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February 24, 2024 99 mins

Welcome to the second episode of the Dark Matter Podcast. Join your hosts, Mojo the Mad and Dr. Clutch, as they delve into the captivating realms of occult, paranormal, conspiracy theories, and controversial social issues. With in-depth analysis on societal manipulation through artificial intelligence, predictive programming within the media, transhumanism and the unpredictable world of the internet, this episode is a roller-coaster ride into the unknown.

Be prepared as we shed light on disruptions within the food supply system and discuss reports of food production facilities mysteriously burning down, and the rise of alternative protein sources. From alleged foreign infiltration of U.S farmland to theorizations of manmade famines, we reveal unprecedented insights into an impending food supply crisis. Additionally, we take you on a shocking tour through the world of pesticides and harmful chemicals within everyday foods and their potential health implications.

We take a bold step further into the realm of paranormal phenomena, introducing listeners to the history of Skinwalker Ranch, societal agenda manipulations, and future apocalypse scenarios. Entwining cutting-edge humor and profound wisdom, we offer a no-holds-barred discussion on controversial themes such as cannibalism legality, Christianization, and even deliberate societal engineering through music.

In this episode, we invite you to explore the underbelly of the entertainment industry, unraveling conspiracies about the CIA's involvement in music and society's engineering. Follow us as we untangle narratives about military psychological operations within the world of rock music, bringing into the equation globally acclaimed bands like The Beatles and Jim Morrison, and iconic figures like Frank Zappa.

Get ready to plunge into the uncertainty and excitement that is The Dark Matter Podcast. Tune in, think critically, and prepare to have your worldviews questioned like never before.

Mark as Played

Episode Transcript

Available transcripts are automatically generated. Complete accuracy is not guaranteed.
10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1.
This podcast presents information based on theory and conjecture.
The creator's purpose is to suggest some possible explanation,
but not necessarily the only ones to the mysteries we will examine.

Remember, everything that you hear from this podcast comes from sources on the
internet, And remember, if it's on the internet, it should be taken with a grain
of salt and judged by your own discretion.

Thank you.

Come take a journey with us as we explore topics of the occult,
paranormal, conspiracy, and other dark subject matter.
Welcome to the Dark Matter Podcast with your host, Mojo and Dr. Clay.

Welcome back. Welcome back. How do I sound? Do I sound good?
Sounds good. Sound good.
Sounds good. Welcome to episode two of the Dark Matter podcast with your host, Dr.
Clutch. And I am Mojo the Mad, your humble host tonight as we start to delve
into the realms of dark subject matter, news, paranormal, the occult, what have you.

Step into my lab with me and
i hope this lab sounds aren't too loud i've tried to
turn this down because you know the lab
is important i think it gives us sort of a weird in search of leonard demoy
sound to it don't you think clutch yeah it's pretty nice yeah i dig it yeah
a little bit of ambience going on there in our lab see dr clutch and i have

been experimenting with with consciousness,
strangeness, and projection.
This is a part of it here. We want to have you sneak into our world.
That's right. So how's things been with you, Kludge, this week?
Update me a little bit about what's going on, and then we'll kind of do a little review.

I'll tell you about what's been going on with me, some sad things,
some good things, some weird things. Go ahead.
Yeah, things are pretty good. Getting ready to go to Japan. Pan this Wednesday.
So I got to get some shit wrapped up for that. And I'm just kind of,
you know, getting on my ducks in a row.
Uh, let's see, did some water skiing this week. That was good.

It's plates, drums, drumming is coming along as per usual, but yeah,
just kind of one foot in front of the other, just trying to find it, you know, I guess, uh,
I guess sometimes you just, you have all these projects and obligations.
You just got to kind of pay attention to a little bit of everything.

Yeah. So that it's like kind of a juggling act.
Yeah. I'm trying to just improve and all is in my life. So. Yeah. Me too, man.
Yeah. And I'm, you know, I'm honored that you and I could co-create here and,
you know, like discuss things and, you know, be able to, you know,
show off like what we can do,
our knowledge or lack thereof, you know, whether it be information that you,

the audience out there think is useful or not.
You know, we find it to be interesting so therefore there you
go we're here yeah what's been
going on with me well i i lost my dog
this week that kind of sucked that does suck sorry
to hear that it's all right no i mean i didn't want to watch him and neither

did my wife want to watch him suffer so we we decided it was time and and the
vet bills themselves would have been outrageous we already already tried to
fix him up and he wasn't getting better and he was getting older and it just wasn't working out.
So we had to say goodbye to mango two days ago.
And you know, it was really odd, you know, that, you know, I,

I believe in, in, in sort of like, like image manifestation and stuff like that into my head.
And I was thinking of him going through these gates, right into rolling hills and grass.
And we had my other dog he's a pug he
was a chihuahua mango was and i dreamt
of him just running and being playing and as he as my

wife walked out in tears there was a rainbow and
it started to rain and that's kind of unheard of that there's rainbows and stuff
uh you know in winter yeah so you know i pay attention to those little signs
and stuff uh just just work and creation of music i'm going to be playing a
track that i kind of pieced together i was i was trying Trying to get it somewhat finished.

But I guess this is finished as it's going to be for our break.
Tonight, I think we're going to be talking about, because we got cut off last
time, didn't we, Clutch? Yeah, we got cut off.
The two-hour mark just kind of came up and surprised us from out of nowhere.
Yeah, yeah. So before we go into our continuation of Taylor's Day News.

Which is talking about what's in our food and stuff, I think there was a few
things that came up this week.
Once again we were you know is
it a hack is it is it a solar flare is
it like what's going on here so because we're being hit
right now by multiple solar's yeah the
u.s government right now at least the official

word was that we were hit by a solar flare they were
kind of trying to downplay the hack and then they say it wasn't a hack
it was an upload that that scott screwed
up but it was affecting pharmacies it was affecting horizon
yeah yeah is that strange what
are they uploading like i don't know i upload stuff to
the internet all the time like but i didn't

know as you know powerful yeah but as
you know the world economic forum has been broadcasting which
is going to be uh like a a total blackout again
like a hack a cyber attack because i
think that the uh the pandemic didn't work
well did it it didn't work well it works well
for the people that wanted to make money off it so for

some people it worked very well but i think i think they definitely i think
they want to do something like that again so i think there's going to be another
round of that someday i mean whatever i mean like i i don't fear death man if
it takes me I just know that I'm not wearing a mask. I'm not going to comply.
Yeah. Well, I'm definitely not taking a vaccine next time. I was mentioning

about when we got cut off last time, how I took the J at J. Yeah.
I mostly did that just so I could get through because I was traveling to Japan
and I was like, well, this is effective at me getting on an international flight.
But the J&J seemed like the least worst option, and it's not an MRNA.

It was what they call a viral vector. But that got pulled off the fucking market all fast.
Here's the weird thing about the J&J. So let's say there's two ways to travel overseas.
So you could go through the hassle of getting yourself tested before you go
and showing up with certificates saying that you tested negative for COVID.

You could do that. And that had to be like within 24 hours. And it was like
$120 or something like that.
And I don't know how and like you'd have to drive somewhere kind of far away to get it done.
So you'd be like, like drive for an hour, spend 120 bucks, get the certificate. You could do that.
So if you did an mRNA vaccine like Moderna or Pfizer, you had to be triple vaxxed.

You'd have to get the triple shot.
With the J&J, what was weird is that when it first came out,
they're just like, oh, this shot's a one and done.
That's all you need. It's just this one. You don't need to follow up.
And then they eventually came out with a follow up anyway.
Anyway so when i was going overseas what was
interesting they said you had to be triple vax but

they said if you had the j and j then that
first shot counts as two the second shot counts as three so i was like okay
so i'm triple vaxed according to their way of seeing it i was like okay that's
cool and the j and j did not i did not have any like side effects like i did
not like Because a lot of people that took Moderna or Pfizer, they were getting sick.

