All Episodes

May 18, 2024 • 92 mins
Quimby, Jon Jansen talk #NFL schedule release, #Eagles trips, and more.
Mark as Played

Episode Transcript

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Nobody brings Philadelphia fans closer together likethe Green Legion. From tailgates in South
Philly to invading enemy territory. Thisgroup is home to the true Philadelphia Sports.
Now their party hits the airwaves.Quimby, Michael Ts, Chris Sacks,
Slash Super Sam, and legendary widereceiver Irving Fryar always keep the conversation

going. So crack a beer,take a shot and join the virtual tailgate
now on Green Legion Radio. Yeah, we're a disaster over here today,
everybody, Green Legion Radio. SaturdaysHere on Fox Sports The Gambler one O
two point five FM, Philadelphia.My name is Quimby, joined alongside guest

host once again, Mark a LieYop. How are you, sir?
Good? How you doing? Thanksfor having me please, always a pleasure.
We tore up the beach yesterday,Jansen, Uh, you sure did
a little bit of parrot, littlebit of elbow, a little bit of
Oh god, how old were thosetwo girls? I was the forking Yeah,

twenty two twenty eight. Anyway,Yeah, complete and utter irresponsibility.
You guys were brought to you byour friends at Cheerleaders Gentlemen's Club announcement cheerleaders
bus Giants game October twentieth, wewill have a cheerleader's bus up to the

Meadowlands once again. Yeah, thatwas a good time last year. Anybody
was on that bus. We haveto give that option everybody that was on
the bus last year, So youknow, there may only be a few
spots ready for that one. Uh. Getting to the business of the show,
Janson, We sound all right?Still? Sounded great? Yeah?

Excellent? All right. I hadn'theard a peep from you, so trying
to get everything set up. Youhave me scrambling over you quimby, you
bring me, you bring me intoyour mess Now I'm all over the place.
Geez, should I be turning downthe speak speaker here? How do
we sound on stream yard? Iwill have to check that. I'll check

for you. All right, soundsgood, profession every questionable show. Jesus
Christmas. Make sure you download yourHeart Radio at rate review, download and
subscribe to Green Legion Video on FoxSports. The Gambler sending a shout out
to everybody at the Parrot today RockBar in Scottsdale, Salt House Social in
Clearwater Beach, where we will behaving our pep rally party the Saturday night

before the Bucks game, that isthe twenty eighth of September. Border City
Alehouse in Olpaso, Texas, andof course Tory Pines Pub in Las Vegas.
Shows brought to you by friends atbud Light, bud Light Seltzer and
michelob Ultra, State Side Vodka,Stateside Bourbon Diaz and of course Stateside Surf
Side now available at All Green Legion, Hometailgate, State boom So, State

Farm Agency, Greater Philadelphia Health Action, Bucks County Baseball Company, Premier Window
Cleaning we hate dirty windows dot com, The Ludlam Bar and Grill formerly La
Costa in Sea Isle City. Ofcourse, like you heard already, Cheerleaders,
Gentlemen's Club at Front and Oregon,Echelon Health and Fitness located in both

Voorhe's and Autumn, New Jersey,and of course Ian J Mobile Cigar Lounge.
Ah, there we go. I'msweating right now, can you see
it? Yeah, it's pouring outright now, pouring outous. Yeah.
I don't think anybody up in Phillyis going to be giving us any sympathy,
by the way, but I amrehydrating. If you can see that,

chance I'm trying to rehydrate. Ohoh oh oh oh oh I can
oh yeah, no, I can'tgo right back at it. Nope,
not not me, not for now. Maybe later, but not now.
All right, we have pretty awesomeshow today. You could smell football season

with the schedule coming out. Youknow, it's training camps just around the
corner, some of the dog daysof summer. And you know what,
Thank god the Phillies are playing well. Yep, because otherwise this season for
me is and I think for alot of us and for the Eagles should

be a season for redemption and havinga wait to get back on the field
or watch these guys get back onthe field is just if it wasn't for
the Phillies playing well, it wouldbe almost unbearable. Like if this was
a ten years ago Phillies team,I wouldn't be able to do it.
Totally agree, Phillies are giving ussomething to root for. Sorry messing around

here. Still, you're doing great, Quimby. This is fun to This
is fun to watch on stream too, just to watch you absolutely fumble around
as you're doing this show. Likeyou at all right now? I don't
like me at all right now either, so so when we uh we come
back from uh from break here,which we're not taking one yet, but
we've only got a fuss. Butto say, we've been on air for

five minutes and you already need abreak. Well, Lord, I want
to go over the I want togo over the schedule. And obviously you
guys know you know this is abusiness for me, So you know we're
going to talk a little bit aboutthe the trips that we're running and what's
included and what you can expect andand enjoy. But I also want to
get predictions. Uh we even wemay even have a Leonardo sighting, which

could be fun, and uh,the four of us can put our put
our picks in for the for theseason and and see how see how much
I'm right? Again? Were youright? You always tell everybody how right
you are, and I don't believe. Well I don't. I don't believe
because I have to tell everybody howwrong I am about twenty times a day.

So you make sure everybody knows both. That's good as long as there's
balance, as long as you're fair. Oh there's no balance. I am
definitely wrong more than I am right. Like waking up this morning. Oh
that was, yeah, that wasThat was a bad idea for me too.
We're in the same boat, badidea for me as well. So

I don't I don't really want toget into that just yet. But you
know, maybe what we do oneach segment is we talk about a trip
and we keep that extending through thethrough the whole two hours. Let's let's
start off with the one that everybody'sbeen waiting for, and that's New Orleans
and it's work. We're lining upa hell of a trip right now,

you guys. It looks like,due to our partnership with Big Game Travel,
we're gonna have flights taken care ofwhere there's no commercial flights out of
Philly or you know, whoever getsto schedule before me. Uh, you
know, managed to manage to takeall those flights, so you know,
we don't need them. We'll justuh, we'll let our partner, Big

Game handle all that for us andand make sure you guys have plenty of
room to get down. That'll befun. Charter flights actually go to the
old airport in New Orleans, whichmeans when you arrive on your on your
charter flight, what are you laughingabout you, weirdo. That's my The
producer from the other show is stillhere, and he's an idiot. I

just asked him to try and getme a water and can't figure out the
water machine. So I'm this isunbelievable. I'm just trying to hydrate.
I'm trying to get better here soI can do a radio program and this
this you don't have to do anything. You've been doing it for the past
month without me. I feel likeI have I mean, step up,
cool, Do you have watermelon there? Oh? That looks so good.

Oh that looks fresh, damn goodon the radio. Yeah, it sounds
great. I'm sure that. Ohthat that's got a lot of water.
It's like hydrat too. Look atthat. I'm kind of jealous. But
I was just asking my you know, producer, and he is my nephew
as well, to just give mewater and he couldn't do it. So
this is unbeliev How old is yournephew he is? How old are you?
Twenty one? He's twenty one.How old are you I'm about to

be thirty in a couple of weeks. Wow. Yeah, that's still awful,
so terrible. I'm just getting worseby the day. So anyway,
charter flights go to the old airportin New Orleans, and when you pull
up our charter, our charter busesto take you to the hotel will pull
right up to the plane. Nice. You don't go into the into the

the terminal, nothing. You goright from the plane into the buses and
uh baggage crew actually handles everything that'sin the belly of the plane and puts
that on the buses for you andright to the hotel, no messing around.
Who are you talking to me?Are you still figure out the water
again? I'm talking to him now. I'm just letting know how much of

an idiot he is. Gotta youalways gotta let you, always gotta let
the nephews know, you know,the uncle's always got to put him in
their place. Yeah, that doesn'treally happen. I'm a great uncle,
by the way, did you knowthat fact about me? I'm a great
great uncle. Not like I'm greatat being an uncle, but I am
a great I'm a great uncle atthe before I even turned thirty, which

one of all right, I'm notgonna ask you. I can't figure that
stuff out. And I almost cussed, but I caught myself. I barely
caught myself there. Like, you'redefinitely gonna cuss on the wedding, are
you you? I need to closeup view of just all the sweat that
is beating off right now. Alcohol. Oh my yesterday, yeah, honor,

we did damage, bro, That'swhat you That's what you do.
That's what we do. Anyways,stop, that's what we do. That's
what we do. Uh. Sohotel as always Astor Crown Plaza at the
corner Canal and Bourbon Streets. It'sthe beginning of the French Quarter. It's

a quarter of a mile to thecasino. It's uh, it's right where
you want to be. There's noother hotel that has a better location,
uh than the Astra Crown Plaza andthe Green Legion for this weekend in September.
Excuse me, there it is that'scoming back up? Now the hell

was that? Jamison and watermelon?Oh Jameson I this raw Dan put chili
flakes in my eggs today? Thathelp you? Why would you do that?
That's my sweating, that's it.That is a that is an awful
idea. You're just full of baddecisions today. So far again waking up.

