All Episodes

September 1, 2024 46 mins
Mark as Played

Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:00):
For those who wins.

Speaker 2 (00:01):
You wirst stepping out of temple, keeping rhythm of the
song on the radio.

Speaker 3 (00:08):
I gotta keep what baby song you made me want
to roll my windows down and cross.

Speaker 2 (00:24):
Good afternoon and welcome with the Car Show fifty five KRC.

Speaker 1 (00:28):
I am Dame Donovan taking all of your car questions.

Speaker 2 (00:32):
The number to call five one three seven fifty five hundred.
That number gain five one three seven fifty five hundred.

Speaker 1 (00:38):
That is my favorite intro. I've just uh, I don't know.
It gets gets me going. It's a perfect intro.

Speaker 4 (00:44):
I love it.

Speaker 2 (00:44):
So all right, it's a beautiful Saturday afternoon, and I'm
here to answer your car question. So again, if it's
a maintenance question, if it's an oil change question, if
it's a you know, you've got everybody's got car problems right,
even on these newer cars, even these cars that are
two or three years old, You've got questions. So that's

what I'm here for again, here every Saturday from one
to two to take your car questions.

Speaker 1 (01:11):
I'm again Dane Donovan from Donovan's Auto entire Center and.

Speaker 2 (01:16):
Love to hear from you. Phone lines are wide open again.
I'm gonna get out the phone number is five to
one three number again, five one three, five hundred. Again,
it's a gorgeous Saturday afternoon. So after after I leave here,
I have to immediately I literally have to run out
of the building pick up my son. And he's got

a baseball game.

Speaker 1 (01:39):
So he's in a.

Speaker 2 (01:43):
Wooden bat tournament this weekend. So you think three days off, you're, oh, man,
we'll be in great shape. We'll get some stuff done
around the house. And now last night was a baseball game,
This afternoon's a baseball game.

Speaker 1 (01:57):
Tomorrow's a baseball game. And it's got a he's got
he's got to try to fit in. Well, he's supposed
to serve at church.

Speaker 2 (02:04):
And have a game.

Speaker 1 (02:06):
But we don't know when this game will be. So
it's the I might I might not have anything to
do on Monday, so we'll see.

Speaker 2 (02:13):
But uh, but again it's a Memorial Day weekend, and uh,
I want to shout out to all those who paid
the ultimate sacrifice for this country. I appreciate everybody that's
in uh, all military, police, first responders, and but again

that's it's about Memorial Day weekend and those of who
again who've made the ultimate sacrifice so I want to
send uh, you know, just really do appreciate what people
do for this country and and and keeping us safe
and protecting us. So but again the number to call
five one, three hundred, it was a little a little steamy,
uh this week. Uh, And believe it or not. So

then my new location that I purchased in Nord at
the corner Montgomery Road and Data, it was formally called
Auto Foreign and so it's it's still Auto Foreign, it's
just there's a Donovance in front of it. So it's
Donovan's Auto Foreign Man. Again, what a great customer base,
what phenomenal business. And like I said, the owner was
just looking to retire, and so I stepped in. And

men have been very happy and very pleased with, you know,
the decision and being able to I can't tell you
how many people have you know, have come in Auto
Foreign customers and just said, hey, thank you for being here,
thank you for opening back up and being able to
serve our vehicle, service our vehicles.

Speaker 1 (03:41):
We really do appreciate it. And you know that really
means a lot to me.

Speaker 2 (03:46):
You know, whether it's a donovantire customer or a new
Auto Foreign customer. The fact that these you know a
lot of people are like, hey, have been coming here
for twenty ten, fifteen years, and I just wouldn't I
wouldn't know what to do if you guys were permanently closed.
So I had a young lady yesterday just said, hey,
thank you for opening this place back up. And you
know that means a lot to me. I do enjoy Again,

I've said it multiple times. I do enjoy what I do,
and I want to continue to grow and expand and
and again service people's vehicles. I mean, that's all I
know what to do. That's all I that's all I've
wanted to do, and it's important to me and so
great customer base.

Speaker 1 (04:27):
So really really do enjoy it.

Speaker 2 (04:29):
So all right again in the number call five one, three, seven,
five hundred, let's go to John.

Speaker 1 (04:35):
Hey, John, welcome to the car show. How can I help?

Speaker 5 (04:39):
Well, yeah, thank you for chicking my call. No problem.
I've got an older Jaguarre and has Classic insurance and
I take care of it. It's it's totally you know, Christine,
No Russ garage capel is like seventy six thousand miles
on and I do a lot of the workout.

Speaker 6 (04:55):
It myself the light work.

Speaker 5 (04:58):
And I'm losing coolant and it's not on my oil.
It's not leaking. I mean, I've looked at it several
times after a hot drive and it's not coming out,
and I don't see anything coming off the tailpipe, but
it's it's obviously not in the oil, which is relatively

good news. But could it be it's going into the
cylinders and going out the back. That's what all I can.

Speaker 6 (05:26):
Think of it.

Speaker 1 (05:26):
Yeah, that's initially what I'm thinking too.

Speaker 2 (05:29):
So let me ask you something when you say it's
using coolant, I mean, how often are you adding coolant?

Speaker 5 (05:36):
Every time I drive?