They'd feel like they'd have the flu for a couple of days. So you didn't get AIDS or nothing?
No, I didn't get AIDS or syphilis or nothing. And I was like,
sweet. So that was just like, you know.
Yeah, so it was kind of like a flu shot of all the same kind of risks you get
with a flu shot. But I don't think I'm ever going to take a flu shot ever again.
The whole shots thing kind of freaked me out. Yeah, it's all pretty nefarious,

especially when you start looking at these autopsy documentaries.
There was one that came out called Died Suddenly. Mm-hmm. And it's a connection.
I saw that one. They were showing these cloths, pulling cloths out of people's necks.
Yeah, it was nuts. I mean, they're kind of feeling like they're injecting you
with a bioweapon. And I had, you know, I had my theory that basically like whatever,

you know, former President Donald Trump had put out there was,
was, is the, was the real vaccine.
And then the other vaccine was the one that like, you know, the current regime wanted us to have.
They're pushing us down and trying to get us to do it and trying to demonize us and stuff.
And I, you know, did I ever tell you, I think we were on the air with our other

podcast, which is called Please Stand By.
An ever changing podcast, me and Clutch App. We have many shapes and many forms.
Anyway, I was working at the time...
Working Walmart because that was my first job when I was here and whatever I
had been going through, through my, you know, awareness transformation, blah, blah, blah.

I decided to take a job in a movie theater. And I remember that they were going
to try to force me at AMC, take the, take the jab.
And then the, to the day that I was going to get the JJ vaccine over it at Walgreens,
they had made it. So it was unconstitutional, and nobody had to take the jab.
That was not weird. We're talking about miracles.

Miracles, luck, whatever you want to call it. Like, there you go, man.
And, you know, another thing that came up this week, which is really interesting,
and I think we've known about this for some time, is these different experimentations with AI, right?
And how they're trying to enforce social engineering and DEI within the programming of these AIs.

And so the more recent one that just came up was Google's AI, right?
Was it called Gemini? It's called
Gemini, yeah. I think that's a very conspicuous kind of name, Gemini.
Well, not to upset anybody who's of the Gemini astrological sign,
But it's supposed to represent twins.
And some people who are afraid of Geminis, they say that Geminis tend to be

two-faced and stab you in the back.
But then I just thought, oh, well, isn't that...
Google is anyway it's just kind of two-faced and stabbing people
in the back so yeah for sure yeah so but
yeah i'm pretty much an anti-white ai from gemini
yeah well as white people were

i don't know how much white i am i mean i'm not pure white
i got i guess i'm american i got all these different you
know backgrounds stuff like that including a little bit of native american but
no matter what i got blue eyes you know
well if you got blue eyes you're pretty much
like it's hard to get blue eyes without a lot of
european dna unless you're chinese

if you're that one chinese minority but
yeah it's pretty hard to get blue eyes it's just kind of
weird like how they're trying to push this stuff on us and
like you know i mean you and i are child we're
generation x we're childhood the 90s right like we
we grew up in a time when we felt like i mean
i guess that was when i would be the most like you know middle

of the line fence that are liberal but we came in a time when they were it felt
like everyone was kind of getting along a little bit you know and then they
you know all of a sudden switch everything gets pushed and there's this big
push for like like Marxist thought and racism,
and yet nobody considers the fact that any form of racism is racism.

It's like an acceptable form of racism for us to have everything pushed on us.
And they want to force that through AI. It's kind of a transhumanist kind of a thing.
It's not racism if it's anti-white. That's like the only acceptable racism they
have is like anti-white racism.

Well, you know, it's like the Borg and Star Trek.
It almost feels like we're going to be talking about predictive programming later.
And it almost feels like that was a form of predictive programming within the media that like.
They put this on as a bad guy, but it was actually like intentional.
You guys would love to have an AI that is a replacement for,

say, gods or gods that has converted us all into drones.
We go even further from tattoos and piercings to this acceptance of the shit.
Uh to people who turn
themselves into a different species to now full body

modification into the you know what they call transgender which
is now called transform into a sterile
individual yeah they changed it and there's
no oh yeah really let me look that up hold
on i gotta i gotta see this so transgender means
to transform now yeah so they're they're fully

going on with that whole like trans affluent.
Uh solving coagula like alchemy
shit now with it so it's almost obvious now
it's a form of transhumanism i believe i i oh
it's definitely transhuman yeah you know i
mean and so going back to this
ai thing so it became further further

further further more racist right and to
the point where like people were looking for a white happy couple
and we found nothing thing which is funny you go to gab gab
has been doing an ai and they're a free speech platform and
they put up white happy couple and yeah i'm thinking of switching over
to gab's ai i've been using a chat gpt which
is from google and uh i think

you know obviously google's the devil
yeah obviously yeah we'll
be talking about that too because is is you know
the more and more we know like google facebook
some of these social media platforms while they.
Were sold to us as a way for us to get together they are
a cybernetic collective in my opinion a

hive mind right trying to change and alter us
into that acceptability into that hive mind
and maybe you know with us here and
you listening in we can create another hive mind to counteract
the hive mind that is being forced upon us right but
didn't they ask for like what you know what you
know some nazis or whatnot or whatever and then

they start showing black chinese and other
ethnicities wearing like you know well it's
time you know we start blaming the blacks for the holocaust you
know i mean why not i mean i i know you know i mean i don't want to you know
there's parts of of me that don't want to think that you know like jesus christ

yeah i mean i mean i think it's weird because they want to you know that they
it's weird that they wouldn't show white people when you.
War to war to german soldiers like i mean
that that's that was the whole point of like the
whole like big holocaust campaign was

to demonize the shit out of white people as much as
you could and so like if you suddenly replace your
german soldier with like a japanese man
or well i guess they were and they were
actually an axis power but still like
the japanese were not you know alleged to
be you know gassing and filling up the

ovens but but uh we're just having a black person there it's like really okay
like i had no idea that it was the blacks that were flying all those planes
like yeah yeah i don't i don't know it's it's all ridiculous man like i i don't know,
i i i hope we don't have to deal with this kind of stuff where we're having

to be like overly overly oppressed, overly monitored.
I know that recently there was a OMG, James O'Keefe Media, right?
The O'Keefe Media Group just put out an undercover operation where they were
talking to an IRS agent where they were saying that the IRS now has access to

our bank accounts through AI.
Really? Yeah. Huh.
That's kind of weird. That's another part of AI too. they
want to be able to tax us for everything we spend and they're
you know what's weird too is like we're given
you know illegal aliens right now coming across
the board as new york is that wasn't it like like ten

thousand dollars in a credit card that they don't have to pay
bills for yeah what's up with that that's pretty it's
fucking crazy it's bad did you hear about that one black
lady they like took her ten thousand dollars and just like
spent it on just a bunch of luxury stuff she's i
don't know about that i don't i don't know about that but i
i don't i mean was she american or was she was she illegal let's find out yeah

so it was a black mother who received i don't think she was an illegal i think
she was an american but she received like a little over 10 grand because her
family is poor and she blew it all on a luxury trip.
Yeah, she was a mom of three in a taxpayer-funded program for impoverished families.

And she blew it all on a luxurious five-day trip to Miami.
Yeah, this 27-year-old woman did this. I was like, what?
And so where did she get the money from? I don't know if that was a New York,
part of the New York handout.
I don't know, man. It's getting crazy. well i

mean this is basically like but all of this
is like stimulus payments that we should be getting right we're
giving it to these this new voter class that they want to put out there that
they want to be able to make a one system of government and they want to keep
it like left deep state democrat type of thing you know one party which becomes

essentially communist or Or, in my opinion,
a hybrid of the last two dry runs we had during World War II.
Tectocratic order where we're all controlled and where us as United States citizens
receive nothing and our vote doesn't matter.
You know, that's basically what it is. And it could also be,

in my opinion, a prelude to a kind of a civil war type thing.
Instead of, you know, the news will report that it's a civil war because it'll get good ratings.
But if we won't fight each other, you know, other than being keyboard warriors,
you know, or whatever demonstrations we've seen within the last four years,
whether it was actual combat, but if we won't fight each other,

we will, we will manufacture it, right?
Right? We'll manufacture these factions, and we'll call it a civil war because
it just gets good ratings,
but it'll be immigrants and whatever army they're building and whatever other
factions they want because, you know, optics are everything and it's a good thing. I don't know.
I don't know. I don't know if it's civil war more than it's just straight-up

chaos, like because it's hard to, like, let's say, even, like,
so, even if you wanted, like, a war between the right and the left, like.
Unless you i don't know i'm not a gun person but like
they keep kind of i don't
know i think it's kind of hard to get guns maybe it's easy to get guns

but generally speaking though like
guns are like it's just
it's just hard to like get a bunch of guns and ammunition
to like just go fight the commies like i
i don't i don't see like anybody on the right trying to
do that and i don't think think the left has any guns very
many guns anyway except for using them

for crime and i don't think that so in
terms of the civil war they kind of it ends up kind of
just being like shitty street fighting where like you know
people like it's like they'll like try and
like pepper spray each other throw eggs and
it's like well that's stupid you know
well it kind of feels like like the the movie that

of the obama was produced on netflix to leave the world behind
was sort of like preemptive programming or
you know predictive programming yes you know there there there's a lot of that
kind of hinted around in that movie and then of course we're having hollywood
put out another movie called civil war and all of this stuff has to come out
all right there is supposed to be donald trump for being president yeah yeah

yeah i wonder what's it let me check that out so civil Civil War.
Yeah, that's coming soon, isn't it? Civil War. Yeah.
Yeah, it's the 2024.
Yeah. I'll be sure to download a copy on Pirate Bay.
Well, yeah, Leave the World Behind was supposed to be the prequel to that Civil

