All Episodes

November 15, 2024 • 74 mins
HAPPY FRIDAYYYYY! Surprisingly, no game from Johnjay today BUT we had a TON of other stuff to get to including the Weird Thing a Guest Has Done IN YOUR HOME. Also, Payton had a sip and paint night and Rich had a flub that we did not notice but ended up being quite interesting. Also, CELEBRITY WHO SAID THAT and SO MUCH MORE! Have an amazing weekend.
Mark as Played

Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:02):
Wake, John Jay and Rich, what's crack I like?

Speaker 2 (00:07):
And this is the big boss dog snoopy deegle.

Speaker 3 (00:09):
Double gisel bang boom. What you don't do?

Speaker 2 (00:13):
We're not talking about rin tens.

Speaker 3 (00:14):
And we're not talking about last it's the one and
only dog you know the.

Speaker 2 (00:17):
Glasses lastly, big smooth eagle, double jig in your face
to me and in the place to be.

Speaker 4 (00:22):
And you're listening to John Jay and Rich, Wake your.

Speaker 3 (00:24):
Ass, John Jay and Rich, it's Friday. You guys.

Speaker 5 (00:30):
Our numbers eight seven seven ninety three seven one O
four seven. You can text us Text jj R whatever's
on your mind to ninety six eight ninety three. Here's
the text after listening to Kyle's story about curbing her
husband's truck. I can completely sympathize with Scott. Every time
my boyfriend wants to use my car, I internally do

John Jaye. I love my boyfriend to death, but he's
a terrible driver. My car was beautiful when we met,
and now it's pieced together with the bumper being held
together by duct tape. People think I did it because
they see a female driving, but I'm a professional driver
with CDL. Love you, Kyle, you're hilarious.

Speaker 6 (01:10):
Oh my gosh, Knema accidentally got well. I still don't
really know the truth of this. I questioned him a
lot on what actually went down.

Speaker 3 (01:19):
But when we were.

Speaker 6 (01:20):
Both living in Portland, he drove my car in a
car backed into him and apparently the truck got away,
and I was like, why would you not follow the truck?
I didn't really believe him. I was you definitely hit something, but.

Speaker 7 (01:32):
Oh, right, quote unquote the truck cutaway, That's.

Speaker 8 (01:35):
What I was saying.

Speaker 6 (01:36):
I was like, you, of all people, let somebody just
get away with backing, and you wouldn't have done that
if it was your car.

Speaker 9 (01:42):
Yeah, what did you run into? Exactly?

Speaker 3 (01:45):
John, Jay and Rich.

Speaker 5 (01:45):
Have you guys seen the viral tiktoks of radio shows
doing second eight update? They should at least have to
pay homage to the ogs, that's right.

Speaker 3 (01:53):
I know.

Speaker 5 (01:54):
It's crazy how many people copy everything we do. But
it's supposed to be a compliment, but.

Speaker 8 (02:00):
I'm a flattery.

Speaker 3 (02:00):
They don't do it like us. Hey, let's get into
what Peyton did last night. I think it's really interesting.
You brought it up a couple of weeks ago. So
what exactly happened.

Speaker 10 (02:10):

Speaker 6 (02:11):
So a couple of weeks ago, I was telling you
guys that I got invited to my brother Jyalen's friend's
birthday party, and it was going to be a paint
and sip birthday party, a.

Speaker 11 (02:21):
Paint and.

Speaker 8 (02:24):
Can't you say Peyton a paint and.

Speaker 6 (02:28):
Sip party, And basically the theme of the party was
the Museum of Mattie and we were going to paint
her like one of our French girls.

Speaker 8 (02:37):
Literally, she like laid.

Speaker 6 (02:38):
Out on this like black delongated chair and was wearing
this massive fur coat and the cutest little bikini and
we all had to like sit there while we had our.

Speaker 8 (02:50):
Drinks and paint her onto canvases.

Speaker 3 (02:53):
Did she move? She no, not really want to stay still.

Speaker 9 (02:57):

Speaker 8 (02:58):
But also.

Speaker 6 (03:00):
There wasn't really many artists in the group, so we
all kind of had our own artistic way of interpretating her.
I didn't know how to draw legs, so she was
a mermaid for me. I made her mermaid, and my
brother Jalen, he just did like abstract paint, so he
just drew a bunch of lines. And then my cousin

Megan was there and she drew the chair and then
she just wrote Maddie on the chair.

Speaker 8 (03:25):
Like we had her all of our weird ways to
do it.

Speaker 6 (03:28):
But the way that they set it up was like
absolutely insane. It was such a fun time.

Speaker 5 (03:32):
So do you have any pictures or video of last
night so we can get a vibe.

Speaker 3 (03:36):
And it is just something people can do. Anybody can do.

Speaker 8 (03:38):
Yeah, I mean she just put it together.

Speaker 6 (03:39):
It was maybe a group of fifteen people and they
set up a bunch of tables or something.

Speaker 3 (03:46):
Go to a place.

Speaker 8 (03:47):
No, they just didn't in the backyard.

Speaker 5 (03:49):
I wonder, like, to me, that seems so interesting psychologically. Okay,
everybody come over to my house and paint me.

Speaker 3 (03:55):
She's probably you know what I'm saying, But you know
what I'm saying, It seems a little like I would get, hey,
come over to my house. We're gonna paint this this tree,
or we're gonna paint this other thing.

Speaker 9 (04:08):
Keep the artworker. We're used toposed to keep the artwork.

Speaker 6 (04:10):
She kept the artwork, and she's like, I'm gonna have
these friber and hang them up everywhere.

Speaker 3 (04:14):
The museum of every room in my house is a
picture of me.

Speaker 8 (04:18):
Yeah. There was literally no joke.

Speaker 6 (04:22):
Maybe one hundred printed out pictures of her. It was
all over the house and to me, I'm like, this
is genius, Like I want to do this for my birthday.
Like she's total main character energy and I love this
girl to pieces.

Speaker 8 (04:33):
She's so a man.

Speaker 3 (04:33):
I'd like to meet her.

Speaker 8 (04:34):
You would actually love her.

Speaker 3 (04:36):
She's fine.

Speaker 5 (04:36):
That's so interesting, and I also want to see the
whole Like like for to go, I'm gonna wear a
fur coat and a bikini.

Speaker 12 (04:42):
Yeah, she planned the party right, It's like she put
it together.

Speaker 6 (04:47):
It was her birthday party and she had asked us.
She was like, well, what do you guys think I
should wear? Like should I wear this dress or a bikini?
And we're like, girl, just wear the fur coat, Like
just send.

Speaker 12 (04:57):
It see something. I guess that's just opposite. Like my
buddy Bobby I to his party over the weekend. He
was like, please don't have a party for me, Please,
please don't let anybody acknowledge me, Like I just want
to go to dinner where two people don't invite a
bunch of people. He was so bothered that there was
a bunch of people there for him, Like some people
get opposite.

Speaker 3 (05:12):
Bobby put on this for a coat and we're all
going to paint. You want to talk to other people?
I wouldn't order him quiet. Like, by the way, I'm
just totally in love with Kyle's off it right now?
Want it? Is it a great? I want to?

Speaker 9 (05:28):
I want to.

Speaker 8 (05:29):
I want to paint.

Speaker 3 (05:30):
You just bring some paint in there and paint. Kyle.

Speaker 5 (05:32):
It's like, what is that leopard skin? I don't know
what it is, but it's awesome. It's straight, very like
winter Fall ray Gun outfit.

Speaker 3 (05:46):
Yeah, you do some break dancing. We can put on
TikTok gun. I asked her where she got it because
I want it in a two X where'd you get it?
I love it?

Speaker 5 (06:02):
Anyway, we'll put Can you put some of the videos
and pictures up of the paint and sip on Johntay
and Rich on Instagram.

Speaker 3 (06:09):
Christmas Wish Seasons officially here.

Speaker 5 (06:11):
So if you know a family needs help a Christmas miracle,
go to Johntay and Rich dot com and tell us
about them.

Speaker 3 (06:16):
Right now, Kyle, what's kind of a three team?

Speaker 7 (06:18):
You need to know if you have a dog that
you absolutely love and want to live on forever, I'm
gonna tell you how you can make that happen next
with John Jaye Rich.

Speaker 3 (06:27):
Call the show and Join the Fun with John Jayne
Rich Kyle on Fugg with three things we need to know.

Speaker 7 (06:36):
If you want your dog to live on even after
they pass. Cloning has become super popular. It's not just
something for you know, crazy people anymore.

Speaker 9 (06:47):
Cloning it works. It's for real. And there is one
company in.

Speaker 7 (06:51):
The United States that's it just one that offers pet
cloning currently.

Speaker 9 (06:55):
It's called ViaGen.

Speaker 7 (06:57):
Currently has a five month wait list. Oh my gosh,
you're gonna have to wait on that one. And it
cost fifty thousand dollars.

Speaker 3 (07:06):
Did you get the exact same dog or pet that
you had?

Speaker 8 (07:09):

Speaker 7 (07:10):
Yeah, I remember I told you guys about that. That
couple that I met and they cloned their cat and
they said, the cat really is exactly like the other one,
so it definitely.

Speaker 5 (07:18):
Well, the thing is, though, if you do that, you
know how they'll say, Jimmie Fox is a clone. Jimmy
Fox is fifty five years old. That means they'd have
to have fifty five years ago start the clone. No, No,
you could clone someone the exact same age that they
are right now.

Speaker 7 (07:31):
Well, if you go by what if you go buy
off of what ViaGen does. What they do is they
actually have to like basically scrape off a sample either
right before the animal dies or right after the animal dies.

Speaker 9 (07:42):
Okay, so you could scrape off some of fifty.

Speaker 7 (07:45):
Year old year old year old yeah.

Speaker 9 (07:49):
Jamie Fox.

Speaker 7 (07:50):
And then what they do is they basically, like here's
they said, they take the DNA, they take the cells,
and then they actually implant it into an egg that
they've removed all of the DNA from.

Speaker 3 (08:00):
But then it's a baby. So that's what I'm saying, Like,
if you clone Jamie Fox, it's a it's an infant
Jamie Fox. And you gotta wait for him to be
fifty five years old to say he's been cloned.

Speaker 7 (08:09):
Well with people, maybe they do host bodies with three
D printing.

Speaker 3 (08:12):
You never know. Oh god, you're twisted.

Speaker 9 (08:14):
You never know. I've just seen a lot of movies.
I mean, we've all seen that in a movie.

Speaker 13 (08:17):
Right, what's to stop them?

Speaker 12 (08:19):
Like slip, Let's say you have a German shepherd and
you clone the German shepherd fifty grand don't they just
go out and search for a German shepherd that looks
exactly like what.

Speaker 3 (08:26):
A dog looks like I could.

Speaker 7 (08:27):
Say yeah, yeah, And well, just judging off of the
couple that I met that actually went through this with
her cat, it was like not just how the cat looks,
it was like exact mannerisms, exact behaviors of their cat.

