All Episodes

September 18, 2024 36 mins
AJC poll has Trump up 3 in Georgia. Gallup poll shows Trump favorables rising, Kamala's declining. CBS goes to Nevada diners and only finds one Kamala supporter. Trudeau approval plummets in Canada. Kamala and Walz answer every economic question with "I come from a middle-class family." Montage of Kamala repeating the same rehearsed lines. Harris voter calls in to explain why he prefers her over Trump.

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Speaker 1 (00:00):
Welcome in Wednesday edition Clay Travis buck Sexton Show. Appreciate
all of you hanging out with us. We got a
whale of a program headed your direction today hopefully be fun, entertaining,
and enlightening all rolled together. Mike Baker, he is a
counter intel expert.

Speaker 2 (00:18):

Speaker 1 (00:18):
You know, Mike, I believe basically going to tell us
how Israel managed to blow up pagers and now walkie
talkies of Hesbola in a story that continues to grow.
That should be an interesting conversation, I believe with him,
we got our buddy, Senator Ron Johnson. We have not

I don't think had him on Bucks since we were
with him at the RNC in August. We will talk
with him about the latest news out there, including the
battleground state of Wisconsin. And then at two thirty Ned
Ryan set to join us. I mentioned the blown up
walkie talkies, that story following the blown up pager yesterday

of Hezbola as Israel steps up its counter terrorism efforts.
We've got a lot to dive into with all of you,
but I wanted to start with a couple of interesting
data points that came down this morning in the gallop Pole.

There was a big move in likability since August when
it comes to Kamala Harris and to Donald Trump. Also,
we've got a new poll out from Atlanta showing in
the Atlanta Journal Constitution Trump with a three point lead
in Georgia. Let's talk about these in reverse for a

sec buck Trump up forty four to forty one, margin
of air three points in the Atlanta Journal Constitution.

Speaker 2 (01:51):

Speaker 1 (01:51):
That's down from a five point lead over Joe Biden,
but still an absolutely massive deal. If Trump flips Georgia
back into the Red team camp. Why does that matter? Well,
because if Trump wins Georgia and he wins North Carolina,

then all he would need to do is win Pennsylvania
and he as president. This also would reflect that Kamala
Harris's surge has really kind of run into a wall
here because Georgia has a large black population, and the
idea was, oh, Kamala will be able to get more
of those voters than Joe Biden would be able to.

That would seem not to be the case. Again, this
is the Atlanta Journal Constitution and the University of Georgia.
Pol I misspoke, Trump up forty seven to forty one. Sorry,
forty seven to forty four margin of air three point one.
In this poll, Biden was down five in June, but
this would suggest that the staying power for Trump in

Georgia is significant and that he's on track to flip
Georgia back to the Red team.

Speaker 3 (03:02):
I just want to say, Clay, the numbers absolutely line
up with what we've been saying is going to happen,
particularly over the last month, which is with greater Kamala
familiarity comes greater Kamala campaign weakness the entire game. I'm
telling you, the only way the people who really know

what's happening with this election, who are pulling the strings
the Democrat Party, the only reason they really thought that
Kamala Harris was a better shot for them than Joe
Biden was because of the truncated campaign, because it was
a shortened schedule, if you will, I think they all
recognize that if Kamala had to run over the course.

First of all, she had to run a primary, okay,
because she would have had to reiterate a lot of
those crazy positions in that primary. And then if she
had to show up and actually campaign in any normal sense,
there would have been no way because there's no COVID,
no way to run the hide Kamala campaign. But they figured, well,
if we only have to do this for a couple

of months, the media will run cover for us. They'll
be that Kamala bump in favorability from the newness of
it and the not dementia pation of it. But what
are we seeing? She is losing ground. And for her
to be in a position based on all of the
numbers we saw in twenty sixteen and twenty twenty, for

her to be in a position where right now things
can change she's ahead of Trump, she would have to
be substantially better off and gaining ground in the number
in the polls than she is right now. She is
losing this race. That does not mean she has lost,
but she is losing this race. And I think now
there's this challenge of Clay. What would you normally do

when someone's behind You would try to have them get
out there on the campaign trail, knock on doors, kiss babies,
all the usual stuff. But they can't do that, right,
So yeah, what do they do to try to turn
the momentum around? I don't think they have a good answer.

