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April 15, 2024 18 mins

Welcome to this weeks episode of the My Slice of Life podcast with your Highland host, Sharon. 

This season I have been asking 'What's so super about the Supernatural' and this week I delve into the world of the Mothman. What is the mysterious creature being seen out there? Does he bring warnings of disaster, is he causing the disasters or is it all something else entirely?

In this intriguing episode, I bring you frightening accounts, from grave diggers from West Virginia amongst other tales of the mythical Mothman as reported by witnesses from many different areas.  If you've always associated Point Pleasant with the Mothman, you might be surprised to hear there is another place now considered to be a major hotspot for encounters!

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Episode Transcript

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Hey do you prefer to find the joy in life or do you just want some help with
that if so you're in the right place so come on in and join the joy bonnie clan
this is the my slice of life podcast,
hello and welcome to this week's episode of the my slice of life podcast with

me Me, Sharon, your Highland host.
Yeah, it's just me. There's no team on this podcast here.
It's me, my squeaky chair and my dog who decides to start moving his bed around
the room as soon as I hit record.
So bear with us. We are near the end of this season where I've been asking the
question what's so super about the supernatural?

And this week, which is the second last in this season,
I know it's getting emotional, we're going
to delve into the world of the mothman but
before we get to that if you've
been here before you will know what i'm going
to say next leave me a five star review
follow the podcast let someone else

know about it and tell them to join
the joy bunny clan you'll know what
to do now back to the mothman probably the
most well-known story about mothman takes
place in point pleasant west virginia but
he or it or whatever you want to call
it was actually seen before that in 1966 there were two grave diggers in i think

it's clindennan again in west virginia they said they saw a black figure fly
over their heads while digging a grave in the cemetery and it terrified them.
Now these are guys who dig graves for a living at night so if they are scared
of this thing yeah this thing is scary.
Some people actually say they might have released the Mothman from its resting place.

The next sighting however is much more well known because not many people talk
about that first one about the grave diggers so you will probably have heard
of this one so So let's dive in.
On the 15th of November, same year, 1966.
Two young couples from Point Pleasant in West Virginia,

Roger and Linda Scarberry, and Steve and Mary Millett, they were driving together
on State Route 62, and they were near the site of a former World War II munitions plant.
It's here that they all reported seeing a large black creature whose eyes glowed
red in quotes, standing at the side of the road.

Linda Scarberry described it as a slender muscular man about seven feet tall
with white wings as far as I'm aware however she said she was unable to discern
its face due to the hypnotic effect of its eyes.
Now as you can imagine they were pretty horrified and they sped away in the
car but the creature flew after them and they all said it made this screeching

sound and it pursued them as far as the Point Pleasant city limits.
It was reported this thing rose like a helicopter and excelled in gliding,
so it was easily keeping pace with their car even when they were going 100 miles an hour.
The local paper the next day, that's the Point Pleasant registry,

they did a report on the sighting and they actually called it Couples See Man-Sized Bird...
Creature... Something. What a title.
But over the next few days, more people made reports of similar sightings.
There were two volunteer firemen, for example, who saw it, and they said it

was like a large bird with red eyes.
So again, these red eyes coming. Some people weren't so convinced,
however, and Mason County Sheriff George Johnson, he believed the sightings
were due to an unusually large heron.
Then, of course, we come to my favourite group of people, the experts.

Wildlife biologist Robert L. Smith, he told reporters that descriptions and
the sightings fit the Sand Hill Crane, which is a large American crane,
almost as tall as a man, with a seven-foot wingspan and reddish colouring around its eyes.
According to Smith, the bird may have wandered out of its migration route and

therefore was unrecognised at first because it wasn't native to this region.
A few things there to pick out. It's almost as tall as a man. Not seven feet tall.
In fact, most men aren't seven feet tall. So there's one thing.
Reddish colouring around its eyes. Not that it has red glowing eyes.

So again, another little thing that I would like to pick up on.
Now, despite the experts and other opinions, there was a contractor by the name
of Newell Partridge from Salem,
West Virginia, who told Sheriff Johnson that when he aimed his torch,
or flashlight if you're over the sea, at a creature in a nearby field,

its eyes glowed, and this is.
In quotes, like bicycle reflectors. He apparently also blamed buzzing noises
from his television set on this creature and the disappearance of his German Shepherd dog.
Now there was somebody called John Keel did a book, The Mothman Prophecies,
that was in 1975 and the German Shepherd story is reported in the book.

