All Episodes

November 25, 2024 • 111 mins

Marcus managed to fix something with help from YouTube, and we find out what you're bringing to the end-of-year pot luck dinner.


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Mark as Played

Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:07):
You're listening to the Marcus lush Night's podcast from News
talks'd be.

Speaker 2 (00:13):
Welcome to Monday, Marcus, last Monday of November. Here till
midnight tonight. I hope it's good where you are? Eight
hundred and eighty ten eighty. I've got the cricket on,
but I think it's just the replays. Have we lost?
Don't we'll have they lost. I'll keep you updated with that,
but I think it's just about all over over. I
just actually looked up on the cornaway and I saw wickets,
but of course it was the recap, which always catches
me out. Now I've lost my train of thought. Anyway,

where was I here till midnight tonight? I hope it's good.
I've got a lot to say and a long time
to say it. A couple of stories we need to
be aware of tonight, and they are things I've been
begging on about, ad infinitum forever. One is the soul
of flares. We have a coronial mess ejection and Mark Mitchell,

our civil defense minister, I think, is in charge of this.
It's a big deal. Yes, So we've got extreme solar storm.
There you go. So that's about to happen. So you

know about this extreme solar storms like the Carrington event,
it could knock everything out. There's no indication yet that
it's happening, but it's on its way. So just so
you know that's about to happen. The solar storm could

knock out the grid. And last time we discussed it,
they reckon earthquake, tsunamis and solar flares and pandemics. They
are the great worries for the world. So we will
get some warning, I would think, But yeah, it's on,
it's happening. There are people that look at the soul

of sunspots and we're having a big event now, so
that's about to happen. It also means that we could
get a fairly good Aurora Australis in the next couple
of nights. So I will be looking at their Facebook page,
which is the aur Australia's Facebook page, to give you

any updates with what we've got. By the way, it's
tea breaking the cricket. That's why I haven't got much
going on. But yeah, so the coronal mass ejection, the
solar storm that could be happening, It could be happening soon.
I will keep you updated on that. So there we go,

and I don't know if anything is going to happen tonight,
but you could never quite know when it's going to happen.
I'm kind of slightly surprised that the government has already
got Mark Mitchill involved with it. He's on watch. But
it's not kind of making headlines. Been buried in a bit.
They're burying it a bit because it's a bit feels
a bit kind of esoteric and far away. But this
thing hits, it could be a big deal. So keep

some cash handy and at the ready. But that's certainly
one of the things I'll be looking at tonight and
looking to talk about tonight. The other thing is, well,
a couple of other things. One thing, what did Here's
a question for you, what did what did you manage
to fix using YouTube this weekend? Because I had remarkable,

quite a productive weekend, although I almost ruined a lawn mower,
and I almost ruined the lawnmower through stupidity, And I'm
not quite sure whether I can actually tell that story
to everyone. Was when I tell stories about my own vulnerabilities,

you don't even know who's going to portray it. Out
of context. But anyway, Yeah, that's right, And I just
about did something really stupid with a lawnmower. Well, I
did do it, but I don't think I'm confident enough
to explain what I did or why I did it.
I'm not explaining why.

Speaker 3 (04:27):
I did it.

Speaker 2 (04:27):
I don't quite know why I did it apart from
a mode of mess stupidity. So I think i'll bury
that one for a while. Vanessa doesn't know, which I'm
sort of concerned about that also. But yes, boy, I boy,
did I need a story of lawnmower. And it wasn't good,
and I'm lucky I didn't. It could have been a

lot worse. There could have been fires, it could have
been all manner of things. And the remarkable thing is,
if I had all the talkback slots between now and
twenty thirty five, I don't think anyone could guess the
act of stupidity I did with a lawnmower. Now, I
don't even know if I did every talk back slot
between now and twenty thirty five and even have the

courage to admit to you when I did it, I thought, well,
i'll tell people and talk back the phone. That's funny.
But since I've thought PEPs is not the thing to do.
But I'll tell you what YouTube was very good for,
and because it was so good, I feel that I
need to tell you about this. The oven door was

broken and the oven door wouldn't close, and it hadn't
closed for about a week. And Vanessa was baking bread
and the bread didn't really cook, and she says the
oven and she said, well, the oven's not work. Oh god,
I thought, I don't really know how to change the
fuses for the elements. I says, is it not on grill?

Is it not on bake? All those things? And I
went to look at the oven. The oven door didn't work.
It was a jar. When is a door not a door?
When it's a jar, it was about half a centimeter
out at the top. Oh gods. So I can't be
bothered trying to understand how a oven door works. So
I'm sure it's complicated. I'm sure it requires has got

screws with a screw head that I don't have. It
was one of those things that the last thing I
want to do is be on all fours trying to
repair an oven door. It just screamed of me of
something that was hard work. By the way, I grew
up in a house with an oven with an oven
door didn't close, and probably for thirty years we had
to put a giant ceramic transformer thing in front of

the oven door to close it. And I imagine it
was a very very easy fix then as well. So
I youtubed how to fix an oven door right that
wasn't closing properly. And the reason I'm going to go
big on this is because I'm sure there's people out
there that have got the same affliction and are propping
things against their oven doors to keep the oven working properly.

All you do to fix an oven door that's not
closed using properly, All you do is you open the
door down to horizontal. You put two tee towels, one
on each side of the door down by the hinge,

so they folded up so they're about an inch thick.
Then you close the door and it's that simple to
realign it. I don't even know what the stupid hinges are,
but that's how you realign an oven door. Why is
that not printed everywhere?

Speaker 4 (07:42):

Speaker 2 (07:42):
Why is that not on YouTube? Why is that not
in memes? It was an incredibly satisfying because nothing was
around the side of the door, trying to work out
why it's not closing, why it keeps springing back, blaming people,
working out who's done it, what's gone wrong with it.
It was that easy to fix. So if anyone else
got an other door that doesn't close, I'm prepared to

help you and talk you through how to close it.
It's been live changing for me. I'm now the oven
door closing guy. I don't I don't even know if
it's all brands. I presume ours is are DOLLA. What
it is. Ours is sort of not a flash oven,
no bells and whistles. But it's that easy to fix.
And I haven't got many missions in life because I'm

not an evangelizer and I'm not born again, But when
it comes to the oven door, I want everyone to
know that you don't need to suffer an oven door
that won't close because it's terrible all you're baking everything. Oh,
you think maybe it's because the oven door is not
quite right. If anyone has any talk back about oven
doors not closing properly, I want to talk about that now.

And if anyone else wants to talk about easy fixes
that they've actually learned on YouTube. Well, things you've managed
to fix on YouTube. I want to know what those
things are asap, and that's as soon as possible. Oh
eight hundred and eighty ten eighty and nine two nine
two detect Marcus till twelve. Anything goes here to the
end heit on Night. But mainly I don't really want

to get in to get into a guessing game about
the lawnmower because I have to say what I did
in the end and people and people will judge me
for it, because that's what will happen. Oh gee, you
know what he did with his lawnmower, because I think
probably in New Zealand, the lawnmower is sacred and to
admit you've done something disrespectful for the lawnmower for your

own gratification, it was that bad. I don't think you
any kudos for that. I don't think you're going to
become the Kiwi Bank Kiwi of the Year by disrespecting
your lawnmower. So I'm not going to go there with
the speculation. But I do want to talk about oven
doors and what you've fixed using YouTube on your marks,
Get set go, But oven doores? Wow? I feel I've

always had past life experience with oven doors not being
fixed properly. Get your text through two nine nine two detect.
You might want to mention the solar event, but mainly
it's about the oven doors. I don't think we'll get
four hours on oven doors an ideal world, we would
because the other thing is with the oven door. How

do you know if your oven's working? Do you have
to go and buy a special oven thermometer or are
there other ways to work out if your oven is
up to heat? Great texts, Marcus. This might be a
stupid question, but how long will it last? Because it's
hitting us now. We're going tonight, so we will be
on the opposite side of the planet to the coronal

mass ejection. A good point, Marcus. Great something about moas?
Please tell your story. Did you try to use the
moa to mow's stones or did you flip it to
make a multuar. We'll use the kitchen chair to keep
our door closed. Fix the oven two teetaiels ten seconds.
It's a really good thing to do. You can fix it.

Does your radio station operate off power? If it does,
I guess we'll know the solar storm is it. When
you're off air, I'll get some batteries. Old school. What
you need to know is that every radio station has
a backup generator. It would go off here, probably for
thirty seconds. It'll play a song, which used to be
Blue Skies by Willie Nelson in the nineties. These days

it's probably Ed Sheeron That will play for about thirty seconds.
Then the generator will start. Then the normal program or
kickback in. Marcus, dumbest thing I've seen with the Mora's
guy brought one from the warehouse. Came in a box.
He book, guessing it. About ten minutes later blew out
a piston. He seized it with no oil. He said
he thought it came with oil. I once I bought

a lawn mower and I started it, and the first
thing I did was ran over the instruction manual, which
is not a bad thing because it's very easy to
find instruction manuals online. Hittil midnight. My name is Marcus Robbie. Welcome,
good evening, evening.

Speaker 5 (12:06):
Ask us how are you look the old oven?

Speaker 3 (12:10):
Do author?

Speaker 5 (12:11):
I wished I had you had to tell me that.
About two months ago we bought a We bought a
in a little cottage where most people buy it. It's
a whole you know, holiday resort for rich type people.

Speaker 6 (12:29):
Anyway, I bought.

Speaker 5 (12:30):
This little cottage go Mere, you know, in to retire
and write. So probably the worst cottage in the best street.
The old story goes. Anyway, I spent you know, still
renovating it. Spent a lot of money. Anyway, I had
this semi brand new. The top was gas in, the

bottom was electric, you know oven thing. So we checked
it three times, four times before we bought. And then anyway,
we move in and my time says, the oven door
won't chat. No, it's so good. It's sort of a
year old hell and I'm a butcher, not a fix

or of things, and oh yeah, so ringing the real estate,
and the lady says, oh, you just want a new oven,
you know, long story short, I wasn't no, no, I just
want the door to shut so my partner can make sconsin.
So we employed a qualified master book builder to do

renovations around the place. He's, oh, yeah, I can fix that.
He goes to my you loveless, he goes to my
team and gets like some sort of bolt thing and
drills holes and puts in it, and then you had
to put a hunk or four or two yeady. I mean,
you're kidding me. And now what I've just heard you

say makes sense that it's like a joint in your body. Yeah,
when did he click it back?

Speaker 2 (14:08):
Did he need the full?

Speaker 5 (14:10):
He was a master builder and could not fix the
bloody oven door.

Speaker 2 (14:16):
So has he used a four by two to fix it?
Or has he incorporated the full?

Speaker 5 (14:21):
Got this it was like a latch, you know, like
a latch on your on your garden shed. So he
drilled that in, but slept.

Speaker 7 (14:29):
He don't know.

Speaker 5 (14:30):
We've got a problem with this builder because I'm not.

Speaker 2 (14:34):
Came on, is the four by two now part of
the oven?

Speaker 5 (14:38):
And if a dozen shut? Because we're doing major renovations
to this little property, little house. And just Jan said
she was married to a builder. She's my partner for
twenty five years. She went, what the hell? Oh that guy.
I just thought that when I heard you say that
oven door, that that's that's my storymade.

Speaker 8 (15:00):
But you can.

Speaker 2 (15:00):
Understand because the hinge comes down at the bottom and
you put something there with purchase and it realized I.

Speaker 5 (15:05):
Can understand what you say.

Speaker 6 (15:06):

Speaker 5 (15:07):
Yeah, but at the time, I've gone, Holy Molly, and
this thing is on a year old and it was
just a holiday batch.

