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September 20, 2024 21 mins

Divest from legacy media.

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Speaker 1 (00:11):
Good morning, keeps, and welcome to ok F Daily with
Me your Girl. Daniel Moody recording from the home Bunker, Folks,
I am exhausted. This week has just been a lot.
It's been a lot of continued lies, fuckery, violence by
the Republican Party and I'm so at this point just

turn off the news. Like honestly, I say this all
the time on social media, and I'm gonna say it again.
It's time to divest from quote unquote legacy media. It
is time to honestly let that place, the cable news sphere,
the New York Times of watching. But let these places
die the fuck out because they contribute absolutely nothing. And

what do I mean by that, Well, let me just
say this that over the last two weeks since the debate,
we have watched stochastic terrorism turn into real world terrorism
in Springfield, Ohio. We have watched the manipulation by Donald

Trump and JD. Vance in the media choose their words
to make the Haitian immigrant community the target of their
latest stream of racist attacks. We have watched the media
parrot the white supremacist statements by JD. Vance and Donald

Trump as if to suggest that maybe there is some
merit into the conversation, or, as Jady Vance told Dana Bash,
the narrative that he's trying to create, or let me
just cut through all of that and say the lies
that he's trying to spin. Because even when called out

by the media and asked, where are you getting your
information from? Cause it's not the officials in Ohio, in Springfield, Ohio,
it's not coming from the mayor, it's not coming from
the police department. And Jady Vance's response, well, some of
my constituents, because they're investigative reporters now right, Like, so

that's where the sitting junior senator from Ohio is getting
his information that he is spreading to millions of people.
And so I look at these outlets and the fact
that and we've talked about this, the Saine washing that

has been done to kind of search through the absolute
mess and chaos and incoherent rambling narrative of Donald Trump
to try and piece together some sort of analysis, some

sort of policy measures that he may be talking about
when he's talking about how to elector or electric sharks
or whatever it is that comes to his stream of consciousness.
But when faced with when these media outlets are faced
with very easy to connect horrible, dehumanizing rhetoric, make the

connection to real world threats. They seem to just like
lose themselves. They just don't know what to do. And
so I'm saying to folks, you know what, get out
of these places, unsubscribe because I'm just so exhausted with

their And it's not even an inability, so let me
not even call that, right. They just don't want to.
It's not that they don't know how, they just don't
want to connect the dots for you, because what's better
for their bottom line is this bullshit horse race that
they're trying to present to the American people as if

these two parties are the same, you have one that
is readily contributing to a rise in political violence against
whatever group they deem to be poisoning the blood of
this country to be unacceptable or un American. That day,

I was thinking about this because I've talked about it
multiple times now on different shows. Right, and here's the thing.
Twenty fifteen, Donald Trump comes down that TACKI golden escalator, Right,
who is he talking about Mexicans as rapists and drug
dealers coming across our borders? Then it is Muslims. He

gets into office and it's the Muslim pan We can't
have these people in our country, right, because it's a
quote unquote Christian nation and all of these countries are terrible.
So Mexicans twenty sixteen, Muslims twenty seventeen. Then where does
Donald Trump go? Shithole countries? Right, African nations? Then where

does Donald Trump go? Oh, it's COVID and so we're
going to start calling it kung flu and the China flu.
And what are we seeing in each of these instances?
What follows the rise in violence against the community that
he is targeting? Then after Asian Americans are the targets

and being attacked, then where does he go? Trans people right,
the LGBTQ community. Then it's bomb threats at drag Story
times right, and libraries are shutting down and going on lockdowns.
Then where does he go? Right? Next up on the
hit list literally Haitians right, who are in this country legally?