War movie, so they're kind of connected, supposedly. Ah, well, that's interesting.
That's, that's very fascinating. I would be curious to see what,
you know, these schizos think of civil war could look like in between,
like, I guess they're going to try and frame it between like the far right and like the schizo left.
Yeah and but i just don't really

see like granted the right and the two
extremes on both sides obviously don't like each other but
i don't think i think maybe the left gets a hard
on about confronting the right and the right is just like fuck
this and tends to hide out a
little bit more with the exception of like like your
fed nazis or something like that they seem to

to you know have a hard-on about demonstrations or
whatnot but yeah but the doesn't
seem like the far left really confronts like a whole lot of
well maybe i'm not paying attention it doesn't seem like they confront a
whole lot of fed nazis but anyway generally speaking like
you remember like the biggest clash i

think was like the unite the right rally yeah a
zillion years ago so that that
and and that was just like pretty shitty and and
i think you know since then the i think people on the right are just like fuck
this you know like like we're just we're just gonna i think it turned everybody
into keyboard warriors at that point it's like yeah fuck this i mean like look

at all the people that like i mean there's a whole generation of people that.
Been turned into anime listening you know anime watching
fucking video game playing fucking like i
mean teach their own who wants to do that but that
there's a lot of there's a lot of people that have stopped creating
and and basically just look for

entertainment you know yeah and and i
i don't really see that any different than you know some of
our generation or in the past who were using that
as drugs you know drugs to pass the time or do whatever
like escapism yeah yeah so
yeah you know at what point do those you know those people like you know i i

fear basically for for people with disabilities if something was to collapse
you know how are they going to function or people with autism or you know like
that that that that to me would be you know or or the elderly for that matter,
you know, and I, the elderly are like probably the most vulnerable.
Generally speaking, like the vaccine comes along.

It's the, like the elderly are the first to die from it.
Or let's say we get in a fist fight with China and, and they decide to like
stop producing pharmaceuticals for us.
Cause like 90% of our pharmaceuticals for the elderly are coming from China.
Yeah and it's like okay well i guess a lot of elderly people are going to die

if that happens yeah so like yeah i think the elderly are kind of the most vulnerable but yeah that's.
You can't really stop well anyway we're we're go ahead i'll let you finish yeah
i was just gonna say you can't like really stop that i guess that's just the
nature of the beast like like whatever like yeah it would suck to be elderly

right now eventually we're going to be elderly And hopefully the world will
calm down a hair by then. Who knows? Maybe.
Well, anyway, let's go into that Doomsday News segment that we were going to get into.
And we got a listener in. Thank you, Bobby, for coming in.
We appreciate you for listening in and seeing what we have to offer.

So let's go ahead and go into some Doomsday News. Doomsday.
Welcome to Doomsday News.

There we go, yeah.
Yes. we're all cheering it on so this is a segment we call doomsday news where
we touch on subjects that might be partial fear porn extreme reality we delve deep.
A chance to truly finish what we were talking about last week

because we went a little bit over right so i'm going
to go ahead and so we're talking about what's in our food clutch
so well the overall food apocalypse yes i
would say we have an ongoing food apocalypse like everything is
fucked really so obviously for
example like i was an advocate of like
yeah you should be eating meat but isn't it interesting that

there's like all these like meat facilities that
are like spontaneously getting burned or
yeah they were yeah there's like our food
supply is kind of being attacked in addition to them
just like poisoning the food we're you
know if you there's definitely a an effort to get people to start eating less

meat and then there's like weird shit with like bill gates buying up a lot of
farmland like he owns like suddenly like like the majority of the farmland in
the United States. Like what?
So like we're kind of being attacked from all sides in the food.
And there's also Chinese too.
The Chinese have been buying up a lot of farmland and believe it or not, I heard about that.
Got really based. I think there was a episode of the Joe Rogan podcast where he had Dr. Phil on.

Right. And he was, he had a map of all of the areas that the Chinese have bought
up farmland here in the United States.
That's crazy. And like, why are we selling a front? Like, Like,
if you own a farm, fuck you for selling it to the Chinese.
Like, are they, I guess, unless they're a naturalized citizen.
Like, that's, I guess it's fine if you're like a Chinese American.

Okay, fine. Cool. But if it like, if Beijing is owning our farmland,
like, fuck you for selling your farm to Beijing.
You know, like, why would you do that? And like Bill Gates,
like, yeah, he owns, yeah, he's buying up, he's buying up a shitload of farmland

and nobody exactly knows why, but I think he's kind of going to raise crickets
or some shit to make us eat bugs.
But he apparently owns 270,000 acres.
He's the largest landowner in the U.S. is Bill Gates.
But yeah he owns uh he
owns a majority of it but he's also trying to start like

these like grocery stores in europe
doing a test run over there of like a plant-based and
insect-based proteins and trying to tie you know if you want to talk a little
bit about that you have some knowledge into that too but i mean basically like
we're we can't get enough protein from insects no no matter what they try to tell us.

And I think there's like some in the, in the chitin of the, of the insect that could be cancerous.
Correct? Yeah. Yeah. Eating bugs is going to make you sicker than shit.
You know, if you're, you gotta be kind of have a sick mind to want to eat bugs, really.
I mean, and you gotta eat a lot of bugs to like, to get the amount of protein

that you think you're getting from a steak by eating bugs.
That's, that's a lot of bugs. It's like pretty gross, pretty darn gross.
So you're not going to get the protein you think you are, and you're going to
be a lot more vulnerable to the disease.
But yeah in 2022 we had like
a lot of food processing plant fires and it's

like what are these insurance claims what's going on here
but i think some of them are insurance claims
but i think some of them are deliberate i think that they are
deliberately attacking our food supply whoever
may be doing this they they're attacking our infrastructure i
don't know who they are i don't know i think
some of them are insurance claims though but some

of them are really weird like oh a
plane just hit a hit a food processing processing plant
in idaho one day it's all on fire
what i don't know yeah yeah you
know and then you know there there's these trucker convoys
and farmer convoys in also the
netherlands and germany and stuff right now and there

there's talk this is like a deliberate attempt to get
people to like start a like a
man-made famine to get us to go against the elites that are trying to limit
all of this stuff right now and tax the farmers and stuff too yeah yeah it's
pretty fucked so yeah so you know i eat a lot of meat and eggs and i try and.

Yeah, as far as all this other food, like your fruits, vegetables,
and grains, a lot of those are pesticide-ridden and are just going to make you gain lots of weight.
They say fruit these days, even if it's organic, is still raised to be like candy.

Like a banana today is not the banana it was years ago.
Still there? Yeah, I'm still here. I'm sorry.
I'm trying to mute myself while
you're talking So it doesn't sound My mic will pick up on me breathing,
That's okay It's okay to hear you breathe Just breathe the other way It sounded
like you left the building So you gotta have some of the background You gotta

have atmosphere noise I guess Yeah well I can put on that atmosphere noise But
I thought that was good for opening But while we're talking about this subject right now I meant.
Atmosphere from your bedroom Or wherever you're sitting in like
that that atmosphere special lab office in
the center of the earth that's where i'm at right now yeah so

it's good to hear the center of the earth but uh but anyway
so we're all getting fucked by the foodpocalypse and everything
you eat is like it's it's actually exposed to
a lot of pesticides and forever chemicals and that's also a
lot of the boxed food and fruits and
vegetables and things are also there to

like give you kidney stones and they're
there to lower your sperm count and yeah so
yeah we're basically getting screwed with the
did you know that for example gen z is
like having like it's the
first generation with having like the least amount of
sex oh yeah and i

think it has everything to do with lowered sperm counts
well it could also do that with having porn also so freely available in that
as well yeah yeah that you're that you're just jacking it all the time and you
can't go and talk to a woman because you've been sitting there jacking it the whole time yeah yeah.