Speaker 9 (08:40):
So I mean whatever, it's fifty thousand dollars.

Speaker 7 (08:43):
So it's like it is still kind of just for
elite or like super rich people, but it's out there,
and like I said, there's a five month waitless, so
it's getting really popular. Olympic scare. Lindsay Vaughn made a
huge announcement yesterday. She's coming out of retirement, returning to
competitive skiing after five years of announcing her retirement.

Speaker 9 (09:02):
Explain the reason for doing this.

Speaker 7 (09:03):
She has aspirations, she likes to go fast. She had
a surgery. Now she's skiing pain free. She's looking for
the World Cup and who knows, maybe another Olympics.

Speaker 9 (09:11):
You never know.

Speaker 7 (09:12):
A software engineer in Minnesota, this is amazing, invented what
he's calling the poop copter. He's got a little corgy.
Little corgy goes number two and he doesn't want to
pick up the number two.

Speaker 9 (09:23):
So what does he do? I'm a software engineer.

Speaker 7 (09:25):
I'm basically going to create a flying rumba for dog poop.
And he did it and it works and allergic Allegedly
this thing flies around his backyard and when it detects
what he called a brown parcel, it descends, scoops it up,
and he's got a designated spot for it to like
PLoP the remains if you will. He says he wants
to make this a direct to consumer piece, like he's

working on an app similar to the app that you
would use for your roomba, but for your backyard. It
would map it out and then have a little drop zone.

Speaker 9 (09:55):
I think it's pretty genius personally.

Speaker 7 (09:59):
Yeah, Fully he can get it to the consumers, which
is us soon.

Speaker 9 (10:03):
And that's three things you need to know.

Speaker 5 (10:05):
Here's a text, by the way, you could text us
text jj R.

Speaker 3 (10:09):
Whatever's on your mind to nine six eight ninety three.

Speaker 5 (10:12):
This text says, good morning, Jean Rich did grant pull
a baby Noah and ask for the day off because
the new season of Cobra Kai just dropped.

Speaker 14 (10:23):
Hey guys, early, I know I need to tell you guys,
and this is a huge day for me. Also, does
anybody want to come over?

Speaker 3 (10:32):
Yeah? Man, I'm down leave you.

Speaker 10 (10:35):
It could be.

Speaker 3 (10:37):
Today, guys, like it's finally Friday's horscope time, Payton, what's
the vibe?

Speaker 8 (10:42):
It's National Recycling Day.

Speaker 6 (10:43):
So I'm gonna tell you if you are likely to
take back your X or not based on your zodiac.

Speaker 3 (10:48):
Sign, Stephanie, what you're saying? Good morning?

Speaker 15 (10:52):
Good morning guys.

Speaker 16 (10:53):
I am a Scorpio.

Speaker 8 (10:54):
Oh Scorpio.

Speaker 6 (10:55):
We're in Scorpio the season right now, and the answer
to if you would take your X back would be
absolutely not. Scorpio either hates their ex or secretly stalks them.
But you guys would never get back together. Once you're
out of a Scorpio's trust zone, you're getting shredded and
not recycled.

Speaker 15 (11:11):
That is so funny and basically so true.

Speaker 3 (11:14):
As well, for sure. Thanks Devy, have a good day
guys too. Hi Macey, Hey, good morning. What's your sign, Macy?

Speaker 15 (11:26):
My sign is the best one of all Virgo?

Speaker 3 (11:28):
So true?

Speaker 6 (11:29):
Yeah, John Jay is also our Virgo in the room.
But to answer the question if you would take your
X back or not, it would be unlikely. Virgo has
already listed all of the reasons why their X wasn't
good for them in alphabetical order. The recycling bin just too.

Speaker 8 (11:43):
Messy for them.

Speaker 6 (11:44):
Virgo's prefers starting fresh and unproblematic.

Speaker 15 (11:48):
Very very true. You only get one shot with me, ye.

Speaker 3 (11:52):
May have a great day. Thanks you too, I'm missy.
What's your sign?

Speaker 8 (11:57):

Speaker 6 (11:58):
Okay, I'm a Leo too, Miss Okay, Leo's we would
only take our ex back if their ex begs for them,
and even then us Leo's we need a lot of convincing.
We don't recycle, we upcycle. So unless the X comes
back better, shinier, and full of compliments, we are going
to toss them to the curb.

Speaker 8 (12:17):
Yep, yep, I agree with that too.

Speaker 3 (12:20):
Can Misty have a great, wonderful day? How about Pisces?

Speaker 8 (12:25):
Yeah, Rich is my Pisces.

Speaker 6 (12:27):
The answer to this, Rich, if you would take your
X back is yes, one hundred percent. Pisces believe in
second chances and soulmates and the plot of every rom
com ever, and your ex could show up with zero
excuses and you would still be.

Speaker 8 (12:38):
Like I believe in us.

Speaker 12 (12:39):
Yeah, in a dating world, that is absolutely true. If
you ever watch that movie be Highidelity, where the guy
work's the record store and he goes back over every
breakup to find out what went wrong. That was so
like mid twenties Richarah. Okay, I would have totally done that.
In fact, that movie was inspiring. I didn't do that,
but it was inspiring.

Speaker 3 (12:54):

Speaker 6 (12:54):
Okay, yeah, my Pisces, you guys are use are the
nice ones, that's for sure.

Speaker 3 (12:57):
Hey, Lurie, what's your sign?

Speaker 17 (13:00):
I'm a Taurus.

Speaker 6 (13:01):
Okay, So for my Taurus, if you guys would take
your X back, the answer is maybe, Taurus. You love
your you love your routines and your comfort zones. But
if the relationship felt stable, you might consider getting back together,
but only if your ex promises loyalty in a lifetime
supply snacks.

Speaker 18 (13:19):
Oh well, it depends which X exactly exactly if we
like them or not.

Speaker 3 (13:25):
All right, Lourie, have a great day. Thank you for listening,
you too, Thank you so much. How about for Colin
Fugg the Libros?

Speaker 6 (13:30):
Yeah, Libras, the answer is yes, but only after you've
weighed your.

Speaker 8 (13:34):
Pos and cons for days.

Speaker 6 (13:35):
Libra's your romantics at heart, so you'll entertain the idea
of rekindling, but just expect a Libra to ask all
of their friends about it first.

Speaker 8 (13:43):
Very true.

Speaker 9 (13:44):
Been there done, then.

Speaker 5 (13:47):
If we didn't get your signed there, I'll post it
on our website. John Jay and Rich dot com. I
saw this article. It says.

Speaker 3 (13:55):
If you hate socializing, try these tips.

Speaker 5 (14:00):
And I don't like socialize. Well, I'm not really good.
It makes me sick, my stomach going, I have to socialize.
And it was like, there's like a couple of tips
on here that are pretty good, but the number one
tip says, fake some positive body language.

Speaker 3 (14:11):
How do you do that? Because I'm always like hunch over, like.

Speaker 13 (14:15):
Well, look, a bit eye contact is good.

Speaker 5 (14:17):
I think if you fake positive body language, then you
have that's real body language.

Speaker 7 (14:22):
Well, if you're doing it unconsciously, it's real body language,
but if you're doing it purposefully, then I.

Speaker 9 (14:28):
Would say it's fake, buddy.

Speaker 7 (14:29):
Like the forty five degree angle right, like you lean,
you face your body towards the person who has to
do instead of away, Like you may not be into
the conversation, but you're like, oh I got to make them.

Speaker 5 (14:39):
Thinks like you're in a party, I'm in the corner,
not facing anyone, right, And it says give a genuine compliment, Hi,
I like.

Speaker 12 (14:46):
Your hair, not at all uncomfortable for anyone ask open
ended questions like I would do that in the news?

Speaker 3 (14:56):
Walk away?

Speaker 13 (14:59):
What about this whole? And then just walk away?

Speaker 3 (15:01):
What'd you think of the election? Just keep walking anyway?
So nervous.

Speaker 15 (15:07):

Speaker 5 (15:07):
We always suggest if you have an idea for our show,
pitch it. Pitch it on the show. You know, you
can shoot us at DM on Instagram. You can call
us at eight seven seven nine three seven one four
seven or text us text JJR and whatever your pitch
is to nine six eight nine three And somebody's got
to pitch a pitch for the show.

Speaker 3 (15:28):
We'll get to you after supree. The carpenter joj your Rich,
Joshua Joshua, Good morning, light, what's up man? You're on
the air.

Speaker 1 (15:41):
Hey, So I have an idea for a game to
be played between several listeners. It is the John jar
and Rich fandom Trivia.

Speaker 6 (15:53):

Speaker 1 (15:54):
For listeners who have been avid listeners for ten to
fifteen years, like myself, trivia questions about the people on
the show, like, uh, was it that talked about his grandmother?

Speaker 3 (16:10):
Do that again, Joey Bradfish.

Speaker 1 (16:14):
Yeah, what was when Kyle was pregnant with her first
What was the uh, saying on the shirts that she
saw the ladies wearing promoting her pregnancy.

Speaker 3 (16:29):
No, anybody here knows that. What do you what do
you mean?

Speaker 1 (16:33):
Yeah, the unfuggliest baby who wore that? Kyle was saying
that that was the shirt that she saw ladies wearing
when she was pregnant with Adam.

Speaker 3 (16:46):
So far were were on? Go ahead, keep going?

Speaker 1 (16:51):
Which of John Jay's sons had a segment on the
show ten years ago? And what was the segment called
Kim's Corner.

Speaker 17 (16:59):
There you go?

Speaker 1 (17:00):
Oh yeah, just things like that. I think it would
just be fun to get, uh, get like three listeners
on the phone and kind of do it out.

Speaker 3 (17:10):
And you should put it together. You should put it
together and host it.

Speaker 9 (17:13):
Yeah, you could host it.

Speaker 1 (17:16):
That would be cool.

Speaker 3 (17:16):
Let me ask you a contributed question. What's my nickname
for Rich?

Speaker 1 (17:21):
Your nickname for Rich?

Speaker 8 (17:24):
I don't know.

Speaker 1 (17:25):
I know like three nicknames that nick has for Rich,
but uh, nicknames for you for Rich?

Speaker 3 (17:31):
Geez Herb that's right? Where does that come from? It
comes from?

Speaker 5 (17:39):
When I was in radio sales, there was a guy
who just passed away, not the ago.

Speaker 3 (17:43):
He always called me Herb.

Speaker 13 (17:49):
Her so he probably just bothered to learn your name.

Speaker 3 (17:52):
I think it was like for him, Herb was like saying, dude.
I think a lot of people Herb, but I'd be like, hey, man,
can you go with me this meeting? You got it? Herb.

Speaker 12 (18:00):
Every every now and then some listener will say that
to me when we're out and about, and I think
it's hilarious.

Speaker 3 (18:06):
Well, Josh, you gotta put that down. Says you didn't
know that. Shame on you, John, shame.

