All Episodes

July 1, 2020 105 mins

Season 4, Episode 129.

It is time to fight back, Seattle police retake the Chaz, how the left make attackers the victims and a billion dollar cut for the NYPD. Plus David Harsanyi and Tiana Lowe join.

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:10):
You are entering the freedom hunt America. It's time for
a bigly backlash Seattle's police, retake the chaz how they
make attackers into victims across the country, a billion dollar
cut for the NYPD, new gender language you're supposed to use,
and so much more. This is the Buck Sexton Show,

where the mission or mission is to decode what really
matters with actionable intelligence. Make no mistake America great, Here
a great American Again, the Buck Sexon Show begins. He's
a great guy. Now, welcome, Welcome, everybody to the Buck

Sexton Show and honor a privilege and a pleasure to
have you here with me. Thank you so much for joining.
So I want to get right to it because you
may have seen last night the individual, the husband of
the duo from out in Saint Louis, who had the
temerity to try and defend himself, his home, his family

from an angry mom threatening to kill them. Of course,
now this has settled into two camps. The two political
parties represent different sides of this issue. Now, on the
one hand, you have Republicans who meekly and sort of
quietly out of the side of their mouth, we'll say, yes,

you should be able to I mean, come on, you
should be able to defend yourself, right. And the Democrats
who are like Dusi's racist Trump was all about retweeting
it and both they're all freaking out saying that these
are peaceful protests. I'm pretty sure it's illegal to threaten
to kill somebody, especially as part of a mob that's

rampaging through a neighborhood. But we all know that the
multi multi millionaire overpaid babies on CNN for example, take
the position, and then you know, how dare you stop
these new civil rights heroes who are trapsing through your
frontyard and threatening to kill you? How dare you stand
in front of your home if you're lawfully registered and

owned firearm? Well, why is it such a problem they
ever want to stop? Oh they were so peaceful. Oh
they they just wanted to have their voices heard. We
will deal that. There's an essential lie. There's a very
important component of this that I think has gotten not
nearly enough attention. I'll return to it in just one moment.
But here's Mark McCloskey, the Saint Louis man with a

pink polo and an a R fifteen who has become
something of a symbol. Because I can tell you this
right now. If I were issues no socks loafers, if
you will, I would certainly have been standing out in
front of my home. I would have had a little
bit better muzzle discipline. But not everyone has spent as

much time at the range as other folks have. Right,
but here is how this is being discussed, or here
here's what he wants you to know. Play clip six.
I saw it all going up in flames, and my
life destroyed in an instant, and I did what I
thought I had knew to protect my heart, my home,
and my family. Well, no one was protecting you, and

they were screaming at you and threatening you and threatening
to murder your dog and harm you and your wife.
What do you make of the attacks on you for
doing what we used to believe every homeowner had an
obligation to do. Why are they denouncing a racist? I
don't understand. And you know, here's the interesting thing. I

spend my career in defending people that are defenseless, for
people that are having a hard time making their miracle happen,
for people that don't have a voice. My black clients
love us. The night that this happened. I had some
of our black clients calling us up till two thirty
in the morning telling us how wrong it was the
way the press was writing us up, telling how wrong
it was that we should be portrayed as racist. This

is what I do for a living. I help people
that are down and the need a hand and the
people that need a voice. To call us racist is ridiculous,
but it's necessary for the narrative. It's necessary because the
symbolism of someone defending his home and using the Second
Amendment to do it is an affront to this leftist movement.

It doesn't matter what was said, it doesn't matter what
the real threat was. The left does not care. In fact,
I can tell you this right now. If they had
stormed this man's house, Let's say they had actually started
throwing rocks, and some of these protesters had tried to
rush hid, which obviously you'd think who would do that

when someone has a weapon, But maybe they think he's
not going to use it, and he did have to
use this weapon in defense of his home. I guarantee
you every Democrat in the country that would speak on
this issue would be saying he needs to be tried
for murder, not allowed to defend your home. How dare
you there's a movement? Don't you understand what's at stake here?
Don't you see the civil rights implications of these marchers

in the streets. Oh, the marchers like the ones you know,
the protesters and the riders like the ones here in
New York who last night were chanting at the NYPD. NYPD,
suck my blank These are the new civil rights heroes.
Oh no, Buck, that was just one time. Really? What
about pigs in a blanket? Fry him like bacon. What

about the time that I heard over a month ago,
my own ears, my own eyes, protesters screaming that horrid
phrase at the NYPD. What about the protesters down in
City Hall who are caught on video here in New
York mocking the NYPD's saying they're so dumb they didn't
go to fancy colleges. Can they even read saying this

to officers, including a black officer that one of them
went up to and said was a race trader? C
and entreats these people like they have a valid grievance.
MSNBC thinks that their civil rights heroes, the New York
Times backs them to the hilt. In fact, The New
York Times, the Washington Post, the lib media seems to
have taken the approach that because they're worried about their

position in society and their power and their influence in
the Trump era, if they have to burn down this country,
if they have to encourage the mob, incite the mob
to ruin and riot, great. If they can't have it,
no one can burn it all down. These people are
a disgrace. I don't have a disagreement with them. I

think they are odious. That's not the same thing. That's
how I feel about all of the mainstream media pundits
and reporters and all them. And of course the protesters
on the streets who are doing these things. They're appalling.
You don't hear much about it on some of the channels,
do you. Why would anyone think that an officer who's
done nothing wrong. The Democrat leadership, Biden and Pelosi and

Schumer will say, well, you know, we know there are
a lot of good cops. Really, because your protesters out
on the street go up to cops at random, spin
at them, throw things at them, say the most horrible
things to them. So are they going after just the
bad cops. Is that your because they go after cops
all over the place constantly that they've just met, who
have done nothing. This is all a fraud. This is

all a fraud. But I wanted to get to what
Saint Louis has really exposed. Why does why does this
bother the Democrats so much? Why are they so upset
by this? Because this could be the beginning of a backlash,
not just in rhetorical terms, but in terms of individuals,

citizens who say enough, who say that they will stand
up to the mob, they will defend themselves and their property.
No more looting, no more rioting. It might also encourage
the feckless and weak Republican party that has done almost
nothing to protect people in their homes and their rights

during this time of anarchy and mob rage. Perhaps the
Republicans will recognize that they have some authority and some
power here too. Trump is saying that now they're going
to arrest people for attacking statutes. I want to see
these prosecutions. I want to see the fullest, the fullest
extent of the law used to punish people who believe

that they're above the law. But there's something else here
that I think you must remember. Why did McCloskey and
Saint Louis really strike such a nerve? He didn't did
he harm anyone, did he kill anyone, did he wound anyone?
He did nothing except stand outside his home on private

property with his lawful firearm, making it clear that if
they were going to try to burn out his house
and kill him and his family, he was going to
fight back, and that a few of them were going
to go down in the process. That's often all you
need for a bully or for a mob to know
that they're not going to go forward with this if
they think they're going to get hurt too. Whoa hold

on a second, Now, this isn't all fun and games anymore.
Who wants to be the first three across the threshold
of that man's house that may get hit with a
five five six round? That sends a very different message
to the protesters, doesn't it all of a sudden. They're
not in this position to have you cower in fear.
They can protest on public property, they can protest as

long as they abide by the law. But more importantly
than anything else, they can protest as long as they
don't think that that means that people will all have
to hide in their own homes in fear, hoping the
doesn't turn on them. You see, that's the part of
this that you won't hear from the media. You're supposed
to be scared of this mob, if you don't agree

with it, You're supposed to be fearful to hide. I'm
not supposed to stand up and say, you know, you
have your right to free speech. I have my right
to self defense, to private property and to defend myself
in my family. They want you to think that you're
not allowed to do that. They want you to believe

that there's always this threat of force in the background
of the mob. Has we've seen them use it? Why
have there been so many instances of these protests? And
we know there have been protest movements the Tea Party,
of course, but there have been protest movements that were
non violent, that we're law abiding, a peaceful Tea Party
was entirely peaceful and entirely non violent. But they had

a message. This is about more than that. These are
revolutionaries who were hiding among a body of larger protesters,
so that then they can always have this mostly peaceful
construct to defend them. Oh no, it's mostly peaceful. There
were one hundred protests theres only thirty of them were
involved in the riot. So let's not disparage the whole thing. No,
if you're part of a protest where there's a riot

arm that's going to break off, you should be ashamed.
You should be ashamed because your cause, at a minimum
is hijacked. But as we know, they have no problem
with this. The people that are breaking in the windows,
that are lighting things, lighting stores on fire, toppling statues,
attacking cops, they're just the action arm. They're the paramilitary
wing of this Democrat movement. So remember that every time

you see this talked about on TV. Oh no, it's peaceful.
Sure it is in some places. In some places it's not,
and that is part of the power of the movement.
You better hide in your home when they march past
your house because maybe you're Maybe you're that instance in
which they decide to burn down things. Again, maybe you're

that person, as we've seen in videos, who get attacked
by Antifa, who gets beaten in the streets. Maybe not,
but you better be quiet, You better stay inside. You
better not stand up to them or else. They often
use force, often enough that any rational person would be

concerned about one of these mobs using force on them.
The police aren't coming to your aid. The politics of
these democrats cities have abandoned rule of law, have abandoned
pillars of our civilization, quite honestly. So it's all on you.
It's all on Americans taking it upon themselves to defend

their own rights, their own safety, and their own freedoms.
Can rely on the state anymore, not these police forces
in these democrat controlled cities. But just remember, every time
you stand up and assert your rights and say you
will not bend the knee, you will not comply, the
mob loses a little bit of power. Yet another person
who does cower in fear is a strike against their

ability to coerce and demand. And then don't like that
very much. And I'm here to tell you more of
us should do it. In fact, every person who cares
about the future of this country should, if they're capable,
if they're willing, in whatever way they see fit, stand
up rhetorically however they should, however they can against this mob.