Speaker 1 (05:04):
Yeah, And that's where basically we are stationary. I was
talking with a couple of buddies this morning and one
of them was talking about how NFL ratings are up.
And some of you may say, Okay, well, why does
that matter. NFL ratings usually go down during the fall
of an election season. That's sort of a tried and
true aspect. What could be happening here. The theory is

that a lot of people have made up their minds
and that they are not able to gin up the
amount of interest that might have been there in the past.
So this is worth putting a pin in and thinking
about as we're under fifty days from the election, and
as some of you are going to be starting to
get your ballot soon Gallop poll. This is the other
one I wanted to hit. What's the lesson of Kamala's

political career on the national level. The more time people
spend with her, the less they like her. Buck I
got an analogy for you. I'm curious if you would
buy in if you're thinking about the twenty twenty four
election as a company, A lot of you work out
at businesses. Trump would be the founder CEO who is

outlandish at times, says ridiculous things. Many of you brash
know this person, but ultimately is right on the big
issues and that is why the company has success. A
lot of you have worked at companies like that or
you're familiar with it. Kamalo would be the VP of Diversity,
Equity and Inclusion who used to work in HR and

got promoted because of the HR investigations that she's been
a part of in the past. Who do people inside
of companies typically like the least the dei HR people
because they're constantly coming around trying to police everything that
people say, all of the relationships oded you you say

that joke, that's the people that we hate the most
inside of companies.

Speaker 3 (07:05):
That's Kamala. Even in the office, Yeah, remember the Office
great show. Yes, Toby the HR guy was the the
whole running bit with him. Was everybody, especially Michael Scott
hates Toby the HR guy. Yeah, because he's kind of
the uh, the goody two shoes.

Speaker 2 (07:21):
He's the office coverage, he's the office cop cop.

Speaker 3 (07:24):
Yeah, he's the ark. He's the nark that prevents the
funny jokes from happening.

Speaker 2 (07:28):
That's right.

Speaker 1 (07:29):
I think people are coming around on that analogy. But
here's what Gallup found uh favorability ratings shift from August.
Trump's favorabilities went up five points, his unfavorable decline by two.
They found a favorability rating for Trump of forty six,

which is actually pretty good for Trump because he's generally
just a little bit under fifty all the time. Unfavorable
fifty three for a net that would be negative seven, right, Kamala.
Kamala's favorable ratings went down three, her unfavorable ratings went
up five. She's got a net positivity rating here of

minus ten according to Gallup. And this, to me, Buck
really was the staggering part. Among independent voters, Trump is
a net minus nine forty four percent positive, fifty three
percent negative, Buck Harris. Among independent voters, these are the

swing voters that are going to decide the election, thirty
five percent positive, sixty percent negative minus twenty five. That
to me, again, this is a Gallup poll that just
came out today. Also with the Atlanta Journal Constitution Battleground
pole that just came out today, that to me is

incredibly damning. Now, look, has there been a rally among Democrats,
a relief rally of sorts because they don't have Joe Biden,
who they had to acknowledge had mental and physical issues
of cognition. Yes, but I think the sugar high when
you look at these numbers. This is the change since
August has begun to register. More people spend with Kamala,

more time people spend with Kamala, the less they like her.

Speaker 3 (09:19):
And this also is no surprise to any of us, right,
the same way that Biden's final collapse up there on stage,
the lie of oh he's sharpest attack, or as Joe
Scarborough said, is the sharpest he's ever been. When that
finally collapsed, we were like, yeah, of course, we've been
saying this all along. There's no surprise here, right. Kamala

Clay was viewed by the Democrat base in twenty twenty
as not even a top five contender. I mean she
was probably in the top ten, but not a top
five contender, meaning this is not somebody who I mean,
you know, look, look look at the ascent of somebody
like in Obama. The guy doesn't even finish his first

term in the Senate and he beats Hillary Clinton and
you know run the guy had political ability, Okay, I mean,
you know, was president for eight years. Not talking about
whether he was good or bad on the policies. Everybody
knows how I feel about that. But the guy could win,
and he did win. Now he didn't win for other
Democrat politicians. Obama's popularity never transferred well to the rest
of the party.