Now this German Shepherd was called Bandit and he He apparently bolted into
the woods after two red glowing circles was how Partridge described it.
He said he went looking for Bandit. He found nothing but paw prints going in
circles and then vanishing.
So make of that what you will. I did read somewhere that there were quite a

few dogs, about eight in total that went missing.
But then I couldn't find the site again. So I don't know where I found that.
But I just wanted to mention it because I did read it somewhere.
Were. Now there were apparently more than a few credible sightings and some
of them left people very shaken.
In fact there were over a hundred reported sightings over the next year, year and a half.

Many of the eyewitnesses were really shaken up by their encounters and some
still won't talk about what they saw.
Then famously disaster struck on
December the 15th 1967 so just
over a year year after the mothman was first seen
the silver bridge was packed with

cars on that fateful day placed under
extreme strain now that
bridge had not been designed to take that sort of weight it was initially made
for much lighter cars i believe it was model t's when it was designed they weighed
like 1500 pounds modern cars were weighing over 4000 pounds and the bridge was was packed.

It's near Christmas, come up Christmas time, you can imagine all the commuters going back and forth.
According to some reports that I've read, the bridge engineers couldn't have
been too cautious when it came to creating the bridge because when one part
of it failed, the rest just followed suit.
With so many travellers just going about their business, suddenly,

without warning, a single eye bar near the top of the bridge on the Ohio side of it cracked.
The chain then snapped. The bridge fell to pieces, plunging people and cars
into the icy waters of the Ohio River.
46 people died by drowning, hypothermia or being crushed by the wreckage.

It must have been horrific.
I just can't imagine.
Now, with such a tragedy taking place, I mean, this was a small town.
It wasn't long before the disaster and the sightings of the Mothman were connected.
And many actually came to believe that the sightings were a warning of what was to come.

Today, however, there's actually a huge Mothman statue in the town.
And they even have a Mothman festival there. It's the third weekend in September.
Every year there's music. They've got speakers there.
You can buy merchandise and so on
i mean you can even take a tnt bus tour to
the original sighting area so i

suppose it could be said that they're making the best out of a really bad situation
i had always thought actually that point pleasant was the only place mothman
had been seen but i was wrong as you can imagine i did a lot of scouting about
on the internet and and came up with a few different things.
Apparently, there were alleged sightings at Chernobyl right before the nuclear disaster.

There have been some reports of sightings in New York before the Twin Towers were hit.
There's been reports before earthquakes and tsunamis and so on.
In fact, there have been sightings in many other places, but there is one which
comes up time and time again. and the winner is Chicago.

There have been over 55 reports of seeing Mothman in Chicago between 2011 and 2020.
The most recent sighting of this creature was by I think September 24th 2020
and I want to read you the quoted report from the witness so bear with me because

I'm actually are going to read you this as it's written.
I had just left work at the USPS sorting facility at O'Hare airport at about
11pm on Thursday the 24th of September and was walking out to my car when I
saw something at the far end of the parking lot where I usually park.
At first I thought it was a very tall person with a long coat.

As I got closer to my car I unlocked my car which caused my headlights to come on.
My headlights hit the person standing about 20 to 25 feet from my car causing
it to turn and look right at me.
I saw that this was not some person but some red-eyed creature and what appeared
to be a coat were actually wings which it spread out as it turned to look at me.

At first I thought it was some kind of very very large bird but I've never seen
any bird that stood almost seven feet tall.
I'm five foot four and this thing looked taller than me by at least two feet.
This thing then started making some type of chirping sound, almost a half-chirp
and a half-click, like someone was clicking their tongue but much faster.

It then made some type of screeching sound and took off, running towards me.
It got within ten feet of me and took off into the air and flew above me.
I was screaming hysterically as I crouched down behind the car's open door and
I dived into my car head first. I was in near panic as I tried to start the
car, close and lock the doors and turn on my interior lights.

I started my car and took off out of the parking lot and flew down the road till I hit the main road.
I got home and told my husband, who also works at the same facility,
and he was the one who told me about the sightings of this thing.
This thing is roaming around the area, scaring people half to death.
I hope the airport people decide to do something about this thing someday.