Speaker 2 (15:14):
For how much did they build a charge for that?

Speaker 5 (15:18):
One hundred and fifty bucks. But here's the kicker. Not
only that, but on this coming Thursday, we're taking him
to court because there's lots of other things. But you know,
I just loved about the oven doing them.

Speaker 2 (15:32):
But should that should have been one of the shuttles,
shouldn't it The oven should have been in working yet.

Speaker 5 (15:38):
Of the shadows. But the real estate agent said, oh,
you just want a new stuff. I said, no, I
just want the door to shut exactly.

Speaker 2 (15:46):
I'm not happy with Robbie. I wouldn't mind seeing a
photo of that with a full but two and if
you get a chance to email one and that's a
good story. Max Marcus welcome.

Speaker 9 (15:55):
Yeah Marcus fixing things and using YouTube. Look, I went
white fading and the season and I got a couple
of those ten liters buckets from my to ten and
been optimist. I got two of them, which was very
optimistic on my part. But I put the two of

them together, you know, like you know, I put one
inside of the other, and I thought, well, right, so
you know, yeah, I know why you're laughing, Mark, because.

Speaker 2 (16:27):
You hang on, hang on, hang on? Was there gravel
inside that was? Was it just there was There was
no sand or in it. There was just one bucket
inside the other.

Speaker 8 (16:35):
That's right.

Speaker 9 (16:36):
There was nothing in them.

Speaker 2 (16:38):
And they got stuck.

Speaker 9 (16:40):
And they both got Okay, hang.

Speaker 2 (16:41):
On, hang on, hang on. Yep, don't spoil that for
the audience. I just try to think out what what
what YouTube would suggest? Don't tell us it's not about
dipping them in hot water to make the outside one
the outside one expand.

Speaker 9 (16:58):
Oh you're very hot, you're getting warm. Yeah, no, you've
You've got that year. That's it. So I look that
up on YouTube, and you know, I was using the
hammer on the lip of it.

Speaker 2 (17:12):
Would just make it worse. You'd actually just what was
the actual solution?

Speaker 9 (17:19):
Just what you said. I looked on YouTube video the
American guy laying them on the side, tip hot water
on the really boiling hot water on the bottom one.
You know, don't let it heat the top one up
and then just grab it and the bottom one will
expand and then you pull the top one out. So

easy just came out like easy peas.

Speaker 2 (17:45):
Look at you two buckets for white bait, what did
you get one scoop?

Speaker 9 (17:50):
Well, at the end of the season about six and
a half pound. But I really wasn't geared up for
the season. I had holes in the net. So it
also it took me about three or four weeks to
kind of sort my gear out of It was the
late starter, and I'm in the North Island. I'd love
to be on the West coast. So it wasn't bad really,
but the weather was really against us too, you know.

Speaker 2 (18:10):
Down down south, down South, it was really bad because
the river was river wasn't flood the whole time, so
everyone was grizzling down No one got a lot of
white back down south.

Speaker 9 (18:20):
That was pretty much the same up here in the North. Yeah. Yeah,
the river's got really dirty and cold, and of course
they've cut the season down by two months too, so
in the size of them.

Speaker 2 (18:33):
I've had people coming round of the house by sign
petitions about that that that hasn't gone down at all, well,
has it?

Speaker 9 (18:38):
No, No, a lot of the white baits here have
not been you know, they had been like it's hugely
angry about it. But there has been some a few
meetings and things put forward. But anyway, with me two buckets,
I think next year I'm just going to stick with
the one bucket. I'll probably stick with one bucket and
get a huge tall and go oh no.

Speaker 2 (19:01):
Max, nice to talk to. Twenty eight past twenty eight
past eight. Here's someone breaking new that I will tell
you about because he's put this on Twitter for me.
X Kim dot Com has posted on Twitter, I am
recovering from a serious stroke. I have the best health
professionals helping me to make recovery. I'll be back as
soon as I can. Please be patient and pray for

my family and I. That's Kim dot Com who has
had a serious stroke. Of course, I think I'm pretty
sure he's a waiting X tradition, although I'm not quite
sure how that goes. When the likes of the people
that are forming the head jobs appear to be similar
sorts of people to him, as far as people that
have done well through technology and computers and you know

what I'm talking about, those sort of similar sort of
I don't know the word for them, but there are
anyway that that's him. He's just posted in hospital that
he's had it. From hospital, he's had a serious stroke
and we are discussing, well, I don't really want to
discuss them the worst thing and done with a lawnmower,
because it could be dangerous. So I'm sort of mindful

not to go down that particular avenue because I mean,
I've always had a quite a good talk about career
as far as not encouraging idiots to do anything idiotic,
and I wouldn't mind maintaining that. But anyway, that's just me.
It sounds cowardy, doesn't it. But we are talking about
lawn mowers and all manner of other stuff, including the
things you learned to fix on YouTube or great YouTube

fix it to fix things, and I find it's very
interesting because you will have done it, you will have
gone on YouTube and you will have fixed something that
it's an extraordinary resource. I'm sure there's people fixing the
cars and all manner of stuff. Marcus, you think that's
a stuck problem, Try getting an eight year old out
of a set of chatterings around his waist after he'd

squeezed his head, shoulders and arms through. He couldn't get
it up and couldn't get it down. I got them
off in a flash. Soap, I have to explain to
Pear what chatterings are, wouldn't I? Dan, do you know
what chatterings are? Okay, Dan, No, it's dancing quite excited
like you actually probably had a set, a set a couple. Marcus.

What about airline travel of solar storm strikes? It is
a concern. I actually I tell you that I've got
the article about I'm always reading the article about the
solar event, and I forget what it's set about flights.

I will try and reread that article during the commercial
break and I might see if I can do it now,
if I can find the So good having a phone
that you can just find all every article you've read,
And isn't it Although it's not good, it's not good
for your memory because you've got everything on and I've

often quoted from this article. But they did say something
about flights and what happens in space during a solar event,
and I'll try and find the relevant quote for im
just looking through. Now. What I always have trouble with
is I have trouble googling individual words in articles. But yeah,

it did say something about plays and how they are
affected with a Carrington type event. I've read this article
so many times. Anyway, do get in touch without talking
about fixing things using YouTube lawnmowers? I'm still actually not convinced.
And everyone we mowing the lawns. I finally had some

good weather, and board did I get a lot done.
It's taken so long for the weather come right. But
I've got two mowers at the moment, a fuel one
that I didn't ruin came close to, and an electric one.
I don't reckon the eletric ones are there yet. I
just don't reckon they're as good. Well, I was on

the shop to a lot of people are buying those
remote ones, but that's not me. It just looks lazy
to sit there and just have something else to mow
your lawns. But yeah, what do you reckons? Anyone tried
the electric and gone back to the motor mower just
feels more reliable. And when your battery won't charge and
the charge is non functional and anyway, that might sound

like a bit of a grizzle, it's not. I just
did find in that article about when there's a solar event,
what happens because GPS is knocked out because it uses
the satellites and the satellites will be effected, but it
does say like GPS location accuracy, GPS timing accuracy can
suffer during a solar storm. The longer and more severe
the storm, the more those errors compound until the systems

that depend on the signals no longer work out correctly
or work at all. Back up programs are available. The
Federal Aviation Administration has alternative capabilities to keep planes flying
safely when GPS fails. It seems like I could probably
work for flying, but yeah, it's a big deal and

they put a lot of time into working out what
to do with it. It's a solar event that's about
to happen, so get in touch of you on a
We're also talking mainly about things that happen. By the way,
the person got the chattering out by smothering them and
cooking oil. How long did you run the diesel fo forward? No,
I didn't put diesel in them. Oh and it was Yeah.
I don't even know if I'll ever admit what I did.

Marcus fixed our leaking toilet system using the YouTube video.
It works fine now and saved one fifty plumbers fee. Katie. Yeah,
the plumbers must hate it because Rewiring your house is
complicated because you could kill yourself. But plumbing and you
get Marcus YouTube amazing simple greater in a power cut

turn a four four leaded bottle of water into a
land and using a small torch. Gen, I won't know
where you've managed to fix using you You can't go
a lot on about sport. I watched a bit of
the Formula one to try and see what that was
all about. Not really my thing. I watched a bit

of the rugby just after halftime, kind of realized it
was going to be one of the great matches and
stopped that. So pretty happy they didn't watch that. Also,
it's a shame that Italy wasn't the beginning of the
tour rather than the end. I thought that was a
shame because at the start of the two people have

been very excited to watch it. At the end everyone
was a bit over rugby anyway, nine for two three six,
a bit of wagging in the tail. Match attendance ninety
six thousand, so I fear few people have gone to
that match over the However, many days it has been
oh good news about the vaping. I kind of thought

if we didn't hype the vaping that it was kind
of something that was going to become a trend and
fade away. So I think everyone's behaved very well with that.
Seems to be on the way out despite some hysteria.
That's my take on that one. You're Graham as Marcus. Welcome,
good evening.

Speaker 10 (26:20):
Hi, how are you good?

Speaker 2 (26:22):
Thank you, Graham?

Speaker 8 (26:22):
How are you good? Yeah? I just one thing about
my mo I bought one a few years ago. And
then you know the part at the back that just
broke off the catcher, Yeah, the catcher on them and yeah,
and I got a bit rusty and whatever, and what
I did. I have these bungee kind of things with

books on it are about a half meter long, and
I wrapped it around my you know the part where
you hold on to the mode of the lawn. Wrapped
one part of the bungee onto that and the other
part onto the the back part of the moat. Sorry,

and and that picks it.

Speaker 11 (27:08):

Speaker 2 (27:09):
I thought you were going to say that. I thought
you can say the bungee got fell into the blade
and it's spun it around and dregged you would, so
you're fixed it with the bungee.

Speaker 8 (27:17):
Yeah, yeah, just I just wrapped it around a few times,
and you wrap it around and you move onto the
onto the marror onto the thing lifts, lifts the catcher up.
Before the catch was just dragged along on the ground
and you just couldn't do anything.

Speaker 2 (27:32):
Technology with catches is not very good, particularly in the
winter when you've got a lot of wet grass. They
get so heavy and it's kind of it seems to
be a design fault to me. The catches on mowers.

Speaker 8 (27:43):
Oh yeah, they used to make it so they can.
You can you have to buy another mode.

Speaker 2 (27:49):
Well, I don't quite know why they are, but forever
you're forever tried to envy them as well. I wish
they kind of there's the wicket in the cricket. I
think that's the situation now. So Australia is all out,
thank you Graham. Australia's all out for two three eight.
So that's a situation. That's a hiding, absolute hiding that
the Indian and India gave Australia after we have of
course threshed India makes us look good. Done it, Marcus.

There is an easier way with buckets stuck together, just
squirt compressed ear between them. They pop apart. Most of
us don't have compressed air dishwash effects. Pull your machine
out from under the bench and rocket a few times
gets rid of most faults. It's usually an airlock issue

from a carpet layer in christ Church. You're a legend.
It's great advice. Just like the old TV. The best
way I was always thiniking a bang on the top.
It seemed to work because it was always a loose wire. Marcus,
will the solar situation affect my internet? If it sounded
like power at eg my one end z it could
well do. Although it hasn't happened yet. Here we go,

Here we go. This is the power of talkback right
much malign medium these days, well not really maligned, but
everyone's got an opinion on talkback. Here's a text full
of emoticons, including what's that first emoticon? Den Is it
someone crying? She got a hit? It's a face palm,

then tears and then praying. That's the three emoticontin this text. Marcus,
thank you so much. I just fixed my oven door.
Thanks to you, I did as you said it live
tonight on air. It's been broken for over a year,
so once again, thank you. Stop in a tease, and

please just know what you did with a lawnmower. I wouldn't.
I don't think I could, Marcus. My dad once got
so frustrated with his lawnmow that he hurled it down
the hill in a hammer throw fashion via the pull cord.
I can identify with that. They are frustrating things. But actually,
you know what, with lawn mo I'm surprised how often

they do go. They go more often than not, Marcus.
No catcher works well with damp grass, never has Marcus.
If you're trying to do something manly with your MOA
and you broke it, that's okay. You don't lose man

points for that. I wasn't doing to try to do something.
I wasn't trying to do something manly. I was trying
to do something viral YouTube video. So it's worse. It
was a hiding to nowhere, Marcus. The best, by far
lawn mower is a Lawnmaster eight fifty of a big lawn.

