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September 9, 2024 • 32 mins
Mark as Played

Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:00):
Michael, I think the media is showing this bird with
the stomach full of plastics is akin to the idea
that water in Pennsylvania after fracking, you know, tap water
could be lit on fire, which we know now is untrue,
and that it was had nothing to do with fracking,
that happened long before fracking. The whole idea is shock

value to make you fearful of this horrible thing.

Speaker 2 (00:28):
Then, and.

Speaker 3 (00:30):
Think about the rabbit hole that I went down simply
because of walking into a restaurant. And look, I'm influenced
by the cabal the end. The cabal pauses me because
I know, I know I need things to talk about.

If there certainly isn't the dearth of things to talk about,
there's an abundance of things to talk about. And having
that straw hit me down the rabbit hole of wait
a minute, why, why why are we doing this? And
what's what's different about this straw versus another straw, by
the way, you know, and somebody you mentioned I better

give credit or I'll get in trouble. I I don't
goober number nine two two four points out a very
very good point. I know that a secondary use of
plastic straws is to use it as a toothpick. Dragon,
have you ever done this? I know we're on radio.

I just took the straw and used it as a toothpick.
Come on, you've done it. You know you've done it.
Don't lie to me. Was it last week? I think
it was last week? Uh. The Attorney General Merrick Garland
and the FBI director Christopher Ray came out and claimed

that Russia it must be a lection here. Russia is
again that Russia is actively interfering in the twenty twenty
four US presidential election, and specifically that they are using
a company out of Tennessee or Kentucky. I forget which
tenant media?

Speaker 2 (02:14):
Is this the story about Vladimir Putin throwing his support
behind Kamala Harris. Yeah, that's election interference, isn't it.

Speaker 4 (02:21):

Speaker 3 (02:21):
No, oh no, no, you don't understand that. Sometimes sometimes
it is. Sometimes it is. Oh okay, see, you just
need to know which side of the room you need
to be.

Speaker 2 (02:32):
You see, I'm just the dumb headline guy. So right,
you need to know do I look left, do I
look right? Do I open my eyes, do I close
my eyes? Do I read the rest of the story?

Speaker 3 (02:41):
Or do I not read the rest of the story, Well,
the whole in a nutshell, the story was essentially that
Russia and a bunch of Putin surrogates were funding Tenant Media,
or I shouldn't say funding, but providing investment into Tenant Media,
and that Tenant Media hired people like Dave Rubin, Tim Poole,

Benny Johnson. There was a fourth I'm not forget it,
the fourth one was and so they were, you know,
somehow useful idiots or tools of Russia. Would Indeed, that
would be like saying, you know, somebody's invested in iHeart
Let's just say that some oligarch from Russia invested bought

up a bunch of shares of iHeartMedia. Well, does that
make me a tool of Russia? Hardly so. And even
if iHeartMedia was a privately held company and as opposed
to a publicly traded company, if somebody invested into that
private company, does that still make me No, Because I'm
sitting here talking about what I want to talk about now.

If they invested in the company and said we're going
to give you ten million dollars, but only if Michael
Brown talks about this now, it's an entirely different story
at all what happened. But here's what nobody is telling you.
An election security update issued by the Biden dash Harris

government's Director of National Intelligence, the d and I, actually
contradicts in part what the Attorney General and Christopher Ray
were trying to tell us last week. Specifically, the Director
of National Intelligence states this, the intelligence community has not

observed any foreign actor seeking to interfere in the conduct
of the twenty twenty four elections. The interagency election security
community assesses that it would be very difficult for a
foreign actor to manipulate election processes at a large enough
scale to impact the outcome of a federal election without

detection by intelligence collection, post election audits, or the physical
and cybersecurity monitoring of the decentralized and diverse election infrastructure
across our country. Well, now, hang on a minute. Last week,

that same administration, the Biden Harris administration, through the Attorney General,
the best bud of Joe Biden. By the way, where
is Joe today? What's Joe doing? I wonder, is Joe
back at the beach? It's Joe taking off? What's going on?
And the FBI director they announced that they were going

to indict these two Russian nationals for violating the Foreign
Agents Registration Act, the FARA Act. So they held a
news conference announcing the prosecutions, and both Garland and Ray
during those news conferences insinuated that these two Russian individuals
were at the center of a plot to interfere in