Speaker 1 (18:09):
Although I'm horrible, I should just dan.

Speaker 12 (18:12):
No, you would be. You would be really good contestant.
But since it is your brain child, you have to
come up with the questions.

Speaker 13 (18:17):
So you have to questions.

Speaker 1 (18:19):
I will message one of you guys, Rich. You seemed
like a good one to message. I'll message you and lay.

Speaker 3 (18:25):
It to Nick. Perfect. All right, dude, thanks for calling it, Josh.

Speaker 1 (18:29):
All right, thank you talk guys, Thanks for listening.

Speaker 3 (18:31):
By bye. Rich. What do you go for life hacks today?

Speaker 12 (18:35):
Should you wash your tennis shoes in the washing machine?
The official hack answer? All right, great, we got stacks
and hacks coming up next with John.

Speaker 3 (18:44):
Jay and Rich. Good money.

Speaker 8 (18:47):
Your day with John Jay and Rich. I wake up
with my favorite.

Speaker 19 (18:49):
Artist and Billy swims and you're listening to John Jay
and Rich, John Jay and Rich after.

Speaker 3 (18:56):
Sacks and hacks, I have stacked information, Rich has life
hacks A pole found. The top signs the holiday has
arrived is hearing Christmas music on the radio and seeing
or hearing your first holiday ad.

Speaker 5 (19:12):
Think both those are happening right now. What would you
do if you woke up tomorrow and it was the
year two thousand and five. I don't know why this
is trending interesting. I would jump on my AOL account.

Speaker 7 (19:24):
I can start buying some stocks.

Speaker 3 (19:28):
Everyone said.

Speaker 5 (19:28):
Some of the answers are Breathe a sigh of relief
and do everything differently, much like Rich, Fire up Halo
two and enjoy fewer notifications. Four idiots in Los Angeles
are facing insurance fraud after they claimed a bear got
into their twenty ten rolls Royce and destroyed it. They
gave the insurance company security footage, but it was a

human in a bear costume.

Speaker 8 (19:51):
Oh my gosh.

Speaker 3 (19:54):
If you are hosting Thanksgiving dinner this year, here are
a few things you should have crossed off your list
with just under two weeks ago. A guest list, a menu,
a clean fridge, and oven and an inventory of your
pantry and table where.

Speaker 6 (20:08):
We just got the Thanksgiving text from my mom and
we don't like Thanksgiving food, so we just do chili dogs.
So she's like, whatever side you guys want, let me know.

Speaker 3 (20:16):
I was like, okay, I love Thanksgiving food.

Speaker 13 (20:20):
It's the best.

Speaker 3 (20:20):
I don't need to necessarily need the turkey, but everything else.

Speaker 13 (20:23):
Is all sides, all the cast roles.

Speaker 3 (20:25):
I'm all in.

Speaker 7 (20:25):
I like the turkey, but just like once a year,
I don't need that any other.

Speaker 9 (20:28):
Time of a year.

Speaker 5 (20:29):
When people say it takes a village to raise a child,
how many people is that specifically? A generation ago? It
used to be eight. Now that's down to seven, and
fewer of them are relatives. A hot tour spot for
foreigners when they come to America. What do you think
you come to America? Where do you want to go?
I'm sorry, you guys wrong.

Speaker 9 (20:50):
Trader Joe's, Yeah, I can't see it.

Speaker 8 (20:55):
We actually need a lot more Trader Joe's around the Vay.

Speaker 5 (21:00):
My grandfather from the Netherlands came to visit when I
was a kid, and he brought his new wife. Her
name was Anti teeny and a catch her arm got
stuck in a cactus, a jumping cactus.

Speaker 3 (21:12):
It was ran in for him and my dad was like,
let's take it out, and they were like, no weight,
let's take pictures. We never see this in the Netherlands.
She's like bleeding out of her arm.

Speaker 5 (21:21):
And the New College of Florida is going to offer
independent study course called the Woke Movement in January unless
it's canceled, of course.

Speaker 3 (21:36):
Oh god, I love this.

Speaker 5 (21:40):
This is so huge. So this company in the UK
created a grandmother. Did you see this yet? They created
an AI grandmother to waste phone scammers time?

Speaker 3 (21:51):
Okay, oh Jesus, I have audio of it. The bot's
name is Daisy, and if scammers asked for personal information,
she she'll fake them and she keeps talking. So this
is a few examples of the AI grammar talking to
real scammers.

Speaker 20 (22:07):
So w's then a dot three times W.

Speaker 15 (22:11):
And then Dodd, I think your profession is bothering people, right.

Speaker 20 (22:15):
I'm just trying to have a little chat.

Speaker 3 (22:18):
It's really been an hour.

Speaker 9 (22:20):
Gosh, how time flies.

Speaker 20 (22:22):
It's showing me a picture of my cat, Fluffy.

Speaker 13 (22:26):
It's showing you the picture of your card Fluffy.

Speaker 3 (22:28):
Just stop calling me, did you stupid.

Speaker 20 (22:31):
Got it, dear, because while they're busy talking to me,
they can't be scamming you. And let's face it, dear,
I've got all the time in the world, goes.

Speaker 6 (22:42):
Yes, it's crazy, how like AI really is taking over.
Have you guys seen the new AI app that The
Hawk to a Girl made.

Speaker 8 (22:50):
No, it's called Pooky, which.

Speaker 6 (22:52):
Is named after her nickname for her mysterious boyfriend or whatever.
And it's basically an AI generated app where you can
take screenshots of like dating apps or whatever and be like, Hey,
can you tell me how guy? How tall this guy looks?
Can you write up a response for this? And it's
literally using AI to like elevate your dating experience.

Speaker 3 (23:11):
I know.

Speaker 8 (23:12):
I was like, you are smart.

Speaker 13 (23:14):
She's turned that into something. Yeah, all right.

Speaker 12 (23:17):
So yesterday on the John jaye Ritchie Afterwards podcast, which
is available along with the John Jay and Rich podcast
family of podcasts, we were talking about can you throw
your shoes in the washing machine?

Speaker 3 (23:29):

Speaker 12 (23:29):
We're kind of debating about it. So I went to
the source. I went to Whirlpool, who makes washers and dryers,
and I said, can you throw your leather shoes in
the dishwasher? Because you were talking about that. Like you
like your dishwasher, Oh sorry, washing machine? Oh sorry, washing machine?
So like your your your dunk clothes, can you throw
them in there? So here's what they say. Leather, suede,

vinyl rubber do not wash in the washing machine.

Speaker 13 (23:54):
So you, John Jay, you were right.

Speaker 12 (23:56):
The colors will bleed, the material shrink, and it could
actually ruin your washing machine. Now, if you put cloth
based running shoes, and those are fine, you can stick
them in. Put them in delicate, they say, put them
in one of those mesh laundry bags so that they don't,
you know, like scuff up the side of your washing
machine and then let them air dry. But for leather,
use a brush with leather cleaning solution. Get in there,

scrub it real good, and then let it dry naturally.
That's the best way to clean. So nothing's changed in
my life, nothing's changed in your life. But I wanted
to make sure because I thought, you know, maybe you
can throw them in the washing machine, but Whirlpool says
do not those instructions and that is all up at
John Jaynrich dot com.

Speaker 5 (24:35):
There we had a whole podcast on it, and it's
you can find it on John Jane Rich afterwards wherever
you get podcasts.

Speaker 3 (24:41):
Christmas Wish is back. So we need your help.

Speaker 5 (24:43):
So if you don't have a family who's Christmas isn't
looking so right, let us know, write us a letter.
It tells us why they are deserving in the Christmas Wish.
Submit it at Johnjynrich dot com. Now you can't nominate
yourself or your immedia family. Also, if you're a company
and you want to participate in Christmas Wish, you want
to donate, shoot us email go to John Jane Rich.

Speaker 9 (25:00):
We want you to be part of the show.

Speaker 21 (25:02):
Call us eight seven seven nine three seven, What out
four to seven?

Speaker 3 (25:06):
Get on the air with John Jay and Rich.

Speaker 5 (25:09):
It's John Jay and Rich. I forgot did a couple
of things. I guys, remember it was in the story
the other day. It was in the news about the
guy that died of Planet Fitness.

Speaker 7 (25:17):
Yeah, after three days they found him.

Speaker 5 (25:21):
Yeah, so it was at Planet Fitness in Indianapolis. Authority
said there was a needle found inside the room with him.
This woman was at the gym before authorities got there
and this is what she witnessed.

Speaker 19 (25:35):
Nobody ever thinks you're gonna go to a gym on
a Monday morning and you know, potentially being this hindbuilding
as a dead body. And I was kind of like sniffing,
trying not to look crazy, but I was like, something
smelled really awful here.

Speaker 3 (25:46):
The force and that kind of went off in.

Speaker 19 (25:48):
My head was you know, lack of attention from the
staff members that Planet Fitness, which is pretty disappointing because
maybe it could have been prevented.

Speaker 8 (25:56):
And the hitting bed has a door.

Speaker 19 (25:57):
I believe, but still, why are we not concerned that
the door has been closed three days and a rope potentially?

Speaker 8 (26:05):
Very true?

Speaker 9 (26:05):
That's what I was wondering.

Speaker 6 (26:07):
Yeah, I was actually looking up on the comments because
I'm like, does Planet Fitness like not clean their equipment?

Speaker 3 (26:12):
Like why is it?

Speaker 8 (26:12):
You know what I mean? I was like, what's going
on here?

Speaker 6 (26:14):
And apparently that the people who use the equipment are
supposed to be the people who disinfect It's like they
didn't know because he was in there and he's supposed
to clean the thing.

Speaker 7 (26:24):
Like at the end of the day, don't you have
like either like employees going through to lock everything up
and there to make sure hours so they isn't that
cleaning cruise and go through at some point you think.

Speaker 8 (26:36):
I don't know, but I thought that was insane.

Speaker 12 (26:38):
You'd have a little thing in the door, just like
we did the grocery store, and you'd have to sign
what time somebody was in there to check it.

Speaker 5 (26:43):
Okay, we think about this. Someone's in there laying in
the tanny bed. The janitor comes in. Oh, someone's in there,
closing the door.

Speaker 3 (26:49):
You know what I mean.

Speaker 5 (26:50):
They don't know the person's dead. They think someone's in there. Yeah,
I gotta go clean someone's that are up there?

Speaker 3 (26:54):

Speaker 5 (26:54):
Mad Guy's still. We really can't like Kyle's hands. Okay,
Kelly Clarkson does Kelly oke?

Speaker 3 (27:02):
You ever seen it or heard it?

Speaker 13 (27:03):
She's amazing.

Speaker 3 (27:04):
Check out this song. She put a little country spin
on this song.

Speaker 8 (27:08):
Ask him baby.

Speaker 3 (27:39):
Class crazy? Right? She shouldn't release that. That's so good.