Yeah on top of food i mean i'm not trying to take it away i'm just trying to
say that like you know that that's a possibility too you know i mean if if you
deplete all of your what's the natural chemical in your brain it's it's not
endorphins it's what's it called the endorphins dopamine.
Dopamine yeah if you deplete all your dopamine with nothing but entertainment

you just become a like a dull person right you know and then there's also pesticides
right now as as you know like We found out that there was a pesticide that they're using.
The company that makes Cheerios and Quaker Oats, General Mills,
they were importing grain from foreign countries that are using this one chemical

that is lowering people's sperm counts.
We know that there's a byproduct, BPA, that turns the frogs gay, right? Yeah.
And there's another chemical. I'm not sure exactly what that chemical is. Phthalate.
Phthalate is a chemical. it's like related to plastics
like if you're drinking anything out of a plastic bottle yeah

any kind of exposure to plastics with like if you have a plastic shower
curtain if i guess if you're a lego collector but i want to i'm not telling
you to sell all your legos or anything but uh but yeah like you want to kind
of limit your exposure to to plastics and and yeah and plastic Plastic is,
unfortunately, just kind of everywhere.

I think it's especially bad in the Far East.
I guess the Japanese have plastics everywhere because they package everything in fucking plastics.
We buy stuff that's triple-wrapped in plastic for some reason.
But plastics are the phthalate chemicals.

They're in hair care products or soap.
Soap so there you are like rubbing plastics
you think you're like cleaning your body and like
you're actually depending on what kind of soap you get the only the
only uh soap that it kind of advertises that
they don't have any of this shit is dr squash they've

been kind of the i don't think they advertise it enough because i they they
advertise that they didn't have all these chemicals but like i think they could
seize the opportunity a little bit harder just because Because it's it's these
chemicals are like more dangerous than people are like talking about.
Like people, I think a lot of people you tell them like, oh,
there's like all these plastics that are like destroying you and your children.

Like if you want to have grandchildren someday, like you want to limit your exposure plastics.
I think a lot of people would just be like, oh, fuck it. I don't care.
I don't care if I have grandchildren. It's not my problem.
So, yeah, so I think a lot of people just don't care.
Also, you know, these farmers, you would think, oh, if I just lived out in the

country and lived on a farm, I wouldn't have to worry about it.
But unfortunately, all these farmers, you know, they actually have lower sperm
counts than people in the cities because they're the ones that are spraying the pesticides.
So they're getting like a lot more constant exposure to all this shit.
So if you do move to the country get away

like don't become some industrial farmer
like and don't live near an industrial farm like learn
to hunt and trap your food or start a
garden or whatnot but uh but yeah we're
we're we're all fucked well uh let
me uh let me tell you going into the microplastics one
this one's from time magazine uh health and

environment microplastics sticks in bottled water
at least 10 times worse than we thought and
apparently it's a four minute read by aaron
baker decides to spell his or her name i'm assuming it's a woman a-r-y-n-b-a-k-e-r
this was january 8th 2024 pure and natural spring water just as nature intended

well not exactly Exactly.
Bottle water has been long marketed as a safe alternative to what comes out
of the tap, but it doesn't come straight from a mountain spring.
At least purified water is chemically free.
But a new study by scientists at Columbia University and Rutgers University
demonstrates that bottle water may be far worse than it comes in microscopic

plastic pollutants capable of passing through the bloodstream.
For years, scientists have raised the alarm over the global spread of microplastics,
which form plastics, break down into increasingly smaller fragments.
These particles from range to 5 milliliters, about one-fourth of an inch,
down to one microinch, about one-millionth of a millimeter, a one-twenty-fifth-thousandth of an inch.

Have been found at the top of Mount Everest and at the bottom of the deepest ocean trenches.
The unknown impacts to human and
the ecosystem health previous studies have found that
one liter a bottle can contain tens of
thousands of identical at least through a microscope of
plastic particles and by those studies stopped

by one inch threshold largely because of the technological limitations
now this comes from
time magazine of course i got three things
to to say about that uh in addition to
just plastics like let's say okay let's say
like you're really thirsty you stop at
a gas station in the middle of the desert and you're like motherfucker i just

need some water right and you see one bottle of water it's just like whatever
it's like one bottle of water and then another bottle says made for this bottle's
been made from recycled plastics Microplastics.
Yeah. You don't want to pick the recycled plastics bottle.
The recycled plastics have even like more, like probably hundreds of thousands

of microplastics that are going to get into you if you take that.
So what's funny is I've spent, I've gone into gas stations and you can't find...
Bottled water that is not made out
of recycled plastics it's it's like disturbing
i was like shit like all this is like like garbage

so the other thing they're pushing us into that
though right like oh totally pushing us into that by putting
it by putting what was it a fluoride in our water
so we yeah when we take a shower we have fluoride and
then if you drink tap water you're going to get fluoride so
you push the bottle water it's going to be safer it's
going going to be sterile at this point i just want

to drink my own urine it's got microplastics in
it right yeah just recycle your own microplastics
and the other thing that tap water has is what
they call tds which is total dissolved solids and like the total dissolved solids
is basically like the water is like has to travel through all this like cement
piping ducting or whatever to get from from the tower to like your tap and San

Diego has a lot of TDS totals of solids in their water.
But maybe if you move out to the country, your tap water will be better or fresher.
The other thing you could do, you could like, if you have your own land,
you might have like a well natural well water.
Or if you live in the city, you could get like a reverse osmosis filter for

under for your sink. Or you can get a countertop distiller. I've heard about this.
Now, the other thing, though, like if you are into the carnivore diet, I'll tell you this.
If you drink like a whole, like if you drink cream, for example,
like heavy cream, or if you drink whole milk, or if you are bold enough to drink

blood, you can actually buy bottled blood.
Or when you eat steaks and you eat the animal fat, there's something about animal
fat and animal blood that is like really hydrating.
And you will find if you are eating enough of that, that you're probably not

going to need to carry a bottle of water around with you wherever you go.
Like you don't have to drink, like there's a lot of like, it's kind of epidemic.
Everybody's carrying a fucking bottle of water with them wherever they go.
Like they don't leave the house without their bottle of water.
It's like, how much water do you need to drink in one day? And a lot of people,
you say that traditional wisdom was like, you're supposed to have eight glasses

of water a day. And it's like, actually, you probably only need half a glass of water a day.
And a lot of people on the carnivore diet don't really drink a lot of water.
Matter of fact, they're the ones advocating that you maybe skip water or just
drink blood or milk or just eat more animal fat.
But yeah, pretty much like Dracula is. He's not looking for water.

Yeah. The Sasquatch, I don't think, are worried about water.
Why don't we go into this next article?
This is from Channel 9 News, but it was originally written by CBS News on January 30th, 2024, BP8.
BPA, phylates, widespread in supermarket foods, regardless of packaging, consumer report says.

According to a new research by Consumer Reports,
phylates, biphenols, two chemicals linked to various health risks as diabetes, hormone disruption,
are widespread among the supermarket staple foods, regardless of the packaging, ingredients,
or whether they are or not certified Organic looking to reduce your exposure

to plasticizers this year.
Contrary to what you might think, shopping organic and avoiding plastic food
packaging isn't a surefire way to avoid harmful chemicals such as BPA and phylates.
According to a new research by Consumer Reports, phylates is biphenols,
two chemicals linked to various health risks such as diabetes, diabetes,

hormone disruption are widespread amongst the supermarket staples and fast foods,
regardless of their packaging and ingredients and whether or not they are certified organic.
Researchers found that 99% of supermarket and fast foods tested to contain.
Phythiolates, I think I'm saying that right, I don't know, and are also known

as plasticizers, which are chemicals that are added to plastics,
which make them more flexible.
In addition, 79% of food samples contain bisphenol or BPA, an industry chemical
that was known to make the frogs gay.
In plastic manufacturing and other biphenols, both chemicals have been found

in studies to be of hazardous health.
Among the supermarket foods tested, Annie's organic cheese ravioli proved to
have the most phthalates at 53,579 per nanogram, followed by Del Monte.
Yeah, sliced peach. Annie's is supposed to be like Annie's. Hold on.