It's on us. Government's not going to do it for us.
It comes from citizens. That's why this situation on Saint
Louis is so upsetting to the Democrats. What do you
mean someone could say, not today, not my house. The
cops have pulled away. You're supposed to be helpless. Will
deign we the mob, will deign not to burn down
your home this time. Maybe next time we will. You

better bend the knee, chant blm at the top of
your lungs. No, this individual decided that he wasn't going
to wait to see what the mob thought it should
do that day. I think a lot of us understand
just what's at stake here. You're in the freedom Hunt.
This is the Buck Sex and Show podcast, that's right,

screaming vulgarities at all the cops in New York gathered
together to protect their right to protest, screaming obscenities at them,
because this is just about bad cops, right, This isn't
a movement of anti cop hatred. Because Democrats have convinced
themselves that the system is their enemy in any period,

in any point, in any way where they can't control it.
They have Hollywood, they have the news media, they have
the Academy, they have Corporate America, they have the Democrat party,
but anything, you know, the law that text all of
us is an impediment to Democrat power police who are
arresting people who break the law, irrespective of disparate impact

on society or irrespective of what the optics look like
in a certain place or time. The law is the law.
That's an impediment to Democrats. That's an offense to their sensibilities.
What do you mean the law is going to be
enforced even if it means that some individuals are arrested
one hundred times, that's unfair. Well, has that individual broken

the law one hundred times? Like the guy that punched
the old lady in the head walking past her in
the street in New York City. Democrats don't want to
ask those questions. That's too sane, that's too rational. In Seattle,
I see, they finally decided to clear out the chaz
or the chop depending on who you asked, the Capitol
Hill Autonomous Zone or the Capitol Hill Occupy protest. Oh

you mean this is occupy all over again? This leftist
revolutionary Democrat movement has come back, same time, actic, same phrases,
same everything. What did they accomplish the last time? Oh?
They made some public squares really crowded and smelly. Did
they change society for the better? No, they did not.
Did they do anything that they could point to that

a normal point person could point to and say, yeah,
we're really proud of that. I'm sure they'd think of
some obscure Oh, there's greater transparency for the cops in
this neighborhood legislation. But we know that it's all crap.
It's notable that in Seattle they only took action after
two people were killed inside of the Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone,

and it's notable that they shut this thing down after
they were already casualties. What is it this twenty three
arrests as Seattle retake control of the East Precinct and
Capitol Hill. Wait, you mean that it was a massive
failure that the mayor Jenny Durkin issuing executive order to

clear this area. This only came after it was clear
that this was a really, really stupid idea that harmed people,
that achieved nothing, and that was all rooted in a
left wing delusion that the problem in society are cops.
Cops doing their jobs and enforcing good laws. No, the

real problems we have are people who are reckless, who
don't think long term, who act out with violence, who
believe that they're above the law, who believe that they're
better than cops, They're better than people that are trying
to do their jobs every day. Turn out, there were
a lot of people who had firearms in the area

of the Chaz in Seattle. Did any that Did that
concern anybody that there were no cops allowed in people
walking around with guns? No, of course not. Did it
concern anybody when a twenty nine year old man is
arrested who had a large metal pipe and a kitchen
knife carrying around with him when he was in the
Chaz with no cops around. No, that's not concerning, of

course not. This was all going to be like the
Summer of Love, man, this was gonna be great. Nope.
Instead it was a free for all zone for Democrat
voters who are also left wing idiots. And there was
aggravated assault, larceny, theft, rape, and two murders. Two people
died because of this little commi idiot experiment in Seattle.

Will there be anyone mourning them? Will they be martyrs
for the cause. No, they're already forgotten because that's what
the left does, destroys and uses and then moves on.
Thanks for listening to the Busts and show podcasts. Remember
to subscribe on Apple podcasts, the iHeartRadio app, or wherever
you get your podcasts. You cannot overstate how much the

most elite institutions under liberal control have completely lost their minds,
whether it's Yale University or NBC News or McDonald's big
places in corporate America, Facebook, Google, Uber, nuts, totally nuts.
No one willing to stand up and say, hey, we're

all going to be adults, right, Like, we're not going
to do this thing where we all pretend to care
so much about something we don't really care about because
it makes us feel good that we're gonna forget about
in like a month or two, all because we hate
Trump so very very much. It's absurd, it's crazy. But
there's a Harvard student. Remember it's not just the institutions,

the people who work in them get brainwashed. The graduates
of these hallowed, hallowed universities. Oh yes, absolute brilliant, because
I went to sessions such No one cares anymore, honestly,
if you, if you pay attention to it, you know
that this just doesn't matter. You don't know. It's a
coin flip. If someone goes to even the fanciest school
in the country, it's a coin flip. Are they smart

or not? Who knows. It depends how they get there,
why they get in. Someone donate a building in their name.
There's a lot of that going around at the top
levels of elite circles. Anyway, a Harvard graduate here named
Clara jan Over said in a TikTok video, Now, TikTok
is the new thing with the where the cool kids

are these days. So I'm gonna make producer Mark create
a TikTok video so that he can show us all
of his cooking secrets and his favorite funky tunes or whatever.
The kids doing TikTok. Do you have a TikTok account yet?
I don't. We gotta get him a TikTok account. So
it is. I will say I have a TikTok account
because I want to know what the next generation is seeing.

And it's a great tool. It reminds me of some
of those old dystopian movies where they'll just show somebody,
you know, a reel of footage and they'll just keep
running in and running in, and it's a way of
brainwashing people. TikTok is like that, you sit there just
watching whatever you're into. You know, people doing little dance moves,
people cooking food. People. There are some very good impressions,

I will say, of political characters on there. But anyway,
it's a Chinese spying site for whatever, if you care
about that or not. The Chinese government controls this thing
and is harvesting all the data. But a lot of
people are gonna say, I don't care if China knows
that I want to cook the best burger possible and
learn how to do a shuffle dance. Nonetheless, TikTok is
now Instagram. Too many people over thirty or on Instagram,

so now it's migrating to TikTok. And this Harvard grad
who I guess just finished at Harvard, I don't know
who cares. She did teach me a new term, caucassity,
which is a new made up word to left uses.
Caucassity is a combination of audacious or audacity and Caucasian.

So if you do something and you don't check your privilege,
you're using caucasity. I would say that the liberals are
using jackassery and that's the defining, that's the word that
we should use to define their approach to all this stuff.
But they can say called Cassidy anyway. Here's the video.

They're claiming it's satire, but producer Mark please hit it
next person who has the sheer nerve the sheer entitled
Cassidy to say all lives matter, I'm a stab you.
I'm a I'm a stab you, and while you're struggling
and bleeding out, I'm gonna show you my paper cut
and say my cut matters too. She sounds like a

total psycho. I don't know. This has now been viewed,
It's gone viral to newe hundreds of thousands of times,
and we're supposed to believe that when she's saying, if
you say all lives matter, I'm gonna stab you. Now look,
I don't think that she's really gonna actually stab anybody,
but what a crazy thing to say. Harvard Grad's now
walk around saying if you, if you claim all lives matter,
I'm gonna stab you. Why why exactly are you not

allowed to say all lives matter? All would include black?
So oh no, because the purpose of saying black lives
matter and telling people that they have to agree with
it is to get them to bay a political movement
by using a phrase that no normal, reasonable human being
would even think a half a second about before saying,

of course, black lives matter. But the purpose of it
is not to see if people really agree. And also,
let's understand this, if someone really was such a hateful
bigot that they had a problem with that phrase, having
them say it doesn't change anything. As another part of
this too, this is all about the optics and the
politics of it. No, why wouldn't you say black lives matter?
Trust me, Under the right circumstances, you can get somebody

to say anything if they think it's in their interest.
Doesn't change what's in their heart. That's why this whole thing,
this whole game, is absurd. You're making people agree with
something that they constantly already agree with. Everyone agrees with it.
So what are we doing? What are you even talking about?
But if you go to Harvard, Oh I went to Harvard,
you can run around saying you're gonna stab somebody if

they say all lives matter. That would be a very
unwise thing for her to do. Now, she's claiming that
it's satire. It doesn't sound like satire. That sounds like
a threat. I don't think it's funny either, And it's
just as even if it is supposed to be satire.
She clearly is a BLM want to be activist. So

that's how upset, that's how enraged she gets by the
notion that all lives matter. My friends, these people are unhinged.
We are living in a period of mass media and
mass hysteria, and the results are not good. You have
far too many Americans who are bombarded with propaganda. They

don't even know what propaganda is. They don't know the
origins of the term of the word or the history
of it. They don't believe that they should have any
exposure to harmful thoughts. They've created these cocoons of the
mind for themselves where they're not allowed to be exposed
to anything else. It's just going to be the constant
echo chamber of BuzzFeed listicals and MSNBC slams. And then

they turn on the Daily Show. Everyone knows stinks, right,
it's a bad show. They turn on this stuff and yeah,
that's right, Oh man, you would John, one of us
said he it was Laura, I made from Britain, and
I'm just gonna make fun of all the stupid Republicans
and curse a lord and hit the table. Now that
that's not actually convincing me of anything, but I do

love that the lives love to bring over liberal people
from Britain to lecture all of us and how stupid
the second amount, how stupid Americans are. Yeah, thank you
for that. We really really want to hear what they
have to say. Sure. Can you imagine being an American
and showing up in Great Britain being like, hey, hey, guys, um,

what's going on with the queen? You want to explain
this to me? Come on and on a news show
where you're talking to nothing but Brits. Hey, somebody telling
me about the Queen. I don't I don't understand this thing.
What are you guys doing here? People would think, you know,
you're probably a little out of your out of your element.
I'm just saying, but no, no, not here. You know,
whether it's your CNN importing Piers Morgan or John Oliver,

they love all the Libs so impressed, so impressed by
British accents. Some on our side are too. I'm gonna say,
I know, I know, it's we got a little bit
of a little bit of that going on, But oh,
my friends, this is a period of insanity we are
going through. At least I have all of you to
keep me sane, because there's no other way to understand

this other than these people are completely nuts if they've
totally lost it. Here you've got somebody from the Democratic
Socialists of America, which is really just a a group
meant to help the Democrat Party, but to pretend that
there's something really different and distinct. Oh no, we're not

the Democratic Socialist of America. We're the Democrat Party. Sure
you are. But here she is saying the defunding the
police is not enough play fifteen. Yeah, there's too many
uniform police in New York City. And furthermore, when we
talked about defunding the NYPD, the other part of that
is to fully fund social services. I can tell you
out of the encampment, it's obvious we have some of

the most vulnerable members of our community coming out to
have their voices heard and start to participate in this encampment,
and it's clear that what they're saying they need is services,
mental health services, social services, adequate housing, you know, affordable
health care, you know, the quality education. These are the
things that the community is crying out for. And so
it's not good enough to move money around in fancy

