Episode Transcript
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Speaker 1 (00:00):
We're going to talk to somebody who's got a story.
This is not a group therapy necessarily. It is somebody
who just has his story about their son. Let's do
this right now on KDWB. Deana Deah Wanner Store High. Deanna,
thanks for waiting. Tell us your story about your son,
because I found your email and I was like, we
got to get Deanna on to hear this story. You
think your son might be engaging in something that's maybe
not illegal, but definitely dicey and a little spicy. Tell
me about your son. What's going on.
Speaker 2 (00:37):
I do think that, and I'm very curious. So my
son lives out in Las Vegas.
Speaker 3 (00:43):
And he's twenty three. He's so sweet, and he's a
nice looking young man, and he's always been a really
good person, just really kind sensitive, does nice things for people.
Speaker 2 (00:56):
Okay, okay, but he has always been a little detached.
Speaker 3 (01:00):
He can't really keep a job. He doesn't really like
working for people. And the most he keeps the job
is for maybe six months. And you know, most people's
kids for your degree maybe or trade school or something.
And he's kind of like landscaping.
Speaker 2 (01:15):
Or valet parking or store dash, you know, like little
jobs just to kind.
Speaker 3 (01:20):
Of cere going.
Speaker 1 (01:21):
But you've noticed changes. What's up?
Speaker 3 (01:24):
Yeah, all of a sudden he has money, and I'm thinking, well,
where's this coming from. Yeah, so you know, it's kind
of a struggle to live out in Vegas, I feel like.
And last time I saw him, he had a brand
new phone. He has an Apple Watch, and then he
just got a new BMW two series. There's no way
he has the money for this, So I asked how
he can pay for it, and he said he's making payments.
But honestly, I don't even know how he would even
have credit for somebody even finance and to have a car.
Speaker 1 (01:55):
Like I don't know how much a BMW two series is,
but I'm going to guess probably at least forty fifty thousands.
Speaker 3 (02:02):
So, I mean, like, with the jobs he has and stuff,
you'd think he'd be swinging around in something a lot smaller,
maybe a little bit of rust on it or something
or something.
Speaker 2 (02:13):
Nissan said drug driver assistance.
Speaker 1 (02:16):
Yeah, so where you so keep going?
Speaker 3 (02:20):
Well, yeah, yeah, okay, and he's just kind of working
here and there. So I went out with my friend
for dinner the other night, and she kind of jokingly said, oh,
he's he must be a jigglow and I'm thinking what
And actually, you know that I was thinking about Nick
Cannon's song I'm a Jiggle That's what I was really thinking.
Speaker 4 (02:42):
That's all I could think of was that song.
Speaker 3 (02:44):
And then I'm like, well, wait a minute, maybe I
should really find out what that is because it seems
like he would kind of fit the description of what
that could be. And so I asked her, I said,
what do you what is that? Really is that? And
she said, well, you know they are in Vegas their
male escorts for rich women. Maybe they're paying him for
sex with money or gifts or something. I mean, this
must be some good sex if he's swinging around on
that BMW or.
Speaker 1 (03:06):
Maybe I was thinking, you know, if this is true,
I'm thinking like three steps ahead. Maybe he's got like,
you know, Bonnie on the side, and Bonnie is forty
three years old. She's a dermatologist, and Bonnie is divorced,
and Bonnie just wants some young hookup saux, so Bonnie
is by. Maybe maybe he's a cap man and Bonnie
bought him a two series BMW.
Speaker 3 (03:25):
That could be. Oh. I was also gonna mention that
like when I was talking about his personality and stuff,
and I was so nice. It's like he used to
kind of have like longer hair and a beard. All
of a sudden he's.
Speaker 2 (03:35):
Like will well, real well groomed.
Speaker 3 (03:38):
He has hair product, he's clean shaven, Like, all of
a sudden, he looks real nice. Well, I was looking up,
so I told her I didn't really know what gigglow
is except the song. So I looked up some of
the signs to what a gigglow is.
