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June 26, 2024 • 57 mins
Mark as Played

Episode Transcript

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Wake Up, Wake Up. Ina world of dull, mediocre radio,
in a time of regulations and rules, under the scrutiny of bosses and management,

one show breaks all the rules todeliver entertaining, compelling and educated radio
and stand above all the rest.And this show isn't it? Hey man?

What's happening? Good morning? Goodmorning? That's all I got.
That's it. What the bed earlylast night? You know what? Actually
it's like quarter after seven. Idon't know why, but I'm going to
bed earlier and earlier, to thepoint where I felt guilty. I get
up from the table and I'm like, that's it. I kissed my wife
on the top of the head rightlike a child. I'm like, hey,

I'm going to bed. And shelooks at me like just frustrated and
disgusted, and I'm like, Ifinally get upstairs. I brush my teeth,
and I go to jump into bed. It's like seven ten, seven
fifteen, and my sun is blaringthrough the windows. Hundred percent. It's
right as can be. I'm like, my wife was right. She looked
at me like, what are youdoing? Listen? I know you get
up at four am, but JesusChrist, you just get it from dinner

at seven fifteen, you're going tobed. The problem is ill I'll fall
asleep. If I fall asleep beforeeight, I end up getting up like
this morning, got up at two, right, and I'm like, so
I try and watch the Phillies game. And if I can get through the
whole Phillies game, that puts melike at nine, nine thirty. Yeah,
and then and then I'll usually hitthe SAT. And I also bet
the hockey game too, So Iwanted to go upstairs and watch the hockey

game, but even I felt guilty, like, wow, I just left
my whole family down there. It'syeah, seven o'clock, well thirty nine
o'clock. H O. You knowgrandpa's got to work, right, That's
what I felt like. I feltold going upstairs and you yeah, got
the early bird. I'm out ofhere, everybody. I'm with y'all do
the dishes. I get it,believe it, everybody. It's Tuesday.

We're going to dive into that ZXLworkforce employed the day we will find you.
You are out there somewhere. Whowill it be? Hey, we
haven't done this in a while.Uh. First caller six zero nine six
seven seven, one hundred and sevensix zero nine six seven seven one hundred
and seven six zero nine six sevenseven one hundred and seven. Call up
right now. I got Deep PurpleYes tickets for Ocean A get man for

first. Oh yeah, that isa good get So six zero nine six
seven seven, one hundred and sevenDeep Purple Yes over at Ocean. If
you want the tickets, dial upright now. Launch Point seven ZXL South
Tros's rock station and the CXL MorningShow. Good morning, everybody, do
it live. I can go allright it and we'll do it live.

And things sucks. I'm scouting.Good morning here. Some news foul use.
A man fatally shot himself early Sundaymorning, shortly after a woman was
found shot at their Atlanta County home. Officers from the Pleasantville Police Department were
dispatched to South third Street shortly afterfour am when a domestic violence call.
Officers heard several gunshots, a womanwalked out, and then afterwards they heard

some more gunshots and that's when KevinHare ended up shooting himself. The woman
is at the hospital being treated forher wounds. The Justice Department has reached
an agreement with Julian Assage to pleadguilty to a single felon account of conspiring
to unlawfully obtain and disseminate classified information, in a deal that is expected to

resolve the WikiLeaks founders charges in theUS with no further time in prison.
The deal is expected to effectively bringan end to a year's long battle by
the US to prosecute Assange over thepublishing of classified military and diplomatic materials that
were leaked by former American soldier ChelseaManning back in twenty ten. The Atlanta
based sports bar I can't, Ican't, I can't continue. This is

gonna break my heart. Oh it'sa Hooters. It's got to be a
Hooters. The Atlanta based sports barchained. Hooters abruptly closed dozens of underperforming
stores yesterday as it joined a growinglist of eateies facing harsh realities of inflation
and changing consumer habits. The NationRestaurant News reported that word began to spread
on Sunday evening that Hooters' locations likein Brian, Texas, Lakeland, Florida,

and Louisville, Kentucky, were closing, with nearly forty restaurants in the
US shutting their doors. Yeah,it's a shame, man. Listen,
I don't have one by me,but like we'd hit it up were the
casino, But I don't go outof my way to go to Hooters.
I never understood. Now they usedto have one at the Trump Marina,
which is now the Golden Nugget.Dude, I love that one. That
was awesome. I used to doall their bikini pageants. It was a

fun one to hang out with.Are you there the day it was closing?
I went, me and our buddyAdam, the Jewish sales guy.
Yeah, we went together and saidgoodbye to it on its last day.
Ex Dude, I spent a lotof time there in my early twenties.
The one of Troupicana is great too. Man. We love Ronnie the manager
over there. Kathy did they're they'reall. They're all great people. Like

I said, for twenty years,I've done a ton of work. We
just did there. We just didtheir We came out of retirement to do
with the Hooters bikini pageant. ButI never understood why they didn't drop one
on the mainland. Dude. Youput that out there by the mall and
me's landing and stuff like, dude, it would it would kill all the
it would I'd be I'd be thecreeper you would. Uh yeah, So

that's uh sad, that's unfortunately sad. Yeah. Once again, it's not
like all of them were closing,but they closed a lot yesterday. I
was poor single mothers. What arethey gonna do? Now? That's news?
What about sports? Brought to youby the douville In. You can
go to the Doauville Inn dot com. Anthers they won the Standley Cup yesterday.
They beat the Oilers two to one. Tennessee, my alma mater,

University of Tennessee won its first men'sCollege World Series title. Yesterday. Phils
beat the Tigers eight one. Theydo it again tonight six forty start.
They even had a triple play lastnight, which was it's pretty awesome because
even the players were shocked. They'relike, did we just do that?
Uh? There you go, that'suh. Listen to the game right here

at ZXL, we are your officialPhiladephia Phillies ratio station. There you go,
that's news that sports brought to youby the Doville And go to the
doville In dot com. Hey,Sunday Today hyped the ninety one cloudy Tonight
over seventy four tomorrow for your Wednesdaysun clouds hyped eighty nine. It is
seventy two outside right now. Onehundred point seven ZXL Sapters's Rock Station,
ZXL Morning Show, one hundred pointseven ZXL South Jersey's Rock Station, ZXL

Morner show Man. I don't knowwhy people feel they're entitled to tips where
they are not entitled to tips.Now I go out to a restaurant,
I'm a twenty percent tip, ormaybe even twenty two percent. When you
put the little machine in front ofme, I'll be honest. I'm I've
been out with you. You're questionable. That's nonsense, Absolutely not. I
am a twenty percent when I knowyou are questionable when it comes to tip.

