Episode Transcript
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Speaker 1 (00:11):
Good morning, keeps, and welcome to wik f Daily with
me your Girl, Danielle Moody, recording from the Home Bunker. Folks,
Happy woke Wednesday. We have made it to the middle
of the week. And what I want to talk about today,
it's not several headline stories. It's one story. It's one
story that is being manipulated and a narrative that is
being generated that is largely alive. I want to talk
about the uprisings that are happening on college campuses across
this country right now. I want to talk about the
encampments that are being built to force the administration of
these universities Columbia and why you and others to divest
from Israel. Now, first off, what I will say is
that I don't condone violence, any violence of any sort.
And I think that the reports that there have been
violence are largely not from the students that have been
setting up hence and taking over you know, halls and
you know, community centers and what have you on campus.
So let us start there. What I will say for
those that are like, oh, these young people don't know anything.
This has been this conflict is seventy five years old,
and like what have you. You know what's funny is
that every generation is moved by young people. It's not
the fucking old people who have all these things to
lose their power, their privilege, write their purpose. It is
always the young people. The young people that are sitting
in at lunch counters, the young people that are standing
in front of tanks, the young people that are doing
sit ins and marches and pushing the generation that is
supposed to be leading them. Write the elder generations to
do better by them because they're getting ready to inherit.
Write a hot, steaming pile of fucking trash. And so
every generation has had young people who have born witness
to those that are in power abuse that power for
their own good right or for the good of their cronies,
and build up their oligarchs right and build up their coffers,
all at the expense of the collective. We now, what
young people are recognizing now on these college campuses is
exactly what the fuck their parents sent them to college for.
To think critically, to ask questions about the world around
them and about the society that they are now going
to be full adults in and participate in. And these
young people are looking around and saying, you know what,
capitalism seems like a fucking Ponzi scheme? Right? This all
rise and grind and work till we're dead, and then
we pay taxes. But our taxes go to things that
we don't agree with or want or need. But we're
told that this is how it's always been, so this
is how it will always be. And how dare you
decide to raise your voice to push against the grain.
This is why they want to take books out of
the classroom. This is why they want to shut down libraries.
This is why they want to take away TikTok because
you see what happens when people get woke. What happens
when people gain a level of consciousness is that they
are not easily put back to sleep. Now, how generations
before have been put back to sleep, have been pacified
if you will, Right, has been the allure, the mirage
right of the American dream? Why do I call it
a mirage? Well, dear friends, because the closer you get
to it, the farther away it seems right that you
realize that in order to have this dream, well, you
have to succumb to a certain amount of debt in
order to keep up with your neighbors, or in order
to get a home in that cul de sac, or
to get a home all together. But how do you
do that when now, right the very college that you're
attending is somewhere in the six fuck figures. So whether
your parents or your family have quote unquote good jobs,
y'all are going into debt regardless, because who the fuck
in this day and age has one hundred grand to
come off of comfortably? Nobody but the rich, right, So
talk to me again about what we don't know. Well,
what I know is that under Donald Trump, he added
seven trillion dollars to the deficit so that he could
give his friends greater tax breaks so that they could
pay zero taxes in the same way that he does,
because they're too smart, right, Because we have always equated
somehow wealth with genius. No, we should equate super wealth
with fucking greed and depravity, because that's what the fuck
it is. Because when you have motherfuckers sitting on hundreds
of billions of dollars or billions of dollars and there
are other people that can't afford to eat, there is
something that is wrong with society, not something wrong with
those that are circling the drain of poverty. So these
young people that are sitting around and they're saying, wait
a minute, So you're telling me that my family, I
am going into debt that I will never be able
to work myself out of because I got to take
the first good job that has healthcare attached to it,
even though they're gonna underpay me and overwork me, because
that's just how you climb up the corporate ladder. So
they're supposed to want just sit there and watch as
their universities. No, they don't invest right in them. No,
they send that money away just like our taxes. They're
not investing in us. We got bridges that are crumbling.
