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November 6, 2024 17 mins

No matter what happens, we have a long road ahead.

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:11):
Good morning, peeps, and welcome to Woke app Daily. Friends.
I am recording this from the Long Island Bunker, and
I'm recording it Election Day. We will not know. I
do not know as of the time of this recording,

who has won, where we are, where America stands, and
so I'm not going to use today's Woke Wednesday to
make any predictions whatsoever because we don't know. But what
I will say, first off, I want to thank each
and every single one of you for listening to this show,

for supporting truth, for supporting independent media, for however long
you've been listening to WOKF. I started WOKF as a
response and a reaction to the Donald Trump presidency, and
over the last god forsaken years, I have tried my

best to spread the truth and to enlighten people to
their power. We have to understand that, regardless of whether
or not you live in the quote unquote battleground states,
that our work, our engagement as Americans across this country matters.

What we do, how we engage at our state, local,
and federal level matter. I think that if there is
anything that we can take from the last nine years
of MAGA is that Donald Trump would have never been
able to happen if people paid attention to our democracy,

if it wasn't just a foregone conclusion that a criminal
would never become president of the United States, or that
an outright racist and misogynist in modern day times would
never become president of the United States, or that democracy
wasn't something that we needed to protect like our lives
depended on it, that we didn't need to be vigilant

because the assumption was that this project would just continue
whether we paid attention or not. I think that the
best thing, if I can say this, that Donald Trump
did for America is open our eyes. I think that
a lot of people have been sleepwalking through their lives
and just paying attention to what is happening in front

of them, as opposed to paying attention to what is
happening around them. While America has been built in this idea,
and I think it's a false notion of rugged individualism.
It's not we don't get anywhere by ourselves. We get
to where we are because of our families, because of
our communities, because of our teachers, because of nurses and doctors.

We get to where we are in life because of
other people. And so we should care about how other
people are treated, how they are living right, because that
is a reflection of who we are and who this
country is. I have always believed that you treat the
most vulnerable among you the best because it shows your

character as a country. So for far too long, it
has just been a me me me, over consumption, overstimulated,
hyper consumed group of individuals. And I think that over
the last nine years, dare I say that, there have
been so many inflection points that have brought people together

to demand better not just for themselves but for everyone.
And I believe that if we function as a collective,
then forces that have been at play before Donald Trump
and after Donald Trump won't take hold in the same
way because the people are finally woke. You see people

in power, the Republican maga set in power, whether we're
talking about the judiciary, whether we're talking about Congress. These
are people that do not care about the rest of us.
They care about themselves, They care about their own pockets,
they care about their own power. And they've been able
to stay in power because of gerrymanderin, because of lawlessness,

because of lies, and because of too much money in
politics and I think finally Americans have started to wake
up and say, wait a minute, it does not have
to be this way. We shouldn't have to live a
life of struggle. We shouldn't have to prepare, as Elon
Musk has said, for necessary hardship. This coming from a

multi billionaire that is used his power and influence to disparage, discriminate,
and to destroy any fabric of what could possibly bring
us together in online spaces. Imagine having that much power
and choosing to do everything that is anti American, anti

humanists that you can. Over the last several months, the
last years, really, I feel like we have been battling
day in and day out. It's why today I can
say to you, as I record this on election Day,

that I am so oh utterly exhausted, Like I got
out of bed this morning and every part of my
body hurts, And it's just my body's reaction to stress,
to holding on for so long hoping that people wake
up enough to change this country for the better, that

we recognize that our power just doesn't come around every
four every two years. It's an every year endeavor to
make this project of American democracy work better than it
did the day before. I hope that that's what we
can take from this. I don't want to go back

to normal. I don't want to go back to a
time where people bury their heads in the sand and
don't actively participate in the world around them. I don't
want that. I want this to be a lesson to
future generations jen Alpha that will vote in the next
selection about the possibility that comes from collective power. I

want them to look back on this election and say
they fought for us, and so we will continue that fight.
I'm filled with so many emotions today, as you can
hear my voice cracking, because I don't know what happens,
but I do know that I believe that this campaign,

the Harris Walls campaign, did everything that it could possibly do.
I think that they knocked on every door. I think
that they spoke to every community. I think that they
created plans and not just concepts, of a plan to
reimagine America for all Americans. They created a very clear

dichotomy between Donald Trump's American carnage and Kamala Harris's American possibility.
You know, I'm encouraged right now by the lines that
we are seeing for people who are voting today, I

voted early for the very first time because I knew
that I was going to want to spend the next
several days with my family, and I'm very fortunate that
I have one a family that I want to spend
time with that makes me feel safe and sane, and
I believe that that's what we all need right now
to get through the coming weeks, because it's going to

be incredibly contentious. What I saw today as I was
getting ready to record were buildings in Washington, d C.
Being boarded up as if we are anticipating some type
of hurricane. And I guess, to some extent, they are
trying to anticipate what we didn't anticipate in twenty twenty,

which was Donald Trump going to tell his followers to
go and take their country back by any means necessary.
I think that sadly that Washington, d C. And America
is bracing themselves at this moment, and I don't want
this to become our norm. This should feel outrageous that

we are seeing buildings boarded up in Washington, DC as
opposed to just lines of people getting ready to vote.
It is a sign of the times in a very
dark way, you know, America is not immune to political violence.
I mean, we have had assassinations galore that have happened

that have taken presidents and civil rights leaders, so we
are not immune to this. But I think that what
MAGA has unleashed is this kind of zero sum idea
of who America is. That it isn't a place for sharing,