The worst brow's a German made battery MOA colored orange
that's from Dave. Marcus tried thelectric MOA died halfway through
the lawn, so I buried it and went back to petrol.
Always enjoy your show. Thanks Trev. It's mowers and YouTube
and oven doors. Hi Marcus, loving your show as always.

I was just looking at YouTube to fix a rattle
and the fan on my Westinghouse oven. Easy fixed by
removing two screws on fan cover and bending the fan
ends slightly away from the surrounding element. Five minute fixed,
save dollars and time. Second subject, I've had an Ego
Electric math for eight years and never had a problem

with it or the battery that I think it's time
to have the wheel bearings replaced in the blade sharp
and I will never go back to petrol. Love using
electric one. Thank you for entertaining talkback Wow five away
from nine. My name is Marcus Hettel twelve Simon Good evening, Okay, Mark,
how are you good? Thank you? Simon?

Speaker 7 (31:54):
Oh good? Can I just say that I am. When
I was growing up, I used to fix the old
run washing machine, used to get the old replace the
old roller blocks and how oh I just I just

used to look at it and oh, when I was
a five year old, I lie down and watch the
motor but a sort of thing.

Speaker 2 (32:27):
But did they have a motor the ringers.

Speaker 7 (32:31):
Yeah, yeah, they they sometimes had a belt drive or
direct drive.

Speaker 12 (32:39):

Speaker 2 (32:40):
What I've always thought because they are often children at
school who had broken their arms because had gone through
the ringer. Right, yeah, but I probably think that was
a euphemism for something worse than had happened. Do you
often think that because not everyone the answer a ringer?
Could they?

Speaker 7 (32:58):
No? No, just just with friction away And I got
my son caught in one, and I knew to reverse it.
I reversed today. But you know I should should it?
Just push the release bars on it?

Speaker 2 (33:18):
Why would you get your thumb called in it? Should?

Speaker 10 (33:20):
I ask? Oh?

Speaker 7 (33:21):
I was just playing with it.

Speaker 2 (33:23):
Where was your adult supervision?

Speaker 7 (33:26):
I must seen four or five or yeah. I was
noughty noughty boy going under the house.

Speaker 2 (33:31):
Were you okay? No supervision? Okay, good on you, Thank you.
Facebook comments say both the man and the dog in
or Tucky were found. That dog's name Rollie. I think
I've googled that up. That's the information I've got for you. Marcus,

have two expensive drinking classes stuck together. Please help love
your show. Now, when you say drinking glasses expensive drinking glasses,
do you mean that they are a wineglass or just
like a water tumbler, because I can't imagine how two
wine glasses could be stuck together. Marcus, those mos with

battery don't like wetlong grass. I reckon the best petrel
with full length shoot, not small square. That's from Sue. Marcus.
You are so right. I grew up in fear of
the ringer on the top of the old agitated washing machine.
I can never understand how so many people supposedly got
their arms caught in there. I always sawt as a child.
How is it even possible? I think you are right.

Maybe there was more of a meaning to that fear
that was instilled in us. Great show as always get
in touch. It's lawnmowers, battery versus power oven doors and
things you've managed to fix using YouTube. That's what right
about tonight. There's something different you want to mention. All
the lines are free. By the way, when it comes
to seagulls, I'm telling you about my problem with the

seagulls on top of my car, and someone says it's
because the car was dirty. I washed the car. The
theory was they could not see their reception because of
their reflection, because of gone it had gone kind of
a matte finish, but I fixed the car or washed
it and the seagulls strayed away for one day, but
they're back there today, so that wasn't a fix. That

was last Monday we talked about keeping the seagulls off
your car. That's no longer an effective thing. There you are.
If there is something different you want to mention, jump in.
My name is Marcus Hurdle. Twelve thirty nights until Christmas
feels less and less one hundred days till the NRAL
twenty twenty five season kicks off in Las Vegas. By

the way, too, there has been that rail stranding in Northland.
If you've got some experience, that'd be good to hear
from you into a kaker. A doc has praised the
extraordinary response because it's one thing social media is good
for us, putting people in touch with each other in
Wales strand and normally they restres but these ones seem

to have not done that. So there you go. You
know enough for me looking for to your call thirteen
past at nine o'clock. I'm trying to get an image
of these glasses that are stuck together. I can't imagine
how they must be like a whiskey tumbler. I'm trying
to visualize what the glasses. Oh here's the other question.

Oh yeah, no, actually, I'll save my other question for it.
But what was that? What the other question? I was
going to do on Friday? To toasted sandwich, didn't we
That's what we have done that? Always hungry for new topics?
Is you probably know no shortage of topics? Oh eight
hundred eighty ten eighty and nine to text? What was that?

Ah dropped out? The old caller dropped out? Tell you
what the old I'll tell you what. The old cell
phone network is a lot better than it once was.
There was a while there and talk back in the
early days of cell phones where they would always go.
Marcus is a Facebook group called Seagull Appreciation Society. You

should join. Thank you.

Speaker 13 (37:19):

Speaker 2 (37:20):
To separate glasses, put ice on the top and submote
the lower one on warm water. Luke, Hi, Bobb, It's Marcus.

Speaker 10 (37:27):
Welcome, Hi Marcus.

Speaker 14 (37:30):
Three Things funers YouTube shortcust for helping you get around.
I found changing my branks from my gart and doing
the service. Really yeah, I've ever done it before. I've
just obviously saved a slf only old dollars to give

a mechanics to thank the world thought off put a
new one on put alone and a new I couldn't
believe our See, I've been paying going to do now
I do myself. I've done my My wife said, well,
I haven't done anyone else, but yeah, to turn my

eyes that was great. But trying to do my break
pads there was a bit tricky. But to thatt, I've done.

Speaker 2 (38:21):
How tricky?

Speaker 14 (38:22):
You know you haven't a little bit tricky. Yeah, I
thought I'd do a shortcut down it the wrong way,
but yeah, close, I don't do a bit late, but
you know you have a door. I had the same
problem for we're the same amount time, probably three to
four months. That's where I had it. Time there was
a painter in our kitchen and the same thing that

Mike's got a fits and stance. Couldn't do it because
the other door would close properly, and the painter who
was there to street down sladen their horizontal pulled the
door back out and pushed it back in and it
was flushed.

Speaker 2 (38:59):
I can't believe how we because why would it have
those strange hinges that can kind of come out literally,
I can't work it out.

Speaker 14 (39:07):
I'll see him one bit for cleaning purposes.

Speaker 2 (39:11):
Say and cleaning the hinges or something.

Speaker 14 (39:12):
He was, OK, that helps us fonder, and he was
only your painting, and here against he saved a few
people scoping Berni's family going to jugitsums, seating the door out,
pull the whole door out towards the steeds, and pushing

their killer as much.

Speaker 2 (39:35):
One of my favorite breeds of people are house painters.
The fumes get to them, but they're pretty. The characters
Lewis Marcus, welcome hillo oh, hello, hello, yes, the unclear, receiving,
the receiving Sorry okay, yeah.

Speaker 15 (39:53):
Just one of a new topic about Christmas time. So
how some families decide, you know, this year, we're just
going to give to their children, not buy for the adults,
and how they affects people With our family, so some
of our family has decided that that's going to happen
this year. But with our family at leads three people

who are single who don't get any gifts. So yeah,
I just wanted to know if other people experience that
kind of thing.

Speaker 2 (40:21):
So what is it when you decide to give money
to charity and not by presents.

Speaker 15 (40:26):
Oh no, no, that's a different thing.

Speaker 10 (40:28):
I know.

Speaker 15 (40:28):
This was about how some families decide for Christmas that
you don't buy for the adults and the family just
buy for the children, and how that affects some of
the adults in the family.

Speaker 2 (40:42):
Well, and adults wouldn't care about not getting gifts, would they.

Speaker 15 (40:45):
Well, this is interesting because see I talked to lots
of people about this in a couple of days, and
it's gift giving and gift receiving. It is really important
to you, Like some people have a very strong way
of showing love and feeling love. So if it's if
to you to give a gift somebody is really important.

You loved this gift, and then your face with the
Christmas where you're going to give to the children, which
is wonderful. But if you're a single adult in the
family like that, then it potentially means that that adults
say say, look, I'm single and another family member is single,

So it means that we don't get presents and we
don't get to give presence to anybody else but the children.
It's a real personal thing.

Speaker 2 (41:40):
Did you have did you have a say in the discussion.

Speaker 15 (41:43):
No, not really, but I came back and said, hey, look,
the ones of us that are single who love to
give gifts, we decided we're going to give a gift
to each other so that we don't miss out on
the gift experience. And they're like, oh, yeah, cold fine.
So it was just I just wondered at this time
of the year whether these things come up with others.

Speaker 2 (42:07):
I will float that because Lou, I'm glad you brought
it up and explained it so well, because from my
point of view, I cannot understand that at all, and
I would hate to be involved in a secret center.
I find it difficult to look excited when I get
something I don't want. I'm hard to buy for, and
most stuff I've ever received, yeah I don't like. I think, well,

you've got me wrong, you know, And I'm not good
at you know. My partner's got she gets she always
gets things that I think, Gee, that's you know, put
some thought into it. But but yeah, I really, yeah,
I really would rather not have the stress of having
to receive stuff and having to yeah, which sounds probably
quite ungrateful. That's just the way I'm wired. I'm not

into it.

Speaker 15 (42:54):
Oh yeah, no, it's just everybody's different when it comes
to goods. Yeah, no, I totally get your your your
perspective there.

Speaker 2 (43:00):
Yeah, and especially these days, lou, if there's anything that
you ever want, right, yeah, yeah, you can find it
on the inset. Once upon a time there were things
you couldn't get hold of, so someone could find you
something for the person that has everything, and it could
be something, you know, but these days, you know, everything
is available, so I'm sure most people if they want something,

if they've got the wherewithal to buy it, they have
bought it.

Speaker 15 (43:24):
Yeah, yeah, oh yeah, for sure, you know. And the
other thing is, I remember we used to do the
game where you used to buy everybody used to buy
one gift and you put in the middle of the
room and then you do you do a game where
you get to choose one and like it, you can
swap it. I mean, I think that's great fun. I
like all those alternatives.

Speaker 2 (43:42):
Are really really Yeah.

Speaker 15 (43:45):
I think it's fun because if you don't like it,
you just go and nick one from the other person
that you do like. And it's just it's not even
about the actual gift in the end, it's just about
having a loan of fun.

Speaker 2 (43:55):
I think you see from for me by the time
Christmas Day has come along, the stress with presents with
the young kids, and they're with travel. By the time
Christmas Day comes along, you know, the last thing I
want to do is phone exit for a secret center.
I'm cooked and done by the time Christmas comes along.
I don't like it at all.

Speaker 15 (44:12):
You know what you're saying. Yeah, just interesting, different people.

