be true, even if he
is not making any sense, not coherent, but they will
also open their own pockets to support a billionaire. Talk
to me about these people and what you see and know.
Speaker 2 (06:48):
The first thing that goes through my head, Danielle, is
what we've heard a number of times now, and it's
what his first wife said, which is that he keeps
Hitler's gold mind come by his bed, and that is
Hitler's autobiography, and it talks about how he came into
power and the rules like you need to repeat everything
forcefully three times in order for it to stick. The
people that he and Donald Trump is appealing to the
most base ugliness of a certain group of people, which
is just like the Nazis. I'm sorry to say, only
I think in this case there are a lot of
people that are way dumber than than the Nazis were.
A lot of them are a few I think I've
said to you before, and I stand by this, that
there's people who are incapable of saying that they're wrong
mm hmm. And therefore they're on this ship with him
no matter what. If you actually sit and listen to him,
he can sound really convincing, especially because he's delusional enough
to believe himself. And when you speak with force that way,
and you repeat yourself and it's the same messages over
and over and over, you're gonna win over people. And again,
I think the fact and that and they were just
talking about this earlier that the judged today, even though
he was just sending out tweets that go against a
gag order that the judge isn't going to address this
for another ten days, which doesn't do much to help
people to see him as human as opposed to superhuman. Right,
he really has managed, no matter what he's done, yeah,
to appear above the law, and that makes it easier
for these people who already are drawn in by hatred
and division, which he is doubling and tripling down on
every chance he gets. He had a name for Letitia
James that was just so racist in one of his
most recent rallies, not like Peekaboo Peekaboo James. People were
laughing in the audience. Yep, he didn't start out as
overtly racist. But he's gone along and he sees who
his base supporters are. He is joining them, and they
are joining him more strongly than ever. And those who
are sort of on the fence or not that bright
see a leader who they can identify with because they
feel like they're being persecuted.
Speaker 1 (10:23):
But I guess the question that I have is it
seems to me that it is enough just to have
a leader that is in the same book, on the
same page as you in terms.
Speaker 2 (10:40):
Of who you hate.
Speaker 1 (10:42):
But when I look at a leader and I say,
how is this person actually changing my life right? Like?
Is that not the question that most of us ask?
Speaker 2 (10:56):
Speaker 1 (10:57):
How is my life going to be better? Making a
decision in an upcoming election. I'm making a decision, let's say,
about what college I want to go to, and I'm seeing, well,
one school offers this and the other one offers this, Well,
which one is going to best suit me to help
shift my life? They're not looking through this lens, So,
doctor Lachman, I have a difficulty in understanding if they're
not gaining anything, how does the opposition even begin to
reach these people? Or and I know that I ask
you this every time we talk. Or are they just
gone forever?
Speaker 2 (11:40):
They're gone? They are unreachable. As I examine the different
kinds of people that are engaged with him, involved with him, etc.
Into him, it occurs to me that there are number
of them. For example, in the New York City Fire Department,
there are a lot of blue collar workers that are
pro Trump. And what I figured out about them, and
this probably goes for a lot of other professions too,
where you have an enormous amount of structure at work,
You know where you're what's happening, you know when things
are happening. You know what you're supposed to do, but
when you get out into your home life, into the
real world, you have no idea. There are a lot
of people drawn to very structured jobs because they're lost
in the kinds of things that you're talking about. They
don't they're not projecting into what the future will look like.
They are not actually either believing that Biden is erasing
two point seven billion dollars of student debts. They have
him vilified beyond vilified. And the fact that, for example,
there are so many New York City firefighters who are
Irish Catholic and come from background similar to Biden's, makes
the whole thing even more mind blowing, right, m hmm.
But it really has to do with the fact that
there's also a lot of anger out there, and a
good amount of it has well, it's always been there,
but Trump has really just thrown a hot towel on
a boil and it has grown. It will eventually and
this is such a disgusting reference. I'm sorry, it will
eventually pop, but it's still going.
Speaker 1 (13:53):
Let's talk about the pop for a moment, right, because
with every trial, with every charge, with every headline, we
say those of us we on Earth one. This is
going to be the breaking point. This is going to
be the thing that finally finishes Trump off, finishes this
movement off and it never does right. Which goes on
to your earlier point of being able to continually ascend
above the law and have this superpower you know, attributed
to you and your actions and your words. What in
your mind when you say it'll eventually pop, it'll eventually crash.