It's and it's early, bro,and it's early. Got plenty of
time to not redeem myself. Stillworking on tailgate location. We had a
little a bump on our road yesterdayand I'm not quite sure if we're gonna
be able to work with the CivicTheater like we wanted to. But it'll
all be set up, including yourPEP rally party at Pat O'Brien's the Saturday

night before the game, which isthe twenty first of September. That is
about as good of a location asyou're going to find for a bar anywhere
in the world, period. Soand it will include all your drinks and
hurricanes for three hours everybody. Soif you're actually traveling with us, you

get that as part of your package. As we started that protocol last year.
What was the last time you guyswere twenty eighteen? Okay, and
god wait what happened in that No, I'm sorry, last time we were
there was twenty nineteen for the playoffgame where no Al Sean dropped that right.

First of all, what I stillI think we've talked about this a
thousand times, and I'll talk itabout it another thousand times. Why did
why did Doug have to get thatplayoff? We're at the twenty five yard
line, we're moving the ball,will nobody can mess with with big big
Richard Nick and thank you welcome,and it's just everything is working, and

for whatever reason they thought, like, what are you gonna do? You're
gonna You're gonna go down. Andit's the same crap that Andy Reid pulled
with a J. Feely in NewEngland in two thousand and seven, where
Westbrook was getting five and seven yardsevery time he touched the ball, every
time he caught it, every timeit was handed off to him, And

then what does fat ass do thirtyyard line? They're driving touchdown wins the
game. No, let's throw itdeep with two minutes and twelve seconds left,
because that makes absolute freaking sense.And what happened intercepted? But beside
that, I think it was interceptedor it was. You have better memory

than man that one. We didn't. We didn't score, right, But
even if we had, what areyou doing giving the ball back to Tom
Brady with two minutes to go?You know, take your chances run that
clock out one second last play byAnd that's the same thing I would have
done in that New Orleans playoff gamewith Drew Brees because she at home.
Drew Brees was unstoppable at home,but Eagles didn't. Just so why rush

that play anyway? Let's says beingcute. Let's take a break real quick
right now, stay on the twentyand uh, I gotta find my live
reads everybody, Green Legion Radio Saturdayshere on Fox Sports Radio in Philadelphia one
o two point five FM, MarkAli, John Janssen Beck in studio.
I'm Quimby. We're brought to youby Cheerleaders Gentlemen's Club and we'll be back
right after this. If you canwager on it. We're talking about it.

It's The Gambler. It was.I don't know if I love this
song, Rob. This is sucha guilty pleazer song because I don't think

it's that great, but I loveit well, I don't know it always
found it. Uh just amazing howyou were able to uh merge Sweet Home
Alabama and Werewolves of London. Yeah, great, Mick's kind of awesome,
Uh you guys, Green Legion Radio, Fox Sports. The Gambler one of
two point five f M, Philadelphia. Quimby Janssen in studio Mark Ali guest.

Uh, you're you're president of theSouth Florida Bird Gang O f l
O. Bird Gang dot com isout there. It is alright. I'm
sitting down again. I'm too tired. Everything you do right now sounds awful.
Chesse you're sitting down sounded like youwere about to die. I mean
it sounded like that. It's beensaid that you make thirty five thousand unconscious

decisions a day, and everyone I'mmaking right now, that's just horrible.
Literally enough out of you. Here'sthe deal. When you combined State Farm
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applicant subjects, state farm underwriting requirements. All right, we're talking the schedule.

Let's talk the next trip. That'sTampa. We got an excellent phone
call yesterday and we were, I'llbe honest with you, we were.
We were on the verge of apanic attack for Tampa because our our good.
That's usually what the Eagles do whenthey go to Tampa. They have

a panic attack and forget how toplay only only in only in the playoffs
on season, we regular season,that is just what can't beat them in
the playoffs playoffs. So our goatto place Shepherds and Uh, Cody,

God rest your soul. All ofus are thinking about you. We uh
you have you. You made mylife absolute easy experience as opposed to everybody
else in my life, like JohnJanssen. But you're Cody. You will
you will be missed, Dear,you will be missed. So Shepherds is

going through a renovation. Uh.And at that weekend, the boat is
boat Race weekend. Again. It'sthe same weekend as last year. So
you know that comes out way beforethe NFL schedule does. So you know
the rooms in Clearwater Beach were alreadytaken forty rooms. We can usually get

about forty or fifty rooms from Shepherdson that weekend, and that's what they
have for We got six, butforty rooms are designated for renovation. So
they're like, go god, youknow, okay, no problem. The
Hampton right next door. Hampton's anice spot. It's it's it's it's basically
new on the water. It's onehundred and fifty feet away from the entrance

to Shepherd's renovation as well. Andwe're like Jesus Christ, We're we're in.
We're in deep deep crap here,all right. And uh, in
two thousand and six we use bothShepherds and the Hilton Clearwader Beach. In

twenty eighteen, when we were backafter like was it twelve five or six
years? Yes, Uh, theyhad gone to they just undergone a renovation
and rates for skyrocketing, so Ididn't even look to them last year,
didn't bother went back to them andthey gave us a rate that is equivalent

to what the Hampton gave us forlast year. So our packages will be
at the Hilton Clearwater Beach. Idon't care what resort you think you're staying
at that you're gonna say is comparativeto ours? It certainly isn't the windom,
And it damn sure isn't the edge. And you know Hilton's wind The

Windom's nice. But you gotta yougot a street, right, you know
I I And this isn't a shotat Vince at all. Vince and I
get along very well. Uh,It's just that that street thing is a
little is a little odd for me. But you know it's still a nice
proper you can't go wrong at thewindow. But it's not a resort,
all right. Uh. And andthe edge is definitely not a resort.

It's garbage, all right, andthe family that owns it garbage anyway.
The Hilton Clearwater Beach. This ison the beach, huge white sand beach,
on the actual gulf, not theinlet. Now, I guess what.
We'll go back to Shepherds again,one hundred percent. But getting the

rate that we got at the Hiltonclear Water Beach is out of control,
phenomenal, out of control phenomenal.And for those who will be traveling or
going with us, all of ourtickets are lower level nice so oh that
stadium is up, bitch, tryingto get up top. Yep, it

was. It makes no sense.There's there, there's nothing unless you Unless
you go to that stadium every everyweek, you have no clue how to
get there. Yeah, because ifyou go up the wrong set of steps
and you're going the wrong well,there's no way to get from one side
to the other. You gotta goall the way around. Yep. That
happened to me last year. Ithappens to me every time except this one.
Uh. Coming over the bridge fromSteinbrennerfield, where we once again will

have another another epic tailgate thanks toour friend Stephanie and John. We appreciate
you, look forward to working withyou once again. But right over the
fly bridge, that corner of thestadium is exactly where our seats are.
Oh perfect. Yeah, So nownow it's up. Yeah, now it's

up. Do you like that?You like that? Reference? Chanson?
It was all right. I don'tlike you at all. Again, I
don't either. At this point,I wanted to get into this. I've
been talking about it for three weekswith you, and we haven't been able
to connect. Three weeks ago,I couldn't get my damn baggage. Thanks

for Lauderdale and Yeah, that wasawesome, you son of a bitch.
Literally, bro, I didn't knowabout this an hour an hour to get
my bag, so that I actuallyand I'm an Orange tag. Oh,
I'm an Orange Tag. So Iwas posing this question as I was doing
the show that day. Is thatthe worst part of flying? Baggage claim?

