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April 27, 2024 • 47 mins
Mark as Played

Episode Transcript

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This hour of programming on WR issponsored by Black Mountain Capitol now former Westchester
County Executive Rob Astrea on seven toTENAR all right, rob Astorino, here
on a Saturday afternoon. It isgood to have you with us, as
we always do this Saturday's right fouro'clock, take you up till five here

on seven to ten. Wor whata nutty week it always is. It's
just, I mean, it's soeasy to do a show. It's like,
which crazy topic do I want totalk about? And I mean Manhattan
and New York City is the centerof the nonsense right now in the United
States, because we've got all thesethey're not even protesters. They're not protesters.

Protesters sit there in an assembly andthey have a cause that they want
to shout about. These are gettingway past the line. Their encampments now,
they're in violation of so many differentlaws, problems, they're threatening cops,
they're antisemitic, they're they're paid todo what they're doing. I'm sure

a lot of them. So we'vegot that. We've got, of course,
the Trump trials, which wrapped upyesterday for the week. We'll go
into a second week next week.That's in Lower Manhattan. Just the nuttiness
of New York is on display foreverybody to see. Lara Trump, the
RNC chair, as well as ofcourse President Trump's daughter in law, will

join us in a little bit,so make sure you stay right here.
But first off, so I'm sureyou saw this video. If not,
the New York Post had it,It's online all over the place. But
this was downtown Manhattan, NYU,which of course is dealing with its own
craziness on their campus, which isa lot more open than Columbia. And

you probably saw this scene where thepolice were trying to make an arrest,
and you know, they're basically surroundedby these lunatics. These cowards by the
way, who cover their face andscream and shout, don't even know what
the hell they're there for. Butthe NYPD's Assistant Chief of Patrol for Burroughs
from Manhattan South, James McCarthy,joins us right now, who is right
there in that video. Unfortunately,Chief, it's good to have you with

us. Hey, good to seeRob. So describe what happened down there,
what obviously the call was for whatyou know, was it just protesters
getting out of hand? To describethe scene and then describe what happened to
you. Well, started rob withyou know, Nyu, the president of
the school, deciding that he wouldbecome a complainant and he wanted the tents

and encampments removed from the plaza area. So we went in and reinforced the
trespass and ended up very quickly.You know, it was tumultuous in the
process of locking up one hundred andthirty people. You know, we were
getting chairs and bottles thrown at us, but we quickly quelled us to situation.

And like I said, we lockedup one hundred and thirty people in
the process. So it looked somewhatcalm from the video where you're trying to
get into a door to bring theperson that you're arresting. You have other
cops with you. Yeah, Imean it looks it looks like nothing is
happening other than shouting, but that'snot really true. And also at the
snap of a finger, it couldbecome a riot, it could become violent,

god knows what else. I mean, what do you you were very
calm. I'm like, this isa veteran's veteran. I mean, this
guy is just knowing exactly what todo. But I mean, again,
how quickly could that become out ofcontrol? You've been in the riots in
Lower Manhattan during the George Floyd orwhat happens in a situation like this,

Well, like you said, robthe stamp of a finger, it could
turn into a riot. And Ithink the video Ydra you're describing was me
going to the aid of an officerthat was making an arrest. They were
about one hundred people were surrounding him, so I needed transportation to get that
prisoner out of there, and technicallyI decided the best thing to do is

to to go inside of NYU andwait for a van to come over there,
instead of dealing with one hundred people, you know, up in your
face and screaming. And we hadjust gotten bottles thrown at us, so
I didn't want to get any anythingelse trust at us again, and you
were you were not in riot gear, so you were not prepared for the

bottles to hit you and be somewhatsafe. No, No, I would
definitely I did get hit me.I uh, but like I said,
it was a minor injury, souh, you know, you know,
fortunately, the whole night nobody gotreally seriously injured. So I take that
night as a huge, huge win. Well it was, and it's it's
the reason why the NYPD needs tobe more present. And I'm not saying

it's not you're you're not doing yourjobs. It's the Columbia universities of the
world and these buffoons who are negotiatingwith these idiots who don't even know what
they want. I mean, thisis like a lack of adults in the
room here, and unfortunately it's youhave to deal with it, and just

normal New Yorkers are being disrupted becauseof this. What's your advice to you
know, the if you own propertyin New York City or a business in
New York City, or these universitiesnow where you have all of these demonstrations
taken place, what's your advice tothem? Rob You've known me long enough

to know that I love this city. Is there's no better city in the
world. Unfortunately, you do havea group of people that get a large
group of people together and their theirfocus is to cause anarchy and it is
a big inconvenience to the public wherethey're trying to get home, where they're
trying to get from point A topoint B. So so it is is

very unfortunate. When I see howthese people acted that night at NYU,
I say to myself, I haveincredibly, incredibly good kids. You too,
It's true, you know. Honestly, when my wife and I watched
the video the other morning, herfirst reaction was, why don't they just
get the water cannons? And I'mlike, you know what, And when

they when they blocked the bridge,it's got to be a little part of
you. I mean, there isa big part of me this. It
just throw them off the bridge.I'm so sick of this nonsense. And
it's it's the lack of adults,a lack of leadership in our government that
is allowing this. We saw thisthrough the George Floyd nonsense, where cops