Day end quote the witness was
interviewed by manuel navarrete who
is the founder of ufo clearinghouse and
he is a very active paranormal investigator so
navarrete was able to meet with the witness discussed her sighting although
apparently at first she was reluctant to discuss the issues after the initial

report i would like to read you his reportings now so you can hear it from an
investigator's perspective.
See what you think of this. The witness is a 17-year veteran of the USPS and
has worked at the O'Hare sorting facility for the last 15 years.
She advised that on the night in question she was walking toward her car after

her shift had ended and was checking her text messages on her phone as she made
the familiar walk to her vehicle.
I asked her if there were other people around to which she answered no as most
of the other employees leave right at shift change and she usually sticks around
to take care of the transition.
As the witness walked to the car she noticed what looked like a very tall man

at the very far end of the parking lot that she reasonably thought was one of her fellow co-workers.
As she walked toward the car she deactivated the car alarm which automatically
turned on the car headlights.
The headlights illuminated the person at the other end of the parking lot and
it turned toward her, revealing a pair of bright red eyes and it spread what

looked like a giant pair of wings.
When asked how big the wings were, she could not give me a definitive answer
but guesstimated that they must have been between 10 to 12 feet across.
The being then began making a series of clicking noises which she described
as a cross between a click and a chirping sound.
The being then let out a loud metallic screech that she described like the brakes

on a large truck or train.
The witness described how it began running toward her in these very long strides
at which point it took off into the air.
When I asked her to describe the being and how it looked or flew,
she said she did not look up at it as she was too busy flinging the car door
open and diving into her car while screaming.

The witness stated that she started her car and turned on the interior lights
all while trying to keep her wits about her.
When I asked her if she saw which way the creature flew
away she advised that she quote didn't care where it flew off to and she was
not going to stick around to find out end quote The witness advised that she
left the area in a hurry and did not slow down until she had left the area and

had joined the main road and traffic end quote So what did this lady see?
Large heron? Big owl? As I was going through that report there that was reading
to you something popped into my head that I had completely forgotten about.
I haven't actually looked into
this. This really is off the top of my head just as I'm recording this.
There have been reports in places, now don't laugh at me, of pterodactyls.

I know nobody here mentions a big beak.
I believe they have huge beaks but huge flying birds which we have always been
told are prehistoric and certainly not around anymore.
It's just a thought I'm having right now and I just wanted to throw
it out there but you decide let me know what what
is this thing so as you're deciding i want you

to think about the sound the witness here has
described because apparently it's similar to
that reported by witnesses in rockford near i
think it's hedgwish park not sure how to pronounce that and on the southern
end of northerly island in chicago and in other encounters near o'hare The witnesses

in those instances said they heard a sound like screeching brakes during or
prior to their sightings.
All the places where sightings are reported O'Hare
International Airport really seems to have been the epicenter
of the most recent winged humanoid sightings whatever you want to call it in

the Lake Michigan area with at least 10 sightings coming from the airport itself
since August of 2019 and many more reported in the surrounding communities.
There have been a string of sightings from within a hundred mile radius surrounding Lake Michigan.
They generally take place in the evening or at night, often in or near a park

or natural area and around water.
Now a lot of these cryptid sightings seem to take place near water.
Just throwing that out there. Witnesses consistently describe a large grey or
black bat or bird-like creature.
Although in a small number of cases the creature was
described as kind of insect looking often described

with glowing or reflective could be
red yellow green or orange eyes they've all been described and humanoid features
such as arms and legs are often reported some witnesses have even reported feeling
like an intense fear and just an aura of evil emanating from the creature that they have come across.

Are they all seeing the same thing, I wonder? So, with all that being said, what do you think?
Is there such a thing as the Mothman? And if there is, does he or it,
does it have a purpose other than to scare the crap out of those who see him?
Is it a warning or is it letting you know it's going to do something?

Is it causing problems? Is it causing disasters? Of the sightings at the O'Hare
airport, for example, there wasn't like a follow-up saying, oh,
and then this disaster happened.
So I'm not sure about the evil part of it necessarily.
Maybe it is a thing coming to warn, but what's it warning about?

Is it just some prehistoric creature we don't know about who happens to be flying about?
Maybe there's loads of them. maybe that's why some people
see green eyes and some people see orange and some people
see red maybe there's more than one i
did see something england has something about
an owl man which i didn't know about believe it

or not i've never heard of that before i came across that when i was doing
research for this so let me know what you think
share your thoughts in the comments and tell
me what is your conclusion on this and that
brings us to the end of our time together
this week friends please check out
my links below pop over to the blog where

i put up a lot of different content every week there's bound
to be something there you'll enjoy and don't forget you
can also use my links to get
yourself a cracking deal if you want to start your own
podcast too go on give it a go what have you got to lose so go and have a wee
nosy all those links and see what you like the look of and that really does
bring us to the end of this week's episode so until next time friends which

will be the last one in the supernatural season you look after yourself.
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