Like getting your backs? I feellike that's always the part because it's
right after you already got done theflight. You're so close. That's the
last thing you do before finally gettinginto a car and going home. That
to me, always, baggage claimis the worst part of flying. I
hate standing there and waiting for it. I hate it well because there aren't
occasions and we've all had it whereyour luggage gets lost and I actually the

anxiety of, oh my gosh,it's lost. This Yeah, I'm finally
go on to make it. You'reright though, you're finally on the case,
you finally got to where you needto be. You're only a cab
ride or an uber away. Man, here's the carousel and it's still spinnish.
Yeah, and my bag is noton it. And I get to
keep watching this and I look likeI'm watching a freaking tennis match. It's
terrible. Hey, tennis is funto watch, though, No, no,

no tennis slam, female female tennis. I love female tennis. I
just watched that. Female tennis isphenomenal to watch. I just watched Swede
Tech. I just watched Swede Techbeat Seblenka in the championship today. So
I I that three text just thebest in the planet. Uncool because you're
using five syllable words. You can'tsay Sebylenka any sweet text. Right now,

I know nothing about tennis. Icouldn't even tell you what the starting
line is for the Flyers right now. Oh, I couldn't even tell you.
Yeah, I couldn't either. OhI don't know. Could I name
one player? I don't. Ican name one player? Is no tipp
It's not on the starting line,is he? No? I don't know.
Oh my god, I can't either. That's terrible. I should be

able to do that. It's notterrible. That's what ownership has done to
this fan base. You suck anyway, all right, Yeah, here we
go. I wanted to get intothe rookie free agent class because I thought
there were some pretty interesting uh uhpickups here, and I was watching some
some mo from the Eagles. Uhon his uh on his YouTube pod,

you know, comparing oh and TJ. Edwards and another Uh Corey Clem
Clement, Clement Clement or Clement Clement. I just burped watermelon. Oh why
do you keep doing that? Andwhy do you keep telling? You keep
I know, but you can doit, and you see my face.

That's great, But I do it. That's I know that I can see
it. You don't have to describeto me what the taste is. Everybody
rookie the undrafted rookie class for thisEagles this season. Uh, how do
you say his last name? IEdy Edgy Gottlib from Maryland on that one.

Yeah, yeah, because I don'tknow it is. I can't see.
Uh. Played four season Division twoFrostburg State before transferring to Maryland for
the twenty twenty three season Germantown,Maryland. Dated made forty seven starts,
forty eight games played across five yearsleft tackle. Moved to right tackle at
Maryland six five three twenty. Itcould help with some beefes practice squad play.

Uh, but uh, I'm I'minterested in in seeing uh uh McCallan
castles UH six two that's you're youknow, you're pretty big, pretty pretty.
You know, that's your that's yourtight end, that's your Dallas Goddard
size pleague for Cal eighteen to nineteen, U. C. Davis twenty twenty

two and Tennessee twenty twenty three,ninety two receptions for one and twenty six
receiving yards and fourteen touchdowns in hiscollege career. You know, we don't
really have any depth at at thetight end pison. We grant Cacata,
right, and he's nothing right homeabout it. Well, you know,
he also didn't get a lot ofopportunities. Chanson, This is a good

time to weigh in on on thisbecause I'd love your thoughts because our offensive
coordinator last year was positively pathetic.And thank god Dallas Goddard hasn't said or

called called his called his agents hadget me the f out of here,
right, Because I want to know, do you think do you think this
new OC is going to bring backthe tight end position into this offense?
Because I still think Goddard is topthree tight ends in the league. He
just doesn't get any opportunity to catchit. He might have three or four
targets a game, and if youdon't take advantage of it, that's it.

Yeah. I think a lot ofthat also just has to do with
I mean, there are two widereceivers that are going to take a ton
of targets away, so it's reallytough. But now, but that that
should leave your tight end wide open. It should, but also your first
and second reads most of the time, and most of the players are drawing
up with the guys that you're targeting. More are gonna be Aj Brown at
Devote Smith. But you're right,Dallas Gottad is good and should be involved.

Kellen Moore did have a really goodtight end in Dalton Schultz and he
used him a lot. So DaltonSchultz had six hundred and fifteen yards in
twenty twenty and twenty twenty one hehad eight hundred and eight yards on one
hundred and four targets and seventy eightreceptions. So I mean it will be
there. Dallas Goddard will absolutely beinvolved in this offense. And all of
it's just going to depend on ifAj Brown and Dalton Devonte Smith are taking

up a lot of the target share. Yeah, Kellen Moore certainly does get
tight ends involved. He absolutely does. In addition to that, I thought
this was an interesting pickup. Yougot a running back from Georgia. I
love the guy is is everybody?Is everybody going there? All right?

Uh? Because yeah, if Ican find where the hell it is Milton?
Uh six? I mean do weonce again? You know? Saquon
is is huge? Right? Uh? What what is? What is Saquon's
uh playing weight? Like two thirtyHe's got to be up there, right,

Yeah, he's he's around there.Let me check real quick, but
yeah, that sounds about right.First playing weight, Yeah, six foot
two thirty three. Yep, sixfoot two thirty three. All right.
I thought this was an interesting pickupbecause you don't see the Eagles having usually

a single north and south running back, let alone two right, and it
I think it was a nice precautionarypick all right. You know kid rushed
for thirty nine yards twenty three touchdownsin four seasons at Georgia. Fresdent,
California native named Capitol one Orange BowlMVP in twenty twenty three after rushing for

one hundred and four yards and twotouchdowns in the sixty three to three win
over Florida State. And I watchthat game he was something else he stud
yes, and I get that theand then we're gonna take a break right
before I right after I pose thisquestion. I understand the running back position

is is you know, not goneby the wayside, but you know it
just doesn't hold much value in thedraft. Is there a reason this kid
ropped out of even a late roundpick? That's that's what I want to
know. We're gonna answer that questionwhen we come back from breaking guys.
Green Legion Radio, Fox Sports,The Gambler one two point five FM,

Mark Aleague, Quimbie, John Jansenback in studio, Leonardo lurking around the
house. Put chili flakes and somethingelse I eat. Probably not right down
for you though, Oh you're right, you could go to hell. Uh.
Brought to you by Cheerleaders Gentlemen's Club. We'll be back right after this.

The Gambler, Philly's home for allthings sports gambling. Green Legion Radio,

Fox Sports The Gambler one of twopoint five f M. Phili help
you. He's got our neighbors dogEdgar, peeking over the wall. He's
looking for some love. Cool dog, one cool cool dog. I don't
even know what kind of greedy asI forget. But our neighbor Jerry is
a Jets fan. Yeah. Nah, he's from New York, ye,
but he's actually n he's rare people. He's one of the rare people from

New York. I actually like.So we're talking a lot of what brought
to you by cheerleaders, Gentlemen's Club. It's getting a little windy out here.
I think a little rain's coming.So we're all over the dish today.
And that has a lot to dowith the fact that, well,
at fifty three years old, it'sstill evident that I need adult supervision anywhere

I go. And uh, we'retalking about for the undrafted free agent class.
Quimby alongside Mark Ali. You're apresident of the South Florida Bird Gang.
Hell yeah, check us out.And John Jansen, Hello, back
in studio. We're talking about that. We're talking about the schedule. What's

the Cincinnati Cincinnati Yoh, Bengals.You you're just wrong on so many levels.
All Right, I'm glad you finallystarted to see some success, even
though your owner was too freaking cheaptoo actually pay for the additional die so

that the seats in your stadium wouldbe orange. Never heard that the actual
color that that these seats come outin is like a hunter green all right,
this ass hat brown you know.Oh yeah, he's you know,
Hall of Fame. Okay, No, First of all, Richard, now

he was so cheap. First ofall, the Bengals might have the best
uniforms in the NFL, especially theirhelmet. All right, helmet that yeah,
that's a that's a top tier helmet. You're right about that. Now,
if you had any sack at alland weren't such a cheap bastard,
you'd have done the seats in thestadium like a Bengal stripe, black and

orange, right, like the helmet, and that would just be bad ass.
But no, the color of theseats at Paul Brown Stadium are green.
Yeah, the stadium sucks. Thereis a imagine the vet ten times

worse. That's how bad it is. But can there be anything ten times
worse than the vet? Is thatpossibly? That? Is that actually possible?
Yeah? Yeah? No, wellyes, I mean this is the
only the only real possibility it has. Let's see, stayed at the Hyatt
tailgate at the Filson and when theFilson and what can I tell you about

this trip? Oh? Yes,that's right. I can tell you something.
No no, no, no,no no no no no no no.
The first fifty people that sign upfor our flights will get two hundred
and sixty dollars round trip. Wow. That's a great deal. That's huge.
All right, that's huge, until, of course American Airlines revenue algorithm

kicks in and then we get anotification that our nonstops have been kicked.
So don't worry, American Airlines.That letters go into the Wall Street Journal,
New York Times, Chicago Tribune,Philadelphia Inquire, La Times, everybody.
I'm going to introduce the world tothe American Airlines Revenue algorithm. It's
been beating us up. But whilewe're talking about that, I just want

to keep throwing this in there becausewe'll never get through if we don't.
Field of Dreams with the longest yardJohn Jansen, Field of dreams, Yeah,
I'm gonna go field a dream.Yeah, I give a field of
dreams. I don't think it's Idon't think it's a question mark. I
don't good because I didn't think soeither. Happy Gilmore versus million Dollar Baby,

Million dollar Baby. I like HappyGilmore. But let's toss up million
dollars. I'll go a million.Original Bad News Bears or Invincible. That's
a tough one. Original. It'salmost like I think the original Bad News
Bears was great. Yeah, that'sa better movie. That's a better movie.