the election. But if you read the indictment itself, it
details just a broader scheme to inject pro Russia talking
points into American news and heightened partisan discord and heighten
partisan discord among all of us. Then I got to thinking,

wait a minute, they want to insert pro Russia talking
points into American news and heighten partisan discord among Americans.
That got me the thinking about an organization that I

had a little bit of involvement with. I shouldn't say involved,
I had a little interaction with a little bit of
interaction with something called Voice of America. They have America
European voice, they got American Middle Eastern voice, they got

an American African voice, they got an American Australian voice,
they got American everything voice all over the world. And
you know what they do. They tried to inject pro
American talking points into that country or that continence news
and maybe not necessarily trying to heighten partisan discord among

the population, but trying to get them to wait a minute,
don't listen to what the Russian news agencies are telling you. Instead,
you got to listen to what we're telling you. Isn't
that the same thing? Aren't we doing the same thing
that we're going after them for now? Indeed, let me

be very let's nuance this a little bit. Indeed, these
two individuals may have violated the Foreign Agent's Registration Act
by failing to register as a foreign agent acting on
behalf of a foreign country in this country, you know,
kind of like you know, Hunter Biden may have done
the same thing, but I digress. So that may be

the technical criminal violation. But that's not how it was presented.
Was presented as though Russia was trying to interfere in
the election, and that somehow the Dave Rubens and the
Tim Pooles and the Benny Johnson's had all become useful
idiots spewing talking points given to them by these Russian individuals. Well,

it turns out that's not true at all, and that
now the Director of National Intelligence is saying that today
the intelligent intelligence community has not observed any foreign actor
seeking to interfere in the conduct of the twenty twenty
four election. Who why do we keep falling for this crap?

And why is there no You know, there's a thing
called the Pulitzer Prize. Poulter Prize is given for lots
of things, but you know, news reporting, investigative reporting is
one of the things that you win a bullet for

Woodranden Bernstein I think didn't deserve it, but they won
a Poolazer Prize for their stories in the Washington Post
about Watergate, which was really a complete fiasco. But that's
the story for another time. Wouldn't it be amazing to

have a media that would come out and say, like, like,
go to the next press conference, or send a list
ofquestions to Merrick Garland, send a less of questions to
the FBI, or you know, the FBI probably has a
daily news conference, probably just like the attorney the Department
of Justice, probably liked in the State Department. They all

have daily news conferences. Why not just go in and say, no,
wait a minute. The other day, Christopher Ray and the
Attorney General told us this, but the Director of National
Intelligence tells us that and those two are completely opposite things.
So can you help us square those? Can you help

us uncontradict those that would be wonderful reporting, wouldn't it?
But it won't and it can't and it never is
going to happen because while well, I've reached the point
I think I said something about this maybe last week

where literally everything that I hear, you know because I
turn over it. I try to every evening to turn
over and be flipping back and forth between the network
news to see what their lead story is, uh, to
see how they're reporting on the different stories. So I'm
just boom boomom, going back watching both or all three

as much as I can. And I really have reached
the point where it's just all a big lie. Everything's
just a big, giant, big gass lie, and nobody other
than now, not just me, but conservative talk radio hosts

I think are the only place you can go, and
I certainly try to do it here to tell you, you
know what, here's what's being said, Here's what I think
about what's being said. Here's how I back up what
I believe about what's being said. And here are some sources,
and here are some reasons and perhaps change your perspective
or at least make you realize that what you're hearing

out side you know these four hours may just be
utterable bull crup, utter bull crup. Another example, the Department
of Justice has now admitted that an illegal alien fraudulently
assumed an American citizen's identity and used that identity to vote,

quote in multiple elections and obtain multiple US passports. Angelica
Maria Francisco, described as a quote undocumented individual by the
Department of Justice facis charges of false claims of citizenship
in connection with voting, false statements and application for a

US passport. You at the use of a US passport
obtained by false statements and agribd identity theft. Now, Francisco
was originally from Guatemala that interestingly, she's already reached a
pea agreement with the prosecutors and is expected to pee
guilty at a some time in the future to be

scheduled court appearance. She's known to have registered to vote
in Alabama in twenty sixteen, and she is known to
have voted in the twenty sixteen In twenty twenty primary
and general elections, but the Department of Justice will not
disclose who she voted for. Huh, why wouldn't you tell
us that if you know, if you know she voted,

and you're able to tie a fraudulent ballot to this woman,
then you know who she voted for. Why won't you
tell us? That's like everybody keeps asking me if I've
found out yet the state trooper that was shot that
killed the Hispanic person out over on the Boulder Turnpike.