accounting strikes. It's not good enough to just defund the
MPT even we have to meet that services that are
fully funded as well. I mean, this would be laughable
in a sixth grade social studies class. Yeah, we don't
need the cops. We just like, we just want all
the services to be funded. What what? What services are

currently unfunded? Does she even know? Does she know that
de Blasio's wife? Sure, Lane McCrae never elected to anything.
But hey, the Republicans, we're not allowed to criticize nepotism.
I've been telling you that this is a problem we're
going to run into. Now what are we gonna do?
I hope, I hope that was worth it. We're all

kind of quiet on that one. We'll see. We've got
our we've got our own problem with that going on
in the Republican Party. And people didn't want to Oh no,
I had people said, oh no, they're a very wise choice. No,
it really is not a wise choice. It's not a
precedent we want to set. We don't have monarchs here,
we don't have people giving things to their giving things

to their family members. But look, I know Bill Clinton
and Hillary I mean, this has been around for a while,
but it's really we should not do this. But anyway,
Schirlane McCray, who's the wife of the mayor of New York,
spent eight hundred million dollars on some mental health program.
And anytime a city mental health program, anytime someone says
what exactly did you do or did it accomplish, it's like, oh,

we don't you know, I don't know. Ask somebody else.
There's no no, they have nothing. They have nothing. What
are the social services that maybe the schools in New York?
We all have this image in our head. And I
know this is true of public schools and rough neighborhoods
across the country. But schools, you know, you go back
all these movies in the nineties of a teacher who's

in a rough neighborhood public school and just wants to
help the kids and turn it all around and like
teaches them some poetry and then everyone's behaving themselves and
being like really nice to each other. Right, sure, but
you always have the you know, the ceilings falling in
and there's no books, and it looks like it looks
like bombed out Beirut in these public schools. Maybe in

the nineties that was true, that's not true anymore. I
have a friend who works at a school, in a
public school in New York that's considered one of the
renaissance schools. Here, tons of funding. They're spending more on
these students than most people spend on private school in
the rest of the country. Okay, they have the best

teachers in the public schoo system that they get to pick.
They have the best resources, everything that they need, and
the schools are their facility is brand new, you know,
nice computers in every classroom. And guess what test scores
haven't budged, haven't budged. Say, wait, what's going on. I

don't understand. I thought it was just resources. No, but
they don't want to they don't want to talk about that. No,
they'd rather shut down charter schools in New York operating
outside the traditional number of charter schools are publicly funded, right,
but operating outside the Democrat power base of the teachers unions,
charter schools that in some cases, I mean here in Harlem,

there's Harlem Success Academy. The school is almost entirely black
and Hispanic. And those those young children, those boys and
girls are outperforming on math and science. They're peers at
schools across the state on testing. So it can be done.
No one's saying it can't be done. But just throwing
money at the problem isn't going to solve it. You

know what one thing that charter schools do that democrats
really don't like. There are a couple of things that
charter schools don't like. And I can just speak through
it in the context of New York. I know they're
different in different places across the country. One, it takes
away from the power base of the teachers unions, which
are just a machinery for electing Democrats. Give them, you know,
the shortest working schedule possible for the teachers, the fattest

health and pension benefits possible, and all you have is
the teachers union. And of course the teachers tend to
be liberal anyway. But the I know a couple of conservatives,
but they'll just make sure Democrats keep getting elected. That's
part one. You know what part two is for some
of these charter schools, and Democrats don't like parents have
to agree to be involved to parents have to sign
on for the charter school approach and experience, They have

to come to parent teacher meetings, they have to make
sure that child is in school on time. So there's
a component of individual investment and yes, individual responsibility, and
it works. It works for kids who are black and
Hispanic in New York who are coming out of Section
eight housing. It works. But Democrats don't like that. That's

not the message that they want to tell. That's why
they tried to shut down Success Academy in New York.
That's why Obama when he came into office, initially was
going to shut down charter schools in DC and there
was a big backlash against it. His kids were going
to a thirty five thousand dollars year private school, of course,
but charter schools in DC for minority students that you know,

predominantly minority students that are doing really well, Oh well,
that's a threat to the established order of the public
school system, which is about a jobs program for adults
and a vote churnout, turnout system. Churn votes, turnout votes
for Democrats. That's what the public school system is really about.
So all these people, all these activist say, oh, we
need better funding whatever. No, We've already run these experiments

in cities across the country. We know what works and doesn't.
They don't want to do things that work. They want
to spit at cops, pretend that the problem is the
enforcement of law, not the committing of crime, and not
look at what's already being done for social services. And
why why is are such a need for social services?
I don't know, maybe the breakdown of the family is

a concern for people. You're in the Freedom Hud. This
is the Buck Sexton Show podcast. My question to you is,
can't you give us a little bit more on schools
so we can get back to school That there's a
great deal of evidence and it's actually good, good evidence.

The kids aren't transmitting this it's rare, and the kids
are staying healthy, and that yes, we can open our schools.
I feel very strongly we need to do whatever we
can to get the children back to school. So I
think we are in lock agreement with that. Even doctor
Fauci is like, yo, look, okay, We've had months in
a mitigation, you know, up down, sometimes up, sometimes down.

Who knows, got a lot of numbers coming in, A
little scary scanned because I want you to always be scanned.
That's Saint Fauci Rule number one, be terrified. Rule number two.
Do everything I say, even when it's wrong, and even
when I change my mind every two months. But I
don't think that children should go to the school. But
here's the problem. Even though we understand that children are

at an entirely acceptable risk level from COVID nineteen, and
we have months and months of data, millions and millions
of cases to look at, children are basically fine when
they get this. They don't even know they have it.
Think about this, We're worried about kids getting a disease
that is so dangerous for children that children who have
it don't even know, They don't have symptoms, that don't

feel sick, they are asymptomatic. Why then, you would ask,
is it even a question that public schools would at
all schools would not be open this fall? Ah, it's
that interesting. Remember we talking before about the Democrat machinery
of the public school system. Union bosses who run those
systems and those school superintendents and chancellors, and you know

we're making two three four hundred thousand dollars a year
to push some paper around and talking about, Oh, our
public school system is doing great. Give us more money,
you know, take the taxpayers. Take the taxpayers harder in cash, more,
raise their property taxes. That's what they do. They understand
the stakes for this fall. Kids go back to school,
people can go back to work, People can go back
to work. Kids are in school. Things start to look better,

the economy start to pick up a little bit. Because
there's no epidemiological reason really not to have a K
through twelve education. You're not going to open the schools
based on what even Faucci knows. And when Faucci knows
that something isn't dangerous, you better be darned certain that
it's safe. Kids need to be in school. Open them

all up this fall. Thanks for listening to The Bus
Sesson Show podcasts. Remember to subscribe on Apple podcasts, the
iHeart Radio app, or wherever you get your podcasts. Some
of you may be wondering why I seem to have
a beef. If you will with saying Fauci, I mean

for one thing, I just like to do the Fauci
voice on the show, that's for sure. It's just fun.
You can really lean into it, you know. I want
to start doing a short series of videos like Fauci
at the ball park. Hey, you know, a hot dog
usually safe, but I cannot tell right now, I don't
have the data. Did you cook it to one hundred
and sixty degree internal temperature? If not, there's bacterium. I'm

a scientist. I know that bacteria could grow and it
could give me well we in the scientific community call
a tummy ache. And I would rather while I'm here
engage in mitigation with my mask on watching a game
by myself, because of course no one can go in
the stands, you get it right. We'd like to joke
around about about the mister Fauci alumni of my high school,

which I always just think is so funny. What a
small world world, But he he is out there telling
people to be very afraid, and I'm I'm really sick
of this routine. I think enough is enough. And here
is an example of remember we've been going through this
now where it was what lockdown again in March, March, April, May, June,

going in July. We're in at least March, April, May, June, July.
We're in the fifth month of this now of lockdown.
And as I've been telling you, we're still in. We're
just in semi lockdown. We're not in a phase of reopen.
We're in a phase of lockdown. We should start to
think of it that way, because this is oppressive and

tyrannical and stupid. Doesn't make any sense the other some
of them. Yeah, sure, sure, some of the stuff about
mass gatherings, you know, you could have you could have
stopped that all along. But all this other stuff, Oh,
you can't do this, You can't do that. You know,
it's insane. It hasn't saved it hasn't saved lives. The
data doesn't suggest that it has saved lives. Look at
countries have lockdowns, don't have lockdowns, Some do really well,

some don't. How healthy is a population, how much the
disease spread before we ever know about it. There's all
these factors. No one ever talks about that though. Just
listen to fauci and you'll be fine. But step one
of Fauciism be terrified. Okay, Well, here he is telling
us that even though we're about what forty thousand cases
a day, he could see us getting very quickly to

one hundred thousand play seven. I can't make an accurate prediction,
but it is going to be very disturbing. I will
guarantee you that, because when you have an outbreak in
one part of the country, even though in other parts
of the country they're doing well, they are vulnerable. I
made that point very clearly last week at a press conference.
We can't just focus on those areas that are having

the surge. It puts the entire country at risk. We
are now having forty plus thousand new cases a day.
I would not be surprised if we go up to
one hundred thousand a day if this does not turn around,
and so I am very concerned. If we have one
hundred thousand cases a day and hospitals are not overwhelmed,

and the fatality rate nationwide continues to go down, there's
nothing to be concerned about. We are dealing with this,
and we are making progress toward herd immunity. That's what
That's what he's not telling you. We have all these
people that are all you know, waight Foot. A vaccine
might be six months might be six years, we don't know,

but just wait any day now or any decade, We're
not sure. No, I don't want to sit around and
have my life completely destroyed, ruined because these morons insist
that we not learn lessons from the beginning of this
lockdown and look at what we now know that we
did not know then. But there's something else that he

said that is particularly I would argue, particularly in idious.
Notice it's not just oh, there's a surgeon cases in
some areas. He's like, we need to think about this
as a surgeon cases in some areas. There for all areas.
Oh yes, it's coming your way. Those if you listen

to this right now, who are in parts of Indiana
or Florida, or North Carolina or North Carolina has had
a big surge. But you know, wherever you are in
the country, you know, if you're listening in Iowa, Montana, Arizona,
doesn't matter. The left is pushing, The Democrats are pushing
with Saint Fauci at the front of the pack for

everybody to get pushed back into lockdown. That's what this is.
If the cases get high enough, they'll try to scare
you into going back into lockdown. But I'm here to
tell you this is what we have not and I
will return and if in two weeks on this I'm wrong,
I promise you I will come on air and I'll say, guys,
I was wrong. I was wrong about this one. But