Speaker 2 (44:18):
Nice to hear from you, Thank you loud. Twenty two
past nine. At least our children are and the we
gave them the old triple shot of Father Christmas and
well the young Father Christmas and the two the whole
lot gave them. You know, I don't want to in
case anyone's listening. I don't want to break confidences. But
you said, what about happened nap Nap? That was a

big handt remarkably well. Actually, so he's not desperate for
stuff on Christmas daycause I'm sure we'll be away somewhere
so we'll get him something. But you know, it's not
like to play the whole pretense. Goodness me twenty three
past nine, and mind you, I've got to try not
to sound too Christmas gritchy because it's not a good

trait of mine. I know some people love it, not
back on the times of the childhood, the childhood joy
and all that sort of stuff, and I need to
appreciate that from time to time. Christmas joy, even though
I've had number of discussions about people talk about Christmas parades. Yeah,

good to see Bluey gets prominence in the Auckland one.
Christ Church one went okay, even with health and safety.
They've got the inv Cargo one might be this weekend.
We've got the inver Cargo one and the Bluff one.
Of course, the inter cargo one is slightly more involved

in the Bluff one might even be this weekend. Actually,
I might even get myself on a float. And if float,
when is it? What to see with the eighth and
I think the inver Cargo one is this weekend on
the Sunday. Anyway, Oh, slightly bamboozed by the Christmas discussion

is taking me forward a month, which is not where
I wanted to be. But you're fair enough, I mean,
and everyone does this family thing to try and make
Christmas more straightforward. I think the thing with Christmas, you've
guys got to realize it's never really that straightforward. Something
will always sneak up on you and make it slightly tricky.
That's life. And because with families we can cope with that.

I guess that's where I put that one. You don't
want to get too polyannerish about that, but that's on
its way. And of course then the other thing too
is the other slightly not depressing, but the slightly sobering
thing about Christmas is they reckon three o'clock on Christmas afternoon,

trade me will be busy than it's ever been with
people trying to sell the loop that they've got. Yeah,
so what does that tell you when Christmas meets e commerce?
I never know what day Christmas is on this year.
I mean, that's normally something I'm aware of. But Wednesday
is it Wednesday? So it's a Wednesday, neither here nor

there on the I guess most people working to the
twenty fourth, thirty seved the visit most people be finishing
on that Friday one day is that the nineteenth must
be must be about then I think it's unfinishing work anyway.
What's that the other in the world too far, it's
going to be quiet Christmas economically, don't you. No one
sings that kind of over the top with excitement about

it all. You get that feeling, you get that vibe.
Andrew Marcus, welcome, H'm Mark, good Andy. What do you got?

Speaker 6 (47:48):
You know those espresso capsule machines.

Speaker 2 (47:52):
I know them well. We have We have one at
work and I use it occasionally.

Speaker 6 (47:58):
We've got one at home. We've had for about ten years.
We use it at least twice a day, so at
least four times a day sure had of about ten year.
The the coffee was coming through like it was dribbling through,
so it was obviously blocked up from years of use.
And I sort of thought it's gonna cost me hundreds
of bucks to place, so I thought I'd have a
go and I found YouTube's this this old guy and

a shed somewhere in eastern Europe from his accents, and
he had his I think he must have done on
his phone, and he's I'm sort of following following him
through and some of the bits are quite you know,
their plastic bits. So you've got a sort of Jimmy
a part of the right that the right's part and anyway,
got it apart found all this coffee, and it was

obviously why it was by it was blocked up, fled
all out of way. Then I had to get it
back together. But I was following him step by step
and had to puss it as I sort of went along,
and I'm pausing it, going along, going along, And then
he'd realized that he'd left a bit house and so
I had, so I then had to follow him to undo.

Speaker 8 (49:01):
It was hilarious.

Speaker 2 (49:02):
So hang on, you hadn't watched it through first before
you went to it.

Speaker 3 (49:06):
Wow, wow, I thought, And.

Speaker 6 (49:09):
We both made the same mistake. And I think he
swore in Russian or something and I swore in English.
And but I got there at the end, which was funny,
but it was a hard case. I got there at
the end.

Speaker 16 (49:17):
It was good.

Speaker 2 (49:18):
They look like, are there quite a few huts to its?

Speaker 6 (49:22):
Oh, there's plastic parts, there's electronic parts, there's steel parts. Yeah,
it's it's it's quite a bit to it. There's a
you know, there's a pressure chamber, and then there's a
bit where the capsule goes in. There's little spikes that
spike the you know, the the capsules. Yeah, there's quite
a bit to them actually, but it was a bit
of fun, and it as well.

Speaker 2 (49:43):
You didn't need any specially you didn't any special tools.

Speaker 6 (49:47):
Ah well, you probably are supposed to use the special tools,
but he didn't have any, and either had eyes. So
we got there in the end there.

Speaker 2 (49:55):
So what did you what did you use?

Speaker 6 (49:58):
Screwdrivers? I think it was sort of a Heck's HEC
crew driver and to pry plastic apart, just like a
like a flat end screwdriver.

Speaker 2 (50:08):
Really, so yeah, how long did it take?

Speaker 6 (50:13):
All day?

Speaker 9 (50:15):

Speaker 6 (50:15):
All day long? Weekend started like eight o'clock in the morning.

Speaker 2 (50:19):
Post I love this, I love it? Was any was
anyone on the sideline making disparaging comments?

Speaker 6 (50:25):
My wife had just left me alone.

Speaker 2 (50:28):
Had had she? Had you tried to fixed elsewhere?

Speaker 6 (50:32):
I sort of went to the shops and and uh,
you know, I got some quotes on getting it looked at.
You know, there's a couple hundred bucks something that you
get it looked at with no guarantee of getting it fixed.
And I thought, what have I got to lose?

Speaker 17 (50:44):
I'll give it a go.

Speaker 2 (50:46):
Would you recommend that? Would you recommend others?

Speaker 17 (50:48):
Did it?

Speaker 18 (50:50):

Speaker 9 (50:50):
Welly not?

Speaker 8 (50:50):
But fun?

Speaker 2 (50:51):
What's the worst in the sense of achievement is that's
that's what And your mate that tried it had a
good outcome.

Speaker 6 (50:58):
No, my mate that tried it gave up. I don't
know if he was using this. It was quite funny
because he told me a similar story and he said
he just gave up and bought a new one. I
don't know if you've got the same video, but if
you look on YouTube, if you google getting an espressoc
machine together, you might find it. It's it's quite hard case.
It's just this dude using his phone in his ship.

Speaker 2 (51:19):
Did part of you think that you should now put
together his one and have a backup?

Speaker 6 (51:25):
I don't know. I thought I thought I'm probably heading
the same way that guy is. Really that's me in
the future, this old guy in the shed.

Speaker 2 (51:32):
And if you had to do it again, you know
it took all day of a long weekend. Could you
do it in like two hours or it's still got
to be a long haul, is it?

Speaker 6 (51:40):
I think i'd be no, you'd know a little bit.
There was one particular piece that was very difficult to
sort of work out, and I've done it once, so
i'd probably be a bit fast. You can see some
of these kids they do these things now, they take
phones to pieces and they put them back together. I
think once you've got the you know, there's a couple
of little tricky bit Once you know what that looks like,
I think you're away.

Speaker 2 (51:59):
So again, how long next time?

Speaker 3 (52:04):

Speaker 6 (52:04):
I don't know, maybe a couple of I guess maybe yeah.

Speaker 2 (52:07):
Okay, yeah wow. Coffee machines clean by putting citric acid
through them. I don't know if I do that. I
just had one of those at home years ago, those
expresso coffee. But they're just the number of aluminum capsules,
did me hidden? They always say they recycle them. I
don't know if they do, but there's just so much waste.

I felt kind of guilty living across from the aluminum
smelter and he's using so much aluminium for those coffee pods.
Seem crazy to me. So wants to know Lois's recap
of Scott Robertson versus Italy. Ah shame Italy wasn't first.

I'm just googling up Scott Robertson's winning record in Foster
in his first year, one seventy percent of his matches.
So I'm seeing that Scott Robinson has had the worst
initial record of the five last coaches. But it's different
because people are behind him. I think that's what matters,

and we've got to get some better backs. But the
Fords loving it. Ten to four win loss record gave
him seventy one percent record to finished the first season
in charge, short of John Mitchell and n Foster at

seventy eight and Steve Hanson Graham Henry at eighty five percent.
But all the commentariat are supporting them. That's where the
difference is. Just so you know what the All Blacks
are playing next year two by the way, three and
you see the next year the All Blacks three Tests
against France, two against South Africa, one against Australias. That's

got six great local tests. I suppose some of those
will be at the new Stadium in christ Church. You'd
hope two of those would be maybe three. We play
Argentina twice, Australia in Perth, Ireland, in Chicago, Scotland, we
haven't paid since twenty twenty two in Edinburgh, England and
London and Wales and Cardiff one two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten, eleven,

twelve thirty. Pretty busy schedule, Pretty good schedule, all a
list quality opposition and just about everyone's there apart from Italy,
and I guess that's a good thing. Never being sure
about the strength of Italian rugby. They always talk it
up and they play well, but they're kind of also
the easy beats of the Five Nations, aren't they. That's

my take. Love the story about the guy that I'm
fixed as espresso machine. Yeah, I kind of think they
probably would have been an easy way to do it,
with some sort of product that would have decongested it,
which might be citric. Guess, as the guy suggested, I
don't know what they say. The answer is, Marcus, credit

has to be given to Scottie Rob. The selection of
stock isn't what it used to be. This is new
blood that took on the World Champs back to back
and back and fell short by five points per average game.
Previous coaches Egy had Anton Foster both started assistance and
bled into the head roll. Scottie Rob has, coming fresh
from the outside, ended AARs in good hands and people

need to remain patient and think of the end goal.
In twenty twenty seven, Marcus wouldn't be surprised if dot
Com had faked a stroke to try to avoid extradition
on medical grounds. It would be nearly impossible to tweet
after a mass of stroke sounds fishing. Why would it be?

He could have he could have quoted dictated the tweet
to someone. It's a pretty dramatic thing to get the
hospital to go along with something like that. Just putting
that out there if you want to mention that. Just
by the way, Thanksgiving is coming up. It's this Thursday.

Well it's Thursday in America, but it's obviously Thursday here
sort of the day after in America, depending on where
the time zones are. So let's acknowledge that on Thursday.
Just on the as far as Thanksgiving goes. And I
meant to give you this question earlier, families getting together,
what do you reckon is the best what you'll go

to best ever dish for a pot luck? It's got
to be quick and easy and transportable. And I reckon,
once you find your pot luck, you stay with your
pot luck. So I'm curious to about what people because
this is kind of coming to the summer, it's the
pot luck time. Yeah, no one's got much time anyway

for potluck. It's got to be quite quick to meet,
quick to make, easy to transport. That people have got
to like it. You can't take anything too kind of esoteric,
but also so kind of you want something probably slightly breggy.
So some of your people have tried for years when
you tried and test. I don't know what my go
to pot luck would be actually, which i'll normally at

work at night, I get to avoid potlucks. Yeah, I
think these days with the potluck, did the people lars
committed to it? Are they? I'll only get some pizza
rebuck of the KFC? Will they pick? If it's sort
of kids at rugby clubs and things like that, you
got to be quite I think the last thing I
did was fruit for a pot luck at a rugby club.
But there's one or two kids were into it at

most weren't, which fine by me. Not which I can
do about that anyway. Oh, eight hundred and eighty ten
things you fixed on YouTube? Fixing your espirience on coffee machine?
What if anyone's fix their vacuum cleaner? Marcus New Stadium
in christ just due to open April twenty twenty six.
Didn't I see that the Warriors were when they playing

pen with there and christ Church? Did I get that wrong?
I'm sure I saw that. And where are they playing?
Where's where are the Worries playing pin with? If anyone
knows or they're playing, they're playing Newcastle. I thought it
was that the new state of area. It's got the
information about that Newcastle. I'll get a few good texts

from it. Ring me up with what you go to
pot luck? You're Larry Marcus? Welcome?