So Annie's is supposed to be like...
People that were afraid of Kraft macaroni and cheese for being liquid, delicious poison.
We still have mac and cheese, but we'll have to get it from a more organic source.
Then Annie's came out and kind of dominated.

If you were a hippy-dippy fucker at the Whole Foods store, you were just like,
well, I'm going to feel better about most of the day.
I'm going to get an Annie's fucking I'm going to have a cauliflower pizza with the side of BPA.
Oh, man. Yeah, apparently McDonald's, though, only has 9,956 per nanogram.

But if you go and get a Little Caesar's cheese pizza, it has 5,703 per nanogram.
And then Wendy's crispy chicken nuggets had a whopping 33,980 filets per nanogram.
So basically it doesn't really matter what you eat at this point clutch you're
all out i mean you're you're gonna why just eat raw meat mutated right all gonna be mutants,

between the jab the 88
jabs up the butthole and like plastics and
bpa i'm surprised we're not
growing like actual frog legs at this point right well
yeah so this is kind of where i think the alphabet
community is kind of how they're being created with
all these like exposure to chemicals people

are saying oh we were born this way well maybe you were.
Born this way depending on what your mother was exposed to when
you were in the womb well let me just check this out this is my theory right
i mean i just learned it from a couple of things but the one thing that i connect
this to uh which is really interesting is the uap phenomenon and the show we
talked about this The last time it's on the History Channel called the Skinwalker Ranch thing, right?

So the Skinwalker Ranch, let's just give a little bit of history here.
Previous to the Skinwalker Ranch TV show, right, we were funding all of this
money and sending it to Bob Bigelow Industries to research UFOs.
And then he had bought the Skinwalker Ranch to test the paranormal.

We only find out that that was sort of fraudulent. So they later on put on this
TV show to prove to everybody, like, oh, look at the paranormal.
It's happening there's a cow that's dead look there's a ufo oh wow electromagnetic
shit it's all bullshit it's like a dry jerk off it gets you to watch the next
episode there's all the stupid drama and retards and you know it's dumb it's

a dumb show if you watch that show i've seen it.
It's kind of i think what always all these well
that engineer the blonde the blonde southern engineer
guy right yeah he worked for the federal government
he was a part of the pentagon of course she did of course
okay so now let's go back to the to the
trans thing i think they've been putting stuff in our food and water for

a long time so it's been it's been you know
because we know that trans people maybe now are born but are created i think
the whole agenda through tiktok and influencing to get people to turn trans
is to create acceptance but also to hide the fact that that they've been putting

shit in our food just like that.
It was to hide the, the fraudulent shit they were doing with the,
with the money getting funded to Bigelow.
And you know, just, just the analogy, you know, I see, I see. You see my connection.
It's, it's a, it's like a shell game bait and switch. Right. Yeah.
You know, I, you know, once again, I, I, you know, as long as you're not, you know, it's so weird.

Everything's fucking weird, man. It's like, no matter how normal we want to
do, It all feels like the apocalypse, right? Like the reveal.
And this is something that like, I am a spiritual man.
I pray for this. I used to be afraid of it, but I pray for a catastrophic disclosure on every level now.

I want it to be all happening. No, but I believe that though. Don't you?
Like as much as some of this stuff can, you know, we, we have to try to distance
ourselves at certain points and still be critical about it.
I still have the ability to speak about things and, and talk about things openly,
but, and, and by God damn it, if I want to make fun of something,

I will, I will criticize it.
I, just my fucking attitude, man, I will, I will criticize it,
make fun of it. I will, I will point it out.
I will, I will see the hypocrisy.
I'm grateful for it. I mean, it was a painful process to get through this.
But for everyone that called me fucking nuts, right? And you nuts too,
Clutch. Well, I was nuts.

Well, we all were. We all were, man. And I just pray for it all.
I mean, as much as it will be painful, like whether it be World War III,
alien invasion, fucking revealing of all this shit in our food,
which is starting to come out.
I i just want all the fucking i mean it's either that or like stop fucking pushing
this shit on me because it's gone from like from anxiety and worry to like just

like get get it over with yeah get the fuck over with man like either do it or don't but fuck off.
You see what i'm saying right so you know i don't know i just i just you know
i i don't think that there is any sort of real healthy way other than to grow

your own vegetables right now,
i'm trying to learn and get into the habit of
being responsible enough to care for something like that yeah like none of us
as is you know i mean you look back into the past right before the first great
depression right there were people who made sure that they knew how to can stop
food food, do all of this stuff.

And they made sure they had at least a year's worth of food. Right.
And you had to work for your food. At one point you had to go out there and, and, and, and,
Go into the field, plant stuff, harvest it, and you worked for it.
But now, like we all – I mean, you saw that.
Like most people don't even understand how food is fucking made.

They all think that it just magically appears in a grocery store, right?
And what are you going to do if there's no grocery store? What happens if the
dollar collapses and there's no food? We're all fucked, yeah.
You got to learn to hunt, learn to fish, learn to hunt. Yeah,
but like now there's like, okay.
You're not going to have time to like plan a farm and shit. You're just going to be like, God damn.

Actually, and hopefully you can live near a river that has fish in it, you know.
Don't have microplastics or BPA in it, yeah.
Or you learn to get a blow gun and you decide I'm going to go kill pigeons and shit.
Yeah, I don't want to kill pigeons, but yeah. I don't either.
I'm just saying, like, but I mean, you think you're right, but you don't think

there's going to be other people hunting out there.
You saw that Alex Jones song where he's, he's like, somebody made it into a
song where he's like, he's like, I don't want to have to eat,
eat my neighbor, but I will like.
Yeah, grass fed vegans, right? He's just like, yeah, especially if your neighbors are vegan.

He's like, I only eat grass fed people.
So yeah you know it could yeah we could just return to cannibalism well i mean
the elites already are kind of cannibal well no they did they did i can pull
up an article right here hold on for one second let me find this out go ahead
and talk for a little bit clutch,
yeah actually there is a if you really want to go down the fucking rabbit hole of food,

paranormalness there's a there's a film
put to put together by Sverdj Godis called the new oh I think it's like the
new world diet and it's diet is with d-i-e lowercase t so it like kind of puts
the word die back into diet but in that film he's talking about.

It's weird, like cannibalism used to in the past,
like what we know about cannibalism is like from studying like South America
and Central America when the Spaniards came in and conquered it.
Like there's probably there's still obviously some cannibalism still in Africa,
but but it was pretty prevalent amongst the Aztecs, let's say.

And it was popular enough to like where where people
thought it was weird that if you didn't occasionally eat a
human and i was like whoa that's that's pretty that's
pretty intense but the thing about it though the thing
about cannibalism with it when you if
you are a cannibal that the the organs that
you eat are actually like it's

not just about like muscle meat and you figure like cannibal like
you're a cannibal today and you look at a human you're just
like well hopefully the human's fat and juicy because like
you know i don't want to i don't want to mess with all the organs but technically
speaking like organ meat is supposed to be really healthy and
what's weird in terms of like cattle mutilations
from like aliens ufos it's weird that they already just go straight to the organs

and they exsanguate or remove all the blood out of these cattle so it's like
they're already like these aliens are already on a carnivore diet it and they
already like they avoid the muscle meat they go straight for the organs and the blood,
and basically that's what cannibals used to do as well and i think even in like vampire folklore.

Well, I don't think vampires are eating organs so much, but they would definitely
exsanguate their victims.
So there is something nutritious about blood.
The one weird thing, just as if you want the extra footnote to this,
in terms of the thirsty ghosts or the thirsty spirits that are looking for the blood or what have you,

the weird thing to this about the jesus
christ agregoric figure he's like
a reverse vampire in a way so like
you'd say okay all these christians are committing cannibalism when they have
communion but like if you meet dracula dracula's like hey fuck you i'm stealing

all your blood you're like no don't do that whereas like jesus christ is supposed
to be like Like, drink my blood.
Like, I'm the vampire of everlasting life. I'm the reverse vampire.
You can eat my body and drink my blood.
I thought, well, that's kind of interesting. I mean, but it's a weird...