I'm not going to forget this. So keep this in mind.
There's a there's a reality here. There's a record that
we're establishing as we go forward. I mean, I'm here
to remind you that while Saint Fauci is speculating about
one hundred thousand cases a day, and we're supposed to
panic again nationally, not just in one area that's having

a spike, the whole country. As of yesterday, the number
of deaths in the twenty four hours proceeding was three
hundred and seventy across the entirety of the United States.
So you have three hundred and thirty million people, give
or take, and that's not including illegal aliens, three hundred
and thirty million Americans, or maybe that is including I

don't know, although we always think that numbers lover, I digress,
And three hundred and seventy people died from a pandemic
that we are told we have to shut down society
for again. Look, every life lost is a tragedy. We've
already gone through the false choice of if it saves
just one life, shutdown all of society. We don't do

that for anything else, because that's insane. And yes, there
are people who are at risk from this disease, older people.
There are people who are risk every day from dying
of heart attacks and cancer and other and pneumonia and
the flu and other diseases too. This is just what
it means to live in a very large country with
a big population. There are going to people who die

every day from different things. Here's what I'm telling you,
if if we allow them to get their way, they're
going to lock us down again. Even though fatalities are
eighty percent down on a daily basis from what they
were in April May, at least eighty percent. I mean,

you were looking at, depending on whose numbers you want to,
you know, two to three thousand dead a day at
the at the peak of this, and now we're at
three hundred and seventy. And what they're telling us, of course,
is us wait two weeks, Just wait two weeks. That's
when you'll really see how terrible this is I'll come
back to you, mark market on the calendar. I'll come

back to you on July fifteenth, and we will look
at where we are. And you know, if we are
under let's say, under a thousand fatalities a day from this,
that means that this is under control. That's what it means,
because we'll have seen you know, yeah, it might it
might be three hundred, it might be five hundred, but

I mean we're talking about a huge population Peo. We're
talking about hundreds of deaths from something that we're going
to shut down the entire country, or three hundred and
twenty million people. So unless we get at unless we
start getting numbers similar to that's why I set a thousand.
But you know, thousand and fifteen hundred, two thousand a
day and not all. You know, if you have one

day where it's fifteen hundred and then the next day
it's two hundred. This just has to do with the reporting, right.
It's not that one all of a sudden, a lot
of people die and then then no one dies from this.
But fatalities are the single most important metric you can
use to see how under control this is. And then
there's another part of this too. Even if it turns
out that we are in a spike and lethality is
going up for reasons that a lot of people will

be arguing over in the weeks ahead, we already decided this.
This was already talked about as a country. This was
told to us by all the politicians. Donald Trump has
said this, Democrats have said this. We are not going
to lock down forever. We have to go on living
our lives. So even in two weeks, if I come
back and you have to say, look, I was wrong
that the fatality rate did increase in a way where

clearly this disease has gotten a second wind against us,
it still doesn't mean we should shut down the whole country.
Still doesn't mean we should shut down the whole country.
So so this is take this day as a marker,
and we'll see where we are in two weeks. Because
we we keep predicting what they're going to do and
what their reaction will be, and how they're going to

try to politically exploit this, and then they act like
we didn't predict it and they didn't do exactly what
we said they were going to, And we're still supposed
to listen to them. Here's the Texas Lieutenant Governor Dan Patrick,
for example, talking about how he views same Fauci play eighteen.
Reality is a lot different. We've had two thousand, two

hundred and rather two thousand, four hundred and twenty four
people die, and New York has had over thirty one thousand.
Even California has had almost three times as much as Texas.
And remember, Laura, those two states have been locked down
the whole time while we have been open. So locking
down doesn't work. If it did, those two states would
be going better than Texas. Fauci said today that he's

concerned about states like Texas that skipped over certain things.
He doesn't know what he's talking about. We haven't skipped
over anything. Everything I'm skipping over is listening to him.
You know, you have a lot of doctors on your show.
From day one, your doctors have been right almost every time,
and he has been wrong every time on every issue.
I don't need his advice anymore. Will listen to a

lot of science, will listen to a lot of doctors,
and Governor Abbitt, myself and other state leaders will make
the decision. No thank you, doctor Fauci, No thank you
doctor Fauci. A lot more people have to say this.
And I give credit to Lieutenant Governor Patrick here for
saying what is obvious. And I've been telling you for months.
Foucci has been wrong and wrong and wrong again. Why

are we listening to this person? What does he know?
What has he told you that you did not already know?
Wear a mask, don't wear a mask, wash your hands,
social distance, but I actually wear a mask washing your hands.
We think it works wearing a mask. Maybe got to
wear a mask. Don't wear a mask. You're not believing
in the science. We can only deal with these so

many times. We can only hear them be wrong so
many times before we decide that this is just too much.
And then you after a call the polytics involved. Democrats
want the country afraid. They want the economy frozen. They
want things looking bleak and miserable going into November. And

they don't have to get us all the way to
November in lockdown for that to happen. They just want
to extend this out as long as they can so
that the up ramp to get us back to feeling
good about the country is more steep. We have less time.
They're trying to run out the clock on America's recovery.
That's what Democrats are trying to do. That is the

purpose of so much of what we're hearing right now
from them, and we need to remember that. You know,
here's here's Vice President Pence, thankfully, who is saying that, Yeah,
if you look at fatalities, we're actually doing really well
as a country in handling this pandemic right now, if
you look at the per capita numbers, I would add,

we did better than all the major countries in Europe,
meaning large countries in Europe, Germany, Italy, France, Okay, better
than all of them. Germany, US I think are pretty close.
But well, so what does this storyline? We keep getting
told that Trump failed dereliction of duty, that idiot Biden says,
it's all nonsense. Pence is saying, Look, we have the
lowest fatalities play clipped thirteen and because of the dedication

of our healthcare workers, because of our response and the
response of the American people, we are grateful that today
of fatalities are at the lowest level since the end
of March. We continue to be vigilant as we see
rising cases. We understand that that could that could change.

But again to see the precipitous decline in fatalities is
a tribute to the healthcare workers in this country and
to the cooperation and the compassion of the American people.
We are beating this thing. We are winning against the virus.
You don't hear that from people got found You even

got one hundred thousand cases ah mass hysteria, dogs and
cats living together. No, no, that is not what is happening.
Younger people intermingling who are at low risk from the
disease with much more testing going on, is not a
cause for another lockdown. It is getting us to the

herd immunity that we need and also maybe an indicator
of the virus weakening, which Italian doctors who are ahead
of us on this curve in terms of the timing,
they've been saying that there are prominent Italian doctors who
say they believe the virus is weakening. And that's obviously
a very complicated process, but it involves some human immune
systems that are you know, that are making it when

the virus is making it such that when the virus
is transmitted, it's a less virulent strain. After dealing with
certain people who have after dealing with their immune systems.
We don't even really understand the mechanisms of this. I mean,
keep in mind, we can't cure the common cold. Right,
there's a lot here that is even beyond signs his
ability to predict and even in some cases to really understand.

But this is the truth of it. And oh and
also remember how we were here. Oh, we don't have enough,
we don't have enough, ppe, we don't have the ventilators.
We bull Trump gets no credit for this. Now, we
had Cuomo day after day giving press comments, Oh, we're
not gonna have it on ventilated. Oh we're gonna run
out of everything. Oh we're all gonna die. I mean,
he was the worst. Cuomo was the worst on this.

They were talking about making him president after I mean
while this was going on. That's how stupid the media is.
Here's here's the vice president who's been in charge of
this everything. Look, we've got we're all stacked, a stacked,
racked and ready to go here to help people to
get them the care that they need. Play fourteen with
regard to testing, with regard to personal protective equipment, with
regard to ventilators, with regard to therapeutic medicines. We are

in a strong position all across the affected areas of
the country to meet this moment. But in consultation with
the States, we're going to make sure that they have
reinforcements in healthcare workers. They've got what they need. They've
got what they need. So there we are, there, we
have it. That's what you're not hearing from other folks.

That's what you're not hearing from other people. You're not
hearing from the media because they don't want to tell
you the truth about this. You're in the freedom hunt.
This is the Buck Sexton Show podcast. But I start
off with the premise Mike that I'm going to follow
the docs orders, not just for me, but for the country.

And that means that I am not going to be
holding rallies. Oh what a convenient circumstance. Not gonna be
holding rallies. Wow, that's that's because Biden believes in the
science so much, not because he doesn't want to be

in front of Let's be honest, a few thousand people,
Max who are like and hear him saying, that's why
I'm that's why I'm running for head dog catcher or Tuscaloosa.
I mean, President, you know, that's what's really good. But ohto,
he's just believing the Fauci wisdom. That's what he's doing.
He's just trying to help doctor Fauci get the message out.