Speaker 2 (10:24):
But put that aside.

Speaker 3 (10:26):
Kamala Harris was viewed by Democrats as a political liability
until five minutes ago. And so now that we see that,
the more people see of her, the less they want
to support her, including the moderates or the mid swing voters,
whatever you want to call them. This is obvious, right,
This was what was supposed to happen based on what

we've already seen. And so now I just wonder, Yes,
of course there's the possibility of more October surprises, but really,
Clay Well, he's gonna say what could be an October surprise?
At this point, I don't even want to I don't
want to go there. You know, we've been in some
very dark places as a country recently. But if it's
gonna be the oh, like look what Trump said twenty

years ago, no one's gonna care. You know, the normal
last minute stuff isn't gonna work, and they can't suppress
stuff from our side. So they've both I think they've
fired every poor choice of words. They have deployed everything
they can already against Trump politically, and they also can't
suppress the truth about Kamala. And I think that X

is a big part of this. I think that X
allows for there to be an ecosystem of clips and
information and conversation, even for those of you who aren't
on it. It feeds the rest of the Internet and
the news cycle in a way that the Democrats cannot control.

Speaker 1 (11:45):
I think that's true. And also you're seeing them hiding Kamala.
How many more big events are there going to be
that move in her direction? And I don't know if
you we talked about this yesterday, the number of ballots
that have been questioned in Pennsylvania, I would love to
see somebody, and if you've got a link, I would

love for you to send it to us. Have Democrats
been able to explain why the number of requested ballots
is down massively for them in twenty twenty four compared
to twenty twenty These are mail in ballots. I'm sure
the answer is going to be, well, COVID, isn't there anymore?
We're not as afraid, but the Republican numbers of requested

ballots have not changed very much. So why is the
Democrat ballot number down so massively in a state that
they won so narrowly. Again, trying to look at data
and parse that to figure out where we're headed. That
would suggest to me that there is much less enthusiasm

out there. And I don't know, Buck if you saw this.
Did you see the Nevada CBS story where they were
going around to all the diners and they basically couldn't
find anybody who supported Kamala Harris in the toss up counties.

Speaker 2 (12:59):
Yeah, they were like, well, we went around.

Speaker 1 (13:00):
We finally found one liberal white guy who would be like, oh,
I'm a big Kamala supporter. But everybody they talked to
in the diners on the CBS this morning, I think
it was story about this wash out county, the toss
up county. I believe in Nevada everybody was like, yeah,
we're for Trump. And so again, I just think the

numbers are starting to get ominous. And remember last week,
Kamala's people said in their briefing, if the election had
happened last week, they thought Trump would win.

Speaker 3 (13:32):
I think that that's where we are. And so what
I'm trying to anticipate now is, given that reality, what
are Democrats planning? Because they you know, I think that
we know if Trump wins, they're not going to certify.
I've said this many times. I still believe this. They
will try to block certification, even if I don't think

they can really do that, but they're going to try something.
I do think will there be riots play? I mean,
will there be large riots across the country. Given how
insane the rhetoric has been around Trump, you would have
to think that there'd be anti fascist riots or something going.
You know, the people that want to shut you up
and threaten you with force are going to be having
anti fascist riots on the streets with no sense of

the irony there.

Speaker 1 (14:17):
I think the challenge they have with the riots is
when you're in command. I think that might hurt them, right,
So I think the Democrats.

Speaker 3 (14:25):
I'm talking after the I'm talking after it. Yeah, after
after the election, there's going to be right yeah, yeah,
I think so if Trump wins, Yeah, so that But
that's kind of what I'm seeing in the in the
in the near future here, because I don't see how
they turn it around with Kamala. I just I don't
I'm saying I don't see it. I'm not saying it's
not possible. I'm saying I don't see the pathway.

Speaker 1 (14:46):
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Speaker 4 (15:36):
Clay Travison, Buck Sexton, Mike drops that never sounded so good.
Find them on the free iHeartRadio app or wherever you
get your podcasts.

Speaker 3 (15:47):
Welcome back into Clay and Buck. Yeah, we are stacked
today with guests. We've got Mike Baker later, my former
CIA brother. They are good people. There are good people.
We'll work at the CIA. So men get very skeptic
these days.

