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August 21, 2024 19 mins

Danielle has finally made it to the 2024 Democratic National Convention! She discusses the love, joy, family, and persistence she is feeling while attending what will surely be a historic convention.

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Speaker 1 (00:11):
Good morning, Peeves, and welcome to OKF Daily with Meet
your Girl Danielle Moody, recording from my Chicago bunker, Folks,
I have finally made it to Chicago after having a
flight cancelation on Sunday, having a five hour delay on Monday.
I'm here, and I want to thank all of you

who sent out positive vibes that got me to Chicago,
because yeah, it was a considerable feat to get here,
but I'm here and the energy is intoxicating, captivating, It's amazing.
I've only been to, as I've recorded and said to

you all before, to one convention prior, and that was
Hillary Clinton, and I didn't want to miss that because
as you know, I didn't want to miss history. And
the feeling is the same now, except just I guess,
like on an entirely different level. Where do I even begin.
This is Wednesday. I'm recording this on Tuesday, so it's

hard for me to kind of give you guys recaps.
But I want you to make sure that you're following
me on my YouTube channel on at Danielle Moody Underscore,
which is the same handle on TikTok, so that you're
able to just follow along as things are happening. But
for this wooke Wednesday, what I will say, I want

to talk about kind of the themes that I am
feeling and seeing in this DNC, which is love, joy, family,
and persistence and freedom. And it is such a stark contrast.
Having listened to the first day of speakers from Reverend
Warnock to Jasmine Crockett to AOC to Hillary Clinton to

I mean Joe Biden, like it, it was just extraordinary.
And by the time you have listened to this, you
will have listened to Barack Obama, Michelle Obama, and all
of the amazing speakers on day two. But what I
want to talk about today is really the start contrast
that we are seeing between the Republicans' view of America
and what it is that Democrats are offering the Republicans

when you look back at their RNC, and so many
people have stolen this and I'm going to literally use it,
which is that it was a fucking wake Like what
else do you call what it was that we watched
back in I don't even know what it was. Was
it in July? I have no idea because time has
just moved so fucking quickly. I think it was July

and it was nonsense, right, like who did they have?
They had Hulk Hogan and they had Kid Rock and
somebody's dog, like it was just a clown car and ridiculous,
Like it didn't offer the American people of vision. And
if it did, the vision was exclusivity and whiteness. That
was the vision, right, Like it wasn't an inclusive, expansive

vision of America. It was like, if you're in our
country club of whiteness and fox Christianity and misogyny, then like,
welcome to everybody else. Fuck off. I mean, how do
you have a convention where you have signs that say
things to the effect of mass deportation? And I said

this on Mary Trump's show, And if you haven't subscribed
to Mary Trump Media on YouTube, you should do that
as well, because I'm doing Nerd Avengers over there as
well as each morning we're doing a recap called about
last night. And then again that's over at Mary Trump Media. Y'all.
I'm trying to be in so many places at one time.
It's mind boggling. But looking at the R and C

to me was like looking in the history books. I
remember seeing well dressed white people at a lynching, right,
like that was their idea of entertainment and going out,
which was to watch the brutalization and the death of
black people and black bodies. And I get the same

fucking sentiments and vibes from what we saw at the RNC.
And so when you watched the DNC and you're listening
to this consistent theme of freedom of justice, of just
what we want America to be, right, I don't understand
how anyone looks at these two things and says, oh,

both parties are the same. That is the laziest fucking
analysis that people can offer about Republicans and Democrats. Oh,
they're just the same, Are you dumb? Like? And I
say that because I don't know how you look at
the videos and the imagery and the excitement that you've
been seeing over the past month and tell me that

what the RNC offers and what Donald Trump offers in
Project twenty twenty five is the same thing as what
Kamala Harris and Tim Walls and the Democratic Party is
offering to America. We're offering a vision that is about
the future, the future that is inclusive of every single
type of person. That's why you were seeing all of
these different types of zoom calls, you know, from people