Speaker 6 (05:38):

Speaker 5 (05:39):
And I don't hit it hard, I'm very careful at
the four point zero engine. It's a beautiful cower, beautiful engine.
But it turns out that I know I put in
every time I drive about about a quart maybe half
a cort, So it is going somewhere. Usually it's pretty
station and it doesn't get hot. It's right at the

normal range, lightly cooler where it's supposed to be. And
the other thing I'm thinking, well, because of its age
and everything that I have, is there a trustworthy fluid
to put in the cooling system? That you've got any
you know, I hate to clock anything up right. I
hear all these nightmares about an additive to put in.

Speaker 1 (06:24):
Yeah, how long John? How long has this problem been
going on?

Speaker 5 (06:29):
Probably about a year. Because I don't drive it much.
I put about two three thousand miles on a year
or less, and so I've had it several years. I
bought it at about fifty two thousand.

Speaker 6 (06:41):
It's about seventy.

Speaker 2 (06:42):
Six now, okay, so you're driving about two three thousand
dollars or two or three thousand miles a year, and
it's been going on for about a year.

Speaker 1 (06:49):
You said, that's correct, okay. And you don't see anything
on the driveway or nothing.

Speaker 5 (06:58):

Speaker 2 (06:59):
Have you had Yeah, have you had a mechanic just inspected,
or do a pressure test or get it up in
the air.

Speaker 1 (07:07):
Have you had anybody look at Yeah, you had a
pressure test.

Speaker 5 (07:10):
You left it out overnight and he said, I don't
know where it's coming from, but he said it's probably
coming out the exhaust pipe, but just a little bit.
And so you know, just be careful with it. And
I don't want now I can't take it on any trips. Right,
you don't know what's going to happen. Yeah, I'm wondering

is there any attitude I could put in otherwise it's
pulling the top off, but I don't want to do that.
That's that's running the series, Dallas.

Speaker 2 (07:39):
Yeah, so I mean gathering what you're telling me, and
you don't see anything leaked in, and it's it's using
a quarter or half a quart of coolant. I would
probably would tend to agree with your mechanic and that
it's probably going out the tailpipe. There's probably a crack
in the head and one of the cylinder heads or
a head gasket issue where a little bit of coolant's

getting through there going in the cylinder and a lot
of a lot of times, I mean you think about it,
if you drive it a small distance but it's using coolant,
a lot of people will tend to think that, yeah,
you're going to see all the smoke and there's gonna
be signs of it, and that's not always necessarily the case.
Uh right, And you said it's never it's never overheating.

It's never overheated or anything.

Speaker 1 (08:25):
Never never never, okay.

Speaker 5 (08:27):
Never, it's uh And it's it's no rust underneath anywhere.
It's Christine and the insurance company gave me Classic Insurance.
They came out.

Speaker 2 (08:36):
We had to take all.

Speaker 5 (08:37):
Kinds of photos, and it's got a it's got a
stated price on it for replacement. You know, so it
looks like a new car. Well, you know it, it
could be any of the things that you mentioned. And
so is there any reliable, any reliable attitude to put
it here?

Speaker 2 (08:52):

Speaker 1 (08:52):
So the uh yeah, so great question.

Speaker 2 (08:55):
So the only thing that I would recommend, there's a
there's a there's a product out there. It's called Blue Devil, okay,
and it's typically Blue Devil is typically head gasket repair.
We have had success with it for those people who
just don't want to do the repair.

Speaker 1 (09:12):
And I get it.

Speaker 2 (09:13):
I haven't seen it clog up radiators or or you know, evaporators.

Speaker 1 (09:19):
Or anything like that.

Speaker 2 (09:20):
And it's it's something that you can do at home,
and just basically you'll have to read the instructions, but
basically you got to get the car up to normal
operating temperature, right and then you know, remove the amount
of cooling that you need in order to add the
Blue Devil, and then you let this, you know, you
let the vehicle run. And we've had success with it.
I've had other customers that have used it that have

had success with it. I've not heard of anybody saying
that the radiator or the or the heater core. I
said evaporator earlier. I'm sorry, heater core. A lot of
times some of these products will clog up these systems,
but I've not seen that.

Speaker 5 (09:57):
That's what I'm worried about.

Speaker 6 (09:58):
Yeah, you do?

Speaker 1 (10:00):
Do you put it in?

Speaker 7 (10:01):
Do you put the radiator cap back on?

Speaker 5 (10:05):

Speaker 2 (10:09):
So typically It's been a while since I've used it,
but I think you get the car you remove, it'll
tell you as far as what the system, you know,
how much coolant your system holds.

Speaker 1 (10:20):
It tells you exactly how much you need to add.

Speaker 2 (10:22):
So you need to remove that coolant, add the product,
get it up to normal operating temperature, where the fans
are kicking on, and what the instructions are on the bottle.
But the only product that I know of that I've
seen work and not cause any type of coolant issues
as far as the radiator or the heater core is.

Speaker 1 (10:39):
The Blue Devil, And you can find it pretty much
at any you know, Uh.

Speaker 8 (10:45):
Do you do?

Speaker 5 (10:46):
You then drain the cooling system and put fresh coolidge
in after that or just leave it.

Speaker 1 (10:51):
I think you just leave it.

Speaker 2 (10:53):
I don't think you drained the whole coolant system. I
just think you remove the amount of coolant that you
need in order to add the blue devil, and then
you just keep it in there.

Speaker 1 (11:01):
But again, it's it's it's on the back of the bottle.

Speaker 2 (11:05):
It will it'll walk you through the whole process. And
it's pretty like I said, you could do it at
home in your driveway.