Do I know yet? The nationality? I no, I've not heard,
and of course I haven't looked since I've been on air,
but I don't think that anybody has disclosed them nationality.
So we don't know whether it's a trend or a
wrong with you know, Venezuelan gang member or not. We
can certainly speculate that well could be, but that it
should be pure speculation. This is not speculation. This is

a criminal indictment. This is a criminal indictment that indicts
a Guatemalan for in twenty sixteen, in twenty twenty in
both primary and general elections, to be able to prove
beyond a reasonable doubt, apparently because they've reached a plea agreement.
So she apparently must be guilty. So they know the ballot,

They know she casts the ballot, so they know who
she voted for, but they won't disclose it. So that
leads to reasonable speculation. And the reasonable speculation is they
don't want you to know that she voted for a Democrat,

say I don't know Hillary Clintner, Joe Biden, and then
on the down ballot, maybe Democrats on the down ballot also,
So then you have to ask yourself, why wouldn't they
want you to know that, because that proves the thesis
that illegal aliens are voting in our elections and they're

primarily voting for Democrats. And that's another proof that this
is why Democrats want those people in this country, so
that they can vote Democratic. H When you fail to
tell us the truth or to give us all the

facts about what's going on, well then you have indeed
led to reasonable speculation that what you're trying to hide
is something that you don't want us to know. Because
what you don't want us to know is that, oh,
what we have, what we have proposed, what we have supposed,

is actually true. In fact, when we get back, let's
listen to somebody that will tell us exactly why they
won't tell us who that woman voting for. Typical leftist progresses.

Speaker 5 (16:21):
They claim to be so culturally aware, but it appears
they've never stepped foot in developing country other than to
sit at a resort and be served like a princess.
If you spend any time at all outside of a
manicured resort, you see, those cultures have almost no accountability
when it comes to disposing of trash.

Speaker 3 (16:36):
Oh, by the way, guess what.

Speaker 5 (16:38):
You're importing into this country.

Speaker 3 (16:43):
Well, actually, I don't have to guess what we're importing
into this country, because Chuck Schumer, the Senate Majority Leader,
the senior US senator from the great state of New York,
tells us how more than ever, we're short of workers.

Speaker 6 (17:00):
We have a population that is not reproducing it on
its own with the same level that it used to.
The only way we're going to have a great future
in America is if we welcome and embrace immigrants, the Dreamers,
and all of them, because our ultimate goal is to
help the Dreamers. But get a path to citizenship for
all eleven million or however many undocumented there are here.

Speaker 3 (17:23):
Oh, we got to get citizenship for all and I
love it all eleven million or however many of them
are here. Citizenship and why is that important? That's important
because House Republican lawmakers there's a bill pending, the SAVE Act,

the Safeguarding American Voter Eligibility Act, don't you love acronyms,
Safeguarding American Voters Ability Act. That bill would require proof
of citizenship when you go register to vote, so that
the legal requirement, the current legal requirement, which that's remember

Francisco from Guatemala violated the requirement that you have to
be a US citizen to vote in the US election.
This way, that bill would require that provision to be enforced.
But can you guess who might be opposed to it? Yeah,

the Senate Democrats and a Democrat controlled White House. They
oppose that bill. You know, a lot of news reports
talk about that bill as a reform bill, and I
always found that title kind of disingenuous because it's not reform,

it's enforcing current law. Again, we talked about polls, and
of course we'll have a lot of polls, becuse tomorrow
night we got the debate of the millennia, right, the
Trump Harris debate. Oh, so many things like, get the popcorn, kids,

Get the popcorn. It's not a reform bill. It's a
bill that simply enforces the law. And Democrats don't care
what you think. And outright majority of Americans believe rightfully
so that the Biden Harris regime has allowed illegal immigration

to reach on presidented levels. Why in the hope that's
going to create a permanent majority for the Democrats over time.
We talked about during the break, I've got the Drudge
Report up over here as one of my monitors, you know,

again looking for breaking news, anything that happens. This isn't
breaking news, but it's a great example of why this
importation of illegal aliens into the country is so important.
The headline is Warren Buffets. This is from Bloomberg. Warren