were getting not only spit upon,patrol cars were getting lit on fire,
bottles were being thrown. It wasgetting out of control and it was allowed
to happen and there's no prosecutions orvery little of you know, the desecration
of Saint Patrick's Cathedral. As anofficer, you've got to be frustrated when
you put yourself in harm's way andyou know that these hooligans, these buffoons

and worse are probably not going topay the prices. It's definitely saddening,
rob when you see like they're notpaying the price. I mean they're out
there, they're closing a huge inconvenienceto everyday people, and yet they are
in and out within hours. Sothat part of the proscutorial part of it

is really upsetting to me. JamesMcCarthy, the Assistant chief for Patrol Manhattan
South, is with us on sevento ten w R. So this can
either go two ways. Right,it could be diffused quickly if the again
adults in the room, supposed adultsin the room at Columbia, at Barnard,
at you know, Harvard and Princetonnow are looking at these kind of

encampments and they're treating these adults asif they're kids, and and you know,
having conversations with them. Oh youknow what, you tell them,
get the hell off the campus.In fact, you're going to be thrown
out of school. I mean theyhave to know that there are consequences to
this. The what are you afraidof? Will happen next? Or could

happen next? In New York Cityand beyond. If these aren't stopped soon,
Rob, I believe, you know, the MIPD is the best at
what they do. We go ina long time, you know. So
so let's we're going to continue toenforce the laws, all right, and
you know, hopefully there's better daysahead, all right, but h every
day, we're going to keep goingout there and we're going to keep,

you know, like I said,trying to make you know, the community
that we serve it and safe.So one of the messages that we were
told that at Columbia, because it'sobviously it's private property, I understand that
how they kind of enforce their ownrules and free speech and everything else is
up to them. I think they'remaking huge mistakes, but it's up to

them if some thing has happened.They originally, at least we were told
that they did not want the NYPDon campus period. If something were happening,
you're outside the gates. Let's sayyou see a crime in process in
progress, you see somebody getting hurt. Does the NYPD have every right to
go on to that private property tostop it or no? No, they

have every right to go on andwe will if crime being committed. You
know, we're going to respond good, because I mean, that's not what
obviously Colombia is saying, or atleast the word out of Columbia is,
you know, we'll deal with this, our own security will deal with this.
But obviously, if I'm if I'ma student, a Jewish student,
especially right now, feeling threatened andI'm getting not only berated, but potentially

more than harassment, somebody lays ahand on me, I'd want to know
the NYPD is gonna is going torush into to help me, And that's
exactly what should happen. So I'mglad that that will anything else. Do
you want listeners to know about NewYork's right now? Because I you know,
I've said this. I come tothe city often, obviously, and
there is a degradation in the city, and it's not just New York,

you know, and it's the littlethings that start to pile up, and
it's just becoming a place where peopleare afraid to come and especially in the
suburbs. What's your message to folkswho have to watch all these images and
might be afraid to come into NewYork City. Well, Rob, i
gotta say this is the safest cityin New York city in the country.

And I don't see too many peopleafraid to come in because I walk around
Times Square all the time. Youbarely walk and believe me, go down
to the garden after a ranger inthat game, there's nobody paid out there.
They are so happy with our teams. So I think there's a lot
of people in the city. Ithink it's thriving right now. So you

know, with theaters are almost atlike one hundred percent right now, so
people aren't afraid to come back inand go to show and go to sporting
events. Well, I think that'sI think you're right. I think that
is happening. I do know peoplewho won't come in, But on balance,
you know, it's still the bestplace in the world, and you
guys do the best job you cangiven the handcuffs that you have on you

from from government like the Attorney General, the legislature in Albany, the city
council. And I've said before,I think Mayor Adams, having been in
law enforcement NYPD, wants and knowswhat he has to do, and some
of it is he's afraid politically,but others I think he's just handcuffed by

his own legislature, and I hopehe breaks out of that. So Chief,
I thank you for coming on.Thanks Pravle, It's always good to
talk to you. All right,all right, Assistant Chief of Patrol for
Manhattan South, James McCarthy, nYPD. All right, when we come
back, Lara Trump, the President'sdaughter in law and the chair of the
RNC, will come on to talkabout what her father in law is going

through, what this country is goingthrough. So stick around the rob Astorino
Show on seven ten WR. It'sthe rob Astino Show on seven ten woor.
All right, hey, thanks forbeing with me here on seven to
ten WR rob Astino Show, rollingright up till five o'clock. And we're

in this stinkhole called New York Citywhere we were just talking to one of
the police chiefs of the NYP dealingwith all these lunatics on the college campuses
and what they're going through. Andof course in the southern part of this
island of Manhattan is the Kangaroo Court, the first of what hopefully won't be

several but is certainly right now DonaldTrump on trial for this nonsensical, ridiculous
lunatic of a judge and it's justincredible what we're going through as a country.
And the other night I was watchingCNN because I wanted to throw up.
And I used to work there.I used to be the Republican on
the air, and you can imaginehow much fun it was. And they're