Speaker 5 (11:11):
Oh sure, Yeah, that's good advice. And do you do
you turn off and make sure the heater the heater
itself is closed or no?

Speaker 1 (11:19):
Typically no, Typically you want the heat on high so
that the system.

Speaker 5 (11:25):
Even through the heater core.

Speaker 1 (11:26):
Correct, Yes, sir, got it?

Speaker 5 (11:28):
Yeah, Well, thank you very much.

Speaker 7 (11:30):
I appreciate your advice and.

Speaker 5 (11:32):
I really love your show.

Speaker 1 (11:32):
All right, John, thank you, all right?

Speaker 5 (11:34):

Speaker 2 (11:35):
All right, take care bye bye. He's calling from Chicago, Illinois.
So all right again, taking your phone calls. Phone lines
are wide open. The number to call five one three
seven hundred. That number again, five one three seven fifty
five hundred. You're listening to the Car show on fifty
five KRC, the talk station.

Speaker 1 (11:49):
This is fifty five KRC and iHeartRadio station.

Speaker 3 (11:53):
Do you have a truck, camper r VA a trailer
that needs body repair? If so, call my buddy Dave
Breakman at Frank's Heavy Truck Collisiony located just All five
seventy five or Route sixty three. It's convenient to both
Cincinnati and Date. With over thirty years of experience including
insurance work and fleetwork, Franks knows the most important things
are quality, worker, customer satisfaction. Frank's Heavy Truck Collision Repair

prides themselves in doing the job right and get into
your vehicle back on the road. Call five one three
eight two nine ninety thirty eight two nine ninety thirty The.

Speaker 9 (12:24):
Place for Brian Thomas in the morning. Fifty five KRC
the talk station.

Speaker 2 (12:30):
Taking your car questions to the number to call five
on three seven four nine fifty five hundred phone lines
of wide open love to hear from you. So earlier
there was oh, no, I gotta turn this fan off. Sorry,
it's hot in here. And I turned that fan on,
then I forget to turn it off. Earlier, there was

a young lady that called she dropped off. Her name
was Kristen, but she was calling I wanted to know
how to properly dispose of cooling, which I thought was
a great question. Most repair shops, all of our Donnovan
Entire locations, you can if you have obviously you've got
in a bottle or something, but if you just bring

it to any of any Donavantire locations. And again most
repair shops would be able to you could just bring
it to them and they can recycle it for you.
So we use a company that you know recycles that
coolant and properly disposes of it. So again, any of
our Donovantire locations, my new store Auto forign and at

Montgomery of the corner of Montgomery, Data or a Ridge
or blue Ash, you can bring that coolant to us
and we'll dispose of it properly.

Speaker 7 (13:45):
So and.

Speaker 2 (13:48):
There is a lot of times you'll see on your
receipt and environmental fee and that's to cover properly disposing
of oil and coolant and all the other chemicals.

Speaker 1 (13:58):
And sometimes people have question is about that.

Speaker 2 (14:00):
I want to know why they're being charged that, and
that's because we want to make sure that we're properly
getting rid of these chemicals. And again, you should never
ever dump it in a sink or in a drain
or anything like that. Again, most repair shops would be
able to take care of it. I could tell you
that all of my locations would be able to handle

that and dispose of it properly, because that's that's important.

Speaker 1 (14:26):
And again, the company that we use.

Speaker 2 (14:31):
For our coolant is actually they supply our coolant, they
recycle it, and then we basically reuse it now to
an extent, I mean, not all of it, but you know,
it's a way to make sure that we're doing the
right thing and environmentally taking you know, taking care of
the environment at the same time, and not just dumpy.
So again, you should never ever dump coolant or oil

or any type of chemical products, power.

Speaker 1 (14:54):
Steering, fluid, brake fluid, nothing.

Speaker 2 (14:57):
You could bring it to any repair shop and then
will be able to properly dispose of it. And again,
any of our donovantire locations, you can bring this product.
We don't charge you anything, you don't need to call
in advance. You just bring it to down and say hey,
I've got these. You know a lot of times if
people are cleaning out their garage or they buy a
new house or whatever, and you know, They're like, I've

got all this old oil or posteering fluid or whatnot,
and we'll take it for free. Because the other thing
that we do too, not with coolant, but with your oil,
your parasteering flu your transmission fluid, those fluids. We have
a furnace. Okay, most some well I would think that
a lot of repair shops happen, but there is a

furnace out there. It's called a clean burn. And basically
what we do is how we heat the building in
the winter, is we use those products to heat the building,
so they are there. It's a wonderful way to dispose
of the product. And that's how we heat the building
is by using old.

Speaker 1 (15:55):
Fluids like that.

Speaker 2 (15:57):
So it's a really great system, ronmentally safe and clean
burn is Uh, there's a lot of shops that heat
their building this way and it's a great alternative to
you know, natural gas and whatnot. So again, you can
bring any of your products, any of your used car products,
you can bring them to Donovan's and we'll dispose of
them properly. So I thought that was a great question.

She just she dropped off. She may may not have
been able to wait. So all right, let's go back
to the phones. We've got Keegan. Hey, Kegan, welcome to
the car show.

Speaker 1 (16:27):
How can I help?

Speaker 5 (16:29):
Hey, thanks for taking my call.

Speaker 1 (16:31):
Not a problem.

Speaker 10 (16:32):
Yeah, I've been for over a year now trying to
track down this mystery problem.

Speaker 5 (16:38):
With my car.