We got subway stations that are like a canal when
it rains. Here in New York City. We have schools
that have books and equipment from whether I was in
middle school and high school. So tell me again about
how this country is investing in me. And you know
what we want to talk about these folks, and let
me let me let me say something that is going
to be controversial, right. There have been several people that
have burned themselves alive, self immolated right over the course
of the last year, and we want to say that
these people are crazy, right, We want to say, who
would do such a thing? You know, who would do
such a thing? Desperate people, Desperate people that see a
world around them that has gone absolutely fucking met And
so in order to pause that world, to pause that
crazy for a moment, they do an incredible, extraordinarily violent
act to have us take pause and ask ourselves what
the fuck is going on? Right? They want to say
that the man Max who just lit himself up in
New York City outside of Donald Trump's trial, he threw
up anti government pamphlets into the air that he had
gotten increasingly erratic and spouting off things like the government
is a Ponzi scheme? What did I just say at
the top of this show? Show me where the fucking
lie is. You pay into a system that doesn't pay
you back. You pay into a system that tells you
that you have to spend forty fifty years grinding yourself
for what ten years of a minuscule check, right that
they don't even want to give you. That every generation
that is getting set to retire is retiring by crossing
their fingers and their toes. Do you know how many
fucking advertisements come up on television about health care and
life insurance and all of these things. Do you know
what they don't do in other developed countries that do
you know why? Because they've invested in a social safety net,
because they care about their people, because they know that
the people are not just working for themselves, but they're
working for the country. Right, so the country then owes
them something. Not in America. No, we tell you that
if you want what you put back, right, if you
want what you put in back, we tell you right
that you're lazy, that you're just looking for a handout.
But you see those fucking millionaires and billionaires that are
lined up around right, the IRS and the Department of Treasury,
What the fuck do you think that they're getting? The
only one making out right are the millionaires and billionaires
because they right have lawyers that weave them in and
out of the fucking loopholes. The rest of us that
loopholes a fucking noose. So miss me with the bullshit
about oh, it's conspiracy, is it right? Is it a
conspiracy to start putting the dots together, start connecting them
and seeing the greater picture that no one is looking
out for the betterment, for the expansion of a middle class.
That the right, right, and they're war on DEI and
critical race theory is taking away scholarships left and right
for black students, knowing that in many ways that's the
way that black and brown people get a higher education. Right,
you want to cut financial aid, you want to cut
away so what are you creating a permanent fucking working class,
So that you remind right, these honorary black folks and
brown folks what their position is in America, which is
on the bottom. You remind women what their position is, right,
which is at home with their legs open and their
mouths fucking shut. So you want to tell me again
that these young people that are waking up to the
realities that are going on around them, You want to
tell me then I'll know what they're talking about. You
want to tell me that they should shut up and
just go back to school and learn how great America is. Nah,
I don't think so. We've seen this routine before, right
where the government gets to decide who the enemy is,
the oppressor gets to decide who the enemy is. Do
you know what the enemy really is? Consciousness? That's why
the right went to war on woke. Everything is woke,
This is wo blah blah blah, because they want fucking sheep, right,
they want you to be part of the herd. And
so any time that there are breaks, right, that there
is a divergence from the parade of work and sleep
and work and sleep and taxes and death. Anytime that
there is a break that people want to make in
that cycle, Oh, they're gonna come in and drop the
hammer down. Police are gonna line up. They got more
police presence, right to push back again, some fucking eighteen,
nineteen and twenty year olds. Where the fuck were the
police on January sixth? Right, where was that militarized presence
on January sixth when the real danger and the real
fucking threat came. So you want to tell people that
they're stupid. You want to tell us don't connect the docs, right,
because the picture that we're seeing is too fucking scary
that when we start to ask questions, you tell us
that we're conspiracy theorists. You tell us that we're hysterical,
that we're being hyperbolic. Oh, it won't be that bad,
Give me a fucking break. The only people that are
making sense right now are the students on these college campuses.