I don't know if anybody's put two and two together like that the way I just
did, but maybe somebody has.
But it's just a weird thing to think about when you figure, you know,
We're trying to live our lives in terms of how to be healthy,
where you get your energy and your spirit from and whatnot.

What an interesting metaphor for a deity to come along and be like,
hey, I'm the reverse vampire and I won't feed off you.
You just feed off me. You can be the vampire as a follower.
Come to church every Sunday and eat meat. Well, you know, you look up into the
news, they're like, is cannibalism legal in Maine?

Is cannibalism legal in Texas?
Is Idaho Rep aims to widen cannibalism definition?
Over composting worries yes oh that's
interesting yeah let's take a look at that new idaho new
bill titled cannibalism introduced in idaho legislature
i know rep heather scott induced a bill that would detect idaho's established

cannibalism law boise idaho a bill was introduced in the house say affairs committee
on thursday february 8th which aims to add language to canada idaho's cannibalism law,
which already outlaws any person who willfully ingests the flesh and blood of a human being,
House Bill 522, titled Cannibalism, was written and introduced by Republican

Representative Heather Scotch,
which Bill aims to expand the definition of cannibalism to include the provision
of human flesh or blood of others, especially providing that the flesh or blood
of another human being without their consent.
So if I'm sleeping in Sunset, I can go ahead and sue them for taking a snack on me.

I think there were some bills like Vice and stuff not too long ago was alluding
to like, we need to have some acceptance towards cannibalism.
You know well i think they're trying to
like like if you meet some african that used to
be a cannibal and they try to become a naturalized citizen
yeah you're not supposed to look at them

with derision and shame or i don't know brother well it's funny they do try
and christianize cannibals they do try and christianize cannibals that i don't
know how well it works but but yeah you you'd hear about that and you're just like what the fuck like,
I think once you're a cannibal, I don't think there's any coming back.

It's like trying to turn a hoe into a housewife. You can't take it.
You can't Christianize a cannibal. There's actually a song called Christianized
Cannibals by the band GBH.
It's off their City Babies Revenge album. But I don't think you can Christianize
a cannibal. I think it's impossible.
Despite what the Pope says, it's not a thing.

It's like it's it's a hoe into a housewife situation it's
not gonna happen it's like saying there's like x meth addicts
it's like no once you go down the meth path like you don't
give that up like yeah that's well it's not
entirely true i think i know people i think it's mostly true
i mean like i mean yeah it's not okay
granted some hoe can be changed to

a housewife but you know you look
at it i'm talking about meth addicts here you're talking about hoes
and housewives and anyway i think we
should take a break it's all kind of the same thing different categories but
yeah there's some you can't change people man why don't we go ahead and take
a break though no clutch we're gonna go all right break and take about you know

six or seven minute break and then we're going to come back into talking into
our main topic which is going to be about the cia and its involvement in the
music industry entertainment social engineering hearing and predictive programming.
Please stand by. Have a good day. We will be back here in about six,
seven minutes. Okay. Rock and roll. See you in a minute.

We'll be right back after the break.
I'm just an average guy. I like getting up in the morning, chopping some wood,
having a good hearty breakfast.

And if you're like me, you like having the nice warm taste of something good
on your tongue to help wash down your breakfast.
And not just anything will do.
It has to be bitter, but not too bitter. Rich, but not too rich.
And let me ask you this. Do you also like not feeling jittery in the morning?

Well, it's time to ask yourself, do I want.

Ready to swing in. Hey, Mary Jane, my spider sense is raging. You are a mavel.
I'm gonna shoot.
The end came too soon. Great power comes great responsibility.

Spider-Man condoms. New Durex Spider-Man condoms. Heightens senses.
Webbed for her pleasure. Spider-Man condoms, they're sticky.
Hashtag save Spider-Man.
Welcome back from the break.

Well, we are back now on the air. Sorry about that music that was playing in there.
I thought I had it all lined up and ready, But unfortunately, it tended to overlap.
We are back. Yeah, it started to glitch out and stuff like that.
That was mine, unfortunately.
I'm going to try to perfect that a little bit.

I try to play other people's music. I try to get that on.
I want to encourage anyone that's listening, if you're making music or you're doing art to do so.
But also, you can add submissions in here if you've got something or a fake
ad. And those are fake ads that I and Clutch have done together.
And we'll try to make the break a little bit longer and stuff like that.

But, you know, it is something that I try to do.
I try to add my own music here without having to sample other people and make it original.
That's the only thing that we ask is that if you're making something,
make it an original and give us the permission to play it for you.
We'll be gladly able to play it on the air for you. And we'd like to share our space with you.

So the next thing that we're going to be talking about is going to be the CIA
and its involvement in social engineering, programming, and music industry and entertainment.
So why don't we go ahead and go into our main topic right now. Here's the stinger.
That dark matter of the main topic. Topic.

Yeah! Woo!
Everyone's going to love that one, don't you? Don't you love it? There we go.
Loving it. Thanks for watching. You're loving it. I'm still trying to get used
to these audio effects. I like to do it.
Obnoxious like the last show but you know thank you thank you no applause just
money so so before we get started go ahead go ahead do you do you know the year that the cia was created,

yeah i think it was wasn't it the formerly the oss or something no no the year
the year it was created what year was it i don't know the exact year tell me
1947 do you know what else happened What are you doing, 1947?
What happened? Tell me. Go ahead. Roswell.

Yes, Roswell, New Mexico. It was also during World War II, wasn't it?
It wasn't the formation of what was formerly whatever the CIA was before that.
And don't quote me on it. It was another organization beforehand.
And then during World War II, they incorporated informants and spies within

the Italian Mafia and the Jewish Mafia, right? So you're right.
It was the OSS, Office of Strategic Services.
Okay. So the CIA grew out of that, and that was established to help win World War II.
From the onset, the OSS was intended to be a temporary agency with plans to

dissolve it upon the end of the war.
So CIA came about after the war. Yeah. Yeah.
Same year as Roswell. It's kind of weird because the other year that I think
is tattooed a lot of conspiracy people's heads is 1913, which is like Federal Reserve and IRS.

Alphabet agencies. Yeah. Well, yeah. So 1913. But yeah, so CIA is not part of the 1913.
It's part of the Roswell thing.
So that's kind of refreshing, maybe. I don't know. Refreshing,
interesting, scary at the same time, yes.
Yes, yes. So, yeah, so the CIA, it seems to, in addition to like fighting secretive

wars and losing them all the time to kind of generate money,
it seems like they're also called like, it's like a state within a state.
It's like they're completely not constitutional and
this is like why smarter people like ron
paul used to be like we need to abolish the
cia and yeah and i i definitely agree

we should abolish the cia but as well they've been all kind of involved with
a lot of obviously like cover-ups and such you know generally the cia is my
agency yeah so that's the other thing that was like so So if you look at it,
the FBI is like an internal thing.

So it's investigative of domestic shit going on, whereas the CIA is supposed
to be like foreign shit that they're supposed to inspect.
But I don't think they're not inspecting domestic stuff because they certainly are.
They've pretty much turned their – they've kind of been weaponized against us.
Right, right. Right. Yeah. And they do seem to. Yeah. So so there's a lot of rumors that.

That they've sort of created like a lot of like music scenes you know even so
rap music first of all they've been accused of kind of gangster rap specifically
they've been kind of accused of being.
Behind the scenes in that to like get blacks
to shoot each other with gangster rap or to

inspire like more turmoil in
like black communities but would you believe though that
they're also accused of influencing
the punk rock scene and i
thought i would assume all scenes at this point man
i i think that anything that's been anti-establishment i

mean if you look at the history of rock and roll and
music that was like outside of you know
what was previous to that which was like big band jazz country
music that sort of thing you would you
would assume that you know even those other
genres their downfall had something to do with with
what happened during that time right like

there was from from the 1950s to
like what we know is like like what we
think is like rock and roll or pop music at
that time uh went from you know like
little richard and elvis and such like that to
to like the doors pink floyd
all of these different that had a heavily influence with like drug culture right

yeah yeah and and and it started to go from like from just being in a band that
might get popular to to to you know being chosen to be in this position correct.
Right. Well, kind of the way I see probably the CIA's interest in this is they
try and weaponize the music.