Speaker 2 (16:00):
Well we all.

Speaker 3 (16:01):
Mike and I both left a long time ago, so uh.
Senator Ron Johnson it WI was constantly with us. And
then our friend Ned Ryan, who's the founder of American Majority.

Speaker 2 (16:10):
Just a great dude.

Speaker 3 (16:11):
His dad, you know, was like a superb athlete, you know.
I think he was an Olympian, big deal track star.
He can tell us the details, but net'll be with
us his new book, American Leviathan, which is about the
administrative state and its overreach. Clay one thing I wanted
to get into this a little bit. I am absolutely confident.

We probably don't even have time for the SoundBite here,
so we'll have to come back into it. But I
am more confident than ever. The Kamala I don't I
don't think I know. She memorized her debate answers. It
was all scripted, like she was in a high school
play and it was just go into this, go into that,
doesn't matter what you're being asked. And you're seeing a

bit of this where now every question on the economy
like a robot, every question on the economy, and she
launches into I come from a middle class family. You're like, well,
what you know, what do you think about the Fed?
But by the way, the Fed is about the lower
rates today kind of a big deal. Is it going
to be uh twenty five or fifty?

Speaker 2 (17:11):
Right? That's the yep, that's the question.

Speaker 3 (17:13):
That's the question. But Clay, she sits around he I
come from a middle class family. How about you know
she lives she's married to a lawyer, and she lives
in like a five million dollar mansion in Brentwood, you know,
next to all the celebrities. Like, she's not she hasn't
been in the struggle in a long time.

Speaker 1 (17:30):
She wasn't in the struggle when she was a kid.
Her parents were PhDs. She lived in the richest neighborhood
in Canada. Speaking of Canada, did you see our boy?
Trudeau has a twenty percent approval rating in Canada and
they just lost a battleground district in Quebec that they
was like a foundational aspect of the Liberal policy, cautiously
optimistic that maybe our friends to the north could be

in the Midwest impactings here.

Speaker 3 (17:54):
I despise Fauci Moore because of what he did to us,
but I think Trudeau may actually be.

Speaker 2 (18:00):
Worse as a person, which is yes, which is.

Speaker 3 (18:02):
Saying a lot. By the way, you know, look through
this program and the ones I've hosted with Clay here
for a while, I've gotten to know a financial research firm,
Stansbury Research, and they're considered to be the best independent
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your family, and your money.

Speaker 1 (18:57):
Welcome back in Clay Travis but Sexton Show. Appreciate everybody
out there hanging with us. As we roll through the
Wednesday edition of the program. I want to play for
you a couple of cuts that are illustrative of this election.
I would say the number one question that most people

have in America today, what can you, as the potential
president do to keep the prices that have soared over
the past three and a half years of the Biden
Kamala administration to bring those prices back to reality. And
this is important because I think many of you feel

it most people in America, the cost of goods has
accelerated faster than your wages have increased. It's not enough
for your wages to increase. What you want to have
is more purchasing power. You want to leave the grocery
store and feel, boy, I have more money left over

at the end of this month than I thought I
was going to have because the cost of goods is
lower than your wage have been increasing.

Speaker 2 (20:11):
Right, that's really the.

Speaker 1 (20:12):
Essence of how to make economic progress in America. Whatever
your costs are of living, you need to have more
money in your pocket at the end of the month
than you did to pay for your cost of living. Unfortunately,
because of the rise and inflation and the resulting rise
and a cost of basically all goods, that hasn't been
the reality. So even though Kamala and Walls are trying

to avoid answering this question, they're still getting asked it
by local news media because it's what local news media
hears from their viewers as well. Yesterday, I believe it
was Tim Walls, who still hasn't done a sit down
interview for the entirety of his time as vice presidential nominee,

was asked, Hey, what you have to say for people
about the cost of goods? Listen to this answer.

Speaker 2 (21:03):
Let's start with inflation.

Speaker 3 (21:04):
When you tell people who wake up frankly each morning
wondering how am I going to get buy financially.

Speaker 2 (21:08):
Yeah, I tell them, Kamala Harrison, I know something about it.