Speaker 10 (16:38):
I got a two thousand and seven Infinity T thirty
five to Dan. I love the car. I've got about
two hundred and fifty thousand miles on it. I'm trying
to get it to over three hundred. I think she
can do it. Yeah, but I've got this sporadic thing.
So I got a check engine light and through a code,
and the code was he's here one seventy.

Speaker 5 (16:59):
Four, which is the lean yep.

Speaker 10 (17:03):
Yeah, And and one of the uh, the mechanics that
I took it to said, oh, you know you need
a new oxygen center. So I was like, okay, So
I replaced it.

Speaker 7 (17:14):
I did all oem.

Speaker 10 (17:16):
I replaced the upstream center. I haven't done the downstream
but it's still still thrown this code. So I'm I
also discovered an oil leak at the same time, realized
that my valve cover was leaking oil and I had
oil in one of the coil packs. Surrounding the filling
the two inside and uh so I pulled that off,

cleaned it all out. I did all new coil packs,
all new spark plugs. I also changed out the throttle bodies.
I got new throttle bodies. And it's still thrown this code.
It'll obviously, like during the closed loop session of the
after I reached at the ECU, it'll you know, run fine,
and then all of a sudden, going down the highway

check engine light and it's run like crap again, and
it's running almost like it's misfiring. And I'm I mean,
I've checked the wiring harness thinking that it's a short there.

Speaker 5 (18:11):
I've done so much of this.

Speaker 1 (18:13):
So I don't know where to go with it, all, right, Well,
so typically what about so I would I would tell you.

Speaker 2 (18:22):
So you know you've got you know, you've got oxygen
sensors that are before the cats and after the cats,
right so, and what they do is, you know that
kind of the the Matt Jeesel pizza, the aucygen sensor
will will.

Speaker 1 (18:37):
Test the exhaust to find out that there's too much
fuel in it.

Speaker 2 (18:40):
If there is, it goes into the Catalet converter where
it burns off in there, and then the second oxygen
sensor will then test it again. So if that back
two sensor is getting lazy, that could set your coat
as well. Because it's on one bank, my next step
for you would tell you probably need to replace that

rear O two cents or on bank you said bank
uh one seventy four bank two?

Speaker 10 (19:06):
Right, yeah, And and the other thing too is uh,
which I have that on order. So that's the next
you know, one hundred bucks that I'm throwing it.

Speaker 7 (19:16):
I think.

Speaker 10 (19:17):
It's also throwing a code of like a U one
thousand or whatever saying like there's a can bus miscommunication.
And I don't know if those two are related or not.

Speaker 2 (19:26):
No CANbus is gonna that's gonna be part of your
all of your modules, So all of the modules in
the car, there's it's called a can bus system, which
basically each module needs to be looped together and talking
to one another.

Speaker 1 (19:37):
Right, So that's that's part of the module.

Speaker 2 (19:39):
I mean, you know, you could have a software issue
or whatnot, but typically, I mean, if you've got a
CANbus issue, that.

Speaker 1 (19:48):
Would shouldn't be related to.

Speaker 2 (19:53):
Why you're getting these why you're getting these This this
one seventy four code. The other thing I would tell
you to do is uh, I know on these infinities,
does it have two.

Speaker 1 (20:04):
Air filters? Are just one? Some of them have two?

Speaker 10 (20:08):
I I changed the air filter. I changed the mass
airflow sensors out.

Speaker 1 (20:13):
Okay, so you did change out the mass airflow sensors. Yeah, okay.
Did you use OEM or what?

Speaker 2 (20:20):
What? What?

Speaker 1 (20:21):
What line?

Speaker 4 (20:21):

Speaker 5 (20:22):

Speaker 1 (20:22):
Okay, Like did you use like Denzo or.

Speaker 10 (20:28):
I can't remember. I bought it on rock Otto. I
just went off think that it was om but off
the top of my head.

Speaker 2 (20:35):
Sure, okay, all right, so I yeah, if you've done
the mass airflow sensors, you've done the air filters, you've
done the front oh two sensor, I would probably my
next step, your next up, like you said you've got
to order, would be the rear oh two sensor.

Speaker 7 (20:53):
You there, yeah, yeah, yeah, all right.

Speaker 4 (20:55):

Speaker 1 (20:56):
I could hear the air in the background and it
just stopped. So yeah, you're next step.

Speaker 2 (21:00):
Is to do to do the that rear O two censor,
because again it tests that that exhaust before it goes
into the converter, and then it tested after the converter.
Now there's a potential that the converter is not burning
off the fuel like it's supposed to, which again, if
if you replace that rear one and you're still getting
the code, might be a converter issue too.

Speaker 10 (21:22):
That's that was gonna be my next question. If there's
a danger that the I guess the rich, the rich
environment might have fouled.

Speaker 5 (21:29):
One of the cats.

Speaker 2 (21:31):
Yeah, well no, I mean one seventy four is a
lean code. Sorry, yeah, yeah, I mean if it was rich,
then it could have. But with it being lean, it's
just basically, you know, too much air and not enough
It's too much air and not enough fuel basically, right.

Speaker 5 (21:47):
So but if it was the.

Speaker 2 (21:49):
Opposite, yeah, too much fuel, then yeah, I'd be running rich.
But no, it could be a converter. It could be
a converter issue. But I think before you go down
that route, down that habit hole, which could be extremely expensive,
I I'd put that rear row two in it and
then call me back, let me know if that took
care of it for you. Okay, But I think that's

I certainly think that's your next step.