Yeah, it is right, Igrew up with that. Yeah,
all right, remember the Titans orThe Natural? The Natural? For me?
Oh, I never got through theNatural. Really, yeah, I

don't know. It's not enough,not enough for me. Okay, remember
the Titans, you know, Yeah, that's so it's iconic in a classic.
I guess remember that it is.And yeah, you think about casting
for movies that are gonna have youknow, that kind of power. Man,

I don't think you could have askedfor anything better than Denzel and uh
oh god, who was the defensivecoach that had to give up his head
coaching position. I forget his name. I forget his name, but he's
it's a great actor. Let melook it up. I can't believe I'm
forgetting. This is so pathetic.I can't believe I'm forgetting. I'm going
to remember the Titans. I'll nevergive him a don't give him another yard.

It's so good, so good.I don't want them to gain another
yard. You blitz all nice,yes, yes, Will Patt forever they
remember the night they played the Titans. Will Patten was the the actor.
The name was Yost Yost. Yeah. Uh, what do you think we're

going with? You're going with rememberthe Titans. Yeah, I'll go with
that. All right. Good.We just got through the south bracket in
the oh we did look at us. Yes, yeah, we're getting there.
It's only taking us. By theway this was started, there's no
rhyme or reason to this show andat all the movie Madness tournament garbage started
because of March Madness. This hasbeen over for quite a while. Yeah,

yeah, yeah. In case youguys, In case you guys are
listening for the first time, wedid start during March Madness, the movie
March movie madness. And uh it'snot mar May movie madness. May could
it be be January movie movie madness. Before we get to the final four,

we we literally tried to get that. We did well the first time.
Yeah, we did. We movedthrough pretty quickly and then we just
stopped. Yeah, it went fromit went from one hundred to zero.
We're backwards in point two seconds.Back to the question I posted before we
went to break. All right,you're talking about a kid in Milton that

it was the the National Championship MVP. How how do I get it?
Once again, we're talking about Miltonfrom Georgia running back six two, twenty
five, eighteen and thirty nine yardsand twenty three touchdowns in four seasons,

won the Capitol Orange Bowl and sixtythree to three win over to Florida State,
which, by the way, FloridaState. I almost hate Florida State
as much as I hate Penn State. But there it is. Don't tell
me, don't describe it. I'lldescribe it. Don't describe it. Just
don't describe. That's all you gettado. Just don't describe it. How

does what with the things your bodyis probably going through right now is something
that I wish could just be studied. It's like a Family Guy episode or
or let me winks from South Park. I mean, the things that are
going on for your body to keepyou alive right now is I mean,
it's it's unbelievable. It's working overtime, man, the guys with the guys

with the shovel and coal or screamingup at me doing saying What the hell
are you doing, bro Earth,we're doing this again again. How does
with the running back position as weknow, not being h as sought after
as it was fifteen years ago?Uh? How does it? How does

a kid like this make uh makeit through the draft? Mark? I'm
curious to to your thoughts on thatand the chance and after because I have
my own thoughts, but I don'tthink any of them are elusive right now
anyway. So I think you know, the running backs have been devalued,
you know, over the past coupleof years seasons, but yeah, running

back. Guess the better word forit is they feel that running backs are
replaceable. You can replace a runningback with a younger one, with a
guy that's not making as much money, and always keep replacing and you always
have a decent enough running back,which I don't agree. Mark. Do
you buy that all right? BecauseI don't, because you're talking about somebody
like a Kenny Gainwell, all right, who was what fourth or fifth round
pick, all right out of Memphisand we all like to pick all right,

But you know, here's a guythat's once again on the bubble and
a guy who coughed up the ballin times that he's not supposed to.
And I think that is what you'relooking for in these in these running backs,
and you don't find it very often, right, And I think you
know, you got these running backsthat go undrafted because why draft them and

you can get them undrafted at acheap rate. I think that's just the
nature of the league right now.Nobody wants to pick him up and he's
a great running back. Yeah,well that's that's what I'm That's what I'm
curious about. Like, we're nottalking about we're not talking about a kid,
and we're not talking about Kenny gainWell for Memphis State, right,
all right, We're talking about akid that was the MVP for the National

Championship bulldog team. How does heslip Janson? How does he slip?
So Kendall Milton seems like he slippedbecause of his forty time. His forty
time is not good. It waslike a four point six to two,
so that I get. But theproblem is if you look at the rest
of his numbers and common numbers,and I like looking at something called relative

athletics score, he still scores asthe nine point five zero out of ten,
which is really good. So this. Basically, this guy has great
size and his ten yards split waselite, so his first ten yards are
really good. I love that kindof back. I think this is the
kind of back that maybe you couldend up the guy that you need for
north and South right, because yeah, exactly, and I don't I don't

think they kind of have that yet. I know they use Kenny Gainwell in
some of their situations, and he'sconsidered they're between the tackles runner. But
I think if you're looking for andtrying to see if there's another guy that
can fit that role, I thinkthis guy could certainly do it. Does
the fact that the Eagles uh signedSaquon Barkley, a big back, and

picked up this guy, uh,Kennel Milton's gonna make the squad at at
very least He's gonna be the thirdthird running back, all right, guarantee
he's I mean you well, Ithink Shipley maybe number two. Shipley.
Yeah, simpley. Simpley's like ascat back. He's like a third down
of receiving running back. Sometimes hishands aren't so great, but I think
it'll that'll get better in the NFL. But yeah, he's he's quit very

quick and a home run hitter.But yeah, it'll be interesting to see
you think if you think that theywent with they started to look at some
bigger backs because they're worried about theleague, uh taking away the brotherly shove.
Well that you know what's you knowwhat it'll be interesting is if maybe
they're going for bigger running backs becausethe linebackers are getting smaller. Even if

you look at Eagles linebackers, they'reall undersized. Technically, linebackers should be
like forty Devin White is well,first of all, most of your linebackers.
This this whole defensive schematic right nowas a as a three to four,
which is the way it looks.Yeah, you've got Milton Williams and

and Jalen Carter on the outside,and and uh and and and the house
in the middle. And then youhave your you know, Bryce Huffs and
Josh Sweat uh rounding it out.We're gonna get into Nolan Smith too at
some point in time, because I'mcurious, you know what you think is
gonna happen there? But all thoseedge rushers, I mean, uh,

Hassan Reddick, what two and thirtytwo pounds soaking wet? You know,
but just strong as a bull andfast as hell. But those guys don't
drop into coverage, you know.And and every time you saw Hassan Reddick
drop in the coverage, it wasa disaster, God, a complete and
utter disaster. So this is also, well, you know what, we

can get off on a rift herereal quick. I'm not gonna do that.
I'm going to find my live raids, find those live reads. Eh.
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Green Legion Radio live on Fox SportsRadio Philadelphia. Mark Golly Quimbi Chanson back
in studio. We're brought to youonce again by Cheerleaders Gentlemen's Club. Well
right after this, Wow, rememberwhen this song meant something in Flyers games?