Speaker 5 (21:11):
It being middle class folks. Our families sit at the
table trying to pay the bill.

Speaker 1 (21:15):
Okay, I mean, and I want to play for you.
This is the agreed upon, memorized response to how do
you tell people who can't pay their bills?

Speaker 2 (21:26):
Well, I grew up in the middle class households.

Speaker 1 (21:28):
This is the agreed upon response, not any tangible action,
it's just oh, basically, I.

Speaker 2 (21:35):
Feel your pain.

Speaker 1 (21:36):
I had to sit at the kitchen table, these old
tired politician statements that don't actually go to the essence
at all. And I believe this is from the Jesse
Waters Show. They put together clips of Kamala using the
same line. They're reading off as Buck said earlier, a
memorized script. They're basically actors. Listen to this.

Speaker 6 (21:55):
So I was raised as a middle class kid. I
grew up a middle clas. I grew up a middle class kid.
I believe in the ambition, the aspirations, the dreams of
the American people. You know, we have ambitions and aspirations
and dreams, the ambition, the aspiration, the dream. I started
my career as a prosecutor. I was a career prosecutor

for most of my career. Having a background as a prosecutor,
I intend to create an opportunity economy. Developing and creating
an opportunity economy what I imagine and believe in call
an opportunity economy.

Speaker 2 (22:34):

Speaker 1 (22:34):
This is the more she talks, the less it becomes clear,
or the more it becomes clear she can't do this job.
And the reason Democrats want her is they know that,
much like Biden with dementia, they will just have her
as the figurehead, and they will have people surrounding her
who put in place all the policies that they want
to be able to implement, and she's not even intelligent

enough to oppose them. And Wall's, frankly, to me, seems
even dumber than Kamala. I think the combination of the
two is the dumbest political ticket that any of us
have ever seen in our lives. I'm not sure president
vice president have ever been less competent and frankly dumber
than this duo.

Speaker 3 (23:17):
I wonder what their alternative would be. This is the
challenge of criticizing a lot of what Harrison Wallace come
forward with, because she can't tout the Biden economy or
her role in it, really because it's not good. She
can't roll out new ideas because her new ideas personal,
they're not hers, but they're bad. Things like price controls,

and she really isn't left with a whole lot of
room to say anything of any intelligence anyway, unless she's
going to steal from President Trump ideas, which he's already done.
And so they're really just going for a campaign of
emotion and slogan. And I know that's always relevant in
political campaigns, right, That's always a part of this. But

there's supposed to be other stuff, right, I mean you
could say, oh, Trump, it's all about MAGA and you know,
chance and whatever. Yeah, but okay, Trump also has very specific,
articulated and successful policies on trade, articulated, specific and successful
policies on the economy, on taxes, on manufacture. Great, you

go down this list of things. It's two sided, right.
You have the campaign of emotions and the campaign of
facts and reality, and Kama's just running a pure emotional slogan.
It's all just this kind of mirage the whole campaign.
I don't even know what I mean. Yeah, they're they're
they're great. If you just if abortion is the single

thing that matters to the absolute most in the whole world,
you're voting Kambala. They're very solid on that. On everything else,
what do they even stand for on every other issue
Clay you could point to. Doesn't that tell you about
the centrality of abortion to the Democrat mindset? On everything else?
The economy, the border, police reparations, the environment. She's done

these big switches. So I sit here and people would
ask me, what's the worst part of the Kamala platform.
It's that there really isn't a platform, not really not
of any significance. I mean, go anyway, I've gone you her website?
Have you gone her website?

Speaker 5 (25:24):

Speaker 3 (25:24):
It's I mean, I'm like, is this a political campaign?
Or am I in a store that sells like wind
chimes and healing crystals? It's bizarre.