Buffett's Nebraska becomes sudden political battleground. Now it goes on
to talk about there's a shifting dynamic and how Senator
deb Fisher, who's seeking a third term as a US Senator,
is kind of getting beat up by Dan Osborn, who

is a union leader. I might argue that just the
name Osborne and Nebraska will probably get you elected to
do anything simply because of coach Osborne, but there was
a paragraph that I thought pretty Let me see if
I can find it again, because this paragraph pretty sums

up why Nebraska and why most places. Colorado is an example.
I can't find the exact paragraph now, but anyway, it
talks about one of the reasons that Nebraska is beginning
to change and why there's such a focus on Democrats

registering and get out the vote in Nebraska. Because when
you think of Nebraska, much like I think in Nebraska.
My sister in law grew up in rural in Nebraska,
and when I think in Nebraska, I don't really necessarily
think of Omaha. I think of all of the farmland
and the sand hills and all the great parts of Nebraska.

Don't really think about Omaha. But this story in Bloomberg
referred to Omaha as the blue dot. And because of
the way that Nebraska divides up its electoral votes based
upon congressional districts, Omaha, as a almost self contained congressional district,
becomes a blue dot. Why why does it become a

blue dot? And why is that so important? Because urban people,
people that live in urban areas like where I am
where I am right now, tend to just generally speak,
making a generalization here, tend to be more left of center.
And then, although this is changing somewhat, but primarily where

do illegal aliens go to? Urban areas? Now, why do
they go to the urban areas? They go to the
urban areas because they can more easily kind of disc
eyes and hide, you know, hide in the shadows. They're
more likely to get government money for housing, for food,

for transportation, for everything. So that's where the money is.
So it's almost like again we talked about cats earlier,
it's like feeding straight cats. Where does if a straight
cat knows that if they go to Omaha they're going
to get fed, or if they go to Denver they're
gonna get all sorts of bennies. Well, of course they're
going to keep going to Denver. Of course they're going

to keep going to Dallas. Of course they're going to
keep going to the urban areas. So when you look
around at all of the states that have turned predominantly blue,
it's because of the urban areas. Look at Colorado. If
you take if you made the front range of Colorado
a separate state, say from laramer County down to well,

let's just say a Rapahole County and then left Douglas
County and everything south, even even put Pueblo in and
had everything on the eastern plains all the way through Pueblo,
even onto the western slope. You have a red Colorado
and the front range would be that blue dot. Because

there's so many people in the front range, Colorado's turn blue.
And that's happening in Nebraska. And the Democrats know that.
That's why they still believe. And if you live in Texas,
you need to pay attention to this because when you
look at Harris County, when you look at Bear County,

San Antonio, you look at Dallas Fort Worth, those are
all blue dots. And you get enough blue. Forgot Travis,
I forgot Austin. You take all of those blue dots
in Texas and you keep packing and packing and packing
more people from California or other from New York or wherever,

because they all want to go live in Texas. They
all want to go live in Colorado. Or when they
move here, where do they go? They go to the
urban areas. Go back to Chuck Schumer, where does he
think these people are going to go? Well, he knows
exactly where they're going to go now more than ever.
We're short of workers.

Speaker 6 (25:23):
We have a population that is not reproducing it on
its own with the same level that it used to.
The only way we're going to have a great future
in America is if we welcome and embrace immigrants, the
Dreamers and all of them, because our ultimate goal is
to help the dreamers, but get a path to citizenship
for all eleven million or however many undocumented there are here.

Speaker 3 (25:47):
Just you know're havel of me. Where of the eleven
million or whatever the number is twenty million? Where are
the majority of those illegal aliens? Where do you think
the majority of illegal aliens are in Colorado? Do you
think they're until you're right? Do you think they're down
in Cortes County? Do you think they're in Steamboat? Do

you think they're out in Yuma? Do you think they're
in Springfield Campo. No, they're in the Front Range. They're
in Aurora, They're in Denver, They're in Westminster, They're in Brighton,
they're in Commerce City. They're here, They're right here. And
the more and more and more you pack in, two

things happened. Colorado becomes predominantly blue, and the more people
you pack into one geographical area. Now this is kind
of uh, you'd have to graph this out. But as
more people concentrate into one geographical area and that number

begins to outweigh other areas, you get an extra congressional district.
And then when the Democrats who control the state legislature
draw that congressional district, what are they going to do.
They're gonna take the front range and divide it up
into more Democrat controlled congressional district and Colorado becomes permanently blue.