No rallies, no rallies. Why doesn't Biden condemn the rallies
that are happening constantly on the streets. I'm just wondering
if he's so worried about health, if he's not willing
to hold his own rallies because of health concerns, and
clearly this virus can be lethal, So doesn't he Why
doesn't he have any words of criticism for the movements
going across the country right now? Why not? What about that? No? Oh,

no BLM protests. They're they're magically immune from COVID nineteen,
at least according to the media. Oh, they wear masks.
A lot of people wear masks. They still somehow get infected.
We'd never really get to talk about that, do we
A lot of people that were working in healthcare, you know,
and healthcare facilities or wearing masks all the time still
getting infected. That's why it's always the guidance has been

mask plus social distance, it's not wear a mask and
then you know, hug whoever you want in the streets
and breathe on each other all day. That that is
not the guidance. But Biden, oh what a what a
lucky lucky moment he has here? Yeah, harm or No,
I'm not gonna do rallies because I believe in science. Also, um,
you know, sometimes I don't know what time of day

it is, and so that's tough to be at a rally,
because where is the rally? Joe Biden? Everybody gonna fix America? Sure,
thanks for listening to the buses and show podcasts. Remember
to subscribe on Apple podcasts, the iHeart Radio Apple or
wherever you get your podcasts. My friends, just when you
thought the country had enough real problems to handle, the

Democrats decide to cook up at an oldie, but a goodie,
you know, one that they they have not yet given
up on Russia collusion slash Trump in Putin's pocket. Here
we are again, after all this stuff, four years of
this Special Council investigation and impeachment which we don't even talk,

we don't even think about this anymore. Impeach this president
like a bunch of maniacs on nothing on a phone
call where he's talking to a foreign head of state
and he kind of says, yeah, you know, look into
this thing, about this thing if you can, If you
don't whatever, I mean, like nothing happens. The whole thing
is just crazy. Oh yeah, So impeach the president over there,

all foreign influence in our elections or Joe Biden. These
people are nuts. And yet here we are again, Russia, Russia, Russia.
You know it's back, and this one ties in Afghanistan too.
Let me let me just say this, and I want

to credit Rob O'Neill, best known for being one of
the Navy seals on the mission to and in fact
was the man who shot Bin Laden. Rob put out
on Twitter, guess what, guys, you don't have to pay
the Taliban for them to kill US soldiers. That they're
just going to do it. They've been doing it for
twenty years now. So thank you Rob for seeing through

the nonsense that we're hearing on this as if oh, oh,
a Taliban fighter who's offered a thousand dollars to kill
an American all of a sudden will kill an America.
But he wasn't going to before I mean, when you
really think about this, it doesn't make a whole lot
of sense. Do I think that it's possible that the
gru had operatives that we're talking to the Taliban about

creating some kind of bounding system go after US troops
so they could create headaches for US in Afghanistan? We
all understand the mirror image of history here that where
the US was assisting the mujah Hadeen against the Soviets
back in the eighties. So we know that there's we

know that there's a real situation here. We know there's
a reality where that could happen. But why are we
hearing about this now? And we've been told that there's
been of us back and forth. Oh, it was an
INTEL assessment. It was brief to this person, brief to
that person. Intel assessments gets brief to people and stuff
all the time. Doesn't mean that they're necessarily true, doesn't
mean it's necessarily accurate. In fact, there's a lot of

stuff that ends up getting briefed that is just simply absurd, right,
simply never going to happen. It's not true. But they're
making assessments, they're working with imperfect information. This happens. Right.
Having done, need I remind you, you know, we have
the whole of rock WMD thing, and there's been some problems,

been some problems in the intelligence community when it comes
to assessments. Okay, so now let's take a look at
the specifics of this. Why are we hearing about this,
as I've been telling you, it's because they want to
talk about Russia in a context where Russia is the
great enemy and Trump isn't doing anything against Russia because
he is Putin's puppet. And here's a part of this

that we don't seem to somehow hear about. If Trump
were Putin's puppet, why would they gru be making life
harder for Trump in Afghanistan by killing US soldiers? Wouldn't
that seem you know? They because this is the verbiage
that they'll use and say, Oh, he's a he's an

agent of Russian influence in this country. Oh he does
Vladimir is bidding? Well, why would why would Vladimir's gru
Putent's gr you do this? It just doesn't make sense.
Doesn't make sense if you believe that, And now I'm
not saying that gr you would never put out this

bounty I'm just saying, if you believe that Trump is
actually Putin's puppet, why would they do this? But there
are there are two big reasons as to why this story.
I remember this was leaked. Someone leaked this to the
press because you have all these I've been telling you
this along. You're gonna have all these people that are
part of the deep state you've never even heard of,
that want to be great heroes for the hashtag resistance

to stop the Trump presidency. And here we have an
instance where sure enough they have done just that. But
so you have all these great heroes of the resistance,
and they're going to share information, even classified information, with
the press if it hurts Trump. This is on the
one hand, because they want to just talk about Russia again.

Even if you know that that's crazy, it doesn't matter.
They're not telling you about Russia. CNN, the Washington Post
aren't covering this for you. They're doing it because Democrats
in New York and LA and Chicago and across the
country and you know, all the major blue districts, they
still believe that Trump is tied him with Russia in
a way that he's compromised, and they still believe this crap.

Nancy Pelosi still says it on TV as of this week.
So this is what the base wants to hear. It
doesn't matter that it's not true, it doesn't matter that
it's all a lie. They want to hear this. It
gets their base fired up, and they're gonna keep doing it.
But the second part of this has to do with
the war in Afghanistan. Trump keeps coming up against deeply

or you know, really overestimated and overrated national security minds
on the on the issue of Afghanistan. Who they always
tell them, Oh, you can't pull out, Oh you can't
do it. Oh you can't end this. You know, Madis
was one of these guys. Bolton is one of these guys.
Oh you can't end the war in Afghanistan. What would

we do without the ability to immediately, you know, call
in a strike force into Jalalabad. How could how could
anybody in Kansas or Oklahoma or Oregon or wherever, how
could they ever sleep at night knowing that we don't
have US troops ready at a moment's notice to help

out in Kandahar City. Come on, we have other things
to think about, other things to do. We've been there
for twenty years. If after twenty years Afghanistan would collapse
and crumble into civil war without us, obviously our twenty
year presidents hasn't had the intended effect and isn't going
to It's not going to happen. That's why we have
this deal with the Taliban. I'm just going to skip

to the end. Here's what's going to happen. The Taliban
is going to do what it can to make it
seem like it's you know, not being that violent and
aggressive toward the United States as we're leaving, as we're
hitting the exits, and then they're going to go after
each other, and you're going to have your tribal warfare,
You're going to have factional fighting and probably some form
of civil war and Afghanistan. That's what's going to happen.

There is no future in which that is not going
to happen. Right, we can do we can allow that
happen now, or we can wait another five years, spend
billions and billions of more US dollars, have more US
troops getting maimed and murdered in many cases by their
supposed you know, Afghan compatriots. Right, these infiltraders who are
Taliban sympathizers who kill our guys at you know, at

the shooting range or something because that's how they do things.
So enough is enough. But there's also there's also that
segment of the national security apparatus and really the national
security industry that just doesn't want to see us stop. Oh,
we can't give up this mission. No, no, no, lose
our hard fought gains in Afghanistan. I do not know.

I know many people who serve the military in Afghanistan,
and I was there for the CIA a decade ago.
I know. I do not know a single person in
or formerly or currently in the military who served in
Afghanistan who thinks that we should keep fighting there. I
don't know. I don't know one. Now. Maybe some of
the people that have become very close with their Afghan
counterparts there from training them and assisting them, you know,

they have a bond of loyalty to people that have
been with them, you know, fighting alongside them. I'm not
gonna understand and appreciate that, or at least I can
appreciate it if I can't understand it, meaning that I've
never done that. But from a policy perspective. I don't
know anybody that thinks, yeah, if we stay a little
bit longer, things are going to get better. So yeah,
those two factors. This is why we're talking about Russia again.

We should be talking about China, which just used its
new national security law to arrest hundreds of protesters in
Hong Kong, and the crackdown is going to happen. The
Chinese Communist Party is going to win in Hong Kong.
It just is going to take a long time. They're
gonna wait till people are tired of hearing about this
in the news and everything. You know, they're gonna win.
And China is a real national security threat to US.

But China is a big concern, and it's going to
use its economic muscle in ways that will make Americans
poorer and less safe going forward. That's their plan. Russia
can't even get Russia's got like a trillion dollars total economy.
Russia is not a Russia's biggest economic output is oil
and gas. So they're not about to overtake us. Okay,

We're gonna be Okay, the Russians aren't the big threat.
The Chinese are the big threat. But you can't even
talk about that, especially if you're in the NBA, you
can't talk about it. No, No, if you're the NBA commissioner.
China's treatment of the Wagers, a Muslim minority population in
western China, they can be put into concentration camps. They

are captain concentration camps by the Chinese Communist Party. That
doesn't get any attention. We have all the social justice
wars in the NBA who will trash our own police,
who are honorable public servants doing overwhelming a fantastic job
keeping us safe until the Democrats don't let them do
their jobs anymore. But we also have all these NBA superstars,

multi multi millionaires who want to make sure that their
jerseys are still getting sold in Beijing, you know, want
to make sure that they still have those TV rights
for China to broadcast the NBA coming into the NBA coffers,
and you have the NBA Commissioner, Adam Silver making that
very clear. Placlipit has that relationship improved. I feel it has.

You know, our games are on ten cent distribution platform
in China. Um. You know, we've continued a dialogue with
the Chinese with our business partners there in certain cases
with certain government officials, and you know, we're just going
to keep at it. We've had a long history in

China and certain mass of bumping the road in our relations. Obviously,
I think we all understand each other, you know, as
I've said before. You know, we come to China with
a certain set of court American values and principles, and
I understand also they have a different form of government
and they have a different view of how things have
been done I thinks should be done. And hopefully we

can find mutual respect for each other. Yeah, the NBA,
NBA commissioner here wants to make sure he shows all
do submission and obedience to the Chinese Communist Party because
it's so important. Fun Actually the NBA. Look, look, I
get it. I'm not saying that the NBA has to
be always about human rights and social justice all over

the world or you're in America. I just want to
point out the hypocrisy of having all these players who
and the commissioner who take the side of cops are bad,
because that's really what this movement blms and cops are
bad and racist. The system is racist and the cops
are racist. Instruments of that system. But China totalitarian freedom, crushing, descent, silencing, thugocracy.

China's got a different way of doing things. That's what
Commissioners Silver has. They's just got a different way of
doing things. That's right. Then the need of Beijing because
they're throwing so much cash at the NBA, but spit
all over our cops, so to speak, because that's going
to make this country better. It's all about social justice.