Now, now when I pick up, when I pick up food,
I'm not a tipper. If Igo pick up food, I'm not.
The other day you told me youleft seventeen cents as a tip. I
know what it did is I roundedit up. It was I like to
round my numbers up for some reason. Why. It's not like I'm balancing
a jetBook. But it came.I picked up wings that was like a
god, it was like forty six. Well, I don't know forty six,

forty two or something like that,so I rounded up to I don't
know forty eight. So yeah,she got like a dollar fifty something tip
whatever, So she was able tobuy you is I just was able to
buy dinner that night. I feelguilty. If I feel like she's not
going to come back, I'll justput a line through the tip area if
i'm picking up, and I'll justrun out of there. But I feel
like she's gonna ring a bell andeveryone's gonna look at me. So over

the weekend, man, we goout and uh, I'm at the Phillies
game, and you're right, theyhide the price of things with that debit
card. Debit cards and then that'sone hundred percent what they do, so
you don't know what you're paying.You're just putting your card in and then
they don't even tell you. Whatthey do is they have a screen after
you put your card in, andit says percentage to tip. Right,

it doesn't tell you how much.It says like ten, fifteen, twenty
percent whatever it is. So andyou're just and once again it's hot.
You're just trying to get it thatthis transaction done. So you're hitting any
button you can just make it.You got to you gotta find the screen,
like I had to find the screen. So I'm at the ballpark.
So I go through the line rightand I grab everything myself, like it's

all just it's self serve. They'renot doing any anything for me. I
mean they put it in the stuffand you just grab it. I'm going
through the line and whatever. Iget to the very end and there's a
place for a tip. I'm like, absolutely, I'm not leaving tip.
No, not at all, especiallyto the prices. Are your galluging prices
anyway? The ballpark, I thinkhow you even I don't know how you
even think you somebody's gonna tip.I don't get it. But before that,

we're at Exfinity Live and we're havingdrinks. Now we're at the it's
like a little bar. Now thegirls, I don't know that the taps
are maybe maybe five feet from wherewe are. She made me a drink.
Now, when I buy a roundof drinks like that, I think
two or three dollars is sufficient atip for that. It's not that big
of a deal. You're not servingone round three dollars. One round three
dollars, how't me go five?But okay, well, I mean the

round it cost me twenty eight dollarsfor a vodka drink and two beers.
Well, yeah's the problem is youYou you buy the fancy pants drink a
beer. You're you're the one thatkills the bill at a bar because you're
you're like, I want to gimletand it's like I'm getting a two dollars
and fifty cent beer. Well youknow what it is too. This is
how this is what gets me outof splitting dinners, because I'll say,

listen, I had vodka. Ihad Tito's on the rocks. It's like,
just mine's obviously going to be morethan yours because you got a couple
of beers. So put mine ona separate tap. That's how I get
out of that. So I getthe thing. It's like twenty eight dollars
whatever the option there is like twentyNo, it was thirty dollars because the
optionnaire was to leave a twenty percenttip, which would have been almost seven

dollars for this person to walk fivefeet to do two beer taps and a
vodka on the rocks man once again, that's why they they do that.
Yeah, I know that people arenot paying attention. They're there for the
game, they're there for the experience, and they just kind of want to
get the transaction done, so they'rejust gonna hit any button that's in front
of them. I'm already looking ata thirty dollars tab man for three drinks.

I'm like, that's that's you knowhow it's beer and vodka. I
can get a hold pand old Titosfor thirty dollars. See, that's kind
of my thing with like we gota place that that that that we like
the wings right up in May's Landing, And so I'll go there like when
the wife and kids are going,and I know the bartenders and and that's
see that's a that's a slippery slopebecause now I can't be cheap. So

now I go and I order food. I have a beer while I'm waiting
for the food to come out totake home, and I'm like all right,
And I ended up dropping a tenright right, Like I'm tipping them
ten bucks. But it's like Ihad a beer, right, yeah,
And when I had a beer andyou carried out my food. You could
you could get ten beer. What'sa thirty peck go for thirty dollars or

something like that. Twenty five?Hey you go, you're right there.
Yeah, buy eleven beers somewhere else. You're just getting one because it's where
I know that, Like I knowthe guys. Yeah, you better kind
of stuck, you know, uhsaying goes. I'm seeing more and more
and this is this started pre COVIDgas attendance kind of hang around a little
bit waiting for a tip. It'sthree thirty for a gallon of gas.

I can't tips. Sorry, gosit that booth. I'll do it.
Yeah, capable, absolutely, getout and do it myself. I don't
know, man, it's a ship. I look at them. I'm like,
I just want to ask you whoyou voted for. Well, here's
what I want to know, especiallyat a at a stadium like that,
right, you know, you gotthe cashier and it says tip right,
you put your card in. Thatdoesn't go to her or him? Who

does it go to? Right?Today, you guys get all those tips.
You have to pull all those tipsbecause it's not going to the person
who's running the register. And that'sa great question. Yeahde or does it
just go back to Aramark? Rightright? You know that poor girl behind
you, I can't slip her cashnext you know what, next time I'm
in a game, I'm gonna askher that. I'm gonna say, like,
who does this go? Like Ibecause if not, I'd rather just

take out you know, two threebucks? Yeah and hand it directly to
them. Yeah, my buddy did, man, because a woman Fielders filled
his water up. He's like,yeah, here's a couple of bucks and
she did it. Man. Butyeah, you're right. Did they split
that equally? Yeah? Well yeah, and I guess they get taxed on
that too. Look, look weget back to some rock newss Tree.

Here's some rock news for you.I know they've been trying to get this
off the uh off the ground foryears. Roger Daltrey from the who has
been working, like I said,for twenty five years, probably more than
that to get a Keith Moon moviemade. Right. You had the Elton
John movie, the Queen movie.Uh, they're making a movie now all

the scorpions, like the Beach Boyshad a movie. See I'm a post
Keith Moon guy. So you youlike you want a Kenny Jones movie,
you better you better? You betso. Keith Moon, famous drummer for
the Who, intense partier, likehe created the smashing up of hotel rooms.
That's what you want? Is thatis a dot? That's what you
want to Oh, dude, thiswould be a slam donk. And they've
gotten so close to to to gettingit done and it just hasn't been done.

And Roger Daughtry' is like, iswe want to do it right?
We want to honor Keith. Butthrough the stories, he got baned.
He he got the Who banned fromall holiday inns in America. That's impressive
because he drove a car into thepool on his twenty first birthday. Now
we're talking that's rock and roll,dude. He is a nut job,

or was a nutjob. He's beendead now for forty six years, So
Roger Daughtry is still He was beinginterviewed and he said he's still trying his
best. Even Mike Myers from Wayne'sWorld, Austin Powers, he's been attached
to to not to play Keith,but like to to help get it off
the ground. God. He diedover forty years ago. Seventy nine.