I don't need to say that because you know, frankly,
I don't actually give a fuck, but it is important
because what most sane people think is that, regardless of
your citizenship status, you should not live a life that
is unsafe because of the rhetoric from one of the

biggest politicians with siny million followers, who at the drop
of a hat says, go take your country back. And
then what do those people do attack the Capitol building
each of these instances, each of these groups that I named,
It doesn't matter whether or not you identify with any

of them. What matters is you're next in the queue.
Your number will be called to. And you know who's
not alerting people to that mainstream corporate media because they
would rather print bullshit that jd Vance says, like these

two attempted assassination attempts on Donald Trump are because of
Democrat rhetoric. Sir, do you think that we're stupid? Because
I believe that they do. I believe that they think
that we're dumb and that we don't know who not
only lights the spark, who drops it into the bonfire,

who blows the air on it and pours gasoline everywhere?
It's the Republican Party. So you can't continue to navigate
and tell the stories about the importance of this election
without telling people the truth. And this is why I

tell you to divest. Go to places like social media,
YouTube podcasters like myself, right, like, go to spaces where
you can find trusted voices that are going to tell
you the truth, because these places, these legacy spaces, are
paid to fucking live to you. I just in an

interview for my other show, The New Abnormal, right, and
I'm talking to this guest and he said something so
good and I want to repeat it here. David Rothkoff,
who is a writer at The Daily Beast, he said,
you know why Kamala Harris and Tim Walls are not

doing the traditional thing of going and having sit downs
with legacy media because they know that it's dying, and
they know that legacy media is no longer to be
trusted with the awesome responsibility of informing the public. Why

am I going to sit down with people who lie
to me on a regular basis, who lie about me
on a regular basis, Like, how does that make sense? Instead,
they are going directly to the American people and having conversations.
They are using their own social media platforms to engage

in conversation with those that are unable to attend their rallies.
They're sitting down with people in new media because what
purpose do these outlets have I guess they're holders for advertisers,

but in terms of the value that I used to
place on places like The New York Times and The
Washington Post, I mean outside of their book review sections
and the style, I don't really care. I don't take
anything that they say. Have you seen some of their

editorial board pieces that have gone up And I'm like, somebody,
let that leave the newsroom. If you really cared, right,
what is it? The Washington Post says, oh, you know,
democracy dies in darkness. No democracy dies because legacy media
turns off the fucking lights. They're not shining a light

on any goddamn thing except to create these false equivalencies
of both sides. Well, again, if both sides their agism
and questions about Joe Biden's mental acuity drove that man
from the ticket, I am grateful right that Joe Biden
decided to step aside and endorse Kamala Harris. So I'm

not saying that, But if you have questions about Joe
Biden's age and mental acuity, then where is the same
barrage of reporting and headlines around Donald Trump now being
the oldest person in the race who does not know

where he is he's in Arizona, but he shouts out
Philadelphia that again is going on these extraordinarily long winded
rambling fits where his own supporters are walking out of
his rallies. But where are the headlines about that? Where

are the questions about Donald Trump's mental fitness? When you
saw the cliff at the Economic Club of New York
where Donald Trump is asked about childcare and the economy,
and this mffort goes off on a tangent and just
says the word childcare over and over again and then

throws in tariffs. And I saw a headline from the
AP that said Donald Trump gave an economic speech. Bitch,
where were we listening to the same thing? Because it
couldn't possibly be. And so when people are readily seeing
these stark contrasts between what they are actually hearing and seeing,

like they did on the debate stage two weeks ago,
sixty million people saw Donald Trump for who he was,
and some of them for the first time this cycle.
Because while I know the folks that listen to WOKP
are like in the weeds on things in the same
way that I am, the average American person is not

paying attention. So they tuned in that night, Donald Trump
has asked questions about abortion, he goes off on a
tangent about crowd size. Nothing that that man said made
any sense and it was alarming. But did they report

it that way? Nope, they did not. So when I
think about the role that we have right as citizens
of this country to keep ourselves informed, it cannot be
through the same means that we have been using, because

we have to ask the question who is this really for?
Is it for my education so that I can make
informed decisions? Is it for the shareholders and CEOs so
that they can make more money? Who is it for?
Because you all know that when I talk, whether it's here,
whether it's making videos on my YouTube channel, right, whether

