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February 5, 2024 29 mins

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Today's episode peels back the curtain on my battle with imposter syndrome at ImagingUSA and how I transformed it into a journey of growth.

From the acquisition of a new camper to the emotional rollercoaster of personal emergencies, I lay it all out. Tune in for an honest account of perseverance and the realization that sometimes, the heaviest rains help us grow the most.

When life throws you curveballs, do you duck or catch them and hurl them back? I chose the latter. Kicking that annoying little voice inside me that kept doubting my strength. This episode is a deep dive into the decisive moments where I grappled with simultaneous challenges, juggling the launch of my book with emergency vet visits and family crises. It's a raw look at the essence of resilience, and why sometimes the question isn't "why me?" but rather "what's next?" If you've ever felt the weight of the world on your shoulders, let this story show you that with a strong community and a dash of determination, you can stand tall.

If you're seeking solace in shared struggles or just need a reminder that your tribe is out there, this episode is your call to action. So, bring your coffee, bring your fears, and let's grow together in this episode of Mindset and Money Mastery for Photographers.

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:02):
Welcome to Mindset and Money Mastery for
Photographers the podcast.
We help overwhelmedphotographers make more money
while simplifying their businessby mastering their.
You guessed it Mindset andMoney Tune in each week for
practical and actionable tips totake your photography business
up a notch.
Let's dive right in.

Speaker 2 (00:23):
Hey everyone, I am so excited to record this podcast
episode today.
I wanted to do a wrap up allabout ImagingUSA and just going
to share a little bit of a storywith y'all and a little bit
about the week that wasImagingUSA A little behind the
scenes of some things and some,I think, lessons that I've

learned, and I wanted to recordthis for y'all because I feel
like I want my journey and mycraziness that happened that
week to be a moment for y'all tolearn and to also realize that,
despite the crazy, despiteeverything else that happens in
life, you have to take a momentto just sit back and to know

that you are on the right path,you are doing a good job, even
when it feels like everything'sfalling apart.
And if you're like, oh, whatare you talking about?
Corinne, if you've all of mysocial media, you might have
seen me make kind of a littlebit of a post about it, but I
didn't really ever make a fullend-up post, so I figured a
podcast episode was the best wayto explain everything that
happened and it's going to be alittle bit hard to talk about,

to be honest with you, becauseit was a lot.
So first of all.
Before we dive into the wholestory of what happened and the
lessons that I think I learnedthis week, I just wanted to say
to each and every one of youthat dropped in and said hi at
Imaging, thank you for coming by.
It really truly does mean theworld to me.

I know we talk a lot aboutmindset in here and, oh man, as
somebody who has gone to ImagingUSA as a photographer and
walked around and I think Ishared on the other podcast
episode about Imaging the firsttime I went I was really scared.
I felt like so out of place.
I didn't know what to do.
I was just a little bitoverwhelmed by it all.
And coming into Imaging for thefirst time as an exhibitor or a

vendor to show up and to set upmy booth and to be launching my
book, I struggled a lot withsome serious imposter syndrome.
Going into Imaging.
I've worked so hard over thelast oh, I think it's been eight
years now since I've had mycoaching business to be where
I'm at, to be able to helpphotographers and to be able to

help photographers make moremoney and find more magic and
just really truly love theirbusiness and understand their
business and find confidence intheir business.
But I always laugh because as abusiness coach and this is me
being incredibly vulnerable, meas a business coach I'm having
to go through a lot of the samethings you all are going through
as you're building yourphotography business.

It's easy in my photographybusiness now.
It's not scary anymore, it'sjust, it is what it is now.
It's not so hard.
But there's moments in mycoaching business where I think
that the world and God has avery strange way of reminding me
that, hey, your coachingclients and the photographers

you're helping are feeling thesesame feelings in their
photography business that youmight have forgotten about
because it's been a long timesince you built your business.
But you get to feel these samethings in your coaching business
And imposter syndrome, guys, itwas hard, it was big, I
definitely felt it.
And in my photography businessI always say I show up at horse

shows, they show up in my world,in my photography business and
everyone knows who I am and Ican just walk around and I know
people and I talk to people andit's just like world friends.
We've known each other foreverand I don't have to work quite
so hard.
But then I show up in mycoaching business and I feel
like who am I?
I don't know these people.
Are they going to come talk tome?
Are they going to think I'mjust some crazy girl with purple
hair out here?

