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July 26, 2024 4 mins
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Episode Transcript

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We are now officially in the twilightzone. I'm not making this up.
It first began with Newsweek, andnow it has spread to media outlets all
over the country. The liberal mediaTrump was not allegedly shot by a bullet.

Apparently now they're basing this off oftestimony by Christopher Ray to me,
the idiotic FBI director, our ownmodern day inspector Clouseau or the pink Panther,
where he said Trump could have beenhit by a bullet or it could
have been hit by shrapnel. Well, jumping off of Chris Ray, Newsweek,

and then others like The New YorkTimes, I could go on and
on are now claiming, mmm,maybe he was he was hit by shrapnel,
Maybe he was hit by charts ofglass. In other words, it
wasn't an assassin's bullet that nearly killedTrump. Trump is since stationalizing what happened.

The media is trying to trivialize anddefuse the assassination attempt, even though,
as Sebastian Gorka pointed out, wehave the high speed photographs of the
actual bullet right about to pierce Trump'sear, and then a follow up photograph

of the bullet piercing Trump's ear,and yet they still want to peddle this
ridiculous conspiracy theory. How about itnever happened, how about he was never
shot? At how far do theywant to go to try to suppress,
dilute, and marginalize one of thebiggest stories of our lives. The fact

of the matter is the reason whythey're now trying to trivialize what happened to
Trump is because that assassination attempt exposedthem. It was there inflammatory rhetoric their
demonization campaign against Trump, calling himHitler a dictator, someone who will destroy

our democracy, in our constitution andmake himself a strong man for life should
he win in November. That infact, has so incited people. That's
why the assassination attempt took place.They are to blame for what happened,
and rather than ratcheting down the pressure, they're doubling and tripling down. Biden

did it in his address to thenation a few days ago. Kamala Harris
on the campaign trail and her democraticand media surrogates don't stop Trump equals Hitler,
My friends, they're setting the stagefor another assassination attempt, and they're
trying to downplay what happened at thatfield in Butler, Pennsylvania. So let's

be crystal clear. Thomas Crooks soughtto assassinate and kill Donald Trump. He
is a rabbit anti Trumper. Heis a huge Joe Biden's supporter. Was
there a second shooter, We'll findout, but without question, it was

an inside job. The Secret Servicedeliberately let the security lapse in order to
set up Donald J. Trump.And by the grace of God, not
only was he spared an actual bullet, we the country spared a bullet because
had Trump been assassinated, had thatbullet gone just a millimeter to the right,

had he not turned his head atthe last possible second, we would
probably now be plunged in a civilwar. And for the media now to
go on that this could have beenshrapnel, or this could have been glass,
or that the whole thing was actuallymaybe staged, it is now the
sign of a media elite that hasgone stark, raving mad with Trump derangement

syndrome. My friends, the lunaticsare running the asylum. Put him in
a straight jacket. Fake news,just jump the shark.
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