Because I'm telling you that sitting down every single day,
putting on this microphone right trying to make sense of
the absolute maddening crazy that we are living in right now,
and then going about my day and pretending all is okay.
That's what's fucking nuts. Not deciding to sit down and
fucking stop and say, you know what, Almost thirty five
thousand people have been murdered. Babies have been blown up,
Hospitals have been blown up, people are being starved to death,
are being cut out of their mother's wounds without any
fucking medication. But we're supposed to go on like, all
is okay. Do you know what got me last week?
Y'o and I talked about this, but I'm gonna talk
about it again. It was the act of self immolation
that the reporters witnessed. You're looking at these people, You're
seeing the horror on their faces. Near feet away from them,
a man downses himself in an accelerant and lights himself
on fire. They report on it and then go right
back to talking about Donald Trump. Lord, have mercy the humanity.
I don't blame them. Those reporters right, because they're doing
what they've been trained to do. What about the rest
of us? Do we take pause? Do we take a
minute and recognize what the fuck is going on? So
these young people who are being arrested in mass who
are being thrown out of school, who are risking their futures,
they're the ones that are gonna lead us to the
other side. They're the ones with courage. They're the ones
with the grit, with the readiness understanding that we are
at a situation. We are at a moment, dear friends,
when we don't have anything left to lose. Do you
know what I'm saying? Accept more right? People keep telling me, well,
you know, how, how are you telling people to vote
for Biden? And how when when all of this is
going on in this administrator. Let me tell you something
about this administration. It ain't my fucking favorite. Anybody who
listens to me knows that the decisions that they are
making are going to cost us our democracy. But like
I have been saying since the fucking beginning, I'm not
voting for Joe Biden. I'm voting for myself. Right, I'm
voting for another four years to hang the fuck on
to give us more time to figure out how to
stomp out fucking white supremacy extremism in this country. I
am voting to bide time. I'm not voting for by Den.
Do you understand there is a huge difference between those things.
Multiple things can be true at the same fucking time.
We are at a breaking point in this country and
in this world. The old systems are not holding. There
is so much questioning going on that they want to
take away our ability to communicate and share information with
one another. They want to do so under the guise
of oh the Chinese spy. Talk to me about the
Patriot Act. Talk to me about Meta, talk to me
about Google. Talk to me about the fucking phone that
I'm recording this video on spy on us. The United
States has been spying on us since forever. Talk to
the Black Panthers. Talk to Martin Luther King Junior. Talk
to Malcolm X. The CIA and the FBI have been
ben infiltrating any liberation movements. They don't infiltrate white supremacists
because they are the white supremaists, so they're surely as
hell not going to take down their own. But any
time that there is a movement that is growing and
gaining steam in this country that is about interlocking arms
and issues and focus. Oh, they snuff it out. So
right now, they're gonna tell you that all these kids
on these college campuses that are setting up these encampments,
that they're terrorists, that they're anti Semitic. You know why
they're doing that so that you stop listening to them,
so that when you see them brutalize, you say, oh,
it serves them good. They've done it to black people
all our fucking lives. Call us animals, call us savages,
call us thugs, call us dangerous, so that when we
are taken down right, Oh, it is about safety. Don't
fall for the ropodope, folks, because this country, this corporatized
mainstream media, they are on some bullshit, and that bullshit
is about misinformation, diverting your attention and giving you that
tranquilizer of Oh, if you're good, you too can claim
the American dream. If you're good, maybe we'll cancel your
student loan debt. If you're good, maybe you'll get that
good job. Right, And then you have the folks that
are sitting in their cul desects, sitting in their homes,
and they're saying, oh, these kids these days, you know,
they're lazy, they're this, they're that. When I was their age,
when you were their age, what a home costs five dollars.
Your bosses used to give you raises because you got
your wives pregnant. We're not the same folks. All I
have to say is that they are working over time,
double time, and triple time to put you back to sleep.
Stay woke. That is it for me today. Dear friends
on Woke af AS, always power to the people and
to all the people. Power, get woke and stay woke
as fuck.