with disabilities, to queer people to AAPI people, to black people,
to black men, to black women to white women. Right like,
you're seeing all of these what is considered like these
niche different groups, because that's the patchwork that makes up
the Democratic Party, that is the patchwork that makes up America.
And so you know, for me, it is really an

extraordinary opportunity to reclaim my patriotism. That's where I feel
like I am right now. I'm in a space where
for almost a decade, Republicans had stolen my patriotism, rite,
my ability to be proud to be an American, and

a continued reminder each and every day of why I
got into public service, because I can remember being in
high school an ap government in politics and being like
as a child of immigrants, as a queer woman, as

a black woman. I wanted to make this country better
for everyone. I want everyone to have their access to
the American dream. I want America to feel possible for everyone.
That is what separates us from other countries in the world.

Because when you listen to Barack Obama, when you listen
to Kamala Harris. When you listen to Hillary Clinton, their
stories are only possible in America because in other countries,
regardless of the amount of problems that America has, which
are many. But as Bill Clinton said back in the nineties,

there is nothing that is wrong with America that can't
be fixed by what is right with America right. And
there is more that is right with us and right
with the people, not necessarily all of our representatives, but
with the people. Then that is wrong with us. But
when we get stuck into these places where mainstream media

amplifies for their own ratings in servitude to themselves, but
not our democracy, then we get stuck in this cave
of belief that everything is wrong, that everything is bad.
And it wasn't until folks this last month, in realizing

that no, everything is not bad, everything is not wrong,
like we are a possible people. And so this reclamation
that I am having of my patriotism in this moment.
I landed in Chicago and it was the full moon,

and the skyline was ahead of me, and I get
into my taxi and the taxi driver has the Convention
on his phone playing into the speakers of the car,
so that the passengers can listen as well as so
he can listen, right, And I'm driving into this city

and the skyline is red, white and blue, and I
started tearing up because I have felt so shackled in
my hopelessness. And that is what the Republican Party and
this narrative of there is no way out that they

have crafted has done to us. And so now here
comes Kamala Harris and Tim Walls one month ago saying
there is another way. We don't have to acquiesce to
their vision of America. We don't. Fascism is not inevitable.

And it is this idea and this belief that we
can disrupt this place, this authoritarianism, this dictatorship, this project
twenty twenty five dream that Donald Trump and his ilk
have we can disrupt it. It is not inevitable. And
so being able to say, they don't get to claim

the flag, they don't get to claim patriotism. Fuck, they
don't get to claim Christianity because I will say this
that when I listen to Reverend Warnock and that man
preached a sermon on Monday, I'm not a Christian, folks,
I am agnostic. I am a person that believes in

spirit and higher power and respect all religions and forms,
and so don't prescribe to one. But let me tell
you something. After Reverend Warnock spoke, I said, pass the
plate because I felt like I wanted to sign up
for church, because I said, if this is what church
can look like, then sign me up. Because when he

said that our vote is like prayer in action, I said, hallelujah.
A fucking men. We have to be reminded, and more importantly,
we have to remind ourselves on a regular basis that

we are a possible people and that there will always
there will never not be forces at play that are
trying to tear down the vision of America that is
inclusive of all of us. There will always be the Republicans,
the Magas, the Trumps, the White Supremacists, the White Citizens Council,

the klu klux Klans. There will always be those people.
But our work and our job is to push those
fucking people their voices to the margins, to push them
so far back underground that they move in the shadows. Right,
move in the shadows because they don't want to be

found out. Do you understand what I'm saying? But we
know that they're there. We're still watching, we're still vigilant,
but we're no longer living in a place of fear
that they want us to be in, because when we
exist in a place of fear, then we give them power.
It is like we're just giving them our energy. As

my mom says, you cannot pour from an empty cup.
And I feel that Maga for a years has fucking
drained us, and then we've been left depleted and dehydrated
and searching for an oasis in the desert of Project
twenty twenty five and trump Ism. And what Kamala Harrison