Speaker 3 (58:27):
Yeah, hi Marcus, Yeah, hey, Paris, pot luck goes. I
think stir for I is a pretty good one to
go with.

Speaker 2 (58:33):
Is it yours? Is it your one?

Speaker 10 (58:34):
Though? Well?

Speaker 3 (58:35):
My wist one something you can whip it up on
the walk, you know, but you know, it's just a
little bit of steak or venison or whatever. Was a
meet and then a whole lot of veg.

Speaker 2 (58:50):
Plenty of people say meatballs because everyone likes the meatballs.
And you can also have those on a stick too,
can't you?

Speaker 3 (58:56):
Yeah, yeah, yeah, but no, I bring up in response,
I think you asked if anyone had recent experience with
a better MOA.

Speaker 2 (59:05):
Well, I wonder if they've had. You have to try
the battery and go and make the old one, because
I reckon there's not a.

Speaker 3 (59:12):
Well. I've recently bought one which is one of a
black and decker. It's eighty we's got two eighteen batteries
in it, and it's got a catcher about thirty three
centimeters wide. We've only got relatively small lawng we've got
and it cuts all right, but actually a bit disappointed
in the the amount of grunt it has as far

as firing the grass into the catcher when the especially
with spring growth. You know, it's been quite a lush
spring here in the middle or too, and they you
find it cuts and the grass sort of balls up,
you know, just the entrance to the catcher and doesn't
go further back. You've got to keep sort of stopping

and pulling it off and give it a good shake.
So probably those things dry out. That will probably improve.

Speaker 2 (59:59):
But and they do have something for the winter which
sort of that first because at this time you've really
got to know, you lawns twice, don't you. You've got
to mow it and let it dry on the glend.
Otherwise the clippings come and work. Well, you've gotta let
the clippings drive for a day. They mow it again
to get them all in the catcher.

Speaker 3 (01:00:16):
Well, you know, when I don't quite do that, I
try and get them all first time. It's not a
pretty big particularly big lawn. But yeah, you've really got
to have the batteries charged right up as well, you
know sort of if you think you put them aside
and have a big they'll she'll die on you for

quite quite quickly, and you know you only get half.

Speaker 2 (01:00:41):
An hour and then sometimes they won't recharge. And yeah, yeah,
I'm just I don't know if we've got the right brand.
It's something that the charge is not working at all
of these the batteries right dead out. It won't start flesh,
it won't take the charge. I don't know if that's
the battery or the battery charge or quite what that is,
but I'm not liking it.

Speaker 3 (01:01:01):
Yeah, it might be that because sometimes they do like
being run down. Although it's the modern modern Liftian batteries
that was to be you know, a characteristic that you
know that got over with that you know previously with
some of the other you know, Nickel Kedmy and stuff,
some of those. Yeah, they developed they developed memory for
being charged.

Speaker 2 (01:01:21):
It's all about it. And then if and then people
say if you leave your battery on, it's going to
catch far and sit light to your suburb to worry too,
isn't it.

Speaker 3 (01:01:29):
But the advantages I've got the reciprocating saw, you know
when those sort of saber type saws runs. The eight
involves a few other tools with it.

Speaker 2 (01:01:37):
But why do you go why'd you go? Black and
Dick Lurry?

Speaker 3 (01:01:40):
Well, the daughter already had a few tools with the
same batteries basically, so I thought, you know, she's got
a a Sandra and a few other things which I
haven't minded.

Speaker 2 (01:01:53):
So you can borrow, you can borrow who's and you've
got the batteries there as well, So the whole family,
the whole family's got the same batteries. Yeah, I've good
on you, Larry. I'd like if that's one thing Trump
could do, I'd like them do you fire all the
batteries so if one uses the same one, thanks Larry, Kip,
keep it going, keep your texts. So the Warriors are
playing Newcastle at christ Churches and Polo Project Stadium, so

it's got a new name, but there's just the old
stadium next to Eddington, so that's why I've got confused there.
So yeah, the stadium mon't be ready open until twenty
twenty six. That's the christ Church one. Marcus. My wife
had an old tell Us vacuum. The wheel cradle was broken.
It was at the dump a man was throwing his away.
I used the cradle off his to fix owls. A
lot of people are buying spare parts on Temu as

you should. And I'm asking people what you go to
is for pot luck? Sweet Filipino SPAGHETI can either eat
or cold chocolate chocolate log sponge fifty six volts is
the key, real power, not a toy. Sundra Marcus.

Speaker 19 (01:02:54):
Welcome, good evening, Good evening, Marcus. What you take to
a pot luck dinner?

Speaker 8 (01:03:04):
I used to have.

Speaker 19 (01:03:06):
Quite a few potluckton is up in Auckland, and I've
got one coming up for the end of year for
my set of duplexes that I live in, which will
be lovely and.

Speaker 2 (01:03:21):
Will it be in your there's only two on the duplex. Oh,
there's a number of it's a number of places with you.

Speaker 19 (01:03:26):
It's about age of us for duplexes year, and it'll
be in my backyard. So yeah. So my favorite dish
was always a lemon marine pie and everyone liked it,
and it was my grandma's favorite recipe, her shortcake pastry

and a mixture of other toppings that that made it
quite nice. So that's what I made, Marcus and the Unfortunate.

Speaker 2 (01:04:05):
And I guess too for you because it's because it's
at your duplex. It doesn't have to fulfill one of
the criteria that it's easy to transport in the car
that's at your house.

Speaker 19 (01:04:14):
Eh, that's right, that's right.

Speaker 2 (01:04:18):
But the one other thing you're going to.

Speaker 19 (01:04:19):
Say, Unfortunately I moved from Auckland to Hamilton and my
handwritten recipe was the one of two things that got lost,
and it had all my handwritten recipes or said and
one was my lemon marine pie. So now I have

to make do with the Edmunds lemon marangue pie.

Speaker 2 (01:04:46):
Could we could we reverse engineering? Do you know any
of the ingredients?

Speaker 19 (01:04:54):
Well, shortcat pastry is pretty easy to make.

Speaker 2 (01:04:58):
I'm trying to think if we put some of the
ingredients in under and google it, that's that your your
recipe might come up.

Speaker 19 (01:05:05):
Well you never no, yeah, what did haven it? Well? Egg,
egg whites, lemon, this is the old one.

Speaker 2 (01:05:17):
You don't know if there was any sort of weed
that could differentiate it from other ones, or any of
a weird technique. No, no, I can't think.

Speaker 19 (01:05:28):
No, but maybe if I put my thinking cap on,
i'll i'll.

Speaker 2 (01:05:35):
Well, I mean, we're in the right place to get
people to ring up with old lemon merangue pie with
what sort of pastry?

Speaker 19 (01:05:40):
Was it a short shortcake pastry? Yeah, if they've got
a really nice shortcake pastry, because the topics pretty universal.
But if they've got a really nice shortcake pastry recipe,
that would be great.

Speaker 2 (01:05:55):
What a shortcake pastry?

Speaker 19 (01:05:59):
Well, it's not the fluffy puff pastry that you haven't
pay it's a sweet pastry.

Speaker 7 (01:06:08):

Speaker 2 (01:06:09):
Have you had to specify? If you had to specify
to the people in the other three and a half duplexes,
what course there to bring?

Speaker 19 (01:06:17):
No, either a salad or or another dish. Originally it
was going to be a barbecue, and but we've changed
it now to just bring bring a dish and put

on the table. So hopefully we don't end up with
some eight.

Speaker 2 (01:06:42):
Salads or eight lemon mering pies.

Speaker 19 (01:06:45):
Yeah, maybe I might specify as I'm going around see
what they're going to bring, because it's a couple of
weeks away.

Speaker 2 (01:06:55):
We'll see what we can find out to really nice
to hear from your twenty five past ten. It's in
that season. Yeah, what's your best pot luck? Because Thanksgiving
not that we're having things. So I have been to Thanksgiving,
which I quite enjoyed. That's all. Thursday is Thanksgiving. Pot
Luck got to be university loved and easy to transport.

I don't know what the secret is and it doesn't
require much jishing together when you get there, but it's
always tough. Yeah, I don't know what our families actually,
I don't know what our families do. I know, I
don't know where our families go to for potluck? Is
what would it be? Oh, it's theother thing. I don't

want to mention timmy topics to night, but there's a
lot going around tonight. I have to admit that I
was completely caught unaware of the hype for Wicked, and
I was never aware that there was a book called
Wicked that was a sequel of the Wizard of Oz
that was all about the relationship between the Witch and Dorothy.

I presume so, and that there was all this and
there was a musical, and there was all this hype
for the musical that's been a long time in gestation,
if that's the right word. Anyway, it's been out and
I kind of feel I've missed the hype about it,
but suddenly on the weekend I succumb to the hype

and want to see it. But no, butts, I think
it isn't in the cargyl. I don't know if the
kids to that quem. I wonder if you have seen
Wicked and what it's like. Yeah, it's a revisionist exploration. No,

but yeah, I feel that I have not done my
duty well to discuss what's relevant, having missed all of that,
also discussing your must take to a pot luck, Shelley,
it's Marcus. Good evening, Hi Marcus.

Speaker 12 (01:09:02):
How are you?

Speaker 2 (01:09:03):
Oh good, Shelly? How you sound good? What's happening with you?

Speaker 14 (01:09:06):

Speaker 4 (01:09:07):
Not really a lot.

Speaker 12 (01:09:08):
Just turn the wireless on and listening to you again.
I'm not trying to outdo the follow that rung the
other night and said he's rung in five hundred and something.

Speaker 2 (01:09:22):
I don't know what. I don't know what to say
about that. If he's gonna, if there's a record or
what he thinks it's target's gonna be or or yeah anyway, yeah,
I saw a lot about that over the weekend, that
that guy could mark them on a calendar.

Speaker 12 (01:09:35):
I wouldn't take that many years to ring your five
hundred times mate to your year off and do that
with him two.

Speaker 13 (01:09:43):
Years target anyway, exactly, pot Luck, lunches, dinners right, corn
on the cob definitely, and you potatoes.

Speaker 2 (01:10:01):
And badda are you famous for that? Y?

Speaker 3 (01:10:07):

Speaker 19 (01:10:07):
The potato, yes, yes, and corner on the cob.

Speaker 2 (01:10:12):
You'd have to have it around, wouldn't you. It's quite seasonal,
isn't it. Nless you got it in the free corner.
It does corn freeze they.

Speaker 12 (01:10:19):
Are, yeah, year, but fresh is always better, isn't it
if you free.

Speaker 10 (01:10:25):
A year?

Speaker 12 (01:10:26):
Because poplar summertime is that sort of thing. Really, you're
enjoying the outside and your muzzle on some peas.

Speaker 2 (01:10:38):
You're right too, because potluck is a suther thing, particular
Thanksgiving Giving. People become memories celebrating that. Actually, we did
a good show last year beginning the year about corn
on the cob and where it was available because the
price comes right down in February, which is pot luck time.
Thank you for that, Shelley keep your calls going people
if you want to talk. Marks quick and easy to transport,

many sausage rolls and plenty of tomato sauce. Yeah. Marc's
have a fifty eight folt battery lawn mask, the chains
and weeded and no worries with any of them. Had
the forever five years. Caroline German trifle made with sponge
milk and port top with whipped cream goes over excellently
every time. Don't knock it till you try. Yum. Marcus mowers.