Speaker 1 (25:33):
They also, I think that's why you have to actually
just look at what she's done in office. I know
it's a radical proposition to actually hold her accountable for
what's happened while she's in office. She got asked that
question by the local Philly news guy, I don't think
we played that yesterday, But she says, well, obviously I'm
not Joe Biden. Haha, cackle. She hasn't created any real

space between herself and what Joe Biden and claimed he
would do if he were running in twenty twenty four.
In fact, they just cut and pasted the Biden platform
for the DNC, and even when they began to put
out policy proposals on their website, you could see that
they just cut and pasted it from what Biden had

suggested that he would do. And so I think the
border is a great crystallizing example of this. I tweeted
this earlier today. Kamala was asked by Axios if she
could ask answer questions about her immigration policies for five
or ten minutes. The Kamala campaign said no to Axios,

and I think what I would predict. You can grab
this and see if I'm right. In four years, if
Kamala were to win, she would do nothing to actually
close down the border over the next three and a
half years. And then come the twenty twenty eight presidential campaign,
when she decided that she was going to run, they

would try to throw forward a milk toast week border bill.
They would get some complicit Republicans to agree to it,
most Republicans would not, and then she would do what
they're trying to do in this election cycle, which is
blame Republicans for the issue at the border because they
won't sign on to the bill that they waited three

and a half years to introduce. She's not going to
go against the left link of her party. She's not
going to shut down the border. So the best prediction
for what a Kamala presidency would look like is what
we have already seen from a Biden presidency. And Biden
was by and large absent from most of his presidency
because he didn't have the mental or physical capacity to

be the leader that the nation needed. Kamala is the
shell shadow candidate that the Democrat Party needs to have
at the head of the table when they execute their
radical left wing agenda. That's the truth. That is where
we are headed. That is what will happen if she
were to manage to win this election in forty eight days.

Forty seven days, just less than seven weeks from now.

Speaker 3 (28:10):
Yeah, I think that the Kamala campaign is running out
of time, that they can intentionally run off the clock,
if that makes sense, like they Yeah, usually when you're behind,
you want more time, but actually for them, they want
it to be as short as possible. And so this
is why I come back to it. It's like a
campaign trap. What can they really do because with Trump,

you can say he needs to get back on message.
He needs to have a rally here, he needs to
and you know, everyone has a million ideas of what
Trump needs to do, and you know Trump is going
to do exactly what he wants. But with Kamala Harris,
you'll notice, Claire. Look, I am an avid watcher of
Morning Joe, as everybody in this audience knows. Just so
I get the talking points from the day for the Democrats,
I know what their general Lissimo is telling the rest

of the group think collectivists in the media, and it's
not like they're all out there. You know, it's amazing,
They're not like, you know what, we need more Kamala
on the campaign trail, she just needs to take her
message to the people. I have never seen this before
the political candidate ever, even with you know, Joe Biden
in twenty twenty, it was, you know, Joe needs to

get out there and tell people about the economy in
middle class and look when he's able to string together
a coherent sentence. Joe has been practicing the same shtick
for fifty years, like he can do it with Kamala Harris,
it's all, hey, can we just keep pushing the narrative
of Donald Trump is a danger to democracy enough that
we scare enough people that they'll vote for anybody who's

not Trump.

Speaker 1 (29:42):
Because Democrats know that she's incompetent, actually better than many
people that they're trying to persuade to vote for her, right,
I mean, they know, but they're the ones who said
that they wanted her kicked off the ticket because she
was a drag on Biden, and now they're saying she
should be in charge by herself for the next four years.
Remember they kept Joe Biden in as their nominee until

it became inevitable that he could not win, and then
they basically threw a hail. Mary brought in the backup
quarterback Kamala Harris. And the data reflects that as people
are learning more about her in the battleground states, they're
moving against her, and I think that's only going to
grow if again, economy, border crime, Trump keeps hammering this

as he goes out and makes the case some things
are beyond your control, like how carefully your data is
protected by the companies you do business with. Do you
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Speaker 4 (31:27):
Have fun with the guys on Sundays the Sunday Hang podcast.
It's Silly, It's Goofy, It's good times. Fight it in
the Clay and Buck podcast feed, on the iHeartRadio app
or wherever you get your podcasts.

Speaker 3 (31:40):
Welcome back in to Clay and Buck right time. To
remind everybody, I don't have the cool mug today, we're
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I know I've been saying that, but you know, making

this stuff takes a little time. We've got some calls
we have we wait, we're taking a Kamala supporter. We
have a Kamala supporter wants to call in. Did we
ask for yesterday?