Tim Wallas has offered is like the water station is
this way, follow the arrow, right, follow the arrow to rehydrate,
to regenerate, to get your energy so that we can
continue to fight, because as she is saying, when we fight,
we win. The other thing that I will say is

that this remembrance right now that is happening, this recalling
of our history that Hillary Clinton offered in her speech,
which was rousing, Like Hillary Clinton deserved every bit of
fucking applause and more, because we do not know what

that woman has been carrying for her over thirty years
of public service. Being the target of right wing eyre
right of saying that women can be more and do
more than bake cookies, right, that we can do more
than pick out china. She was the first one, right

and the one that they targeted because she wanted to
break from the mold. But what she reminded us in
her remarks is that no, there were women that came
before her. Right. There was the Geraldine Ferraro, There was
the Shirley Chisholm. Right, there were these women who were

in many ways ahead of their time. But they were
the lanterns that we needed because they were building a
path that Kamala Harris and the rest of us would
walk decades later. This is the history that Republicans don't

want our kids to learn. This is the history that
they want us to erase. Because you see, when we
go backwards and we recognize that we are standing on
the shoulders and being held in space by our ancestors
known and unknown, then we know that we have the

energy to continue moving forward because they started the path,
they cleared the way, and it is our job, as
Hillary Clinton said, to keep going. But when we are
pushed into a narrow space of believing that we can't

do that. It is impossible, right, that all is lost.
Then we don't recognize that the path has already been
mode for us, right, because we get stuck in our
dark corners and refuse to see the light. Folks, As

Hillary Clinton said, there is a feeling there is an
energy right now, there is a feeling there is an
energy that is so organic, is so contagious. You can't

make this up, you can't create it. And that is
what this Republican Party it's terrified of, right. They are
terrified of us because when we all collectively realize and

recognize our power, they cease to have any and the
only thing that they want is power over, not power with,
but power over. So as we continue through this week,
I encourage all of you to continue to find the

ways in which you are going to organize, organizing your
own communities, using your own platforms, to get people registered
to vote, to donate, to hold house parties, to walk
through Kamala Harrison, Tim Walls's plans, whether it be the
economic plan that they rolled out, whether it be their

renewable energy plan. When people say, oh I don't know
what the plan is, that is fucking lazy. So come
with the receipts, right, come with the receipts, and take
your time and energy to walk those people through because
we cannot get complacent. We have seventy six days, folks,

seventy six days to cross that finished life, and they
are going to come with everything, with every lie, with
every bit of violence, right with every court case, to
try and overturn the will of the people. So this
has got to be an avalanche of hope. This cannot
be something that is subject to the course because we

know right if this goes the route of two thousand
and the Supreme Court, with this fucking radicalized Supreme Court,
we know what they will do. So we have got
to put in the work now so that we can
celebrate come January twentieth, twenty twenty five, when, as Hillary
Clinton said, on the other side of that glass ceiling

is Kamala Harris being sworn in as the first president,
female president, black, and Indian president of these United States.
We have such an extraordinary opportunity in front of us.
History is in front of us, and our ancestors are

behind us, pushing us, rooting for us, reminding us that
we are not alone. So I will say in closing today,
Dear friends, the excitement that I have that I feel
is something that I have not experienced in almost a decade,

and it is real and I feel it in every
sense of my being. And I will do everything everything
within my power to ensure that Kamala Harris becomes the
first female president of these United States. So I continue

to encourage you. Please go over to YouTube and subscribe
to at Danielle Moody Underscore. Subscribe to my channel, follow
my journey through the DNC over there. Subscribe to Mary
Trump Media, and follow our morning show about last night
this week because we are covering our thoughts on convention myself,

GENTIALB and Mary and folks, just stay committed, double down,
be resolute, be undeterred, because when we fight, we win.
That is it for me today, dear friends, on Woke
app as always, Power to the people and to all

the people. Power, get woke and stay woke as fuck.
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Danielle Moodie

Danielle Moodie

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