A few years ago. I bought a manual push moa.
It's great. I use it without the catch and then
rake up the clippings. Don't need to go to the
gym at all. Takes a while, though, cheers. Patricia Ever
tried replacing the batteries on a drill from ten years ago.
You can't get them, have to buy a new drill.
I bet the same will happen with all these battery

powered garden tools. Another good show tonight, Love Lemon, Meringue,
Pine and elderly aren't who heard a great cook who
has a great cook told me to use Edmund's yoyo
recipe for the sweet short pastry melts in your mouth. Mary,
it's a good thing. Actually, the yoyo's are good. Of course,
there was a year I did every biscuit from the

Edmunds cookbook. The only one I couldn't do was the Florentine.
Very difficult. Didn't get the measure right for the golden syrup.

Speaker 20 (01:12:11):
Good evening, Hazel, good evening, How are you this evening?

Speaker 2 (01:12:15):
Really good things, Hazel? How are you all right?

Speaker 20 (01:12:19):
Tucked up? Indeed?

Speaker 2 (01:12:20):
Oh God, good place to be.

Speaker 20 (01:12:26):
The shortcut cross cross pastry. My daughter put the lemon
feast in the pastry and that gave us a lovely
favor flavor. But that wasn't what I was going to
bring for. I had a great friend that was a

home science teacher from Canada, and she gave me a
recipe for meat balls that they were made in the
ovens on baking paper. Yes, you could put a toe
stick in them and in take a sauce, a dipping

sauce of your choice.

Speaker 10 (01:13:12):

Speaker 2 (01:13:12):
I think people have said that works really well because
you can just share it, and that people can just
yet on the toothpicks goes great and everyone loves a meatball.

Speaker 20 (01:13:21):
Well, these these are so nice when they come out,
they actually have the meshed potato in them. And yes, yes,
like my recipes are downstairs, that's I'm upstairs. But it

was a lovely recipe and I used it quite helpen.

Speaker 2 (01:13:45):
So they are. They are meatballs made with meshed potato
and baked in the oven. Yes, okay, you don't know
where you got the recipe from.

Speaker 20 (01:14:00):
Yes, I got it for a home science teacher. You
with my friend and she came from Canada and his
father was a doctor. He went out to attend a
pregnant woman. It was where the logging was, North Kenda,

and he never came back. He got caught in a snowstorm,
which he said yes, it was said yes, But.

Speaker 2 (01:14:30):
He didn't get the recipe from there. That was just
another story.

Speaker 20 (01:14:33):
Right now, I got the recipe from the home science
teacher with a Canadian my friend.

Speaker 2 (01:14:41):
I quite like a dry meat ball, that's like a
baked one.

Speaker 20 (01:14:45):
Yes, well, well they were done in the oven, but
that they were lovely to eat.

Speaker 2 (01:14:53):
And what google that up as well?

Speaker 20 (01:14:58):
I could call another time.

Speaker 2 (01:15:01):
No, I don't worry, I'll google up and see where
I can find hazel. So yeah, that's good. That's more
than helpful. I appreciate that. Thank you won't be coming
down the stairs. Marcus. My cranberry broccoli and bacon, tell
it us to die for. People love it, Sherry, cranberry
broccoli and bacon. Yeah, Marcus, I got to a potluck.
Di do I make a bacon the egg pie and
club sandwiches? For something sweet? To make a trifle June

from Alexander. I bet it was nice to don Alexander
Marcus Cobb life is always a hit with the potluck dinners,
Jackie Marcus. My go to potluck is ambrosia. Yeah, I've
got quite strong opinions about ambrosia. It's not for me,
but good for you. But Wicked the film was an

absolute dream for us theater kids. It is the Stained
show brought to life. It's not a sequel to the
Wizard of Odds. It's a story about the relationship with
the Wicked Witch and the good Witch, and all about
how things are not always as they seem. I laughed
and also quite it was perfection and so beautiful. I think.
Firstly it's a book, yep, it's a revisionist exploration of

the Wizard of oz.

Speaker 11 (01:16:16):

Speaker 2 (01:16:17):
And then the musical was based on I think it
was done. It came out quite recently. When I say recently,
like in the seventies, maybe nine ninety five, the year
ago so, and then the musical came on the back
of that. Gregory McGrath. I might read it, although I
didn't love reading The Wizard of Oz and tried to
read it the kids. And then the movie was weird
with those flying monkeys. Oh here we go, hear some

talk on Wicked, Marcus. I went to see Wicked yesday.
Absolutely brilliant movie for all ages. Had me kept it
over for two and a half hours. Great cast, singing
and dancing. We shall go dining at different houses known
as a progressive dinner can be potluck as well as Susie.
I don't think he's been a pot like progressive dinner

with it. I suppose it could be to twist and
during the show bitterly for some we've put up our
Christmas lights today, Walter. It's kind of weird to put
up Christmas lights in an invert cargo or bluff because
it doesn't get dark till ten o'clock at night, so
no one really appreciates them. They're never seen. Marcus. I

am half Chinese, so I like to bring something traditional.
Believe it or not, chickens feet are our hints at
once people get their head around it. Imagine they'd be
pretty easy to cook or hard to kick cook wrong.
Chicken feet I've never cooked. I don't even know where
you buy chicken feet. I've never seen them in convention.

I shouldn't say conventional souper make That sounds a bit monocultural,
doesn't it. I don't know where. I don't know where
you'd buy chicken feet. I've never seen them like it
peck and save. But I probably won't look that hard
for them because I imagine there's so many chickens we
go through, like thirty million a year or something more
than there, there'd be a lot of chicken feed out there.

I can't imagine they're just bread for their feet. Forty
nine dollars for ten kgs meat to you, that wouldn't
be they wouldn't be that much. I can't imagine there'd
be that much meat in a chicken foot. I found

it very interesting that someone's talking about that to a
potluck dinner. I don't know how well that would go down, actually,
but I mean, yeah, well, yeah, no, good on you.
I'm into that. By the way, twenty twenty five Universal

Studios right is opening a massive theme park in Florida.
Involves a Sire's Still Park, which I believe is probably
to do with those dragons how to drain you. Well, well, yeah,

it's quite complicated. It's got the Isle of Burke, which
is anyway, It's got Isle of Burke, which is how
to take the dragons. It's got Harry Potter, which is
the whole Harry Potter thing. It's got the Dark Universe,
it's got the Super Nintendo World, it's got the Steel
Parks anyway. It's massive, and I don't even know where

people are on theme parks. Once upon a time in
the eighties or seventies, everyone will seemed to be falling
over themselves to get to Florida. I don't know if
any people do it anymore, but I imagine so that
will be of interest to some of you. Mane of
the dollar is not good at the moment. I don't
think the dollar's way down, so it'll be pricey, will
be pricey year a Nintendo World, So yeah, I don't

actually hear a lot of people going overseas to go
to the theme parks they once did. They've fallen out of
favor of what's happened there. Is it expense. I don't
know what's going on there, but I'll be curious to
know anyway. May twenty twenty five, it opens three hundred
hectares Orlando. What freaks me out about Orlando is you

probably can't walk anywhere. It's probably all well, I would
imagine it's all You've got to got sort of buses
or higher cars and stuff like that. It sounds like
the less warp friendly place in the world. Sounds like
a night meat to met Orlando. But there we go. Marcus.
Many years ago I saw the movie The Whiz with
Michael Jackson Dina Ross, based on the device. It was fantastic,
great show people putting up their Christmas lights. Marcus. Sweet

and sour chicken casserol a real winter, especially with children,
even in summer. I don't know why I don't like ambrosia.
It seems because it's it seems undignified. I think it's
just marshmallows and cream in tin pineapple. It just seems

like it seems like stone of food to me, and
I'll get in trouble for saying that. But yeah, like marshmallows, berries,
cream and yogurt feels like something someone just mixed up
because they're starving. I mean imagine it's delicious. But yeah,

at some level I feel a sort of threatened, not threatened, triggered, triggered.
I don't know, Marcus. Theme parks are bigger than ever.
Crazy fact Disney makes more money out of its theme
parks all of its movies and media as it's combined. Marcus.
I went to Disneyland Paris for my sixtieth birthday last year.
There you go, we'll talk theme parks. Hi, Paul Marcus,

welcome MICUs.

Speaker 21 (01:22:00):
Here you go, mate, good pool.

Speaker 2 (01:22:01):
There you go?

Speaker 10 (01:22:02):
All right, yeah, not so thead.

Speaker 21 (01:22:04):
Look, I'm the broker and sold an awful lot of
chicken feed over a period of time, and I don't
know what they do with them. Are you able to
ask your audience.

Speaker 2 (01:22:22):
When you say, when you say a broker, does that
mean you just sell product? Right?

Speaker 17 (01:22:29):

Speaker 2 (01:22:30):
Okay, but if you ever I've seen them at yam Cha.

Speaker 21 (01:22:37):
Yeah, and what are they what do they do with them?

Speaker 3 (01:22:41):
Do you know?

Speaker 14 (01:22:42):

Speaker 2 (01:22:43):
I presume that they would think about yam char everything
steam doesn't it. So I presume they are soaked in
some sort of soy ginger thing and then steam.

Speaker 21 (01:22:56):
Would that be right, That's what I was thinking. But
do they boil them?

Speaker 2 (01:23:04):
We'll fight, will fight if if we work it out,
will you try it yourself?

Speaker 21 (01:23:10):
Well, I don't know. I mean I've asked myself how
many two akilo? How many chicken feet to a kilo?

Speaker 2 (01:23:18):
And I've asked myself as I googled, because I seem
quite reasonably priced forty five dollars for ten kilo, what
percentage of that would be meat?

Speaker 21 (01:23:29):
There's much? I don't think there's much on that, Yeah.

Speaker 2 (01:23:34):
How much. I've never really felt it.

Speaker 21 (01:23:36):
I'd be calling it at ten percent. So it must
be taste and it must be texture, and I don't
know what it is.

Speaker 2 (01:23:46):
I think people also say you can use it for
a stock.

Speaker 21 (01:23:52):
Yeah, but chicken bones could be a stock as well.

Speaker 2 (01:23:55):
But there might be more. There might be more partlage
and the feet.

Speaker 10 (01:23:58):
It might.

Speaker 21 (01:24:01):
Like pegstrotter.

Speaker 2 (01:24:03):
Yeah, yeah, horses hoves forl.

Speaker 21 (01:24:10):
I don't want to go down that track, but I
just wonder how hang on.

Speaker 2 (01:24:13):
According to the according to the Internet, it says it's
sixty per bone fort meat, which is more which is
more almost than the chicken wing. I mean, it's it's
quite a it's sixty forty sixty bone forty. There's quite

a meating' it.

Speaker 21 (01:24:36):
Okay, I'd never googled it, but make it so. I
was just listening as someone can come in and say,
here's a recipe for it, because honestly, I've sold so
many over the years, and I just wondered, what the
hell they do?

Speaker 2 (01:24:50):
They come from tegel.

Speaker 21 (01:24:54):
Well that's not the main splineh.

Speaker 2 (01:24:58):
Okay, but you need to be a chicken place to
produce chicken. There'd be a byproduct of producing chicken, is
that right?

Speaker 21 (01:25:05):
Well i' and there's several of what there's a lot
of killing plants around, but okay, yeah, I just wanted
to know what they do.

Speaker 2 (01:25:16):
I'll find out. I'll shake some trees, Paul, thank you.
Probably very highl in collagen, which makes for a good stock.
Marcus chicken figt tastes like the joint and the drumstick,
but a lot go you. Yeah, I've tried them, but
I just didn't know how they cooked them, which is
a very good point. Are they steamed? Are they roasted?