Speaker 1 (32:38):
Well, I think I said, in response to the arguments
from Howard Stern. He said he hated Trump supporters and
he never wanted them to listen. I said, I would
love to have Kamala supporters listen because I think if
they listen to us over time, they'll be more likely
to vote for Republicans.

Speaker 3 (32:57):
So, all right, Scott, Scott and Omaha, So you listen?

Speaker 1 (33:01):
You listen regularly to the show, Scott, and you're a
Kamala supporter.

Speaker 5 (33:06):
I wouldn't say regularly, but I do turned hand and
listen to it on occasion. That's true.

Speaker 3 (33:12):
Are you okay to voting for Trump? Which I have
so many questions? Are you open to voting for Trump?
Or are you definitely in for Kamala this election?

Speaker 5 (33:19):
Definitely in for Paris?

Speaker 1 (33:21):
Okay, So what has Kamala? You're in Omaha, which is
in theory an electoral district that could matter. They split
in Nebraska, so it's not winner or take all. So
Omaha is a battleground. What do you like not? What
do you dislike about Trump? What do you like about
Kamala and think she has done a good job of
such that you want to support her?

Speaker 5 (33:46):
Well, there's a multiple, multiple of things about Trump.

Speaker 1 (33:49):
That Okay, I didn't say about Trump? I said, what
do you like about that? I understand that you might
not like Trump. But what has Kamala done? She's in
office right now for three and a half years, right,
What can you point to that she has done and
you think she's done a good job of such that
she has earned your support? Insulin price was dropped down, No,

it was already taken care of. The insulin thing is
not true. Trump was involved in that too, So let's
take that off the board. What else has she done?

Speaker 5 (34:20):
What do you mean that it's not true?

Speaker 1 (34:23):
And you can go fact check the end? Hold on,
you can go fact check the insulin thing yourself. I'm
taking that off the board. You can trust me or
not trust me, but you can go look it up.
What else has kamalad done as vice president three and
a half years in office that she has won year vote?

Speaker 2 (34:38):
Inflation is coming down, okay.

Speaker 1 (34:40):
But hold on inflation. Hold on, inflation was one point
four percent when she came into office. It went all
the way to nine point one percent. It's still double
right now today what it was when Trump left office
and she came into office. So you're giving her credit
for doubling inflation.

Speaker 5 (35:02):
See This is why I do listen to you. But
you're just solidifying my response on choosing Harris, because I
wouldn't matter what I say.

Speaker 2 (35:13):
You know, no, I'm asking you. You have you have
yet to give give me a reason.

Speaker 1 (35:17):
I'm I'm open to you persuading our audience why they
should vote for Kamala. But what is your reason? What
else do you have?

Speaker 3 (35:23):
Why don't we ask? Well, what do you give us
your top two or three reasons? You can listen them
and then we'll deal with them.

Speaker 5 (35:28):
Go ahead, she's more presidential, he says that.

Speaker 3 (35:33):
Okay, she what okay, cares about the middle class, he said,
and then give me one more.

Speaker 5 (35:41):
She's trying to increase first time home buyers.

Speaker 3 (35:46):
Okay, all right, I appreciate it. First of all, thank
you for the fact you listened from time to time.
We do appreciate and no, I know we we let
you listen them. I appreciate it. We're not going to
argue with you on it because there's two of us
and that's not fair. We're gonna talk over you, but
we will address what you're saying here. Thank you for
calling in. Look, I appreciate that we have people even
who are still going to vote for Kama listening, let's
just say clearly, we're very interesting radio hosts, all right,

so let's just throw that out there. But I would
say this, and I would say this to our caller
now that I'm not talking over interrupting him or you know,
going back and forth with him, Clay, everything that he's
listening is basically an emotional feel she's more presidential, she
cares about the middle class. It's exactly what I was saying.
What is she going to do that will actually help

in any way any of these people? And I just
think people have to look at whether they're emotionally connected
to Kamala Harris or the Democrat Party and if there's
any actual substance behind what they like, that's the question.

Speaker 2 (36:41):
Here's what I would say.

Speaker 1 (36:43):
I think this goes to the essence, what has Kamala
done that you believe deserves giving her a promotion to
a bigger job.

Speaker 2 (36:52):
The answer is nothing.

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