I think at first they thought, you know, if we give, you know,
these savage people in the Middle East, you know, like better music with liberal
values in it, maybe they'll like be,
maybe they won't beat their women, right? Maybe they'll be...
I don't know, man. i think well the police for example they did like these so

so you're telling me about mr miles copeland the third yeah who was he was like
kind of this juggernaut in the in his his father.
Miles copeland was like one of the founders of
the cia and miles copeland the third was kind
of accused of being part of the cia even though he said
he wasn't but it's like maybe he kind of was

but he was kind of this like juggernaut in
in like getting bands signed to two
different record labels and of course he had
like conspicuously had a label called irs
records but how would you call your label irs
records it's stupid but anyway yeah it's
so like and he he was interested in some

really weird bands that you wouldn't think
of like the cramps for example like he
was like really like the cramps like the
the whole like talk about like the who was
it lux interior the singer of the cramps he was he's he's
a heavy influence on me i really love the cramps
by the way i understand that yeah really angry with

with this copeland character right same
with band x at the time too like the guitarist from
the plant uh the band x had openly accused him
and it was like like to the point of confrontation yeah
you know and you can also see that influence if you
watch a movie called decline and fall of western civilization you
can see the influence between like the political

bands or the ones that were somewhat what
you'd call marxist at the time or revolutionary were the
screamo bands and the ones that were of the original punk.
Scene that had come out you could see that those.
Bands were more like old rock and roll with distortion right
like like almost rockabilly and there's this
dichotomy of all of that you can watch it i.

Mean i just see it maybe that's not my observation there's there's
you know i don't know but i mean it goes
you know i think that almost every music scene
kind of was with its intent to form a micro
cult in a way to get a group of people into something and yeah and transform
it in a way it's almost like you're trying to transform the youth of that day

or this day into mold them into whatever you can to destroy your own government, right?
Did it or destroy somebody else's or society
or society or just to
have an influence i just thought it was weird like the
police like they were playing in like china and they were playing in not india

but well maybe it was india but also like the the middle east like on their
first world tour it was like yeah who the fuck knows about the police in like
in like their first world tour i I mean, what year could that have been?
I don't know. I know that one of Sting's songs. Late 70s or so.
Well, one of Sting's songs when he was solo about Russia, basically,

was like an anthem-esque kind of thing that they say may or may not have helped
with the downfall of the former Soviet Union, too.
Right. Well, that's the other goofy shit. it
you remember well i was thinking like as i learned about
this it seemed like music people get
like really heady ideas about we're gonna

we're you know if only russia listened
to the scorpions you know that maybe they'd be
a democratic society no no no but that
song too was supposedly winds of change yeah
winds of change was one that was supposedly written by
the by producers with ties to the central intelligence
agency well there was always like this huge thing like where they're

they they actually if you followed mtv
back in the day i guess that's really
marking ourselves as gen x here but you remember a fucking what was that stupid
russian band had that song oh they were called gorky park right i already go
to park yeah i remember yeah so they had a song called bang or whatever and

it was like it was supposed to be like this Russian metal band.
They were pretty crappy, but they were trying to like get like Western music into Russia.
And like there was like this thing where like.
They would have limited numbers of Western metal bands or rock bands that would

go behind the Iron Curtain into the Forbidden Zone of Russia.
MTV would be there to film it all.
I remember there was a Coca-Cola commercial, too, that was out during that time.
They were promoting these Russian underground clubs.
How they all shared a Coke and a smile and had these rock concerts.

You know you know it's pretty
retarded i'd love to see that commercial yeah it
was weird you know that's yeah
so but it just seems like you know and like rock and roll kind of gets weaponized
in different for different you know there's christian rock and the only reason
that exists is because they're like well kids like rock and roll and like maybe

this is a chance to to like get our Christian message to them or, and even,
even like the downfall of country music though, too.
Like, I mean, it went from, I never got into country.
I, I, I have, man, I, I enjoy it now as a musician, like, and I don't know if you share this.
I mean, maybe your, your, your tastes are more selective, but as I started branching

out and playing like different instruments, like I got into different styles,
like even reggae and different stuff, you know, I, I, I grew up with that stuff.
And so for the longest time, I was a country hater.
And then I started listening to the old stuff, and I started to enjoy it.
It started to sound like blues and stuff to me.
I'm not a big fan of anything past 1970.

I'm a big fan of anything from the 1930s on up like the
more folk stuff but i wouldn't say i'm a country hater but
i just never got into it like no no i
know but but i mean the politics of
it changed it like you could you could even
say that taylor swift was a was a major representative
of that and you don't hear like it's

got to be inclusive now it's got to have all this different kinds of
stuff in it that that takes away from from
that they have to kill the white man's soul in a
way they have to destroy that then they have to replace it
and then you start seeing these like liberal like bluegrass bands
popping up during the early 2000s did
you remember hootie and the blowfish yeah yeah

you know that guy hootie i guess is like he's
a country singer now or something well to each
their own there's nothing wrong with that there's there's been
but i'm just saying like black like country music singers like
we gotta have diversity in cowboy music
and it's like oh well no but ray charles was playing cowboy
music did you know that that's how we got started ray charles

was a country music yeah it's always been
there man there's it music is the yeah but
music is the one thing that crosses culturally with
different things you know like well when blues kind of came about
with the blacks they didn't have like city blues and country.
Blues like there was a difference between the two
different styles of blues like chicago blues uh southern delta blues i'm a big

blues big blues fan as well like i i like it all man like there's ten minutes
and then i'm done with blues i think well they say jazz is a bunch of blues musicians It got bored.
Well, yeah, but I mean, yeah, but now I don't really listen to jazz.
Yeah, let's let's go back on topic about the CIA's involvement with this,

though. Like, right, right.
So, you know, I think it goes back to the 1960s. There's that one article,
if you want to pull it up about the CIA drugs and.
The 60s right right well they yeah
they definitely kind of put drugs out
there for for the people in the 60s and then they
kind of took them away because it

seemed to be more than society could handle they
could well they were specifically psychedelic drugs they
you know i i would guess
that the cia is kind of interested in all
drugs if it goes along with what they want like you
could could say for example the cia for
example is you know has an interest in

this like ukraine for example and they're having like soldiers in ukraine get
into drugs to like be super soldiers so they're giving them like meth and stuff
well you know this subject right now this is from please kill me it was dated
april 14th 2020 we were all brainwashed by the cia with sex drugs and rock.

Did you know that LSD and the hippies were invented by the CIA in the 1960s? No?
Well, the idea was to come up with kids on sex, drugs, and rock and roll. And hey, it worked.
So they would not overthrow the military industrial complex.
Accomplices in this diabolical scheme were in England, the Beatles,

and in America, Jim Morrison, Frank Zappa, and other residents of Laurel Canyon, L.A.,
Joseph Flatley dove down in this conspiracy rabbit hole to find out what happened.
There's a guy from the CIA. He's been creeping around Laurel Canyon.
Frank Zappa, plastic people.
Were you aware that Jim Morrison, Frank Zappa, Papa John Phillips,

David Crosby, and all the children of high-ranking members, were all high-ranking
members, children of high-ranking members, excuse me, of the American military or...
That the Los Angeles neighborhood of Laurel Canyon was the one-time home to
all of the above, was also the locations of the Air Force's 1352nd Photography Group.

These factoids might not mean much to you, but according to the late conspiracy
theory David McGowan, they indicated a military psychological operation of mind-blowing proportions.
Portions mcgowan who died 2015 laid
out the theory on podcast through through in
his web center for the informed america cia

get it and later in his weird book of weird
scenes within the laurel canyon covert ops
and dark heart of the hippie dream mcgowan claims
that the hippie movement of the 1960s was conceived in
a government lab somewhere as a way to
defuse the nascent anti-war movement this plan
was simply to put kids to get hooked on rock

music hard drugs and taking their mind off revolution in
the process perhaps the individual most emblematic of this scheme was jim morrison
morrison essentially arrived on the scene as a fully developed rock star complete
with the backing of a band a stage persona and an impressive collection of songs
However, they didn't have a bass player.

They did not have a bass player.
How exactly did Jim Morrison reinvent himself in such a radical manner is a mystery.
Jim Morrison's band arrived on the scene as a fully formed entity.
The plan was simply put to hook the kids on rock music and hard drugs and take
their minds off the revolutionary process.