I believe seventy eight. That's whythey replaced him. I don't know the
story there. That's why there's apost. Yes, that's like I thought,
maybe they just bounced them out ofthe band. Yeah, they put
they had just put out. Iwant to say, who are you?
But was it who? By numbers? And Uh, it's a shame to

do so many stories like one timehe took he took an elephant tranquilizer and
he ended up he ended up beinglike in a semi coma for like a
week. Wow, it worked,and he was starting to get his life
back in order. He was ona drug that would stop you from drinking,
like if you drank it made youreally ill. But you know,

he was still doing things he shouldn'thave done. And one night, man,
his body just couldn't handle it anymoreand he diagno sleep. Yeah,
so that's a shame. But man, that the dude in a in a
short period about fifteen years, thatdude lived a life. Yeah, let's
see here now, are you ready? Do you? I know you're excited

for this. Uh, there couldbe a whole reunion. I know you're
a big fan of whole Courtney Loveand the band Hole. Oh you mean
the band I thought you meant likea whole reunion, like everybody's coming back
and I'm on the edge about whatband will it? The band Hole?
Who's all coming back? So wholeof band a whole was a band a
band it was Courney Love's band hadone song They've got a couple Celebrity Skin,

Celebrity Skin Malibu those that was offthe big album. Then they had
that that first album that Billy Corganwrote for him and they say like Kirk
also Kurt Cobain wrote a lot ofthe songs for that first one. Uh.
Dial Parts was another big one thatthey had. Well. On Instagram,

Courtney Love posted a picture of hiringbassist Melissa off de Mar. Now,
they haven't been in the studio togetherin twenty four years, and it
looked like they were in a studio, So could we get more whole?
I hope they're just practicing the oldHole songs and not do a new Whole
song. Well, they haven't playedtogether in fifteen years on stage, so
so we'll see. I mean that'scertainly not a stadium tour, correct,

I mean they're gonna be with somebodyelse. Right, they're an opening band.
I got you right, like likeyou got like they may open up
front of smashing pumpkins or something likethat. Everybody, it's whole. Yeah,
like you got to put them on. You got to put them on
with somebody who's a little bit biggerand a heavy hitter, like a Linel
Richie or I mean they could doLook, I mean they could do casinos
and play two thousand seats right,like you could do that. But yeah,

no, you're not a lobby.Even the lobby at the casino.
When you're checking into your room,Oh my god, there's Courtney Love and
a hole. What how do Iget to the elevators? I can't hear
you holes playing? Yes, Imean they I wouldn't think that they put
more than two thousand people in aroom, so like they're not they're not
headlining at Camden where you got toput thirteen thousand people in there. De
Snyder he was being interviewed about SebastianBack getting back with skid Row, and

he said, I'm friends with bothSebastian Bach and Snake Sabo, right,
Snake Dave Sabo. He said,I'm friends with both of them. Now,
Snake and Sebastian hate each other.So that's why there isn't a skid
Row. But when he calls up, does he say, is Snake there?
Yes, he does, one hundredpercent Snake home. Well, d

Snyder said, look, Sebastian's avery intense dude until you put all that
stuff away. And he said,my band hated me in the eighties and
I was a different person in thenineties and the two thousands, and that's
what got us back together. Andso you put all that stuff away and
become like a responsible adult, it'snot gonna happen. Yeah, so he
said he's he talks to both sides. He said, look, you guys,

and it really is. It's dumb. Sebastian Bach goes out in tours,
skid Row goes out into but they'renot successful. If they at least
came together, they could be semisuccessful. At this point. To listen,
you're older. So it's now afinancial thing, like go out there
and just make money, don't party, don't bank broads, go out there,
just make as much money as youcan and leave it to your family.
Now, Sabo did say that heis not going to get back together

with Sebastian. Bob said that Snakesaid that he said that Jerseys right,
some rock news for you, LikeI don't. I would say probably once
every like two months, I'll splurgeand run my car through the car wash.
Yeah right, it used to benice. So it's it's now up

to sixteen bucks. Okay, Imean wait a minute, for the one
it was four It used to befour dollars, secret man. So now
no, no, no, it'sdefinitely not four dollars anymore. They even
took the sign down. Now itjust says car wash. It used to
say four dollars car watch. Nowit's just car wash sixteen bucks. But
whatever, sixteen bucks is the thelux right, Okay, hey, real

quick? For sixteen dollars, dothey wipe it down like the insides and
outside? Now this is just driving, driving through, driving through. They
do tire dressing, that kind ofthing. But yeah, I mean you
see the guy at the beginning withthe hose and then you don't see another
person. Did water go up byuh four times the amount it was?
Guys, come on, hope gotmore expensive? So uh I go the

other day Sunday morning, right,I'm like one of the first people there.
Is it just it's just opening upright. Run my car through the
car wash, looks great, dude. You know, like within twelve hours,
birds just pooped all over my car. So like it's a like I
just took sixteen dollars and flushed itdown the to and I'm like, well,

like this sucks, Like what likecome on, man? And I'm
like, where are these birds evencoming from? It's not like I was
on a short town with seagulls,Like where are these what? Like?
What like? Why did you pickmy car? I'll be honest, man,
It's one of those things I hadto cut back on. I love
getting my car washed. I goto a car wash where they put you
through and then you come out andthe guys wipe it down to wipe down
the inside. They used to doa real nice job. There was like

five or six guys man all overthe place, just just wiping it down,
and it was nice. But italso costs. It's like twenty eight
dollars, so I'm like, Ican't justify, Like you said, I
don't know, a day or twolater, does it even look like it's
been cleaned for thirty dollars. I'mbasically just throwing thirty dollars away and it's
sad. But I'll do the samething with oil changes. Like I used
to be pretty good and pretty vigilantwhen it came to getting oil changes.

