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October 23, 2024 18 mins

In 2020, it took five days to learn who won the Presidential election. Hopefully 2024 won't be too long of a wait. It's time for 10 years of Trumpism to come to an end.

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Speaker 1 (00:11):
Good morning, peeps, and welcome to wikf Daily with me
your girl, Danielle Moody, recording from the home Bunker. Folks,
we are two weeks out until the final day of voting.
As I've been saying, Election Day is the final day
of voting, being as how early voting has started in
a majority of states in the country, I myself, for

the very first time, will be early voting. Normally, I
wait until election day to vote because I'm, you know,
old school and a traditionalist. But this year, I said,
let's just get this show on the road, frankly, and
get it done, get it done, and get it done early.
Right now, millions of Americans, millions millions of Americans have

already cast their ballot. And what I think is really important,
and you'll hear from our friend Jonathan later this week,
but what I think is really important and encouraging is
the anecdotes that are coming out of states like Georgia
and North Carolina and most recently in Tennessee, with people

talking about how long the lines have been in states
and in places where traditionally early voting folks are in
and out because you know, they're in gerrymandered places where
they have been kind of depressed into feeling that their
votes do not matter. So why would I show up
early and why would I vote at all? And so

I think that listening to folks say that the lines
are long and that people are feeling hopeful, and there's
something about this moment that feels different is encouraging. I
know that it is hard, though, to kind of muster
and hold on to the faith and hopeful. It's because
we have a fear of being let down. And the

fact is, folks like that is just part of what
it means to be human. You know, sometimes things work
out and sometimes they don't. And I know where my
anxiety and fear is at this moment as we get
closer and closer to the final day of voting, because
we know what's at stake. We've been talking about it
four years on this show, four years. I kind of

want to reminisce with you for just like a moment
about why WOKF started. WOKF started in the spring summer
of twenty seventeen, and I had just moved back from Washington,
DC to New York and I started a new job,
and I needed an outlet because following the devastation of

the twenty sixteen election. I was just like miserable, and
I knew that a lot of people were also feeling
the same way, just depressed and uninspired and devastated, like
this country that we thought that we knew let us down.
And so I started the show. I was asked if

I was interested in continuing podcasting, and I had been
podcasting for a while, but then it was just like, hey,
this is live radio. Do you want to do that?
And I started the show just as a way to
get things off of my chest. And it's been several
years now that I have been doing WOKF and WOKF

you all have followed me, some of you, from different
networks into different places and finally landing here. And the
fact is is that WOKF was started as a reaction
and a rebuff to Donald Trump and the Republicans and
this idea that like they were going to drag America
kicking and screaming back to you know, not even the

twentieth century, but like the nineteenth century. And I knew
that there were more people that were conscious but that
left on the twenty sixteen election, frankly, and they thought that,
you know, I'm not really that excited by Hillary Clinton,
and her ascension is inevitable, and they just kind of
let it rock and we all know how that fucking

ended up. I feel like America, though, since the twenty
sixteen election, I would like to say, has learned a lot,
while mainstream corporate media hasn't learned anything, as it pertains
to their coverage of Donald Trump. I do believe that
Americans have learned a lot. In twenty twenty, in the

midst of global health pandemic, people showed up in mass
to vote against Donald Trump and to say that this
is not who we are, this is not what we want.
It was a different time. Thousands of Americans were dying
a day from COVID, where Donald Trump told them to
inject bleach, where saving a life could mean just covering
your fucking face with a piece of cloth. But he

couldn't bring people to do that and instead divided the country.
It is where we stand right now, and I have
no flights of fancy in believing that if Donald Trump
is defeated again in twenty twenty four that poof you know,
all of our problems disappear. No, that to me is

when the real hard work begins, because then it is
when we will have to as Americans, figure out what
we want this country to be moving forward and how
we're going to put the pieces back together again. And
that is going to take just as much work as
it took to get rid of Donald Trump in twenty

twenty to rebuild this country because we know that it
is broken, and we know that Republicans will continue to
try and tear it apart. And that's why I pray
and continue to speak to all of you in saying
that we need to make this win so resounding, so
resounding that one that Republicans can't steal it, and two

so that they get the fucking message that we're not
interested in their Project twenty twenty five. We're not interested
in their misogyny, we're not interested in their racism, we're
not interested in their hate. And so they need to
go back to the drawing board and figure out who
they're going to be and what the next iteration of
Republican will be, because this last ten years of trump Ism,

this ain't it. That's what I hope, that's the place
that I hope that we get to. And so that's
the energy that I'm going to put out I'm not
going to talk about what could possibly happen because it's
a waste of time with two weeks to go, With
two weeks to go, we need to just truly get
Americans in the mindset that this is possible, that everything

is possible to do, and that with enough hope, with
enough power, that we can get things done. So that's
where I am, that's where I find myself today. I
watched a video Keith Boykin put it out. Keith Boykin

is the person that has been on the show before,
and he put up a video of a conversation at
a black barbershop with a group of black men talking
about the upcoming election. And what we know right now
is that there's been a lot of chatter in mainstream
corporate media about black men voting for Donald Trump. And

there's been a lot of chatter about, oh, fifteen percent,
twenty percent of black men are voting for Donald Trump.
It's not true. The reality is that eighty five to
ninety percent of black men vote with aligned with black women,
which is democratic. Nonetheless, what I thought was really important
about this conversation is that it was a real conversation.