It isn't a place for collaboration. It is winner take all,
and that means stamping out your opponent. I mean listening
to Donald Trump over the last week alone has been
absolutely insane. Listening to the things that have come out

of Donald Trump's mouth. If nothing else the last nine years,
but the last week has just shown you the hoods
are off, the hats are off. He's getting off of
his plane and playing the Undertaker music, a funeral march.
Is that supposed to inspire people? Is that supposed to

make people want to make America great again? No, it's
an intimidation tactic. I'm here, I'm coming right like a
big monster that is about to take hold of this
country and break it. Because that's what Donald Trump does
to everything that he touches. He destroys it, whether it's

people's careers, like Rudy Giuliani who continues to fucking campaign
for this man who because of him, you've lost everything,
but you learn nothing. Megan Kelly, who's out campaigning for
Donald Trump, who said that she was bleeding from her wherever.
These people have lost their fucking minds. It's extraordinary. My

hope is that we win, and that there are case
studies that are done on the brilliant and flawless campaign
that Kamala Harris has run, and that we begin to
build a pipeline for future generations so that she is
the first but not the last. I believe, which is
why I put it on my shirt, that the future

is woke. Once you wake up to injustice, once you
wake up to your power, you don't go back to sleep.
And that has been my work here friends, for the
last millennia. It is what I believe that my purpose
has always been to try and educate, to try and illuminate,

to try and excite and engage people. So today I
hope that you are still gathered as you listen to
this with family, with friends, that you are providing yourself
and those around you with grace and with kindness, because
we're all going through it. No one person has it

harder than the next. And I think that that is
the mentality that we need to have, which is what
would it take to just assume the best as opposed
to assume the worst in people, you know, let them
show you who they are are, rather than us concocting
narratives about who they are. There was a video that

I saw and it was this white guy, working class guy,
delivery guy, think being interviewed, white beard, blue jeans, probably
looked to be, you know, in the middle age, and
he was asked who he was voting for, and he's like,

I'm voting for the future. I'm voting for Kamala Harris,
like I'm voting for workers' rights and workers protections. And
even the reporter that asked him, right, and I think
there was Don Lemon was shocked because he's like, do
people assume because of how you look that like you're
a Trump supporter? And he's like all the time, but
I sure as hell i'm not, because I believe in

this country. And that's what I want us to take away, Like,
let's not assume unless you see somebody wrapped in maga
regalia like that. Donald Trump hasn't shown himself to be
a selfish, petty small man that other men are looking

at with disdain. I saw another cartoon today as I
was recording that showed a white man at a booth,
you know, voting booth, and his daughter is behind him
and she says, Daddy, who are you voting for? And
his response was you, because that's who the vote is for.

The vote isn't just about us. It is about the future.
It is about future generations that should inherit a clean earth,
that should inherit possibility of owning a home and a
car and having work that inspires and engages them, and

that they can and afford to live on. The American
dream has slipped away from so many people. Donald Trump's
seven trillion dollar deficit with tax breaks to the one percent,
added to that burden, and sadly, if he is elected,

it will get far, far, far worse. But we cannot
be discouraged, We cannot be deterred. We need to rest,
recharge after this cycle and get to work. The work
may look different depending on who is in office, but

the work needs to continue. Nonetheless. Again, dear friends, I
want to thank you. I want to thank you for
knocking on doors, for making phone calls, for donating. I
want to thank you for showing up. I want to
thank you for sharing. So many of you post these

episodes and share and tweet and DM me, and it
means the world. Honestly, I want you to know that
the work, this work sometimes is harder, you know, some days,
and less hard other days. But the past several years
have been fucking difficult. But I show up because of

all of you, and so whatever our future holds, just
know that you are appreciated, you are seen, and I
believe in your power and your commitment to a better,
brighter America. Let's do this, my friends. The Danielle Moody

Show is live five pm Eastern every Monday through Thursday
on YouTube. I hope that you will join me over there,
join the community over there, like subscribe if you're like
I'm not really a YouTube person. If you've been listening
to this podcast for the last few years, trust me,

the Danielle Moody Show is just as engaging and just
as fun, but you actually get to be in conversation
with other people in real time. If you're able to
make it live, and even if you're not able to
make it live. The comment sections are always incredibly lit,
so I encourage you to head over there as always,

dear friends, Power to the people and to all the people. Power,
get woke and stay woke as fuck. See you on
the other side, Friends, be well.
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