Speaker 1 (22:14):
You're you're on it. You're on it.

Speaker 2 (22:16):
You've done the mass airflow centsus. You've done that front
O two centsor and again it's only on one side.
So what's the next thing that you need to do
is that rear? That rear O two and I should
take care of it. If not, you call me back
and we'll we'll go.

Speaker 1 (22:30):
We'll get after it.

Speaker 5 (22:31):
All right.

Speaker 2 (22:32):
I appreciate it, Manvin, Thank you, take care, bye bye,
all right again, taking your phone calls and I'm gonna
call it five one three seven five hundred that number again,
five one three seven fifty five hundred coming up. We've
got Jim and I'm gonna screw this up, but we
got Jim coming up next. You're listening to Carsho on
fifty five KR see the talk station.

Speaker 8 (22:54):
I have been a customer of Donovan's for ten years.
It's not always easy to find find a mechanic that
you can trust, that isn't going to take advantage of you.
They treated me respectfully, not talk down to me. There
are mechanics right down the road, but I chose to
keep coming back here because they treated me as family
so much so that four years ago I started working here.

Speaker 3 (23:15):
Hi Dale Donovan from Donovan's Otto Entire Center. The honest
choice for car repair in Cincinnati since nineteen fifty eight.

Speaker 1 (23:21):
Find the one nearest you at donovantire dot com.

Speaker 9 (23:24):
It's Glenn Beck weekday mornings at nine oh six on
fifty five KRC, the talk station.

Speaker 1 (23:32):
Taking your car questions. The number to call five.

Speaker 2 (23:34):
One, three, seven four nine fifty five hundred and uh
oh man, we've yeah, I mean, we had some great questions.
So let's go back to the phones. We've got Jim
at Jim, Welcome to the car show.

Speaker 1 (23:48):
How can I help?

Speaker 7 (23:49):

Speaker 4 (23:50):
Thanks? I've got a two thousand gmc Safari I a
couple a few months ago, I went out to start
and it just cranked over until the battery went dead.
I checking in trying to figure out what that was,
because I thought it was either no spark or no fuel.

I pulled the hump off and I checked the fuel pressure,
and I had great, great fuel pressure, so it must
be the spark. And I started looking, uh, looking around.
I ended up at that time changing out the crank
position sensor and and I checked the wires. I did

all that. First, I checked, I checked to see if
I was getting spark into the into the distributor and
from the distributor and that seemed to be checking out. Okay,
So I I ended up changing out this, uh this
sensor and it started up after that, and uh it

ran for you know, a few weeks. It was it
was good, and then it started doing it again. What
I what I figured, Well, I went into it after
that as well. And I and it's that that particular car.
I don't know. You've probably worked on them, but they
are just a monster to try to work on. Yeah,

and uh I I got a couple of the spark
plugs out. Check those out and they looked great. They
were fine. I had those iridium spark plugs and they
looked almost brand new, So I don't think it's the
spark plugs. I also changed out the distributor camp in

the in the road.

Speaker 1 (25:42):
Okay, so you did the rotor button in the distributor cap.

Speaker 4 (25:46):
Yes, and and now and then and then again. It
was running for good for a while and then it
started doing it again. I even had it out this morning.
It runs real ruff a lot of times, and and
then as it warms up it gets better. And then

and then finally after it's all warmed up and and everything,
it's running normally. I still think it's it's something to
do with with the spark or.

Speaker 2 (26:19):
Yeah, because you said you're getting you're getting good fuel press.

Speaker 1 (26:22):
I mean, did you use a gauge to check the
fuel pressure?

Speaker 7 (26:26):

Speaker 4 (26:26):
I used the gauge and it was right in spec.

Speaker 1 (26:30):
Okay. And you said you did the crank positioning sensor
as well.

Speaker 2 (26:35):
Yes, all right, So spark plugs look great, cap and
roter button have been replaced, feels good, and you've got
a new crank positioning sensor. The crank positioning sensor, what
do you You may not have even had access to it.
But was it an aftermarket part?

Speaker 4 (26:56):
No, it was. It was a dec It was a
GM part.

Speaker 1 (27:01):
Okay, all right, good, good for you, good job, all right.
And then the the cap and rotor capa road after market,
after market okay, And with it running bad.

Speaker 2 (27:16):
When it won't start, you said you are still good.
I mean, are you pulling how are you checking spark?
Are you pulling that spark plug wire out and using
a how are you checking spark?

Speaker 4 (27:26):
Yeah? Basically pulling the spark plug wire.

Speaker 1 (27:30):
And just checking the arc.

Speaker 4 (27:32):
Yeah, growning adults.

Speaker 1 (27:35):

Speaker 4 (27:36):
Another thing I noticed, though, was it happens more. It
happens almost all the time. When it does happen during
wet weather or wet humid weather. If it rained the before,
chances aren't go out there, and if it starts, it'll
it'll run real rough. That's when it runs rough. Usually

if I go out there, like like now, you know
it's dry, it's been dry for at least several hours,
and it's been shot out, it'll start right up.

Speaker 1 (28:07):
Okay, Well, how how old are the ignition wires?

Speaker 4 (28:12):
I don't know that they've ever been changed out?

Speaker 1 (28:15):
Okay, so a lot of times, you know.

Speaker 4 (28:19):
Yeah, it's a two thousand, and it's got two hundred
and sixty eight thousand miles in.

Speaker 1 (28:22):
It, and you don't think they've ever been replaced.