treating this. I mean, youknow, all the typical anchors and Jeffrey
Tubin and why that guy is allowed. I wouldn't want to sit next to
him. But while he is onthe air just telling everybody how this is
a legitimate trial, and they're makingit out to be like OJ, it's
just and they know they're lying,they know there's nothing there there, and

yet this is what they're pushing.So when people say, well, you
know, I don't why is DonaldTrump on trial, it's because the MSNBC's,
the CNNs and all these other outletsare portraying this as real and legit,
and so people are confused. LauraTrump is the RNC chair and obviously
the daughter in law of the president, and she joins us right now to

talk about why people shouldn't be confusedand why this is so idiotic, and
why this country needs another one backin the White House because the one we
got now can't even figure out howto speak on a teleprompter. If you
saw that video earlier this week fourmore years pauseon Lard Trump, how are

you? Oh, it's a youknow, you have to laugh to keep
from crying sometimes, Rob because thisstuff is just so sick and so crazy.
I mean, yes, Joe Bidenreading the word pause. Please,
someone help this man. Pump himup with whatever you get. You guys
gave him for the State of theUnion, because that at least tell them
and got him real angry for sometime. It's all a clown show,

you know, it's it's crazy.And you talk about New York City and
Eric and I lived in New YorkCity for fifteen years together. We moved
our family down to the state ofFlorida because quite frankly, we didn't want
to raise kids in a state likeNew York and in a city like New
York City that you see right nowin total shambles, where crime is the

rule of the streets right now,where legitimate criminals are just allowed to roam
free, violent criminals some of them. And then who is actually sitting in
a criminal courtroom. It is laughable. It's Donald Trump and as you just
mentioned, Rob, the reason he'sthere is because of a mistake. They

claim it was no mistake in writingdown in an accounting ledger to whom money
was paid. They wrote down legalbill. It was paid to a lawyer,
Michael Cohen, And somehow that iswarranting. Keeping Donald Trump, the
former president of the United States andcurrent Republican nominee for president, in a

Manhattan courtroom for weeks on end andnot out on the campaign trail. It's
insanity. And these these crazies overat CNN, God bless you by the
way for putting up with that foras long as you did. I don't
know how you survive. They arefoaming at the mouth over it, because
Rob, they have nothing else totalk about. What are they going to
point to that Joe Biden has donepositively for the American people. What is

it they can say is better inany single person's life in this country right
now? Nothing? Because everything hasgotten worse for people since Joe Biden and
the Democrats took control of this country. So they have to focus on this
because it's literally all they have.It's sick, it's twisted, but we
know why they're doing it. Andquite frankly, I think they're failing miserably

because you look at the polling rightnow, Donald Trump is up in the
Swing States. He's up with theyouth vote eighteen to twenty four year olds.
His popularity among black voters is up, among Hispanic voters is up.
They know they are losing. Soit is not working. And that is
the good news. That is thegood news. The bad news is though,
that Trump derangement syndrome. It's likeshingles. It's always sitting there right

and waiting to come out, andit's starting to come back. It's nasty,
it is. It's real nasty,right, It's nasty. And so
you can see the crank machine iswarming up, right, They're going to
crank out all the TDS stuff thatpeople are. You know that they felt

for four years with Donald Trump,right, wrong or indifferent. It's real.
And so that's the one thing thatworries me is they've got all the
advantages with that we have, Wemeaning Republicans and those who want Donald Trump
back in office, have all theissues on our side. They've got the
emotion to some extent, although it'svery emotional with an open border, and

I walked by the Roosevelt Hotel beforeall single men and all electric scooters and
mopeds lined up right there for themto go riding around on. This is
what pisses people off the most.The economy obviously not good. What scares
you the most about going into thiselection? If it's on issues, donald
Trump wins period. If it's onJoe Biden's frailties, donald Trump wins.

What's the butt here? Yeah?Well, I think the butt is what,
you know, the elephant in theroom, so to speak, that
they don't want to talk about inthe mainstream media, which is that we
can never see another election year liketwenty twenty ever happening again. And I
say that because the number one focusat the RNC right now is election integrity.
We need to ensure for every AmericanRepublican, Democrat or Independent that we

have free, fair and transparent elections. If we do, there is no
doubt in my mind that Donald Trumpwill be victorious on November fifth, zero
doubt. But we know that theyplay the game differently on the left.
Oftentimes, they have, as youjust said, every possible advantage. They
have the mainstream media as basically theirmarketing arm. In the Democrat Party.

We know that one in six votersin twenty twenty who voted for Joe Biden,
had they known the Hunter Biden laptopwas real and that story wasn't,
as they put it, Russian disinformation, they would have changed their vote.
And there's no way that Joe Bidenwould have had enough votes to become president.
So these things are very real,and whether you want to talk about,
you know, ballots and suitcases ordisguising a story as though you know

the Russians planted it, they havereal implications. So it is our number
one focus right now at the RNC. We can leave nothing to chance.
We do have to play the gamedifferently than we ever have before, because
we all know that doing the samething over and over again and expecting a
different result is the definition of insanity. So we have an Election Integrity Division
over at the RNC. We've neverhad it before, Protect the Vote dot

Com if anyone wants to come joinour team. We have an incredible ability
rob right now that we've never had, or we haven't had in forty years,
which is to actually train people towork in polling locations. That means
that we have such great advantages intransparency, and every single person in the
country should want that. We wantto know that we have safe elections.