Like what are they going tothink?
And I have to deal with thoseemotions and those feelings all
over again.
And what I want to do is I wantto encourage you to know this.
If you are feeling thatimposter syndrome in your
portrait business and you'relike Karinda, I feel you.
I got that in my portraitbusiness all day long.
You know what You've heard thesaying fake it till you make it.

And actually in our book wetalk a little bit more about it
in the Unicorn of Business Bookfor Photographers.
But I'm just going to keep ontelling you guys fake it till
you make it.
When you are scared to death andthings feel terrifying and
things feel like I don't know ifI can do this, who am I to be
doing this?
Lean into it, step into thatplace and know that that fear

and that hesitation you'refeeling is a sign that you need
to push harder and you need tolean into it that much more and
just know that it's not so badthing to feel that.
It means that you're a down toearth, normal person, that's not
a giant cocky jerk, probablybecause you feel like that right
I don't know, maybe giant cockyjerks feel that way and they

just put on that face and go onto it anyway.
But what I'm saying is thatthere's nothing wrong with that.
There's nothing wrong withfeeling like who am I?
Who am I to do this?
But when you feel that way,lean into it and say I'm
supposed to be doing this, thisis where I was born to be, this
is what I'm supposed to be doing, and just know that I like to

say the little devil sitting onyour shoulder telling you who
are you, who are you to do this,that's just the devil trying to
stop you from your greatness.
And recognizing that you justneed to kick that devil off your
shoulder and do it, becauseit's where you're supposed to be
, is really incredibly important.
So that's the first thing Iwanted to share with you all

To be quite 100% honest with you, when I sat down to record this
podcast episode, I decided thatI was just going to tell you
all what came to my hearttonight and I say tonight
because we just got home fromimaging two days ago.
As I'm recording this We'll beposted a few days later and it's
been a crazy, crazy week.

I wanted to record this episodefreshly the day we got home,
but there's just been a lotgoing on and sometimes what
you're going to notice in yourbusiness and in your life is
that when you're trying to dosomething really good, when
you're trying to show up andyou're trying to fight through
the who am I to do this, you'regoing to be feeling it even

harder because sometimes theworld is just going to come kick
you square in the face.
And I can honestly say thatthrough the journey of writing
our book, the Unicorn ofBusiness Books, and through the
journey of getting to imaging,to be able to talk and meet so
many of you and to share ourbook, it has literally felt like

the world has kicked me in theface about a hundred times.
It's been quite comical to thepoint of like my husband and I
were like what can we even doanymore?
But just laugh because there'snothing else to do.
We can either laugh about itnow, or we can cry about it, or
we can quit, or we can shut downor we can give up, and giving

up is not an option.
Crying maybe a little bit and Idon't know if any of y'all who
are listening to this might haveran into me the day before the
main conference started onpre-condemned, but oh, I was
crying a lot.
I did have my moment of crying.
So let me kind of tell you whathappened and I'll keep the

story short because I know I'mnot going to tell you all my
But before we left for imaging,it kind of felt like just about
anything that could happen hadhappened Sickness, we had two
family members in the hospital,one on my side of the family,
one on my husband's side of thefamily.
I had a horse colic and I haveto be at the emergency vet and
then get better and then colicagain, and it just really felt

like what else can happen.
We drove to imaging.
We bought a new camper for mybusiness because I travel a lot
and we go to horse shows andevents.
So we needed somewhere to stayand it's a lot nicer staying in
a camper that's your own spacethan a hotel all the time.
So we bought a new camper atthe end of the year and we were
loading up our new camper to goto imaging and I tell you what

it rained and rained, and rainedevery single day.
We were loading up this camper,loading up our booth, trying to
get everything ready, and thepouring down rain and we were
just like, really, can we justcatch a break?
Can it stop raining for an hourso we can load everything up
and not get soaking wet?
And no, the world had otherplans.
It was just going to rain, somuch so that the night before we

left for imaging it was floodedall around us and the way we
would normally drive we couldn'tdrive because the roads were
flooded and we had to go thelong way.
Not only did we have to go thelong way, but there was fog the
entire drive from Texas all theway to Kentucky.
Such bad fog.
Thankfully it was not rainingand I was very grateful for that