Every five six thousand miles. I'mlike, man, I don't know,
that's fifty bucks. You gotta stretchit out me right, Like, I
don't know, man, maybe maybeI'll go eight thousand miles and so yeah,
all that stuff for sure. Man. Like I said, it used
to be every like two months,I take my car through a car wash.
It used to be back in theday, I would do it every
like two weeks. Then it movedto like once a month and every two
months. Dude. Now, man, unless my car looks like it it

looks like Sanford and Son, I'mnot taking it through the car wash sixteen
bucks just to have a bunch ofbirds poop on it. I'm like,
eh, no, that's cool,you know. I uh and listen,
I feel terrible about this. Idon't even really tip them anymore. Occasionally
I might put a dollar or twoin their but I know they got to

tip Bucket and a lot of timesI'll look for a point where they're not
looking. So I feel like Ijust put something in there, or I'll
just take a dollar and I'll puta dollar in there, because again,
I'm sorry, I can't justify tippingon top of a car watch. It
just cost me twenty laundering money becausethey're selling crystal math. So yeah,
but so a breaking bad reference.Yes, so with mine, man,

it's all machines, like I don'thave to worry about tipping and stuff like
that. But but yeah, thatwas four dollars and that was awesome.
Man, you told me about that. I would do it. I don't.
I would do it once a week, man, just to feel good.
Yeah, man, like, andthere was four dollars for a long
time and then COVID hit. Andonce COVID hit, dude, I think
lightning hit the floor and it felloff the building. And then they decided

to raise the price of the carwash. But it's just one of those
things, man, where it's like, yeah, so I got for sixteen
bucks, I got about six hoursof my car looking great. Yeah,
and then birds killed it. Yeah. Take that selfie with your car,
look out nice hit it looks well, that's what it was with all the
neighbors. I took my shirt offand I was like hanging out on the
hood. I was like, lookat me, ladies. So yeah,

dude, it's like I don't know, man, even a half a day,
it feels like a waste, andlike I'm not a guy, Like
I'm not breaking out the hose anddoing it myself. Like I'm just not
what I don't we do because whenI was a kid, that dude,
every weekend I was out there washingthe ninety one Ford probe, you know.
And uh and so now I don'teven think about doing it myself because
it's super eazy. I can runit through a car wash. My neighbor

does. He's got a nice truckman. That's his thing. He is
out there kind of soaping it up. Man. Yeah, I guess we're
good old days. We were realmen. You know. Those stupid birds
in my neighborhood. And to getback at the birds, I kicked the
bird feeder. What happened to thebikini car wash? Where are they?
Where is they everywhere? Why aren'twe you know how they have those stupid

boot drops yep, right, andthen they're just in the middle of traffic
and they they're, they're, they'rethey're trying to get money with a firefighter
boot. Why not drop a girlin there with u A in a bikini.
These real strippers don't start till sixor seven at night. They have
all day to make extra cash.Hey, what Kiwana's club that you're you
know you're raising money for? Dude. Drop a girl in a bikini and

I'm telling she could be a mazelanding six, but people will still throw
her cash. Dude. That's howyou make money for a fire department.
What do you guys doing is hangingdown the road doing nothing? Absolutely not
Nights of Columbus. Let's go,let's let's let's get some girls and bikinis
out there while you're sitting in trafficwith your your stupid bucket. You know,
like the gals from the VFWS.Let's get them out there, you

know, washing it all up.Dolores, go okay, can in a
bikini. Here's five dollars. Don'ttouch my car. I'm gonna drive away.
Hey, I got a pair oftickets for Journey, Deaf Leopard and
the Steve Miller Band up at CitizensBank Park. If you want the tickets,
dial up right now six zero ninesix seven seven one hundred seven six

zero nine six seven seven one hundredand seven six zero nine six seven seven
one hundred seven Death Leopard, SteveMiller Band and Journey. If you want
to ticket six zero nine six sevenseven, one hundred and seven we get
back. We'll do some headlines onehundred point seven ZXL, South Jersey's rock
station ZXL Show. I don't knoweverybody knows this or not, but there's

a real easy way you can getfront row for Journey, Steve Miller Band,
and Deaf Leopard. Yes, yes, Citizens Bank Park, which I
think I've taken my kids to theshow Man. It's gonna be their first
concert because I'm buddy of mine showingwith his family. I'm like, you
know what, maybe I'll take them. Man. Your kids text me and
they said they're huge Steve Miller Band. I love it. They love the

Joker. She's like, kids werelike, yeah, I love it.
I can't wait. I can't wait. Dad got some loud you know,
some loud speakers and some big flashinglights and watch, you know, watch
Steph Leppard play you know what not? Yeah, Dad, it's exactly what
I want to go see def Leppards. So we got some talkbacks to get
into eleven. It's right, Iknow. See that's the thing, man,
Honestly, I wanted to take them, you know what. I almost

took him to the Doobie Brothers likea year ago. I'm like, that
would be a good day. Showdad that it's awesome because I'm eleven and
they their last hit was nineteen seventy. O. What I'm gonna take up
to, Kendrick Lamar, Huh wheredo you want me to take him to?
What they would want to see?Rob Zombie would would be a good
first fun stuff going, Like I'mtaking my little guy to go see Rob
zomby Alice Cooper because there's stuff onthe state right, like they do a

lot of stuff. But uh yeah, I know your kid's gonna love.
He loves stuff. It's a familynight out, is what it is.
I'm not going to show him deafLeopard. Yeah, it's gonna be great,
drinking nineteen dollars beers. Yeah.Yeah. So anyway, everybody jump
on the talk back if you wantto go to this tremendous which is gonna
be a good show and it's good. Oh no, your shot front row

man. It's gonna be awesome.Def Leopard Journey, Steve Miller your chance
first row tickets, Right, yougotta you gotta tell us who you love?
How do we how do we phraseit? All? Right? It
was supposed to be f Mary Kill. Sponsors didn't like it, so we
went with who do you love?Who would you snuggle? Who would you
hug? And who would you whowould just snub? Yeah, so you

go to the talkback. So that'suh, iHeartRadio app. You search wz
XL little red microphone button, sendus a message, and uh, your
chance at first row tickets. Yougo see def Leopard Journey and Steve Miller.
We got a couple. Um,well, this is I think this
guy's a little confused. I thinkthis is Leonard skinnerd He wants Skinner tickets,

which we're not doing Skinner tickets.But good morning. I'm trying to
win tickets Friday night to Leonard Skinnertwo days before my sixty second birthday.
Can you help me out? Iknow, because we already gave those away.
So that's off the happy birthday.Happy birthday anyway. So here's one
for the actual contest. Okay,I don't know if well, here,

who do want to love the most? Well, some people would say Journey,
but I gotta say my mom anddad. I have autism. So
no matter how many bums he goesthrough, no matter what happens, they're
always doing for me and I wouldlove if I could take them to this
concert get back to them. Listen. I'm sure you have great parents,

but that's not it's who you wouldyou? Who you love? Who we
missed a couple of things there,Yeah, it's not part of the contest.
You gotta get the right thing inhere. We got another who didn't
want to see the most Journey Journey, Journey, Journey is Journey, Journey.
Sure she really wants to see Journey, all right, you want to