We want people not just in theroom watching, We want people who are
actually able to physically count how manyballots are coming in, how many ballots
are going out. That is huge, and for forty years at the RNC,
we didn't have the ability to dothat. We do now again,
Protect the Vote dot com. Ifyou want to come be part of our
team, if you're an attorney outthere, we're going to have lawyers in
the room and every polling location acrossthis country that we possibly can, because

we want to be able to strikeat a moment's notice if there's anything that
looks even funny in the slightest wayto us. We can't be waiting weeks
on end to do these things.So we're taking it very seriously. But
if I'm if we're all being honest, I think that is the big hurdle
as we head into you know,what we know is about to be likely
the craziest campaign season of history.It's gonna get wild, but we're we're

on top of it. We're payingattention, we're monitoring all this stuff and
it is our number one focus.Do you think that Joe Biden agrees to
a debate or debates or no,you think he's gonna weeezl out of it
somehow, And oh he's certainly.Yeah, he's gonna try. Yeah,
he's gonna try. But we're doing. But by the way, something else
we're pushing for is earlier debates.Because you think about early voting, when

do they start? It starts inSeptember, and the debates are scheduled from
mid to late September, beginning ofOctober and mid October. We can't wait
until half the country has already votedin early voting. We want I want
to see these two men on astage as soon as possible. The nation
deserves it and quite frankly, theworld deserves it. So we're going to
push from our end in every waythat we can to get them on a

stage. I think he's going tohave to come out and debate. You
see that. Of course, allthe big networks want it. They're all
pushing for that as well. Obviouslyit's going to be ratings bonanza for them
with Donald Trump and Joe Biden outthere. Could you even imagine get your
popcorn ready, folks, because it'sgoing to be a show. So we're
going to push hard on that.So Lara Trump is with us here on
seven to ten WOR and the RobAstarno Show. These sham trials, Let's

start with the one that your fatherin law is going through right now in
Lower Manhattan. Right, he justwrapped up the first week and then be
back next week. You know,there's one hundred and seventy one New York
State Supreme Court justices within the NewYork City five boroughs. Right, what
are the odds that Merchon got onthat wheel was picked to get your father

laws? Bannon's uh, And Ithink what the case against Allen Welberg Weisberg?
Yes, how does that two ofthem? How does that them for
Wesilberg, Bob, It's ridiculous.It is it is statistically impossible unless they
are spoon feeding all of these thingsdirectly to him. We know what this
is, and it's what it's allbeen from the beginning, which is that

there has been obvious coordination of somevariety from a higher office. And I
think my husband called it out along time ago, likely the White House,
on all of these things how elsecould you possibly think that this one
guy, with all of all ofthe people you just mentioned, get all
the anti Trump cases. It isinsane, it's ridiculous, and it is

again it's statistically impossible. But weknow why he got him. Because he
hates Trump. He's made that clear. He's been a Democrat donor. He's
got a family member who actually hasa fiscal you know, needed to see
Donald Trump in a position like this. That's how she fundraised is for the
Democrats. It's ridiculous and everybody cansee it. So scotis met on Thursday

on this immunity. You know,this is obviously huge and could blow Jack
Smith's case out of the water ifif the president is correct and his legal
team does the right job. Thata president has to have vast immunity for
actions that he did in office.Otherwise nothing will ever, ever ever get

done. It'll be he'll be soor she one day will be so subservient
to the to Congress that they won'tbe able to lead this country. What
do you think the odds are thatwell, I mean there's nine of them,
that six of the conservative justices atleast will tailor this again based on

the law will tailor this as avictory in some respects for Donald Trump.
Do you think that's gonna happen.I mean, I sure hope so,
because we're talking about the future ofAmerica here, and as you just said,
it's so dangerous this game that theDemocrats have played on every front,
but specifically for this one, becauseyou think about how it would handicap a

president and to be basically enable tomake major decisions because you can't because you
have a fear of you know,the retribution and things that will happen to
you personally. On the other side, that's no way to have a country.
And that's not what the founders,you know, software their vision of
America for sure. And so look, I'm very hopeful. I think this

This court has made some really goodrulings in the past couple of years,
as we've seen, so we'll seewhat happens. But whether you're looking at
this case, whether you're looking atyou know, the the Alvin bradcase we're
just discussing in Manhattan, Letitia James, Fanny Willis or Jacksmith, whatever it
is we're talking about, we cannotallow these to succeed in the United States

of America. What has been attemptedhere truly is communists in its nature.
And I really believe that if theyare successful and somehow they prevent Donald Trump
from either being on the ballot incertain states, they dissuade people from voting
for him because of this stuff,or they get their ultimate wish, which
is of course to lock them upin jail and take him off the ballot.