Speaker 8 (27:56):
She's a good singer. I really like her.

Speaker 3 (27:58):
I wonder if you could pull it off with al
Sebta cars. But man, that was really good man. Okay,
Christmas time? Tell us Payton, what happened to your mom.

Speaker 8 (28:06):
To my grandma?

Speaker 6 (28:07):
Yeah, well, we got put in a group chat, me,
my brother, and my sister with my grandma and she
was just like, Hey, I'm going Christmas shopping. I need
your guys' list like asap.

Speaker 8 (28:17):
But then she kind of follows it and she's like,
i'll get you my list in the next few days.

Speaker 6 (28:21):
But here's what I don't want because I have a
ton of stuff from it already. She said, no Raiders
or rock tease, no slides or sneakers, and nothing extensive.
She gave us a Christmas do.

Speaker 8 (28:33):
Not list.

Speaker 5 (28:36):
Raiders like the football teas, Yeah, that's her too, rock tease,
but she doesn't want any no.

Speaker 6 (28:41):
Because we don't ever really know what to get my
grandma who has everything, so we're always like, oh, we'll
get her a Raiders shure.

Speaker 12 (28:47):
Is this the grandma with the bidet in her bathroom? Yes, okay, yes,
she does have everything. If she's gotten to the I
will have my butt professionally cleaned by a toilet.

Speaker 13 (28:55):
She's got everything.

Speaker 12 (28:56):

Speaker 8 (28:56):
So she gave us her Christmas not list, which I thought.

Speaker 3 (28:59):
Was hell but everybody needs a cool rock tea.

Speaker 13 (29:02):
I mean you, I mean, what's wrong.

Speaker 10 (29:04):

Speaker 8 (29:05):
Like that's the point.

Speaker 6 (29:06):
She's like, please stop getting me all of these things
that you give me every year.

Speaker 8 (29:09):
Be original.

Speaker 3 (29:10):
What do you get her some knitting material.

Speaker 8 (29:12):
I don't know what I'm gonna get her.

Speaker 6 (29:13):
I got her pots and pans last year and she
threw a fit about it.

Speaker 8 (29:16):
She was like, this is too expensive. Take it back.
I was like, well too late now.

Speaker 7 (29:20):
Well she did say, and her do not list nothing
too expensive.

Speaker 9 (29:23):
So I think you gotta go like sentimental route.

Speaker 8 (29:25):
Yeah, we'll see how it goes. I have no clue
what to get her.

Speaker 3 (29:28):
Get her some love pup march yeah, silent, I.

Speaker 6 (29:34):
Know, because she would be like she would be like,
I don't have a dog shaving dog. There you go,
Oh my gosh, no, she would Yeah.

Speaker 5 (29:44):
Blake was like last night we were having dinner and
she's like, Kemp's birthday a middle sun is December fourth,
and she's like, what do we et kimp first birthday?
What does he want? Like, I don't know, I just
don't know. And then and he got Christmas. It sucks.

Speaker 3 (29:58):
You have to get somebody l and present.

Speaker 9 (30:01):
Scott's my my father in law.

Speaker 7 (30:03):
His birthday is like in December two, so it's always like.

Speaker 9 (30:05):
Okay, we got to this and this.

Speaker 7 (30:07):
And then Scott's birthday is the beginning of January, so
it like comes so quickly we.

Speaker 3 (30:11):
Do pay his rent.

Speaker 12 (30:14):
I've tried that. I've tried that, Audrey. I am flying
you home for Christmas.

Speaker 8 (30:18):
Uh huh.

Speaker 13 (30:18):
And I also want tickets to jingle Ball.

Speaker 8 (30:23):
I literally have rent on my Christmas list. That's well,
I'm going to be getting that.

Speaker 3 (30:28):
I know that if you put that in the group chat, yeah, Rent.

Speaker 6 (30:31):
It's my It's in it every years. It's never been paid.

Speaker 3 (30:35):
No, never, Like what I've read, you know what you
want for Christmas already?

Speaker 8 (30:40):
I wrote my list.

Speaker 6 (30:41):
It keeps kind of growing periodically throughout the days when
I see something that I want. But my Christmas list
is I want white workout shoes. I want the Osmo
Pocket vlog camera, which is like really expensive, so I
don't know if I'll get that. I want cute stuff
to make my apartment more homie. I want workout outfits,
and I want a podcast set up.

Speaker 8 (31:00):
I want a gel kit for my nails. That's all
I want.

Speaker 9 (31:03):
That's it.

Speaker 3 (31:04):
The camera. The camera sounds familiar do we have that
we don't? That is something of that.

Speaker 6 (31:08):
Brand that Yeah, the same brand of the headphones or
of the microphones that Rich uses d G.

Speaker 8 (31:15):
Yeah, it's so.

Speaker 3 (31:16):
Those are nice. So you want to do a podcast.

Speaker 6 (31:18):
I just want to set up just in case I
get bored and want to do one.

Speaker 3 (31:21):
That's funny. I have the setup.

Speaker 8 (31:22):
Oh yeah, really, because we're got it for you for
your birthday, right, got.

Speaker 3 (31:25):
That for me? And then I bought the microphones and
everything because my wife and I already do a podcast.

Speaker 8 (31:28):
Yeah, what happened with that?

Speaker 3 (31:29):
It's in the dining room somewhere.

Speaker 13 (31:31):
You haven't done a podcast?

Speaker 3 (31:32):
Open the box? Yeah, I don't know.

Speaker 8 (31:34):
I would that be a gift that I don't touch HD.

Speaker 5 (31:38):
I believe, I believe it's the simp of ADHD all
these different projects.

Speaker 12 (31:40):
When you don't ever like get them off the ground. Well,
we got you all the gear. You have all the gear,
turn it on and hit go. Even if someone say
they're going to set it up for me, who said that?
Someone said to the other day Grant. No, No, somebody
was like, dude, do it, I'll set it up for you.

Speaker 3 (31:55):
Who was that? I don't know, friend, No, he does
know how to do that.

Speaker 13 (32:00):
Speaking of which, what do we do in our secret
Santa Kyle?

Speaker 9 (32:03):
I've actually thought.

Speaker 7 (32:03):
We should do it earlier this year because usually we
do it right around Thanksgiving. But I feel like we
should pick names now so everyone can get started early.

Speaker 9 (32:10):
Who's in, Who's in?

Speaker 6 (32:11):
I'm downmostro today, let's do it today.

Speaker 5 (32:15):
I'm trying to think who said they said up the
podcast for me, John, I have all the equipment they
well set up for you, and they were a person
that does podcasts, so I was like, oh, that's impressive
that they said that.

Speaker 3 (32:25):
But I don't remember who.

Speaker 13 (32:26):
Was and we were around you, so we should know.

Speaker 7 (32:28):
Is it someone with your doctor and the DJ podcasting?

Speaker 3 (32:33):
Gosh, I don't know. It's gonna hit me.

Speaker 12 (32:34):
It's gonna hit you when you're trying to go to
sleep if it does, Like later Taylor, let's all come
back to the station and say it on the air.

Speaker 5 (32:42):
I want to shift gears. I want to get into
Kyle's Sun Easton because there's so much Easton stuff going
on because today's National Drummer Day, by the way, Happy
National Drummers Day, Grant, And is that his new thing?

Speaker 7 (32:51):
Well, it's not his new thing, but I think he
wants it to be his new thing, because he asked
me the other day when we were driving. Mind you,
he's seven. He's like, Mom, I think I want to
play the drums. Do you think I could play the drums?
Can we get some drums? I'm like, yeah, that would
be cool. But you know, Grant who I work with,
plays drums, right, and.

Speaker 9 (33:11):
He's really good at it. Maybe he could teach you something.

Speaker 7 (33:14):
And he's like yeah, and Eddie goes Grant Grant. Of
course Grant plays drums. He just looks like a rock star,
Like where's his sunglasses inside his outfits?

Speaker 9 (33:31):
So you just look like a rock star Grant. According
to my child, that's.

Speaker 8 (33:35):
A pretty good compliment.

Speaker 9 (33:36):
I know, out of nowhere, right, like unsolicited.

Speaker 3 (33:41):
Interesting. I see what's in the future here.

Speaker 14 (33:43):
I think I'm gonna be hanging out at Kyle's house
giving music lessons. Let me set up a drum set
at your house and just come over and play.

Speaker 5 (33:50):
I think he'd be so cool that I wish one
of my kids played the instrument.

Speaker 6 (33:55):
Oh my gosh, you guys like know in middle school
where you have to like do like band or like
pee or whatever. I wanted to play the drums, and
my mom turned me down so quick because she was like,
absolutely not. I already have to hear you talk all day,
and you want to add drums on top of it
hard pass. And then when my brother got into middle school,
he got to play the saxophone, and.

Speaker 8 (34:13):
I was like, what gibs.

Speaker 5 (34:14):
Like my oldest son, Jake got the trumpet, and he
would bring out the trumpet everyone. But when he I
wanted to play drums, I mean, he's so to The
dude can sit at a piano and play a song
without every That's amazing. You can figure music out fast.

Speaker 3 (34:27):
The thing.

Speaker 14 (34:28):
The thing about drums though, as like a living with
a family or like having you know, a kid that
plays drums, is there's like a learning curve where your
kids socks a drums.

Speaker 5 (34:38):
When you find that here, I want to play drums.
I remember when I found out the right way to
hold the sticks, I was like, I'm out.

Speaker 3 (34:44):
I'm out hold right like weird?

Speaker 8 (34:48):
You can you hold them like this match?

Speaker 14 (34:51):
But no, there was like a period where I was
like learning how to play like really heavy metal that
my parents just had to like, oh I feel so
bad now with like the double Yeah, that's.

Speaker 9 (35:03):
Exactly what I thought of.

Speaker 7 (35:04):
Would Easter say that, I'm like, I don't know if
I want to go.

Speaker 3 (35:06):
Down that put the head on it? You put you
get them the kind of electronic in their heads. Yeah yeah,
what if Heast is just like really into Latin.

Speaker 7 (35:12):
Music so well, like I'd be happy if they'd be into.

Speaker 9 (35:16):
Any kind of musical instrument. So I was like, I
can't squash this grand you made your house.

Speaker 3 (35:20):
Oh yeah, I'll come teach you kids drums. Way that
you got a gift idea for Peyton, but he.

Speaker 19 (35:24):
Got yes idea.

Speaker 15 (35:26):
So what about like a family ornament that's all like
the grand kids.

Speaker 6 (35:30):
Oh you know what, she would actually love that. That's
a really good.

Speaker 15 (35:34):
Idea because we did that for our grandma because she
has like everything, and so we did that, and then
we also do that for our kids. So every year
they get an ornament for something that they're.

Speaker 8 (35:45):
Involved in, and then when they move out, they'll.

Speaker 15 (35:48):
Have like a too much ornaments too cute.

Speaker 3 (35:50):
I love that idea, Wendy, that's cute.