He used to play. Yeah,remember everybody hold on a second?
All right? Well, well afterthat too, everybody Green Legion Radio,
Fox Sports Radio, Philadelphia, oneO two point five f M, Philadelphia.
Brought to you by friends at CheerleadersGentlemen's Club. A shout out to
Antonella listening in Meda Yane right now, everybody, Uh, we are talking

a whole bunch of stuff at thispoint. Uh, well, let's do
this. Let's let's let's stay onit. We come back from break,
we'll do another bracket. How doesthat sound? Let's do it all right?
And it doesn't really matter here.I already know Jansen's answer. Uh,
Rocky over Yeah, Rocky already won, Rocky one Rocky. The thing

is about this bracket is we alreadyknow who won. It's Rocky, Rocky,
Rocky's winning. I don't know whatdo you mean? No, no,
hold on a second. That's whywhen we get to the final four,
at the very least, we needMark here, all right, We
don't need anyone here. We knowRockies Rocky is the best. Rocky is
clearly the best movie of this entirebracket. What a Richard slap shot versus

I have this with? That's that'sfair. You are not you are just
you are a kill joint in everyway. Uh, slap shot versus Major
League. That's gonna be a toughone for somebody. I think that's a
generational I've never watched slapshot, soA right, that's it. Slap Shot
is such a great movie, itreally is. But uh, for me,
major League is just iconic. Whatwas what was that line? Best

movie ever made about golf, caddyshack, worst movie ever made about golf
caddy shack two, best movie evermade about baseball? Ye know, not
major League, but you know itcould be that best comedy baseball movie Major
League, Worst comedy baseball movie,Major League two. So what do you

think, Jansen? Major League orslap Shot? Major League? Have you
seen slap Shot? I have not. I didn't want to admit it,
but yeah, yeah, yeah,same with me. That's why I wouldn't.
I couldn't even read it. SoI can eat this next this next

movie or two movies. One ofthem is gonna I think one of them
could wind up playing spoiler at somepoint in time. I had had I
known that Jansen was such a jackasswhen it came to Tapky, I wouldn't
have put them. I wouldn't putthis movie in the same category as Rocky.
But we've got tin Cup, which, by the way, is just

absolutely phenomenal. I am a Costnerfan. I am definitely a cheech Marin
fan. And uh, the whole, the whole concept of that movie seven
Iron. Whoever hits it the longest, you know who thinks of that.

It's just brilliant and nobody ever thoughtof that until that movie. But tin
Cup going up against Miracle, ooh, no, Miracle was on just the
other day. It was hungover,So what day was it that I was
drinking? When the day? Aday that ends in why? But it

was on and it's one of thosemovies where, yeah, there's a lot
of movies where we're I'll flip through, you know, it goes to commercial,
change the channels looking for something else. If Miracle's on, remotes down,
I'll suffer through the commercials to makesure I don't miss any part of
it. Uh for me, Ilove ten Cup, but Miracle it is,

and I think they actually film thatmovie. Well, Kurt Russell stud
stud what do you got You're astud miracle. I'll go with miracle.
Anybody want to give any commentary onthis? Or is it just me christ
I'm paying you guys for something.Yeah, you're paying me. You're paying

me. I could barely speak today. I'm the only one freaking talking.
What do you think? I'm inthe same boat as you. But the
thing is, I'm in this crappystudio and as hot as hell in here,
and you I get to see youbeautiful outside. Oh, by the
way, during one of the breaks, you guy dipping a pool. Good
for you. You know I'm dyingout here. Quimby, I hate you

so much. It has been nothingbut clouds all week out. I know
ninety six, I see, Isee, I see. I guarantee your
studio isn't this hot. But he'soutside though. I mean it's it's supposed
to You're in Florida. This isnot supposed to be that hot in the
studio. This is supposed to bea a temperature controlled room. Yeah,

but it feels like one hundred.It feels like one hundred town by the
way, I see Mark's hands shaking. Two. All right, this is
good because Mark and I went outyesterday and Jim Forkin freaking Forkin, where
was his luggage? I took himto his buddy's house to get his luggage,
and then he took an Uber fromhis from his friend's house. Okay,
yeah, yeah, that's what Iget it. I get it.

I was gonna do all kinds ofwork yesterday, uh, you know,
putting our packages together for the schedulerelease. And uh, I get a
text message at like one o'clock fromMark. Hey, Forkins in town meet
at the Parrot like two o'clock.I'm like, God, there you go,
another another in the litany of poordecisions that I've made. I decided

to put the computer down and startstretching out. Can't Canton ready for the
Alcohol Olympics? And uh, wewent at it pretty hard. We went
at it pretty hard. Forkin wasin love yesterday? Is he single?
Yeah? All right, good becauseI was getting worried there for a hot
second, like I should be talkingabout that if Uh the Canadians Mac and

Kenzie. She was gorgeous. Ohand do you guys know you're on a
round Sydney. Sydney was beautiful.They both they both had to make sure
they said they were engaged. I'mlike, all right, see you later.
Yeah, it was. It wasa lot of bachelor part bat parties
kind of yeah, going on quinradio show. You're doing one right now.

Creenly that Mike you're talking into everybodycan hear that. I don't really
care Jerry McGuire or Raging Bull.Oh that's tough on. Jerry McGuire.
Shouldn't have gotten a seventh seed.I believe that, but yeah, probably
not. And I would take inthe initial round it was Jerry McGuire versus

Kingpin. You all suck. Iwanted a Kingpin, but I would I
thought i'd picked king Pin. Ican't remember, but this one Raging Bull.
Yeah, you're going Raging Bull.I'm going with Raging Bull too,
So that means Chanson to you.Yeah, raging Bull. That's fine with
me. Like I was gonna goJerry maguire, but I'm not. I'm

not stuck on that one, justkind of big. I can kind of
enjoy anytime I have the opportunity tosay rager Yeah, why is that is
there's some childish reason for that thereis it as your papers are all flying
away. Yeah, but it's fun. I'm not like, Yeah, I'm
not the biggest Tom Cruise guy,so that's fine with me. I like

Tom Cruise. But he's fine.He's Cuba Gooding Junior. That might have
been the only movie role he hadthat was worth crap. He was always
hanging out here for Loreo Place.Yeah, I seen him Boat Trip.
I love that movie with Oh god, Saturday Night Live. Uh uh Horatio

Sanchez unbelievably funny movie. I don'tknow if I watched that. So.
Uh, who's the Swedish blonde thatwas like a Playboy model and was just
like iconic as the the postcard foruh Swedish bikini models? Uh God.

She's in a ski movie called OutCold with Zach gallifan Akis. Zach Gallifan
Zach Gallifannakis had an opportunity to sleepwith her in a hot tub and got
his will. He stuck in oneof the in one of the pumps,
in one of the chets. It'sa hysterical movie, but a boat trip.

Uh. Will Ferrell is the ownerof a travel agency and Horatio Sanchez
comes in being a real douche anduh, Will Farrell thinks it's a funny
trick to play on him in CubaGooding Junior that they want to book a
cruise and they put him on agay cruise. So Cuba Gooding Junior actually
meets I gotta, I gotta pullthis up because we're talking about movies,

guys, has nothing to do withsports Fox Sports Radio, Philadelphia, and
that's talking about bikini models and CubaGooding Junior boat trip. Oh no,
you've got to watch it. It'sabsolutely hysterical. It has rotten tomatoes.

Holy crap. Uh. Rosalind Sanchez, Cuba Gooding Junior meets Rosalind Sanchez,
who, by the way, youknow, just just you know, get
out of my way. If she'sthere and I have an opportunity, I'm
killing somebody, really, but uhuh, Horatio Sanchez doesn't meet a girl.

Cuba Gooding Junior does. And thenthe Swedish bikini teams helicopter crashes right
by the in the water, rightby the cruise ship. So Horatio Sanchez
died in with deaven because no otherguy's on the boat or after the girls.
It's just him. There's a scenewhere he's putting oil on him and
it's it's it's just terrible. Anyway, great, where were we? Boat

trip? We just call this now? I don't either. I try,
man. I made it an hourand fifteen minutes with nothing in the tank,
and I just I'm on fumes.Man, we're talking about boat trip.

Wait, talking talking about cash backme. We're not talking about practice.
That commercial is hysterical with Curry,Kevin Hart and Iverson. I love
that commercial and he's so good atit, like Iverson actually looks like an
actor where it sounds like gosh.Yeah, Wait, we're not talking about
practice. I have no idea whereto go with this. Dallas. There

we are, Dallas. I loveDallas three times the game, but I
love Dallas first of all. Onceagain, I'll say it from top to
bottom. I do not hate theCowboys as much as everybody else does.
I hate them, of course,I hate. I hate Jenry, I
don't hate. I don't hate Cowboysfans as much as everybody does. I
hate Cowboys fans in Philadelphia. Ihate upper level Cowboys fans in Dallas,

but everybody else is an absolute gemdown there. They couldn't be happier when
we come down, Hey, spendmoney. We love you, thanks for
coming, and you know that thatkind of kind of mentally, I'll get
you somewhere. But we're making thisa bigger trip this year. We have

flirted with Dallas, you know,we just don't. That's November, right,
November November tenth. That's a nationalgame for twenty five. Uh the
we run it every year and it'sour least expensive trip and it once again
will be although ticket price is alittle bit higher. They're expecting that.