Perhaps it should be noted that David McGowan was not a stand-up comic mocking
the lunatic fringe of a conspiracy theory, nor was he an acid casualty whose
mind was blown after watching Stanley Kubrick's Dr.
Strangelove. No, not at all. He was sincerely believed above all the above.

So basically, Laurel Canyon, if you guys know, was a film – basically,
they were a film company for the military that filmed fake atomic blasts.
So those atomic blasts that you're seeing where there's cars blowing back and forth, that was fake.
That was all staged. That was all to cause terror and fear and get people into it.

But anyway, we go into John Coleman and the tradition of many conspiracy authors',
claims that he found out about how the world really works while serving an agent
as the British Special Forces Intelligence Service.
As soon as he got out, he made his life's mission to expose the cabal of Jesuits Freemasons.
Jesuit Freemasons, intelligence agencies that secretly run the world at the

behest of the Queen of England.
Of course the vast majority of this conspiracy culture
called whistleblowers all all we
have to go here is by coleman's word and judging bizarre
conspiracy theories of his word is to be trusted uh
your thoughts clutch hmm well my
thoughts it's hard to i don't know frank zappa's really

smart guy he was pro-war by the
way he was pro-vietnam war he was actually kind
of really really yeah he was a pro uh military
industrial complex guy that hit a lot of
these people were were hit if you yeah yeah look
at uh neil young neil young was one of those guys right
then he's all pro-censorship now which didn't.

Work out yeah yeah yeah he tried to you know
didn't work out for him too well but a lot of these people that
were supposedly anti-war anti-whatever they
were pretty much all involved
with it there's a there's a list of it too the the birds frank zappa
crosby still in nash love grant parsons neil
young of course poco and america and

going back to the into the punk rock thing did
you know that the the keyboardist of the doors right
uh what was his name let's find out
real quick uh the doors doors sorry
he and technically on the keyboards
the the low keys that would be your
bass i guess rayman it's not a bass guitar guitar yeah

but he's responsible for the bass sound rayman zeric was
also the producer for the band x really yep
huh this he was small incestuous world the why don't you go ahead and take care
of the article one of the other articles we have there uh why don't you do the
one on ice cube and rap and all that stuff we'll take that one ice cube and

rap yes go ahead or as they say in and Japanese .
Okay, so this is straight out of Compton. Did the CIA infiltrate rap music?
Short answer, yes. But is it possible that gangster rap was invented by the
CIA as it means to keep black people fighting and killing each other?

And they say there's these videos that you can't watch. But basically,
it seems incredibly possible.
So they say in this specific video that Rick Ross looks at how the CIA was responsible
for the rise of rap groups such as NWA.
So this article is just requiring me to watch a video.

Let's see. So actually, there's some more shit here.
So Eazy-E and NWA, Godfathers of Gangster Rap, Big Lies and Propaganda.
The late eric wright aka eric wright
eze the godfather of gangster rap was a
confessed street gangster gangbanger and drug dealer
he also died of aids from what i understand yep which

kind of leads me to believe he was probably not just
heterosexual but possibly bisexual because kind
of hard to get aids from a woman so gangster rap
is a money spinning genocidal subgenre of
hip pop and particularly created to reflect glorify
and perpetuate and project subliminal it's hardly

subliminal it's right there in front of
you they don't have there's no backward masking here and conscious
implants of criminal sadistic and demonic imaging of
black inner city there's nothing i've
heard like the whatever their day
debut album was from nwa there was nothing
think subliminal and i didn't see anything demonic i mean you

could call it demonic but they were not talking about literal
demons uh so 1986 had been
the year of crack news we call crack a national scandal you know it also was
the year after that that epidemic too about almost coincidal with the crack
epidemic epidemic really even though the crack and crack yeah man those two

i mean not Not saying that methamphetamines weren't around.
They used to call it speed, right? Now it's meth.
But it was around during the 60s and whatnot.
I mean, it's been around since the World War II. Yeah.
Epidemic that started hitting the united states seems to coincide even though
the crack epidemic seemed to be louder at the time over the over the news cycle

we were having meth labs explode all over san diego when i lived there back
in the day i remember watching it on the news as a kid,
and so my theory is if the cia was involved with handing crack cocaine to the
black community what But what if the CIA was involved with handing meth to the white community?

Okay. You know, I mean, cause it seems to, I'm not saying that it's,
it's racial at this point, but it is kind of racial.
It seems to go, like all of it seems to go across, you know,
racial lines, but now, okay.
But at the time meth was, was heavily associated with the hell's angels and
like neo-Nazis and stuff like that.

And if you, they say speed is kind of a white man's drug. Yep. Yep.
Heroin is kind of, because they also, you know, the pharmaceutical industries
were also under Purdue, were putting out opiates, selling them to kids,
telling people they could go ahead and take them.
And now we have a major epidemic with people that are not only connected,

hooked on heroin, opiates, fentanyl, that kind of thing, you know.
Well, whenever you go to the dentist or have like a surgery or like a tooth
pulled or something, any kind of situation where like, or you need a prescription for painkillers.
It's the pharmacist, I guess. I mean, like whenever you get a,

if you have to go get a prescription from the pharmacy, they're going to give
you like way more painkillers than you actually need.
And I think, I think that's deliberate.
Well, anyway, we're going to, we're going to have to cut this short, but in surmise.
I know we we're we're probably having to
get into this but i don't want to have pod pod beam

kick us off um your thoughts
on this as we get into this or get
out of this part of the podcast sir well i
kind of think you know i think like music
is just kind of people try and weaponize it for whatever
they want they think that they think that it can can be some kind of tool for

society or for the greater good or you know almost with movies and stuff like
that i mean look at all the movies talking about pandemics zombie viruses.
It almost feels like they you know they're trying to
push civil war on us they want to
have like mad max then leads into blade runner

world you know right now i kind of feel like we're in a
combination nation if you're using movies as a reference or
a form of predictive programming scanner darkly
you know let's look into you know
i think i sent you something recently on late clockwork
orange and liberal democracy gone mad
i think that we're kind of in that realm right

now we quite we haven't quite gotten into the mad
max civil war thing yet but all of
this stuff is somewhat connected and they might
add fantastic elements to these films and
stuff but the underlying social message is
that they are trying to lead us into this so we accept it all and with that

why don't we go ahead and let's just see what we got here go ahead and do some
plugs and stuff dr clutch i don't mean to cut it short but we are in a minute
41 minutes what do you have to plug my friend.
I have to plug uh meat raw
meat and raw nice what about

your uh blog that you have actually i moved
that i moved it to i'm actually
kind of dual blogging in english
and japanese so if you go to monsters and it now forwards to
a japanese site so all the articles are are
there it's just that they're in english and

japanese and there's a hyphen between monsters dash and
dash nice yeah
so that's i haven't
i gotta add some more stuff i've been doing i've got
to do a lot more translations too but yeah so.
I got that going on yeah all right

things are that's good uh well you can
find me in mojo the man on facebook you can find me on
on twitter i have stuff on soundcloud from
our previous podcast please stand by and
then mojo the mad and the drama on ding dongs if
you want to hear some ads music and stuff that i've made
i hope that the music i play currently during our

break did not mess that up too much try not
to be a bungler but sometimes the tacticality of
crap and trying to do stuff too quickly uh with everything
that's happened this week i've had kind of a crunch to get
it all done but anyway we will see you clutch
will be gone for the next couple weeks next week i have going coming up i'm

gonna have special co-hosts come in i believe i'm gonna have nathan elvis friedman
coming on the third and then on the 9th i believe of march we are going to have
a heathen gothi by the name of,
Thorfinn Liberty come on.
We're going to be talking about mythology, paganism, and such and how it represents the local area.

Clutch will be back to join us for that time.
He needs his break. He needs to go see some baby metal, get all ninja down in Japan.
Actually, I didn't say my website right. It's actually,

(01:37:52): I'd like to thank everybody who joined us today.
Bobby, who entered the studio. Saint, LMC, Adam, and Radio Parlesque.
Thank you for listening in for a little while. We love our viewers.
For those that are listening in afterwards, thank you for listening.

Thank you for supporting us.
That's about it, man. We're going to go ahead and take this out.
Let's go ahead and do the outro this was a remix outro by Dr. Zaius.
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