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April 5, 2024 7 mins

Today in Closing Remarks, Steve talks about the importance of trusting the process.

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Speaker 1 (00:00):
All right, guys, here we are last break of the
day on this Friday. It's starting off well, we had
a good day, Thank you Lord, and now we're going
to turn it over.

Speaker 2 (00:11):
To the one and only. You know. My close remarks
today is to remind people of something that we oftentimes
forget on our journey. Whatever your goal is in life,
whatever your aspiration or hope for tomorrow is, I want
you to keep in mind that there is a process

to achieve that. It's not going to happen overnight. It
probably won't fully develop tomorrow, but the process starts immediately. Now.
The process is what the challenge is everybody, because the
process is has a lot to do with everything you

have to go through to become what you're aiming for.
And that's the challenge for all of us. If somebody
told you, if God were to unveil to you the process,
you would change your goal. You listen, man, it is

so wonderful to look at the goal, the finish line,
the end product. To imagine yourself arriving at the destination.
That's a beautiful thing and that's the thing that God
allows you to see to drive you forward. He will
put that vision in your heart. He will allow you

to see the end results, and even that oftentimes doesn't
compare to what it actually is when you get there,
because half the stuff, the majority of stuff God is
going to give you you didn't even know it will exist.
So he allows you to have a vision of the arrival,
the destination, the paradise, the hope, the dream. That's why

the Bible says a man without a dream of vision
shall perish. So you're gonna have the dream of vision. Now.
What he will not reveal to you is the process,
the route, the journey, because if he told you what
the journey and the process would entail, you would no

longer want the vision. You just say, okay, forget that,
give me something else. God, I don't want that because
I'm telling you right now for me to have arrived
where I am today and listen, I can only use
me as an example because this is the life I've lived.
But you can see the parallel to your life. I'm sure.
Whatever the destination is, if you want a degree, if

you want the top position at the company, if you
want to own the shop, if you want to be
the headtech, whatever it is, you're still gonna have to
get to a process because everything you want is on
the other side of the process. But if God had
told me you are going to lose everything you've ever

owned twice, You're gonna live in a car, You're gonna
get divorced, you're gonna get ridiculed on social media. You
are going to make massive mistakes in front of millions
of people. You will make good, well intended decisions that
will backfire in your face. You will suffer public scrutiny,

and you are going to be lied about over and
over and over again. But I'll give you this vision
that you have. I tell you right now I would
have changed the vision because there's no way I thought
I could have survived it all everything I've gone through,
I just wouldn't have thought I would have survived it.
You all are in a process right now of getting

to where you want to go, and in this process,
you weren't counting on probably ninety percent of the things
that happening to you. You no way would have foreseen it.
But you have to understand this is the route to
where you're trying to get to. So don't give up
because the route is difficult. Don't give up because your

journey is froth with challenges and setbacks. Don't give up
because it ain't going smoothly. Because it ain't gonna go smoothly.
The road to success is bumpy. It is filled with
pitfalls and flat ties and detools and orange barrels and

yellow tape and explosions and many earthquakes and tornadoes. That's
the journey, man, and that's the journey for everybody, and
everybody does it. The problem happens when the average person
decides that the journey is too much and they give

up on the dream. If you don't give up, there
is a strong possibility that it will happen. If you
give up, it will never happen. And that's the exchange
that we all got to grapple with. And it doesn't
matter who you are, doesn't matter how much money you have,

what your background is. This is the way it works.
So I know the process is daunting, but the end
is coming because whatever you ask God for, remember the
moment you ask him forty, he boxes it up, he
puts a bow on it, he labels it, and he
ships it. The problem with the package is he never

tells you the date of its arrival. That's the problem.
But the package is coming now. If you can hold
on to God's unchanging head, if you can hold on
to the faith and belief that God does what he
says he's gonna do, that God is one thousand percent

in the deliverables. If you can maintain that faith, the
belief in things that you cannot see, it will happen
for you. But don't let the devil rob you of
your destiny because that's his one job is to cause
you to doubt, to quit, to give up, to let
you let it go. That's his mission to rob you

of your destiny. Don't let that happen to you, ma'am.
God got a big plan for you, but you got
to go through the process. And everybody goes through the process.
You got it. Those are my close remarks for today. Hey, listen,
y'all talk to God today. He would absolutely love to
hear from you.

Speaker 1 (06:52):
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