We usually have to play this gameas the as the second one in Dallas.
Thank god we're playing it, youknow, the first of the two.
But I have two hundred and fiftyfive NonStop flights all morning and morning
returns NonStop under three hundred and eightydollars. We are using to marry at

Qualcomm again in Addison, Texas.Our Our location is the Londoner you guys
were. We're we're not turning overnew leaf. We started this, but
most of our packages moving forward aregoing for Sunday. Games are going to
be Saturday to Tuesday. And youknow, the mentality was probably created by

me originally with Friday to Monday,but I gotta be honest with you,
is as our group gets a littleolder, and it has, and I'm
good with that. I don't haveto fight for money as much as I
did when you know, everybody wasa lot younger. But going, all
right, three twenty five start inDallas National game. That game is not

gonna be until seven thirty in Dallas. Then it's an hour before you can
even get out, and then it'sforty five minutes to Addison. So you're
talking about not getting back until ninethirty, ten o'clock. And if you're
if and if you won, ifwe win, you're going right to the

bar. We're not. You're notgoing to bed. Nobody's gonna let you.
So we have gone from Saturday toTuesdays, especially especially when the game
a one o'clock game. A oneo'clock game, will you know, we
we may, you know, itdepends wherever we get to our best flights.
But anything after a one o'clock gameon a Sunday, Uh, we're

Saturday to Tuesday. And what youget to do, which is phenomenal.
You get to wake up on Mondayand not have to do a god darn
thing. Wake up, I'm awaysome get some breakfast. No, not
you. Uh you wake up,get some breakfast, go out to dinner.

Uh. We are trying to figureout some sort of rodeo thing for
Monday down in Dallas. Nice.Uh. And you also no even even
even better, even better Saturday.When we get down there, there will
be a bus going to the CodyJohnson concert at Rangers Stadium. So any

weird country fans there you go,any weird country fans. That's what I
said. I'm not taking it back. Jesus. Okay, everybody. Echelon
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Legion Radio. Banged up from yesterday, banged up now, banged up tomorrow,

banged up tomorrow, banged up Monday, banged up Monday. Uh,
We're brought to you by Cheerleaders Gentlemen'sClub. Mark a Lee from the South
Florida Bird Gang joining us once again. John Jansen back in studio, breaking
my nuts. I'm Quimby, broughtto you by Cheerleaders Gentlemen's Club. Back

right after this spreads total spin allthe up that's in between, it's the
Gambler. Wow, you had toprost some Jim Blossom's in there, didn't
you. Jim Bossom's rule, haven'twe We've been over this right, Jim

Bossoms are good, they're perfectly Arewe live? Yes, we are live,
Yes, we're excellent. Great.Another another epic intro for Greenlands Radio.
I couldn't playing Billy Elish right now. That's all I've been listening to
is the new Billy Eilish album.So if you want to hear that I
can play that for you. Youknow what, honest seem like a billy
elish Go ahead, because that'll Ican't be the reason. That'll be the

reason I need to turn off thecomrades and go back to bed. That'd
be done. That'll be it.Hey, guys, what happened to the
radio? I don't know. Ithink Quimby just gave up. I and
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six three nine nine nine. That'stwo one five eight zero six three nine
nine nine. You are right good? No description needed, Yeah, no
descriptions. Just just give me athumb up for something if you are right.

I mean, just just let meknow. He thumbs down. I
don't get there. You go thumbsdown? What did you do yesterday?
He's lugging, he's lugging it.What on earth did you do? How
are you in worse shape than Iam? Bro? I I I I
never I never tout my alcoholism asa as a as a as a chess

uh chest pounding superpower. If yourright now, probably you you. I
guarantee you are junior varsity to me, Oh, get out of here,
get out of here. Come on, come on. That's ridiculous. It's
ridiculous. If you really want toknow, at least seven or eight beers

yesterday, since I from the secondI got home till I passed out a
bottle and a half of Jamis.I can't do that. Not proud,
I'm out, Yeah, I'm out. I'm you looked at the camera for
that. Not proud, not proudbecause there's all Jamison bottles right now to
the camera, and I've had fiveshots since we started the ship. I

seem I didn't need to know that, which, by the way, I
plan on being dead by tomorrow.All right, let's you know what,
Let's do this. Uh you talkabout l A, Let's do this.
Let's go home. I'm lost,LA November twenty fourth, Great trip,

same stuff as the last trip.Great glad we covered that, what's the
trip you're looking forward to the most. Because we were talking about the schedule
in all the road games, andwe were having a tough time talking like
what what's the best road trip?So in your opinion, road New Orleans?
Well other thing, Well, Iguess outside off, if it's within

your budget, it's definitely Brazil.It's a once in a lifetime thing.
And you know what we I can'tI can't say who had continued to approach
us, but a media outlet inPhiladelphia continues to reach out the DS and
ask the same question, Hey,how do you feel about the you know,

the impending criminal activity in Brazil?And we're like Jesus christ Man,
have you ever traveled outside of thecountry? All right, anytime you stop
Brazil, it's everywhere anywhere depending criminalactivity Philly shackass, you're gonna you're gonna

get it, You're gonna pay forit. So that means I shouldn't go
to Brazil. Yeah, it meansthat's a probably take far away from my
clients. So surprised media still letsme, uh, lets me live in
their city and live in their town. You have to say that the jails
in Brazil, I mean the jailsin London and Germany are probably better than
Brazil. Well, Germany is nota is any jail good? What's that

is? Any jail good? Phillyjail just sucks the worst. Yeah,
okay, any we should do atour. We should we should go on
tours of the best jails throughout theworld intentionally not not and not not take
a tour of like, hey,can I see your jail like actively just
let them like have a reason forthem to put you in the jail?

Walked away? Where is he going? Would I do this time? What
part of this conversation was all ofa sudden He's done with my god?
What did I say this time?What this time? I'm going to green
leveson radio here on Fox Sports thegame? What did I say that made
you want to walk away? Anythingthat you said anytime? Yeah, it's

it's all a freaking headache. No, you still have a headache from this
morning with me. That's not me. M all right, I'll stop.
I'll stop. L A l Al A l A l A l A.
Should I go on the l Atrip? I don't know if i'd
like l A. Would I likel A or I like the trip to

l A? Because you you alwaystell me how All right? Here we
go, this is when we're doingthe rest of this show. I literally
have nothing zero. I am notstumped very often. This is amazing because
yesterday we talked on the phone andwe both won got funny to talk about.

Yeah, said, we could talkfor eight hours on the show.
Absolutely we got a quam thing tosay. And of course, you know,
compound that by making sure that bothof us got annihilated last Yeah.
Yeah, yeah, all right,you guys, Hella, here we go.

No, no, what we're doingright now because we have twenty nine
minutes left in the show and probablyonly twenty yeares of twenty nine minutes.
Jeez, hey, that's better thanI just felt the sweat run down like
it was a little sweat. That'sdisgusting. I am going to order a
pizza and puss out with my facein it. I am all I've been

thinking about today since I woke upuntil I finally get it. Wings.
Wings always fantastic on a day likethis. Hangover Wings oh so good,
so good. So once again,if you guys are listening for the first
time, we're all hungover. Thankyou, and we appreciate you coming.
And I understand if we never weapologize, No, we apologize. We

are we are very sorry. Allright. What I'd like to do right
now and for the rest of theshow, if possible, I want to
go through and get your picks forthe regular season win loss. Okay,
all right, Uh, I'm gonnado this as we go, all right,

starting off the season, there's damnit. All right, But there's
something else I wanted to go over, and it has to do with the
schedule, but it has to dowith a bye week. Jansen, how
do you feel about Week five?I hate early bye weeks. All right.
Let me ask you this because DanLeonardo had a very excellent point to
me yesterday because I said the samething. I believe, and Mark and

I actually talked about this at theParrot yesterday. I believe you're going to
see the Brazil game. Great fun, yay, making some money on that,
blah blah blah, but I don'tlike that game. For the future
of the Eagles twenty twenty four season. You're coming out of preseason into what

is ninety two degrees every time,every moment of that day. That's our
hottest year, hottest time of theyear, right and it's ninety two degrees.
It's going to be ninety two degrees. You're talking about a stadium that's
an old soccer stadium. I guarantee, guarantee, it's not quite manicured to
NFL standards. All Right. Asidethat, all right, I get it.