Speaker 12 (35:53):
But like grandma gets an ornament and then Peyton gets
her rent paid.

Speaker 13 (35:56):
I think that's an unfair trade.

Speaker 8 (35:59):
I know she's is that nothing expensive?

Speaker 9 (36:01):
Like if you're going proportionally all right?

Speaker 3 (36:05):
We got Daniel on the line.

Speaker 5 (36:08):
Something's going on in his relationship and he needs help,
he needs advice. We will talk to him after Chris Brown,
John Jander, Rich Daniel, thanks for holding you on the air.

Speaker 4 (36:24):
Well, I'm calling in because I'm just I'm confused. I'm confused,
I'm mixed up, and I need advice. I've been in
a relationship with this girl for I mean, it's coming
on the year right now. I can't even believe it.
And we've always had this solid connection. But in the

last I don't know, maybe two months, she's been she's
just been acting kind of weird, like oddly distant. And
we both have a lot going on in our lives,
like as far as work goes, so we've always respected
each other's independence, but she's just been I don't know,

it just feels like she's an autopilot. And she started
talking about like this other boyfriend, which I thought was
a joke, and.

Speaker 17 (37:21):
It's not.

Speaker 4 (37:22):
I guess she told me. She's like, she's like, well,
you know, you know, my other boyfriend, my other boyfriend,
my other boyfriend. We do this, we do that. And
then and then she told me she sent me down.
You know, she sent me down, and she said, well,
you know, I mean, I think it's healthy for us
to be okay with other people in our lives and
I'm in love with you and this other person. We

always talked about being kind of open in a way,
but after a year I started thinking that she would
settle in with me, and now apparently she has another guy,
and I'm trying to be open mind about it. I
don't know if it's just me or if you know,

if she's gaslighting me to be okay with this.

Speaker 12 (38:08):
Like I said, I mean, she's told you exactly what's happening.
That's not gaslighting. It's not cheating if she's telling you
just got a boyfriend.

Speaker 7 (38:14):
And also you did mention you guys have talked about
being open, like dive into those How did those conversations go.
Were you agreeing to because if you were, this shouldn't
be a surprise to you.

Speaker 4 (38:24):
So this is what I'm saying, I guess And the
reason why when I say gaslighting in general is a
lot of it was me just kind of going along
with things like like, oh, you know, well, I mean
if I did go out on a date with somebody,
you'd be open to it type of thing. And I'm like,
I'm like, well, I mean if we're you know, yes,

you have the connection with somebody, Sure but for me,
I'm hoping that it's more romantic with her and I,
So that phase or that idea would kind of you know,
run its course and extinguish, like we're going to end
up being like, oh, well, no, you and I are
the jam.

Speaker 8 (39:02):

Speaker 6 (39:02):
You wanted her to change her mind off of bring
it up, But I feel like you kind of put
yourself into.

Speaker 4 (39:07):
A natural thing over with it, Like you gravitate toward
each other and then you no longer need someone else.

Speaker 3 (39:15):
Have you done the math on time? Like has does
it fit? Like she wasn't there yesterday? Like do you
see every day? Like is there time for her to
go be with somebody else?

Speaker 4 (39:24):
Like she's not making it up, right, that's what's been Yeah,
she's not making it up.

Speaker 3 (39:29):
So like like Friday night, you're by yourself, went to
a movie and she was like the.

Speaker 4 (39:34):
Last two months, it's been different. So I felt like,
you know, our connection was growing, we were getting deeper,
we were getting more into we call each other boyfriend
and girlfriend, and I was hoping to gravitate into something
that was much more committed.

Speaker 12 (39:49):
Well, there's a big problem that you just you just
laid out. She's being very direct you're not. So she's
telling you exactly what she's doing and you're going along
with it.

Speaker 13 (39:59):
But what your hope is for is not what you're saying.

Speaker 7 (40:01):
Yeah, that's not something you want, then you have to
say that's not something I want. Otherwise she's been telling
you all along this is the way it is.

Speaker 5 (40:08):
I mean, at some point when you're dating somebody and
they start in the very beginning or talking about being
with other people and that's their life, interested in that lifestyle,
you've got to be ready for that to happen, you
know what I mean, Like she's been over to it.
Does she have like her hair dyed bright colors and
have body piercings.

Speaker 4 (40:24):
Probably she has a streak of blue.

Speaker 3 (40:32):
That's the sign.

Speaker 9 (40:35):
What is that saying? I think you've said it before
multiple times.

Speaker 7 (40:38):
When someone tells you who they are, believe them.

Speaker 9 (40:41):
And she's been saying this is who I am and.

Speaker 4 (40:44):
You on our first on our first date, she literally
said I remember this so crystal clear. She was like,
I'm probably going to break your heart. Oh no, she
literally said that on our first date. And I was like, oh,
she's it's how fascy? How much fun is she?

Speaker 3 (41:02):
You know?

Speaker 4 (41:03):
I've dated girls before that are so so so into
a committed relationship, so I just felt like she was
going to naturally. I was like, Oh, she's hurt, she's
been betrayed, you know, she's been cheated on. So she's
just keeping distance because she needs time to trust me.
And all of a sudden, now you know, I've given

her every like I haven't even gone out with other
other women, even though it's been quote unquote aloud, I've
been one into her. So I really thought that I
was going to build trust with her and that she
would end up gravitating towards a solid relationship between two people.

Speaker 3 (41:41):
And I guess not all right, Sorry, Daniel. Well, I
think Rich gave me some pretty good advice and have
a great day. Thank you, John, Jay and Rich.

Speaker 5 (41:58):
I was just reading some text messages and you could
text us, you text j j RD whatever you.

Speaker 3 (42:02):
Want to say to ninety six eight ninety three.

Speaker 5 (42:05):
And there is a text from somebody that made me
lo o l out loud. Nate said the text in
I asked Nate if he jump on there with us
and just tell us what his text is about.

Speaker 3 (42:14):
Go ahead, Nate.

Speaker 11 (42:15):
Well, I think it was like a week or so ago,
John Day did one of his little Monday morning games
or Tuesdays.

Speaker 17 (42:20):
I don't remember what day.

Speaker 11 (42:21):
It was about peanuts because the poor little squirrel that
they put down.

Speaker 3 (42:24):
Yeah peanuts, peanuts, right, yeah puts yes, yes, yeah.

Speaker 11 (42:31):
But whole game premise is peanuts, and richield Casho's is
one of the answers and now living rent free in
my head, and I'm like, it's the game about peanuts.
I don't think cashows is going to me one of
the answers. But you know, nobody said anything, which surprised because.

Speaker 5 (42:47):
Nobody say anything, and it lives rent free in my head.
Could you please play the clip again? I would thoroughly
enjoy it. Yeah, we'll find it. We'll find it and
play for you?

Speaker 3 (42:55):
Is a cashoo not a pen?

Speaker 15 (42:56):

Speaker 9 (43:00):
I think that you don't know that, rich because you're
so smart.

Speaker 5 (43:02):
The game was about peanuts. Huh, so the answer has
something to do with peanuts, and your answer was cashew.

Speaker 9 (43:07):
Cash You's a type of nut.

Speaker 3 (43:08):
But it's not that funny. I don't get the game's
not about.

Speaker 9 (43:11):
Nuts because it wasn't like nuts. It wasn't like name
the nuts.

Speaker 3 (43:16):
I am so lost right now, Okay, there's almonds, there's cashews,
there's walnuts. And the game was about peanuts peanuts, and
your answer was cashew's, so it's not a peanut. It
was wrong.

Speaker 13 (43:28):
Oh my god, Oh my gosh.

Speaker 6 (43:29):
You know when people are like almost too smart and
then something so simple.

Speaker 9 (43:34):
What's happening?

Speaker 8 (43:34):
He says, what's happening?

Speaker 12 (43:35):
Right, here's what I'm hearing you say. The game is
about peanuts. Different type of peanuts, are walnuts?

Speaker 8 (43:41):

Speaker 7 (43:41):
No, no, no, diferent types of nuts.

Speaker 9 (43:45):
But it wasn't. The game wasn't about all the kinds
of nuts. It was just about peanuts. And so when
you answer cashes.

Speaker 3 (43:53):
You get it out.

Speaker 13 (43:55):
Yeah, I guess how do think you do?

Speaker 3 (43:58):
I don't think I do.

Speaker 12 (44:00):
Let's just really thoroughly confused. Explain a type of nut, Yes,
it is a cashw a type of nuts?

Speaker 3 (44:10):

Speaker 13 (44:11):
Is a peanut a type of nuts?

Speaker 8 (44:13):

Speaker 3 (44:14):
Then what the hell is the game was about just
peanuts because.

Speaker 7 (44:17):
It's like other nuts, Donty says, all the Okay, here's
a different example. All the answers in this game have
to do with the color red. Read something, read something,
read something, and then you answer blue.

Speaker 9 (44:28):
That was the ideal for me.

Speaker 3 (44:30):
Your argument is, well, it's a color, right, yes it is,
But what all the answers have to do with red
and you yell blue? That's a great example, Cole. Does
it make sense to you now? I guess a little?

Speaker 8 (44:41):
Oh my, we need to just run it back.

Speaker 3 (44:44):
Crystal Clear rich primarily used for peanut butter due to
their uniform size, making them ideal for even roasting cashews.
No love for runner peanuts, running peanuts. Yes, I clearly
did not get the game now and.

Speaker 11 (45:00):
I still do not think about it for the last week.

Speaker 3 (45:03):
All right, I have a great day, brother, Thanks for listening.

Speaker 6 (45:08):
I said roasted like the roasted nut or whatever it was.
I'm surprised you didn't say chestnut because that would make more.

Speaker 3 (45:15):
Sense because of the song. Yes, yeah, either way, no
more peanut game from the show. It's too confusing. My bad,
my bad. Rich would not win Smartest in the Room
that day, No, but.

Speaker 8 (45:26):
You always in mood he'll.

Speaker 3 (45:28):
Win, John Dane Rich.

Speaker 5 (45:32):
We're gonna get into this because I saw this article
about people sharing stories about the weirdest guests they've had over.
For example, someone had a friend's tale but forgot their toothbrush,
so they used a random loose When they found under
the sink, the homeowners said they had to tell them
that they used one that they used for cleaning. Someone

had a guest going through their garbage can pulling out
perfectly good food that shouldn't go to waste eight seven
seven nine three seven one four seven Share with us
the weirdest thing a guest ever did?

Speaker 3 (46:05):
That came over High Crystal, Hello, what happened to you?

Speaker 16 (46:10):
So it was quite a few years ago. My brother
was in high school and him and his friends went
out partying and got like super drunk and came home
my brother best friend our house, in our guest room,
and the next morning they my brother's like, why are

you wearing my mom's sweater? Because my mom used to
like keep sweaters in the closet. Again, and then a
little while later, my mom goes in to change the
sheep just like what is that smell? And she opens
the closet.