That's the National Basketball Association for you. You're in the
freedom hud. This is the Buck Sexton Show podcast. Last question,
real quick. Some have speculator aligned though that you that
you are subject to some degree of cognitive decline. I'm

sixty five. I don't have word recollection that I used
to have. I forget my train of thought from time
to time. You got twelve years on me, sir. Have
you been tested for some degree of cognitive decline? I've
been testing on constantly, TESTIOK. All you know, all I
gotta do is watch me, and I can hardly wait
to compare my cognitive capability to the cognitive cape building

of the man I'm running. Isn't that great? He's asked
the Democrats? Great hope for the future. Joe Biden, He's
gonna save us all. He's asked about cognitive decline. He's like, Yeah,
I'm testing for cognitive decline every day. What No, he
meant like an actual test, like has a medical professor.
I'm constitutly testing for my cog of decline. Proof that

I don't have any because I'm testing for it all
the time. That's Joe Biden. There you go. He's gonna
fix it all, folks. He's got it all under control.
This is the guy that we want in charge of everything.
This is the guy that we are going to have

running stuff. Yep, sure enough. Also not not only is
he saying that he's not going to campaign because of
doctor Fauci, he's saying that that the other side, Republicans
are rejecting science play seventeen. Donald Trump is in retreat.
Remember back in Mars when I called as he called,

talked about the needs and act like we were at
war with the virus. If he called himself a wartime president.
Remember when he ex exhorted the nation to sacrifice together
and quote in the face of this inevitable, an invisible enemy.
What happened? Now it's almost July, and it seems like

our wartime presidents surrendered, waive the right flag? What white
flag left the battlefield? Today? We're facing a serious threat.
We have to meet it. We have to meet it
as one country. But the President gives no direction and
he puts us against one another. We can't continue like this,
half recovering and half getting worse. We can't continue half

wear a mask and half rejecting science. We can't continue
half with a plan and half just hoping for the best.
We can't continue. It's juice time and I want some
cookies and I need a nap. What is he saying
exactly about the president retreating now? I think he's he

has not been vocal enough on the statues and the mobs,
but that's a separate issue on this issue of COVID nineteen.
Retreat to me is going back into lockdown. Retreat is
thinking that there's a future for America in a series
of rolling lockdowns while this virus is still out there
and going to be out there for at least another

six months, maybe another year, maybe another ten, we don't know.
We've given ourselves the ability to treat people. We've given
ourselves the ability to have our medical providers give the
best care they can to people and get as many
people recovered from this as they can. And we have
young people getting this disease and passing through it so

quickly they don't even know they have it in large numbers.
And that's how a society, you know, we keep thinking.
You know, the left, the left elevates the scientists as
a general thing. The left elevates a scientist to be
people who always have the answers, and the problem is
they don't have and they love that because I think
the state, if they have the answer from the scientists,

can just do anything that it wants and take over
every aspect of your life, because you know, they're the
true experts that understand the humility that we have to
have in the face of something like this. Our scientific
community does not have the answers to this. They might
at some point, but they don't right now. We are
dealing with a health crisis that is causing social breakdown
and pain and misery and fouc You and all the

rest of them have no answers about all the rest
of that. They don't know. They don't have a path
forward for us other than absolute mitigation effort of the
virus continuously while the numbers continue to spike. So what
we have is going toward her community with the maximum
amount of pain, dysfunction, loss, and politicization possible. That's a

bad plan. Thanks for listening to The bus Stson Show podcasts.
Remember to subscribe on Apple podcasts, the iHeart Radio app,
or wherever you get your podcasts. Okay, everybody, our friend
David Harsani, he is back in the house. He is
a senior editor over at National Review. He writes great
things over there. He does this show a lot. We'd

like David. He's with us. David, welcome, Thank you for
having me back. All right, man, let's start. Let's start
with this one, actually, because I see that you have
pointed out something that I'm also trying to make as
much noise about this as possible. You have such left
wing luminaries as Recline making the argument publicly that the

disaster of COVID in America is the fault specifically of Trumpism,
compared to what we see in the rest of the world.
You had Ben Rhodes, the Obama administration's chief foreign policy propagandist,
arguing that we have done. I forgot about the specific
languages that he used. But essentially we're so much worse
off than Europe because Trump of course, and this is

just this is just not looking at the actual data
and the truth. How are people getting away with this? Oh?
I mean, how do they get away with that? Anything?
You have a complicit mainstream media or legacy media that
allows them to say things like this and repeats them
that you know as well. Obviously it's complicated, right, But

when you look at death deaths per million of the population,
which I think is the most important number to look at, right,
it shows how we react to it, how we treat things,
we deal with the initial response. We are better than
most European nations that are similar to us, other than Germany.

We are better than most authoritarian nations with that which
a client, you know, easily controlled populations. Usually. Also, we
can't trust those countries to give us the proper statistics.
People are dying. It's a tragedy. It's largely out of
our hands. The second part of that, though, is also
that trying to blame red states and trump Ism and

stuff like that is kind of absurd. When more people
died in New York nursing homes that have died, or
twice as many people almost nursing homes that have died
in the entire state of Florida or the entire state
of Texas or the entire state of Georgia. So that
argument is just is just really hollow and completely partisan,
and it feels like there's a really a concerted effort

going on to not only let Cuomo evade accountability for
the disastrous nursing home decision. And you know that's not
just Oh, New York is a dense place, like I
hit hard. That was a decision he made that I
don't think anybody defends now. But not only are they
moving the focus off of that problem, there's still you know,

they're still give Cuomo a platform to lecture other states,
notably red state governors like Florida and Texas, about how
they're handling this, as if that's not completely insane. Oh,
Karben Rna Pollum telling us to look towards New York
for those solutions. I mean, the nursery home to decision
was a deadly decision that was wrong. Now, m Florida

is also dense right in general, and Florida has an
older population, and yet they didn't have the same problem.
So I think that looking towards New York would be insane. Obviously,
it's not all you know, like you mentioned, there's density issues.
There's other issues as well. We might not even know
what the other issues exactly are. But the idea that
you know, conservatives are at fault here somehow is just

a crude partisanship. It's also idiotic. It's not true a
fiction that Donald Trump was in charge of either shutting
down states or opening states. That's that's a state by state,
city by city decision that was made, and a lot
of rest states opened up. So you're going to see
a spike probably in cases, but you know, they calibrate

as they move alone. That's how we have to do it.
We're not a dictatorship here, and we have other concerns
we have to weigh here. And as you probably mentioned, initially,
this was about been flattening the fur which we've which
every state almost other than the New York and New
York area has done. I gotta tell you, David, I know, sorry,
I was just gonna say I have to your point
ab flattening the curve. I had some some conservative friends

here in New York because they do exist. We just
keep it quiet. Who said, hey, Buck, you know, I
really you know, I agree with your analysis on COVID
and all the stuff, But you gotta look at what's
happening in Houston. Man. The ICUs are just about to overflow.
They don't know what they're gonna do. They don't have
enough beds, they don't you know that we're basically and
this is and I saw the headlines and I saw

the news coverage of this, and I thought, WHOA, Okay,
maybe I missed something here, and I dug into the
numbers a little bit, and no, it turns out that
the ICUs in Houston are just kept at a certain
staffing level, but there are three phases of staffing level
they can expand they have a surge capacity in individual
hospitals in that system. And they weren't even close that

they weren't even close to getting to the point where
they wouldn't be able to treat people. And this is
specifically in Houston, which was supposed to be the place
that was the worst hit. And also the average hospitals
stay for people who were being admitted for COVID was
two to three days instead of what we had in
New York, which is two to three weeks. But you
had to dig into the numbers to see that, David,
You had to actually look at what was happening on

the ground. Otherwise the national media saying, oh my gosh,
the hospitals are overflowing. We're all going to die again.
Everyone hide under their beds. That's what was happening, right,
And I'm not an expert on specific cities, but I
know that there's also that the you know, if you
saw a little bit of spike going on occasionally, it
was about a backlog of elective surgeries that were not
allowed for a long time that people are now allowed
to go back into the hospitals for. So it's not

that simple. I don't know why. You know, you see
these spike in cases. Obviously a part of this from
more testing, but obviously part of it is also from
you know, opening up now. But of course numbers have
not gone. But it's like, this is we made this decision, David,
like we as a society, as a country, we said, Okay,
we're gonna we're gonna get this under control. We're gonna reopen.
There will be some ups and downs in this, but

that was always a plan. Now all of a sudden,
we got Faucci and others acting like, whoa, whoa, what
do you mean there's more cases? Yeah, there's going to
be more cases. Yeah, I mean it's not going anyway.
The idea that we can sit around way for a
vaccine that's going to actually work is crazy. We may
never really work. We may. I mean, there aren't vaccines
for tons of viruses. So I don't I don't understand

what's expect me, and I do understand what's expected from
some people. From some people, we're supposed to wait till
November to see what happens, right, I mean it's about
I mean, I believe Paul Krugman does not want the
economy to rebound before the election. It's that simple. And
I'm not saying he wants people to die, but he
definitely doesn't want the economy to bounce back. And again,
that's just crude partisanship. It's it's it's kind of disgusting. Now,

I don't listen. San Francisco has only had six hundred
deaths right in New York had like twenty five thousand.
So it's not just an ideological thing. There are obviously
other factors and other things going on, But I don't
think we're the ones saying it's all about ideology, right,
They're saying that they're they're part is an issue for
the most part. I mean, other than Cuomo, who clear
he did something right, I don't I don't go on
radio and constantly, you know, bash the governor of New Jersey,

which has also had a very high mortality rate, because
I think that that was spill over from New York
people getting in. You know, you know, I disagree with
some of his decisions, but you know, he didn't have
quite this. He hasn't been held up the same way
as Cuomo. He didn't have you know, he has not.
He has not been treated as though he has beat
this thing. He has a bad record too. But I
think New York and New Jersey were the first big

places to get hit and that should be factored into it.
But but David, I want to switch gears for a second.
We're talking to David Harsandi of National Review. Uh, you know,
you told me that there's a case to be made.
You're the butt gorcitch phenomenon, which is what people say
about anyone who supported Trump, mostly for Supreme Court judges,
maybe for some other things, but mostly because I want
the judges. And now we see some very bad decisions

if you're a constitutional conservative, including one that that Gorsitch rope.
But you're saying there's still upside here, This was still
a good argument, meaning you should support Trump for the judges.
Tell me about this. I'm not saying there's upside. I'm
saying it's by far the best argument for Trump. I'm
saying that it is maybe the last chance to save
many of the constitutional norms that we had. That's what

I'm saying. I mean, I think there's nothing wrong with
making that argument. We are not a democracy. This is
not about majoritarian rule. We had every right to want
to rely on the course to stop them. And as
bad as more such decision might have been, or Roberts's
decisions are, there are a hundred times better than the
decisions that will be made right now by Hillary pointed judges.

In fact, you know, there are the Jat's decision, the
decision we had yesterday about religious liberty. These would not
exist if Trump hadn't been present. That's just a fact.
No matter what Trump's tweeting are doing, and for me,
it's the most effective and the most important part of
you know, the argument for Trump. Now, there could be

other reasons to vote against them. I'm not saying that
you should vote for him and I vote for him.
I don't do things like that, But I'm just saying
that that is a really important argument, and I think
that people can make the rational decision about the nature
of transactional politics and vote from because of judges have
as good a case to vote from as anyone has
to vote for anyone else before we let you go, David.

