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July 9, 2019 15 mins

We discuss hooking up with more than one person in the same day.

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Speaker 1 (00:02):
What would you talk about on your on your podcast
minute morning Show? Do you know what I learned about
the fifteen minute Morning Show podcast is while we were away,
like we were just all on the vacation for two weeks,
a lot of people listen to us every day just

catching up on this podcast, and they said they loved it.
It actually served a purpose for once. We just thought
we sat here for fifteen minutes every day and just
kind of just blew hot air, and it actually had
a purpose. I enjoy it anyway, Go ahead and set
up the room, Gandhi, who's around the big fifteen minute
morning show podcast table too? To my left, we've got Brody. Hello,

we have Greg t across from you, I have Danielle,
and we've got Nate. I'm scary and of course myself
and you, Elvis and the numb're here too. Great all right?
Uh okay. So a friend of mine was out on
a date and it was going well, and she actually
said to him in the middle of the day, Hey,

I want I want to see you again. This is great,
and then all of a sudden, she she looked at
the time and realized she had to run. Didn't say
why he was under the assumption that she had another
date to go to. Come to find out she did.
She's juggling multiple dates, not only that day but other days.
And I thought this. This was intriguing because I in
my dating day I barely had time to date one person.

But so we had this conversation and I want to
I want to just bring it out on the table,
if you guys don't mind, how many dates have you
gone on with different people in the same day? Danielle too, Yeah,
they did you hook up? I made out with them,
but I didn't sleep with them, okay, And what was
in the morning and actually was me and my girlfriend.
It was the two of us, my girlfriend and I whatever,
the two of us were together, and she's like, oh

my gosh, we gotta get rid of these guys soon
because we got the next step coming over tonight and
it was at her house and we just waited. The
next that came over and we made out with them too.
What about to match dot Com dates back to back?
The first one was a no go, uh didn't click.

The second one I ended up dating for a few weeks,
but I was, you know, I'm like, what if what
if the first one is great. I was ready to
cancel on the second one. You have to spare ready together.
What about you, Brodie? Yeah, once made out with a
girl in the morning and then maybe out another girl
at night that I knew I was going to break
up with, but made out with her first, then broke

up with her. Okay, alright, I'm seeing two, say I'm
seen groups of two? Yes? Great to you? Uh? In
college yes, uh, it happened a couple of times with
different sorority girls. Uh, you know, hooking up with one
on a Thursday afternoon, one Thursday night, maybe one even
into the wee hours of Friday morning, something like that. Yeah,
so that would be considered that that would be considered

late Thursday night for the wee hours of the morning.
So that's three. Yeah. What about the two we saw
you it out with? Like you turn to the right,
you turn to the left, you turn to the right time,
that was the same lap it was that That one
doesn't count? And what about you straight name it was?
I want to say there was a three in there,

but I can't remember the three, but there was definitely two.
And the problem with the two was I went day
drinking with date number one and got trashed. So that
date number two, I don't remember what I did, what
I said, but it happened right, and pretty much know
it happened. But yeah, it was definitely pressure because Date
number one wanted to hang out longer, and I knew

I had to go to date number two because I think, well,
date number two might be more interesting than date number one,
so I really have to give her a shot. So
it was, it was just a mess. She seems to
be a thin line between seriously dating multiple people during
the day, as in that they could be my future
kind of date, or just hooking up, you know, so

I don't me. I had three hook ups in the
same day, but I didn't want to I don't want
to date any of them. They were just fun hook ups.
What do you mean by hook ups? Oh? No, full
throttle between them? Oh absolutely, But I don't know. This
is whatever I was in college times. There was like

there was like lunchtime and then we hooked up, and
then there was someone in the afternoon for a happy hour,
and then we hooked up, and then there was someone
I went out with that night and we went out
dancing and it have been fun, and then we hooked up.
But wait, but wait, but wait, they're not. They weren't dates.
They were definitely hook ups. There's, for instance, when scary
scary dated like like identical twins. Yeah yeah, see the

argument there is, well, it then only counts as one
person were identical. Well no, actually these were fraternal twins.
Story people are telling me that it doesn't count that
I did because I said, yeah, I dated twins and
we're talking about this the other day, and then they
were like, well, well they're fraternal twins, so that doesn't count,