We got the Rick buck Culter twoounce pickled juice. We're good to
go. We're beating the Cowboys openingopening weekend two thousand. However, there's
going to be soft tissue injuries.There's going to be those initial hits.
And I know Fangio and Kellen andNick have talked about forty five minute practices

last year an hour and a halfnow with full pads, and I like
that, but it doesn't prepare youfor the first real game of the season.
And more importantly, and then Iwant you guys to weigh in on
this, because what makes me morenervous than everything I just talked about is

anybody that does have one of thosefence injuries and can't get proper medical attention
until the game is over. Anotherhour and a half to two hours to
the plane and thirteen and a halfhours non stop in the same freaking position.

Now, don't Yeah, that's athirteen and a half hour flight from
South Pallatt to Philly. Oh now, yeah, an NFL team, planes
are not you know the coach thatwe fly it right, all right?
Uh, but it's still thirteen anda half hours. In a thirteen and
a half hours while your body justinjured just starts to tighten hing and you're

done. You know, you yousure. I'm sure they're gonna have fluids.
I'm sure I'd love to see that. I'd love to see that plane.
Half half the planes HiT's, yeah, hit hits dropdowns are IV bags
instead of masks? All right?But uh Jansen? Does that? Does
that get? And the reason Ibring that up is because Dan Leonardo said

he loves the fact that the byeweek is Week five because of the Brazil
game, because we may need thattime in the beginning of the season to
make that run possibly. I mean, the only thing you worry about with
games, and you know, Idon't know what the The medical team will

still be there. Obviously the flightwill suck, but you know, I
think they'll be fine in that aspect. But always, the thing with these
games in other places is what isthe field conditions going to be like?
And that's been a lot of theproblem too. These field conditions sometimes are
a little bit slippery. They're notmeant to for football, American football to
be played on them. So it'sit is sometimes that that does worry me,
that these the field conditions sometimes won'tbe great. And we've seen that.

I think we saw that in London. I remember that it was that
I think the Jaguars Bills game.Yeah, and the very first time too
in London. That's been an issue. So that that is one thing that
does worry me early on in theseason, especially because early on in the
season that's where you're getting a lotof these major injuries, and you know,
a lot of this stuff happens,and you know, these guys aren't
gonna be playing much in the preseason, if they play at all at all.
And last year they were so gassedin that first game against the Patriots,

that's right, I mean the secondhalf. Yeah, yeah, I
mean it was embarrassing in the secondAnd it's gonna be a lot tougher,
Like you said, ninety two degrees, probably going to feel like one hundred
and ten with the humidity and allthat stuff. So and I guarantee they're
not rolling in the portable air conditioners. Yeah, maybe they will who knows,
But I just I don't like howit's set up. And I get

that we Chansen agree with you,Mark agree with you. You know hate.
No description needed to take. Thatwas so random. I'm back everybody,

Green Legion, cheerleaders, Gentlemen's Club. Two minutes, you got two
minutes before break, Come on,you can do it. Two minutes,
you got two minutes, and youquit. So we go to picks now
real quick. It was our turnin the barrel for that early bye week.
The last three seasons it's been weekeleven or later and one of the

and it's one of the reasons whyI always say there's such a small window
of opportunity. To win a SuperBowl, you have to have elements that
are out of your control aligne anda bye week in week eleven, twelve
or thirteen, that's one of those. So they they, in all fairness

to the cosmic forces in the world, they missed their window there all right,
last two years twelve and thirteen,Week twelve and thirteen with the bye
week, couldn't ask for anything better. So now here we are back in
the barrel, and in week fivethat's going to be tough. It's going

to be tough now considering the factthat this team starting to look like it
has depth at almost every position positionexcept linebacker. Shocker. Uh, I
I don't know, Uh, youknow, for the for the Brazil game,
I think it'll pay dividends. ButI think you're gonna you're gonna,

you're gonna see and you know whois it? Well, what three players
are going to be in that awfulhamstring situation? Uh, in the beginning
of December. That could have usedthat extra week prior to the playoff push.

So uh, that's where we arethere when we come back, all
we're gonna do if Quimby comes back, Qummy's body allows him to come back,
this is a definite possibility. Youcan make it. You can do
it. I believe in you.You guys have so much faith for no

reason. We get back, We'reuh, we're gonna We're gonna do picks.
We'll do them quick. We're notgonna give commentary. We're gonna,
We're gonna get through. Uh seventeengames. Uh, Green Lesion Radio,
Fox Sports The Gambler one O twopoint five f M, Philadelphia, brought
to you by Cheerleaders Gentlemen Club andLiquid IV. Liquid IV if you need

to pull it back right before youthrow up everybody Liquid IV. Uh you
guys, Mark Ali, Quimby,John Janson in studio ninety six degrees here,
one hundred and twelve in the studioand we'll be back right after this.
If you can wager on it.We're talking about it. It's the

Gambler and everybody, thanks for comingout. This is a great song,
isn't it pretty good? I actuallytotally disconnected. I was out. I

could hear where you said. EverybodyGreen Legion Radio, Fox Sports. The
Gambler one O two point five FM, Philadelphia broadcasting live from Shangri Lai in
Fort Lauderdale. My name is Quimby. Joined alongside you are President of the
South Florida Bird Gang, mister MarkAli, and the one dude who I

want to talk all the time butcan never get to shut up back in
studio, mister John Chanty. That'salways good, wasn't it. That's that's
good. Billy is there right?Yeah? You and your Jim Blossoms.
Yeah, all right, we promisedwe were gonna do picks, initial picks.
Right now, we've got ten howmuch time do we have? We

have like ten minutes? Ten?All right, here we go. All
right, I'm gonna go Mark Johnme all right, okaylet's see if we
can run game Game one, GreenBay Packers in Brazil. I'm gonna go
win. I'm going win as well. Yeah, I'll go win as well.

Yep, me too great. Ithink people are gonna be too high
on the Packers heading into that gameMonday night home opener. Kus Kirk Cousins
again, it's just a cruel joke. The NFL continues to play on him.
This is three years in a row, three years in a row,
three years in a row they're gonnalose, and three years in are they're
gonna lose. I'm gonna go Eagles. I'm going Eagles. Well yeah,

yeah, all right, two andzero, Week three in the Big Easy.
What he got this one? I'mgonna go a loss on this one.
Tell me what loss? I justI don't know. I just think
coming off those couple of games,I think it's gonna be a loss for
us. You gotta you gotta wonder, you gotta wonder if Brazil is going

to have any impact on that.You know, you're you're week three and
four. I I go ahead,John, I think he might be right.
First road game, and it's ait's always gonna be a tough defense
to play with New Orleans. Yeah, it's a loud stadium. Yeah,
you know what, you might bean aug loss there, loss there.
You know what. I I don'tlike going with the masses, but I

don't I don't like playing there.I don't like playing there. Uh,
it's just an it's a that fansare great, they're great, They're fantastic
people. But that dome, man, that that you want to talk about
home field advantage, it's probably oneof the best in any sports, actual

super dome. So all three ofus are going with a loss. That's
interesting, all right, Tampa oneo'clock boat race weekend you revenge revenge,
Yeah, little revenge again after playoffsloss? Yeah, all right, all
three of us are going well.And I think I think Tampa Bay's not
going to be as good this year. I think they're gonna take a step
back a week five. Everybody winsWeek five because we are going to Riviera

Maya everyone for the bye week bender. I would be staying at one of
the reu properties. I haven't decidedyet, but we are going to Riviera
Maya. I'll be the sure youwill if you pay for weeks Week six.