see the moles, Journey and DeepLove Bird. If the contest isn't who
do you want to see the most, it's who would you love? Who
do we snub? And who wouldyou? Who would you make out with?
Or whatever? Honestly, Deplopard,Journey and Death Loop Bird. Yes,
yes, yeah, you can keepscreaming, but it's not gonna get
you the ticket. Honestly, justgo to the talk back, send us

anything. We'll play it is thatRosie o'donald. You know what, She's
very excited. She wants to seedef Leppard and Jerry. We got one
more, okay, who I wantto see them? Boy, Journey and
Death, love Bard, Journey andDeaf Love Heard, Journey and Death,
Love Bird, Journey and Death,Love Bird. Yes, Yeah, Journey

and den b loop Bard. Giveme the ticket. I'm gonna be honest.
I have the kid with autism isleading right now. I think he's
gonna get the tickets. Yeah,she threw it. Yeah, she threw
that out there is this she orhe? It's a shit you sure?
Yeah, let's go back to thetape. Who do you want to love
the most? Well, some peoplewould take Juny, but I gotta say

my mom and dad. I likethat I have autism, so no matter
how many bums I go through,all right, Well, I wish you
the best. Yeah, and we'llput you in the runnin Hey, listen,
I love your enthusiasm. Yeah.If he wants to take and I
love the fact that wants to takehis parents, that's gold. You know.
He gave us a little more infothan we needed. But okay,
I jump on everybody. Uh,look, we we get back, we'll

knock out some trash. Oh lovetrash, anything thirtyty anything, racket rock
or roughy. Yes, I lovetrash. There's some trash for you.

It looks like a bunch of peopleare gonna get a one of those things
on the Hollywood Walk of Fame star. Yeah, right, Like I gotta
pay them. Yeah, dude,I think it's like thirty five grand,
and you gotta you gotta cough thatup yourself. The guy who played uh
Freddy Krueger, right, Robert England, he's gonna get one. Prince is
gonna get one. Jane Fonda isgonna get one, Jessica Chastain, Colin

Farrell, Bill Ny the Science Guy, and Bust the Rhymes, Buster the
Rhymes. Good for busts thirty fivegrand to pay some of the people that
are gonna get a star on theHollywood Walk of Fame Class of twenty five.
I do like that Bust of Rhymes. Bust is cool. I've I
got to spend an afternoon with him, and he was very entertaining. I

think there's some rumors with some Diddystuff with Buster, but I like to
think that's not true. Not myBuster, not the bust I hung out
with. It was a very oddafternoon. I got to spend the afternoon
Bust. The rhymes an ll cooljet. That's pretty awesome. Man,
that's like a dream for me.It was very It was a very interesting
afternoon for sure. Kim Kardashian hasa new hairdoo, it's the bald.

Did she shave it off like Brittany? Did they call it basket braids?
Basket braids? Okay? Yeah,So, so she's got new hair and
it's basket Oh it's braided like abasket. Sure, I get it.
Yep, dude, this is crazy. So a guy who was in the
Pirates of the Caribbean movie, andI guess he's a pretty famous surfer.

He died he got eaten by ashark. Wow. And I mean,
you know, look he lived inthe sea and he died by the sea.
Did Yeah. So Tamayo Perry waskilled Sunday while surfing in Hawaii.
It was a shark attack off ofthe north shore. Ohhu, that's gotta

be oh oh who who? So? So it was I guess near Honolulu.
He was forty nine years old.Guys, suck man, it's to
be just clamped down by a shark, because you don't die immediately. It's
just a going and going. Maybean arm comes off or a head or
a leg, and now you're watchingyour lake come off. You're still alive.

Like he is like, hey,Like, I don't know, And
he's probably one of these guys he'slike, I'm one with nature because I'm
a surfer until the shark. Yougot punched the shark in the nosees how
you do? That's what you gottado. Jared Goth you know who he
is, quarterback for the Detroit Lion. Detroit Lions. He married a model
over the weekend in a very smallceremony. She's a Chris Kristin Webber Harper

Harper, Kristin Harper. So theygot married in California in a very small
ceremony. Yeah, guy, man, I don't know. He kind of
got shad on early in his career, but now he's doing just fine with
Detroit. You're looking guy, Gofor him, dude. He said they
love him in Detroit. Detroit hada great season last season. Yeah,
he got she got kind of shaftedit by the Rams. Yeah. Elon

Musk, one of his ex wiveshis ex girlfriend Tallula Riley. She oh,
yeah, she was married to Elontwice. What's going on with Elon?
He got married again. He gotmarried to this broad twice and then
divorced twice. She just remarried tosome actor from Game of Thrones. He's

out of his mind. He's likea little whacky. He's a little whacky.
Yeah. So she married a guynamed Thomas Brody Sagster. So that
was good. She gets some money, right, they're all she was married
twelve kids are getting money. Shewas married to Elon from twenty ten to
twenty twelve, then divorced, andthen got married again the Elon from twenty
thirteen to twenty sixteen. Yeah,let's see. Do you remember Mindy Khaling

She was on the office and thenshe had her own show for a while.
Yeah. She was like one ofthe main writers for that Yesho.
Yes, yes, yeah, herand the other guy, bj Novak.
He had a guy I thought wascalling in for the beer punk tournament.
Yeah, that was a kind ofembarrassing moment for us. We thought a
guy was calling in have a beerbang tournament here in Atlantic City, and
it was actually DJ Novak in theoffice I was asking him questions about the

beer Pok tournament this coming up.He's like, I'm he was really interested
in the beer Bok tournament though hewas after that. So she just had
the birth of her third child.No one knew she was pregnant. Wow.
Yes, because it's not famous anymore. Yeah, like that, her
star fell pretty quickly. She wasgreat on the show. She was great
in the office. Yeah, andwe'll wrapping up with this. Ben Affleck

he was getting into it with somephotographers. You know, he's there's a
lot of rumors that him and jLo were breaking up. Uh, and
I guess he was outside of jLoo's house or their house, and a
lot of photographers were there, andhe said the flash was scaring his kids,
like the flashing of the cameras.He met the character from Batman,

you mean, the guy who ranfast. Guy's just running around the port.
So he's like, he's like,look man, he'd get got out
of the car and he's like,look, just I don't care if you
take pictures, but the flashing andthe barrage and everything, Yeah, you're
scaring the kids, man, Solike, come on, you're gonna I'm
gonna get into on an accident.The kids are gonna get hurt. You're
gonna get hurt. Something's gonna happen. Can you just knock it off?
I do hate the way they're treated. You really do have no privacy and

your kids shouldn't be involved in allthat. Tay. You know what,
let me post her a picture.I'll take a picture and they just go
away. A lot of celebrities willsay that, Look if I just stand
here for five minutes and take pictureswith you, can you just leave me
alone? There you go? Sometrash for it. A lunch point seven
is the XL South Jersey's rock stationor the EXL workforce employer. The day
for the Journey Steve miller Man anddef Leopard tickets. Good morning, good

morning, Hey, how are you? Hello? Hey there you are great?
How are you good? We're doingwell. I like your energy this
morning. What's your name? Ohmy god, my name's Kelly. Oh
my god, that's a great name. I said the same thing. I
was like, oh my god,A better name is Kelly Kelly. Do
you remember the show? Do youremember the show? Cheers? Hey?
E LLL? Why why? Becauseher name is Kelly? Kelly Kelly.