, but driving through fog for 14hours was not fun at all.
We get there.
Everything was great.
We got set up.
It was fabulous.
I went to Precon and a Preconclass and I got out of my Precon
class and I was hanging aroundtalking to a few people and I
went to go update my badgebecause my badge had some maseek

on it and I needed them to fixit.
And I get a FaceTime call frommy sister no, not a FaceTime yet
, it was just a phone call andit said Karinda, you need to
call the vet right now.
And I said what's going on?
She said don't ask questions,just call your vet.
And I thought, oh gosh, isCalypso the horse that collided
before he left?
Is she colliding?
What's going on?
So my sister FaceTime's me andI just see a leg and I see blood

everywhere and I'm like huh, ohmy gosh, my joy.
I'm sitting at the counter inthe lobby of Imaging with all
these people around and I justlook at the guy and say I have
to go.
And I went and found Jamie, whowas there helping me at the
If y'all came by and said hi,you probably got to meet Jamie.
And I was like Jamie, I don'tknow the horse, her leg, and I

actually didn't even know whathorse it was, because there was
so much blood I couldn't tellwhich horse it was.
Jamie's like let's go to thehotel.
I had a hotel room for Jamie.
I'm actually had other extrapeople staying in the camper and
so I was like I can't go up toyour room, I just have to sit in
the lobby.
And Jamie's like Karinda, wehave to go upstairs.
You're sitting in the lobbycrying, come on, like I was
freaking out.

So I get up to Jamie's hotelroom and I'm playing phone tag,
trying to get all the vets,trying to get a hold of my
husband, and my husband calls meand says I just got into a car
Oh man, oh, that was reallyhard.
I lost it.
I was kind of a little bit.
I lost it and in that moment Idefinitely fell into the why me

place so easy.
Right, it's so easy that whenthings happen we fall into this
like why me, why me, why is thishappening to me right now?
And I had my 15 minutes of justletting myself lose it.
And poor Jamie, she just satover there and was like I'm
going to take some pictures ofyour stickers, karina, and I

lost it.
And then I sat up and I waslike I have to get it together.
I came here to do a thing.
I'm here to help people.
I cannot let this stop me.
And luckily we were able to getthe horse to the vet.
Luckily, thank goodness, mysister happened to be driving by
my house and happened to justnotice my horse bleeding in the
pasture and thankfully we hadpeople that were able to step up

and take care of things.
So my horse is going to be OKand thankfully my husband's
truck is not crazy damaged.
It was just a fender bender forhis truck and nobody was hurt
and he could still drive histruck.
Because I'm sitting herethinking, great, we have the
camper, we're going to have atruck that's destroyed, what are
we going to do?
And all the while, there weresome other things happening

amidst all of this, some thingswith my husband.
There were just a lot of thingshappening all at once and I
went into the trade show tofinish setting up later that day
and a couple people came bythat knew me and I'm like, don't
judge me, I've been cryingSorry, it's been a crazy day.
I don't think I'd actuallyreally eaten all day either.
I had some coffee and that wasabout it.

But I had really no optionother than deciding that I
wasn't going to let the thingsthat were happening and the
crazy that was happening stop me, because I knew deep down
inside that I was supposed to bethere.
I knew deep down inside that Ispent this time and energy and

poured my heart and soul intowriting this book that we were
launching and I knew that I hadto make the decision to pull
myself out of that and not sitthere and squabble in my sorrows
and my whiney.
And another thing in twoemergency vet bills in one month
Really, if you all have horses,you know how much emergency vet
bills are.

I had to make that decision andit's not always easy to make
that decision, guys.
I've had moments in my life andin my business when I have let
those things beat me down.
I did an event a couple yearsago now and both of my
grandparents had passed away, myhorse had died and both my
grandparents had passed away andit was really hard and I had

this event scheduled and Ishowed up at that event and I
chose to just be like whatever,I don't care, I can't care,
there's too much, and I chose tolet it get the best of me.
But this experience and goingthrough all those things and
feeling like why me?
But also being able to pullmyself out of it, was so
valuable because I'm seeing thatthe work I've been doing on

myself, the personal growth, thework I've been doing to focus
and stay positive and let thosethings roll off my back and know
that I'm supposed to be theredoing what I'm supposed to be
doing, despite everything else.
I know that all of that work isworking Because if you all ran
into me at the trade show andimaging, you probably had no

idea that there was a littlepart of me inside that just
wanted to go crawl on my bed andcry because it was hard.
But I also knew that I owed itto each and every single one of
you that was there that came byto talk to me, to show up into
pouring to you and to be therefor y'all, to support you and to

hear your stories and to learnabout you, and I knew that I had
to go through that moment.
In the book I talk about this.
Actually, I say something likeit's not the circumstances that
influenced your life, it's theway you respond to the
It's the question you ask.
When the things happen, you getto choose whether you say why