Speaker 4 (28:25):
I don't. I don't know. I bought the car when
I had sixty thousand, and I can't remember ever replacing
the sparkplug wires.

Speaker 1 (28:33):
All right, So.

Speaker 2 (28:36):
What I want you to do next, if if this
is the case, what we want to start with the basics,
the fact that you tell me it's it's it is.

Speaker 1 (28:44):
You're you're all over it. I mean, you're you're, you're
on it, You're you're making the right choices, you're buying
the right parts. You're doing the right thing. I think
it is.

Speaker 2 (28:53):
Either I would start with and it would be something
that you could do is the wires. Okay, here's why
the wires will break down.

Speaker 1 (29:04):

Speaker 2 (29:04):
And if there's moisture in the air, that why you
know those wires are gonna arc onto the block. They're
gonna arc to anything. They're gonna, you know, take the
path of lease resistance. Right, So they're gonna arc onto
the block. They're gonna arc. So I want you to
replace the spark plug wires next. Okay, that should be
very inexpensive. I would get a good spark plug wire.

Get an ac delco if you can.

Speaker 1 (29:26):

Speaker 2 (29:27):
Another thing that you can try to do is when
you get it started and it's running. While it's running,
get get a spray bottle full of water, okay, and
I want you to I want you to spray those wires,
spraying while the car is running. And I want you
to pay attention to notice whether or not that car
starts misfiring or running bad after you spray those wires,

because again you start wetting stuff down again. It's gonna
take the path of lease resistance and it's gonna go
to the next and it's not gonna you know, those
wires aren't that spark's not gonna make it to the plug.
It's going to go to again to any close you know,
piece of metal.

Speaker 5 (30:04):

Speaker 2 (30:04):
So a lot of times when when we would in
those older cars, you know, because now all cars nowadays
they all have coils, right, but you know we're going
back to distributors whatnot. So get that thing running, and
I want you to again just spray. You don't have to,
you know, hose it down. I just you know, a
light missed on all the wires, and just see if
it starts running bad or you notice a misfire. If

that's the case, then okay, Now our next step is
let's replace the wires. Okay, if you're still experiencing an issue,
I would probably your next step would probably be replacing
the distributor itself.

Speaker 1 (30:43):
Okay, that would be my next step.

Speaker 2 (30:47):
But again the wires is get things started, get it running,
and I again, light little missed on those wires, and
see if it starts running bad. If that's if it does,
then we've got a wire issue.

Speaker 1 (30:58):
Go to the store, replace there and see if it changes.
If it's still the same.

Speaker 2 (31:03):
I want you to go ahead and replace the distributor.
If you can find one. That's gonna be the other
problem that you're gonna maybe run it.

Speaker 1 (31:10):
I mean you might.

Speaker 2 (31:11):
You should be able to find one, probably not an
acy Delco, but like a remanufactured or you could probably
find a new one, but buy a good quality part.

Speaker 1 (31:21):
If you do the distributor. So but try that.

Speaker 2 (31:26):
Next, you need to do the wires. Spray them down,
see if it runs bad. If it does, great, we're
on the right track. Let's replace the wires. If not,
you still have the same symptoms, then I would go
to distributor next.

Speaker 4 (31:38):
Okay, let me ask you one other thing sure about that?
Is is it possible that that could be caused by
something from the intake manifold or the you know where
the air goes in the end. Aren't there some sensors
in there somewhere.

Speaker 1 (31:56):
That I mean, you could have it.

Speaker 2 (32:00):
You could have an intake manifold issue, but it's usually
gonna be.

Speaker 1 (32:05):
Present all the time, not in wet conditions.

Speaker 2 (32:10):
Yeah, you could take like a like an intake cleaner
or some type of like throttle body cleaner or whatnot.
If it's running you could spray the intake and just
see if it's you know, sucking in sucking in that air.
I mean, it could be an intake manifold gasket. But
when you told me, like, hey, it almost almost doesn't

start every time it rains and there's moisture in the air,
ten I lean more towards you know, an ignition issue,
not you know, intake manifold issue, because the intake manifold
is just gonna it's gonna run. It's gonna run bad
when it's when the car's cold. So if it's you know,
thirty degrees outside, that thing's not gonna run at all.

Where if it's you know, wet, that really should have
an effect on it, but it could. I mean, you know,
but I think it's an ignition issue. I really do,
because once you said it almost every time when it's
wet it will rain the night before it won't start.

Speaker 1 (33:08):
Leads me to believe you've got an ignition issue.

Speaker 2 (33:10):
So I think wires is your next step, especially as
many miles that are on it.

Speaker 5 (33:15):
Do that.

Speaker 1 (33:16):
And like I said, if if if it's still the
same symptom, then go to the distributor.

Speaker 4 (33:22):
Okay, all right, that's good.

Speaker 1 (33:25):
Great Jim, Thank you. I appreciate you having great weekend.

Speaker 2 (33:28):
Already again taking your phone numbers of the number to
call five one, three, seven, four, nine, fifty five hundred
coming up.

Speaker 1 (33:34):
We've got Mortimer and John. You're listening to the car
show on fifty five Carose the talk station.

Speaker 3 (33:40):
Do you have a truck, camper, r V or trailer
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Speaker 1 (34:11):
Don't miss any of your favorite shows.

Speaker 9 (34:13):
Get the podcast on the iHeartRadio app at fifty five
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Speaker 1 (34:20):
All right, let's get back to the phones. We are
running out of time here, so we're gonna go to h. Moretimore. Hey,
welcome to the car show. How can out? Did I
say that?