Kelly, Kelly, Kelly, Kelly, k E L L y. God,
that was a great one. Ilove that song. Yeah yeah,
the great Woody Harrelson. Uh well, Kelly, Yeah, I love it.
I you know what I'm watching nowis night Court. I watched that
all day now, the original nightCourt? Yeah yeah, yeah, one

Neah, the original and one's ComeOn Man, which I want to say
was a spin off of Cheers,but it wasn't. But the judge used
to show up on Cheers all thetime as a magician. He was.
He was like a con artist.Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah,
yeah, all right, Kelly.Do you know now Woody Harrelson and Danson
do a podcast together? Yeah?I haven't heard it yet, but yeah

I heard. Yeah. So theydo it and they bring all the old
Cheers cast members back way. Ididn't know, not Chursty all right,
Kelly, Well, Christy Alley's deadyet, I didn't even know that.
Well, you know what, maybemaybe you need to start listening to the
Woody Harrelson and Ted Danceing podcasts.There was there was something I've been stuck

on. Sean Ryan. Have youlistened to him? Who's Sean Ryan?
Now? Sean Ryan. He avery interesting guy. He was a veteran
CIA guy. Maybe Peel. Lookall right, all right, Kelly,
I'll go check out. Sean isjust like your neighbor, Sean Ryan.
You're trying to throw out at thispodcast here, I hope with your neighbor.

Well, if you know, Sean, thank you for our service.
So I'm trying to think who elseis dead? From cheers? Uh?
Jay j H. Carlo's husband hegot? Who got ran over by the
zamboni? He got? He diedin real life? Wait? Oh okay,
because I was wait that's the shortguy, the short guy Lie not

not the Italian guy, not theItalian guy Philadelphia. But yet he went
and uh he was? He washe got ran over by the zamboni machine
because he was in the ice capades? Is that real life? He did
not get run over this am votingmachine in real life. But he is
dead and real And then I'm tryingto think Carla is still alive, Shelley

Long is still alive, Norms still, Cliff is still alive. Yeah,
Fraser just hangs out in Atlantic Cityall the time, so he's always here.
Coach has been dead for a longtime. But yeah, Kelsey Rammond
just hangs out at the Irish pubconstantly. I heard that he was like
the parade. You'll just see himbartending it some random bar in Atlantic City.

I love to get him in here. I would just ask him about
cheers all day. Sure, man, dude, He's talk to people and
I'll do what I can do.Do you know people that could get him
in here? Not really, butshe is Kelly k e l o Y.
Why all right, Kelly, youyou got a pair of tickets for
Steve Miller Journey def Leppard. Allright, Oh my god, you have

no freaking clue how you're gonna amazing? Yeah, well, I enjoyed the
cheers. You stay on hold.We're gonna get all your info. Oh
my god, thank you so much. Very excited. That's what we do.
We make dreams come true here,that's what we do. Yeah.
Yeah. Remember how Woody hated LarryBird because Larry Bird was from like the

uh, the competing town in Indiana. Wow, that's right, Like I
think I think Larry Bird was fromfrench Land and Woody was from the town
over, and so he hated LarryBird. I remember I went to the
actual bar in Boston when I waslittle, and it's it's like you walk
in the house. Side is theinside side side of the actual one they

take the video for the TV show, But then you walk down the steps
you come in, it's like thissmall, little dark bar. I'm like,
this isn't it at all? LikeI wanted the big square bar.
Yeah. It's kind of like whenyou go by the Brady Bunch House and
you're like, okay, cool,and it's just it's just the normal house
inside. It was just the outsidethat they used. But uh, but
yeah, man, did I Dude? I loved because you know why I
love Cheers. My dad loved it, so he would be he would like

it was with the one show.He would make sure that you always watch.
Yeah, my too, man.It's how I ended up watching great
TV was from that nonsense. Andthen think about it, dude, not
only did they have like a tenyear, eleven year run on Cheers,
but then you have Frasier that endedup doing like another twelve years. Yeah,
it was good TV back then.Yeah, good times. Look we
get back, We'll do some headlines. One hundred point sevens the XL,

South Jersey's rock station, ZXL Morningshow. So I saw this on TikTok
because you know, I'm I havemy finger on the pulse of everything that's
cool, young and hip. Ilike TikTok, man, it takes you
down a hole things you like.Well, I saw TikTok and it was
a woman who said she wants tonormalize that when a parent has a playdate.

So if I'm the parent, Isay, hey, bring your kid
over, I want to have aplaydate. I actually never say that as
a parent. I am not thatparent. I'm that I bring your kid
over here. I got it,and I actually have it antiplay date where
it's like, yeah, take yourkid actually far away from my house.
I sent a text we're definitely notgoing to play with our kids today at
all. So she said, makeit if you're the parent who invites the

other kid over, make it normalthat you ask the parent for money because
you're going to be spending money ontheir child. But you invited that child
over to your home. What areyou spending money on? Are you gonna
Nicol and Dimie for a I don'tknow a Peter Butterer and j I was
like, I was like, youinvited the kid over, so now you're

you invite the kid to your housefor this play date and then you're going
to go and actually ask the parentsto be like, well, you give
me ten dollars because I don't knowI'm gonna give them ten dollars worth of
Caprice Sons, Like come on,man, like I don't know. To
me, that's just like oof,Like you invited the kid over, that's

that that you did it. Youdidn't have to do that, and now
you're gonna try and grab money offthose parents. I think it's anything like
if I invite you over, thenI don't expect you to do and listen,
here's what I get like, especiallyon football Sundays. I enjoy having
people over. I invite people overfootball Sundays. I always make sure I
have a base and whether that's meatballs, whether that's hot roastchief, maybe that's

a sandwich or something, and thenpeople will add to it. But I'm
not gonna have you come over andonly you bring over food because I've invited
you. Like my little guy whenhis friend had he was able to pick
one friend pick my kid, andhe went to motocross and the parents invited
him out and they paid for histicket, and I don't know, they
bought him a ton of stuff,spend a ton of money, but that's
because they invited him over. Yeah, man, to ask your money like