And we shall find out more. I feel like we've
got every single topic going for the last hour, and
that's not a problem. Whether it be theme parks, I
don't know if thing parks are coming back or not.
To be in a foreign country queueing doesn't sound great
to me. To be every organized family to make that

one work, I would say, but nothing venture, nothing win
Harry Potter World, No thanks, super Mario. Were I mean,
they're just roller coasters, aren't they, basically? And by the way,
I've seen that thing, that movie about the dragons, and look,

I thought they're terrible, toothless and all that stuff. How
to drain a dragon. I got really annoyed by that
two headed dragon, like really annoyed. Can gay al wait,
We'll start the next hour with Gail and chicken feet.
If you yourself have got something to say about chicken feet,

I would like to hear from you. It's a very
good question, by the way, nice to hear from you, Paul,
but a very good question. Gayl Marcus welcome.

Speaker 11 (01:27:00):
Oh good evening, Marcus and everybody. Your chicken feet. I've
thoroughly enjoyed them over in Asia. I've always been an
adventurous cook myself, and when I saw these, I thought, oh, heck,
you know, I better try those. They clean them and
then they dab them dry with paper towels. Sorry, they
clean them, and then they blanch them for one to

two minutes and some boiling water, and then they dab
them dry with paper towels, and then they drop them
into really hot oil and deep fry them. And when
they come out they are like the best pork crackling
you've ever had. If you want to cook them in
an ear fryer, all you do would after you've dabbed

them dry, you just either message soy oil, soy soy
sauce on them, or whatever sort of flavoring you wanted
on them, and then give them a little light spray
with cooking oil and put them in your ear fry.
But they come up so puffed and crunching crackly, like
good pork cracklings.

Speaker 2 (01:28:05):
And quite a bit of meat on them. Are the
sounds of things too, so that's interesting.

Speaker 11 (01:28:09):
It's not meat as such, it's it's like pork cracklingers.

Speaker 10 (01:28:15):
Did you call?

Speaker 3 (01:28:19):

Speaker 11 (01:28:21):
I think it's very rich in collagen.

Speaker 2 (01:28:23):
So have you having seen them be prepared if you
cooked them yourself?

Speaker 11 (01:28:27):
Yes, I did once. I can't remember where the heck
I got them from Noure.

Speaker 2 (01:28:32):
And when you when you tried them in Asia, were
you looking at the were you in the kitchen or
asking how they did it?

Speaker 9 (01:28:39):

Speaker 11 (01:28:39):
No, I was watching them. Okay, it was an open
store and I was just watching them.

Speaker 2 (01:28:45):
So blanche and boil water for two minutes, pet them dry,
and then just deep fry.

Speaker 11 (01:28:50):
Yes, but you can put whatever flavoring you want to on,
especially if you're doing the air fryer whatever, and or
some garlic salt or you know, powder, garlic onion, whatever
you want. I just like the natural was salt.

Speaker 14 (01:29:12):
You know.

Speaker 2 (01:29:12):
I don't know that I've seen them for sale, but
then again there's probably places I haven't locked. So well, yeah,
I don't know if there'd be my go to for
a pot like because.

Speaker 11 (01:29:24):
No reasonly a talking point.

Speaker 2 (01:29:27):
I don't need talking points, Gale I want anyway. But
thank you, Chris. It's Marcus.

Speaker 18 (01:29:31):
Welcome Marcus talking about the chicken feet.

Speaker 17 (01:29:36):
Yes, I was.

Speaker 18 (01:29:37):
I was lucky enough to be at my own law
place when my mother in law came home with some
chicken feet. I don't know why or how she bought them,
and she said to me, do you think we should
cook these? And I was like no, maybe, I don't know,
like we should soak them. So I went on to

Google and they said, like, boil them first, it's just
for a few minutes whatever. Maybe it was to soften
the tissue. We bought it for five or ten minutes
and then we soaked it. So we sauce and a
few other things and we put them in the oven
and bake them like it would be chicken wings.

Speaker 2 (01:30:21):
Oh god, yeah it sounds great. Okay, yeah, baking It
makes sense, doesn't it.

Speaker 18 (01:30:27):
Yeah, but that moist cook first. I don't know why
they said that, but maybe it was to soften the
college or whatever it was. But it worked out that, yeah,
it's just as good as a checken wing.

Speaker 2 (01:30:40):
And they became all crispy and like that did they yep?

Speaker 9 (01:30:43):
And he just.

Speaker 18 (01:30:46):
You know what to deal with the checken wings?

Speaker 2 (01:30:48):
Are you?

Speaker 3 (01:30:48):
Are you?

Speaker 2 (01:30:49):
Are you a shift? I think are you a chief?

Speaker 10 (01:30:51):

Speaker 17 (01:30:52):
Okay it used to be, but.

Speaker 2 (01:30:55):
You know your food.

Speaker 18 (01:30:58):
Relatively, I mean, I wouldn't say I'm a good one.

Speaker 2 (01:31:02):
I've never heard anyone say they were in a good chef.
All chifts I thought were good.

Speaker 18 (01:31:05):
Ship I compared myself to Gordon Ramsey or or or
the likes the other people in the world, you know.
So yeah, however, it's yeah, I do. I do believe
in the chicken feet as a thing. We should actually
bring more into the market.

Speaker 2 (01:31:26):
Well, I don't even know what the net status of
chicken feed and music. I don't think in us in
we can input our export birds because of our biosecurity things,
because we've got so many. So I think most of
our chickens are locally produced side presumed or the chicken
feed also are locally produced, so.

Speaker 18 (01:31:41):
You will they would have to be.

Speaker 2 (01:31:44):
Yeah, yeah, but that means but we might also we
might also export a lot. I don't know if we
do or not.

Speaker 18 (01:31:51):
Yeah, there's where I'm going with that is I would
consider that an export market because it's not a local
cuisine that's been brought into the mainstream. It should become mainstream.

Speaker 2 (01:32:05):
And even probably restaurants, you don't see chicken feet offered
that often, and that might be because there's some resistant
or actually we don't know. It's written in the menu
and we can't translate. But yeah, I've seen them at
yum Char but not readily available at other places. But
I mean the way Gales spoke.

Speaker 18 (01:32:21):
When they sound delicious, they are and you can treat
them in various different ways. I mean, you've referred to
um char and it's the steaming process, but they've already
been seasoned and marinated and then they come out and
that meat is tender, and any tender meat that tastes

delicious has got a place in the world for me.

Speaker 2 (01:32:45):
But I've got to also admit that if I am
at yum char, because food comes instantly, there's some many
delicious flavors. It's all a bit of a frenzy for me,
and I probably don't actually appreciate stuff much or work
out what tastes like what. It's all just a bit
of a feeding frenzy for me. I love it would be, yeah,

but I just I'm just I just can't fully describe
the flavor of the wings, I guess, is what I'm saying.

Speaker 18 (01:33:14):
There's another one out there is duck fat on your potatoes.
That is is the level level one potato dish. And
you've got the duck fat just in there in the
midst a pet butter.

Speaker 2 (01:33:32):
Do ducks have much fat?

Speaker 10 (01:33:36):

Speaker 18 (01:33:39):
So you know it's a it's a rare commodity and
it's delicious.

Speaker 2 (01:33:43):
Yeah, do you buy it like I'm dear biting a pottle?
Were you going to buy your duck first?

Speaker 18 (01:33:50):
It's it's heart, or you wouldn't buy the bird or
the fat.

Speaker 4 (01:33:55):
Of paste.

Speaker 18 (01:33:56):
It in a restaurant when I was a young chef
and it was just that wow experience. I don't know
how we got it. It came in in a haina,
but that was just absurdly better than butter.

Speaker 2 (01:34:13):
Brilliant. That's where when I hear absurdy better than butter, Chris,
thank you for that text Through O nine Marcus, they
are sold froze at the Mad Butcher here in christ Church,
Nikki of chicken feed at your World. I'm Underneedin. Teagle
Food supplies chicken feet there used to be as cheap
as chips, but prices increased now we have such a
large Asian community. Still not very expensive. Woolworth's Ashburton sells

a chicken feet obviously sells heaps as the fridge has
stocks and enjoy your show, Jan. You can buy duck
fat at almost every soup market these days, just in
a simple packet offering the meat section makes colieflower rice
bearable if you fry it. You think couliflower rice is
a dud. You can get big sachets of duck fat

at Woolworth's. What else have you got? What's the best
thing to bring? Pot luck? Checked? All the topics that
you don't I haven't I and long will we continue?
Long will we continue?

Speaker 15 (01:35:17):

Speaker 2 (01:35:17):
Eight one hundred eighty ten nineteen ninety detext Marcus still twelve?
Good even, Diane, it's Marcus.

Speaker 19 (01:35:23):
Welcome, Hello Marcus.

Speaker 16 (01:35:26):
Lovely to hear your voice again. I'm ringing about the
pot lack dinner and about a country barbecue pop lap dinner.
And one of the favorite dishes you'll never guess was
lambs fry and bacon and.

Speaker 2 (01:35:44):
Great wow wow, really.

Speaker 16 (01:35:47):
Yes, the dish just went. It was in the country,
so of course all the men like meat, but it
was really popular.

Speaker 2 (01:35:57):
How long ago was this, Diane?

Speaker 15 (01:36:00):

Speaker 16 (01:36:00):
PEPs? A little while ago, A little while ago. I
hadn't meant to a barbecue for a while.

Speaker 2 (01:36:05):
I think I think people still like lambs fry. But
you don't hear it talked about much, do you?

Speaker 11 (01:36:10):

Speaker 16 (01:36:10):
You don't, actually, and I'm on the table or had
all the lovely salads and you know all the usual
things that nut or country barbecue. But that was really a.

Speaker 2 (01:36:22):
Favorite potato salad that would have been there at a
country barbecue, wouldn't it.

Speaker 5 (01:36:27):

Speaker 16 (01:36:27):
Yes, what have arms or the salads? Lots of meat?

Speaker 11 (01:36:34):

Speaker 16 (01:36:34):
I know that was the cool one.

Speaker 2 (01:36:36):
Nice to hear from you, Diane. Thank you so much.
Do you prefer turkey or chicken for Christmas dinner? Oh?
Think about Christmas dinner. You always have a bit of everything,
don't it all kind of tastes and you don't know,
nothing is kind of celebrated quite as much. That would
be my take on that. I do like that, but
I won't eat ham during it, but I will eat

a bit of ham on Christmas.

Speaker 10 (01:36:58):
I like that.

Speaker 2 (01:37:00):
It's about this time of the year. I was talking
about what about doing a mutton ham? It's one of
the prettial topics for us. You've done a muttonham? What
about a muttonham? Have you tried a muttonham? I haven't recently,
but that will be on my list of things to
do this Christmas. Xmas we are talking. Choose your topic tonight.

Choose your journey, choose your topic. The best thing for
potluck dinner because Thanksgiving is not far away. Theme park
missions that you've been on, I'm thinking Japan, Paris, Orlando,

because a brand new one coming up in Orlando, which
is a giant theme park, and using YouTube to fix
your appliances. I tremendous success fixing an oven door. And
I was amazed how simple it was, because I rememone's
got an oven door that won't shut. I can help

you with that. That maybe is my superpower just for
watching one video. Didn't even watch it to the end.
Just how could that be saying something that worked so easily.
I was staggered by it. Good evening at Colin. It
is Marcus, welcomere you go, good Colin? What can you

tell me?