Speaker 1 (03:52):
You can actually google sign. Google this Bailey and see
if you can find yeah sign si sign someone is
a jigglow. What did you find?
Speaker 2 (04:00):
I was, I was like, what is a jigglos?
Speaker 3 (04:02):
Well, it says excessive grooming, and I was mentioning how
he had the shaggy hair and he dresses real nice now.
Before it was kind of like I don't know, you know,
like some rip jeans or whatever. Now he's like watch on,
you know, cologne and stuff. And then it also said
no visible relationship. Well, like I said, he lives in Vegas,
so it's probably kind of party out there, but he
really hasn't had a girlfriend for three years. Okay, And
I was like, well, okay, he kind of fits that sign,
and then it says frequent gifts or expensive items.
Speaker 1 (04:36):
Hmmm, like the new car, the iPhone and the apple water.
Speaker 3 (04:43):
These are very expensive things. He used to be one
of those pay plans on his phone. Go'll get it
off the shelf, you know, and now he's got the iPhone.
What's the three cameras? Like the most updated version that
you can buy.
Speaker 1 (04:55):
Well, if you're listening, you just tuned in, you're going,
what's going on? This is a mom Deanna who's talking
about her twenty three year old son in Las Vegas
who's all of a sudden got a lot of money
and is grooming himself and she thinks that he might
be a jigglow. Now that's a big leap because I
don't think that any parent would like to think that
their that their kid is a is a jigglo. Okay,
but you googled signs you're a jigglow? Give me another sign.
Speaker 3 (05:18):
Another sign said frequent late nights, So you know, when
he was working regular jobs, I could text him good morning,
or how's it going out there? What's the weather? Like,
you know, just keeping tabs on him, keeping in touch,
and now.
Speaker 2 (05:32):
I text him, I don't hear from him till noon
or one.
Speaker 3 (05:34):
And also keep in mind it's noon or one his
time when I hear from him, like to.
Speaker 1 (05:40):
Here, yeah, two or three.
Speaker 3 (05:41):
Y So then I'm thinking, what's he doing sleeping so late?
I mean, I don't know, like its attitude is changed
towards money too. It's just weird. Like before he was
kind of poor. You know, he's using stuff on apps
to save money or whatever.
Speaker 1 (06:00):
I was thinking. I was thinking that he could be.
I mean, I hate to bring this up because this
is probably uglier than a jigelow. What about a drug dealer,
because that's the first thing that I thought of, is, oh,
he's met a buddy who's now he's like dealing weed
or coke or whatever to the tourists in Las Vegas,
especially out there.
Speaker 3 (06:17):
I would think that too, Definitely, I would think that.
But no, there's no way, there's no I don't think so,
absolutely none. I just know this because he he just
really dislikes drugs because his friend died of an overdose
when he was eighteen. So I don't think he'd participating
anything like that. I know, I know. So like I'm
I guess my question is do you think jigglows really
do exist? Because it's kind of hard to sad him
as a mother that my son's running around out there
doing that. But I really wouldn't want to know.
Speaker 1 (06:47):
But okay, so so question number one, do jigglows exist? Yeah,
somebody will know. Somebody will know that they went to
Las Vegas, or their friend was a jigglow or they
had a friend they would out there and they like
hooked up or whatever. I mean, the female prostitutes definitely exist.
Speaker 5 (07:06):
Well, there was a whole show on jiggleos in Vegas
that I used to watch.
Speaker 1 (07:09):
Are you serious? Yeah?
Speaker 6 (07:10):
I was on showtime, but I don't know Tennis years ago.
Speaker 5 (07:13):
It was very educational to me because I was much
younger and did not understand that this was a thing.