that, it's a little off.Look, if I'm gonna take your kid
out to the boardwalk, let's say, all right, I expect you and
maybe throw some cash in his pocket, so the kid has some spending money,
right, even though I'll probably pickup the bill. But if he's
just coming over to my house,ye, to hang out with my kid.
And now you're hitting me up formoney, saying, hey, uh,

you know, because it's gonna costme money to have this playdate,
you need to now give me money. Ah, I don't know to it's
just a little trash. I don'tknow how the bonus there is that you
have another kid on this way overit's gonna leave you alone. Like those
kids are just gonna play to me. I don't know. It's like they're
doing you a favorite by having aplay date, but just to come to

your house. I mean for meto put a price on a peanut butter
and jelly sandwich. Yeah, orI don't know, weird, but I
think that's that gen Z mentality.Yeah, that's yeah. Is like yeah,
like you know, hey, youshould give me money because your kid's
gonna be at my house. Yeah, but you invited that kid. It's
like a babysitter at that point,Like, now I'm paying you to watch

the kids. Okay, So thatbeing said, a birthday party at a
bowling alley. Am I expected topay for my kid since you invited us
to a birthday party at a bowlingalley? No, but I will put
kids like I'll always send my kidwith some type of money. Yeah,
yeah, I'm I want to makesure my kids, you know, embarrassed.
So yeah, he's gonna have somecash on them. Right. But

if I'm if my kids invited toa birthday party, I you expect that
the parents that are throwing the birthdayparty are covering the bill. Yeah,
one d per Man, that's right, Like, I give you a gift,
and the gift covers me being invitedto the the kid being invited to
the birthday party. Yeah. God, that just looks so bad, so
bad, right, I would Iwouldn't imagine bringing that up to another couple

and being like, hey, Iknow he was here for six hours,
so that's yeah, you owe metwenty two bush, that's a babysitter.
Yeah, what is it? Yeah? I don't know. Man, weird
dude, Yeah that is. ButI think we're dealing with we're dealing with
a generation. I think they're abouttwenty years old to about twenty six,
twenty seven that are just a differentbreed. But if you can't afford it,

don't do it man, exactly,Like, if you can't afford my
kid to come over, then don'tinvite my kid to come over. But
such a weird thing now, Andlike I've seen it pop up on multiple
different social media platforms where it's like, yeah, we have to normalize that,
Like I should be able to askfor money if your kid's hanging at
my house, Yeah, let thatlive on TikTok. That's not real life,
Like I don't think so. Likeit's not like your kid's living at

my house, right, your kid'scoming over for two hours so they can
play Fortnite. And what's the priceyou put on lunch? Like what's that
worth? Yeah? Two pieces ofbreads, a pitter and jelly? What's
that cost a dollar? Well?Maybe not now, maybe you know what,
maybe they have something. Maybe they'reonto something. Now, I think
about inflation. You know what howmuch is the chicken fingers go for?
Now? Like? Am I tallyingup? Like? Okay, you pick
my kid up the gas money itcosts you like in that like and now

I'm just honestly at this point,I'm paying you an allowance. How about
a punch card like they have ina cafeteriaick click, thank you for coming
over a little timmy. So,dude, the world is such a weird
place now and what people think isokay is just weird. And yes,
you're right sad. Look we getback. We'll do a thing called do
you think you have a pad?You think you've got it bad. I

don't know if this is gonna bea good idea. People are gonna get
mad. So it didn't work outwell for Wendy's. Now, Walmart is
thinking about switching to electronic shelf pricing, meaning they can change the prices whenever
they want. So, like,if you get there in the morning,
let's say a can of peas isseventy nine cents, you could go later

in the day and they could automaticallyupdate it to it being a dollar nineteen.
But if it stays the same.Then you're gonna have like it's gonna
be overpopulated when it's cheaper, andthen no one's gonna come at the other
times, which is what I don'twant. So they said, like they
so with this thing, and they'rethey're talking to like a grocery insider.
So said, like things, especiallyduring the summer, like bottled water,

ice cream, all that stuff,they can jack up the prices. Now
it's called surge pricing. It justlooks terrible. It looks bad for Walmart,
And I'm sorry, did the samething for McDonald's. Did it looks
terrible for and Wendy's And backed offafter like a week because it's such bad
press. Everything is so expensive rightnow, So yeah, so be on

the lookout. Walmart could now haveelectronic shelf pricing, changing the prices on
an hourly basis, and I'm goingback to the store with the tuck bathing
suits for kids. Then, penisesare having a hard time in Brazil.
People don't really want to talk aboutit because it can become a joke.
But Brazil statistically has one of thehighest rates of penile cancer in the world,

with two point one out of everyone hundred thousand men being affected.
Between twenty twelve and twenty twenty two, around twenty one thousand cases of penis
cancer were reported, with four thousandresulting in debt and another sixty five hundred
needing to be amputated. I've neverheard of penis cancer. I've heard of
ball cancer, ball cancer. Inever heard of penis cancer. I think

me and you have aged out ofball cancer. By the way, it's
a young man's because that if it'ssmokes what uh No. But I believe
ball cancer is a young man's game. I think that's something you get,
like it's one of those rare cancersthat you get when you're a kid and
not as an adult. I lieto my wife. I tell her it

happens if you don't have enough sex. That's why I say, that's how
you get the ball cancer. AndI don't want that. Well, dude,
so I remember I was in myearly twenties. Now, I get
it from my dad. He hadhorrible Verico's veins and one of the places
he had was in his balls.Damn, so do I. So when

I was a kid, dude,I'm like, oh my god, because
remember as a kid, they wouldtell you about the lump and if he
felt a lump like and then TomGreen meant made a whole show on it
on on MTV about it, right, so like I'm like, oh no,
like, I like, there's thisthere's this thing that's not supposed to
be there. And do you knowhow embarrassing it is to get an MRI
on your nuts at sure, dude. And it was a woman, and

so they had to put that like, you know, like the paper gown,
I know exactly, Yeah, rightaround the shaft and just the balls
are okay, she she hid,she hid the she hid the banana.
But then she put a little circlein there for the berries to pop out.
Yeah. So so yeah, andthen now she's running that thing like
they put on like a like awoman who's pregnants belly. Yeah, that's

what they're doing. On Onto ontomy coin person. Speaking of balls,
man, I took one of thosepictures of my balls with something in the
background last I was watching the hockeygame. I sent this to my buddy
ball picture. Yeah, I've doneone of those in a long time.
Those are fun. Yeah, anduntil police search your phone. Yeah.
Police in Florida were called to abeach to investigate a reported stabbing at one