Speaker 17 (46:51):
Coop in there.

Speaker 5 (46:55):
He put on her sweater and then went to the
bathroom in the closet. Yes, maybe this sweater.

Speaker 3 (47:00):
Makes you do that.

Speaker 16 (47:01):
Hey, I don't like to this day, he does not
remember it, like.

Speaker 9 (47:07):
He was so blacked.

Speaker 16 (47:08):
Yeah, and obviously he's never lived it down.

Speaker 3 (47:16):
That is terrible.

Speaker 6 (47:17):
I know, so bad and how embarrassing. I feel like
I would never talk to any of you guys ever again.

Speaker 3 (47:25):
Just think around him around if he ever says you guys, Hey, guys,
it's getting chilly outside. It's almost sweat and your family
goes no.

Speaker 16 (47:36):
Every time, we're like when we're around him, we're like, hey,
remember that time he pooped on the Bobbit.

Speaker 3 (47:43):
Conversation, Crystal, thank you for sharing that with us. Have
a great day.

Speaker 16 (47:47):
You're welcome you as well.

Speaker 5 (47:49):
Here's what a person said their brother in law changed
their baby stiper on the dining room table during Thanksgiving dinner.
They said they offered of a private place, but he
didn't take the hit. He didn't want to miss the conversation.

Speaker 13 (47:59):
It's not fune and I got it.

Speaker 5 (48:02):
Someone had a friend stay over in the middle of
the night. They woke up to them rearranging their furniture
to improve the feng Shway. Some funny stuffs eight seven
seven nine three seven one four seven or text us
text JJR and the weird thing a guest did when
they were over jacus to ninety six eight.

Speaker 8 (48:21):
Nine three budget.

Speaker 5 (48:25):
Sarah Maga, John Day and rich people are sharing stories
about the weirdest guests that they've had over and it
is the holidays, Maurice, what do you have?

Speaker 22 (48:39):
Yeah, whenever my mother in law is in town from Mexico,
she likes to wash the paper plates. Whenever everybody's gone eating.

Speaker 9 (48:48):
Wash plates.

Speaker 7 (48:49):
I would not think they would last, they would get
soggy or something.

Speaker 22 (48:54):
Yeah, no, so yeah, no. Now my granddaughter wants to
do it because mommy said, does.

Speaker 5 (48:58):
It definitely different? Thank you very much for calling in.
Thanks eight seven seven nine Gus, Yes, sir.

Speaker 17 (49:10):
I'm sorry that was funny. My grandmother used to do
the same thing.

Speaker 3 (49:13):
With the paper plates.

Speaker 2 (49:17):
My father's girlfriend, she's an interesting one. I invited them
over for dinner one day and I was walking down
the hallway. She was in the bathroom and she was
cleaning the countertop in the bathroom with my toilet brush.

Speaker 9 (49:32):
You, oh my gosh.

Speaker 17 (49:36):
I don't even know why she was cleaning, but she
decided to. I mean, and it was just water like.
She didn't use any chemicals. And I don't know where
she went the toilet brush. She could have just dun't
it right in the toilet?

Speaker 8 (49:50):
What did you say to her?

Speaker 1 (49:54):
No, honestly, I was.

Speaker 17 (49:56):
I was just stunned. I was. I just I just
stood there and stared at her, and she's like, oh,
I just saw some streaks on the countertop. And I'm like,
I didn't even know what to say. I just walked
away and I waited, and first she got out.

Speaker 3 (50:07):
Of the bathroom. What can you say? Now there's brown streaks?

Speaker 9 (50:13):
Why would you clean it with that? Then?

Speaker 3 (50:17):
Right? Thanks Gus, it just you got it. You gotta
take it easy.

Speaker 5 (50:20):
IgE to thank you too. Grants to the studio. Grant
is a newly wed. When did you get married?

Speaker 3 (50:24):
June? June first?

Speaker 8 (50:26):

Speaker 3 (50:28):
So have you already upset your wife? Dude?

Speaker 14 (50:30):
I mean I've upset and pissed off my wife too
many times a count. But this weekend was extraordinary. I
did something incredible and it wasn't even me really.

Speaker 3 (50:39):

Speaker 14 (50:39):
It was Saturday night after the Rich Bear Band gig.
I was trying to cool down a little bit. It
was like eight thirty, and I said, hey, babe, why
don't we hit up dairy queen?

Speaker 3 (50:48):
You know what I mean, why don't we hit up
the queen? So we we get in the car and I'm.

Speaker 14 (50:53):
Just thinking about a strawberry Sunday, just vanilla ice cream
with strawberry and strawberry sauce on. It just really good.
So we go there, we have it, we have a
nice time. She gets the frozen hot chocolate, which she loves.
And so the next night, Sunday night, we're just hanging
out after family dinner, and I said, Kate, I feel
like a sweet treat. I feel like giving myself a
little sweet treat. And she was like, what do you

have in mind? And I said, how about dairy queen?
And she was like, we were just there last night.
It's fine. I can go get a frozen hot chocolate.
This will be great. So we're on our way and
I'm thinking, all I'm thinking about is just that strawberry
Sunday again, because it's just the list.

Speaker 3 (51:27):
Sounds like it's unbelievable.

Speaker 14 (51:29):
And so I decide at the window, I do an
audible I'm gonna get a peanut Buster parfe, which is
the chocolate and the peanuts with the ice cream a
full Sunday, and I'm gonna get strawberries added. And the
lady in the window goes, would you like that? Throughout
the parfait. I was like, is that an option? Because yes.
So anyway, we get to the window and I'm enthusiastic
because I'm about to.

Speaker 3 (51:49):
Experience the ultimate sweet treat, I think.

Speaker 14 (51:52):
And the lady comes to the window and says, that'll
be you know, fourteen dollars or whatever it is.

Speaker 3 (51:57):
And I hand her my card and she goes, hey,
you guys were here last night.

Speaker 14 (52:02):
And Kate I just feel Kate like shrink in her seat,
like she gets real small, and the door shuts to
the restaurant and she goes I am mortified, right, And
I was like, what are you talking about. I was like,
this is great, and she's like, no, this is embarrassing.
We've been to Dairy Queen two nights in a row.
At the same time, I was like, babe, it's fine.

This is about community, Like this is good, Like we've
established ourselves.

Speaker 3 (52:26):
Like you want to be a regular at church, right.

Speaker 14 (52:31):
We were regulars at the DQ grilling chill due we'd
be grilling and chilling.

Speaker 3 (52:36):
But anyway, so then like Monday night rolls.

Speaker 14 (52:39):
Around and I was thinking like, hey, let's let's get
another sweet tree.

Speaker 3 (52:42):
Let's head on.

Speaker 13 (52:43):
Over to darry Queen.

Speaker 3 (52:45):
You could be the regular now.

Speaker 14 (52:48):
She wanted nothing to do with going back, but I
get there was like a moment.

Speaker 3 (52:51):
Where she thought.

Speaker 14 (52:52):
She was like, I could go for dairy Queen, but
she's like, I can't do three nights in a row.

Speaker 3 (52:56):
And I was like, this is what I live for.
But we didn't go back. She vetoed it if you
got to find out the shift change, dude.

Speaker 14 (53:02):
But I'll tell you what if you guys, If you
guys want a real life hack, get go get a
peanut buster parfe which is delicious as it is, and
then get strawberries.

Speaker 13 (53:10):
At it throughout.

Speaker 14 (53:12):
It looks like a brown and red mess just in
an ice cream cup.

Speaker 3 (53:16):
But do that every morning exactly.

Speaker 14 (53:20):
But yeah, So anyway, I'm trying to find new ways
to embarrass my wife, and I.

Speaker 3 (53:23):
Feel like that's not It was like fifteen bucks. I
mean it was probably like nine eleven dollars.

Speaker 5 (53:28):
I went to the draftiestic my son Dutch. He was
I was taking the basketball practice. He goes, hey, can
we roll through Chick fil A to give me some food?
I said, sure, And I guess I'm gonna order a
thirty piece nugget, right, and one of the parodes.

Speaker 3 (53:39):
Who's like thirty something bucks. I was like, what.

Speaker 7 (53:42):
Did you guys think that thirty pieces really designed for
a whole family?

Speaker 3 (53:45):
Well that's I eat those by myself and you guys
use the mobile through at Chick fil A. Yes, I
think Dutch just sometimes when I was driving. Dude, it's
the best.

Speaker 14 (53:55):
You can like literally bypass the line and you pull
up behind all the people have a special parking you
just wave, you do the royal wave as you go by.

Speaker 3 (54:03):
Sorry, there's an impromptu already, get some entertainment news. Compayton
got stuff on Kim Kardashi and Ryan Reynolds, Jake Paul
and Mike Tyson.

Speaker 5 (54:11):
Big fight is tonight. We'll get to all that next, John,
Jay and Rich are we likeing?

Speaker 9 (54:16):
They step this way, step that way, they step this way, step.

Speaker 3 (54:20):
Let's get some entertainment news. God day, Rich.

Speaker 5 (54:23):
Biggest thing in the world to me, It was the
last time when I was having dinner was the Mike
Tyson Jake Paul slaps.

Speaker 7 (54:30):
And they're doing such a good job promoting this fight.
Like I've never been interested in boxing ever, and I
really want to watch this fight tonight. So okay, Yes,
Jake Paul got slapped, which is what a lot of
people just really want to see because no one really
likes Jake Paul. And then after the math, literally right
after the slap, things got pretty intense.

Speaker 3 (54:51):
I didn't even feel it.

Speaker 1 (54:52):
He's an angry little elf, Mike Tyson.

Speaker 15 (54:54):
I thought that was a cute slap, buddy, But tomorrow
you're gonna knock.

Speaker 8 (54:57):
The fuck out.

Speaker 9 (55:05):

Speaker 3 (55:07):
I think it's show business. I don't know totally is.

Speaker 6 (55:09):
Did you guys see the girls in the back of
the video.

Speaker 8 (55:11):
They didn't even flinch it.

Speaker 3 (55:13):
Oh, you're saying they knew you see. I would think
Jake Paul and Tyson set that up themselves. And no,
I didn't tell anybody. I don't know.

Speaker 12 (55:19):
Maybe Mike Tyson said he stepped on his toe and
he thought he did it on purpose, So.

Speaker 9 (55:24):
It's entertainment. I'm all in, Like this could be WW style.

Speaker 7 (55:27):
I don't even care, Like I like, go for this,
like go for the like that's what you want the rate, Like,
if it is.

Speaker 9 (55:33):
Showbiz, they're doing a fantastic job. Bravo, That's what I say.

Speaker 5 (55:37):
The big news I also saw this morning was Scissa's news,
which I didn't know about Sissa.

Speaker 8 (55:41):
Yeah, that she regrets getting a BBL. How can you not.

Speaker 3 (55:46):
Tell I've never really checked out a book before. I
can't tell real was a fake one. Sad.