Or you get to choose to growthrough it, and I chose to grow
through it.
I gave myself a second to saywhy me?
Don't get me wrong.
I'm not 100% perfect, but I hadto choose to grow and say what
is there to learn through thisand I really genuinely think
what there was to learn throughthis was that when you're trying

to do really amazing things,the world is going to try to
stop you, and the harder theworld tries to stop you, the
more you need to fight for it.
Take that as your sign to keepgoing.
Take that as your sign tocontinue.
Take that as your sign to dobigger, better things and to
know that when things getdifficult, it's your sign to

push harder.
We did a podcast episode lastyear I believe it was last year
with Catherine and we talkedabout lobsters and we talked
about how, in order for lobstersto grow, they have to shed
their shell and they have to bewilling to be vulnerable.
And y'all, I had to shed myshell to show up at Imaging for
the first time as a vendor andto be there and be on the other

side of it.
I had to shed my shell and Ihad to put myself into a place
where I was totally, totallyunprotected.
I was totally just out thereand just being vulnerable and
ready to show up and talk topeople and get to know people
and to just be me.
But, guys, each and everysingle one of you that I talked

to, I hope that you left withsomething from our conversation.
Each and every single one ofyou that talked to Catherine or
Jamie or one of my othercoaching clients that might have
been around there.
It is my hope and my prayerthat each and every one of you
left with something from thoseconversations that you had with
And if we didn't get to talk, Iam so sorry.
I wish I could have talked toevery single one of you.

I know it got kind of crazy andI sometimes didn't get to talk
to everybody, but just know thatI'm here and if you ever want
to chat with me, I am more thanhappy to do that.
Just reach out to me.
So the first two things I wantedto share with you were really
personal things and reallyvulnerable things for me and
kind of my lessons that Ilearned this last week through

You know I was really coolhearing all come up and say like
we got your email, we startedlistening to your podcast and,
you know, hearing people saythey'd read the first chapter of
the book because they sent outan introduction of the book as a
sneak peek.
And then to have y'all come byand to like pick up that book
and to watch y'all hold it inyour hands and to flip through
it and to have y'all buy thisbook from me, that felt so much

like something that I wouldnever be able to do with.
So cool guys and those of youthat were like Karina, will you
sign my book Y'all just made mefeel so uncomfortable but also
so cool.
Whoever the first person thatwas like, can you sign my book?
I was like you want me to signyour book, guys, and sometimes I
know y'all are feeling likethat in your business.

Sometimes I know when yourclients say things to you in
your business, you're feelingthat.
But after the first time I waslike why am I feeling funny
about this?
I need to give myselfpermission to be excited and to
just be joyful about this.
This is so cool and so crazyand just being able to do that
And I think the other thingthat I really want to share with
y'all that I really saw atImaging Guys all you're gonna

make me tear up tonight issurrounding yourself with good
I really want to encouragey'all to find your people in
this photography world.
To find the people that get you, to find the people that are
there to cheer you on, tosupport you, to be there when
you're having your moment wherethe world is knocking you down,
to be the person that's there tosay it's gonna be okay, and

also to be the person that'sgonna be your cheerleader and
say, wow, you did this.
This is so cool and honestly,like my coaching clients,
they're my family.
I love them dearly, so that'swhy I tear up talking about them
, because I love them.
Y'all are thinking I'm crazytonight, but it's been a long
week so I'm a little bitemotional, but it's funny.
We went to dinner one of thefirst nights of Imaging with my

coaching clients and we took apicture and my three year old
his name is Kai Y'all might havegotten to see him running
around the trade show like acrazy man.
My three year old said mom,it's our first family picture
and I was like he gets it, hegets it.
These are these girls and theseguys.
They are my coaching program,they are my family and I love

them fiercely and I'm so proudof them and getting to see them
in person at Imaging and gettingto actually hang out with them
and have dinner with them and tobe with them and to just be in
community with them outside ofthe internet guys is so valuable
and I really have so enjoyedgetting to watch our
relationship, but also theirrelationship with our other

community members, or M&Ms as Ilike to call them.
It's been so cool.
And my M&Ms my Master of yourMoney coaching clients that's my
full coaching program.
In case you're wondering, we'rearound each other a lot.
We have group calls every month.
We have one-on-one calls.
I know their story, I know allabout them.
We always joke and say we'relike they're therapists and

they're business coach sometimes, but I love them.
They're a part of my family andgetting to spend time with that
group of people that it's socool and getting to see them
build relations with each otheris so cool and really what I
want to encourage you is findyour people.
Find the people you can surroundyourself with.
Find your people that get you.