Speaker 17 (01:38:29):
I just talking about the YouTube. I've just almost finished
converting a bus to a mobile home, and I've built
all the solar system by watching YouTube videos?

Speaker 2 (01:38:42):
Did you manage to did you just go with the
first one that came up? I mean, are they good
and bad ones? Or did you.

Speaker 10 (01:38:50):

Speaker 19 (01:38:50):

Speaker 17 (01:38:51):
I looked at several. Then I got a bit of
a bit of an idea for it, and I can
see that some of them are a bit rubbish, And
and then there was better. You know, just just by
going through the whole lot, you sort of start together
a pattern of how it should be and shouldn't be
working really well. I'm currently living in at the moment.
It's all off grid and it's working perfectly.

Speaker 2 (01:39:10):
So you said you have you converted a bus, Is
that right to That's right, yep. So the solar power,
all the solar stuff that's completely different from the batteries
or the batteries also charged when the bus is running.

Speaker 17 (01:39:29):
No separate, but the bus has got its own batteries
are complete set up a separate so all the pannels
charge the is their own solar batteries. So I've got
storage supply of batteries and they go through the controllers
and and then I feed off that with the inverters
to run the power and stuff like that.

Speaker 2 (01:39:50):
So how complicated. So and most of it you brought
from websites.

Speaker 17 (01:39:56):
Yeah, yeah, on local stuff. They used a product called Victron,
which is reasonably expensive, but it's good quality year and
I've used all that and it all talk to each
other through blue tooth and it sort of helps.

Speaker 2 (01:40:11):
That's quite so. Why why why does it need blue?
Why is it just a simple process of getting charged
to the batteries and then using that charge to run
the appliances.

Speaker 17 (01:40:22):
Yeah, that's basically how it works, but there's different variations
of things that that they sort of they talk to
talk to each other and sort of balance each other out.
Like for example, when the batteries are full and you
start using the inverter to run appliances, the things with

the controller switches over and talks to the rest of
it switches over and it runs directly off the panel.
So it's actually using the power directly from the panels
and the batteries are.

Speaker 2 (01:40:56):
Okay, okay, okay, I understand now, So if it's sunny,
much nice efficient, if it's sunny, it's coming straight from
that because because there's okay, so you're not waste. Okay,
that makes a lot of sense.

Speaker 17 (01:41:08):
Yeah, so once you once you your batteries are fully charged,
it'll just start using what it's producing off the panels.

Speaker 2 (01:41:16):
And how does the battery charge battery last of the charge,
last of the batteries and definitely or does it leak.

Speaker 17 (01:41:24):
There's probably a little bit of leakage, but it's the
chad cycles go up and down and you yes, they're
good for so many cycles over their lifetime. I'm using
I'm using lead carbon batteries, which is a step up
from the old lead batteries and just one down below

the liftian batteries. Liftian batteries are hugely expensive, and I
was just a little bit hesitant to use them because
they when they go wrong, they kind of burn rather briskly.

Speaker 2 (01:41:58):
Did it take you a long time to.

Speaker 17 (01:41:59):
Do on once I started putting that together? No, not
a long time. Probably a couple of months, just just
doing it part time buying buying the equipment and buying
the pieces and the and the cables and all the
connectors and putting it all together and figuring out where
it was all going to go.

Speaker 2 (01:42:19):
And the lead batteries would be a big expense, would they.

Speaker 17 (01:42:24):
Yet? Yea, they're about four hundred and twenty dollars each
and got five of those. Yeah?

Speaker 2 (01:42:30):
And did it work straight Did it work? Did it
work straight away? Did you have to get christened? It
was good to go? Was it?

Speaker 10 (01:42:37):

Speaker 17 (01:42:37):
It was good to go. Yeah, it was good to go.
I've just done a couple of modifications to it to
make it a bit more efficient, but yeah, it was good.
It works straight up, she went, what sort of buses it?
It's a ex school bus. It's a ninety ninety two
Fuseo Minsterbisui actually came from christ Church. Oh yeah, I'm

up and fling up at town. So yeah, it was monage,
good condition, no rest so so it was a good, good,
good base to start with. I've completely stripped it out
and and lowered the floor and and lined and all.

Speaker 19 (01:43:19):
And are you are you?

Speaker 2 (01:43:20):
Are you retiring into it?

Speaker 7 (01:43:21):
You are?

Speaker 16 (01:43:22):

Speaker 2 (01:43:22):
You're you sound like you're working at the moment. Are
you're you're a truck drive?

Speaker 14 (01:43:25):
Are you.

Speaker 17 (01:43:27):
Not act?

Speaker 7 (01:43:27):
You know?

Speaker 17 (01:43:28):
I'm I work at a retirement village. Okay, I'm doing
the doing the afternoon shift there at the moment. But yeah,
a couple of years and I'll be heading down down
your way, a long trip.

Speaker 2 (01:43:41):
How many years do you reckon you'll be in it
for Colin?

Speaker 11 (01:43:48):

Speaker 17 (01:43:49):
Probably ten years.

Speaker 2 (01:43:50):
Yeah, I mean I guess the keys that it goes
really well. Then you're exported to do some of the
other countries as well. Were you trains you ship it
to Australia and then to America.

Speaker 17 (01:44:02):
Yeah, I wouldn't want to. I've got no real interest.

Speaker 10 (01:44:04):
In that to be fair, fair enough, fair enough.

Speaker 2 (01:44:07):
Nice to talk Colin.

Speaker 19 (01:44:08):
Thank you.

Speaker 2 (01:44:09):
Also we talked about Wicked, the film that's on just started.
The Universal theme park, Universal Epic Universe, the most advanced,
immersive and downwright fun theme park yet created, five themed

lands and a dozen headline rides and a themed hotel,
will rival even Walt Disney's World, Orlando's hierarchy of world
class attractions. They tend to blow your socks off, mind
your travel journalism. You know someone's have opened yet announced

in twenty nineteen. They say it will be bigger than
the House of Mouse. That must be what they referred
to Disney World next door. I wouldn't thought the movies

or what they've got would be deserving of a theme park.
I mean, Super Nintendo World. What would you do. I
suppose there's Mario Karts. There's something called the Celestial Harb.
I've got no idea what that is. They've got the
Dark Universe, which is all about I don't know what

that's about, the Frankenstein Experts. Then you've got Harry Potter
How to Drain Your Dragon, which I'm not a big
fan of anyway, enough for me thirteen to twelve, and
if anyone's been to see Wicked. I'm trying to get
the kids hyped up for it. I mean, they'll be
fine for I just got to get them to get
excited about it. I take them tomorrow Eve. It's good evening.

Speaker 4 (01:45:56):
Oh hi, make I've mentioned to my grandchildren that I'd
taken to the movies on the weekend, and the only
one that we could really sit and was going to Wicked.
You know, my grandchildren range from four years to fourteen years,
and so along we went. Then I thought, I went thinking,

I hope this is okay.

Speaker 7 (01:46:17):
But we were all glued.

Speaker 4 (01:46:20):
This is that movie, all of us from the four
year old to me.

Speaker 2 (01:46:24):
Wow, because two and a half hours, isn't it it?

Speaker 11 (01:46:28):
Shoe, it was long after those kids they just sat
and watched it.

Speaker 4 (01:46:33):
I was so amazed.

Speaker 2 (01:46:36):
Tell me, we've been looking forward to a lot of questions.
Did you know we were any of the songs familiar
to you?

Speaker 8 (01:46:43):

Speaker 2 (01:46:45):
Were they familiar? Were they were they familiar to the kids?

Speaker 4 (01:46:50):
I didn't say they were.

Speaker 8 (01:46:52):
I don't think so.

Speaker 4 (01:46:54):
No, But the whole thing the same tested the production,
the singing. You know, I didn't really went thinking I'm not.

Speaker 17 (01:47:03):
Going to like this.

Speaker 2 (01:47:05):
Oh no, I love him. He was anyone in there
because it was concerns that people would be singing along,
So were anyone in the audience singing along?

Speaker 4 (01:47:14):

Speaker 2 (01:47:14):
No, no, Okay, it might be more on an American things.
I think a lot of people have seen the stage
show and been waiting for this, But okay, sounds like
you might go again.

Speaker 17 (01:47:23):
Next month.

Speaker 4 (01:47:26):
It's a continuing story.

Speaker 2 (01:47:28):
So the four kids and the thumbs up from all
of them, and you say, were there four kids? Okay,
thumbs up even nice to hear from you. Thank you.

Speaker 19 (01:47:35):
There you go.

Speaker 2 (01:47:37):
You'll all love it. The last musical I got you
guys up and up and excited about was that La
La Land that people were really kind of freaked out.
But I remember that one was the one that won
the Oscars that were set in Los Angeles. It was
kind of sort of slightly soft. Oh gosh, that was
twenty sixteen. I was on the show doing it. So, yeah,

there you go. There's a new musical for you people. Wicked.
It's based on a book that's using the characters of
the Wizard of Oz. Go figure. It's not The Wiz
with Dona Ross and Michael Jackson, clearly because Michael jet
Will think they both did?

Speaker 12 (01:48:20):
Are they?

Speaker 2 (01:48:20):
But anyway, I don't know if Dona ross As did.
I apologize. I've got that one wrong, suspect. She probably is.
Who Phoenix Marcus welcome?

Speaker 10 (01:48:32):
Hey yeah, Marcus good?

Speaker 2 (01:48:33):
Anybody any Phoenix?

Speaker 10 (01:48:36):
IM just a note of the Pirates or the Caribbean. Yeah, yeah,
they're Johnny Dead movie and all that. Yeah. Yeah, it
seems from the Walt Disney seem part right, you got
the carry the part right.

Speaker 2 (01:48:53):
It's a really good point. He So it's the only
movie that's come.

Speaker 10 (01:48:57):
From the theme from the made fiction.

Speaker 5 (01:49:01):

Speaker 2 (01:49:01):
So there was a ride first, and they made the
movie on based on it. Is that what you're saying?

Speaker 10 (01:49:06):
Yeah, yeah, read the watch the movie, but read the
end credits. It's right there.

Speaker 2 (01:49:14):
So what was the Pirates of the Caribbean ride based on?

Speaker 10 (01:49:20):
It was based on real life Pirates of the Caribbean,
like black Beard and stuff. Yeah, okay, yeah, just my
advice is read the end credits or the Price of
the Caribbean.

Speaker 2 (01:49:33):
I kind of haven't watched I kind of haven't watched
it much.

Speaker 10 (01:49:37):
Well, just skip to the end credits and you'll see it.
Right there.

Speaker 2 (01:49:41):
People kind of rape the way the Pirates of the Caribbean.

Speaker 10 (01:49:44):
Yeah yeah, I mean they're good, good shows to watch,
but yeah, it's fection all based on real life.

Speaker 2 (01:49:52):
Good on your thanks, Phoenix. There wouldn't be many movies
are based on think well actually, when I say that,
by the way, Dinass is still alive at eighty sorry,
A good thing if fact checked myself on that. Movies
based on rides. What's the latest thing they're basing movies on.

There's something new they're basing movies on. There's rides based
on movies, but not many movies based on rides. Ooh yeah,

so all the Pirates of the Caribbean rides are based
on all movies are based on Yeah, and there's a
Haunted Mentioned movie. There's a Jungle Cruise movie, there's a
Tomorrowland movie. There's a Country Bears Jamboree movie, Mission to
Mars movie, and a movie based on the Tower of

Teara the Twilight Zie. It gets quite confusing because I'm
sure some of those rides are based on moving vice
and versa and yeah, yeah.

Speaker 7 (01:51:04):
Yeah, yeah.

Speaker 10 (01:51:06):

Speaker 1 (01:51:08):
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