Everything that goes up has to come down. But it's
been fifty years of this with Donald Trump, do you
know in his life, it's been the last seven years
of our lives in this country. What does the pop
look like to you? What do you think it is.
Speaker 2 (15:02):
I've thought it was going to be a number of
things that it so far hasn't been. But I am
not giving up hope. One of the things now, he's
turning everything into a campaign rally, and I think that's
to divert himself from the shame of having the fact
that that he doesn't have the kind of money that
he's supposed to have. He did that kind of information
becoming available to the public is beyond mortifying and emasculating
to him. That is his Achilles sword Achilles, thank you exactly.
That's along with his bonesbur that's one of them. He
cannot stand the idea of people finding this out now,
that is not a thing in this trial. So even
though he's exhausted and falling asleep and using it to
continue to bring his point home that he's basically Jesus
being persecuted yep, on the cross and Jesus with gold sneakers.
I don't think he did that well with the gold sneakers.
Not sure how he did with the Bibles.
Speaker 1 (16:26):
And currently while we're talking, his stock is dropping faster
and faster like it. It's it's really amazing.
Speaker 2 (16:37):
Right it is.
Speaker 1 (16:38):
It is right now. I think below twenty five dollars
his share.
Speaker 2 (16:41):
The kind of stuff his people don't pay attention to.
Mm hmm right. Okay. If you watched enough of like
Jordan Klepper from The Daily Show interviewing Trump groupies, h
you will see the complete and total ignorance of what
the United States stands for, anything about the history of
the United States, Why exactly Joe Biden is bad, why
Trump is good, It's a lot of well I just
know it, I just feel it. I know this to
be true. It's unquestioning the uh, you know, the term
drink the kool aid, I don't know, you know, it's
kind of old, and hopefully everybody knows that it's a
reference to Jim Jones, right, the cult leader. Yeah, a
cult leader who got a whole lot of people to die.
There are people who are highly suggestible out there, and
Trump's got them wrapped around his finger. And because he
has such a huge pulpit and so many ways to
be seen, he's able to grab more and more of
this vulnerable audience, which consists of people who have been
terribly traumatized in their lives. I think I've mentioned that before.
I think if you look below the surface, there's a
lot of abuse that's been perpetrated on Trump survivors, and
probably they're just perpetrating it themselves, which makes all of
this stuff he does all the more excusable. There are
there is a higher threshold for abuse. Nafty language is
condonable because that's what happens in their household. Giving women power,
as we've learned, is a horribly threatening to many a
Trump supporter, and you know, those the ugliness of that
is coming out of the woodworks. And I think one
of the reasons for that is the idea that when
you think of God, you think of a man. When
you think of a head of household, you think of
a man, When you think of commander in chief, what
do you think of man? So the fact that Democrats
have a bigger, wider tent and try to empower women,
that it, unfortunately is a hugely divisive issue, so much
so that when a very experienced white woman ran against
a black man, the black man won fantastic. He was
a wonderful president, but not the deep.
Speaker 1 (19:46):
But the deep seated misogyny in this country definitely played
a part. And the misogyny plays I think a central
role in trump Ism, right, And I mean you saw
it with the pushback to Nikki Haley, who was trying
to present, you know, an alternative to Donald Trump, and
you know, Republican voters said, I wouldn't vote for her.
Why because she's a woman, and I don't think that
women should be have the time, I watched a number
of Trump, a number of Republican Trumps supporters say these things,
and so I just I wonder, then, if we don't
have a pop moment soon, doctor Lockman, then what do
you think happens? Do you know what I'm saying? Like,
what do you think happens?
Speaker 2 (20:45):
I know that I said, and you weren't around for this,
that there was no way that he could win in
twenty sixteen. And I'm not the only one who said that.
He got beaten in twenty twenty by seven million votes.
There's no way that he has gained that many followers.
I know it can see that way. It's just because
they're loud, and it's because many of them are from
Russia and China and they're just antagonists. They can't vote
right right, So in the in terms of the youth vote,
in terms of the woman vote, what's what really bummed
me out in twenty sixteen was I thought, for sure
women would rally against another woman, right, and there were
so many who didn't. And unfortunately, there are a lot
of misogynistic women out there.