doesn't count, It doesn't count, doesn't count as cool. It
counts as two people. But the cool factor of doing
twins identical is there? Identical And you're like, well, but
the fact that the fraternal they might as well be
cousins at that, right, But I must argue that even
if they're identical twins, it's still two separate women and
it's not fair to make them know. But he doesn't

get the identical twin credit because they're just sisters. But
I was just saying that it counts two people if
they were identical twins. Yes not was it the same day?
No credit? You know, you're all right, Brodie. The question
was in the same day he kissed them like a
week and a half apart. He gets nothing for that.

He counts as one per day. I've never felt like
a bigger dweeve in my life than right now. Multiple
dates with anyone in a day and I haven't made
out with multiple people in a day, and I'm bummed
out about that now. I feel like I haven't lived
my life. Don't be You're living your life. You have
diamonds on your teeth. You're doing don't don't worry about it.
I know, but I just you know, if you're out

there seriously dating for instance, I mean you're you're only
seeing people who you believe you have a you could
have a future with because they match really well. But
how many can you roll through per day of those
you know, not hook up, not even hooking up with them.
That just sounds exhausting. So I put that much of
yourself and effort into it. It's sort of a slow

speed dating. Yeah, I don't know, but there are people
out there who were just really really looking for the
special person. So Okay, this date, I'm gonna put you
in the yes column, but I gotta go. Did you
find that special person when you slept with three guys
in one day, it was one more special than the other.

I think I was the most special one that day. Okay,
were they in size order? Oh? Well, you don't. Het
always a step too far. Seriously, you're a pig guys
and one thing? All right, I'm done? Who else wants
to talk about something? I agree with you, though, I

think dating that many people is exhausting. When you're going
on that many dates in one day, it's exhausting. You
can't really vet anybody if you want to date them. Seriously. Yeah, well,
the other thing to remember, Nate, is maybe you're starting
to become serious with one of them, but you still
want to date other people. When do you decide either
to a be committed to them or be tell them, Hey,

I'm dating other people, you know, but I like you.
I don't want I don't want you to go away
because you know you could be in the future. But
don't a lot of people do that. Isn't that called
trapeezing where you hold on to one branch before you
grab the next one. You got to make sure you
have something in in waiting. The trapeezing is leaving someone
to go to another person. I'm saying, that's the same,

isn't it. You're not going to somebody else. No, saying
trees red crumbing read crumbing is when you leave those
little tidbits for people that think you're interested in them,
but you're not really interested in them, but you're just
keeping them on the line because you don't want to
have anything. So that's sort of what I'm saying. What

I'm saying is this, Let's say you are getting serious
about several people at the same time, and that's possible.
I mean, that's gonna be exhausting. Well, don't they do
that on the Batchel and the Batchel are out? I mean,
how does she decide which gets feelings for all of
these great you're a big fan of that show. I
don't listen. I'm all about it. You gotta try out
every time every sports car to figure out which one
works for you. If you don't know, if the sports

car doesn't run, how are you gonna buy the sports car?
So you have to go out and try every single
one of them out. I know, and I'm not No,
I'm not saying test driving. That's not the same. I'm
saying you're actually putting a deposit down on several sports cars,
meaning you're really falling for each one for different reasons,
and you're like, and it's I don't know. I don't
know if I want this one or that one because

I like them all, you see, I think I'm fine.
I'd like, yeah, I do think so, I think when
for me personally, and I don't know if everyone's gonna
yell at me or not. But yes, I can turn
it on, turn it off. I don't really have to
be into it to be testing test driving all of
these cars, like I could test test drive any card
any time. I have no feelings about any of the cars.