Find your people that areworking towards the same things
as you are, that can be there tosupport you and cheer you on,
because y'all my coachingclients they were there.
They stepped it up big time.
Jamie was there.
She was working for me, so youknow she had to do it, but I
guess not really, because that'sjust who Jamie is and who is so
Getting to have Jamie there andbe like Karenda, this is such a

big deal.
She did a little toasted dinnerand it's really amazing and
I'll share that with you at thepodcast episode because I think
it's hilarious.
But I want y'all to find peoplelike that in your life and in
your business.
I know for me personally it hasnot always been easy to find
those people.
I know that sometimes, like thebig free Facebook communities
tend to be where photographersmeet, but I was never super

great at finding my people inthose groups.
I was always really good atfinding my people in small
groups and coaching programs.
I was in when I was growing mybusiness and a lot of my closest
friends as I was building mybusiness that were in my pocket
and cheering me on and goingthrough business and life with
They were fellow people thatwere in coaching programs with
me and honestly, now my coachingclients are my closest friends.

But find those people whereverit might be and sometimes you
have to pay to be in thosecommunities and those circles.
To be honest with you, I pay tobe in communities and circles
full of women who are buildingtheir businesses and working
towards the same things.
I am just so I have thatsupport and that community of
people around me to go to and toknow that they're there in my
pocket and they're there tocatch me or to kick me in the

butt or to cheer me on when Ineed it.
But I am so grateful for all ofyou that came by.
I'm so grateful for my M&Mfamily Because of you that are
listening to this.
You literally made imaging somuch better by having you around
and just seeing your faces andhaving you there to cheer me on

and to support me and encourageme when I was feeling in that
uncomfortable place.
So I just want to say thank youto all of you, my M&Ms that
were there Y'all know who youare and to everybody else that
came by.
Seriously, thank you so much Toall of you that bought my book
though really so cool.
You made my dreams come true.

I couldn't even imagine a betterresponse and those of you that
have started reading the book onyour way home, on your travels
home, on your flight home, thatsent me messages and posted on
your stories or commented on mypost and told me how much you're
loving the book.
Y'all absolutely just made myweek worth it, knowing that that
book is in your hands and thatit's going to help you find more

magic and build your businessand make more money.
That just makes me so happy.
And if you've been reading it,send us a DM and let us know If
you haven't grabbed a copy ofthe book the unicorn.
Make sure you grab your copy.
The link is in our bio and wewill be starting to ship books
this month.
So, yeah, I just felt like Ineeded to come on and share

those things with y'all.
Also, there is one last thing Iwant to share, and I want to
give a shout out to a specialgroup of people that are my
people too.
Find yourself companies to workwith, and I think that going to
expose and things like that area great chance to find yourself
companies to work with that youlove and good people that you
love, because if you've beenaround, I'm sure you've heard me

talk about them.
I absolutely love Guild Canvasand I think their product is
I know their product is amazing.
It is top of the line.
It is the best of the best whenit comes to all art in my
But the other thing I love aboutGuild Canvas is not just the
canvases, it's the people.
I got to hang out with theentire Guild family at Imaging
and really just such an amazinggroup of people and all of you

that were there.
Thank you for being so amazing.
I love y'all and I'm sothankful that I get to support
your business and really what Iwould encourage all of you is
that find companies that youlove the people.
Find companies that youresonate with the people.
Find companies that share thesame beliefs as you do and that
you feel good about supporting.

You know, I can honestly saythat there's something different
about working with a smallbusiness or a smaller business.
There's something differentabout working with a higher end,
more luxury business thatreally caters to their clients,
and Guild Canvas is definitelyone of those companies.
So I just wanted to give them ashout out and tell them thank
you for being so amazing and solovely.
I love being able to just calland pick up the phone and get an

answer and talk to somebody andjust know that like they have
my back in my business and thatwithout them I would not be
where I'm at.
They are amazing people andalso I'll love the other Guild
family that was there.
Y'all know who you arelistening to this, but Tavis
Guild is actually one of myformer personal mentors.
He was my business coach yearsago and he is truly an awesome

business person as well andreally top notch at selling wall
So I just like I need to give ashout out to them tonight, but
I hope you all have enjoyed thisepisode.
I know I kind of rambled arounda bit about some personal things
and I might have teared up alittle bit, but that's okay.
I want y'all to know that I'm aperson too and that I'm going
through it.
I'm doing life with y'all too.
You know how you're feeling isokay.