But no, it was all about I mean, it is
just kind of describing your son, where like most of
these men are very well groomed and they're a little
bit younger. Not all of them were young, but the
main characters on it were younger and super hot. And yeah,
they'd just like go to these rich people's places or
hotel rooms or whatever it is, and what a gig.
They would make a lot of money and they all
drove really nice cars on the show.
Speaker 6 (07:45):
But yeah, you can look up the show. It was
literally called jiglos.
Speaker 7 (07:49):
I have a question, So, like a jig that's just
a male prostitute.
Speaker 1 (07:52):
Correct, it's a polite word or a different word for
a male.
Speaker 7 (07:55):
Process because I always just think of somebody wearing the whole,
but maybe I'm thinking of a pamp in the outfit
with the hat.
Speaker 1 (07:59):
Yeah that is like, yeah, you say you dress like
a jiglow, but then there actually is a jigglow. So
it's such a weird word.
Speaker 6 (08:07):
There's so many words to say the same thing.
Speaker 3 (08:09):
Okay, you're thinking like chain and the white Yeah that's
what I'm thinking.
Speaker 1 (08:13):
Yeah, how do you ask if your son or if
anybody is a jigglow? Like do you just straight up
saying or is that offensive? Or I don't think you
would ever tell your mom that you are, But if
she has concerns, what if she asks.
Speaker 3 (08:26):
Yeah, I'm thinking this saying like so how are you
getting this money? I mean normally you would just say
did you get a new job, or did you get
a bonus at your job?
Speaker 1 (08:36):
Or are you got a bonus worth forty five or
fifty thousand dollars for that bmwgs in one night.
Speaker 3 (08:42):
I'm also curious because is it I thought it was
flattering to get an older woman because they're ubers. I
didn't realize, like, these older women are paying for younger men.
Speaker 1 (08:52):
Well, I think that older men pay for younger women
for sex. So what's wrong with you?
Speaker 7 (08:56):
Speaker 3 (08:56):
That's true.
Speaker 1 (08:57):
I think one thing I've realized in my life is
that their women also have strong sexual desires that they
will you know, you wouldn't think that a woman would
need to pay for a prostitute. But if there's a
woman let's say again, we're gonna call her Bonnie, and Bonnie,
you know, owns a dermatology practice, and Bonnie is like divorced.
She's tired of dating guys that are just up for
one thing. Bonnie wants to go hook up. She's gonna
go find somebody who when she says you need to leave,
he will leave. He will not put his muddy feet
up on her coffee table. He'll come in dress nice.
We're in some kind of drakour. Is that a loan?
Speaker 8 (09:33):
I have no, It's good stuff, so i'd be I
don't know if i'd be proud of your son, but
I think that, yeah, I mean somebody else.
Speaker 2 (09:46):
I think I am proud.
Speaker 3 (09:48):
I'm happy that asking me for money, That's for sure.
Speaker 2 (09:52):
There's a buddy.
Speaker 1 (09:54):
I'm sorry you go first, But I was gonna say
he could be doing only fans too, because he right
away that's what the youths do now, because you just.
Speaker 3 (10:03):
Go on a dating app and people just men just
want to send those anyway.
Speaker 1 (10:10):
You're right, Yeah, it's true.
Speaker 3 (10:13):
He just go on, are we dating the same guy?
And all of a sudden they're sitting on their son
and pic.
Speaker 7 (10:17):
But I feel like, at least with only fans like,
he could be getting paid for that, like versus a
dating app, you could send it for free. Yeah, but
on only fans like, people could potentially be seeking him out,
and they would seek out somebody who you know, takes
care of their appearance a little bit more, maybe his
dressed nace or has.
Speaker 6 (10:32):
I don't know.
Speaker 7 (10:33):
He could sit next to his BMW and be like, hey,
only fans subscribers here, I am here are my yeah exactly, Yeah.