In that way, then this countrywill never be the same. If
this is successful, we lose theUnited States of America. I really hope
that the right thing happens here,not just for my father in law,
not because this is a family memberof mine, and I believe, you
know that all of the things beingdone to him are completely improper and have
no merit whatsoever, but because Iwant to see this country be the great

country we always have been, andI want us to be the same America
on the other side, and they'renot going to quit because you saw what
happened in Arizona where now they handedup indictments against Meadows and Juliana. I
guess handing down indictments against Meadows andGiuliani on you know, election interference.
More of this they're not going toquit. They're not going to quit until

November, and maybe not even afterthat. Clearly, it's just we're at
a very dangerous point right now inthis country, and I hope enough people,
including those who may not necessarily likeDonald Trump, maybe didn't vote for
him last time, but they seethat the totality of where this country is

going, we're on and everyone saysthat in the polling. I've never seen
polling like that, where so manyof Americans think we're going in the wrong
direction. Well, there's only oneway to stop that direction, and whether
you like it or not, youcannot vote for the conductor or the train
to keep us on the tracks thatwe're on right now, and that is
Joe Biden and the party. Ihope that enough people, and this is

where the RNC and the outreach hasto be in all fifty states, reaching
those independs, reaching people who maynot ordinarily vote for Republicans. We're seeing
that right now with younger voters youmentioned that, and minorities. Here's the
one thing I like about what's happeningright in New York City. When Donald
Trump is not tied down to astupid chair in the courtroom. He's getting

out in places in Manhattan, inHarlem that is drawing huge crowds of people
you wouldn't ordinarily, at least themedia doesn't like it associate with voting for
Donald Trump or Republicans. And Ithink he should be doing that throughout the
year, going into inner city Detroit, going into inner city Philadelphia, all

those places. You cannot lose.If he does that, you win the
day and you can only win votes. Right. Oh, absolutely, It's
as though you've been in my headfor a while, Rob, because this
is exactly exactly what you're going tosee more of and listen. I think
that oftentimes, you know, Republicansin the past have been hesitant, did

you just to go to Chicago,Atlanta, Detroit, the Bronx, Harlem,
wherever it might be in this country, because they say, oh,
I won't be welcome there. Theseare not people who would typically vote for
me, not Donald Trump. Thatwelcome that he got at the Harlem bodega
or Bogada if you're Joe Biden,of course, I mean that was epic.

How upset the Biden team was seeingthat, and then they tried to
replicate it, and they said JoeBiden. I don't know if anybody saw
this to a sheet like outside ofPittsburgh. There were like three people in
there. Literally no one cared.The whole thing was so staged. The
energy difference between these two men cannotbe faked, and try though they might,

the media cannot downplay it. Andthat's going to be our secret weapon.
You will see Donald Trump in innercities. You will see him at
more places like the Chick fil Asand Atlanta. That is where he shines
because he's authentic and that's just himbeing himself. Then have to have a
script handed to him and people preppedbefore he comes in like Joe Biden does.

We'll see more of that, andI can guarantee you I agree with
you. I think that is theway that you start to turn the tide
because people just want to be heard. People just want to feel like,
guess what, this guy showed up. He's actually listening to us, He
actually cares. It's a much differentthing than the Democrats have ever done.
They take these votes for granted everyfour years, and get ready because you're

going to see a lot more ofthat happening. I'm going to tell a
real fast story about your dad,and then I want you to tell a
nice story about your father in law. Meant about the personal side, because
I think that's really important. Soin sixteen, my mom is a huge
Donald Trump fan, and she wantedto write him letters and to let him
know that she's praying for him.And she said, you know, is

there a way that you could getit to somebody who could get it to
him. So I said, okay, So I got it to you Trump
Tower. And so that was that. And that was like in September of
sixteen. Election night, as youknow, in the Hilton, it's like
three in the morning, and hecomes off the stage and I'm in the
front row there and he's walking downthe line and he comes and we say

hello, and I said to him, oh my god, this is the
last time I can call you Donald. Congratulations, mister president. And he
said, oh, you know,thanks so much. He goes, he
starts to you know, we weretalking for a second. He starts to
walk away. Then he stops andhe turns back. He goes, Rob,
tell your mother how beautiful those noteswere that she wrote. Now,

I mean it's like, what,it's three in the morning. You just
won the presidency and this is whatbut that I tell people that because he's
he's a good guy. He's anormal guy. And it's like, you
don't see that because they don't wantyou to see that. So now you're
in the family, you tell usa good story. Well, I'll tell
you about him coming to my daughter'sGrandparents' Day experience. I posted a video

that probably a lot of people saw, and the backstory is that last year
he wanted to come to it andlisten. I sent it out to all
the grandparents. He's a grandparent,so yes, he was the president of
the United States. Yes he's inthe middle of a presidential campaign. But
I want him to know. Youknow, my daughter wanted him to come
and see her at school for Grandparents'Day. So I sent it over to

the team. Two years ago,he had planned to come and then they
had to cancel it. There wasbad weather that day or something happened.
They canceled it. And so thisyear when I sent it, it wasn't
even a question. He was gonnamake time for it. And let me
tell you, when he came tothat school, the reception that he got
not just from the parents, butthe kids and The way he interacted with