Speaker 6 (55:50):
Yeah, hers was definitely giving kim K. But she's like,
I really regret doing that and changing my body. She's like,
I just want to be able to accept myself for
the skin that I have.

Speaker 9 (55:58):
So speaking of kim K, she is this sort of sad.

Speaker 7 (56:02):
But the thing is is like I get this and
at the same time, at least she's hyper aware of it.

Speaker 9 (56:09):
But she basically said, like.

Speaker 7 (56:11):
She's a single mom right now, things are really hard.

Speaker 11 (56:13):
You know.

Speaker 21 (56:14):
It's not something that I talk about a lot because
I feel like there is always a lot of judgment
or people always will jump to the oh, but you
have the resources to have nanny's and to have help.
And I just think that no matter what kind of
help I have, basically raising four kids by myself here
is you know, insane.

Speaker 7 (56:33):
Yeah, and everyone's like doing this playing the world's tiniest
violin for her.

Speaker 3 (56:39):
I was there. I saw it. Each kid has its
own security guard and own nanny. Yeah, I was with them.
That's how it is.

Speaker 6 (56:48):
Yeah, I found this very interesting because you guys remember
when Northwest did her interview and she basically talked all
about her dad and how her favorite moments are with
her dad.

Speaker 8 (56:56):
I was like, okay, she actually.

Speaker 9 (56:58):
Gets to spend time with her dad.

Speaker 7 (57:00):
The kid was basically like, yeah at night, like those
people aren't there at night. I'm like, oh, so, just
like put him in the bed, just you know, when
they're sleeping and you don't actually.

Speaker 3 (57:09):
Have to do what's with the Denzel Washington is a
Gladiator movie.

Speaker 7 (57:13):
Okay I didn't realize this, but you know, Gladiator too
comes out the same day as Wicked.

Speaker 9 (57:17):
So good luck to them. Good luck to them.

Speaker 7 (57:20):
What they're trying to promote the movie as best they can.
And Denzel said he he did a scene that actually
got cut from the final movie.

Speaker 3 (57:27):
I actually kissed the man in the film, but they
took it. They cut. I think they got chicken. I
kissed the guy full on the lips and they I
guess they weren't ready for that yet.

Speaker 8 (57:36):
Well I held him about five minutes later, but I mean,
it's gladyator.

Speaker 3 (57:42):
Was it a kiss like I'm going to kill you?
Or was it a romains a kiss?

Speaker 7 (57:46):
You know, I don't know, and I don't know if
we'll ever know because he got cut from the movie.

Speaker 9 (57:48):
He said it was a kiss of death. But what
does that mean?

Speaker 3 (57:50):
We don't know what that is Ryan Reynolds.

Speaker 7 (57:52):
Ryan Reynolds has confirmed something we've all wondered in an interview.
This interviewee was like, Hey, can I read you some
stories that have been written about you and you confirm
whether they're true or not.

Speaker 4 (58:02):
Taylor Swift praises Hugh Jackman in supportive Deadpool and Wolverine
and playfully trolls her god kids, sperm donor Ryan Reynolds.

Speaker 3 (58:10):
Wow, that we get that.

Speaker 23 (58:11):
Actually going I need that one on my gradestone AXT.
Yeah that is that is kind of it. Yeah, she's
the god parents and my daughters. But yeah, that was
very sweet. Of that was not just sweet. That was
you could probably quantify a box office based on Taylor
just doing something like that.

Speaker 3 (58:27):
Here, it's crazy.

Speaker 9 (58:28):
She did hype the movie.

Speaker 6 (58:29):
Yeah, and think about those kids though, they have like
one of the biggest flecks ever.

Speaker 8 (58:33):
My godmom is Taylor Swift?

Speaker 14 (58:35):
Yep, Getting drunk over the weekend or just want to
talk to us, call your John Jay and Rich Trunk
dial line at six, two, eight, eight eight, nineteen thirty three,
what's up?

Speaker 3 (58:44):
You're in the air, Hey, dun Day.

Speaker 15 (58:47):
I just kind of wanted to give you some reassurance
on the hearing a thing I scar that been wearing
hearing as my whole life. My mom got hit by
lightning when she was pregnant with me, and I didn't
lose my hair, and I was in my late twenty But.

Speaker 3 (59:04):
That though, it's the.

Speaker 15 (59:05):
Littlest things that you miss hearing that you don't realize
that you can't hear, like your feet hitting the rocks,
your jeans hitting each other, Like it's minimal things. And
I could tell you, if I could go back, I
would rather lose another sense, like my sight, than my hearing,
because there's nothing like hearing music. I own a food

chuck in Colorado. But I just wanted to give you
some reassurance that wearing hearing aids it's not a bad thing.
I would I wear them from morning tonight.

Speaker 5 (59:39):
Well, first of all, I would think that if your
mom was pregnant and got hit by lightning, you were
in your belly, you would have some sort of superhero powers.
There's got to be something else going on. Maybe you
can't hear. You have to wear hearing aids. But maybe
you have an extray vision. Have you jumps off a
roof to see if you can fly?

Speaker 18 (59:55):
I have to figure that out yet, maybe don't do that.

Speaker 3 (59:58):
Well, let me tell what happened to you? Check this out.
So I go to the hearing place right, and they
have I had all these tests for me to do.

Speaker 5 (01:00:05):
And first she goes, let me check your ear. I
tell her all my problems, right, She's like, okay, she's
writing it all down. She so, let me check your
ears with a like a doctor normally does. Because I
told her I haven't had my ears checks. So I
was like a little kid in school where you got
to raise your right hand up when you hear the noise,
right yep.

Speaker 3 (01:00:19):
So she checks my left ear and says, oh, I
can't even see through there. There's so much wax.

Speaker 8 (01:00:24):
Oh my gosh.

Speaker 3 (01:00:25):
Really, and I'm like what. So then she goes to
my right ear and it's perfectly fine and I will
catch you just test it anyway. She goes, No, you
have to get your ear cleaned out with an E
N T. So I called Riches doctor home on and
then next week I do mall my tests to find
out what's what's up with the hearing maid.

Speaker 15 (01:00:41):
You're not getting old, John Jay, You're not, you know,
Like the thing is, it is like there's so many
things that you can hear in the world. Even when
you're traveling. You don't want to miss any of those sounds.
When you're in Hawaii, you don't want to miss any
of those sounds. When you're you know, heading into work
or even going to the Starbucks. The little things you
don't want to hear, you don't want to miss. That's

one of the things.

Speaker 3 (01:01:03):
Right. I think my son needs the opposite of that.
He'd like to not hear me too, Right, he put
some of that wax in his ear.

Speaker 15 (01:01:09):
There is a benefit. My husband always gives me. You know,
he always gives me crap about it because you can
mute him. So I always mute it sometimes when he's
constantly talking.

Speaker 3 (01:01:18):
About that's awesome. If I have to wear a Hairnate,
I will. I'm not. I'm not ashamed of that. I
have wear a seapath for cryingout out.

Speaker 15 (01:01:26):
There's worse things in the world, and there's worse things
in the life. Take it, Ebry.

Speaker 3 (01:01:32):
John Jay's more machine than man now, and that's all
I need. I have a great day, Wendy. That thank
you so much for listening to John Jaye Rich. That's
John Jay and Rich. Hey, Charlotte, thanks for holy what's
going on?

Speaker 10 (01:01:44):
Basically, I kind of have a dirty little secret. A
few days ago, I hooked up with this guy I
O from the gym. This dude is like the Hulk,
Like he's over six feet tall, almost gender pounds heavy.
With her, we were really getting into it when he

slipped and his whole weight went onto my knee, which
bent a completely wrong way and dislocated everything. Oh yeah,
super painful. Anyway, I know this is like terrible to say,
but there's this guy I've been seeing crucibly, but he's

not my boyfriend. So I had to come up with
this huge lie about how I dislocated my knee. I like,
I literally tore everything in its Wait a minute.

Speaker 3 (01:02:38):
In other words, you cheated on your boyfriend with the
guy and your knee got injured.

Speaker 10 (01:02:43):
Well, he's not my boyfriend. We've been like seeing each
other exclusively, but he's not.

Speaker 7 (01:02:48):
Like that's kind of the same thing. It's kind of
the same thing. I mean to simple vice he's kind
of your boyfriend. I mean, there's no labels, but you
are supposed to be to him.

Speaker 5 (01:02:58):
You don't want to tell the truth because you slep
with not really the the Hulk is pretty big. The
Hulk is bird, But like.

Speaker 8 (01:03:04):
How do you explain that, like your whole knee? You
probably to your A c L. Your M c L.

Speaker 9 (01:03:09):
You don't you deny it? What? What? Why did you
make up?

Speaker 12 (01:03:12):
I mean you could you could do that falling down
a staircase. You know, you could discillocate it doing anything.
Nobody's gonna suspect that you were making love to the Hulk.

Speaker 3 (01:03:24):
Are you going to see the Hulky again?

Speaker 10 (01:03:28):
I mean I'll probably see him around the gym once
I can get back to the gym, which will take
a long time.

Speaker 13 (01:03:36):
But will you will you hook up with him again?

Speaker 10 (01:03:40):
No? No, I'm never That's like the wordest pain I've
ever felt in my life.

Speaker 3 (01:03:44):
Like, what kind of position were you in where he
fell on your knee? What were you guys doing?

Speaker 10 (01:03:48):
I mean, you know, the usual stuff.

Speaker 12 (01:03:53):
He probably thought he was doing a great job and
you were yelling in pain.

Speaker 10 (01:03:57):
Yeah, I mean he was until he wasn't.

Speaker 6 (01:04:00):
Oh my gosh, I can only just imagine.

Speaker 5 (01:04:03):
I can't picture a position or anything where you would
fall on a knee. But I'm not We're very We're
very not Hulk.

Speaker 8 (01:04:15):
That's a dilemma.

Speaker 6 (01:04:16):
Did you did you tell a lie though yet, Charlotte, Like,
have you told your boyfriend or you're not boyfriend?

Speaker 8 (01:04:21):

Speaker 10 (01:04:23):
Yeah, I mean I told him. I heard it at
the gym, which is like kind of true, kind true.

Speaker 9 (01:04:29):
It was a gem related injury.

Speaker 8 (01:04:32):
It was bad.

Speaker 3 (01:04:34):
You know, the last gym I was in, y'ah moved
to Miami.

Speaker 9 (01:04:37):
I knew you were waiting for that one. Okay's favorite
Jim joke.

Speaker 3 (01:04:42):
I don't get it.

Speaker 5 (01:04:46):
Yeah, when you say let it set it, Yeah, that's
exactly right. All right, Well thanks for that dory little secret, Charli.
We haven't had one in a while. Thank you so much.
Recovery Bye bye.

Speaker 3 (01:04:55):
It's Jah Jane, Rich, John Jay and Rich Tara, Good morning,
Good morning. All right, we're gonna play game. Let's play
celebrity who said that that.