It's terrible, but man, it's very interesting exactly. It's just
it's just I don't think it's even a bad thing.
It's just something that's in me. My wife might think
it's a bad thing. Bring her up. Now you're married.
I understand that, but you know, they remind me I

got it. Are you saying that if you were single,
this is how you could live? Yes, if I can
do it all over again, yes I can. I'm definitely
a person that I can. I can test drive many
cars and really have no feelings except for when I'm
driving that one car can be like, oh my god,
I love this car and I found that car. Driving
that car, yeah, drive that on in the morning, and

then drive another sports car in the afternoon and be like,
I love this car and feel like Gandhi's a complete opposite.
She goes to the lot and she buys the car
and commits to the car, And what's wrong with that? Nothing.
I don't even drive. I let my license expire. But Gandhia,
I found it interesting that you were actually sounding like
you were not ashamed, but kind of like, well, I'm

missing out. You guys are all out there being, you know,
dating multiple people, and I only date one person at
a time. Yeah, it does seem like I'm missing out,
Like I haven't ever really juggled multiple people to really
know how that goes. It just seems exhausted. Can you
make out with, you know, two people in one day?
Start there? I don't think she wants to. It's totally fun,

you know, I will say I do think that, But
I've been I've been meaning to say this to you
guys a long time. Look, this is nothing doing. I
am in love with my car that I'm driving now.
It's wonderful, okay, and it's got it's got passengers in
it and everything. She would like a newer car. But
but I will say, I think that dating is really

interesting and a lot more fun now than when it
was when I did it, because now there's so much
more involved. There's social media, there's texting, there's there, there's
there's speed dating, there's different apps to go on. And
you're you're a little upset that you weren't that wasn't
around when you were dating, exactly, but not okay. But
but again, I'm not upset like in a bed way,

like oh I want to get divorced. I'm upset because
it does seem a bit more exciting now that that's
all you understood, then hold on, ask everyone in the
room who's dating if it's more exciting now than it was.
Fair So I don't I don't think you'll get it. Yes,
I'm having a good time. So you're enjoying it. One

person specifically, like one person, she doesn't go around making
a point right, Yes, ate before he met his current girlfriend,
and that's going swimmingly well. I mean you were out
there in the dating scene. You're you're going at it
and I will say, great tea. It can be very exhausting,
really because you have so many options. And I don't
know if that's just me, but because defense he only

killed one girl at the time. I've heard that from none, none,
but no, great tea. You're right, it's it's exhausting, especially
with apps, when you're in bumble or match or whatever
and you're swiping and trying to set up dates and
then this person is not giving you attention. Then all
of a sudden, this person is back in town and
wants to go out, and this person finally response. Here,

you handle it. It's exhausting being with being in one
sports car and being in love with that sports car.
It's kind of barring up the light sports car. You've
been going pretty well. I found that dating around made
me gain a lot of weight because I was doing
dinners every That's why I gat the most weight of
my life when I was dating the most people. Peoples

date a lot. Now. I never really dated in the
in the in the online age, I really didn't. I
mean I didn't even you know, I met Alex on Facebook.
That's how long ago that was. I mean things have
advanced since then. But also isn't there something about the
quality of people you date online or you meet online

you don't know them as well as you do in
the beginning with traditional dating, not digital dating. Does that
makes sense? I actually think it might be the opposite.
I can't be for sure about that, but I think
a lot of times people meet online and then they
talk a lot more before they actually go out and
meet versus like you meet somebody at a bar and
then go out, then you have to do all the
talking there. Okay, all right, all right, that's that's fair.

But I don't know when I was when I didn't
have this particular person who I'm very into. I was
on a good time dating people. It was fun. I
just wasn't doing multiple in a day. I feel left
out about Gandhi the different person though she's like a
different being from the rest of the people. I feel
like she's just free and loves life and she's so positive.
A lot of people like Gregg t are just not
like that. Say I love my sports car. I'm just

it's at this point, is I wanted way too early
because I didn't know. I just didn't know that sports
cars we're gonna come with so many options feel that
Gandhi doesn't do guys dirty. You You're very straightforward and
forthcoming with them, and I think that that's that's who
in this room. Does people dirty? Scary? I do not.

I do not. I don't like Carmen. I don't want
it coming back to me. So I think you just
have to be honest with people and tell him you
know how much do we love so much? In my
back pocket and take your would like to drive her?
You aren't one hot sports car. You're very interesting ghost guy. No,

not a ghost. But if you asked me right now,
do I want to go out and date again? The
entries now the fifteen minute Morning Show

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