the kids is what I loved themost, because you don't see that side
of Donald Trump often, you know, you don't see you You see him
on stage and he's bombastic, andwe know about the things he puts on
truth social and his tweets and allthis, that and the other. But
he took time for every single kidin my daughter's class, and he they

were so excited to see him,and honestly, I have not seen him
that happy in so long to bearound all those kids, and it just
really it made me feel good forhim because I feel like, gosh,
he just gets so much thrown athim day in and day out, and
they try to make it so toughfor him. But that is such a
good reminder for all of us asto why he's going through all this,

why he's doing It's not for him, it's not for right now. It's
really for those kids and the futureof this country. And I wish I
would have captured all the kids inthat moment. I got him with my
daughter walking in hand in hand.But that was a really cool experience and
I still hear about it from allthe teachers at the school. They loved
having him there, so hopefully he'llbe back for next year's. Next year's

it'll be a different animal. Ihope for next year's Grandparents' Day because I
believe he'll be the forty seventh Presidentof the United States by then. We're
going to work hard every day toensure that indeed that happens, and I
hope so too, and I hopehe's just as happy on November fifth,
So Lar Trump is, it's sogood to talk to you. Thanks again
for being with us, and goodluck along the way. And it's Protect

the Vote dot com right, Protectthe Vote dot com and if anybody wants
to donate as well, DONALDJ.Trump dot com, orgop dot com.
Anything helps. We got a bigbattle ahead of us, and we know
how the Democrats do, so we'releaving no stone unturned and we appreciate everybody's
support and everybody's help. RNC cochair Lar Trump, thanks so much,
Thank you, Rob, Talk toyou soon, all right, So we

got more to do. If youwant to hear that whole interview again,
if you miss some of it,you can listen to it via our app
right on our podcast, or forwardit to somebody. You just have to
go to seven to ten WR dotcom, click on the podcast tab and
then the Robastorino Show, or justfire up the iHeart app on your phone
and search for the Robastorino Show.Make sure you follow me by the way

Facebook, Twitter, which is x, Instagram, Truth, Social Getter,
all those good stuff at Robastorino Allright, more to come. Are you
thinking of like refinancing or buying ahome. It ain't a great time to
do it, but our next guestis gonna tell you there's some good ways
you can still get some good deals. So stick around, folks. The

rob As do Reno Show here onseven ten WR rolling right along seven war
for since so rob As Doreno show. All right, rob Askerino here on
seven ten woor. Make sure youstick with us every Saturday, and of
course if you miss part of theshow, you can always replay the podcast.

Just go to our website seven tenwor dot com, or of course
make sure you got the iHeart appon your phone and search for the rob
As Doerino Show. And a bigshout out we want to say thanks to
Domini's Restaurant of course in Arthur Avenue. Right on Arthur Avenue, in the
Bronx, Charlie Depolo serving up goodfood for god knows how long. But
you know, I every time,I'm amazed whenever I stop by there,

it's just a it's a great place. If you want a people watch,
go to Arthur Avenue in the Bronxand you just you walk down the street.
You just smell great food and thebread and you just want to go
into every dessert shop. But Dominishas been there forever. They've got a
great menu. You know, whateveryou want they basically got. And what
I love about them is they've gotthings you don't normally see. Like where

do you go and see stuff peppers? You just don't find that anymore.
I can't find that in Westchester.I go to an Italian restaurant, like
can I get stuff peppers? They'relike, well, what do you think
You're at Dominics? So make sureyou stop by Domini's restaurant. They've got
by their Way their own wine.It's their own label and they produce it
in Italy at a vineyard and theyship it to America and you're opening wine

that was made for them, andit's good wine. So it's an affordable
restaurant. Charlie's gonna wait for you. You go, say hi to Charlie
at Domini's Restaurant, get a greatmeal. In fact, you know what,
why don't you go now? Imean Saturday night? What the hell
else are you doing? Go downto Arthur Avenue or make you know,
go tomorrow, then stroll around,maybe go to church and then do something
with the family. It's going tobe nice this weekend, right, so

make sure you do that. Sayhi to folks at Domini's restaurant. All
right, So, as we know, the economy is not good for most
people. You know, there's actuallysome bright spots, but people aren't feeling
it, and they vote on howthey feel. And right now, if
you're trying to buy a house orrefinance or get a loan, it ain't
the greatest time to do it becausemortgage rates are now over seven and it's

just a difficult time. But sometimesyou're stuck, like you might see a
great property you want, So what'sthe thinking behind getting alone right now and
being able to afford that property thatyou want? So, you know what,
you've heard them. They're a sponsorof our show here on wor Black
Mountain. Capital. They're a BlackMountain Capital mortgage and real estate finance company.