Speaker 1 (21:46):
Speaker 2 (21:47):
I think that he's alienated at least some of them
more than he had in twenty sixteen. I think the
Roe v. Wade issue has taken away some of his followers,
as evidenced by the fact that all of these elections
that have taken place have all gone Democrat, you know,
the interim elections, even in the deep Republican areas like
in Alabama there was one, which is wild. But nonetheless
there's the pop. I don't know what it's going to be.
I don't think any of us know what to be.
I think it's going to be as unfortunately, like a slow.
Speaker 1 (22:36):
Ooze rather than a quick pop.
Speaker 2 (22:41):
Oh god. Yeah, and it started the wheels of justice
grind slow. And the thing about Democrats, and I think
we're seeing this play out, is that they are terribly
interested in looking fair fair. It's maddening, but the hope
is that in the long term that means that their
decisions will be more respected. Whether or not that's true,
I don't know, but it's what they're doing, and hopefully
it will ring true at least for some people. Once
he's declared guilty of yet something else and they figure
out what the hell to do with Eileen Cannon, which
is just insane in Washington, DC, and they can get
the Georgia thing on track. All of this is also
exhausting him.
Speaker 1 (23:46):
I mean, that's that's fair, that's a that's a that's
a fair point that while we're because I'm concentrated on
our exhaustion, right, the collectives exhaustion. But to your point
that it's also exhausting him.
Speaker 2 (24:02):
Yes, yes, and we are seeing that in his rallies. Uh.
It's the thing that you know, I'm focusing on is
the fact that I see him becoming demented. He is
developing dementia before our eyes.
Speaker 1 (24:25):
My only pushback to you is because you don't have
a direct ability to diagnose him. But others have said this,
you're not. Obviously you're not the only person that has
said this. But then we see this same similar conversation
happening with Biden, you know, from the right. Tell me,
tell me what the difference is. I guess with the
with the few minutes that we have left gladly. Uh.
Speaker 2 (24:52):
Doctor John Gartner from the group Duty to Warren said
it best. Biden is aging and Trump is dementing. If
you watch the State of the Union, for example, Biden,
he might have gotten a little fatigued, he might have
stumbled over his words, but he made perfect sense. He
could follow up every point that he made, and he
has a deep and thorough knowledge that is something that
no one can debate. That guy Robert HRR tried to
take that away from him and say, you know, he's
a feeble old man who.
Speaker 1 (25:34):
Doesn't remember a special counsel.
Speaker 2 (25:37):
Yep, yep, and got laughed out of the room because
he does trump. On the other hand, if you listen
to him at these rallies, he is literally manifesting symptoms
of dementia. Now, can I officially say he has dementia? No?
And I say, it certainly looks like these are signs.
And hey, guess what. We have way more ability, way
more stuff that we can look at than we've ever
had with patients. I've never had this much information about
patients when I've made a diagnosis.
Speaker 1 (26:19):
Right, like tapes and like video and tapes and audio
and all of these things over the course of months
or years to be able to play back baseline.
Speaker 2 (26:31):
We have baseline like we don't baseline meaning when he
was higher functioning, which you don't often have when you're
diagnosing somebody who's come in for, you know, to find
out if they got some kind of dementia. We've got baseline,
and we're able to see his erosion in functioning. All
you have to do is watch a rally and you'll
see the word salad or you'll hear it. Yeah, that
he doesn't rely how he started a sentence to know
where to end it, and he meanders. The second he
goes off script, he's gone. He has something he called
phonic aphasia, where he's merging words together. That is not
something you hear Biden do. And that so anyone that's
listening to this podcast right now they if you listen
to any it's horrible to do or just look at
the clips that demonstrate Yeah, Primes when he's mushed words together,
that isn't just fatigue. That is fatigue, but it's also
the beginning of something more severe. Not to mention that
his father had Alzheimer's oh uh huh okay, officially diagnosed
known his father.
Speaker 1 (27:59):
Yes, okay, well we will leave it there today, Doctr Lockman.
Really appreciate you making the time as always for wok
F Daily, and I just want to remind folks up
on sub stack Dr Lockman's Peace entitled is Donald Trump's
declining speech due to aging or dementia? Trump is increasingly
losing his train of thought in the middle of sentences.
Is up now.
Speaker 2 (28:27):
Really appreciate you absolutely. I'm glad to come back and
do part two of this and three and four. Oh,
thank you.
Speaker 1 (28:41):
That is it for me today. Dear friends on wok
f as always, Power to the people and to all
the people. Power, get woke and stay woke as fuck.