Speaker 7 (01:05:18):
You're listening your ears on? Because this is the game
where I play. Hey clip was something a celebrity set?
And you tell me who said that? So usually I say,
maybe you can repeat the clip one time. But I
feel like in round one here, Tara, I've made it
pretty easy on you, and the clips are a little
bit longer than the usually are, so round one you
cannot repeat your clip, which means you have to listen

very closely the first time it plays. Round two you
can get it one replay, okay, if you'd like to steal,
if someone struggling, name is your buzzer, just so you
can get in on that as well, Tara. Nobody can
steal from Tara. Okay, John Jay, you're up.

Speaker 3 (01:05:55):
I mean I've been seeing ads with my face all
over the I'm not there.

Speaker 9 (01:05:58):
Yeah right, didn't even need the whole click. Rich you're up.

Speaker 8 (01:06:02):
What I did for Bob started during COVID. That was
learning all the songs.

Speaker 7 (01:06:06):
Timothy, correct, Peyton, keep the streak going.

Speaker 13 (01:06:10):
I'm obsessed with News.

Speaker 8 (01:06:12):
I've had him since he was a puppy.

Speaker 7 (01:06:13):
Oh so there it is, correct all right, Tara, most
fast and furious.

Speaker 9 (01:06:18):
But here is your clip.

Speaker 13 (01:06:19):
Listen closely.

Speaker 5 (01:06:20):
Hey, this is the biggest fight in the history of life,
other than to fight this big.

Speaker 8 (01:06:27):

Speaker 7 (01:06:28):
Oh my gosh, everybody is on the board after round
one corrected.

Speaker 3 (01:06:32):
My mind is blown right now that Timothy Challomy doesn't
have any English accent?

Speaker 9 (01:06:37):
What all right? We move into round two. John Jay, it's.

Speaker 3 (01:06:45):
So highly about the show itself, about the quality.

Speaker 5 (01:06:49):
Uh Javier Bardem Yeah, okay, Rich, Well.

Speaker 9 (01:06:57):
I've had three surgeries, I've had chemo, I've lost a
little bit of hair.

Speaker 13 (01:07:02):
Oh from Dumb and Dummer.

Speaker 7 (01:07:03):
That'sjef Daniels joh Jey for steel, correct, John j for
the steel.

Speaker 3 (01:07:06):
It's a David Dave cooler from her.

Speaker 13 (01:07:10):
I get those two confused all the time, all the time.

Speaker 9 (01:07:13):
And this time it costs you a point.

Speaker 8 (01:07:15):

Speaker 9 (01:07:15):
So yeah, so basically you're gonna lose this game.

Speaker 7 (01:07:18):
I'm so sorry Teton here.

Speaker 3 (01:07:23):
I have loved cheers my entire life.

Speaker 8 (01:07:26):
I have loved cheese my entire life too.

Speaker 9 (01:07:30):
I know somes what you get one replay. I have
loved cheers my entire life.

Speaker 7 (01:07:35):
Kenda Jenner incorrect anyone for the steel, Rich, you could
come back on this one.

Speaker 12 (01:07:39):
You could come back, she says, Chia's I love Chea's
cheas somebody somebody from the Midwest.

Speaker 3 (01:07:46):
I'm gonna say, Oriana incorrect.

Speaker 9 (01:07:50):
Incorrect, Tara, that ring a bell at all?

Speaker 7 (01:07:54):
Harris, good guess, but no, that was Sydney Sweeneyer Sidney
Sweeney's secret obsession.

Speaker 9 (01:08:04):

Speaker 7 (01:08:06):
I was excited to put that in this game because
I knew you love cheese so much. Okay, Tara, it
all comes down to you. I'm gonna have one bonus
question here, Tara. So it would bring you back up
into the points realm to beat John Jay. But you
gotta get the celebrity right. Here is your clip.

Speaker 23 (01:08:23):
I would really genuinely love to do with Hugh so
I one day I'd love to do that. I don't
know about this here, but one day Ryan Reynolds.

Speaker 9 (01:08:30):
Ryan Reynolds is correct.

Speaker 7 (01:08:31):
Tell me any movie Ryan Reynolds has been in.

Speaker 9 (01:08:34):
And you will beat John J.

Speaker 18 (01:08:35):
Vans The Adam Project.

Speaker 9 (01:08:40):
Okay, I think that's him. I don't know that movie.

Speaker 8 (01:08:42):
I'm good, Yeah you saw it.

Speaker 6 (01:08:45):
It's a superhero The Adam Project.

Speaker 7 (01:08:48):
I think I said the Autumn Project like that.

Speaker 9 (01:08:52):
I do well with that, Tara.

Speaker 3 (01:08:55):
You win the game, correct.

Speaker 5 (01:08:59):
I can't help this, but my mom used to sing
this song when I was a little kid, and it
sounds like your name.

Speaker 3 (01:09:04):
Did you anyone ever say this to you?

Speaker 5 (01:09:06):
Kay, Terra Terrah, Whatever will be will be?

Speaker 18 (01:09:12):
No I never got that. What I did get was
everybody calls me Tara and it drives me crazy, and
I'd be like, oh, it's like tomayo tomorrow, Tara, Tara,
and I'm like, no, it's not.

Speaker 9 (01:09:23):
No, it's not it's not Tara.

Speaker 5 (01:09:27):
The song my mom was a used kiss Sarah, Sarah,
whatever you.

Speaker 3 (01:09:31):
Got you guys, I don't something. I don't know you
associated that with Tarrow well because you sound like you
know it was happening right now, real quick. My son
Dutch and his partner Gavin, Right, remember they're part of
Senior Assassins. Right, Dutch is out, but Gavin's still in,
so it means their team is still in. They found

out about a guy that's leaving town this weekend. So
Dutch is he in school? No, he's not. He's staking
out with Gavin and another buddy. There's James at the
airport waiting for the guy at the airport to shoot
him with the water gun to get him out.

Speaker 13 (01:10:05):
That is excellent out. Let's suspect that.

Speaker 9 (01:10:10):
Surprised it's still going on.

Speaker 5 (01:10:12):
He cares about education, right anyway, Let's cover it out
with three things we need to know.

Speaker 3 (01:10:16):
Kyle, this is.

Speaker 9 (01:10:17):
Kind of fun.

Speaker 7 (01:10:18):
I'm going to give you the signs that you may
be more attractive than you think you are.

Speaker 9 (01:10:22):
Next Twitch John Jane Rich.

Speaker 21 (01:10:25):
Jean Jane Rich call the show at eight seven seven nine.

Speaker 3 (01:10:28):
Four seven, Kyle, are three things we need to know.

Speaker 7 (01:10:31):
Today is officially Stand Up to Bullying Day, so we're
all encouraged to learn how to stop aggressive, unwanted behavior.
Cyberbullying is also a thing too, and sadly, a recent
study actually linked cyberbullying to extreme dieting and cosmetic surgery
interest in teen girls who are teased online insulted about

their body shape, weight, or physical features. So not only
do we need to stop in person bullying, but cyberbullying
as well.

Speaker 3 (01:10:58):
So the whole life.

Speaker 5 (01:11:00):
I was bullied my whole life and everything you just
said there, I've done, wait games, surgery, hugs.

Speaker 9 (01:11:07):
Thanks sending them over to you.

Speaker 7 (01:11:09):
But yeah, definitely a good day to just remind yourself
like it. It doesn't hurt to be kind. And if
you see someone who is getting bullied or who you
know is getting that kind of treatment, it helps to
stand up like they need an ally too. So being
attractive is often you know, like a physical trait. Great eyes,
great body, you know all the things right, You're that too.

Senxes beyond sight also play a role in how attractive
you are. But there are two subtle sensory signal signals
that that may mean you're more attractive than you realize.
So this is based on research. They say you may
be more attractive than you realize if people are.

Speaker 9 (01:11:52):
Drawn to your voice.

Speaker 7 (01:11:54):
Your voice conveys emotional warmth, empathy, and trustworthiness, and this
may actually make you very attractive to other people. And
if romantic partners love your natural scent. Scent is like
a subconscious element and attraction you've always heard that you know,
like pheromones and whatnot, So that may play a role
in how you connect with others.

Speaker 9 (01:12:14):
Like if you're I don't know if.

Speaker 7 (01:12:16):
Peyton, If Kadeem likes your bo, you might be more attractive.

Speaker 8 (01:12:19):
That's so funny.

Speaker 6 (01:12:21):
Okay, So Kadeem's mom has like she makes like her
own kind of skincare line, and I use a lot
of like her face oil on my face, and like
every time I use it, He'll be like, can you
please never wear that again?

Speaker 8 (01:12:32):
You smell.

Speaker 7 (01:12:34):
I always want to get romantic and be thinking about it.

Speaker 24 (01:12:37):
Mom, I get that, so if you feel like your
relationship you want it to be healthier or maybe on
the rocks.

Speaker 7 (01:12:48):
They say, change your attitude to gratitude. Actually, that's what
I always say, but the story is about gratitude, so.

Speaker 9 (01:12:54):
I wanted to throw that in there. That's what I
tell my kids.

Speaker 7 (01:12:56):
Change your attitude to gratitude, and it does help. They
expressing gratitude actually releases oxytocin.

Speaker 9 (01:13:03):
It actually creates an upward.

Speaker 7 (01:13:05):
Spiral of positive effects in all your relationships. They say,
grateful people just notice more positive actions more and are
able to filter out minor annoyances.

Speaker 9 (01:13:15):
When you're grateful for things, those little things that.

Speaker 7 (01:13:17):
May bother you just kind of don't bother you as
much because you have other things to be grateful for.
They say, you might want to consider a gratitude shift,
which means consciously focusing on what's good instead of dwelling
on what's missing or what you don't like or what
you're annoyed about. And they say, instead of saying sorry,
say thank you.

Speaker 3 (01:13:37):

Speaker 7 (01:13:38):
For instance, instead of saying sorry, I didn't understand the question, right,
you say thank you for clarifying. Tell me that one
more time in a different way. Right, so instead of
saying sorry for being emotional, thank you for your flexibility.

Speaker 9 (01:13:50):
Sometimes this is rough for me.

Speaker 7 (01:13:53):
For clarifying, I mean, if your no, that's not gratitude,
that is attitude. Okay, So try that today. You can
shift gratitude into your life and see the positive like
dominoes that fall.

Speaker 9 (01:14:06):
And that's three things you need to know.

Speaker 3 (01:14:08):
Check out John Jay and Rich on Instagram.

Speaker 5 (01:14:10):
Rich picked me up this morning like he does every morning,
every day, every day.

Speaker 3 (01:14:14):
He's never been late. Finally, I post it every once
in a while.

Speaker 5 (01:14:17):
But I had to today and just because I couldn't
believe it, how loyal of a driver he is.

Speaker 3 (01:14:21):
Thank you, Rich, Thank you. That's my gratitude to you.
Thank you for your gratitude.
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