Is the total name. Alex Lasiis with us. He's the guy
whose brain I'm gonna pick for youbecause you're like, what am I going
to do? I want to buythat house, but I can't afford it.
Alex. Good to have you onthe Rob Asterino Show. Thank you,
Rob, appreciate being here. It'sgood to have you here. So
it is not a great market,as I was saying, interest rates are
over seven which historically, you know, for those who remember what it was

like in the seventies, this islike a bargain. But for those of
us who refinanced or got a mortgageat three and a half percent, this
isn't fun times. Where do yousee the market going? By the way,
the real estate market in this area, but also interest rates, where's
it heading? Very good question.So, I you know, when you
look at historical rates, if youlook at a fifty year chart, you

know these are actually somewhat normal rates, right, So we were spoiled for
a few years when you know rateswent down to know virtually zero, and
I think earlier this year people wereanticipating and waiting for rates to drop.
I wasn't one of those folks,and you know, I had advised many
people that you know, now isalways a great time, right as opposed
to trying to predict the future,to lock in whatever you can capture in

the market. Right, So there'sa lot of volatility, and I wasn't
really you know, looking forward toseeing what's happening today's market. And you
know, just over the past twoweeks, rates have jumped over fifty bases
points, which is a half apercent. So when you look at,
you know, what's happening in themarket, not necessarily the Fed funds rate,
but the bond market. You know, what we're ultimately looking at is
rates moving in the opposite direction.And those that are waiting I feel that
and believe that, you know,the costs are only going to go up

from here. What's the biggest obstacleto people? Is it the down payment?
Is it the closing costs? Isit just the long term mortgage rate
that they're going to be locked intobecause the higher the rate, the less
you can afford, right, absolutely, so, rates are a snapshot in
time, and you know, Ithink the biggest challenge with you know,
any lending environment, particularly the typeof lending environment we're in today, is
execution right, So you know,execution really drives transactions. Rates are only

as good as you know whether ornot you can close on your loan,
product, options, programs, availability, accessibility to capital markets is a real
challenge. The big money center banksaren't really doing what we're doing, despite
the fact that we offer the sameproducts and programs. So when you say
products, what do you mean loanprograms. So we have traditional products and
programs, we have alternative products andprograms, and we have a private balance

sheet. We're backed by multi billiondollar financial institutions or institutional investors from all
walks of life. And the biggesthurdle is, you know, the lack
of inventory, but really execution.Knowing that, you know, you have
a way of getting approved and ultimatelygetting your deal across the finish line.
Because no one borrower looks the sameon paper. Everyone looks different for a
variety of reasons. Whether it's credit, whether it's income, whether it's liquidity,

down payment, whether they're domestic orforeig national looking to buy their first
home here in the States, itreally varies, you know, just you
know, just like anything else inlife, every deal is case by case.
Again, Let's say you mentioned beforelike there's there's never really the best
time, or like why wait becauseyou don't know what it's going to be.
If I'm shopping around for a house, I see a house that I

like, you know, it's springtime. Now I want to I have kids,
I want to get them into theschool district. If I were to
call you, like, let's justsay, you know what, I normally
used my big bank for my mortgage, right, I'm going to sell my
house, pay off that hopefully,and buy this home. Why would I
call Black Mountain Capital instead of thebank that I normally have? Very simple

execution we're really execution driven. Turntimesare phenomenal. Approval process from application to
a commitment is typically twenty four toforty eight hours, so you're like Expedia
exactly, you're going out, you'rescouring, right, we don't necessarily have
the same overlays big banks do,despite the fact that we have the same
products and programs. In reality,at the end of the day, for

us, it's you know, speedis everything. You know where we're highly
execution driven, so you know,from application of funding and those that you
know, know us or those thathave done business with us. You know,
even if you look at some ofour Google reviews online. You know,
the process for US is typically insideof thirty days from application of funding.
That's quick, Yeah, it reallyis. You know, the technology
is phenomenal, the access to onceagain products and programs is phenomenal. Rates

are a function of the market,but again, you know, execution really
drives a trans action. Home.Alex L's eyes with us from Black Mountain
Capital of course a great sponsor hereon wo R, but serves a purpose
because this is this is a timewhere it's tough people. I talked to
real estate agents and they're like,you cannot believe what these prices are for
these realists, for these houses,and everyone wants something. You know.

It was like during COVID, itjust went nuts. People were buying site
unseen. So again going back tolike the biggest hurdle, you know,
in closing costs. It's really expensivein a state like New York. Why
a variety of reasons, tax beingone of those. Yeah, right,
so and they get you going tooright. It's you know, when you

look at the cost of doing businessin New York, versus any other state
in the country. You know,New York is one of, not the
highest in the nation, and that'sfor a variety of reasons. It's on
a county basis, New York Cityhas you know, a very expensive mortgage
tax, title insurance premiums, andwhen you start going outside the city takes
a little bit of a dip,but you know, you're still talking percentage
points in terms of additional costs basedon the acquisition price, based on the

mortgage amount that is being recorded,and title fees. Again, there's a
variety of fees that are associated.Because New York is a is an attorney
state, you know, then youhave to you know, hire multiple attorneys.
You have to pay for bank attorney, You've got to pay for your
own attorney. You know, thecosts are you know, are very high.
Not to mention the real estate taxesas well. In New York at
the end of the day, especiallyif you're you know, living outside the

city limits in Westchester County and soforth, and even out on the island,
you know, the real estate taxesare a lot as well. So
it's a combination of all of theabove, you know, so you're looking
at escro amounts for at least sixto twelve months for you know, that's
right, So you for for forinterest for home owners insurance as well as
real estate taxes. So when youyou know, when you add all that
up at DAN, they you know, the cost to actually close on your