in the morning. It was onSunday. Reportedly, the victim was riding
a tricycle on the beach at night, was using a flashlight, has a
headlight on the bike. Deputy say, the man on the tricycle approached uh
okay, So the man on thetricycle with the flashlight as a headlight,
approached another man. An argument ensued, saying the guy was blinded by his

flashlight. The victim was knocked offhis tricycle. Unfortunately, the basket of
his tricycle also had a machete init, which was discovered by the suspect,
who allegedly swung the weapon and hitthe victim in the right thigh.
The victim was able to get theupper hand though, and took the machete
away from his attacker, cutting hishand in the process, and then rode
away on his tricycle to get medicalattention. Police now believe they've got a

person of interest in custody from theMACHETI that's gotta be hard to ride a
tricycle on the beach on the beatingand then also with a machete wound on
your thigh and how fast does thatget away? I got assue. I
think you're better off if you justget up and walk on. Do you
think it maybe it's a like ATVtricycle. Maybe a trick. Yeah,
the old go to those ones thatwere super unsafe, but kids would get

the handlebars go right through their chest. Yeah yeah, yeah yeah. I
had a neighbor he fell off oneand like his leg got caught in the
wheel. Because there's only three tires, that's why. And then someone said,
you know what, damn it,let's put a fourth tire on here.
And it was called the quad andit was awesome. My kids having
they love it. There you gothose people, they have a beg you
seven z XL Sound Jerseys Rock Station, z XL More Show, Proud of

my My little guy. Man elevenyear old yesterday wipes out on his bike
okay, had a little bike ridehim and I, yeah, wipes out
And I didn't see it, butI just looked back in the areas.
Man just laid out on the ground, just laid out on the ground,
and I hear it go down.And I chalked this up because I think
kids, and it's like a checklist, they're gonna have first of everything,
you're gonna have a first time whereI don't know, you're gonna get in

your first car accident. I remembermy first vender better. It's gonna happen.
It's like a checklist. You're gonnayou have to get these things out
of your way. And they haven'twrecked on bikes yet or had like a
real series accident. Like a buddyof mine, his his kid broke the
wrist they were doing something. I'mlike, wow, man, that's the
first broken bone. It's out ofthe way now. I think it's like
ten years old. So growing up, buddy Tom his name was Tom Bright,

and the teachers just call him Tomnot so Bright and you should get
away with that back then that now, and so they Then I was down
the shore for a summer and hedecided that he was his parents weren't home.
He was gonna build a zip line. Okay, we're talking with bicycle
handles, yeah he is, yes, right, So it was just a

rope with bicycle which, by theway, he got that out of a
movie. Every movie seems to beby I think it's Home Alone. They
have bicycle hands. So from hissecond floor right to a tree in his
backyard. He goes, he doesn'tmake it five feet before he falls,
and dude, he falls directly ontohis wrists, breaks both his wrists.
Now he was just about to starthigh school, so now he has to

be homeschooled because he's in these twocasts and they're like and it's that thing
where they're like elevated, so they'relike if they're like eye level. So
dude, I was like, andhe had it. Dude, he laid
there in agony until it heard himmoaning. He got it out of the
way. He got it out,Like I don't I don't see a lot
of casts anymore. I don't knowif kids aren't playing rough and making bike

ramps and jumping things anymore. Wejust not doing that, dude. I
remember see it. I remember playingbasketball like elementary middle school, and dude,
I knew I broke my fingers multipletimes and you would just take tape
and just tape them up. Youget over it. That was it,
man. Yeah, you just youjust you just you know, you would
smash him and then just try andput him back together. Yeah. So
I was I was waiting for hisfirst bike wreck and he had a yesterday

handle it like a champ too.Man got up. You know, I'm
waiting for him. I'm waiting forhim to start crying. He's looking at
his hands, hands are all scrapedup, had his bike helmet on,
you know. Shafty first got up, shook it off. He's like,
I'm good, and I'm like,all right, man, proud of you.
I want to crack a beer withhim, but he's eleven. He's
twelve. I would have cracked abeer. That was my little guy.
Last summer was on an atv uhin my father in law's backyard and you

know, goes tips it over right, falls over. Now, everyone like
pops up. My wife is amess. Everyone wants to run towards him.
I said stop, I said,everyone hold up. And dude,
my little guy popped up and gavetwo thumbs up, right, and he's
like, I'm good. And Iwas like, that's why, Like you

like, he needed that, heneeded that to know that he's okay and
and and he you know, andhe he he can survive something. See
if my wife was on that bikeride, You're right, she goes over
and my wife was ready to Mywife was ready to sprint towards him.
Yeh, and I get it.But I saw how he fell. I

knew he wasn't hurt, and I'mlike, let him figure it out,
dude. When he popped up withtwo thumbs up, I couldn't be prouder.
Yeah, yeah, that's what Idid yesterday. I was like,
is he gonna cry? Or how'reyou gonna handle this? And he just
brushed it off. He's like outof my hands or numb. My god,
let's keep going, and his handson on and we kept going.
Man, hey, dad, there'sa bone sticking out of skin. Let's
just fuck that thing right back in. You'll be fine. Don't tell mom

it is and it's a It makesit makes you proud when you're a dad,
Like all right, come on,we're like in sportsman like you know,
like I remember like taking a baseballto like the forehead right like and
and dude, I'm sure I wasconcussed. Yeah, but you get you
pop back up and you're like,all right, can you go coach,
listen, put me back in.As your brain is swelling against your skull,

you just shake it off. Man, Hey, everybody, thanks you
call today. I always welcomed onthe show Glad when you're all part of
Stay there. We'll kick off thatrock block. It is one point seven
the XL South Jerseys rock stations zX all morning shows. Are you smiling?
Smiling? When you're smiling, smileswith you and one you're eleven?

Lo, the sun comes shining throughwhen you're crying. You bring on their
end? Stop stop this side?Well happy? Where you smiling? Keep
on smile? Smart? Dropping out? Man, I know you guys are

awesome, my love. Look atme guys on my way to work in
R shoes the gout. Yeah,warming up Chip and I'm like I'm a
bow. Shoot. Okay, we'rerocking. Hey, thank you? You
got to the back. How youdo? Yeah? Keep me laughing.
Man, you guys are great.Good morning guys, HILARI let me got
it? Oh God? Is itmy radio or it's are you only broadcasting

in Manah? This is the readingsin DJIL better like if you're on it,
I would listened to this. Mangetting up in the mornings doesn't suck
anymore. Show was brought to youby the Letters W D and F Show
Joe and Scottie du Ducuction
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