Speaker 1 (10:41):
We're talking to somebody name Deanna. Deanna's got a twenty
three year old son lives in Las Vegas. All of
a sudden, he's like been landscaping, he's been bartending, he's
been parking cars. But all of a sudden he's got
a lot of money. So she's thinking that he could
be an escort or a jiggilow, as your friend brought
up to you, which you laughed about it. First. She
actually went to the trouble of googling sign someone who's
a jigglow. I got to read some more text messages.
The easy money in Las Vegas is through prostitution. Yeah,
and so I yeah, and it's like, I mean, you
go to Las Vegas. It's sin city. What happens in
Vegas stays in Vegas. So people will go there and
do things that they don't normally do. I don't know
how you hire or find a male prostitute. I don't know.
Speaker 3 (11:24):
Yeah, I was wondering how are they finding him? You know,
as he passed off those little business cards. You know
how women used to stand there with their little business
cards and pass them out. Yes, there laying all over
the sidewalk.
Speaker 5 (11:34):
He passed.
Speaker 1 (11:34):
They don't do that anymore. Yeah, because I was just
in Las Vegas. They used to like follow you down
the street and hand you a card that says direct
to your room, and they'd show a picture of a
gorgeous twenty four year old and then you'd get Wanda,
who is just turned sixty. Not that I know he experienced.
Speaker 5 (11:48):
I feel I feel like something like that could be
a little networking ish, you know, like he lands one client,
that client starts telling everyone else about him, and then
it just blossoms from there.
Speaker 6 (11:59):
He could be an interesting Texas said.
Speaker 5 (12:01):
When I lived in Vegas, I had many friends that
were escorts, and there are different types. You can be
an eye candy escort, which basically means that when people
come to town, you are hired to be their date and
be the attractive person on their arm. No sex, and
they are the ones that offer sex as well.
Speaker 6 (12:15):
Of course there's that option as well.
Speaker 5 (12:17):
But he could maybe just be an eye candy escored
of sorts and maybe isn't engaging.
Speaker 1 (12:23):
In the Bonnie is hooking up with your son? We've
got somebody on the phone, Is it Bonnie? Unfortunately we
couldn't get her. Dang, Hello Katie, WB is this Mo? Hi?
Speaker 2 (12:36):
Speaker 4 (12:36):
Speaker 1 (12:37):
You heard the story. She thinks her son's a jiggielow
in Las Vegas. He's got all kinds of money in
a new BMW two series, and he's never really had
a job before for more than six months, but now
he's flushed with money. He's grooming, he's got his hair done,
he's shaved his ugly beard. What do you think, MO, is.
Speaker 4 (12:55):
He a sugar baby? Because I mean they're sugar daddies.
Speaker 1 (13:00):
Well, that's what I was saying, because if he's hooking
up with like, you know, we're gonna call her Bonnie.
But maybe Bonnie is like kind of keeping him and
she has him come over when she wants and they
hook up and they do their thing and they go
to LA for the weekend together or go to Reno whatever,
and then he's on his way. But she bought him
a BMW. Do you think that's common, Mo?
Speaker 4 (13:19):
To do?
Speaker 1 (13:20):
Do you think that's common?
Speaker 4 (13:22):
Oh, it's super common, especially because I'm twenty four, and
it's super common amongst people my age.
Speaker 1 (13:28):
You tell MO, you say I don't have a daughter. Yeah,
what tell me more, MO about being a sugar baby
or sugar dot? What sugar? What is it? Sugar baby baby?
Tell me more about that with common people in twenty
four years old.
Speaker 4 (13:44):
I mean, it doesn't have to be like anything scandalous either.
There are just sometimes older people who just want someone
to talk to and they'll pay you, like they'll give
you an allowance just to talk to them. You don't
even have to.
Speaker 2 (13:57):
Do anything crazy.
Speaker 1 (13:59):
Hy a part and rent and food and and I
guess that just makes.
Speaker 4 (14:05):
It even Like there's some like apps that you can
find sugar daddies or sugar bommies on it. Yeah, yeah,
personally not one. I don't got that kind of hoole.