I heard Tucker on his show My Moment was last
night of the Night before saying that in his assessment,
I mean his analysis, if the Democrats get unified government meeting,
Biden wins Senate, Congress, everything's in Democrat hands. They will
move to pack the Supreme Court, which feels like previously
maybe for some people at least a red line, did

you really think they'd do then you think they'd packed
the Supreme Court if they if they thought that that
was a path the power Listen, I think many of
them would gladly do it if they thought they could
get away with it without any sort of repercussions politically speaking,
But I'm not so sure that if Biden presidency that
that happens. In two thousand eight, I thought Republicans were
finished for a generation, and two years later there was

a huge revolt among conservatives and everything changed. If Biden
acts like Obama did it or or worse, I think
that can happen again. And I think he knows that
that can happen again and will be a little more careful.
Least that's my hope. But certainly Kamala Harris or you know,
these other newer Democrats, I don't think they could get
away with it. They do it for sure. David Arsani

of National Review everybody check out his latest National Review
dot com. David, great to have you all, my friend.
You take care anytime. Thank you. You're in the Freedom Hunt.
This is the Buck Sexton Show podcast. All right, we've
got our friend Tina Lowe from the Washington Examiner back
in the mix. Tina, thanks so much for joining from

down in our nation's capital. Hi. Bye, thanks for having me.
All righty, so tell me what's going on in DC. Now?
You had been this side of some of the most
aggressive protest stuff. What was it about last week to
tear down on the Andrew Jackson statue. How the statue
topplers calmed down a bit? Is the Capitol Hill Autonomous

Zone still functioning? What's happening down there? So last week
I went to a brunch in Clarendon, so ten minute
drive away from my apartment in Arlington, Virginia. Still still
very much a part of the DC ecosystem. People were outside,
people were wearing masks, people were social distancing, and things

were opid, and it was great. I go downtown to
make a return, and it looked like a different nation.
It looked like a third world country. Still storefronts in
Chinatown either boarded up or destroyed or completely empty. No
people except put homeless people, and everything is debased. And

why is that? It is because these protests are no
longer peaceful. They were peaceful for a time and then
it turned it into looting and now it's statue toppling.
I will even the things have calmed down a little
bit in the sense of the scope of the thing,
and I've been trying to be a little bit less
online leading up to fourth of July. But it's pretty

clear that the energy is an ending we're on almost
a month. You know, we actually are on a month
of this thing book because it's joy now and it's
clear that there is no book that stops with Mayor
Murial Bowser build the Blasio. I mean, the only reason
why the Seattle Chatz got taken down was because they

started threatening the mayor's home. Until then she said, whatever,
so what if two black men die within chatz? So
what if women our assaulted? So what if property is destroyed?
It only mattered once the mayor herself book Britons, do
you feel like the Republican Party? I mean, you're down
there where you have the gathering of all of the

Republican members of the Senate and the House on Capitol Hill,
and I know you see them in see it's regularly
see these people walking around the street or whatever. So
you're in closer proximity and there's just much more of
a sense of connectivity sometimes to these national level politicians.
You get the sense the Republican Party is just hunkering
down and waiting for the storm to pass on this one,

because it seems there are very few prominent members of
the GOP that I can point to you right now,
and if I'm missing some by all means, who are
saying that this is madness and they don't want to
make concessions to the mob. They don't want this to continue.
They're cutting budgets for police forces in New York, They've
shut down the police force at least in theory the
city council Minneapolis. This should be a moment for Republicans

to assert their desire for law, order and safety, and
yet it sounds like there's a deafening silence at least
from the Republicans in DC. Absolutely, and considering I know
a couple of the apartment buildings we have now senior
members of the Trump campaign and where the Trump administration
lab and I've seen how badly at least the base
level of those buildings I have been destroyed. So yes,

it's kind of shocking to hear people who I mean again,
you know, I know that you have talked to the president.
It is just baffled to me, from everything from supply
chains in China during the coronavirus to these riots taking
over the American city right now, that Trump hasn't leveraged
this more because it does fundamentally make the case for

his initial campaign the fact is, these democrat run cities
have been ran into the ground for the last half century.
And this is the natural result. It's the natural result
of left wing academia becoming increasingly illiberal and helmet on
identity politics. It's the product of these cities sort of,

I mean not even just in the past three months,
but in the last few decades. No disregard for business,
no disregard, no regard for job growth. This is this
really does sort of prove the entire point of the
Republican case for country. How misses being leveraged better politically

is shocking to me? Your Generation Z, so you get
to be our unofficial Generation Z correspondent for some of
these matters. Are you technically a millennial? I technicollenial. I'm
the last year about Oh, okay, you're the very you're
the very youngest possible millennial. I'm like the oldest possible millennial.
So we're at the other ends of the spectrum where

but it's okay, But you know, a lot of Gen
Z people, I'm just wondering, you know, when they see
all this stuff going on, don't they did you ever
hear people even maybe who have a more liberal point
of view or Democrats that that are friends with who
are saying, wow, cities are actually going to be pretty unlivable, Like,
does does this ever register for them? That everyone who

knows what it means to be in a place where
law and order breaks down and has been through that before,
is like, I'm going to get out of here. I
mean New York is having an outflow of biblical proportions
of people leaving. Yeah, I definitely think so. And I
think that we're seeing that. You know, this was last
month record gun sales. Some of the highest gun sales
can recorded American history happen in June to twenty twenty,

And it makes sense. People clearly do not feel safe.
You know, I have lived in South Central La Paris,
New York, and DC, and I have never felt more
unstafe and never felt personally they need to carry that
I have this month or this past month, because it
is clear that cops are crowding out and there is

just lawlessness on the streets where people live in nice
areas in DC. So even if they aren't expressly saying it,
I think the numbers are telling the story. The numbers
of how many people are fleeing the East Village and
the numbers of how many people are applying for concealed
carry licenses. It's nuts. And you know in DC, if

memory serves, not only can you of course not carry
around a handgun legally, but I think you're not even
allowed to have pepper spray? Am I write on that?
I believe I've been told this before in DC? Yeah, yea, yeah, no,
it's the idea means for result defense. Yeah, well, palm
strike to the nose and then run really fast. That's
the best advice you can give. You of need beat Tina,
But thank you very much for joining us telling us

what's going down down there on the chat. Check out
to Tina's writing at The Washington Examiner and also look
for her contributions to the First Tina, thanks so much.
Thanks for listening to the bus Sex and Show podcast.
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listen to Buck Sexton show, just say go tobuckxxen dot
com and then they can find the podcast that way.
There you go. All right, any first off, Hey, Buck,
I'm listening to your show. I think since you were
only on Saturdays, I've listened to many conservative radio podcasts
and I just keep coming back to yours. I was
wondering if you could talk about Joe Jorgensen. There is

some thought that she may be she may split the
conservative vote. What are your thoughts? Thanks for your time, well,
any thank you so much for being with me. Sounds
like you kind of duck in and out, but you
have been technically original Saturday Squad. Oh ss going back
now at my U my eight year in media. I'm
sorry eight year. Wait, let me think no, nine years

it was June. I think seventh is my anniversary of
the first my first day at the Blaze. I believe
something like that. So nine years ago, a couple of
weeks ago, was my anniversary in the media, for whatever
that's worth. And as for Joe Jorgensen, I don't know
who that is. Perhaps perhaps I should producer marked. Do

you know who Joe Jorgensen is? I did google her.
I think she's a libertarian. Oh that explained well that that.
Now I don't feel bad. I mean, libertarians, come on,
kem on, come on, Libertarians, come on. I mean, I
like you, but you guys are kind of silly. Come on, Kevin,
I'm just kidding. I love you. Listen to the show.
Tell your libertarian friends listen to But I mean, kem on,
h Yeah, Joe Jorganson for president twenty twenty. I never

heard of this person until now, So yeah, another libertarian candidate.
I don't think people are going to be too focused
on libertarian issues as much, although the COVID thing certainly
does bring them up. But when you're worried about a
mob pulling you out of your home and beating you
in the streets, I feel like libertarianism is a tough sell.

I'm just gonna put that out there. I think that
might be tough. So yeah, thanks for telling me who
Joe Jorgenson is. I didn't even know. I learned something.
I learned something new every day on this show. Donna.
Next up, Hello Buck and Mark. Producer Brandon was good,
but producer Mark was missed. Of course, we know the
podcast is always up earlier when Mark is in charge.

That is also true. Shield's High. Donna from one or
four point nine w BUV Biloxe, Gulfport, Mississippi, w BUV
in the house. We haven't heard from our WBUV folks
in a little while on roll call. Thank you so
much for listening and make sure that people down there
know that they can listen to the Biloxi Gulfport, Mississippi area.
I want to go down and visit. I hear Biloxi
is a great town, same with Golfport. But we're not

supposed to travel even fourth of July weekend. Now we're
being told no traveling, no fun, nothing, Just stay in
your home, peasant, do as you're told, peasant. That's what
the libs tell us. Now we'll add up to the
list of Mississippi for the road trip tour we're gonna
take in twenty twenty two Harvey Tour. Yeah, let's wait
till the country's not in a lockdown from a pandemic

for the RV tour, but it'd be fun. Um. I
am definitely gonna be in Austin, so KLBJ in the house.
I'm definitely gonna be in Austin this fall for a
visit because my brother will be down there, so I
mean that's one hundred. I'm definitely going down to Austin.
So all finally, and I told him, I said, we're
just gonna put out the team buck bat signal and anyway,
we're Gonnau with my brother and I who's also a
great guy. We're gonna just be at a barbecue joint

in Austin and people can just show up and hang out.
That's that's We'll keep it real casual. But I want
to meet some of the folks, so that's that's what
we'll do. So I am gonna I know, I've been
talking about Austin forever. It's all right. Prouser Mark wants
us to do a you know, a cevich a sit
down in Miami because that's where he wants the freedom
Hut to move. But that's another time that way. Isn't

that like raw fish? Yeah? I mean I like sushi,
but I only eat the cooked stuff. You're a cooked
sushi guy. You like California roles. I like a Philadelphia role. Okay,
at least it's a Philly roll. Hey, guys, is from Phillis.
I hate Philadelphia, but I like the Philly roll. If