Speaker 4 (34:28):

Speaker 7 (34:30):
That's that's close enough. Thank you very much for thanking
my call.

Speaker 1 (34:33):
Well, thanks for holding on. I really do appreciate it.
How can I help.

Speaker 7 (34:37):
Twenty twelve Chevrolet in Palla? I get the anti lock
bright system. I've got the codes. One code is left
front wheel speed sensor circuit left left front wheel speed
sensor circuit signal erratic. I've replaced three left front wheel

bearing and every time it continues, I think it's engaging
the anti lock.

Speaker 1 (35:08):
Do you do you feel it when you're applying the break?
Does do you feel that the abs?

Speaker 2 (35:15):
You do not?

Speaker 7 (35:16):
But if you when you stop the vehicle and go
to accelerate, something locks, I think it's the anti lock engages.
Not all the time.

Speaker 2 (35:30):
Yeah, I mean, well, the analog is only going to
engage when you're applying the break, not when you're accelerating.

Speaker 1 (35:36):
Is there any Is there any other lights on or
just the A, B S.

Speaker 2 (35:42):

Speaker 1 (35:43):
No traction control.

Speaker 7 (35:47):
Sometimes that comes on. It comes on with different Yeah,
traction control and break the cyst stay a lot.

Speaker 2 (35:58):
Okay, all right, and you you for you said you've
so most gms, it's a twenty twelve Chevy and Pola. Correct, Yes,
most gms. I'm assuming most gms have the sensor is
built into the wheel hub assembly.

Speaker 1 (36:15):
Is that correct?

Speaker 2 (36:17):
Yes, sir, okay, So that eliminates what's called an exciter
ring and the sensor if you had those done, probably
and it's not going to be something that probably you're
going to be able to do, but there could be
I know on those Chevy and Polos and whatnot, that
the wires would break inside the harness, which it would

be very difficult to try to find that. So what
you would need to do is own out the sensor
and figure out if you know there's a break in
the wire.

Speaker 1 (36:50):
I do know GM. I'd have to see the car,
but I do know that GM for years would run
that ABS.

Speaker 2 (36:58):
Wire like at the control arm, and when that control
arm is moving up and down, those wires would break
inside the harness. It could be an actual ABS module
issue as well. So I think the next step would
be too you need to own out the sensor. Again,
might not be able to do that. You need to
own out the sensor and find out if the sensor
is good, and then find out if there's a break

in any of the wires going to the module and
if it's still and if that all checks out, the
most likely.

Speaker 1 (37:28):
It could be a bad module or bad ABS computer.

Speaker 2 (37:34):
But you're going to probably need to get that to
a mechanic that has the proper software to do that.

Speaker 7 (37:41):
It's a computer an expensive part.

Speaker 1 (37:45):
Yes, sir.

Speaker 2 (37:45):
Yeah, it's built into the ABS pump. So with the
age of it, it's probably going to be hard to
find it even if it is available. But I mean
those modules sometimes can be anywhere between eight hundred to
you know, twelve hundred dollars just for the part.

Speaker 7 (38:04):
So what else can I tell you that I have
a tech you think might be beneficial or have you
pretty well covered it?

Speaker 1 (38:12):
Yeah, pretty well covered it.

Speaker 2 (38:13):
I mean, so you've got you if you've replaced three
cents or three of those bearings and your problem is
still there, then there's either a broken wire somewhere. And
that's why it's saying it's a erradic because again it's
it's getting a.

Speaker 1 (38:27):
Signal, not getting signal, getting a signal not getting a signal.

Speaker 2 (38:30):
Which I again would think that we needed we need to,
you know, test the wiring and make sure that there's
not a break in any of the wires.

Speaker 1 (38:39):
And other than that, it's it's a module issue, plain
and simple.

Speaker 2 (38:45):
It's it's pretty it's a pretty simple concept that you
got the sensor, which again you've done three times still
getting the same code. So there's either a breaking the
wires or the module itself is shorted out and that's
what's causing it. And it's other than that, there's nothing
much more than you can check. Okay, I think, yeah,

you know, I'm I'm sorry, it's not I wish I
could help you out a little bit more. I mean,
you're more than welcome to bring it to it says
here you live in Harrison. I know that's not you know,
that's not close to me. But I'd be more happy
to hook it up to the scanner and try to
help you out there, buddy, and and get it figured out.
I mean without physically seeing the car and and see
you know, because we can we can hook it up

to a scanner drive the car. I mean, we we
would be able to.

Speaker 1 (39:32):
I could. I certainly you bring it to me. I
certainly can tell you what's going to fix it.

Speaker 2 (39:37):
But over the over the radio here it's it's either
got to be either has to be a broken wire
or the module itself as bad.

Speaker 1 (39:44):
But you give me an hour with it and I'll
figure it out.

Speaker 7 (39:48):
Well, I have the coach. I'm looking at the coach.
Will that help you make a try?

Speaker 4 (39:55):
It? Could?

Speaker 1 (39:55):
It could? Can you call me? Obviously not on money.
Can you call me on Tuesday at my new shop.

Speaker 2 (40:02):
Call me and then I can have the I'll be
able to run those codes in my in my system
and be able to try to help you out and determine.

Speaker 1 (40:11):
I just don't have the access to it here. But
so if you go to you want the number, please
all right, when you're ready, I'm ready, all right, of
course it's five on three.