When things happen to you, it'sokay to take a minute to set
back, but also know that you canget back up and you can learn
from it and you can grow from itand you can keep going.
It doesn't have to be the endyour trials, that you're going
through your struggles, thatyou're going through life
kicking you in the face doesn'thave to mean that you stop.
The way you respond to thosechallenges is going to dictate

your success in your businessand in life.
And I want y'all to hear me inthe back of your head.
When you feel that little voicein the back of your head, the
little devil on your shouldercausing you doubt, causing you
to question whether or notyou're doing what you should be
doing, kick him off yourshoulder and tell him to f off.
Okay, that's what I want totell you today.

Tell him to go away.
When you have those moments oflife kicking you in the face,
just look at those moments andsay how can I grow through this?
How can I learn from this?
How can I move through this?
How can I not get stuck in thisplace and just recognize that
when life is kicking you in theface, it's because you're doing
something really good and you'reon the right path and you were

going in the right direction.
Keep going, don't stop y'all.
And don't forget the peoplethat are there because you're
cheerleaders, that are aroundyou, the people that support you
, the people that are in yourcorner, the people that love and
trust you and know who you areas a person.
Those people are valuable.
I just want y'all to all findthis happiness, this peace, this

contentness in your businessand to know that your business
can be magical.
You are amazing, you are unique, you are special and your
business should be.
Two guys, I love each and everyone of you.
I'm so grateful for each andevery one of you.
If you have a minute today, Iwould absolutely adore it if you
would go.
Leave us a rating review on thepodcast players.

I promise we're going to getback to normal podcasting soon,
but I just have been trying toshare my journey a little bit
more and be a little bit morevulnerable, a little bit more
open and honest with all of youon the podcast, and I hope that
you're enjoying seeing a littlebit of a different side to me.
I think next I'm actually goingto be sharing a little bit of
more behind the scenes with youand my own business.
It seems a little fitting toshare my journey, since we were

just in Kentucky for imaging,because my journey to be an
equine photographer actuallybegan in Kentucky.
Well, kind of, my equinephotography brand began in
Kentucky, so I really want toshare that with y'all, and the
journey of that as well, becauseI think it's a really great
example of doing the big scarything and just doing things
scared and doing things withouta plan and knowing that Don is

better than perfect and gettingit done.
So I'm excited to share thatjourney with all of you.
Next, if you were at imaging,like I said, thank you for
coming by.
I love each and every one ofyou.
Post pictures of you readingyour book, share with us what
you're loving about the book,send us your testimonials about
the book and also, if you wantsome stickers and imaging.
I hope you're loving yourstickers.
I'm sitting here looking at myQR magical sticker on my

We have some really funstickers and everybody wants to
be able to buy them now, so weare working on setting up a
store that way you can come byour fun stickers we have.
Some say you are magical, somethat say done is better than
perfect, you are a unicorn or bea unicorn in a field of horses.
See, I can't even think.
My brain is still imagingmachine.
So, keeping out for all thosethings, I'm excited to get back

to real podcasting and sharingbusiness tips and mindset tips
with all of y'all, but I hopeyou enjoy the next few episodes.
They're going to be a littlebit more personal and share a
little bit more of my story andmy journey with all of you, so
that way you can get to know mebetter.
Thanks, guys.

Speaker 3 (28:42):
I just wanted to make a big deal because Corinda has
not allowed it yet.
She wrote a whole book Like,hey, it's a magical book.
Her picture is on the back ofthe book.
Very, very good, and it's anamazing book.
Okay, she is an imaging USA2024.
She has her own booth.
She is just rocking it out andI don't think she realizes how

big of a deal she is.
So I just want to make a bigdeal about it because it's been
a long day.
So to Corinda for the unicorn,congratulations on your book
Okay, thank you so much forlistening.

Speaker 1 (29:16):
If you enjoyed this episode and you'd like to
support the podcast, please makesure you share it on social
media or leave a rating, areview.
As always, you can check outthe links and resources in the
show notes over atmasteryourmindmoneycom.
To catch all the latest from me, you can follow me on Instagram
at masteryourmindmoney, anddon't forget to join our free
Facebook group photographybusiness tune up with Corinda

Thanks again and I'll see younext time.
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