what is the what is the opposition sports team on
in any sport that upsets you them? Like? What who
is the evil professional sports franchise and producer? Mark? One
franchise or one city. You can give me the franchise
and then you can give me the city. But what
is I mean the city in general that most of
my team's arrivals with would be Philadelphia. Okay I thought

that was the case. But what is the one team
that gets under your skin the most? See I don't
say it about the team, I say it about their fans.
The New York Yankees. The New York Yankees fan base
is the most irritating fan base in sports. I can't
even they just can't wait to tell you, Oh, we've
won twenty seven championships. Yeah, how many of those championships

would you win before your grandparents were born? Damn you? Yeah,
Priuster Mark trov It's a good thing. This is a
good thing. This is not on WR and NYC because
a man they hate mail from, although I think it's
mostly Mets fans that listen to WR. I mean I've
said similar on that those airwaves before Buck Really yeah,
the Yankees fans, I hear you. For me, it was

always the New England Patriots. But I kind of kind
of respect them too, you know, I hate them in respect.
It's like the Bulls in the nineties for the NBA.
I hate them, but I respect them. I'm a Giants fan.
So like, we beat Brady twice. That's some of the
two most amazing sporting events I've ever watched. I think, honestly,
we're the two victories over the Patriots by the first
one was I mean, they were both great, but the

first one was just so much better. Yeah. Well, the
catch were against the helmet. I see, I actually saw
these things. I remember the Tyree catch and the fact
that the Patriots were undefeated. Yeah, unbelievable. It almost almost
as good as the ending of Miracle producer Mark, which
I watched on your say, so you know that's a
real sporting event that happened right here. Where are you? Yeah,

I'm just saying so you could just say, you know,
the nineteen eighty US hockey team or the Miracle on ice.
But I never saw that real game. I've only seen
the movie. Well were you you weren't old enough freely
and were you even unborn nineteen eighty? I don't pretty
only one, Okay, so you weren't even born yet, So
that makes sense. There we go. Huh, baby, Buck would
have been all about the American victory over the over

the Ruskies, though, Sarah, you're kicking us off next year. Hey, Buck,
thanks for keeping a real love the show. Thank you.
Sarah finally dawned on me why the mask wearing mandate
brings out the irrational defiance in me. Maybe it's because
the media has lied to me too many times. They
tell me that life evolved from pond scum, that my
unborn there's a mask, not a human, That my daughter

might be a boy, that manly men are toxic. They
tell me Trump is a racist, that he colluded with Russia.
I could go on. They have lost all credibility. Why
on earth would I believe them anymore? And now they
want me to mask up because they said, so go
pound sand I'll take my chance. He's living a clean
country girl life. PS. Welcome back Mark with a heart.

You gotta welcome back with a heart, Producer Mark. I
just like to give the fans what they want. That's
producer Mark apparently. Yeah, it's just it's one a little
more piece of producer Mark. That's all you know. Again,
don't let don't let missus Mark listen to this episode.
It's all I'm gonna say. But oh yeah, no, snow
Princess loves producer Mark. Here, that's a whole other Oh oh,
and you love it. She also loves the Royal Caller. So, um,

what do we have here? Next? We have Connie Connie.
Oh wait, wait, there's one thing I wanted to tell
you guys about that I didn't get to on the show.
I can't even tell if this is real or not.
But there is a motherboard, which is I think a
website has a suggested inclusive sexual health language list that's

out and I mentioned this at the top of the show.
So I wanted to get to it. So the gendered
language on this list, and I don't know if this
is this almost seems like it can't be real. But
I don't know. It seems like it's real. It's being
shared all over social media with the Libs deny this,
with the Libs say this is wrong. I don't think so.
Gendered language. Breast feeding should be replaced with chest feeding,

that's crazy. Female reproductive organs should be replaced with internal
reproductive organs. A uterus slash ovaries should be referred to
as internal organs. A prostate should be referred to as
internal glands. I mean, good it, this gets really A

woman should be referred to as a person who menstruates
and it goes on. A mother should be referred to
as a birthing person. Producer Mark, did you get all that? Yes,
I'm taking copious notes. Yeah, yeah, we're these are these
are the words that we're supposed to use now to
talk about these things. You know, when I tell you

the left is insane, I don't mean that as a hyperbole.
I mean they're actually they've actually lost their minds, Like
they're actually deranged and no longer able to think in
reasonable logical terms about issues of politics and about issues
of biology. It would seem too but you know, man,
I gotta say these libs every day. It's like a

kick in the internal organs or external organs because I'm
a dude whatever. You know what I'm saying. So where
are we now? Oh? Yes, it's more roll call. You're
in the Hut. This is the Buck Sexton Show podcast.

All right, we continue here with our role call. Connie
writes in I really wish people would leave our TV
shows and movies alone. If they don't like them, don't
watch them, but leave the rest of us alone. I've
been watching Succession with the Snow Princess. I have to
say it's quite good. It's quite good. I mean, I'm
enjoying it very much. But yes, if you go back
in time, some of the most beloved TV shows of

all time would not pass the test of wokeness. They've
had to change Simptons, Simpson's characters and Simpson's content. They've
had to They've got problems with the show Friends, which
I will admit I like more than I probably should.
They've had to change stuff from actually has Seinfeld producer
Mark You're more Seinfeld guy has that ever gotten in
trouble for unwokeness, you know, in retrospect, you know what

I mean. Yeah, No, I have not seen this anyone
come at Seinfeld yet. Yeah, I'm sure it. See I
did see who's the Cosmo Cramer guy. I mean we
all saw that he completely lost his mind yet racist
Michael Richards, Yeah, yeah, Mike. I had nothing to do
with the show. It just was he whoa, he went.
He went to a very scary place there anyway. I mean,

I think he had some kind of a nervous breakdown,
but he said some very bad things. But you know,
it's I don't think Seinfeld's goten in trouble. But Friends
definitely has for fat shaming for uh, you know, LGBTQ
mocking things like that for sure, even though Friends is
actually very progressive in its own way. Not that I'm
gonna get too deep into this conversation because people are

going to start pressing pause or switching the station. But
they had a guy that whatever, the guy whose wife
was actually a lesbian and he's raising the child with her,
and you know, so there's some progressive stuff in the show.
But you know, Joey does make fat jokes. Sometimes you
know Joey Joey was Joey was Joey a very underrated character.
I think the writing was quite good. Uh, Josh how Buck,

very grateful as always for your show on KLBJ. WHOA
Austin yeeha? Is that a pretty good Texas yeha. I'm trying.
I'm trying every I am a Yankee. Yes, it is true.
Not a sports team produce will never do that again. Yeah,
I know everyone KLBJ Austin is shaking their head side
to side to side, like Buck, we're gonna we're gonna
pull your We're gonna pull your Texas card if you
ever do that again. And I don't think they just

do that randomly. I don't know. I'm from New York,
is what I like to think of Texas. Everyone's like, hey, partner,
you know, I don't know. I've never been to Texas,
but I know they don't just go around saying yeeha.
I know I spent a lot of time in Dallas,
and in Dallas, the conversations are more like, oh, you
should come check out our artist in cheese company that
just opened up in Uptown. I'm like, oh, okay, it's

they're not like, hey, partner, let's ride a horse. You
know that's not so. I mean, I assume it's the
same thing in Austin. If anything, there's probably more artisan
cheese shops and people pickling their own beats and such.
All right, Josh writes the event arising before the liberal
black hole, which is Austin. Have you read the OpEd
by doctor Simone Gold MD about the uselessness of masks?

She says the virus is two hundred to one thousand
times smaller than the pores on cloth masks. It's like
putting up a chain link fence to keep out mosquitos. Also,
do you think the NBA will allow messages like stand
with Hong Kong on the new social justice jerseys shields high? Josh,
great stuff. I have not seen this op ed by

Simone Gold, MD, but I'm curious to read it. And
I keep saying for people that are that are like
mask superusers, that there's no question that you can get
the virus, that it is possible to contract virus like
this through through your eyes. And just ask himbody, if
you touch a contaminated surface with this virus and then
you rub your eye, are you at are is that

a very clear route of transmission for by the answers. Yes,
so if you can get it by touching something and
touching your eye, the aerosols or saw as virus getting
your eyes also a risk. Now they might say it's
a lesser risk, but I think, how would you even
do a study on this? How would you even really know?
So you think these things through and you come up

with conclusions that are based in logic and reason and
not what is often politicized. Spokespersons for the scientific community,
And as for the stand with Hong Kong, the answers, No,
the NBA will not allow that. I guarantee you the
NBA will. You know, they will shut down. They're pretty
much like, yeah, China, China gets to call the shots

when it comes to the NBA because it's such a
big market for them and they make so much money
with NBA games being played in China. Already know NBA
games being broadcast, I should say in China, that's what
I mean by played. So yeah, no, they will not
allow that, that's for sure. And let's see we have
your Richard Buck I'm with you, cloth masks or worthless?

Did I say that? I probably did here in Raleigh,
they passed mask mandate that only includes cloth masks, an
N ninety five respirator or a half mask full mask
face shield not included. My wife and parents are all
higher risks. So I wear my three M half mask
with P one hundred filters in the store. So while
I'm wearing that sometimes that will actually work, I'm breaking

the mandate. I refuse to wear it outside. Meanwhile, bars
that serve food or open, bars that don't serve food
or mandated to be closed dance clubs are apparently open also,
which makes no sense. This weekend, the closed bars in
town either open to follow the restaurant rules or they
identified as a club and opened. Either way, they gave
a giant you know what to the governor, Kami Cooper

support your local speakeasy shields eye Well, Richard, thanks for
the updates, my man. I didn't know. But every state's
got its own penny tyranny going on with the governors
that are acting like maniacs and not basing things in
the science. But here we are still being masks shamed
aamed all the time by people who even five months

ago we're saying don't wear masks now. They're saying, if
you don't wear a mask, you're a bad person. Where's
the scientific evidence that has changed. Just just show me
the scientific evidence for that change, not just the oh,
we want to think we're doing something. All right, that's
gonna be this show for today. Make sure you gotta
bucksexon dot com. Make sure you also subscribe on YouTube
YouTube dot com slash Bucksex and gen Z and the

millennials in the house who are all about YouTube. Come
on now, go to YouTube dot com slash bucksex, and
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time and place she'll tie
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