And Texas they're gonna do the same thing to you.
Not again, I don't want to believe, and I don't
think it's gonna happen in my lifetime, But if places
like Texas and Oklahoma are not careful, it's gonna happen
to them. And it all goes back to illegal immigration.
They know precisely what they're doing. So then when Republicans

have something like the Save Act and we're going to
try to make certain that only people who are citizens
vote in this country's elections, and it gets blocked by Democrats,
ask yourself, why why isn't the Democrats would not want
that act to pay pass so that it becomes an

enforcible law with certain requirements hoop that you would have
to jump through in order to get registered to vote
in your precinct by proving your American citizenship because they
haven't gotten all the others in yet. No, once they

get them in and get a path to citizenship and
give them citizenship, boom, it's over.

Speaker 1 (28:26):
Allow me to be a two dimensional simpleton right now
by saying.

Speaker 4 (28:30):
Why don't we just deport these illegal aliens instead of
going through all this legal stuff left right up and down,
knowing that the first thing they did was commit a
crime by coming here.

Speaker 3 (28:49):
Because that's simpleton. We can't do it because it's simpleton.
Trump says he'll do it, and I believe that he will.
Think it's gonna be as easy easy he thinks it's
going to be.

Speaker 2 (29:02):
I believe he'll try. Yes, whether or not it will happen,
that's up for debate. Right he will try.

Speaker 3 (29:08):
I think he will try. And I but I'll go
one step further, dragon, I think he will partially succeed.
There will be some that will be I mean, like
the Venezuelan gangs. I mean, you have to go through
all the processes of actually capturing them, and then you know,
putting them on a plane. Can you imagine a seven
fifty seven, a three and three configuration, so you got

three on each side, you got us marshals all up
and down the aisle, everybody, any shackles, flying directly to Caracas,
and then just pushing him off the plane. And uh.
In fact, what I would do is I land in Caracas,
I'd fog march him down the steps. I'd leave him
on the tarmac in the shackles, and then I'd take off.

That's what I'd do. I'd be well, you know, and
make sure you got you know, you got them. I
on their record, all of it.

Speaker 2 (30:01):
I don't mind them leave it leading them on the tarmac.
But you can't leave them handcuffed?

Speaker 3 (30:05):
Why not? Just there'll be somebody there. Look, great business, put.

Speaker 2 (30:11):
The same key over there.

Speaker 3 (30:12):
Great business for the locksmiths. Great you know what, great
business for the guys that have the steel. You know
that some sort of saw audigo cut them.

Speaker 2 (30:21):
Off the cake baker's with the files inside of.

Speaker 3 (30:24):
Them exactly exactly. Uh, only because Dragon put it on
my desk. The ideal penisize has been revealed.

Speaker 2 (30:38):
Me huh, go right, ahead, blame me for you reading
a story.

Speaker 3 (30:43):
Well, if I don't read the story, you're gonna be
mad at me. A recent survey of eight hundred heterosexual
women has revealed the preferred penis size for a partner,
and it's good news for fellows fearing their member might
not measure up. The poll was conducted by zip Health,
with a majority of ladies listing blank as they're lusted
after length and blank as the ideal girth. The poe

was conducted by zip Helthu, with the majority of ladies
listing blank. Let's see a recent report revealed that the
average length is blank. What do you think the ideal
length is for a penis for this survey of eight
hundred heterosexual women.

Speaker 2 (31:26):
Well, just going off of what I've seen, probably nine inches.

Speaker 3 (31:31):
Kelly, what's your what's your preferred size?

Speaker 6 (31:33):

Speaker 2 (31:35):
Nine or ten?

Speaker 3 (31:38):
Well? You both are way your expedition, your expedition, Kimmedy Christmas.
First of all, I'm married to a very willing individual. Well, congratulations,
By what do you have over there? Michael?

Speaker 2 (31:54):
Are you going to say like five five and a half?

Speaker 3 (31:56):
The answer is a majority of ladies listing five point
five inches as they're lusted after length crap. The average
the average length is five point one point seven, so
the average guy is short by just a little, you know,

quarter of an inch. I cannot believe I did that
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