it's on social media, you know that I am for
educating the public. That's what my job is, to make
sense out of nonsense. And I'm not taking, you know,
big backings from anywhere. That's why I stay independent and
only link in partner with places that allow me to

do so, because otherwise I'm out. Now. Unfortunately, I have integrity,
which means that I am not wealthy, but that's just
something that I have to live with. I want to
switch gears for a moment on this fucking Friday. Also
to bring attention to recent poll numbers. Now you know

that I say I don't care about polls. I like
to bring them up, however, because it is connected to
what I've been talking about. Recent Fox News poll comes
out with regard to independence, and I've shared this on
the brokedown site Twitter. Independence on August eighth were eight

plus points in the bag for Donald Trump. Now, as
of the time this poll was done, which was September sixteen,
plus twelve for Harris, Donald Trump is bleeding independence, and

I think it is largely because people are finally coming
to the place where they are fucking exhausted, where they
are just tired, where they are walking in real time.
How the violent rhetoric coming from the Republican Party, coming

from the top of the ticket is traumatizing and terrorizing
a small town in Ohio. Recognizing that this can be
any place USA that Donald Trump and jd Vance decide
to lie about create a story around. People want stability,

they want normalcy. I personally would love to go back
to a place where guess what I didn't think about
every day the president of the United States. I'd like
to just focus on other policy issues, other things that
are happening, but not the mental fitness and whether or
not that mf or is going to tweet us into

World War three that he's so keen on. By the way,
Independent right are people who supposedly decide things issue by issue,
but I think in this case that they are looking
at Donald Trump over the last eight years and saying
I can't go through four to infinity because, by the way,

another podcast that JD. Vance was on because apparently there's
not a lot of work to do as a senator,
he says that Republicans need to be quote unquote ruthless
about their pursuit of power and that if they need
to overthrow systems, then so be it. So these are

not people that are interested in participating in democracy, that
are interested in collaboration on ideas that are good for
the American people. It's either their way or no way.
And I do believe that as we get closer and

closer to this election, which as of the time that
you all are listening to this, we are forty six
days away, that the violence that they are going to
rain down will ratchet up because they are not going
to be satisfied until people are killed, and then they're

going to use that as a way to say, this
is why we need a strong police state, and we
need X, Y and Z. They create the violence, they
yell fire in the theater, drop a bomb to actually
create the fire. Then they want to fool you into
believing that they are the firefighters. Make it make sense

because it does not, but people fall for it. I'll
say this in closing today. There is also a video
circulating of Donald Trump on Long Island, Suffolk County, Long Island,
where where I'm from. It's packed because an area that

I grew up in that was largely Democratic, middle working
and middle class, and some upper class people have just
abandoned the Democratic Party in lieu of wanting whiteness. It's

not the place that I grew up in, but I
saw the arena full, and I'm like, this is what
they want. White people pumping their fists in the air right,
thinking that everyone is the enemy, that their way of

life would be preserved if only those people didn't exhipt it,
if only those people weren't there. If we can just
get rid of the gates, send the women back to
the kitchen, get rid of the blacks or put them
in their place, then all would be well. Rather than
creating industry right that people are able to live on,
you just give them somebody to point the finger at

so that they don't have to play a part in
being responsible for how their lives turned out. I love
Long Island, but when I saw those images, I was disgusted.
But when I go to visit my hometown, right there
is a mix of Trump flex in places that had
been represented by Democrats my whole life. So you know,

we are up against a lot in these forty six days,
and I believe that things, and I've said this before,
will get bloodier before they get better. But we have
got to keep doing the work. We have got to
keep organizing, we've got to keep donating, We've got to

keep talking to each other and making the case, even
if it's hard, because there is just way too much
at stake for us to think that this is a
foregone conclusion. Because it's either us or them come November,
and I want it to be us because I don't

want to live inside of their dystopian America. That is
it for me today. Dear friends on woke af as
always power to the people and to all the people power.
Get woke and stay woke as fuck.
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Danielle Moodie

Danielle Moodie

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