This is great. The one ofonly two one o'clock games at home
in the entire season against the ClevelandBrowns. I'm gonna go win here.
I'm going win as well. ShawnWatson still out? What what makes anybody
think this is gonna be a toughwin? It's still a team that's owned

by the Haslims. Right, who'syour who's your quarterback? It's gonna be
DeShawn Watsons. Okay, Watson stilla second. He Deshaun's gonna be in
trouble man, He's gonna be notallowed and washy washes anymore. I just
don't. I don't. I don'tthink he's gonna have the temperament for no
massages that week, no massages thatweek. All right, we're all going

win. Yeah, I'm going towin. The only thing that would worry
you is that Cleveland's defense is likelygonna be pretty good, and the running
game, if Nick Chubb is healthy, is usually good. But ye,
Jaggy Shaun Watson just can't. Hestinks right day, it's beer on Green
Legion Radio. We've used Rager andChubb, excellent everybody. I can't stand

you right now, Quimby, Ijust can't. I can't deal with that
right now. That's the that's thehardesty. Laugh. That's the most enjoyment
you had out of that show today. Thank you. Let me have a
little bit before it dies. Yeah, Week seven against the Giants. By
the way, the cheerleaders Gentlemen's clubbus to the Medal Lands. Oh,
I'm definitely going to that game.Then stop it. You are such a

liar. Cheerleaders bus to the metalLands. That is thirty nine guests and
ten beautiful ladies on the bus.It was kind of an amazing experience last
year. Giants, I'm in SaquonBarkley going home. What do you got?
I gotta I gotta win, gottawin. Is Daniel Jones still the

starting quarterback? Pick six? I'min Eagles win easily. As long as
the Giants have Daniel Jones did theirstarted, They're gonna stink. They're gonna
win four games this year if DanielJones did their starter. This is one
of the games where I'm on thefence. To be honest, you know,

it's still a professional football franchise,and where we know this team stinks.
They did beat us, They didbeat us. Now this is the
first time we get an opportunity toto to redemption redemption. So for that
reason alone, if the Eagles aren'tpumped up for this, and I think

is gonna be super pumped going back, youah have though. Yeah, So
I am gonna go with a winthere. Week eight, the Cincinnati Bungles.
Yeah, I'm gonna go. HeyBrown family, Yay we to pay
for those seat colors, Yay specialed Yay crank anchors. Uh, it's

gonna be a tough game. I'mgonna go with a l on that one.
Yeah. I hate saying it,I know, but well, Jansen,
what do you got. I'll actuallygo with a win here. Cincinnati's
kind of going through some things.T Higgins not happy. I don't know
if that offense is still gonna beall that good, and you know,
Joe Burrow is very injury pro.I don't know. I just I don't
have a good feeling about the Bengalscoming into this year, So I actually

I'll count that as a win.Is hurt. Yeah, I think we
have a good shot. I don'tlike this game. I don't like this
game at all. It's one ofthe ones that I don't like national game.
Uh. Fortunately, man, youreally hate this game. You really
don't like this game. Huh yeah, it's I'm going lost making you sick.

You're going lost, Okay, Iam going lost. Uh. Jaguars
eight twenty, Thank god, NFL, thanks for another night game. Thank
you. Dougy p is coming back. I'm gonna go with a win here
at home night game. It's aSunday night game, right, thank Sunday
night. I'll go lost. I'llgo Yeah, it's a Sunday night game,

Sunday night football. Yeap, butI'll go lost here. Actually,
I think Jacksonville is going to beimproved. They did well in the draft
and trev I love Trevor. Ithink Trevor's very good. So yeah,
I think you just like his hair. He does have great hair. I
would love to know the prodestanshine.But yeah, I like Jacksonville. Come
into the year, so I'll takeuh, I'll take you like the win.

Mark, Mark and I seem tobe aligned today. Uh. Week
ten, Cowboys? Can they finallybeat the Cowboys in Dallas for the Yeah,
I'm going with big w Are youa big wi? Okay, let's
go. I'm sorry what to wWell? No, No, I love
the Jerry Jones approach to free agency. We're gonna kill it, We're gonna

overspend. You signed one player andhe was dog crap, And Kellen's going
back with, oh yeah, donedone. Hold on a second, and
you know I get it now.We played Dallas in Dallas when the team
had given up, when they threwthe talent all right again, redemption.

I actually I think this game isa complete and total blowout, blowout,
blowout, forty to ten. Youknow, a thirty point margin of victory.
If you Jansen, when you getthe odds on the thirty plus point

margin of victory for the Eagles Cowboys, you're gonna take that. That's gonna
be full time plus odds. HisEagles are probably laying the farm. Yeah,
I'm sure it'll be underdogs because thehistory. It'll be three. No,
Dallas will be minus three. Yeah, they'll they'll most likely be I
mean, who knows that at thatpoint of the season where each team will
be at, but it'll probably bearound two and a half three. Uh,

Mark, What do you got forfor Dallas? Yeah? I got
them winning that one. I thinkI think gonna turn to tide, break
the chain. Jansen, I'll goloss. I'll go loss on that one.
I just think it's always something toplay in Dallas. And as much
as I think the back losses againstthe Jaguars and Cowboys, yep, now

I know that you're weird. Howis that weird? It's only three losses
so far. You lose it?Uh week eleven, yay eight fifteen game
Thursday, thank you, thank you, thank you. That's the one that

scares me. Thursday night game,Right, that's the one that scares me
because you put all your eggs inthe Cowboys basket and you have five days
or four days rest, you comeback and I don't and it and it's
a it's a late game. Soonce again, you know there's there's variables
all the time when you're talking aboutflights and the times of games. Right,

we just sometimes look at it andlaugh and go blah blah bahah.
No. All right, if thiswas a twelve o'clock game in Dallas,
the team's home by eight o'clock,all right, right, this is not
this game is a three forty ora three twenty five game. It's not
gonna be over until seven o'clock.And then you got two hours to get

to the airport and get on theplane and get everybody back. And then
you got a three and a halfhour flight or three hour and fifteen minute
flight. All right, you're notgetting back to the ask crack or till
the till sunset and or till midnight. Damn. I'm trying to make it
through, right, I don't like, you're almost there. You got like

you got a minute, you gotto like a minute or two, you're
almost We gotta blast through this.I have this as a loss. I'm
gonna go with a win, justbecause I don't believe in Jameson Dwens.
I'm going I actually do like janNander's lot. I hate the offensive coordinator,
the guy. I hate Cliff Kingsbury. But I'll go Eagles win.
I'll go Eagles when they bounce backhere from the two losses. Okay,
uh at Rams win? Yeah,whin We have a ten day mini bye

there, so I think they'll beregion We're all there. Yeah, Week
thirteen at the Ravens. This game, it's a loss, it's a loss
unless Lamar is hurt. But yeah, I think it's lost. Well,
Lamar's hurt every time he speaks.Jeez, this is savage Week fourteen,
your only other one o'clock game hereat home, everybody against the mogul Carolina

Panthers. They still win here.Yeah, win absolutely stink. Week fifteen,
more stink Steelers, Steelers. I'mgoing with a win. I think
the Steelers are garbage right now.Yep, win, all right, we're
almost there. Home stretch, homestretch at the Commanders. Week sixteen,

we're gonna go win for me,I'll go loss. I think by then
Jane Daniels would be pretty good anduh, Washington will be hitting their strat
a little bit, So I'm gonnago. H I'll go lost there,
go and win. Uh. Twelvetwenty nine. Week seventeen, four to
twenty five PM game. Jesus,our home schedule sucks. Wins win when

yep win, I'm doing it.Uh and then to be determined. Week
eighteen, Giants at home. WhenI think it's a loss, the Mighty
An, I don't think they're gonnabe playing for anything. I think they're
gonna be thirteen and three going in. Uh, they won't need the game
because they will have beaten the Cowboystwice. Yes, And I think this

is this is your four and two, right, this is your four and
two in your division. I don'tlike that Commander's game on the Thursday,
coming off of the Dallas game.Uh, And I don't you know this
game. I it just doesn't matter. I just don't think it's gonna matter.
I think this team will be thenumber one seed in the NFC and

they will be able to rest theirplayers. It'll be this will be there
bye week, this will be theirlate bye week. So that being said,
what do you guys have I haveyou you're loss? Right, Mark?
I have I have Yeah, Ihave them losing if they have nothing
to play for. Jansen, Ithink they will have a little bit of
something to play for, So I'llgo win and that'll have them. I

think I have them twelve and five. Then Canny Pickett, Canny picket.
All right, So what we're gonnado is next week, I'm gonna tally
this up because I can't do match. You can't do anything right now,
everybody, Green legs and radio.I can't shows we have ever had that's
the worst one. Mark, thanksfor coming to the crap show. Appreciate

you being Yeah, man, I'msweating like a fat kid looking for a
chocolate bar. It's it's terrible,chance down, It's crazy. Yeah,
anyway, I can't say fat kidanymore. Oh no, I I didn't
even hear you say that. Didyou call me if I'm sweating like a

fat kid looking for a chocolate bar? Oh? Excellent? Good everybody.
Humor is all over the place aswell. Here. I want I want
wings. I want to get outof there. There it is. That's
what I'm talking about, right there, Mark Wings. Hold on a second,
everybody trying to end the show.I want wings. Okay, I'm
just saying I want I want toget out of here and get some of
nowhere. I want to try toend the show. I'm going to the

last wings sound good right now?Just slathered in buffalo So everybody, green
leaves and radio succulent chicken. Ohmy god, that's it. I'm done.
Love you guys, green Legion dotcom on Monday for packages Other than
that, Jansen is fired. Goodnight, everybody,
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