It was a real conversation with black men about not
only supporting a black woman, but some of the men
in the barbershop haven't voted in over a decade because
they've been really disenchanted with the Democratic Party and haven't
had their issues and their needs. And so what they

were talking about was being disappointed, being let down by
different administrations and unpacking, you know, some of the lies
that have been told by Donald Trump about what he
will do, and folks saying, I don't even think about
myself in this moment. I'm thinking about you know, how
old is your mother. One gentleman says, my mother is

fifty six, And he said, well, how would it feel
if you knew that Donald Trump was trying to raise
the retirement age. This other man said, well, look, my
mother is close to sixty and walks with a limb,
and I couldn't bear to think about her having to

work another ten to twenty years. She can't, It's like
physically impossible. She's just barely hanging on now. So what
does it say that the Republican Party wants to take
away Social Security, wants to take away Medicaid? And so
the men in the barbershop were just like nah, that

can't happen. These are programs that are needed. They're needed
for our community in particular. You know the conversation that
I watched, it was about a seven minute clip, and
it was so heartwarming in its vulnerability and in its
honesty because nobody was being judged or made to feel

small or stupid about what they knew versus what they didn't,
and frankly, they knew a lot. And by the end
they were just like, look, you know what, I realized,
this isn't even about me. This is about my mom,
this is about my sisters. And if black women have
been trusted to raise all of us and raise us, well,

then why wouldn't we trust a black women to lead?
When they said that, When they said that, I really
like choked up, because that's real. Black women are heads
of households and are raising sometimes their families their children alone.

Because of our incarcerle system that punishes black men and
black boys at greater rates, then they do their white counterparts,
meaning that they take those black men and black boys
out of communities and put them in the prison industrial complex.

And so there has been so much destruction at the
hands of the state with regard to black families that
have put black women in really tough pause posicians. They've
always met the moment, but it doesn't make it any easier.
And so for those black men to acknowledge that and

then say, like, why wouldn't we then trust the black
woman to lead the country when she's been leading us
and carrying us and taking care of us, It really
struck me. And so those conversations feel new as well
and feel really welcomed. So I do believe that something

different is happening. I do believe that we are in
a different place and space with this election, and I
will continue to hope that what we are seeing with
early voting and these long lines, that people are exhausted

by Donald Trump, as Obama you know, has said on
the campaign trail, he was just like, we're tired, you know,
we're tired of this man. We're tired of the vulgarity,
We're tired of the depravity, we're tired of the insanity.
And it's like it's finally time to close the book

on him. You know. My hope is that not only
do we close the book on him, but that we
throw the book at him. Just this week, Today's only Wednesday,
but on Monday, the former Central Park five, now exonerated five,
have sued Donald Trump for his defamation. And what we

know about all of these lawsuits that are waiting in
the wings, that are pending, is that if Donald Trump
loses this election, he loses his get out of jail
free card, which means that he will finally, in shallah,
finally have to face some type of accountability, whether that

is monetarily. Because I'd love to see this mfor broke,
do you know what I'm saying? Like, I would love
to see Donald Trump broke, broken, shunned. Those are my
two favorite things because I still believe that it is
less likely that this man will end up in prison
because he's still a former president, whether or not he

was a good one. So what I would like is
that he's broken, shunned, can't afford his you know, legal fees,
and like no one is coming to mar A Lago anymore, nobody,
you know, Like he's not getting invitations anywhere anymore. Like
that to me would be perfect for a man that

just needs and craves attention. Is that if he loses,
and he's a two time loser, that all the people
that have been hyping him up and holding him up
like weekend at Bernie's. Will walk away and then we'll
watch him slowly crumble. That's what I hope, That's what

I'm rooting for. Just think about it for a moment.
Think about not having to worry about Donald Trump anymore,
not have to talk about him anymore, not have to
give a shit about any of the things that are

coming out of his mouth anymore, because they bear no fruit.
I think about the way that I felt almost ten
years ago, in twenty fifteen, Almost ten years ago. I
don't even remember what it's like to have that kind
of ease anymore, but just the idea. Just allow it

to kind of swirl around in your head and like,
my shoulders drop. So that's what's possible in two weeks, folks,
And that's what I am hopeful for two weeks, you know.
And the funny thing, and I've said this before, I
was like, how long was it until we knew who
won the election in twenty twenty? It was only five days.

It felt like five months. It was five days. We
had the election on Tuesday, and by that Saturday it
was official, God willing, It's not that long but just
the thought that in two and a half weeks we
could not care anymore about Donald Trump. Oh yeah, I'm

just like thinking about it. I will close out with
this today, which is to make sure that all of
you go to ballot dot org and make sure that
you know of all of the ballot measures propositions that
you may be voting on in your state. That you

have an idea of what you're voting for, what you're
voting against. That there isn't be in a lot of states,
including in New York, there is you know, abortion that
is on the ballot and protecting that. There are other
places where abortion, the rights of certain elected officials, the
power that certain elected officials and offices have, all of

those things are also being voted on. And while they
explain things to you on the back of your ballot,
I think that it's important to go in knowing in
greater detail about the measures. So if you head to
ballot dot org, you get a good rundown put in
your state and it'll tell you what you're voting on,

and that is a good way to keep track, so
that you're walking in with the understanding of how many
measures you're voting for. And whether you're voting yes or
no or what have you. Glean as much information as possible,
continue to send notes and text messages and have those
conversations with your family members, young and old about what

their voting plan is. And you know, if you have
the treasure, donate. Continue to do so so that Kamala
and Walls can blast the last bit of their money
on television, on radio and do the blanketing that they
need to do. Continue to canvas. All of these things matter,

particularly in the last two weeks. So buckle up, friends,
and let's get this shit done. Let's get it done.
That is it for me today, dear friends on wok
app as always, Power to the people and to all
the people. Power, get woke and stay woke as fuck.
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Danielle Moodie

Danielle Moodie

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