loan can be you know, somewhatsomewhat high depending on those price points.
What's the key advice you'd give somebody? Is it buying down points? Is
it trying to hold off for acouple of years and then refinance. I
mean, you know, if it'ssomebody who says, I want that house,
it's a little out of my range, what do you do? So
it's really it's really challenging to tryto predict, you know, where the

market's going to be six to twelvemonths from now. There's very limited inventory,
and you know, any folks thatare looking to move that are locked
into a two or three percent interestrate don't want to move because of the
costs associated with moving, and youknow, taking on a new mortgage that
may be significantly a lot higher,if not double, you know, three
times the amount that what they've lockedin. You've got to look at your
interest rates as a snapshot in time. You know, there's financial engineering that

comes into play when you're a savvyinvestor, But as a homeowner, you've
got to remember when you look ata fifty year historical chart and you see
those swings in the in the interestrate market, just because interest rates are
at seven and eight percent in today'smarket doesn't necessarily mean that's where they're going
to be twelve twenty four to thirtysix months. Right now. You do
have tax benefits, right, soyou know, a portion of the the
interest is tax deductible, a portionof your real estate taxes are tax deductible.

And really, what you've got tolook at the end of the day
is, you know, I don'twant to use the word hoping and praying,
but you know, anticipating really thatthe market at some point has to
give. You know, rates aregoing to come down eventually, right,
So we're in an election year andyou know hopefully, you know, with
with a newer administration you know willbe hopefully you know, more business friendly,
and you know the market will dothe rest. And you know,
if the chance in the opportunity comesto pull the trigger on something that's a

lot more attractive, you do sowhen the time comes otherwise you sit tight
and wait. How long has blackMountain Capital been around? So black Mount
Capital was actually founded during the ashesof the financial crisis. Oh really,
yes, I was. I wasworking at a big money center bank and
you know, it was a greatcorporate experience. Unfortunately, the execution was
in there and what I found thatyou know, you know, especially during

that time, during the depth ofthe recession, that you know, clients
weren't able to access capital markets,and if they were, it would take
several months to be able to closeand execute on a deal. Black Mount
Capital literally was built one deal ata time over the past fifteen years and
where we've been able to be mostsuccessful as being able to cater to those
that not only have been turned downby the big money center banks, but
those that come to us with asituation, a situation where they may not

qualify with traditional income. You know, they have alternative income, whether it's
you know, pooled monies. Uh. You know, folks that have you
know, a significant amount of depositsbut don't necessarily you know, show a
tremendous amount of adjusted gross income ontheir tax returns. There's a variety of
things but you know, what I'verealized was that it's very challenging, you
know, to do business with aconventional bank, the bureaucracy, you know,

the red tape. But for themost part, access and really where
we've been able to step in whina lot of relationships. Again, you
know, execution, we're really executiondriven. Again. Rates are a function
of the market, and as longas you put that, you know,
ahead of everything else, you'll understand, you know, at the end of
the day, when your dealer isclosed, that's all that really mattered.
You're seeing a lot of people steppingdown in size, you know, getting

rid of their single family homes thatthey you know, raise their kids in
and it's kind of too big nowand trying to find a smaller place or
are they stick in around for alot longer because of the rates. It's
it's it's really a mixed bag.And uh, you know those that even
want to you know, trade downcan't find homes. Yeah. And if
they can't find homes and they're willingto pay all cash, they're paying significant

premiums. You know. It's it'sit's really a strange market, right,
So it's not something that we've reallyseen. But the lack of inventory is
really kind of you know, crushing, you know, the consumer at the
end of the day, and whetherit's a premium and price or you know,
the lack of inventory, it's it'sreally a function of the market,
and the market isn't too kind thesedays. No, it's not so.

The The website is again Black MountaincapitalDot biz BIZ. Don't go to calm,
it's biz b I z I you'llgo to Is it like a porn
site or something? The other one? What is it? A don'tter of
fact, I've never been tempted tolook, but it is not biz alex
ls I. I appreciate you comingon. Thank you so much for what
you do. And uh, look, folks, if you're if you're looking

for a mortgage or refinance or somethingand it costs you nothing, you might
as well have somebody shopping around,because even a quarter of a point or
an eighth of the point can say, yeah, I a hell of a
lot of money. What's really alsointeresting and keep in mind is that you
know, our firm specializes in avariety of asset classes, from incomeducing properties,
construction development for investors, for consumersalso business owners. We have access

to a pool of capital for businesslending purposes. So those that are either
acquiring a business, looking to growa business, you know, those that
are builders looking to build subdivisions orgo vertical, multi family structures, mixed
use properties. There are a varietyof things that we do. You know.
The best way to look at whatwe do is we're a costco for
mortgage in real estate finance, andwe can entertain a variety of scenarios for
variety of bars from all walks oflife. All Right, folks, alex

I thank you for coming out youfolks. I'll be back next Saturday,
four o'clock. Make sure you're listeningthe rob Asterinos Show. Good to have
you with us. Enjoy the restof the weekend here on seven to ten
WOR. This hour of programming onWOR is sponsored by Black Mountain Capital
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