Speaker 1 (14:14):
But hey, thank you, mo. I appreciate that we're gonna
wrap this up because we got to do a keyword
for Sabrina Carpenter. But really, really interesting, there's a text
message that says my brother moved to Las Vegas. Does
it necessarily mean he's doing something wrong? And if he's
making payments, that makes a lot of sense. My brother
got a watch and a new car and all of
these things, so it very well could be just him
getting into debt. But she said that nobody would finance
your son for a fifty thousand dollars BMW two series.
I know, here's what.
Speaker 3 (14:47):
I want, a credit card.
Speaker 1 (14:50):
Give me your phone. You give me your son's phone number.
I'm gonna have Bailey call him. I'm gonna have Bailey
call him, and Bailey will then write a book. And
I'm kind of half kidding, but I'm kind of not.
Speaker 3 (15:04):
Well, yeah, try try it.
Speaker 1 (15:05):
I'm gonna put you on hold.
Speaker 7 (15:07):
Do it.
Speaker 1 (15:08):
I'm gonna put you on hold. I'm gonna get you.
I'm gonna get your son's phone number, and I'm going
to have Bailey call your son. Maybe this time tomorrow, No,
tomorrow's War of the Roses. Maybe right after War of
the Roses tomorrow. Okay, we'll have Bailey call your son,
but we're gonna have to pre record it because there
ain't no way he's going to answer the phone.
Speaker 3 (15:24):
I'm gonna say he's definitely not early.
Speaker 1 (15:27):
Will you will you hold on? D I will please
hold Okay, yeah, okay, Jenny, we spent so much time
talking to Deanna because that was so fascinating. We're running
so late. What are we supposed to do next on
the show? I'm lost?
Speaker 5 (15:41):
Yeah, well, we have her on hold right now, so,
oh is she still on home?
Speaker 6 (15:45):
I thought we would just play a song so we
could talk to her real quick.
Speaker 1 (15:48):
Oh, let's do that because we want to get we
want to get his phone number. Is it a good idea?
You can?
Speaker 6 (15:55):
I think so, except I'm the one who has a car.
Speaker 1 (15:57):
Now, I'm not gonna have you do it. You get
nervous and you get tun I'm not going to do it.
I'm gonna have Jenny. I'm gonna have Jenny call. Yeah,
sound like Bonnie. Sound like Bonnie.
Speaker 3 (16:09):
Speaker 9 (16:10):
He no, there, he hangs up. Click, What do you no?
You just sound like a normal person that's calling to
say hi. I got your number from a friend and
I was just wondering if you are available sometime this
weekend for a little one like up here.
Speaker 6 (16:36):
And one leg up there.
Speaker 1 (16:38):
No, I think you've got to approach it more subtly
than that, or he's going to think that it's a joke.
Speaker 6 (16:41):
I thought we were getting right to the point. Okay.
Speaker 1 (16:43):
No, I think you just need to call and see
whether he is available. Let's tell him that you want
to go to the Blaggio to see the Blue Man Group,
and you would and you would like some company. Can
you be serious for five seconds? Serious? Bailey's one that's last, Bailey?
Can you be serious for five second? I am up
for the challenge. Tomorrow morning. We're gonna have to record
the phone call this afternoon, and then tomorrow morning we'll
play it back, okay to see whether Wow, he responds, Oh,
I'm excited. It's gonna be good. What do you think
is gonna happen? Do you think that day he's gonna like,
you know, like get out of his little black book
and put Jenny down. I think I like, if I
was him, I would have some black books. I'd have
questions because where did you get the number from?
Speaker 5 (17:28):
Well, I'm going to pretend like no, no, I'm gonna pretend
like the person who gave me his number didn't want
me to use them as a reference. So I'll be
like listen, like I'm sorry, I don't want to say
who gave me your number? But like she was a
happy client, and I want to be a happy client.