Speaker 2 (40:24):
Seven three one eight nine eight nine five on three
seven three one eight nine eight nine, and just call.
I may not answer the phone, but Michael. If I
don't answer the phone, Michael will and you just tell
him that you spoke with me on Saturday on the
radio show and I told you to call, and then
you give me those codes and I'll try to help
you out a little bit more.

Speaker 7 (40:43):
Okay, I appreciate it. I don't want to take anything any.

Speaker 2 (40:48):
Hey, I'm here every Saturday to try to help you
out and help everybody out to try to get their
cars fixed.

Speaker 1 (40:54):
So no, you're not bothering me.

Speaker 2 (40:56):
You call me and I'll do the best I can
to get you back, get you back out on the
road and get this problem taken care of.

Speaker 7 (41:03):
Great show. Thank you for your Curtis.

Speaker 2 (41:05):
All right, No, absolutely, sir, you have a great weekend.
So again, never feel like if you call me at work.
I had had a lady call me. Uh it was Friday,
maybe Thursday, she call me. Never ever feel that you're
bothering me. Okay, that's what I'm It's what I'm here
to do. I'm trying to help you out the best
way that I can. And you know that's why I

take this Saturday out in the afternoon to try to
help you out and get your car fixed. That's that's
what this is about. It's my job and again I
enjoy doing it. So all right, let's go back to
the phones real quick. We've got John. Hey, John, welcome
to the car show.

Speaker 1 (41:37):
How can I help yeh sure?

Speaker 2 (41:39):
How you doing today?

Speaker 1 (41:40):
I'm good, I'm great.

Speaker 5 (41:43):
I have a.

Speaker 6 (41:45):
Lincoln MKZ about seventy thousand and started losing and the
heats of the law. So I've been obviously keeping until
that's as much as possible. But I noticed that most
pretty leaking into one of the cylinders because I don't
see any water on the ground anywhere. And also occasionally

you'll know you feel a miss when it starts up
sometimes okay, and then later is running perfect. So I've
been told and that I may have a have to
replace the head gasket. I've also been told that this
particular engine is going to a lot more problems coming

into near future.

Speaker 2 (42:33):
I broke up a little bit. Yeah, so so two
things he was breaking up. Sorry, So here's here's here's
the deal. So again, this kind of goes back to
earlier caller. If you've got a head gasket issue, the
way to fix it is to replace the head gasket.
It's very expensive, thousands and thousands of dollars to fix
this thing. Okay, probably to fix that thing is if

I had to guess four or five six grand to
fix the head gasket. Now, earlier caller called, and there
is a product out there, it's called Blue Devil. You
can introduce that into the system, and it's supposed to
in theory, it's supposed to seal it up, and it's
a it's supposed to be a permanent fix, but you know,

I've seen it work, but that's not always the case.
The other issue, especially on the it was a seventeen
MKZ the Ford, I know, I said Lincoln, But Ford
and Lincoln are the same company, right.

Speaker 1 (43:34):
Ford did a wonderful thing years ago.

Speaker 5 (43:37):
And they.

Speaker 2 (43:39):
The water pump is internal, okay, So in order to
replace the water pump, the engine has to come out
of the car.

Speaker 1 (43:45):
Why those engineers would do that is beyond me.

Speaker 2 (43:48):
I just want to bang my head up against the
wall because what happens is a lot of times too.
If the gentleman again was saying that he was using coolant,
you know, if it's using coolant on these vehicle, sometimes
what happens is the water pump goes bad. It leaks
internally inside the engine, which then coolant goes into the
engine oil and wipes out the engine. So that's the

other thing that I would have you check is just
check the oil. Make sure the oil doesn't look milky.
It should look again like a dark oil. If you've
got a link inn MKZ and you're using coolant and
you don't know why Again, Sometimes there's water pumps will
go bad, leak internally and go into the oil, the
engine oil, which at that point it's toasting. The engine
needs to be replaced. But this gentleman said that when

he starts it in early it's it runs rough, which
means coolant was probably leaking into the cylinder.

Speaker 1 (44:39):
Once that coolant burns off, then he's fine.

Speaker 2 (44:41):
So again I would I would probably recommend you could
try blue the product Blue Devil.

Speaker 1 (44:48):
Try that.

Speaker 2 (44:49):
We've had success with it. It's not the right way
to fix it. The right way is obviously to replace it.
But again with the the cost, you know, it's it's
it's a opportunity, it's a it's a choice, and you'd
be able to possibly fix it and save yourself a
lot of money. I don't always recommend that, but it

depends on you know, where you are with the vehicle
and how long you want to keep it. You want
to drive it for another one hundred thousand miles and
fix the head gasket.

Speaker 1 (45:20):
If you're like Dane, I just.

Speaker 2 (45:22):
Need to get another six months out of it, then
that might be that, you know, that might be an
option for you. All right, Listen again, I do really
do appreciate all the callers.

Speaker 1 (45:30):
Everybody, have a great and safe Memorial Day weekend. Again,
thank you so much.

Speaker 2 (45:35):
I just want to thank those who served our country
and again made the ultimate sacrifice. That's what this that's
what this weekend's about. So when you're spending time with
family and friends, just remember those who lost your life
for our country.

Speaker 1 (45:48):
So thank you everybody.

Speaker 2 (45:49):
I'll be back. I'll be back next Saturday. To answer
all your car questions. You're listening to the Car Show
on fifty five krc D talk station

Speaker 4 (46:00):

The Car Show with Dale and Dane Donovan News

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